Let’s start with a simple question: How many lawsuits, scientific studies, and dying victims will it take before the mainstream media and cancer industry finally admit that Roundup causes cancer?
Despite repeatedly losing in court, Bayer-Monsanto continues to flood the market with its cancer-linked weedkiller. With billions already paid out in legal settlements, the company remains confident that corporate lobbying, legal tactics, and political cover will keep business booming.
Nevertheless, the latest blow came when a Georgia jury ruled that Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, must pay $2.1 billion to John McKivison, a man who developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after years of Roundup exposure. According to court documents, Monsanto “acted with malice” by deliberately concealing the cancer risks of glyphosate, Roundup’s key ingredient.
This wasn’t an accident—it was a calculated corporate strategy. Internal emails revealed that Monsanto ghostwrote fraudulent studies and pressured regulators to ignore mounting evidence that their product was killing people.
This is nothing new. In 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a “probable human carcinogen.” Three years later, a California jury awarded $289 million to Dewayne Johnson, a school groundskeeper who was dying from terminal cancer linked to Roundup exposure. Johnson’s case was just the beginning—since then, over 100,000 lawsuits have been filed, with Bayer settling many for billions while still refusing to pull the product from shelves.
While independent scientists and global health agencies have repeatedly warned about glyphosate’s dangers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has spent years protecting Monsanto instead of the public. Despite internal dissent from its own researchers, the agency has consistently sided with corporate interests, refusing to ban glyphosate even as other countries—including France, Germany, and Austria—move to restrict or outlaw it.
Now, as victims finally win in court, politicians are scrambling to shield Bayer-Monsanto from further accountability. In Georgia, the governor is reportedly considering a new law to limit liability for pesticide manufacturers, effectively slamming the courthouse door on future cancer victims. It’s the same old playbook: When corporations can’t win in court, they buy politicians to rewrite the rules.
Bayer-Monsanto is likely to appeal the $2 billion verdict, potentially prolonging the process until the payout is reduced to a fraction of the original amount. They’ll continue lobbying lawmakers, funding deceptive PR campaigns, and bullying scientists who dare to speak out. Meanwhile, Roundup will remain on store shelves, and more people will become ill.
But here’s the truth they can’t escape: They knew. They’ve always known. And if history is any guide, they’ll keep getting away with it—until enough people wake up, fight back, and demand justice.
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