“This system operates on fear, you have no fear and that’s a problem for us.” − District court official to Ben Taylor in private chambers
After years of silence, the story can finally be told…
In February 2012, a small supplement company and its owner scored a huge victory for health freedom. This happened when all charges against the Utopia Silver Supplement Company and its owner Ben Taylor were withdrawn (i.e. non-suited) by the prosecution after almost 11 years of a protracted struggle instigated by the FDA. Though not as widely publicized as cases such as the Dr. Burzynski trial, the implications may be even larger.
When the State of Texas and the FDA (via the Texas State Department of Health Services) first began action against Taylor, they likely thought that they had easy targets in small town Taylor and his modest supplement company. However, instead of the intended precedent on how far they could go in suppressing online supplement sales (particularly of Colloidal Silver) and testimonials, Taylor’s refusal to roll over turned into a precedent-setting victory for health freedom. It is a powerful example of how the authoritarianism of the FDA can be thwarted.
Texas Department of State Health Services vs Utopia Silver, Inc.
After an email complaint by the FDA to the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), the State of Texas Attorney General’s office began pursuing action against Utopia Silver, Inc. They later pursued Taylor personally after he bought out the assets of Utopia Silver, Inc. and started Utopia Silver Supplements.
Initially, the State maintained that it was simply a State action, but the facts of the case proved otherwise…
Besides the original complaint coming from the FDA, Taylor discovered through Texas Public Information Act requests that the prosecuting Texas Assistant Attorney General and TDSHS officials were commissioned as officers of the FDA. In reality this made the case a Federal action by proxy which pitted Utopia Silver Supplements against the Goliath of the FDA.
Further proof that the FDA was calling the shots came when the prosecution reneged on a settlement and one of the prosecutors informed Taylor that they were backing out. This was at the behest of the FDA because the FDA intended to make Taylor and his company an example. They wanted to set a precedent on just how far they could go in suppressing online supplement sales in general and colloidal silver in particular.
Making “Disease” Claims Not Permitted
In the FDA’s complaint, they essentially maintained that Utopia Silver was making medical claims which, in the eyes of the FDA, turned their supplements into drugs. The TDSHS then brought the complaint to the Office of the Texas Attorney General (TAG).
It was later determined that among the targeted objections were: having “disease” terms such as cancer, hepatitis, diabetes, etc. posted anywhere on the website. It also included having any “disease” terms in a search engine. And lastly, it included the posting of testimonials from customers who had used Utopia Silver products and defeated or improved any “disease” condition.
Taylor Claims Freedom of Speech
Taylor and his supporters, including Alfred Adask (a former Texas Supreme Court candidate for the Libertarian Party) and other scholars of Organic Law, determined that the complaint was without merit. They also found it to be a clear violation of God-given Rights secured by both the Texas and the U.S. Constitutions − especially the right to freedom of speech.
At one of the last court hearings, Taylor refused to agree to a trial date. He also informed the court that he refused to submit to their “claimed jurisdiction.” He said that if forced to trial he would show up only to defend his God-given Rights, just as he had been doing in three years of pre-trial hearings.
When it appeared to some observers that Taylor might be cited for contempt, Taylor stood his ground and was then asked to go into private conference chambers by the presiding State District Court official. After a short conference in which Taylor was subtly threatened by that official, Taylor reports that the official told him grudgingly and with resignation:
“This system operates on fear, you have no fear and that’s a problem for us.”
Taylor’s simple response to that revelation today is that, “Patriots do not fear tyranny, they resist it!”
Author’s note: When news of Ben Taylor’s victory first emerged, people far and wide were clamoring to tell his story and interview him – but, after an almost decade long struggle under threat of fines totaling $27,000,000, Taylor decided to “let sleeping dogs lie” in order to focus on his business. Now that the he and many others believe that the country seems to be on the path to correcting a corrupt legal system he is more receptive to having more of his story being told and I am proud to be able to debut his story here at TTAC.
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Article Summary
In February 2012, a small supplement company and its owner scored a huge victory for health freedom.
After an email complaint by the FDA, the State of Texas Attorney General’s office began pursuing action against Utopia Silver Supplements.
The prosecuting Texas Assistant Attorney General and TDSHS officials were commissioned as officers of the FDA, which made the case a Federal action by proxy.
The FDA’s complaint essentially maintained that Utopia Silver was making medical claims, which in the eyes of the FDA, turned their supplements into drugs.
Ben Taylor (the owner of Utopia Silver Supplements), found the charges to be without merit, and refused to submit to their “claimed jurisdiction.”
In February 2012, all charges against the Utopia Silver Supplement Company and its owner Ben Taylor were withdrawn.
Vitamin B17 supplements should be FDA for one instance because they are suppose to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and drugs do not make a cancer patient better. They just make them sicker and causes them more cancer and even death. Why don’t people fund vitamin B17 supplements and alternative therapies such as hyperthermia, ozone therapy, laetrile therapy, and dendritic cell therapy for people with all kinds of cancers at four stages?
Everything doesn’t work for everyone, depends on the cause, what is missing in the body of the sufferer of the particular cancer. That is how supplements work, treating the cause rather than the symptom.
There is Colloidal Silver and there is colloidal silver, meaning there are healthy, pure versions vs unhealthy, corrupted versions. You need to do some research to find a better brand. I have used a very pure, effective brand of colloidal silver for years and haven’t ever had any problems with it, and it doesn’t build up in my system. I have a sensitive system, suffered from asthma until I went on natural supplements, and am allergic to many substances including vaccines, fluoridation, penicillin, compazine (for nausea), sulfa drugs, and every other pharmaceutical prescription I’ve ever been prescribed. So if Colloidal Silver was dangerous, I would certainly know.
Each person is different…depends on how well their liver can detox the silver. Not all people can take colloidal silver. Silver hurt me and my son/friends. Some people may not realize it is the silver hurting them also..may blame it on other things. Allergies/asthma maybe due to gluten causing leaky gut. Silver blocked my thyroid/other chemical reactions..made precancer as it lowered oxygen and much more. Much suffering from it. I almost didn’t survive due to the silver.
If that happened to more than just you, as you claim it hurt you and your son, it was likely an inferior brand made with the wrong technique, producing the wrong type of particle. The whole amazing beauty of colloidal silver – when it is made correctly – is that is does NOT do those thing you describe. However, when people consume the inferior, poorly made versions, yes, these things will happen. I’m sorry you experienced this, but it was most likely due to using a product that was not properly made since you say more than one person became ill from it.
Colloidal silver has not been handed correctly people who make IT from home dont do IT correctly and test it so it’s made so many people scared TO consume i think spray is best way FOR usage people won’t ever turn clue they were wrong even to expose that man to everyone as he dkd it FOR attention seeking he used tap water with car battery and no tds so what happens os the silver particles won’t shrink AND once consumed as its light sensitive it surfaces to THE top of his skin nobody Will turn blue of you buy it from wrong people i dont even think i could consume someone elses cs without putting MY tds TO test ppm its really amazing nstures antibiotic that is helpful FOR multiple uses including headlice and body lice even termites it shuts down their respiratorysystem and THEY simply vanish look at all THE hemicals people ARE using that might injure the headlice but cs prevents them from reappearing and i you won’t even see another one in their hair wjy isn’t this known to people who have school epidemics THAT ARE on going ? Its the chemists headlice chemicals aee not working only destroying children hair cs also is a surface spray FOR insects a WATER conditioner for fish equations a preventative for parvo virus so great for puppyd and also a disinfectant it SHOULD ‘ve used by dentists after extracting peoples teeth instead of gargling salt warm water its anti viral anti bacteria ANTI inflammatory AND anti fungal as long as its shaken well stored in DARK area and not refrigerated amd not exposed to any DIRECT light its a must have for any one after 30 minutes I’n the sum THE silver IS destroyed so people who Dont store it correctly Will not get any benefit at all and they are probably THE ones that dont think its any good or felt sick if ypu know the basic rules you’ll nrver do without it i now make a silver skin GEL it would have to be what i would CALL the BEST SKIN GEL in the world it has remarkable healing time and anyone that suffers ACNE my KRYPTONITE will amaze you itn about 3 days after using almost completely healed and it PREVENTS from reoccurring its taken ME 3 years to master the process of the gel and spraying THE liquid cs is the key
You have to love those private chamber statements, they are not on the record and you cannot use them against them in a court of law. Been there done that. #sneekyjudges
I knew of a lady who was treated with chemo for liver cancer, she was healed and the doctors wanted to do one more round *just to make sure we really got it all* and that dose killed her. Sad! Chemo is a poison, and lots of folks do not know that chemo only cures 2 types of cancer, and Breast Cancer is not one of them!
Awesome! If only 5% of people would fight back against this evil thuggery, even in something so simple as a traffic ticket, the system would collapse.
I have researched and written extensively about colloidal silver, and I have never encountered a single person who was harmed by quality colloidal silver or quality ionic silver either (most commercial products are actually mostly ionic silver as is virtually all homemade silver solution). Not one! And quality colloidal silver does not build up either, unless you are drinking it by the gallon. As the EPA itself has said, over 95% of ingested colloidal silver is eliminated with 24 hours and 99% within a week.
On the other hand, I have found rare instances of people having problems by taking large amounts of poorly made ionic silver, such as the infamous blue man that mainstream medicine and the media paraded around – who made his own silver from tap water, added salt to it and drank over a quart a day.
For two years I worked in the same offices as the Utopia Silver Supplement Company owned by the subject of my above article (Ben Taylor) which makes some of the very best true colloidal silver on the planet. While I saw and heard a great many glowing testimonials, I never heard a single complaint of his Advanced Colloidal Silver harming anyone.
I am a person hurt/almost didn’t survive colloidal/ionic silver and other. No silver is not elminated in some people who’s liver is not working well due to Celiac. I did not take large amounts…one tsp is not large for the first precancer due to it. You may not hear complaint since people may not realize it is the silver hurting them. Hair tests show silver and other heavy metal levels. I was at 99% on the chart and didn’t take much over a 2 year period. Each person is different. Silver needs to have a warning on it so people can figure out and help themselves if it hurts them.
No where have I read that colloidal silver causes cancer. First, in order for you to have had cancer, it had to have started to grow within you. This takes years to happen. Cancer does not just show up in a person overnight.
I got precancer in 3 places or more from the colloidal silver. Not everything is in articles..I had no precancer prior to this. No precancer doesn’t take years to form. Low oxygen may cause it as the silver blocked my thyroid. Yes…it happened fast…noticed after taking the first dose.
TROLL ALERT! Precancer from colloidal silver? What you post is nonsense and it is a disservice to TTAC readers to have such disinformation cluttering up the comments section. I have to wonder if my good friend Ty Bollinger is aware of the disinformation you are posting on his site?
Ag blocked your thyroid? Really, you have some kind of evidence of that. Some kind of extraordinary micrograph showing Ag atoms sitting in the in the receptor of the thyroid cell membranes. Hey, if you do, then get ready, cause you’re going to get a Nobel Prize in Medicine. So let us all get this story straight. Your thyroid was FINE one day, then you had ONE dose, and the NEXT day you noticed (3) nodules which upon immediate biopsy turned out to be pre-cancerous.
Do we have this sequence correct?
Karen, nor has anyone else. Shasha may well be a pharmaceutical industry plant, …if not woefully uninformed. She states the obvious about chemo, but then fabricates a completely nonsensical story about silver. They are a busy bunch.
HI, I am a person with MS due to Celiac…am not working. I got hurt by silver. What I said about silver is true and people need to know. I was not the only person hurt by silver that I know. Not everyone can have silver. You may understand someday if you or a friend gets hurt by the silver. Silver was very hard to detox orally and I almost didn’t survive.
Sasha, if the experience you posed about is true I guarantee you that it did not happend due to properly made and administered colloidal or ionic silver. Either you got a very poorly and wrongly made silver solution (and perhaps too far too much of it) or else your problem came from something else. I am the author of this article and I have written about and researched colloidal silver extensively. I have never found a single instance of anybody being harmed by properly made and properly administered silver. One cannot help but notice that you were the very first person to post – and what you wrote is outside the experience of 99.999 percent of people who have taken colloidal silver.
No wonder “Wes” and others have been suspicious, because what you are posting here is wrong and it saddens me to see the follow up conversations after my article cluttered up with such misinformation. Wes probably knows the same as I do that mainstream medicine hates colloidal silver because is is so effective and inexpensive and it represents a threat to literally billions of dollars in mainstream medicine profits. I am not accusing you, mind you but those of us who are familiar with colloidal silver know and have seen many mainstream trolls come out of the woodwork when anything positive is posted about colloidal silver.
The EPA has determined that over 90% of colloidal silver is eliminated from the body within two days and up to 99% within a week – and we are talking about properly made silver solutions which have only a tiny amount of silver (for example, 20 parts per million in the case of the excellent true colloidal silver made by the subject of my article).
If you have MS, I have a couple of suggestions which might help (yes, I have researched and written about that too – though not nearly as much as about colloidal silver). First of all, you might try some powerful natural immune modulators, because MS is an immune disorder. Four of the best are magnesium (which up to 95% of us are deficient in and magnesium defiency has been strongly linked to MS and other immune disorders), Vitamin D3(from the sun as much as possible), oleander extract (properly made, mind you, as the raw plant is quite toxic) and blackseed oil (Nigella sativa). My second suggestion is for you to do a search for the book “Lessons from the Miracle Doctors by Jon Barron” which you can purchase or else get a free download of the previous edition. People with MS have had great success when they follow Jon’s “baseline of health” protocol.
I wish you the best – Tony Isaacs
Dear Shasha.gov,
I suppose now you’re blaming not only “precancer” (whatever the heck that is) in 3 places, depression, “blocked” thyroid (whatever the heck that is), but also MS and Celiac on ionic silver “from the first teaspoon”. If the disservice done to innocent people by government hacks and liars like you with obvious disinformation and propaganda campaigns weren’t so diabolical, it would actually be funny. It’s a shame, but the American people are now witnessing everyday the corrupt and evil “deep state” with its media campaign against anything that would uproot their control of healthcare, as well as every area in which their control is in danger of being compromised. ….AND I guess with your using a Ukrainian-sounding name, we can to blame your actions on the Russians? 🙂
Note: “with iron” should have been written “without iron” in my previous post.
I am a science teacher is is not working due to being poisoned by colloidal silver poisoning which destroyed me fast and affected other friends. Truth is truth no matter how much you don’t understand.
Shasha honey go take some silver and a nap. Please?
I love Alternative medicine and deserve respect for what I know. God bless!
Again, you have been passing info that cannot be validated. We ask kindly that you just find some other forum to pass your own created ideas of silver. We respect your right to believe whatever you choose, however don’t pollute the pool of others who seek alternative medicine and validated resources to back them up. God bless you too.
(not in here to argue either)
I say the truth. I am glad the truth can be shown. It is important to know colloidal silver can hurt some people. Trying to eliminate the truth is sad.
Silver is not a heavy metal and there is no record anywhere of anything happening like you described. Is this (falsely attacking colloidal silver) a paying gig for you? The only warning label needed here is one warning people to ignore the garbage you are posting!
Shasha – why have you hijacked this discussion? I have to wonder, do you also suffer from Ansperger’s? Because you obviously just cannot let anything go. The thrust of the article is about a small supplement company’s health freedom victory over the powers that be. YOU have turned the discussion into a senseless attack and debate about colloidal silver. You have had your say and then some. Please leave this discussion so that other people can make topicl posts that don’t get lost among all of your posts.
Shame on you for attacking a product which has helped thousands and thousands of lives and never harmed anyone. I KNOW colloidal silver. I have researched and written about it extensively, I have participated in and moderated forums about it. I am well acquainted with three different companies who have sold tens of thousands of bottles of colloidal silver and thousands of colloidal silver generators. Not one time have I ever encountered anything like what you describe. And not one time have I ever heard of anyone having you problem. But this post of yours makes it plain to me that you really aren’t here to attack or warn about colloidal silver, you are here to attack the company and its owner with lies and misinformation. As I said, shame!
Folks, just let her go until she obsesses somewhere else. In other words, don’t fee the troll!