Video Transcript: The Best Foods to Prevent Cancer
Ty Bollinger: What are the most important foods in your opinion that have medicinal value that can help to prevent disease, cancer?
Dr. Bradford Weeks: Well, the first thing there is to be well-hydrated. Good quality water. I’m against fluoride in water. I’m against chlorine if possible. I’m fortunate that we have an artisan well. I like mineral water, spring water. I’m not a big fan of the alkaline water process, but certainly the body has to be well-hydrated.
What is important about that Ty, you may not notice but any addictive process whether it’s cocaine or heroine or coffee or cigarettes is tougher to break if the person is dehydrated. So the first thing I do with someone who is, for example, an addict, is I rehydrate and I stabilize blood sugar.
Now, what is interesting about nicotine, for example, is it clears the system quicker if you are dehydrated, so the patient is reaching for another cigarette. If you are well hydrated they are not quite sure when the nicotine left their system.
It’s the same thing. Cancer, all of the illnesses we pay attention to are less problematic if the person is well hydrated. And water is a tremendous anti-inflammatory of course. I’m a fan of anti-inflammatory diets. I’m a fan of eating real food. Eating living food.
It’s astonishing to me that we even have this category called “junk food.” I like to tell my patients there is no such thing as junk food. There is food and there is junk and even though the junk can taste like food, it’s not food. That it’s really not going to do what food is going to do, which is nourish you.
Ty Bollinger: It’s kind of an oxymoron, isn’t it?
Dr. Bradford Weeks: It is indeed. The thing which I have paid a lot of attention to recently is eating seeds. Now I am going to use that term generally. Seeds will include nuts, will include beans. Anything which you can put in the ground that will grow – a pea would be a seed in that regard. Eggs, something like that. Caviar in particular. Fabulous.
Seeds are tremendously valuable because the seed is such a wise little packet. It concentrates nutrients about 20-fold and 30-fold more than the rest of the fruit. So it’s this fabulous packet of concentrated nutrition and what we know is that it’s got all sorts of genetic spare parts. If it’s not going to be a seed that grows into a plant, that is available for you and I to repair our DNA and our RNA with. It also has tremendous stem cell pre-cursors, especially in the husk of seeds.
So, I encourage my patients to drink plenty of water. I like the urine to be light. I encourage them to eat seeds and nuts, raw, organic, non-X-rayed, non-irradiated as much as possible and green leafy vegetables and so forth.
Ty Bollinger: A living diet. A living food diet.
Dr. Bradford Weeks: Life comes from life. On the other hand, I had this gal today was saying to me, “I eat a very strict diet, but sometimes I cheat.” I said “Great, good. Sometimes have a blast.”
The goal isn’t what we’re taught in school. It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game. And once you get cancer everybody forgets that. “I just need to prolong life.” So the real challenge is to keep the quality and the quantity.
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In reply to the article by Dr. Weeks……ABSOLUTLY LIVING FOODS…………..and WATER what a simple way to keep toxins out of our bodies.
For me, I have started ingesting local pure raw honey(one tsp.) with some ground turmeric root powder, organic Vietnamese cinnamon and ground ginger root 3 times a day,,,,,,,,, this seems to help with several of my health issues………..what are your thoughts?
Diet plays a big part to your health. If you eat a well-balanced diet with many fruits, vegetables, and seeds, one is less likely to have health problems. Eating cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflour, kale, collard greens, cabbage,and brussel sprouts are very good for your health. Eating carrots help reduce the risk of cancer. Berries and grapes consist of antioxidants which are good for you. Junk food is bad for you. Most people think that when they are eating junk food, they are eating good food. However, junk food is not good food, because it consists of carcigonens which can cause cancer. Pumpkin seeds are very good for a person to eat. It is always good to eat a variety of different sorts of food.
I am unable to eat things like broccoli and any seeds or nuts. I have Crohns Disease and these foods cause pain and bring on flares. What to do in casesj like mine.
Your food intolerance is a normal part of “leaky gut syndrome”. Google Dr. McBride, or things like “Bone Broth” or “Julie Ciulla” and connect with people who take the time to want to help. I’ve cured my cancer naturally. I’ve learned a lot along the way. And I correspond daily with people in an effort to give back. You can figure this out – there are answers I promise.
Julia, what besides a living whole food diet became part of your healing regime? Did you do enemas, light saunas ect? Thank you for responding. Gail CHRISTENSEN
Julia I am having cyst issues. Limpomas they have been called. I am adding Tumeric and gingerroot to my smoothies in the morning. What supplements do you suggest?
Is it possible to get a explanation to why Dr. Weeks is not a big fan of alkaline water? We did a lot of research and spent a good amount of $ to buy a Water filter system to purify and increase the ph level of the water we drink. All our research pointed in the direction that we would be creating a healthier environment in our bodies to protect us from illnes.
I beat cancer naturally and along the way I learned that if I had been taking certain things I could have avoided my cancer. PLEASE CONSIDER this important message I am passionate about sharing….Gone are the days just eating right and exercise are enough. Our food is missing basic elements that used to be in the earth and in our food. Commercial farming has depleted our soil. We used to get SULFUR and IODINE from our FOOD and we don’t anymore so we have to SUPPLEMENT them. I am truly passionate about spreading the word on this issue because “eating right” will still lead to cancer without these other critical elements. I took all my life savings into becoming a natural health advocate on this critical issue. Please, connect with me to discuss this further if you’d like. I never get tired of telling people how important this additional supplementation is for cancer prevention – and beating cancer too. I am almost rid of my CYSTS in my BREASTS thanks to IODINE!!
Dear Julie,
For yeaes my tiroid glend was slow and I tKe 50mg Eltroxin every morning. Would it be preferable to take iodine onstead and if so how much? Latly it became even skower and I raiswd it to 100 mg. I take a loof suplements and I Wonder if something that I Take might cause it. I m non hogkins lymphoma survivior I treated myself for 9 year with the Budwig protocol and a year agptT did 6 rounds of chimo and Mabtera.
So happy for your activism and caring to rid yourself and others of cancer. YAY!!
Julia could you email me the things you do to help keep yourself healthy?
I am a RN plus have been on a homeopathic path many years. Always love to learn and share/help my hospital patients.
Nancy Davis RN
Great post and so very important. Nutrient testing is a very vital part of maintaining our vitality – ask your doctor for things like copper,zinc,iodine,manganese, magnesium, B vitamins, folate, potassium, iron, sulfur … etc I recently discovered that my copper levels were so high that I am in the top 5% of our population with that issue! I kept telling the MD, and ND that I was having trouble finding my ‘bliss’ and my joints were aching, irritability… just feeling tired and worn down. Once I learned what my body needed, I could help myself get better. I have been supplementing with B6 + P5P, Zinc, Magnesium, Niacinamide, Biotin & Molybdnum (low dose only for 30 days) and I am feeling more like myself daily. I am improving because I finally found a doctor that asks the right questions! Please don’t get discouraged if you can’t get relief from your current doctor and keep searching until you find the one that knows how to help you. Just as we are all individual in the care that we need – doctors are only human and they can only offer the care that they are versed in. In my experience – doctors with the same designations can work in very different manners. Best of Health to all!
Julie, what form of iodine and sulphur do you use? Thank you.
Looking to connect with people who are treating their breast cancer alternatively for support and prayers. Email me at or
Hello Julie my partner has multiple myeloma cancer he has undergone chemo but the doctor told him that his chemo is not working any more what is your advise for me to do, I am so
Seeds? Fine… but nothing is said here about sprouting them… which is the best possible way to eat them, in every respect. Add sprouts to your diet.
I will share with you some very important, little known information about honey. HONEY is the ONLY substance to be absorb directly into one’s body, without having to go through the digestive process, but only AT ONE CONDITION. It has to be taken ALONE, in very small quantities, the size of 2 peas, with a lot of saliva. Some water may be ingested after to clear the throat if necessary.
This is why it gives energy in the morning and help relax before bedtime.
As soon as it is mixed with anything else, it becomes a simple sugar and is being process as such by the digestive system.
Manuela: Because your stomach is an acid environment. It’s supposed to be acid, in order to digest food. If you keep pouring alkaline water into your stomach, you are diluting the stomach acid. pH neutral water is best. The supposed beneficial results from alkaline water is very likely due to the hydrogen some of these water alkaline machines produce. But once the plates clog up with minerals, after about 6 months or so, no more hydrogen is produced. For more info go to the web site.
I stopped using Vietnamese cinnamon because it is not true cinnamon. As far as I know it is Cassia. Real cinnamon is usually labeled “Ceylon”. It costs a little more but not prohibitively so.
Study the animals in order to learn how to eat. They know by instinct what foods they require. Mankind originally came out of the jungle. What foods are to be found there? When nutritional studies were first done, rats were studied to determine mankind’s food. Dr. Kellogg believed that grains were the predominant foods for man. I imagine the gorilla was not studied, which would have been a better choice. What do gorillas eat? They primarily eat fruit and greens (raw, not cooked). These foods in abundance have have all the nutrients, enzymes and sufficient water humans need.
Nancy P, Are you still eating wheat and dairy? If so, that is your issue. After you heal your gut for about 6 weeks, you will find you can introduce other foods back in.
Water distillation is far more effective and efficient than water filtration. Look it up.
I have Stage 4 renal cell cancer. I’ve gone through 3 surgeries and chemo. I’m reading everything I can to educate myself on how to beat this with proper nutrition. I also had my thyroid removed in Dec.due to a slow growing cancer…not even sure what kind.When you talk about supplementing with Sulfur and Iodine, what form of these are you referring to? I am in the beginning stages of a new and healthy lifestyle, but I feel like there’s SO much out there and I’m not even sure where to begin. Is detoxifying a good way to clean our bodies out BEFORE adding supplements, or can they be done together? Thank you in advance for any suggestions you may have. I have SO much to learn! But I’m ready!
Donna, just adding 2 cents here. I use Jarrow’s MSM for sulfer. You start with 1,000 mg (1 scoop) and every 3 or 4 days add another 1,000 mg until you reach 10,000. That’s what I did for treating inflammation. I’m sure others will have other experiences, other doses. I’ve just recently started back on MSM.
In my learnings, it’s preferable to do some kidney and liver support before you do a detox. I use Renelix for kidneys, apo-Hepat for the liver. You can add supplements before/during a detox/kidney,liver support. Always listen to your body. If something it too much, back it down; for example, if you’re feeling ill-effects from the kidney or liver support, back it down to where you felt no ill-effects.
I’ve been studying healing for 15 years ~ herbs, oils, energy healing, supplements, food. A good source of reliable health information can be found at the Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation,; also There’s so much to learn! I’m a health info junkie!
Hi, could you please elaborate further on what you have done to heal yourself? Very interested!
What organization should I support I’m tired of making ceo’s rich and not getting any research done
Hi David, Here are the some of the organizations that we donate to:
Healing Strong:
Cancer Crackdown:
Look up Iodoral. Also Dr. David Brownstein. He is one of the leading researchers on iodine for the thyroid. Also Dr. Jorge Flechas and Dr. Guy Abraham.