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What do you really know about Bill Gates? Let’s see … he co-founded Microsoft and has billions of dollars. According to Wikipedia, Gates is “an American business magnate, software developer, investor, and philanthropist.”
You might have heard that in early 2020, Gates resigned from the board of Microsoft to focus full time on “philanthropy” and also “global health and vaccines.” Sounds like a great guy!
But exactly what qualifications does the founder of a trillion-dollar software behemoth have to be a leader in “global health and vaccines”?
Nevertheless, the mainstream media “teleprompter readers” (sorry, I meant “anchors”) are always thrilled to give Gates the “prime time” to peddle fear and tell everyone how necessary vaccines are going to be if we are going to defeat COVID-19. First it was just one shot, then it was two doses, and now Gates is saying that a third dose of coronavirus vaccine may be needed to “prevent serious cases of new variants of the disease.”
The BMGF is the world’s largest private foundation with more than $50 billion in assets. It is the second largest donor to the WHO next to the U.S. government.
But have you ever wondered how and why the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) came into being?
Were you aware that the BMGF was originally created to help “gloss over” Bill’s shredded reputation during Microsoft’s antitrust trial in the late 1990s?
You see, Microsoft was accused of trying to create a monopoly that led to the collapse of rival Netscape by giving its browser software for free. During the 18 month trial which began in May 1998, Gates gave hours of videotaped testimony in which he was transparently evasive, pompous, and egotistical. You can watch the testimony here, if you have the stomach to watch Gates for a prolonged period of time.
During the deposition, he regularly gave nebulous and ambiguous answers and muttered “I don’t recall” so many times that even the presiding judge had to snicker. He also made a long list of claims that would soon be directly refuted in court by comparison to his own emails. (TRANSLATION: Gates lied … A LOT)
Throughout the trial, Gates and Microsoft took a public relations beating, so they began what was referred to as a “charm offensive” aimed at improving their image. It was during this time that Gates discovered the “wonders of charitable giving.” (wink wink) Remember … billionaire-funded “philanthropy” is usually a PR scam.
The fact of the matter is that between the beginning of the trial and the verdict, Gates contributed $20.3 billion (yes, that’s BILLION) to the BMGF. According to Ken Auletta, author of the 2001 book World War 3.0: Microsoft and Its Enemies, the contributions “became part of Microsoft’s PR effort to humanize Gates.” In other words, Gates used the donations to help “rebrand” his name as a philanthropist, when in actuality the donations were nothing more than a fig leaf to rebuild his reputation of being a ruthless, predatory, condescending, ruling-class jerk. And the mainstream media was more than happy to help spit-shine his reputation as a “generous benefactor of humanity” instead of a petty, bullying scumbag.
Between 2002 and 2012, Gates sold an estimated $22 billion in Microsoft stock but contributed only $3.7 billion of that to the BMGF. That’s less than 20%. Let’s just say Bill wasn’t too worried about “food money” or “paying the rent” with the remaining $18.3 billion.
In 2006, the BMGF donated $100 million and formed an alliance with the Rockefeller Foundation to help spur a “green revolution” in Africa, with a major focus being to encourage the use of pesticides and “advanced” (i.e. GMO) seeds.
In 2010, the BMGF purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto, the world’s largest producer of GMO food as well as pesticides like glyphosate (Roundup), making it abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than eradicating disease and feeding the world’s poor.
Since 2015, the BMGF has donated a total of $15 million to two global campaigns aimed at “ending world hunger” by encouraging small farmers around the world to use GMOs.
Interestingly, while the BMGF is heavily promoting GMO to farmers, at the same time it’s investing in the ‘Doomsday Crop Diversity Vault,’ a seed bank located in Norway. Other investors include the Norwegian government, the Rockefeller Foundation, and major GMO seed and agrichemical companies.
Food for thought … Why is the BMGF pushing GMO seeds (which destroy the plant seed varieties) while at the same time investing tens of millions of dollars to preserve every seed variety known in a bomb-proof doomsday vault near the remote Arctic Circle “so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future”? Think about it.
Since 2007, Gates has been personally funding and closely involved in the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research (FICER), based at Harvard University, which carries out research into the possibility of blocking the sun in order to mitigate global warming, using chemicals or particles of metals such as aluminum.
In 2012 FICER announced their intention to spray sun-reflecting sulphate particles into the atmosphere to artificially cool the planet, and they also contemplated using aluminum for the same purpose.
That’s right, it’s no longer a “conspiracy theory” folks. Those ‘criss cross’ lines in the sky aren’t funny shaped clouds and they aren’t normal exhaust from planes. They are chemical trails (aka “chemtrails“) being intentionally sprayed into the atmosphere. Heck, there are actually multiple patents on this technology.
Bill’s father (William H. Gates, Sr.) was a banker and attorney, who served the same “hidden agenda” as his son while promoting “racial hygiene” during the Rockefeller-financed eugenics movement of the 1930s and 1940s.
Gates Sr. has long been involved with the eugenics group Planned Parenthood, a rebranded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society. In a 2003 interview with PBS, Bill Gates admitted that his father used to be the head of Planned Parenthood, which was founded on the concept that most human beings are just “reckless breeders” and “human weeds” in need of culling.
During the interview, Bill Gates also admitted that his family has been extensively involved with “reproductive issues,” referencing his own prior adherence to the beliefs of eugenicist Thomas Robert Malthus, who believed that the world population needs to be controlled through reproductive restrictions.
Mary Gates, Bill’s mother, was a prominent Seattle businesswoman. Her father, Willard Maxwell, was a vice president of Pacific National Bank, which later became First Interstate. Mary helped her son Bill “get the contract that led to a lucrative relationship with I.B.M. for his fledgling Microsoft Corporation,” according to her New York Times obituary.
It turns out that the Gates family legacy has long been one of trying to dominate and control the world’s systems, including in the areas of technology, medicine, and now agriculture. Through the BMGF, Bill Gates is able to avoid taxes while maintaining control of the assets and using that control to influence private and public policy regarding pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and GMOs. Money talks.
Speaking of vaccines…
Vaccines are the “philanthropic” endeavor for which Gates and the BMGF are best known.
The “benevolent Bill Gates” was born in December of 1998 – during the Microsoft antitrust trial – when the BMGF announced a $100 million gift to establish the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program.
The next year, the BMGF pledged $750 million as the “seed money” to set up the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). GAVI’s partners include certain countries, the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program, International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Rockefeller Foundation, United Nations Children’s Fund, WHO, and the World Bank. The GAVI board is comprised of representatives from “Big Pharma.”
Gates has been associated with numerous vaccine initiatives in third-world countries which are not only immoral and unethical, but have had disastrous consequences.
For instance, in a 2013 report to the India Parliament, the BMGF was accused of targeting illiterate adolescents without consent for HPV (human papilloma virus) trials in India. These alleged medical experiments provided for no investigations or reporting of known adverse drug reactions.
The next year, in August of 2014, the Economic Times India published a report which alleged that “observational studies” (i.e. vaccine “experiments”) had been carried out on 30,000 tribal school children in Andhra Pradesh and Vadodara, Gujarat, India, using the HPV vaccines (Gardasil and Cervarix) and within a month of receiving the vaccine, hundreds of the children became sick and seven children died. Shockingly, the report stated that many of the consent forms used to vaccinate the girls were signed “illegally” – either by the wardens from the hostels where many of the girls resided or using thumbprints from illiterate parents who couldn’t even write.
Indian government investigations charged that BMGF funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls.
However, after these adverse reactions became known, a report funded by the BMGF was released explaining that there was “no correlation” between the adverse events and the HPV vaccine.
Child is fine – gets vaccinated – gets sick – then dies. No correlation? Mmmm yeah…. Right!
In 2000, the oral polio vaccine (OPV) was finally dropped from US schedules after four decades when the authorities finally admitted that the vaccine was causing more cases of polio than the wild-type virus itself. However, despite this fact, the BMGF has involved itself in an aggressive campaign to promote the OPV in India.
According to a 2018 report by Prakash and Puliyel, since the beginning of the OPV push, while “polio” rates have been decreasing, there have been 491,000 new cases of NPAFP (“non-polio acute flaccid paralysis”) which is clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly.
So was polio eradicated? Or did they just create a “new” definition and call it NPAFP, which is now 12 times higher than expected?
Did Gates not know the OPV had been dropped in the US as he suggested he wanted to bring “good health” to impoverished third world countries? Has anyone from the BMGF rushed to India to suspend their polio vaccines until important questions can be answered about them causing NPAFP and deaths?
I’ll bet you can guess the answers to those 2 rhetorical questions.
In December 2012, in the small village of Gouro, Chad, Africa, 500 children were locked into their school and threatened that if they did not “agree” to be vaccinated with an unlicensed meningitis vaccine (MenAfriVac), they would receive no further education. The “humanitarian workers” proceeded to force vaccinate the children without their parent’s consent or knowledge.
Within hours, over 100 children began to suffer from headaches, vomiting, severe uncontrollable convulsions and paralysis. Dozens of children were transferred to a hospital in Faya and later taken by plane to two hospitals in N’Djamena, the capital city of Chad.
What group was in charge of this vaccine disaster which could be described as a “crime against humanity” in Chad?
That’s right! The BMGF funded the distribution of the meningitis vaccine (MenAfriVac) in Chad where dozens of children suffered hallucinations, convulsions, and ultimately paralysis.
Surprise surprise!
Despite the fact the BMGF call vaccines “one of the best buys in global health,” a government inquiry in Pakistan has found the complete opposite.
ISLAMABAD: A government inquiry has found that polio vaccines for infants funded by the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation are causing deaths and disabilities in regional countries including Pakistan.
The startling revelation is part of an inquiry report prepared by the Prime Minister’s Inspection Commission (PMIC) on the working of the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI). The PMIC, headed by Malik Amjad Noon, has recommended that Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani immediately suspend the administration of all types of vaccines funded by the GAVI.”
The main vaccinations in question were the polio vaccine and the 5-in-1 pentavalent vaccine, which were said to be responsible for the deaths and disability of a number of children in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Japan.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The BMGF funded the distribution in Kenya of a tetanus vaccine containing human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) that renders a woman infertile and causes miscarriage. It was the Catholic Church that discovered the antigen.
Remember, this is the same Bill Gates who said: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps ten or fifteen percent.” (See video below.)
At the mHealth Summit in Washington, D.C. in 2010, Bill Gates proposed a plan to use wireless technology to register every newborn on the planet in a vaccine database, to ensure that all children are vaccinated on time. The BMGF has funded MIT’s development of a contraceptive computer chip that can be controlled via remote control. The chip is implanted under a woman’s skin, releasing a small dose of the hormone levonorgestrel. The BMGF has also funded MIT to develop a microparticle implant that will automatically administer vaccines in babies.
Even more disturbing is the evidence that Bill Gates has been actively driving the coronavirus narrative using his influence. According to the Washington Times, “WHO didn’t announce the coronavirus as a pandemic until the very day after Gates — who had wished for some time that WHO would declare the coronavirus a pandemic — well, until the very day after Gates made a very large donation to a cause that benefits WHO.”
Not surprisingly, Gates is actively involved in driving the “solution” to the very pandemic with a consortium of corporate partnerships, investments into vaccines, and “contact-tracing” solutions driven through the technology sector.
Gates really wants everyone to have a digital certificate or proof of vaccination – that’s the plan! Why would Gates be pushing for this? Here’s why: Microsoft and GAVI are planning on controlling the “global vaccination digital ID” program, announced in 2019 at the ID2020 Alliance annual summit in New York.
In the latest batch of insanity apparently there is a movement toward a registration system where people will be designated as “immune” or “vaccinated”; and only with appropriate and verifiable registry ID’s will citizens be permitted to engage in society.
Years ago he spoke about the need for pandemic preparedness. In November 2019, he sponsored a global pandemic planning exercise in association with John Hopkins. And then in his recent writings and technology funding, we see his narrative for a “solution” using digital ID’s and microchips.
Do you remember a few years ago when President Trump was going to appoint our good friend, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, as the head of the Commission on Vaccination Safety and Scientific Integrity? Eventually, Bobby said that the Trump administration never contacted him after the initial meetings. We always wondered why President Trump seemingly dropped the ball on this issue.
Here’s one of the reasons why. Gates told Trump, “No that’s a bad thing, don’t do that” – do NOT investigate vaccines!” … Because if we started to investigate vaccines, we might just uncover the TRUTH!
An outspoken eugenicist and “elite” supremacist, Gates lives to vaccinate. After conveniently ditching the board of Microsoft right as the COVID-19 “pandemic” started to come into full swing, Gates has been doing nothing other than advocating for mass vaccination and indefinite lock-downs until everyone on the planet is injected.
Although many question their integrity and ethics, Bill and Melinda Gates are not stupid people. They are smart enough to know the vaccines, drugs, and media industries they promote are generating BILLIONS of dollars while simultaneously causing BILLIONS of human casualties and tragedies.
QUESTION: Based on the FACTS presented in this article, is Gates the type of person you would trust to be the “de facto” leader in the pushing COVID-19 vaccines? Is he qualified? Does he have the moral integrity?
It is difficult to believe that, despite the mounting evidence outlining the many crimes against humanity that have been committed by the BMGF and GAVI, many still think of Bill Gates as a “hero.”
However, according to the definition of “hero” in the Oxford Dictionary, the word hero means: “A person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.”
I checked Mirriam-Webster and other dictionaries, but I never found “hero” defined as someone who vaccinates innocent, vulnerable children with untested and unsafe vaccinations, causing them to suffer agonizing, untimely deaths.
Take a gander at this video, titled “Bill Gates – What You Were Not Told” if you want to learn, as Paul Harvey used to say, “the rest of the story” about Bill Gates.
If you want to see a humorous (yet very accurate) depiction of Gates, the BMGF, vaccines, and world domination, check out this video by JP Sears. Just click play and it will begin at the appropriate spot.
Like Martin Luther King, I also had a dream. I dreamed that Kill Gates…oops sorry, Freudian slip in the spelling…would be forced to take every vaccine on the CDC schedule.
Yes, a similar thing is going through my mind – that Bill Gates, Tony Faucci, the WHO panel, all the Government Ministers and all the doctors who agree that it should be administered, should have to take the vaccination themselves first – publicly on film, with reputable observers to confirm that they have taken the vaccine and not something else. I would not say that their family should have to take it – just the people mentioned.
A loud resounding YES
They take it, and make sure it’s “the real deal”, given by someone who is against vaccines, ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!!! May God help us, in this almost shutdown economy – and now this “CURE”!!! 🙏🏻 🌏
They are smarter than that, and much more sinister than you are giving them credit for. They would fake that they are taking it somehow. The point is, we need to put these people behind bars for the crimes they commit ! I’m so sick and tired of seeing these people have the control that they do. REVOLUTION, This time with Jesus and his army. God Bless you !
He is such a smug man. It’s all over his face and he isn’t sincere
Why shouldn’t their family take it if everyone else is mandated the vaccines? It’s like our healthcare system. The people who mandate it for the public don’t have the same health care system.
I agree.
I’ve heard multiple sources say the elite get a different version of the vaccination to the ones the public is given.
Let as know this news…..
Also make their entire family take vaccines also?
Well the problem there is that their vaccin are differ from the “useless Eaters”vaccine because I heard on a hot mic a dingle berry say this was covid 19 a hoax than to which an other dingle berry replied no not a hoax but we don’t have to worry we already got our vaccinations,humm,wtf could 2nd dingle berry have meant “ALEADY HAD THEIR VACCINATIONS AND OUR WILL BE DIFFERENT..YA..NO..I THINK NOT!!!
all high ranking officials in all nations were given hydroxychloroquine and azithromyacin and zinc in october of last year. doctor fauci did the paper on the great results that proved it worked in 2005.
Congratulations-I also think this is the way
The problem is that 90% of the people in the world are asleep and they want to remain asleep. It is useful to send out info., like the above, to “will be mostly ex-friends and relatives” around the world, as the reply is often the same: “It is a conspiracy theory, do not send us such letters” It is the best form of intelligence test and we can save 90% on Christmas cards. We also become closer friends with like-minded people.
How sad but true! Well put, thanks. It is really hard to not keep trying to warn my old friends–and I probably still will– but all I get I return is silence. Their behavior is so strange. :'(
Time to “find my tribe!” And I do not mean one like the vaxxed cult of the asleep!
Gosh, I had that same dream!
I join this nice wish dream come true!
The Mark of the beast without which you can not buy or sell= the vaccine without which you can not participate in society???
Thank you for this informative and disturbing editorial of the Gates foundations. We hear on the news all the time about the billions of dollars that Gates has donated to one foundation or another. People have to wake up. If they do their research they will find that Gates either owns or is a major shareholder of those foundations. He is basically giving the money to his own foundations. It is also very interesting to find links to the Clintons, Soros and WHO members. He is pure evil and wants success at any expense even at the expense of the children and innocents of the world. Governments, leaders and citizens have to wake up!! Take back your country and your rights.
Bill Gates of Hell makes George Sorrows look like a Choir Boy!!!!!
They make the vaccines from aborted fetuses.. Well that explains another reason the abortion clinics never close…
I hate this guy
Ty, please keep up the great work that you and your wife are doing to spread the truth and
make a difference. Your work is not in vain and we WILL win by being both truly educated
and prepared to fight vigorously to maintain our freedoms.Again, thanks!
I’ve been watching this unfolding nightmare since my own son had a vaccine-reaction 27 years ago, and which was played down and denied by the doctor/s even though it resulted in 10 years of rehabilitation…and I still believe there are residual issues for my boy. It is a personal fight at a lower level, for me, now, but I do know the seeds are planted out there….and the world is waking up….very slowly. I tell his story/my story whenever the opportunity arises.
Keep going with your work, there are quiet people like me telling their stories. I find there are more deniers than supporters, but my experience is hard for them to argue down, in the face of their theoretical hearsay. The elites are crumbling now, they are beginning to in-fight. The critical mass isn’t quite here, but it’s moving in the right direction….I believe anyway. Keep up your good work.
I too hard a disabling reaction to a vaccine. Fortunately, it healed after about two months, but never want another vaccine.
I love you Ty and Charlene! God bless your precious children!
For at least 30 years i have questioned the efficacy of vaccines, and always questioned the medical industry. The more i researched, the more my questioning was substantiated. They indulge in touting the hypocritic oath, but leave out the most important part of the creed. “Let food be tby medicine; and medicine be tby food.” Notice how this excerpt double backs? I have learned that every TRUTH can be flipped backward and forward and still make the same statement. Many
Of the Biblical passages are written that way.
So back to the hypocritical creed- “First do no harm..” When the treatment or prevention of an aliment or disease is more harmful it should be an indicator to someone of reasonable intelligence, but the evidence that their harmful treatment is overlooked demonstrates that “harm” is collateral they are willing to sidestep, something very sinister and evil is at play.
Now I go straight to God as the first step to figuring something out. I trust no one else first, even as a knee jerk reaction to something fearful. The things I learn are to pass on to my own 4 precious children, and I am a 61 year old widow who can only think about the value of what i can leave to them in an extremely deceptive world.
I said all that to say, I believe your work is a Godsend to the world. Your tireless and selfless efforts have blessed so many, and will continue to do so to everyone who will hear. Thank you so much for allowing me to watch and share your TAV documentary series. I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to watch because I can’t afford to buy it.
So beautifully done, and such a wealth of truthful information- I was very very touched by it in every way. I wish I could do more to help the cause for medical freedom. If you can come up with ANYTHING please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for all you do! I have bee interested since”The Truth about Cancer” and have followed you and others that are in tune with the truth and facts! I have purchased “The Truth about Cancer 2015″,The Truth About Vaccines, which I believe I purchased in 2017.the Truth About Cancer Live-2017,”Monumental Myths your book” copywrite 2013,The Truth About Detox-2017,and I purchased
3 books- The Truth About Cancer,and The Truth About Cancer Pets! I watched your entire latest pod cast on The Truth About Vaccines,which the first 7 episodes were the same as I had previously purchased (with a little editing to shorten it) Episodes 8 and 9 were available only by digitial after buying the entire package! Episodes 8 and 9 are about Covid 19,I Was so hoping you would of shared that here!! Many of us do not have the income to purchase now!! We have been locked down and have no income!! please consider for free sharing episodes 8 and 9! I am doing my best to get the word out! Thank you
The window is very small to get information out to the larger population that sits hypnotized by the main stream media. We have to send information like this to friends and family. Let them think you/we are “conspiracy theory” nuts if they want to. Just maybe we can crack a few eyes open. Once they start to open they will seek the truth on their own and they will wake up. Time is so short we can’t sit idle.
Hello Ty and Charlene!
I want to thank you two with all my heart for the Docuseries on Truth About Vaccines! I bought the series, and so did my older brother with my highly praised recommendation. The education you have given me is off the charts! The Doctors and Scientists you have gotten together as well to educate the public are off the charts! Just yesterday I watched the interview with Dr. Zack Bush given by Del Bigtree on High Wire! Oh my God! What a wonderful, compassionate, beautiful, and very spiritual talk given by Zack! I was crying my eyes out towards the end, and wishing that every person on this planet collectively could be hearing his talk! He touched upon every level and subject necessary to get a clear picture on everything since the beginning of time, and my feeling was that nothing was left out, and nothing needed to be added to his talk. I understood everything he said, and I feel I do not have the need or desire to listen to any more talk about C-19. I am totally satisfied with Dr. Zack’s findings. I do not donate readily as I am self-employed in a line of work which has pretty much come to a standstill, and my workload halting started before this Virus. However I was so moved by this man, I did make the highest allowable donation on his page. Ty and Charlene, I am blown away with the work you and your organization are doing! I feel people are slowly becoming enlightened, and we will win! If I personally had the power vested in me, I would take Bill Gates and all others like him DOWN!!! And give them all a taste of their own medicine!!!
My prayer aside from wanting our planet and all who are here to heal, and for us to keep our freedoms, and perhaps regain ones that have been taken away, is for you both, and all who are working alongside you, to stay safe and well ! May God watch over you all and keep you out of harms way.
My Love to you all !
Jack Lelah
Alleluia Yah..!!! Bottom line is we as a nation really need to bring God back to the driver’s seat..!!
The tree of knowledge is in bloom at the peril of America’s and the global family’s freedoms..!!!
Greed and godlessness are just some of it’s fruit..!!
We need to seek the God’s tree of life. We can if we so choose, drop fear from multiple daily contacts and start seeking the real realities that are..! Constant fear is a major trigger for chronic inflammation.!! Chronic inflammation is the precursor to any and all diseases. Start educating yourself on building an immune system . Plenty of water- hydration, organic foods-period.. exercise, sleep and prayer or meditation..!!! Work in your mind set and life style..!! It takes time but remember one day at a time…. win the war… Remember, the body has the innate ability to heal..!!! God bless..!!!! Don’t b afraid to ask for help! Cary on..!!!
I did send an email a little while ago but now I see this so… I ordered the Vaccine package on April 30. Got the email that it I could track it. BUT from May 1 there is the note there that it is in Palatine, IL 60095 and the acceptance is pending. Here it is May 13 and it is still pending.
Hi Joelene, I heard Charlene say they are printing new copies as they sold their whole stock, so your package will be coming, just a little delay….
I am grateful for both your series on cancer and vaccines, especially as I am a type 1 cancer survivor. When I refused chemo and radiation, they upped me to stage 2. I am taking alternative therapies for now. . However, I find too many conspiracy theories in your work, which leaves me very uncomfortable. Somehow it’s too easy. Here’s hoping Bobby Kennedy Jr. will remain protected as he takes on big pharma in court. But…
The use of the term “conspiracy theory” is in order to ridicule anyone who comes too close to the truth. After many years of use, we, the people, are beginning to realise the truth of this bullying tactic. I think that people like Ty and Charlene are more open about their work than pharmaceutical companies, so I would suggest that you are guilty of repeating the corporate/state line to quiet any opposition. BUT, there is hope. When you start to search, the truth stands the test of time – hence the collapse of the standard rebuttal of ‘conspiracy theory’ – too many are coming true. You are now on the journey. Don’t take anything for granted – keep searching, you have the tools, there ARE completely nonsensical stories out there; the more you know, the better you will be able to sift thru!
Thank you guys so much for all your time and energy put into trying to get the truth out there. There is so much censorship and it is mind-blowing how badly they don’t want people to be or get healthy. We appreciate your dedication and hard work in getting to the truth and helping spread it to all of us! Keep up the amazing work!!! 😊🙏🏻💗
Thank you for opening our eyes.
I have heard about Bill Gates and his plan, with others, to depopulate the world. He is involved with the Agenda 21 and globelasts. Very few people I speak with about this are aware of the situation and call me a conspiracy theorist..
thank for this very informative letter.
Totally agree. This is insane
Its interesting that you call helping control runaway population growth eugenics,(through the PP.) I guess that means you are against contraception.
I believe he is against “forced” contraception.
You have the CHOICE of whether you want to use contraception.
Good Article. I would like to know if Soros, Gates, WHO, Kissinger, Fauci and possibly Clintons are heavily invested in a pharmaceutical company near Wuhan in China. If China has had the vaccination all along and it is made mandatory all over the planet as they are pushing for. Imagine how many zillions they would make and how many people they would get rid of at the same time. Do you know if this true?
This might be of some interest to you.
1. Coronavirus patent held by the Pirbright Institute.
Abstract from the patent
The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation in one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16. The coronavirus may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject.
2. Major stakeholders in the Pirbright institute.
The World Health Organisation, the Bill and Melinda gates foundation and the European Commission, amongst others
Just in case you hear, oh that’s for a different strain etc….. here’s just a little from two of the human trials currently going on.
Human vaccine trials.
A second COVID-19 vaccine just entered human testing phase — Deseret News
The second vaccine comes from Bill and Melinda Gates
But this vaccine isn’t the only one in the game right now. Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh said recently that they believe they found a vaccine for the coronavirus because they were researching a similar virus, according to the Deseret News. The researchers said they had been studying SARS and MERS.
Dr. Andrea Gambotto, associate professor of surgery at the Pitt School of Medicine, said in a statement: “These two viruses, which are closely related to SARS-CoV-2, teach us that a particular protein, called a spike protein, is important for inducing immunity against the virus. We knew exactly where to fight this new virus.”
For people not aware, a spike protein is nothing new, it is what gives coronavirus its name, corona = crown. The crown is those spike proteins mentioned. The tests they are performing will show up genetic material of ANY strain of coronaviruses.
Human vaccine trials.
On Monday, April 13, I’m getting a COVID-19 vaccine. If you’re thinking, “There is no vaccine right now,” you’re right. I’m one of 45 volunteers who was selected to be part of a clinical trial with The University of Washington
The injections of the vaccine are supposed to initiate the same antibody response in me as if I were infected with the novel coronavirus—which, in theory, should protect me from getting the virus should I be exposed to it down the line. The article above is claiming it’s the spike protein that’s important, which EVERY coronavirus has and what gives it its name, CORONA.
In other words, any coronavirus will issue a similar antibody response.
Unfortunately, the production of that spike protein in your body to create an antibody response is initiated by a ‘genetically modified messenger RNA” which ‘turns the body into a mini factory” to produce that protein (quotation enclosures are the researchers words verbatim from the original Kaiser Permanente Research article published on March 4 and since edited out). How does that protein production get turned off as the genes have been altered? Said alteration correlates with the genetic modification of plants to produce the bt pesticide; it continues on and is passed down generationally. The “harmless protein” has not existed in an isolated state within the body ever before, as far as I’m able to determine by research. Novel isolated proteins behave in unexpected ways in the body, as evidenced by the genetically modified wheat, which never made it to market due to the harm, and even death, that the introduced novel proteins were found to cause in children – project terminated. Furthermore, the spike protein bumps on the virus ‘is the key’ to open or unlock the cell for entry by the virus. What impact will this ongoing available protein have on cells if its function is to make them accessible, and to what can it make those cells accessible? From a science-based perspective, this type of gene alteration raises too many questions, with answers not pursued due to warp speed endeavors to get a product to market. It was stated in one reading that no animal trial was done on the Moderna product (unable to confirm), while other covid vax producers make such note. But even if such trial was done by Moderna, it would have been an exceedingly short one. The removal of the initial article’s information delineating the full functional pathway of the messenger RNA – and other more subtle changes, i.e. renaming “genetically modified”‘ as “lab created” – in the ensuing edited versions, along with both the Gate’s Foundation’s financial rescue of Moderna from bankruptcy and Fauci’s NIAID funding of this particular vaccine’s two-geographic-location human trial , leaves me experiencing greater feelings of trepidation than confidence around this product.
These mRNA vaccines DO NOT alter your genetic material, which is contained in your DNA. The action of these mRNA vaccines DOES NOT correlate, in any way, with the genetic modification that occurs in the production of GMO foods. None of the effects of mRNA vaccines is passed down to offspring simply because the DNA is not altered.
Fascinating. The Pirbright Institute. The Patriots. BMGF. The Illuminate. In all of these organizations, the so-called philanthropy is emphasised. It is the equivalent of the millions of dollar spend on marketing. The word: philanthropy is mutating as fast as any flu virus. It is too late for them though. We are waking up, thanks to technology. Now let us see that the ‘harm’ potential of this same technology is neutralised. We need to educate ourselves – not have the state/military/corporate education foist on us for so long. We have to look after ourselves, not leave that to the State.
I have observed Gates for decades and heard his first few TED talks. It has been obvious that he is vile and corrupt for a long time. He never really hid his contempt for others or his massive ego. But no one wanted to hear or see that. Thanks for trying to get the message across.
I am so glad that Ty & Charlene along with all the amazing Doctors and Del Bigtree are able to continue bring the light on what is really happening. I pray daily (yes I do) for the safety of each one of you (I have a list with all your names, including Bobby Kennedy, Jr.) as I fear for your safety. Please watch your back. Our God is an awesome God and I love how he is using all of you to bring the truth to light. Bill Gates is evil – very evil as is his good side kick the Dr. May God continue to bless each and every one of you. And please keep me on your list to receive what you post and uncover.
Thank you for sharing this.
I am in the UK and cannot see that our government will refuse to go along with these evil monsters’ plans. I would rather get coronavirus than get vaccinated because at least I would have a chance!
There are going to be peaceful protests but not in my town, and as we are on lockdown we cannot travel to other towns where they are going to be held. I just hope the peaceful protesters do not get infiltrated by hired thugs who will give the police and/or army reason to go in and do God knows what to the peaceful protesters.
These are unbelievable times, reminiscent of Nazi Germany!
Hi Belinda,
I am also in the UK and also very concerned that our government seems to be moving towards compulsory vaccination of rushed-through vaccine.
I have studied the history of disease and vaccines and feel VERY upset to think of the huge damage this could do.
Can you put me in touch with others who are trying to influence those in power to study what is
going on?
We nees a UK chapter. I would like to be in touch with you both and det something going. We could work with the Allience for Natural Health.
The Alliance for Natural Health has put up two short videos in which a barrister (who does plan to have the shot!) explains that current law does not allow for mandatory vaccination in the UK and that this could not be changed overnight – lets hope he is right!
We can email our MPs – link here:
This was my letter – I am writing to express my extreme concern that the Covid-19 situation has been governed according to misleading statistics. You will agree the need for official government statistics that are correct against full and proper professional medical criticism. Many fully qualified and senior medical people are challenging the default figures (though this has escaped the notice of the BBC, ditto the direct interests of Bill Gates in Imperial College and profits from vaccines).
Historically, Professor Neil Ferguson is infamous for his hopelessly inaccurate prophecies of doom and wildly exaggerated figures of anticipated deaths, derived from computer models without peer review which would be the normal scientific procedure.
I am shocked by the comments from Nadine Dorries and Professor Neil Ferguson that we, as constituents are expected to wait for a vaccine against Covid-19 before we can all return to work. That is an unreasonable and unjust demand. And may I ask you to ask the Government to what extent Professor Ferguson has disclosed his financial links to the vaccine industry?
If I were to write it now, I might include the Nuremberg Code; violation of human rights (lockdown); deliberate measures to spread it as much as possible….!
Have you read or listened to the D C Act of 1871 and then to Bill Foust
The original constitution was altered and does not apply in congress
or any courtroom today
Since l have not finished this article,my wife wants dinner Now
What is the story on Gates wife
Maybe it will be in this and l will have wasted your time
Is she nust another of his handlers or is she a fixture in his good-guy image?
“She” is a he.
This documentary about Gates is unbelievable. I knew about some of the “dirty” things he has done and some that he’s trying to do. I didn’t know about all the organizations and companies that he has paid his way into. I knew a few, WHO and some of the incidents in India but not all of it. He’s worse than Soros. He’s the most evil person I have ever heard about. He needs to be stopped anyway possible… prison or whatever it takes to save our children and the world! He will kill the whole world if he could and he’s got a good start or maybe it’s the end … on it.
We have to pray to our God to protect us from this evil!
Thanks so much for all you do for us and our country!
God bless you and be safe.
PS: I posted this on FB and Twitter and passed on to over 100 friends in my Trump groups.
What can we do to support the bill for him to stand trial for crimes against humanity!?
I haven’t read all of this yet, but I thank you for doing all the research necessary to bring this to us. When I learned that Gates had a meeting, including Johns’ Hopkins people, on Oct. 18, 2019, called Pandemic Exercise…and a month later we have corona virus beginning in China at the lab that Gates funds, l discovered more information about him…he’s evil, selfish, and power-hungry. Thanks again for presenting this information. Hopefully we who read it will use it to counter Gates’ advances. I hope to send it to my congressmen and whoever else would be in a position to use it for the benefit of our country,….our world.
I am sending this email and others I have seen to as many people who are interested in seeing this, and there are many! I just wish my girls were open and I pray they see the light before it’s too late! I had a bad feeling about Fauci from day 1 and I am going to send that letter by Jo’s Del Sol to state my wishes that I do not want tracing, vaccines, testing, chipping or apps on my phone or any where else! I have posted, commented and emailed so many people about this letter! God bless you on your work and I am very happy you are doing this work! Thank you, Elizabeth ~
My daughter thinks most of what I tell her on moral/ethical subjects, ” just aren’t true”, so I know your feelings.
It keeps saying the server is blocked
I appreciate your commentary on BMGF. My husband and I are quite aware of what is happening, and totally agree with you. We share this information with many others and it seems more and more people are waking up to these facts. However, the issue of how the weather has been weaponized is not really understood or known by very few. Do you know Dane Wigington? He has researched for 20 years and started more than
10 years ago. He is extremely knowledgable about how how the climate has and is weaponized. He lives off the grid in Shasta County CA. He gives a radio talk every Saturday at 1 pm. He would be a phenomenal guest speaker for one of your webinars. We have listened to him for many years, and like you support the truths that he speaks. I thank you for moving forward and not giving up.
I was not able to view any of the “mini” videos which were included in this article. I guess they’ve been censored by the “powers that be”.
Everyone needs to read this and listen to the videos! Be informed about what is really going on!! Do you really want Bill Gates calling the shots about FORCED VACCINES!! I can’t imagine anyone would be in favor of that, or being under constant watch by the government by having Bill Gates’ patch containing vaccines and tracing elements forced on all of us — even in our own homes! Do read this and watch the videos to understand what is really going on!!
Thank you, Ty Bollinger!! This presentation picks up and goes on from your book: “Monumental Myths…” — another real eye-opener!!
Thank you for everything you’ve done here . God Bless you for all your effort.
I have been telling people about this since I first started watching this and so many people have
not heard of this at all.
It will take a while to get the word out and get people to realize what a horrible stats this country
is in the midst of.
William Mason
Keep up the momentum! The truth sets us free! We need to take back America and our Constitution! Especially our health! During covid my husband had a very bad chemo treatment in December. Because of the quarantine the oncologist had no contact with him and they sent patients out to the hospital instead of the cancer center. My husband got into a high dose vit.C treatment that was the best treatment ever! The oncologist would like to take credit. He’s ignorant when it comes to natural cures only God can create.
i understand and agree with much here but as soon as I see someone is a christian, the whole story looses all credibility
This is sad to read jensen, you must have some reasons why you feel this strongly about this. I wonder if the core issue is a religious one…or personal. It is important to distinguish between religion and individual responsibility.
I think it’s also very important to come together over those issues we agree on even while not in complete agreement of lesser issues.
They try to divide us, don’t fall into their dirty games. That’s how they can control us. We must be United no matter what you believe in.
You know the pope is in on the digital ID. Climate change – you watch!
I become enraged when I see the little guy taken advantage of!
Thank you Ty Bollinger and all the wonderful people associated with you for educating the public at large while putting a bright spotlight on the unscrupulous individuals oblivious to human life that are only interested in their own personal gain!
Your exemplary client and colleague awareness is unparalleled.
May God be at your side always while you continue your journey.
Thank you so very much this information makes me so angry and yet so sad for the folks in those other countries that have suffered and died. When I had my 1st child in 1983 I was told I needed the German measles shot because I never had them and if I got them while carrying my child she would either not make it or have a lot of problems at that time I trusted allopathic medicine. So I had the shot and my daughter has had life time of problems including mental illness that became very evident when she went to college and now looking back from when she was very young there might have been a mental health issue. She had all kinds of problems from infancy on. I blame myself I wish I had this info back then. God bless you guys all of you that work on the Truth including Kennedy and Buttar and many many more and I also pray for all of you to be safe from the bad guys.
Remarkable work!!
GOD bless you and all your endeavors.
We are praying for you..and for America.
GOD is our Savior and Redeemer. HE has saved America before,
and may GOD do it again, we pray…
For who shall stand against the Almighty?
Thank you! You are very brave. I hope you realize how dangerous this is and take safety precautions.
Great post Ty. God bless you, Charlene and entire TTAV/TTAC family.
This is terrible! What can we do to prevent this post corona vaccine program from coming to fruition? Are there any senators that we can reach out to?
Hi there… I am trying to subscribe with my email address and its states there is no connection to the server? I would like to be added on the email list please! EL
Thank you .
Well done!!!
Thank the Lord for you ,and the work you do to put truth out for the people . I pray eyes will be opened.
God bless you and your family, and your work.
Hey you wrote our food friend and it should’ve said our good friend. That’s what I’m assuming at least, maybe he is your food friend… I would imagine when yawls get together you eat some good grub!?
I signed petition, they must be stopped.
I just did too!
Your bravery in engaging this battle against the evil god Gates and his minions is commendable. Keep it up. I’m with you 100%.
I love you guys. Thank you for sharing and warning about these evil events and people.
I am in Australia so let me know if you have any good doctors i can access that are like Dr Buttar. THey are mandating vaccines here and I would like to be in contact with any like-minded doctors polititicans if there are any and anyone that can help spread the word
AWESOME work and dedication to the TRUTH!!!!!!!! Thank you SO much for all that you do!!!!!!!!! May our God continue to bless you!!!!
Betty Landen
Gracias por dedicar un gran esfuerzo para develar la verdad, aún en contra del “sistema oficial”. He seguido su trabajo desde “Viaje a través de la medicina de Asia”; a pesar de que no hablo inglés. Les expreso mi profundo agradecimiento, y mi total respeto y reconocimiento a su labor.
….”Conocerán la verdad y la verdad los hará libres”. – Juan.8:32 – ….”Escudriñadlo todo y retened lo bueno”. – 1 Tesalonicenses.5:21 –
The global crime spree of Bill Gates is so extensive, that it’s almost impossible to keep up. He ought to have his mug shot on a ‘Most Wanted’ poster for Crimes Against Humanity.. Thank you TTAC for adding your voice in exposing this evil man and his dark agenda with his co-horts Fauci, WHO etc.
I have truly enjoyed and marveled at all the info in your docu-series and other info. I would love to have your print book, but as an elderly person on SS, cannot afford it, and I do not want an e-copy. Keep up the good work. Often I have been called a conspiracy theorist, even by some family members. That’s OK. I thing the Holy Spirit allows me to see what others cannot.
God bless you and yours.
Thank you for confirming what we have been saying. And you are adding the voice to those whose voices
are sacrificed at the table of corruption
TY you and your wife are heroes along with your amazingly brave ROUNDTABLE….
I pray this is the moment to turn the momentum and expose all the evil in Gates, Fauci, and the elite.
Gates and his cronies here in Australia must be stopped.
Thank you!
Thanks for all your hard work and research I am grateful for what you have shared I just hope that enough people are going to refuse the vaccine and chip or what else they will try to force on us
I agree! Your work is beyond appreciated but there is no need to lowering the truth you are sharing to typical media tactics of degrading language etc. It does make it harder to share as it shows the research and facts are coming from an unbiased source.
Thank you though for all your work and perseverance!
I found the language used to be more than conservative enough
Thank you for bringing this up, Jody! I too was taken aback with this article labeling Planned Parenthood as a eugenics organization and I look forward to the authors expounding upon this. Thank you also for articulating the need for us to remain united despite having some differences! Finally, thank you Ty and Charlene for the remarkable work you are doing!
Sir. Bill Gates, thanks for your Philanthropy Effort. Indeed, yours is a ‘by Spirit dedication’ to help the Sickly and Suffering Children of God, the Poor, Orphaned and less privileged around the Globe. However, In whichever ‘Humanitarian Project’ moreso involving the Vaccines and GMOs developments; Please Consider carefully and only Embark upon it only when it has undergone a Compete Phase Trial and Testing, through its official processes so that Upon its Release: it’s Proven safe for the right intended Purpose.
Another “NUT” or “SHEEPLE” – calling Bill Evil ” Sir Bill Gates” ??????????
So – dear John K – take the Vaccine and all the other deadly things coming from “SIR BILL GATES”
and be happy, HEALTHY – and report to the rest of us how you feel – if – after all the “wonderful”
“Humanitarian” treatment you are still able to think STRAIGHT !!!!!
Poor, misled soul – there are still too many of you that have to be “enlightened”.
It is good to have TheTruthAboutCancer investigating in depth, the questionable association of Gates with the current pandemic, his history and probable misplaced “good will”. Time will tell how this pans out and I am grateful for any information that can bring transparency to the very cloudy current world situation which is being “pushed” in certain directions thanks to certain public figures and the media every present hype and scare tactics, least of not which, not giving numbers of deaths that anyone can make head nor tails of. However, including your condemnation of Planned Parenthood here reveals your own distorted view of the organization and I am very disappointed to see this from you and TAC.
I am a broad minded person who believes in looking at all sides of a situation and the integrity of the people involved and questioning their motives; I also believe that women should have full choice over what happens with their bodies and PP has helped this cause more than any other organization in the US helping countless women of all ages and races to be able to make their OWN decisions. I am sorry to see Planned Parenthood drawn into this matter in the way that you have. Planned Parenthood has done a lot of good; it is a shame that you have brought this organization into this discussion in such a poor light. Whether or not you dislike or disapprove of PP, or are against birth control and/or abortion, it has no place here and I find the phrase that you have used, very offensive. I would rewrite that part of the article lest you alienate people who are behind your cause in every way. You write “Planned Parenthood, which was founded on the concept that most human beings are just “reckless breeders” and “human weeds” in need of culling.” This is very propagandistic. Being a woman who came of age in the era that gave women reproductive freedom, I can hardly see PP in such an evil light. I myself went to PP for my checkups (when I could not afford a GYN) and reproductive VERY OPEN and UNBIASED help in the 70s and 80s in Colorado, California, and Connecticut, so I saw many different clinics. Your statement is an unnecessary slight towards an organization that has helped women manage their personal lives for decades. You degrade the quality of your writing by including such a slur on a valid organization. For the rest, I am in agreement with bringing into question all of the causes and organization that Gates has been involved in. But unless you wish to alienate people like myself and cause me to question the validity of the article because you stoop to using such a slur, do not slip into propagandistic rhetoric. Present the facts. Intelligent people are capable of drawing their own conclusions based on factual writing not slurs.
Right on, Christine !
I am a cancer survivor (never accepting the so called normal protocol) and don’t believe in vaccines. And I believe in your work whole heartedly! But it is pretty clear you are also a Trumper. The mans behavior is insight into his character. Don’t you raise your eyes every time he talks! I can’t support a man who is certainly no saint and probably a crook. (There are many democrats that are the same way). So be careful that you are not using this platform for political purposes. Yes you have a right to your opinion about a political person, but I am concerned when the great information you put out has mixture of support for Trump!
From the beginning I have passed on information and the feedback I get is. “Thank you so much for the info but the background music and sensationalistic style draws parallels to tabloids and hinders critical thinking ” Maybe look into ARTE and public broadcasting as a style to emulate instead of Fox news. All in all I am profoundly grateful for your hard work and constant quest for the truth and equality. What you have achieved is wonderful and much needed in the world today !!!
Much love, Rachel
I share with the victims more so on the innocent human unborn or newly born, the dying, etc… to make something out of there organs to an evil cause just because it all boils down to money, and power. It’s a rotten notion, an evilist , with no dignity, nor care at all. In this world it’s not a matter of money, and power , as there is much more than it with God– who is the creator of all, ever just, almighty knowing, and most powerful than all eveilistic combined. In life it’s a matter of becoming aware of God’s truth , from what not! It is a sacriledge to kill newly born or the unborn going against what is regarded as sacred! Catherine A.M. Pfister 5/15/2020 Friday 4:24 P.M.
Follow this link to see a phony report Discrediting Judy Mikovits.
The two authors are lying dogs praising Fauci…May 8th if You haven’t already seen it.
My question is who fact checks these fact checkers ( otherwise known as well funded liars).
All of this information is fantastic but what can we do how can we avoid this disaster
Thanks for you put together All Gates. In India also some people talking about truth of vaccination and due to covid I came to know the connection of BMGF and covid and lockdown and finally vaccination. I still not able to understand why Government and many well educated M.D., M.B.B.S. doctors advocate the vaccination. Are they mad or don’t want to tell truth.
Hi – A friend passed this newsletter onto me.
I wonder whether it’s worth starting a petition to the Whitehouse to make the vaccine companies accountable? In others words, ask them to retract the bill that Bobby Kennedy says currently absolves big pharma of all responsibility regarding vaccines. That would surely either get them to clean up their act and/or prevent further damage? I’m in the UK, so can’t do that from here, but if anyone is willing to start one there?
Thank you for your continued reporting and investigating!
My only question = how can you persuade the public of this evil?
Where can I sign that petition?
Any intelligent suggestions how to rid the planet of him and his cronies?
I also support the right to choose and the preservation of freedom of choice. While at Planned Parenthood as in many other organizations there are well intentioned people who take their job seriously and perform their job without judgment or bad intentions, I also watched several documentaties (I have been laid off due to the “pandemic”, so what else do I have to do all day :)) which showed that at some level, the intentions of some people in that particular organization were not so admirable. I do not think this report is meant to tarnish the work of some people or the right to choice, but just the involvement and bad intentions of some like BG!
Thanks for this insight, Nathalie!
It is unfortunate that in many societies and forms of government, the symbol of success is evaluated by the size of a bank account, which ultimately and again unfortunately allows for power and control, through presence in the media and influences on government policies. Part of it, and it is very sad to say, is that many people have lost the ability to be critical thinkers, and the abundance of information readily available does not help coupled with the fact that unbiased information is getting more and more censored or at a minimum very hard to find. People of all generations need to speak up, recount their experiences and explain the errors of the past to prevent from repeating atrocities against humanity. I have been watching a lot of dumentaries available on Amazon Prime, about the holocaust and many other atrocities against humanity, including one amazing one about millenials german citizen who are questioning the actions of their grand-parents and great grand-parents during WWII. we absolutely need to open discussions with the younger generations and being for many currently locked-up is a good time to do that.I share all of the information i get from your videos with my daughter (a millenial) and she shares them with her friends (many of those young mothers have opted not to vaccinate their children for a start). it is my sincere hope that many people will wake up from this and see that we cannot be endoctrinated and beed to preserve our freedom.
Thank you from Canada for all your efforts to put the facts together and most importantly, protect our children and help more people awaken to these truths. God bless you and your family, may our collective efforts to awaken the masses finally set us all on the path to freedom, health, light and love for all of humanity.
Hi Jenn,
Simona here. I notice you are from Canada and so am I…are you in the Ontario area?…I love Ty’s and Charlene’s work and I do all that I can do spread the knowledge and educated people.
If you by any chance like to connect and see if we can join forces it would be amazing as it seems like you are running out of time.
You may reach me at:
Blessings and All the best,
Most of your discussion here, I am aware of and have shared with others, some of whom don’t believe me! However, much of the information I have come across is bits and pieces here and there, but here you have put together a cohesive and informative piece that is easy to share – and so I will anywhere and everywhere I can.
However, many You Tube videos are down as we are getting gagged, so new places are being found as an alternative to You Tube, could you also consider placing your evidence where it cannot be gagged or touched by the authorities?
Thank you for your help and evidencess provided, I sincerely hope it makes a difference!
Keep your good work going with God’s grace and blessing! Although the initial drive for vaccinations is US-centric it will filter through to other countries via international organizations and corrupt politicians and their cohorts. Can other non US-nationals add their voices to the current White house petition? If not, who else can be contacted in other countries as relying on local politicians may be useless/dangerous?
I agree name calling and pointing fingers gets us nowhere but more push back . Print facts not opinions. What you put out mirrors back to you. I am totally against forced anything as our bodies are our own and no one else’s. We can read and listen to make up our own opinions and not follow hate. Hate = Hate Understanding = Understanding Love = Love. Open up a discussion to the powers that be, fighting only causes more of the same. Give them the undisputed facts that have not come to see light under the current government we now live with. We the People must stand up and be heard.
Today about 96% of people polled. say the government lies to us about EVERYTHING. Present the facts you have with assertions from their source. Thank you for the understandable information you have copiled. It is believable. Bob Oliver 831 383-2676.
What makes Bill Gates think that vaccines are safe? Where did he get this knowledge from?
Excellent articles, thank you. Yes I am well aware how you are being censored by both YouTube and FB. As soon as new stories are released I save them and videos to a portable hard drive or flash drive. I aslo invite all to our FB Group where you can discus world affaires without moderation from the group owner. Me. Our rules are simple keep it civil and no flame wars. No one is banned.
Here is a top 10 list for 2019
Jeff Bezos: $114 billion
Bill Gates: $106 billion
Warren Buffett: $80.8 billion
Mark Zuckerberg: $69.6 billion
Larry Ellison: $65 billion
Larry Page: $55.5 billion
Sergey Brin: $53.5 billion
Michael Bloomberg: $53.4 billion
Steve Ballmer: $51.7 billion
Jim Walton: $51.6 billion
Don’t tell me how awful Bill Gates is until you tell me how awful are good these other people are on the list.
Let’s keep going and call out the 10 richest woman in America too.
Thanks for all the work you 2 have done. I have followed you for years. My background is Nursing, Acupuncture, Homeopathy and Chinese Medicine. I found out very early in my nursing training that we were going to be giving chemo and radiation to ca patients and I about yelled out loud..
” What? That is the cause of ca !!” Then I did the same with vaccines, looked at the ingredients, live virus, and chemicals up the yinyang!! Holy Schmoly !! Then with all your wonderful research over the years to connect the dots to vaccines and brain damage in infants, and the rate of the disease being largely present in those with the vaccine I have learned a lot more. Bless you for your service to Humanity. I hope some day soon you will be given the awards you deserve !!, Dr Quila
May God bless you and keep you safe until your work is done and Gods sovereignty reigns! You have definitely run the race and fought the good fight
for the whole of humanity. Marinatha.
My daughter thinks most of what I tell her on moral/ethical subjects, ” just aren’t true”, so I know your feelings.
Wonderful article! Well done, well informed, well written. I had no idea this stuff about kill hates until recently, now I can’t even bare to look at him!
Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop what’s going on in the world…. 😄 I listen to all your videos I can and read all your e-mails.these people need to be stopped!!! They just want complete control. Of everything. It’s so scary what is happening now. 😭😭😭😱😱😱😱😱. Ever since this has been going on it changed so. Much for me. I don’t feel safe and I’ve basically stopped loving 😭😭😭😭 this messed me up so bad!!and in top of everything else my health has deteriorated more….. They took away the most important precious thing to me…… I’ve been away from my family for months and they are the world to me 🌎. Besides God!!!! My heart aches so much to be with them but the government and trump and the other people took care of that!!!!!! I know I’m not the only one that feels this way….. We’ve all been lied to and used in their pawn…. They gained from us…… I know it’s gonna get worse and God help us all…. 😇😇😇😇😇 no one knew this was gonna happen to us except the ones who his it from us and knew what was coming…… Shame on them…. They will have to answer to God on judgement day for their actions…… My heart 💖. Goes out to all the people that have suffered and still suffering… God bless them all😇😇😇😇 and God bless you Charlene and ttye. May God keep you and your family safe and well. 😇😇😇😇 I know from my own experience vaccines are not safe😭😭😭 I almost died taking one……
It also seems that Bill Gates invested heavily in MONSANTO to promote the use of Glyphosate all over the world, specially in third world countries. Now it has been reported that most deaths caused by COVID 19 affect obese people. For years Dr. Stephanie Seneff has been warning that Glyphose, together with corn sugar, were behind the Obesity Pandemic that have produced 1.2 billion obese people. Dr. Seneff and her team of researchers of the MIT have found out how Glyphosate replaces Glycine in key enzymes that are used to burn excessive fat in adipose cells. Also Glyphosate affects key enzymes related to the immunological response. This means that obese can not burn their own fat, even if they make lots of exersise and also are uncapable of fighting the COVID 19 virus. A recent report to this regard has been issued about the COVID 19 dead in New York . It seems the billionares have been preparing their biological war against the poor for quite some time.
Thank you very much for your report. You are just great!
I only realised today what happened to my eldest son when he was 4 weeks old. On 4 weeks in SA those years (1987), you had to take yoir baby for a 3 in 1 vaccine at the clinic. Which I did, a law abiding citizen.
That afternoon my son became critically ill, highest fever , he was burning up! He was isolated in a cubicle and laid on an ice matress with 2 big fans blowing directly on him. Day 4 tge dr told me they can’t do anything more, he is dying.
I stood us and told them now I am going to out some clothes on my child, out him on my breast and let him drink (which they denued me for 4 days). As I held him, my dad, a GODfearing man, came and stood with me and we prayed (again) fir God to step in & bring healing. I remember I held my son up to God & said whether he lives or dies, he is Yours Father. 10 Minutes later my son’s fever were gone & we walked out & went home.
He still belongs to God.
Now I realise it was that vaccine…
A woman’s right to choose is a woman’s right to murder.
I wonder if you would be so comfortable with the issue if it were YOU who was about to be aborted, fully conscious, and fully aware.
“Thou Shalt Not Kill.”
End of.
Bill Gates is the WHO!
May 1, 2020 MUST SEE: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health
Who is Bill Gates? A software developer? A businessman? A philanthropist? A global health expert? This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates’ unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development.
Here’s just one thing you could read to gain some insight into the founder of PP. I worked at a Crisis Pregnancy Center for a couple of years whom PP wishes to discredit all the time. I can’t speak for other centers but I do know ours was certainly now ran how PP wishes to portray them as. Because I worked here and it was my job as the RN to educate these girls on the truth about abortion, I had to do a deep dive into the subject along with Planned Parenthood and that was probably when my eyes were yanked wide open into the reality of all things “elite” so to speak. Here’s the article
I agree with most of what you wrote. The photo is NOT chemtrails. Those are ordinary contrails. They form only when atmospheric conditions are right. Chemtrails would be visible any time. Although I agree that Gates is trying to get the earth seeded with particles to block the sun, it is not being done. There are numerous videos on YouTube (or were last time I checked) that show that what we are observing are not chemtrails, and why, using science.
In addition to what you wrote, it should be noted that Windows is a piece of trash, and that comes from one of the top programmers in the nation EVER, with whom I associated very closely for almost 60 years. And I should add that the vaccine Gates wants to develop for COVID-19 will probably alter RNA, which is effectively genetically engineering people, meaning you and me, and may well include the use of the tissues of a baby murdered by abortion in either its development or production.
Bill Gates has close ties to Dr. Fauci, who is informing President Trump. Fauci needs to be eliminated from the government, along with Dr. Birx. They’re all bad news. Trump doesn’t even realize it. It should be noted that there is information circulating that the military will be used to force people to be vaccinated, physically if necessary. Not only would this be a crime against humanity, but it would also be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. We all need to SCREAM at Trump: NO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS! Don’t wait on this one. Do it NOW. Do it often.
I don’t know how to get involved in order to be a more effective part of the solution. Writing to representatives, I don’t even know where to begin. How will the resistance look? How do we resist and how do we prevent this from getting much much worse?
Correction for email
President Trump.
Go look at the website by exlawyer- Ed Rivera.
He explains in detail how the US of A functions.
President Trump has 2 titles:
Of the US and of the US of A.
Their are 2 constitutions: one is oral and one is written. For the US, Trump is employed as a CEO and his employers are the people in Congress.Go look at the website of Ed Rivera.
One of the first commands that God gave to human beings was “be fruitful and multiply”. Bill Gates has no right to interfere with anyone’s ability to do that. I really had no idea the extent he has gone to harm the Indian and African people. Not that Americans and Canadians have escaped his diabolical agenda, but to experiment on African children? He is fighting against Someone much great than him. I am also thinking of the verse that says “it is better for a man that a stone be hung around his neck and cast into the sea than to hurt one of these little ones”. God will avenge the children.
He might be at the back of H.R 6666. There should be a petition to stop that Bill…
Coronavirus is not what they (MEDICAL EXPERTS) say it is!
Producing Autopsies will show cause of deaths.
How to correctly treat
Thank you Ty & Charlene for your tremendous work to uncover the truth.
Ty, thank you for writing about this horrible human being. I say he is one of the most diabolical people on earth. He worships Satan and he is trying to bring in Satan’s New World Order. It will eventually fail as Christ will end his rein of terror.
In the mean time can you send your article to Lindsey Graham – he just stated he would support Gates to run the W.H.O. – He doesn’t realized Gates already basically runs the W.H.O. along with other Satanist like George Soros.
The Gates of hell has to be brought to justice by AG Bar.
Join us.
This new vaccine will change our DNA. Wouldn’t that be considered a form of eugenics? I tell everyone to research this wonder vaccine. No one has the right to play God. I would never trust any vaccine knowing they can put whatever they want into it without telling you…..and never have to answer for the harm they cause.
Thank you for all of your hard work in getting out the truth about Vaccines & cancer. Unfortunately I’ve been reprimanded by my stepdaughter who no longer wants to receive, what she calls, “these conspiracy” emails & was told to definitely not send any to her son who’s currently in college. I was stunned that she could be so closed minded! She also thinks 5G will a good thing & I’ve tried to warn her about that also!
Thank you for writing this article and exposing Bill and his foundation. He is a diabolical predator and has caused much suffering around the world.
Thank you for your courage and dedication. You are a real blessing to the world.
Thanks for that horrific information about the heartless Gates, we should all wake up and find away of disseminating such crucial information to the person at the grassroot deep down in the village in Africa. Am a Ugandan, from Uganda; just recently during one month ago, WHO brought in new polio vaccines in thousands. I really don’t, know what’s happening in this world. Our African leaders don’t care about us, they care about their stomachs… cos they are given big sums of money to pass this. Thanks.
Most people especially in this country have no idea how much deception the mainstream media puts out. Almost everything is NOT what it appears to be or what you are being fed. Bill or should I say Billie Gates is as much a deception as anything else these days. The faces of evil come in many different forms, especially with the Gates Foundation…Nothing shocks me anymore…
I also think this information is crucial to allow one to act when the tornadoes hits, instead of panicking in fear, thus injuries could ensued. At the same time, I’d like to bring another point, as important, since negative thoughts will only bring negative outcomes. As impossible as it sounds, we are all connected in the energy of the SOURCE and we are one with it. So maybe the best remedy is to send this lost soul and his colleagues in crime, all the love we can master.
I would include, all of our leaders who seemed to be either bought off or brain-dead to see what’s happening. Also remember, if we are facing this horrifying potential outcome, predicted by Billy the greedy boy, since, he has been talking about his plans for years; who has been there to stop him?
No one can achieve this level of global chaos as one person, it took many friends and like minded people at many levels.
Who allowed vaccines to be given without proper testing, who decided to allow vaccines to injure and kill our babies, who is forcing lethal mega doses of these poisons into our children, who has decided to remove all good reason not to be vaccinated, and so on…
We are in the perfect energy shift to awaken and with the power of our global togetherness bring about the mega changes needed to save our humanness and planet!
Remember, there is more than this topic to change, since it all started with greed and power and for generations. Integrity, courage and freedom of learning and sharing is a must to achieve the changes we need to start this new era of Aquarius.
From a young 80 yrs young grandma who has never been vaccinated, nor my kid or grand-kids;
who is in full civil disobedience by refusing to wear a mask, nor letting in, anyone who will not take it off before coming into ” my house”.
Love to all of you and kudos to the Bollingers.
Bill Gates has to be stopped. He is a destructive force to the world and America. He care for no one or nobody. That was proven when he cut off his friend regarding computers. I not telling you to kill him; but to silence him. He has money so why should he care about us lower class poor people..
Gates 8s rotten and selfis to his core.
Africa is not your experimental territory.
WOW… This Bill Gates, should be shot & executed. He is the most evil person, to exist. He wants to play GOD. He has created so much hardship for people. This person is worse than Hitler.
I think I missed it, where exactly did Gates get medical degree?
Merci pour prendre le temps de nous informer de toutes ces supercheries.
Quand on a travaillé dans un domaine connexe a la santé, on en a vu aussi de toutes les couleurs.
”Une cliente venant d’Afrique disant qu’on les obligeait a se faire vacciner, mais que sa grand-mère lui avait donné un produit a base de plantes avant la vaccination, en dépit de sa propre mère qui ne le voulait pas. Ce qui l’a sauvée.” Partout, disait-elle, on voyait des corps alignés, décédés, le lendemain.”
La plus grande impuissance vient de notre entourage, qui n’y croit pas, en dépit de tout ce qu’on peut faire pour les informer. Quoi qu’il en soit, en temps et lieu, je ne peux souhaiter autre chose que chacun y trouve une petite lueur qui dissipera les ténèbres..
Encore une fois merci de tout ce que vous faites. Vous lire est un plaisir.
Wake up people. He is a psychopath. Intent on killing
Thank you so much for your dedication and compassion to educate us all. You are the best. May we never forget that Almighty God Is greater than any human being. Bill Gates will one day stand infront of God, alone, to be judge for all he has done during his lifetime on earth. No one escape from that moment. While we still can, let’s unite together to pray for a change in this diabolical agenda and with God’s help, we can move mountains and repair our souls and land we call earth. Let’s all also pray for the unfortunate who will take this experiment térapiy and the dying. May God bless us all and keep us in His love and strength.
It is good to get this information, but it would be much better if you presented it a less sarcastic way. Leave out the “wink, wink” “surprise, surprise” and “drumroll”. I don’t feel I can share it because of that.
Thank you for this informative article. The corruption and evil of Bill and Melinda is unconscionable. Thanks for all you do. You are angels in the flesh.
Eugenicist? philanthropist?
How ’bout simply “monster”?
. I’m a retired nurse who assisted with the delivery of my grandson, but wasn’t able to deny permission for vaccines at birth, as the boy’s father was also present and insisted on them. Buddy had wonderful apgar score at birth, beautiful color and strong responses. He received the shot and within 5 minutes, his apgars dropped severely, he began crying inconsolably, and he had to be sent to Children’s Hospital that night for several complications… His first year was difficult; his responses weren’t ever typical & he couldn’t tolerate touch. After he was old enough to have formal testing done, he was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum ( Auspergers) and will likely never be able to have a normal life. I’ve spent most of the last decade working with him to give him as much of a chance as possible, since I was a pediatric nurse when I was in the employment market, and financially able to retire to give him some of the specialized help he’s needed…
(Buddy has always had a tendency towards engineering when he’s able to focus on something external for any real length of time, and I grieve for the potential genius who was imprisoned inside my vax-damaged boy’s head.) I was a fairly educated believer of personal choice on the vaccine issue before I became a grandmother and experienced literally first-hand what can occur; Today I’m a throughly educated anti-vaxxer who still advocates personal choice, but only after full disclosure, which my hospital employers never allowed, even back in the 80s & 90s.That said, I cannot just stand back and let this NWO scheme be implemented; I will protect my grandbabies with my mind, my mouth, my keyboard, and if it comes to that, my body will shield theirs from the jab. Until then, I have to keep educating people, (trying to, at least) in hope that together with others like us, we can stop this reset tragedy before it comes to pass.So many of us grew up with the stories of our parents and grandparents, who were the Greatest Generation for a reason. I pray that we learned from them and have the strength, wisdom, and initiative to put that knowledge to excellent use in our battle against the Evil threatening the world today. God willing, we will see our next generation more aware and less gullible, but still free, because anything else is unacceptable.
Ty Bollinger might want to look into a connection between the Zika virus vaccine used in Brazil and BMGF with regard to microcephaly issues with children born from pregnant vaccine recipients. Timeframe would have been 2014 or 2015.