A short video clip about using alternative natural cancer treatments over conventional chemo, radiation and surgery with myself, AJ. Lanigan, Dr. Jockers and Robert Scott Bell. We have answers to the cancer epidemic!
If Cancer Scares You, Do Not Miss This...
[link_aff href="https://go.thetruthaboutcancer.com/" target="_blank" a_aid="54fd974f499c5"]See the Truth About Cancer® here.[/link_aff]
Over 20,000 people die each day from cancer. So if it scares you, that’s understandable.
However… whether you’re trying to avoid cancer or beat it if you’ve got it, there is one very powerful antidote to the fear, and to the disease itself: knowledge.
In “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest” you’ll discover the most powerful ways to prevent, treat, heal from, and beat the disease. Though you haven’t heard of most of these ways, you deserve to, so…
[link_aff href="https://go.thetruthaboutcancer.com/" target="_blank" a_aid="54fd974f499c5"]Click here now to conquer the fear, and find out what you really need to know.[/link_aff]

About Ty Bollinger
Ty Bollinger is a happily married husband, the father of four wonderful children, devoted Christian, best-selling author, medical researcher, talk radio host, health freedom advocate, former competitive bodybuilder and also a certified public accountant.After losing several family members to cancer (including his mother and father), Ty refused to accept the notion that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients. He began a quest to learn all he possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry. Ty has now made it his life mission to share the most remarkable discovery he made on his quest: the vast majority of all diseases (including cancer) can be easily prevented and even cured without drugs or surgery.Ty speaks frequently to health groups, at seminars, expos, conferences, churches, and is a regular guest on multiple radio shows and writes for numerous magazines and websites. Speaking from personal experience and extensive research, Ty has touched the hearts and changed the lives of thousands of people around the world.
I have been following you over the years and I am getting more and more disappointed about your crusade turning into a over-commercialed money making vehicle. Of course I don’t expect you to admit this and/or respond to my ‘verdict’, because you’ve taken it to this level. But I am afraid you will lose many of your fans from the beginning that helped you build your business
are these the same videos that wee avallable previously?
Hi Melissa, The series that is airing right now is our Global Quest series that aired last year.