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Let’s end the cancer pandemic once and for all! Every single day, tens of thousands of people, just like you, are curing cancer (and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies.
It’s time to take matters into our own hands and educate ourselves on real prevention and treatments. It could save your life or someone you love. Doctors, researchers, experts and survivors show you exactly “how-to” prevent and treat cancer in “The Truth About Cancer®: A Global Quest.”
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I was given a diagnosis of intermediate to advanced prostate cancer in May 2013; I refused all traditional methods, did my research and followed a completely natural treatment protocol with my Naturopath.
6 months later my transrectal ultra sound confirmed the tumor was gone.
On May 31st, 2014 I will be participating in my first half ironman, in Hawai’i.
I’m so glad you are doing this, so that others may be helped.
I’m more than happy to share my story, if it will help.
I’m a New Zealand Naturopath. I’ve been watching your Truth about cancer series. Very good.
Wow, Wow, Wow…amazing job my friend! I sent the first series to my first oncologist, David Johnson. He is in Dallas, TX now at Ut South Western. He is the chair of research. He is holding a very large conference in Chicago this week. There will be doctors all over the world attending. I really do like him as a doctor and friend. He has written many books and is well respected in the cancer merry-go-round. Thursday, I sent the link “The Truth about cancer” and ask very direct harsh question.
Cynthia and I are currently on chemo pills. I am on chemo vacation for two more days. We have cruel in the bones and are unsure what alternative route to go. My resources are limited and I have to find something affordable! Cynthia’s cruel is growing fast. I am pleading with the Lord to give us the answers we need to this move forward to live life abundantly through him. We don like taking this poison! It makes me feel guilty. I know that I am robing my body.
She is meeting with the radiologist tomorrow. But I think we are going to run this race with what God gave us, real food and veggies. If you could point us in the right direction it would help to narrow down this monstrosity of getting better for LIFE!
I posted your series on my Cappellleez web site. Hope to hear from you soon,,Blessings, Jade
Mr. Bollinger –
I have been watching your series on Cancer. Good so far. I have something I wanted to pitch to you. I’ve been studying Lyme the past year since I was diagnosed with it. I had to go alternative / natural, and in the process was introduced to a great many people, doctors, etc. who know how to beat this disease naturally (not for the faint of heart), and I also enrolled at a college to become an ND. As Lyme is the fastest growing disease in America from what I hear, I’m sure there are many people who would like to know the natural route. I’ve always thought it would be great to have a video series to tackle Lyme. I know the doctors and players, have studied Lyme and the history of natural medicine in the US (much of the material you presented in your series was familiar). I thought maybe you’d be interested in teaming up and tackling this topic (I have a rich background in media production as well). You can email me and let me know.
Ty Bollinger- I purchased your cancer package and watched your episodes. I am a veteran and was diagnosed with Leukemia almost 5 years ago. I took the tradiitional therapy the VA offered. So far I am still in remission.This request is not for me but for a nurse that helped me get through all this. She has cancer. She has been treating veterans for over 20 years. I told her about your program. I had a guest pass, but I am not very good on the computer. I wanted to send her the episodes but don’t know how to do it. Can you help me do this?
Hi Janice, One of our customer support agents could help you with that! Here is the way to communicate with them:
We are firm followers in your book and doc-series …the same strong beliefs in “alternative cancer treatment” vs “slash, burn and poison”!
I am hoping you can help. I know this may be a lot to ask but I am not on Facebook to post but am hoping there is some way to get info to the families of two little girls at Sloan Kettering in NYC. Kylie is a 2 year old from our little town in Alpine, CA. She has neuroblastoma and what they are doing to her is incomprehensible. You can see by her photos.
More urgently, Kyle’s mom posted about Margo, who is a little girl in the same hospital who has leukemia. The drs have decided to stop treatment due to her condition.
I want to let these poor families know there are better options!!!
Anything would be appreciated it possible! May the Lord bless all your efforts!
In Christ,
Natalija Germain
Dear Ty,
Thank you for sharing your passion about alternative cancer treatments in your inspiring documentary series “The Truth About Cancer”! It will ultimately save millions of lives.
I studied alternative medicine and would be thrilled if I could help you reach more people and translate the documentary series into German and possibly French (I am Swiss, so I speak both languages fluently). I already know a lot of people that are interested in the documentary series, but their language limitations keep them from watching it.
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
All the Best and keep up your awesome work Ty!