Its glossy, round-edged leaves and bright red berries are on abundant display at higher elevations throughout the Northeast United States. But the wintergreen plant (Gaultheria Procumbens) is good for a whole lot more than just adding that iconic minty flavor to chewing gum and mints…
Science shows that the balmy tincture of wintergreen essential oil might just be the ticket to a cancer-free future when used appropriately as a natural healing medicine.
Similar in composition to the essential oil of birch, wintergreen has long had a place in the medicine cabinets, so to speak, of indigenous communities – including Native American Indians who used it to naturally treat respiratory infections. When mixed with a carrier oil and applied topically, wintergreen essential oil is also an excellent analgesic, aiding in the relief of headaches, joint pain, arthritis, muscle cramps, and more.
Composed primarily of methyl salicylate, wintergreen essential oil acts much like cortisone in that it both anesthetizes painful areas and improves blood circulation. But the oil has also been shown to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors, as demonstrated in a 1938 study review published in the American Journal of Cancer Research.
Researchers from Yale University found that consumption of wintergreen at appropriate doses through diet helped mice overcome tumor growths. Retrogressive changes in necrotic tissue, pyknotic nuclei, and the connective tissue of tumors were observed in animal models, whereby some of the animals treated experienced a complete regression of their tumors. (Warning: Excessive internal consumption of wintergreen can be dangerous. Be sure to consult a qualified physician prior to attempting any treatment.)
Wintergreen Can Help Thwart Cancer Development
Wintergreen essential oil is also a powerful diuretic, stimulating various organs in the body to flush out toxins. One of these organs is the kidneys, which are prompted to filter more water and thus produce more urine in the presence of wintergreen. This in effect helps to protect against cancers of both the bladder and kidneys.
Toxin buildup is a major contributor to cancer, which makes wintergreen a potentially effective, anti-cancer cleansing agent. It’s also a powerful stimulant that promotes the release of bile and other body fluids from the liver, gall bladder, and adrenal glands, in effect boosting circulation, lymphatic function, digestion, and excretion.
What the American Botanical Society Has to Say About Wintergreen:
“Oil of wintergreen … has anti-inflammatory properties and is closely related to the well-known medication aspirin. Wintergreen and the oil of wintergreen are used in topical pain relievers and products that produce a feeling of warmth for muscle and rheumatic pain. Oil of wintergreen has also been used for the treatment of cellulitis, a bacterial infection accompanied by inflammation of the skin.”
I am very impressed with your knowledge about cancer,I will continue to read and tell others about your website
There is now a ‘Clinical’ grade of Essential Oils. Check them out:
I love essential oils. I got lyme disease 5 years back, and if it weren’t for the herbs and essential oils, who knows what would have happened to me. I now combine them with foot reflexology for the family. Real traditional healing.
Which essential oils did you use? And have you been retested? Do you believe you’re cured? I have an adult daughter who’s had Lyme’s disease for about 12 years. She passed it on to her two children. She had the Lyme’s disease and didn’t know it before she became pregnant. They all three just recently tested positive for Lyme. The two children also are on the autism spectrum. They seem to be getting a little bit better using hyperbaric oxygen treatments. They did take a full round of antibiotics for about 60 to 90 days. We recently discovered essential oils and have been using them mainly for calming for sleep. So if you can tell me which oils you’d recommend for Lyme’s disease I really appreciate that. They have been using cinnamon oil with olive oil as a carrier for quite some time as far as taking it sublingually. Thank you very much
I love to rub wintergreen on my skin to keep the mosquitoes away and put it in the atomizer in the bathroom because it smells so good. After watching the 9 part cancer series, I was reminded that the oil of oregano is anti fungal. So tried it on a lump that had come to have a very putrid smell. Within just 3 to 4 days, the horrible smell is 95% gone. I associated the bad smell with cancer. But I will never go to a doctor, because I know what they practice is witchcraft with all their lies and drugs. Also have oil of Frankincense on hand, so will use it in the evening on my lumps and oregano oil in the morning. Thank you for bringing this to everyones’ attention.
where is the best place to purchase essential oils? has the only Clinical grade of Essential oils. Each oil has to go through a 5 step certification before it is put out for sale. Every batch is tested at the start, middle, and at the end. Ordering is easy here:
Wholesale pricing is available.
I myself think Young Living Essential Oils are the best. You have to research youself.
Yes Dorothy, research is important! One of the guys who started YL, Mike M., is now with Ameo! He says it’s a far better product and company.
I use camphor + mustard seed + lavender oils in a mix for joint & muscle pain.
how much & how offten and WHERE MAY I GET IT?
Hi Sue, you can get the highest grade, Clinical, from here:
The oil says not for internal use?
the reason I got to read this great article is because I am a member of young living . I live in Canada and a friend who has lied in the US for many years and asked if I could bring some Frankincense and wintergreen essential oil to her mom who has been diagnosed with cancer. I know people using Frankincense but never wintergreen. I googled it and found this article . Thank you so much Ty Bollinger for your research and inspiration
I was being treated for Lyme’s this year, and the following oils were recommended: Tea tree, camphor, ginger, peppermint. On the feet directly, several drops 2x / day. There may have been others, and there was a specific order in which you started each, according to which system was healing at the time. These were aids, not the whole treatment.