The use of turmeric can be dated back as far as 3,000 BC, and is one of the most important anti-cancer nutrients studied today.
Turmeric root can be purchased fresh in its root form (sometimes hard to find), or dried and powdered. In its dried form it is popular in Asian dishes, especially those of India, and is one of the key ingredients used in making curry powder.
Curcumin is the yellow pigment extracted from turmeric and is one of three known curcuminoids in turmeric. Curcumin has demonstrated incredible anti-cancer benefits. In countries where people eat turmeric daily at about 100 to 200 mg (roughly 1-2 teaspoons) over long periods of time, research has shown there to be lower rates of certain types of cancer.
As far as research into turmeric and cancer, over 2,000 published studies have shown curcumin combats cancers of the breast, prostate, liver, colon, lung, pancreas and more. Many of these studies have shown curcumin actually stops cancer cells from dividing. Curcumin has also been shown to trigger apoptosis, or programmed cell death, which is the body’s natural and necessary way of ridding itself from damaged cells.
Unlike chemotherapy drugs or the breast cancer drug Tamoxifen (which by the way has been classified by the World Health Organization and the U.S. National Institutes of Health as a known human carcinogen with over 20 side-effects), curcumin has the ability to kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed.
A 2007 U.S. study using curcumin along with chemotherapy to treat bowel cancer showed that adding curcumin to the diet killed more cancer cells than chemotherapy alone. In another study, curcumin helped stop the spread of breast cancer in laboratory animals. Curcumin in some form is currently being tested in no less than 16 clinical trials on cancer, including prostate, breast, colon and osteosarcoma.
Despite the fact that curcumin has been extensively researched for decades and has demonstrated clear anti-cancer power in clinical trials, it is still not widely prescribed in cancer therapy as there is little financial incentive to do so. Drug companies cannot patent natural substances, and without a patent there is no profit. The good news is that you are still able to receive many of the benefits of curcumin by using the spice turmeric liberally in your cooking and/or through supplements.
Increasing the Bioavailability of Curcumin
One challenge with getting enough curcumin into your diet is that it is not highly bioavailable. In other words, the human body doesn’t absorb much curcumin when it’s ingested alone. Curcumin is also not soluble in water, only in fat. Therefore, it’s best to combine turmeric with a healthy oil such as extra virgin olive or coconut oil whenever possible in recipes. (Note: never use vegetable oils such as corn, soy, canola, sunflower, etc. as these are pro-inflammatory oils, contribute to cancer, and are often rancid and genetically modified.)
When combined with other powerful nutrients such as fish oil, olive or coconut oil, and/or black pepper, curcumin’s anti-cancer effects are further amplified as it becomes more readily available to the body.
According to Dr. Michael Greger, MD, piperine (the phytochemical in black pepper that gives it its pungent flavor), increases the absorption of curcumin by as much as 2,000%. Apparently, even a little pinch of black pepper (as little as 1/20th of a teaspoon) can have positive and significant absorptive effects on the body. Dr. Greger also noted that eating the whole fresh turmeric root is best and mixing a natural oil with it can enhance curcumin’s delivery as much as seven to eight times.
Ways to Incorporate More Turmeric (and Curcumin) into Your Diet
Turmeric root has a light flavor and can be grated or chopped and added to recipes. Turmeric powder can be used on eggs, added to soups and sauces, or rubbed on vegetables or chicken. Chicken Curry is a flavorful dish that includes plenty of this bright yellow spice. Adding turmeric to vegetables and then roasting them adds both color and flavor. Coat veggies in olive oil, sea salt, and black pepper, and add turmeric, ginger, and cumin for a tasty dish. This same recipe also works great as a marinade for grilled vegetables.
Be aware that turmeric contains a very strong color that can easily stain your hands, clothes, and countertops. However, it’s this intense pigment that also makes it great for adding color to plain white rice or cauliflower by sprinkling some turmeric powder on top. (Again, combine with a bit of healthy oil and a liberal sprinkle of black pepper for added benefit.)
To make a healing turmeric tea, you can finely slice or grate fresh turmeric root. Add along with some grated or sliced ginger root to a teapot and steep in hot water. Sweeten your tea if desired with local honey or green leaf stevia. The longer you steep, the more intense the color and flavor of your tea.
The possibilities are endless with this diverse spice and a little turmeric can easily be included in your daily cancer fighting diet.
I should try and look for turmeric in my local grocery store and buy it. I know that they have turmeric supplements too. Ty, if I put one teaspoon of cumin with olive oil and season it in my salad, would that be a good combination. Ty, if I take turmeric supplements every day and eat one teaspoon of turmeric every day, is it definitely going to prevent me from getting cancer in the future?
It is more effective eaten with other foods, spices, etc as quoted above:
“When combined with other powerful nutrients such as fish oil, olive or coconut oil, and/or black pepper, curcumin’s anti-cancer effects are further amplified as it becomes more readily available to the body.”
I suggest you find an organic source of turmeric either fresh or powdered in capsule form, not grown with pesticides.
Frances, if a person had stage 4 cancer and took organic fresh turmeric or capsule form, would all the cancer disappear and never come back?
If you are looking for a sure fire miracle with tumeric or any other substance, forget it. Get more education, there are a number of interesting ‘treatments’ out there that have track records. Every human is different. Each a bag of different chemicals and what works for one may not work at all for another. Get educated before taking any substance…and sorry, organics can be far more toxic than synthetics.
Won’t take that long to suck up some serious information from GOOD books. If a book or article is telling you that ‘this such and such will do such and such..’ throw it away! Food is chemicals. Just like drugs. To understand how our human bodies assimilate different chemicals differently is critical.
I thought I left a reply about pepper…black pepper? Since we all eat black pepper this is not a great endorsement. Where are the scientific reasons? I love black pepper, but I do not use it for my health. Glad to hear it MIGHT be healthy but big deal unless I can be convinced with far more studies and common sense trials. I had always heard it adds great flavor but comes out in your poop and that was it. Haven’t heard the new studies but since we all suck down black pepper we should all be…free of cancer? Not happening. Cancer is NORMAL. It is in our bodies all the time and our own immune systems keep it in check. If cancer gets out of check it is because our body got out of wack making our immune system out of wack…getting our body and immune system healthy and vibrant again makes sense.
Stormy, what do you mean by “organics can be far more toxic than synthetics”?
Go to and check out their testimonials section. There are many recoveries from late stage cancer through the macrobiotic diet. A whole dietary change as opposed to concentrating on one spice is more powerful!
I agree that “diet” is critical, but “macrobiotics” only works short term, and is effective because it stresses ORGANIC foodstuffs and eliminates all the normal crap Americans tend to consume…
I would start juicing to cleanse the toxins from my body along with taking many anti inflammatory spices and herbs. Keeping the immune system strong is definitely going to help fight and beat cancer.
Detoxifying the body is one of the worst ideas going around. Ideal for money making companies to take advantage and make money. Our own body is brilliant at detoxifying. If you know the body at all, have had anatomy/physiology you would understand. Another lie well disguised.
Silvia, if you’re dealing with cancer then I urge you to go to the cancer tutor website and look at the various treatments they recommend. Warmest regards, Sam
Stormy I have read and re-read this article. No where do I see anyone stating this will cure cancer. I am a cancer survivor. I know there is no cure. But to dissuade people from using organic methods to keep immune systems healthier and herbs and spices to help fight the spread and sometimes stop the ACTUAL DEFORMED AND/OR MUTATED CELLS FROM DIVIDING INTO CANCER CELLS, (which is a proven fact that is stated in this blog and can be checked by doing homework) to you I say..use your own advice and “Don’t do it”. My breast cancer was caused by a single cell that had grown deformed and divided, thus beginning the cancer growth. Luckily it was rare and slow growing. I took Tamoxifen for 3 of the 5 years they tell you to take it. All the while knowing it does more harm than good in the end, and did quit that drug. Now my medical oncologist won’t even take me back to keep testing for new cancer. Was told that because I had stopped the tamoxifen, I would be unable to come to him unless new cancer was found. Now. You tell ME, is my doctor wrong for denying me the right of early detection because I was a bad patient who didn’t listen like a good girl, or am I wrong for trying to stop a new cancer later in life that is almost sure to come from the drug to find safer, more effective ways to help keep me healthy and fight off the threat of cancer returning? They feed that drug to us knowing there is a 60-80% chance that 3 in 5 women will develop bone, pelvic, ovarian, etc cancer in 5-15 years after taking it for 5 years or less. Do you know where I got those numbers from?
My medical oncologist. That’s who.
Also, toxic reactions come from misuse of ANY COMPOUND, MEDICAL OR ORGANIC. But…I’d check that list, because if it’s poisonous and you took it. You didn’t do your homework then. If the levels are toxic…you didn’t abide by the suggested amounts given and how to use those amounts properly. You need to do some homework all the way around though. You are a scary source of volatile information, because you are wrong with your “facts” that are no more than mere guesses. Maybe try a suggestion instead of an order. You get much farther that route.
And that’s a fact.
May you live a long, happy, healthy life.
I went back through my comments and could not find what the heck it was I said that got you so pissed. I think my worst social problem is cutting through the small talk and…blunt, up front I just can’t see what the problem is for communication. You are REALLY angry. Can’t be towards me, I wonder who you were aiming this…vitriol AT? Remember road rage? This reply and comment thing sets people up for irrational rage ‘when safe’… very similar. People can get pissed at strangers, objects and, sure feels goood. I guess.
aaaahhhhh… cancer is the enemy here. Not each other. I think we are all trying to find the truth. Easy on the language.
@Stormy: ‘…black pepper? Since we all eat black pepper this is not a great endorsement.’
No one said black pepper cures cancer. Reading comprehension is important when you’re giving advice with imagined authority the way you do! The article very correctly remarks on the effect piperine, from black pepper corns, has on the bioavailability of Curcumin.
Oil + Black Pepper + Curcumin = Bioavailability boost of at least 2000% (piperine). With the oil it’d be much greater due to the fat solubility of curcumin making it easier to absorb.
Stormy is a good name for you, you’re very brusque and sure to cause violent reactions 😉 Poor Julie haha!
I cannot take turmeric because the drs found a small blood clot on the side of my neck as caused from having my port removed. I am taking 5 mg of Eliquis which is a blood thinner.
Me too! But I’m on Xaralto. Tumeric is bad for you?
Definitely add black pepper to aid bioavailability, as Ty and Dr. Michael Greger mentioned.
I add black pepper to whole my foods. I add them in all my salads, meat, fish, pasta sauces, pizza sauce, and my cooked vegetables.
We have all eaten black pepper all our lives…not a great endorsement. There are OTHER interesting treatments that make sense and have a track record of success. Go look up Rick Simpson Oil, Carnivora, Dr. Burzynski…very interesting but just because someone tells you that something works do not NEVER assume they are right. Just because it sounds too good to be true know it to be not true. That saying is too black and white but a great stance to hold onto in this technological, fast paced world. A world where the only motivation is money. I’ve learned at least 8 more ‘treatments’ that sound plausible. Keep in mind we no longer have and ‘FDA’ organization we can trust to do the research so it’s trial and error and we gotta keep those errors to a minimum.
If you yourself do not understand the basic workings of something you just do not take it, use it. You can’t rely on anyone other than yourself. Kind of a golden rule for anything…grins.
‘We have all eaten black pepper all our lives…not a great endorsement.’
No one said anything about black pepper having a medical benefit outside of it making Curcumin, the subject of the article, vastly more bioavailable due to Piperine! Which means your body can absorb it easier instead of flushing it through the GI tract mostly unused, which is what happens to Curcumin.
I’m not sure why this wasn’t obvious to so many commenters. The article was extremely clear on this…
Interestingly enough it has been used in similar roles for Ayurvedic medicine for centuries! Which shouldn’t be surprising as the effect it has preventing the liver from modifying chemicals to be more water soluble in order to aid in excretion. It has little to no medical benefits on it’s own AFAIK, it only has an effect when used in certain combinations!
I too learnt that adding black pepper to all my savory foods that it is good for the digestion as it enhances the taste buds and digestion……..I even put a tad of black pepper on strawberries with Balsamic vinegar ……delish! With turmeric it is a perfect synergy so when I do my apple cider vinegar, turmeric etc I always add a pinch of black pepper. synergies are very potent…..therefore bring out the best of a particular ingredient.
Really! Black pepper, balsamic vinegar on strawberries??? Gonna go try that for sure!
Stormy, you definitely have a name that fits you. Why are you on this site anyway? All your responses are so doom and gloom. Try it you might actually notice a change in you health. Then we can maybe change your name to Sunshine. May peace and health be with you.
And a fat. You need both a fat and black pepper for bioavailability. I add coconut oil as a fat. But you can use olive oil, grass fed, organic butter, etc.
I eat a small TSP of coconut oil with my supplement pushed into it and then I grate black pepper over the top and it sticks in the oil!!! Not bad at all!!
Dr Gregor says that eating the whole fresh turmeric root is best. it is very easy to grow.
Good evening I use the power sometimes but mostly the fresh but if using the power try using honey and lemon mix it that way it works for me it’s great I have a cup every night or I make it like juice and drink it through the day I feel wonderful, I have been on it for about 5/1/2 months it’s great.
HI Silvia Logan, Ty said 1 – 2 teaspoons a day of “Curcumin”, which comes from turmeric or Turmeric itself. Cumin is not the same thing. Your salad sounds awesome with that combination added. I also drink golden milk which you can look up online. If anyone had cancer I would not add honey to the golden milk, you get used to it without the honey after a couple of times. There are so many ways of taking turmeric and the internet is full of recipes.
You can find Turmeric (fresh in root form) in Sprouts Farmer Market Stores. Whole Foods Trader Joe’s, etc,.You can also go online and search it . Nobody can tell you that by eating this herbs you definitely are not going to get cancer, but adding it to your daily regime will give you better odds, if you have any type of cancer this herbs and supplements will help you on keeping a Strong Immune System which is essential to keep illnesses away.
I am a Registered Nurse of 22yrs. I have taken thousands of family histories. Questions ex: Any family history of Cancer? I found people who came here from India and still practice their culture as they did in India. Eating the same food, herbs, and spices. The answer was always, “NO family history of Cancer!” NO CANCER! I believe it’s their diet of no beef. Mostly veggies, Olive Oil, fish, chicken and most importantly, their spices and herbs!
Perhaps…but your deduction is only ONE possible answer, not to become part of your foundation of knowledge. It is but a hypothesis. These people also have more exercise than we do and far less prepared foods, GMO’s are banned.
They live here in this country, and shop at their markets. And no my dear… They do not exercise more. You really need to try eating their way. It might help you. You might actually become a happier/healthy person. Instead of so negative.
I buy it in bulk and use it in everyday cooking with some black pepper to increase bio-availability.
I use turmeric in a lot of my cooking, sometimes with black pepper, paprika, rosemary, pink salt etc
great article Ty!..not sure why you quote from Dr Greger. Not only is he militantly opposed to curcumin supplements (and natural cancer treatments) but he also has a track record of dishonesty when handling scientific data, as evidenced in his book ‘How not to die’ ( the latest vegan manifesto to replace the, now shamed, ‘China Study’)…please don’t say you are being funded by the Rasch Foundation like Greger (!!) Somebody with a backbone needs to take on that book of his and expose it big time. If people like Chris Wark can’t see through it, what hope have others got who swallow everything that is said to them by ‘authority figures’….the stuff he says about herbs and spices is actually good. Just a shame about the other 400+ pages……
Camerangus, is Chris Wark a person to trust about treating terminal cancer without using conventional treatments? Chris Wark said that in 2004 at age 26, he was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. When he changed his died and did alternative treatments instead of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, all his cancer has disappeared. He said that he has been cancer free for over a decade.
chris wark also surgically had the cancer removed, along with the diet changes. But, diet changes alone did not get rid of his cancer.
So that’s a double endorsement! He survived cancer AND surgery! From my nursing experience I’ve found that many cancer patients who undergo surgery for removal of a tumour end up with an acceleration in the spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body (sometimes called ‘seeding’), from which they do not recover. With any abdominal surgery for cancer, it is almost impossible to ensure every cancer cell is removed. The mere opening up of the abdominal cavity seems to introduce a greater measure of risk. Personally I wouldn’t agree to this kind of surgery but would embrace a more wholistic approach such as Ty has been promoting.
Dearest Ann, hope you don’t mind me asking you directly …. Would that include laparoscopy ? I had a large tumour removed from my left ovary but now they want to do the big operation, opening the whole belly and removing all feminine organs…. I am shrieking at the thought of it …. Is that really necessary ?
Look up Tamera St John if you don’t believe cancer can be cured with out surgery, chemo or radiation. And to all the negative people on here, let’s just say I have been taking Turmeric for 3 years regularly, and my chroma, celiac and IBS are in remission. And turmeric works just fine by itself, you don’t need pepper or anything else. I am living proof. Praise the Lord !!
I am glad someone else ripped Greger a new one, instead of it always being me…. one of MANY Vegan/Vegetarian “authorities” that are full of…..
Good article. I grow turmeric in my garden. Here in the tropics it spreads vigorously. In temperate climates, it grows well in large pots, that need protection in the cold. I use powered turmeric in just about everything with a pinch of pepper. I use it in large quantities ( 1tsp) in all rice, soups, stews,veg dishes , and sprinkle it on all meat, egg, and fish dishes. It sits next to the salt and pepper shakers to be used when they are. I have been doing this for a lot of years in an effort to help inflamation in my body. Anti cancer is just another wonderful attribute.
Marilyn, I would love to grow it! How do I go about it?
If you live in the temperant zone, you can grow it in the ground when the soil is warm. Dig the plant up before cold weather. If there are any little orange fingers ready, you can harvest them and place the plant in a large pot for winter in a warm place in your house. You can also grow it in a pot year round if the pot is big enough. 5 gallon bucket size is good. Turmeric likes sun, but is not too fussy about soil. My soil here in the tropics is hard. I add a lot of sand and organic matter to make it easier to dig the roots. It is not hard to grow.
Question: I put turmeric essential oil (mixed with other oils) in my diffuser and run it day and night. Please tell me if this is as effective as ingesting it? I really want to know
You sound pretty biased yourself. I like Dr. Greger, and yes, he is a little bit vegan biased, but he is an important scientist who is trying to help people be healthy. I assume that we’re all human and a little bit biased, myself included. Chris Wark has also done valuable and important work.
Good points on turmeric, but replacing canola oil with coconut oil is crazy talk. Canola is not inflammatory because it has a high omega 3/omega 6 ratio, but Coconut oil is (at least from the perspective of the endothelial tissue that gets inflammed in a high cholesterol/high saturated fat environment). Coconut oil has one of the greatest marketing groups in the world, but all the supposed benefits come with vitamin-level quantities while in “add it to your cooking” quantities it is just a saturated fat contributing to epidemic heart disease rates in the US.
Great info. I have been using Organic Turmeric for about 5 years now and it is wonderful. I will definitely use it with organic black pepper. I heard that before, but I forgot. Shared this on mu social media accts. Thanks Ty and GOD Bless.
I mix powdered turmeric with home-made peanut butter, which should be a good way of absorbing it, since it is fat soluble. It is surprisingly delicious. I have it for breakfast on gluten-free, sugar-free banana bread.
I get nose bleeds from curcumin, same as I do from aspirin, it acts like a blood tinner. How can I use this given the side effects?
maybe just chew on the fresh root only?
Excellent article. I use Planetary Ayurvedics Full Spectrum turmeric drops. The recommended dosage is one dropper full. It has black
pepper included. I use it in almond milk, coconut milk or hazelnut milk. Yum and good for health. Ancient East Indian formula.
Awesome article, my neighbor gave me turmeric and told me it had many benefits. After reading this article I will certain to use it, thanks Ty.
My oncologist at Johns Hopkins, when I asked what lifestyle changes he recommended for my multiple myeloma, said eat a heart healthy diet, exercise….do what you can, and take turmeric. (not sure if him being Indian had anything to do with it, but I’m real glad he told me to).
Kevin, how are you feeling right now? What stage is your multiple myeloma? Do you still have this disease or has it disappeared completely? Did you do conventional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy or just alternative treatments? When you ate turmeric did your cancer disappear completely? How much turmeric do you take and is it organic? Do you take the fresh, powdered, or vitamin supplements?
We buy little turmeric roots from the healthfood store (also available at regular stores) and juice it long with other veggies. It imparts a nice flavor to green juice, and may be the best way to extract the benefits.
For those of us who have too many things to do all the time, it is often easier to take as a tincture. A squirt from the tincture bottle is better than nothing!
Anyone know or have any experience or knowledge on sarcomas….maybe even mpnst?
I put it in organic yougurt and a dash of black pepper
Cancer would not grow, if did not have a fuel. Nothing in the entire world would grow, if it did not have a fuel. Back in 1976, i learned this.
I went to a nutritionist who told me I needed lots of dairy, because I was expecting in 6 weeks and planning on nursing. I did not use my head to think…that no animal in nature nurses off another animal. It simply eats its major food and drinks water. Well, I had paid the nutritional doctor, so I followed his advice…and in 3 months wound up with a lemon-sized tumor in my vagina. It was so painful it brought tears to my eyes. Two doctors said that they would give me no guarantees unless I had it surgically removed. I told the second one that I was going to go home and pray. He told me not to pray too long. I told him that everybody is going to die sometime…and I was going to pray. Well, I prayed and in a couple days a book came into my hands…and I felt it was the answer. Dr. N.W. Walker’s book on raw fruit and vegetables. I stopped the dairy and went totally raw for the next 2-1/2 months, then went back to the 2nd doctor to show him the tumor was gone. He was not one bit interested… This was 40 years ago.
Fast forward 12 years later (1988). I got another tumor on my chest. It was a bulbous growth with spikes coming out of it. My kids freaked out and wanted me to cut it off. I said that I was going to discover what I was doing wrong this time and discovered that I was going through a 5 pound can of honey every few weeks (in my herb tea). I stopped it…total raw fruit and greens again…and the tumor disappeared in less than 3 months. There was only a little pink spot, where the tumor had been. This too has disappeared since. No fuel. No tumor.
Thank – you for sharing this and you are right cancer needs and feeds on sugar.
Yes cancer cells need sugar, acidic pH, anaerobic conditions just to name a few things in which promote the most efficient way to harvest cancerous cells. I have been reading this thread and the questions keep coming up, will tumeric and black pepper be “magic bullets” for cancer? The short answer is who knows and most likely no. The answer should be asked this way will those supplements along with an alkalizing diet, free of GMOs, and processed foods along with staying hydrated on clean, pure, filtered water(no tap water) keep me from getting cancer? There are too many environmental factors that put us at risk of developing health issues, however I believe those things that cannot be controlled can at least be mitigated by prudent lifestyle choices and daily food planning, such as hydration (which is the most important health strategy everyone should/must know) if you think you are drinking enough water chances are you are not. At a minimum you should be drinking 1/2 your body weight in fluid ozs of water daily. This is no chlorinated/fluoridated water as well.
Barbara’s post is very informative and likely correct in terms of what the dairy’s impact on her pH did to her body. I’m not suggesting that all dairy is bad, I’m just saying that it is very acidic and the mineral bioavailbility that the dairy industry would want you to believe is high, isn’t high, much of the Ca absorbed through dairy is lost due to having to buffer the serum in the body due to the acidity of the dairy. However, the little bit of Ca absorbed still isn’t enough, so the next line of defense is the bones unless the person has abundant mineral reserves through their diet. The thoughts of Milk is good for bones is actually probably the worst thing for bones, unless you are on a plant plant-based diet and can maintain an alkaline body pH.
Tumeric is an amazing spice/supplement mainly for its anti-inflammatory properties which then aids in cancer treatment as it helps in healing the body inflammation. Use it in smoothies, soups, stews. I add it directly to liquid coconut oil (if it’s solid I just warm it to liquid and then add table spoon of tumeric powder to it and pour it into my foods.
Well said, Mike.
When we say ‘diary’… could there be something beyond the obvious (milk, cheese…) that I’m missing? Thank you.
but honey is healthy and anti cancer, maybe u ate something else?
I believe you should make a blog out of your journey.. Women, and men, the world over need to hear your story!!!!
Thanks sooooo, soooo, much for your experiences u shared Barbara and many more years of health and happiness for you. So delighted with yr own treatment plan. Conventional foods, are not the way any longer. This site for sharing is wonderful. I am also treating myself as I have a long history of IBD, since childhood, and the medical fraternity can no longer treat me. I have also been diagnosed with latent TB, from early years of Nursing. Onward and Upward for many more years to come.
Barbara, good for you! I totally agree that a raw vegetable diet will starve out a cancer, just as too much sugar (even as honey) and dairy will promote one. If you were drinking cow’s milk, it also has a lot of sugar in it – lactose. Nice post.
My sister has stage four pancreatic cancer with mestasis ,she had 3chemo treatments that almost killed her , please help me to find a way to help her fight this evil deseased , is hamp oil good ,please let me know .Thank you and God Bless .Marina
Hi Marina, The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors or experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest series. Here is a link to get their information:
Hi Marina like your sister I was diagnosed with Carcinoid cancer 4th stage about two years ago . At first I went on (The Paw Paw System) all vitamins-minerals- herbs-Aloe Vera Juice & Paw Paw fruit then after 3 – 4 months on this (with NO sugar) I then did three different organ flushes plus a body flush & started on The Cannabis Oil . My C T Scans were every three months & for a year the (four) tumors(two in intestines & two bigger ones in my liver plus about twenty really small tumors ) In a year they all kept shrinking but I went on a three month holiday -ran out of Cannabis & on my scan after the holidays it showed it started to grow again but not before I got rid of the twenty smaller tumors . I went back on the Cannabis Oil & CBD Oil again & in nine months one tumor had only grown .5 mm . My cancer Dr. was very pleased cause I told him eight months ago that I was going on the Cannabis & with the tumors only growing that small of a size, I believe I have it under control again . My Dr. doesn’t want to see me until October (6 months) . I eat approx. 1 gram of Cannabis every day plus I changed my whole diet —SMOOTHIES OF ALL KIND — EAT ALL BERRIES OR IN THE SMOOTHIES –ALL VEGETABLES –ALL BELL PEPPERS– Eat all fruits & vegetables (like eating the rainbow)—Bone Broth (two or three cups a day) I make it myself . This is my routine . Good luck
Where u get cannbis oil
google it. lots of places to buy cannabis oil
DJ and Raj…it is better in my opinion to make your own. Gotta have great cannabis and there are cannabis strains out there with the artificially made genome to enhance THC. How would one know? Grow your own and look up Rick Simpson Oil…some excellent videos to make it yourself. WATCH these videos and get as much information as you can to understand how it works…it is flat out amazing. That and Carnivora. I don’t have any other experiences other than these two and I’ve been blown away
Barbara, I read that you felt you ‘deserved’ a tumor because you did something wrong. Cancer is in ALL of our bodies ALL of the time 24/7…part of the job description for our t cells, white cells…immune system is to keep these cancer cells in check. Do you understand? If you get a tumor or a cancer out of control it just means SOMETHING ELSE IS WRONG that is depressing your own personal cancer and disease guards, your own immune system. Cause and effect takes a bit more scientific type experiments. Careful. Your kids need to understand that cancer is normal. It is the TREATMENT in our prosperous countries that kills us.
Every single human is a different bag of chemicals. Dairy is wonderful stuff. GMO products, highly processed crap, over processed foods are NOT. Vegetables are actually better digested, we get more nutrients and calories if most of our vegeys are slightly cooked and that is a fact. For meat, cooked meat is what boosted us humans above other animals that didn’t cook their food. It gave us more calories, we had more energy and even better it gave us more time to get more food…and cook it.
Cancer getting out of control because our own immune system is out of wack, LOVES simple sugars…thus the honey. Simple sugar.
Your statement ‘No animal nurses off another’ is confusing. Yes they do. Primarily humans, sadly. Gag me formulas, possibly the most stupid thing any animal has done and we have such a big brain… Dogs will nurse cats, cats, dogs and ferrets whatever. Documented. Of course the only and ideal situation is that babies are nursed by their mother who would be the same species…lots more going on than just nutrition!!
I’d look further into my habits and nutrition before glomping onto such firm ideas that are not correct assumptions. Many many other variables are out there that one needs to understand about their bodies and health. I am not comfortable with your knee jerk reaction thinking. Please, that sounds harsh but just know I care…and I know a bit about the human body, nutrition and exercise.
Raw fruits, vegeys fine, but lots of vegetables are far more nutritious cooked. Just to show… it would be healthy to keep investigating and reading. ‘Good Calorie, Bad Calorie’ was an incredibly intelligent book…be very careful about any article, publication, magazine, book, especially if it is making a sort of magical claim.
Doctors are tools. If we don’t know enough to use them for our benefit, our family’s benefit, we DON’T get great use of them and our money is wasted.
I use fresh organic numeric often. Great sautéed with kale , in olive oil and pepper. I tried it in my green drinks but did not care for it that way. Found a recipe I LOVE Tho. squeeze one fresh orange or a couple tangerines, half banana, a couple chunks fresh pineapple, then grate an inch of turmeric and an inch of ginger into the mix. Add coconut milk , a couple ice cubes. Blend. It is very tasty !!!
Turmeric ! Not numeric. Sorry. Fingers to fast
I would like to know how to treat chronic myeloid Leukemia so I can get off the medications
Thanks Ty. Great article. I have been using curcumin purchased at a Health Food store. I bought it mainly because it is an anti-inflammatory agent. I honestly believe it has helped me greatly with my sciatica. I will take this always because I know it is good for me.
I recently found a local source for turmeric root and have enjoyed juicing it into my daily vegetable juice along with a bit of ginger. I hope it will absorb well this way! Good to know about the black pepper and fats for absorption too.
Hi All. I have had candida for sixteen years. how do i get rid of it if i am allergic to turmeric
I am recovering from Candida. I found a site called “” . I have been on the diet 11 months. My immunity is up, the swelling from lymph glands is down and improving everyday. I couldn’t get out of the bed last year, but I just finished this year painting the outside of my house. I take the supplements she listed plus essiac tea gelcaps from I am just amazed I can work now at 63.
I have had intestinal candida and have followed Walter Lasts recipe, he has done world wide research on all these topics, and very pleased with the results. The candida is now in the low percentiles in my body; I used Lugol’s Solution, L-glutamine and DMSO as a external pack at present. Lots more to do, now when I have sugar cravings, not often at all, less and less, I could take 2-3 drops of Lugols, which I have not required, as yet.
Turmeric is very easy to grow. Just eat it straight from your own garden or pot.
I have heard that turmeric can contribute to gall stones.
Also, i have heard that cayenne pepper can be used as an alternative to black pepper. if this is so, which is best.
I have made Golden Turmeric Paste, frozen it in little moulds so it keeps in the freezer as long as possible and have up to 4 ‘pills’ a day. Just started a month ago so waiting to see what results. I expect good results from its anti-inflammatory properties and good results from its death-programming of the cancer cells in the tumour I have. Turmeric Paste is easy to make and is cheap and effective. Recipe follows:
Golden Turmeric Paste
At least 2 weeks’ worth in each batch
Crosses blood brain barrier
Silicone mould (Lakeland do a good little mould that looks like coffee beans)
60g organic turmeric powder (online)
250 ml water
Mix and cook over low heat, gently simmer for about 10 mins, when cooled, add
70g raw organic cold pressed coconut oil (ghee?)
5g freshly ground black pepper (1 1/2 tsp)
Stir into paste. Put into moulds. Freeze. Keep in fridge as the black pepper loses its active ingredient otherwise.
Take 1/4 tsp (coffee bean mould size) 2x a day for a week; then build up slowly adding in another portion every week, until you find the dosage which works for you.
Take on empty stomach before food, one in the morning, one in the evening to start with. After about 1 month pain-free or pain greatly diminished.
I also would like to know the answer to Silvia Logan’s question, to Kevin Estis. Kevin Estis how is your health now? Time frames would also be wonderful. Thank you Kevin in advance for your answer. Also Thank you Ty, also thank you to everyone associated with. The Truth About Cancer. I’m scheduled for colonoscopy on the 28th of this month, (June) due to irregular shape of my bowl movements. Somewhat concerned about results. And would appreciate any and all knowledge. Should I have to do battle, and if not. I still want to make a life change, for health and prevention.
Thanks to all, Ron
If you want to incorperate curcumin or turmeric to your diet, but dont like these spices. You can still supplement it in your diet. Infact i just bought some. Check out
hi there my father is on dialysis since December last year, would turmeric helped with his case?
Curcumin or turmeric has been in my kitchen for ever, my mother used it very frequently. At a matter of fact turmeric and curry are very healthful and a tea prepared with turmeric, ginger, peper, elderberry, angelica will help your flu in a wonderful way.
I put turmeric in just about everything, rice, vegees, salads.
In 2011 I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and went through the typical course of action, chemo, radiation, and surgery. Then more chem. They told me my cancer had gone away only for around a year and a half when they discovered that it had metastasized and gone to my lungs, liver, and lymph node in my chest. At this point I refused to go back on chemo and instead went with a serious diet change and alternative supplements including turmeric, turkey tail mushrooms, vitamins c and d and A few other supplements. I have been on this regiment for over a year now. As of my last scan my liver was clear my lymph node in my chest was clear and spots in my lungs had shrunk. I am so grateful for all the information that Ty has brought forward. I am walking proof that other things work besides chemo radiation and surgery. Thanks to you Ty for all of the time and effort you have put forth and brought to us. Tom
Know that the tests showing the efficiency of turmeric are actually based on CURCUMIN. Curcumin is scarcely presented in turmeric.
Contrary to what Ty is saying, the best way to increment the absorption of curcumin and the others curcuminoïds when eating turmeric is by adding in the same meal some good phospho-lipids. Of course curcumin is liposoluble and not watersoluble, but adding some oil is only part of the story.
O what, ghee (clarified butter) is exactly that: phospholipid without the lactose and casein of the milk (removed when you clarify the butter).
That is exactly what hundred of millions of Indians are doing everyday: cooking with turmeric powder in hot ghee.
Actually, you can find some evidence of what I am saying by looking for an Italian study of the efficiency of curcumin on arthrosis pains (the company created a “new molecule called Meriva); the absorption was multiplied by combining curcuminoids with phospholipids.
Another powerful way of benefiting from turmeric in case of cancer (and whatever inflammations: cancer is as well an inflammation, as are all auto immune diseases…) is by mixing it with soya lecithin and bromelaïne; and coconut virgen oil. You can add some pure incense (boswellia serrata) diluted in pure 60° alcohol (otherwise, the boswellia is not going to dissolve).
So, for my friends in the world that are trying to get back their sovereignty in health, here is the recipe of my anti inflammation smoothy (it works for all auto immune disease: MS, LS, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto, Graves etc) but as well for all kind of joints pain
200 ml of pure organic apple juice
6 table spoons of turmeric powder
1 tea spoon of lecithine
1 tea spoon of bromelaine
a 5th of a tea spoon of pure frankincense diluted beforehand in 60° alcohol
5 table spoon of virgen coconut oil
5 table spoon of sesame virgen oil
Mix everything for at least ten minutes in a blender, the more mixed it is, the better.
Drink on an empty stomac.
yours truly,
thierry jeanne
I have to fight the tendency to feel doomed because I cannot tolerate this highly touted supplement–and many others. I have tried different brands, reduced dosage, and mixing with olive oil. Still causes SEVERE gastrointestinal distress.
Please clarify this:
“a 5th of a tea spoon of pure frankincense diluted beforehand in 60° alcohol”
What is 60°? Dilute it with what quality? What type of alcohol? I assume you mean frankincense essential oil?
I am not sure of the kind or quality of the frankincense being requested to use in recipe above. But I use a pure Frankincense therapeutic grade essential oil from Young Living which does not need to be diluted 60% with anything for its value to the body. Pure oils from the plant, flower, tree parts that are properly steam distilled are perfect quality essential oils as God intended. They keep the plant healthy and alive, similar to our own blood with nutrients being carried to help the body be and stay healthy. When an essential oil is adulterated with alcohol or something else, the pure chemistry is changed; not changed for benefits of the pure plant oil but usually for higher selling and more profits, thus giving a poor quality oil and therefore poor or even bad results. Purity cannot be adulterated without consequence.
Hi Ty, thanks really helpful article, to note to make tea even healthier best to not add honey e.g but not limited to tea as its possibly toxic when heated as per ayurveda
Love TTAC, But Dr. Michael Greger, MD? Is this the Humane Society Director?
“Dr.” Greger is a quack promoting veganism posing as “Healthy Nutrition”…. his website is so full of inaccurate information as to be a joke.. and a BAD one, at that…
Ty, an MRI I had last year for back pain I was having, also discovered that I have gallstones. I’ve read that people with gallstones shouldn’t take turmeric/curcumin because it could agrevate the stones and cause a gallbladder attack. I was taking curcumin capsules for a few months before I read that and stopped taking it because I was unsure about the information I had read. While I was taking though (mainly for inflammation/tendinitis) I had no side affects what so ever but also can’t say it did much for my tendinitis. Is what I read true, that it can be harmful if you have gallstones? Thank you for all that you do, love all the great information you offer. ~Lu
Hello Ty, thanks for sharing this very helpful article. Although this is not new for me, it’s certainly very helpful to those who are not aware. We’ve been using turmeric for along time. We don’t have illnesses, but as a part of a typical lifestyle. We are using it to these days in many of our dishes. My wife drink it as a tea every morning, while I sprinkle my coffee with turmeric, too.
Our daughter also loves the dishes with turmeric. This article will be of great help and value to our friends who don’t have faith in us. Some of the people we know don’t actually believed what we do to stay health because according to them, we’re not doctors. Hopefully, as more and more people like you(Ty) who are considered authoritative in this area will be able to help us spread the awareness…that nature really is the key for health and well-being if we only tune in to it.
I made a Turmeric/Black Pepper Tincture with ACV, use a tblsp a day. Love it. Got a nice bite to it. 🙂
Admin why did you delete my referral ID to If i am the one who in all good faith referred someone to why would you delete it? The least someone can do is tell them that they were referred by me?! I mean think of all the good things that come from swansonvitamins! Cut me some slack. Im just trying to help people out?
Ty, You should advise people the if taking blood thinners like Plavix, it’s not a very good idea to use Tumeric as it has a blood thinning effect! I wanted to start using it, but after reading a few articles on the subject, I decided against it. Would appreciate your input on this. Thanks, RB. By the way, If I didn’t mention it before, the series on TTAC was exceptional!! Keep up the good work!!
Bone broth is a wonderful way to add turmeric to your diet. A daily cup of home made long cook broth with a teaspoon of turmeric, cumin, himalayan salt and black pepper and a squeeze of lemon will help gut health – add coconut oil if you have skimmed the fat.
Nurse Ann, I have watched some YouTube videos on Chris Wark and the TTAC and I do remember that Chris Wark did have surgery, but he did not do the conventional therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy, because he said that those conventional therapies just caused more cancer. He said that he ate a raw vegan diet, fresh fruit, and did juicing. He was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer at age 26 in 2004, but now in his late thirties he seems to be very healthy and lively. I totally agree with Chris that chemotherapy and radiation therapy causes more cancer. He interviewed many former stage 4 cancer patients and all of them seemed alive and well with alternative therapies, juicing, vitamin supplements, raw vegan diets, fresh fruit, and seeds.
Yes, but it seems to me that most of them had some form of conventional therapy that could possibly be considered the cure, even though they themselves didn’t think so. I’d like to hear from people who do no conventional treatment and survive OK.
Tumeric is loaded with oxalates. If you have kidney stones this is not good for you as well as black pepper.
One needs to be careful when using the ground tumeric in packages. It may be mixed with flour or something else. It is better to look for fair trade tumeric. I never use the ground tumeric in packages for a drink. In my opinion, the ground tumeric should be used when cooking. I purchase curcumin capsules from Life Extension Foundation which is a research Company. It is my opinion that Life Extension have the best quality supplements at a reasonable price and I have spent a lot of time in comparison shopping for good quality and best absorption. Life extension explains everything about each product and have advisors on call.
Greetings! Hubby and I take two turmeric capsules a day with a lecithin capsule. This helps him with his Parkinson’s disease (keeping it from getting worse). This is very good for helping the brain , stopping pain, and fighting radiation (from Fukushima). Uncensored News: ETERNAL SURVIVAL BLESSINGS!
My hubby and I take carnivora and last year I beat a major cancer thingy and blew the doctors away. We have this powerful chocolate lab that is 12, now and has a tumor the size of a football either inWe just increased the carnivora to twice and made our own Simpson Oil. She gets this tiny bit 3X a day. I hate to say this…I don’t want to be unscientific…but in ONE day…ONE DAY she went from weak, dying, could not breathe…to being herself. 2 weeks later, she is trotting and bright eyed and her old little shit self.
What is Carnivora? And I am guessing, lab is Labrador?
I was interested too, so looked it up. Sounds pretty good! Check out
I take Tumeric and I read here that Curcumin comes from Tumeric.I am confused if they can be taken interchangeable or if I should be taking both at the same time. Thank you
According to Dr Blaylock the best way to take curcumin and less expensive way is take 2parts oilve oil+1 part cucumin 95/from Bulk supplements/. Put Oil in double boiler, heat up and add curcumin,stir,add some bioflavonoids which are not dissolve in water either and add some black pepper.stir ,stir and keep in fridge.take with food containing fat .Keeping in mouth to deliver to lymphatic system is best way.i use this way for many years and works good.i am also cancer survivor for over 10 years /stage 4/ and still going
Turmeric or its active constituent, curcumin, is better absorbed with fat. Turmeric powder is only about 6-8% curcuminoids, whereas good quality supplements contain about 90% curcuminoids. You would have to eat ALOT of turmeric daily in order to get to the level that is found in a supplement. Turmeric is a large molecule and is therefore difficult for the human body to absorb. Many companies have been able to nanonize the molecule so that it is smaller and easier to absorb. Other companies use a trade name called BCM 95, in which they use essential oils of turmeric which are highly absorbable and last longer in the body. Hope this helps!
Friend of mine went to his doctor, told him he was taking Turmeric and black pepper for slightly swollen prostate gland like I have for 25 years.
Doctor said great, and did he know there was virtually no dementia or alzheimers in India because of Turmeric and pepper in their diet?
How did the doctor know?
He is Indian.
Here is a variation of the recipe from Magdalene:
I drink golden milk twice daily. 1/4 cup turmeric powder and 1/2 cup filtered water. Heat till it makes a paste. This can be refrigerated up to one week. Mix a teaspoonful of the paste to the milk of your choice (I like hemp milk) with some coconut oil and fresh ground black pepper and heat. If you desire, it can be sweetened with stevia, or maple syrup and flavorings can be added as well.
one of the side effects of turmeric is hypotension[low blood pressure]. I have been on numerous meds for high blood pressure for 25 years. for 6 months now i have turned to daily turmeric and have cut my meds in half and my blood pressure is lower than meds have ever gotten it and have minimized the side effects I have battled. not to mention the cost savings
Why doesn’t Turmeric-3d contain black pepper?
Hello ! Love your recipe but you need to add a healthy fat and a dash of pepper to get full benifit of the tumeric to this drink ! ????
If I had stage four cancer, I would go to the website of Hallelujah Acres,, and explore their raw vegetable regime. There are reports/testimonials of cancer remission/cure. Eating raw mostly green vegetables starves out the cancer for some. I found out about Hallelujah Acres from a coworker, a Ph.D. psychologist, whose virile 35 year old brother contracted a cancer that was in his lymph system and predicted to kill him within six months. He ate only raw vegetables for a year and the cancer went away and did not come back. The founder of Hallelujah Acres, the Reverend Markus, had colon cancer and cured himself this way.
Check out the testimonials on Hallelujah Acres’ website, The founder and many users of the program claim to have beaten various cancers and health conditions with a raw plant diet.
Shirley, thank you for the information. But no way would any testimonial be an appropriate reason to believe RAW plant diets are better than cooked. Got to have a damn good science background with which to be able to judge. Scientifically speaking we DO KNOW that most vegeys cooked are better used in our bodies than raw. Fact. I am pretty sure people WANT to believe something is causing miracle cures when others, like me, know there is no such thing. Just obvious scientific facts.
I know the scientific METHOD. Pretty tough to believe anything that was done without knowledge of the scientific method would be BELIEVED. Too much like magic, which is NOT REAL. Remember, if people just 100 years ago saw what we are all doing with these cell phones, they’d think it was magic. Magical thinking can only happen in the absence of higher knowledge, lots of work, money spent putting oneself through hoops to learn just the basics and less affect by religion and religious views. I’d like to say NO affectation by religion but trying to be flexible.
I am so fortunate to have had more than a decade of higher education and continue to take seminars, classes whenever possible.
Stormy, I was going to leave this one alone, but since you had the courage to speak up, let me agree with you, to a certain extent. Raw plant juicing is a PART of my health “protocol” for some of my clients, but is by no means the “program” itself. DIET (that which one EATS) is the single most important facet of ANY healing program, and often people “see” positive results, NOT necessarily due to what they have “adopted”, but from what they have GIVEN UP…
I heard an alternative cancer doctor interviewed, and he said that the turmeric root is effective at fighting cancer. However, when processed the most important element is lost in processing, according to scientific studies… That’s all I know, so I’m growing my own, it’s not difficult!
There are natural “blood thinners” which do not carry the side effects of prescription “blood thinners”. Turmeric, ginger, cinnamon(Ceylon), cayenne peppers, and vitamin E are just some of the natural items that have potential as blood thinners and could be good alternatives to medications. These blood-thinning agents have been proven to help prevent dangerous clots, which can lead to strokes and heart attacks. Existing clots can also be slowly dissolved by natural means… This is not meant to be construed as “medical advice”.
That is good advice Mr. Paleo. But when you have a major operation they put you on Warfarin and they send out nurses to make sure you are on warfarin (blood thinner) to one’s HOME. Warfarin, from what I’ve heard is RAT POISON. Fun, huh. I made the mistake to not read the brochures they gave me in my plastic sack with the other plastic from the hospital. ooppps. I had this insane need for a pile of cooked spinach…love the stuff and I listen to what my body says it wants. Made a huge yummy pile and ate it. All of a sudden it is Mt. Vesuvius with GREEN GOO everywhere. Dark leafy greens have vitamin K which is the opposite of blood thinning. WHOA. I don’t know how one could talk their doctors into allowing taking these spices instead of warfarin…you sign a contract with them. Sigh.
Mi…hi there…yes, chocolate labrador. Well bred, daddy is 4X world champ bird dog. Both of my dogs have huge tumors…Mary’s right, just look up Carnivora. Rio and Reacher are now both on Carnivora and Rick Simpson Oil. We make our own Oil growing our own plants so we know what we are using. That oil is pretty simple to make, we use Everclear instead of Naptha or other solvents.
Please look up all you can before doing anything! Carnivora is JUST Venus Fly Trap plant, period. It was so much fun to see the doctor’s face telling me I did not have cancer…I said we all have cancer, all of us, all of the time. I knew this from my college days but it didn’t sink in until lately. Otherwise, I’d feel a little lump on my arm and I’d freak out. Had friends and my daddy that died…NOT FROM THE CANCER, but from chemo and radiation.
I am still hesitant about endorsing anything, it just feels wrong. Probably because I used to think doctors were the end all be all, not anymore! My experience and knowledge are saying this is incredible stuff and NOT THE only treatments out there that actually work. Especially since our medical system, doctors, FDA have lost credibility with me anyhoo. So please get as much knowledge and information as you are able. Both of these things are simple, straight forward and as far as I know safe.
Wait, one more thing. Not many people know this but SOME STRAINS of cannabis have been genetically modified to enhance the THC. About 15 years ago…those strains taken in combination with opiates (vicodin, dilaudid…) CAN KILL YOU. That is why we grow our own. I know, I experienced this. I was on vicodin after hip surgery and my pain med doctor explained this to me…so I abstained completely from using cannabis. Wasn’t a big thing anyway. But then a friend gave me a little and I inhaled and then was hit by a ‘train’…I was violently sick the entire night. My doctor said most people die in their sleep. I think now it is being called an ‘allergy’ which is blatantly wrong.
Rick Simpson Oil is only CBD’S not THC. The THC (psychotropic stuff) is cooked off leaving only the CBD’s…the important attributes for fighting out of control cancer cells. It is weird that they’ve found us humans have receptors MEANT for cannabis!!
Did I already say that Pres. Reagan found he had colon cancer and he went out of this country to get Carnivora. And it cured him. Other than that our country doesn’t allow any information about this silly powdered plant to be reported. But more info is being produced…so silly. Powdered Venus Fly Trap plant…the FDA is in fits over this as all the oncologists will lose their investments with their chemo/radiation kits.
Let me know what you think…good luck, and good health…
Don’t use any cheap dog food with corn. Find out what is NON GMO before eating anything. Never buy any boxed or canned goods…unless they state NON GMO. Buy organic, but better yet grow your own food. Only eat meats someone you know has raised…ma ‘n pa butcher shops. Use a green house as heavy metals are being pumped into our atmosphere, geo-engineering. Even farmers in Hawaii are having to use green houses. Get soil and water tests. So sick that in this country this is how we HAVE to think to stay healthy!!!
mix with a small amount of organic honey/tumeric dosent mix with water only oil the active ingredient is curcumin
Was told I couldnt take Curcumin or ALA while I was on the particular chemo Im being given. I was told that this chemo that is based in protein does not metabolize correctly if your taking curcumin or ala. Im so tired of this chemotherapy up here in Canada and they are finding ways of keeping us on chemo for months and months, like oral chemo’s. Ive been lied too so much and believed in the beginning they were going to ge rid of this cancer. Now as of today all this crap has created a more severe secondary cancer spot in my pelvis, what kind of life will that create nothing no life. I truly believe these treatments will kill me faster than the cancer. I am on mistletoe treatments.
Time to think for yourself and use alternative treatment. I will pray for you success.
At the age of 40. I lost my sense of smell, became allergic to Motrin and aspirin. My seasonal allergies were horrible. The ENT Doctor told me I have Samters triad. 1 percent of the population have this. It’s when you develop nasal polyps (which is why I lost my sense of smell). I went to a allergy Dr received allergy shots for 5 yrs. Had 3 surgeries to remove my polyps. Got desensitized to aspirin. Was put on steroids. Finally, I said ENOUGH ! I knew my body had a inflammation problem. I am a RN of 21 years. I take family health histories on all pts I see. I noticed the patients that were from India not eating the American diet. Never, and I mean never had CANCER, high blood pressure, diabetes, and no seasonal allergies. I ask one of my pts who was a rheumatologist, why was that. She said, it’s our diet. We drink tea, No beef, 60 percent vegetables, 30 percent fresh fruit 10 percent chicken or fish. Our wonderful medicinal spices. Ginger, garlic, tumeric/curcumin, etc.. reduces inflammation. I figured what do I have to lose. 3 weeks after following this diet. I smelled my first cup of coffee. My seasonal allergies are gone! True story people!
Patty, our bodies, when healthy are able to take care of cancer (not allow it to get out of control), viruses, bacterial infections, cuts, scrapes, broken bones. I’d get rid of the assumption that curing ailments can be done just by eating MAGICAL herbs/foods. Takes much more than ingesting these supposedly miracle foods/spices…etc. It takes a life style change. It takes getting educated about your body, what makes it work (physiology), how to move it properly (kinesiology), how whatever you ingest is broken down to be used by the body and there is little out here in the internet world trying to make money that has any actual basis in fact. We should take BODYWORKS beginning in grade school, up to study of cadavers and learning all the muscles of the body, all the different organs and their contribution and all of the chemical cycles for energy, removing toxins, providing enzymes and hormones. It is more important than math and spelling. If we did this we would not allow the FDA or our doctors to tell us crap and force them to be more careful with what they provide as services! That we pay for by the way! And obesity would be a thing of the past.
The brain is very much attached and in charge of our bodies. If we are led to believe we are (for example) ‘allergic’ to something you better believe your body will respond to support that belief. If one thinks they are unable to do something then the body will support that belief. I know you are a nurse and that is wonderful. Did you know that our doctors, dentists have had absolutely no training whatsoever with nutrition nor exercise? I am fairly certain that would hold true for nurses as well. To have a healthy, fit and intelligent population is not conducive for making big bucks.
The American Diet; we are all too busy to learn to cook, use spices correctly, know what to chose and ask about in the produce department, same with meat and bakery. Few know how to grow their own food or even know where their food comes from and has been handled. Processed foods in boxes and cans, GMO produce and don’t forget fast food restaurants! This is THE American Diet. Shameful but we are a baby civilization with no culture yet. Other countries are far older and mature. Other people know how to survive, grow their own food, cook their own food and pretty much take care of everything in their lives. No hiring house keepers, plumbers, electricians, caterers…!! And they have far more exercise because they work at all the basics of survival. They do have their problems such as hygiene, garbage, being able to consume enough calories and nutrients (for some countries). America has conned many of these countries into taking loans from our country and when they can’t pay those loans back well, then we get their resources, their schools, hospitals, water facilities and they do without. Trust me, facts.
Go back to the basics about the body, nutrition and physical exercise. Quit looking for the magic ‘pill’ or spice or food. You already have a solid base of body knowledge to be able to quickly learn the real stuff.
Having lived in India, I must take exception to your statement… SOME Indians are healthy, which really depends more on their “class status” and access to “healthy” foods… and, FYI, the “healthiest” Indians are probably the Sikh, of northern India, who are regular meat eaters… and the unhealthiest are probably the Brahmins, who are strict vegetarians…
Vegetarians…sigh. Don’t people know that we are OMNIVORES, not VEGETARIANS nor CARNIVORES? Why so black and white? The meat machines would be more careful and selective about cultivating their protein they sell if we weren’t taught ‘the brown thing, the white thing and the green thing’ as our only foothold on nutrition.
The Eskimos of yesteryear are the exception. Their diet is pretty much all protein and fat. No scurvy because they didn’t eat carbohydrates. Carbohydrates sorta kinda suck up the vitamin C and if one doesn’t then ingest vitamin C via certain plants then scurvy takes place. Those long trips over the ocean had only meats and porridge (carbohydrate) with no vitamin c carbohydrates. If they had known, they would have used only protein and fat for the trip and done far better.
When the NO CARB diet came out I was furious! Our diets should at the very minimum be half carbohydrates. Anything grown from the earth are carbohydrates…complex carbohydrates. Fruit, sugar cane have simple sugars and should be used minimally. And never eaten on an empty stomach. These ‘diets’ are such crap, unhealthy and certain to ensure one might lose weight but will gain it all back and more. The notion that certain foods are handled differently by the body is insane. That there are foods called ‘fat burning’ foods!! That one can do a million abdominal crunches to get rid of ‘belly fat’. That eating certain foods gets rid of ‘belly’ fat or ‘butt’ fat. Our education system is CAUSING obesity and obsessive thoughts about food. Counting calories is fine for a short time to learn the caloric content of different foods then THAT IS IT! No more counting calories (don’t get me started on counting CARBS), NO more getting on scales to learn one’s ‘fatness’…ain’t happenin’ and only causes more obsession with food. Food should be only about proper nutrition, exercise should be about building muscle, making more mitochondria per cell (energy producing organelles in every cell, the more mitochondria the higher one’s basal metabolism), strengthening one’s cardiovascular system primarily the heart!
Healthy cultures like Thailand for instance eat little meat, no more than 10-15% or even less, of their daily caloric content. Don’t think they give a crap about fats. Fat comes with most proteins, cooking oils and lots of vegetables (avocado). Otherwise their diet is rich in carbohydrates; rice, potatoes, breads, fresh vegetables and some insects. Raw meat and raw vegetables are limited because they know the calories and nutrients are more readily available cooked! And also dangerous with bacteria and parasites.
We all need to learn to grow our own food, harvest, preserve as well as learn about how our bodies work. Every single weight management or cancer curing advertisement I find is always WRONG. Healthy people don’t make money.
One more FACT, there is no way in this Universe for people to lose more than 2 pounds of fat per week and one has to understand what they are doing to get that much fat loss! I am able to show the reasons and the math. Please understand I am replying to you Mr. Paleo, but also anyone reading this comment. If you have any reservations about my assertions please, please let me know. I value my foundation of knowledge. I will change it whenever someone can explain to me what I’ve said that is incorrect or someone gives me new knowledge that changes even in little bits my foundation. Or causes me to go research further. Unfortunately this is happening very seldom. My old knowledge seems to be better than what lots of professionals know. Sad.
Stormy, I could correct your dissertation above, but I will simply suggest you find me on LinkedIn (Arnold Wiseman), and read my posts…
Mr Paleo, I did try the “Paleo way” of eating. My cholesterol remained high, I still had no sense of smell and my allergies remained horrible. It wasn’t until I juiced in the morning, Ate mostly organic veggies, some fruit, fish and chicken. And cooked with all the wonderful indian spices that I got my smell back, my cholesterol is now 178. My allergies are gone and no longer have joint pain in hands or knees. Red meat, bacon, and fat, does NOT agree with my body. My brother in law has been eating Paleo for years. And as far as what I personally have experienced at work- taking patients histories are FACTS that I have observed over the past 22 yrs. Obviously, the patients I’m referring to… have not been tainted by the American diet. Wish you well Mr. Paleo. 🙂
My response would be that either you do not know what Paleo/Primal is, or you did not have the input of a qualified functional nutritionist. “Juicing” is a part of my healing protocol, and I recommend MANY spices as part of a “healthy” diet, as well as using black cumin seed oil, olive oil, and avocado oil, and buying “organic”…. as for “high” cholesterol, the only one to be concerned about if it is “high” is the VLDL… your brain is approx. 60% cholesterol…
We are on the same page Mr. Paleo! (minus the beef, bacon and bad fat which is in the bacon and Red Meat). I’ve read two Paleo books. I’ve conversed with my brother in law who lives the Paleo way. Do not assume and act like you know my knowledge base on the Paleo way of eating. Not all bodies are made the same! If Paleo works for you… That’s awesome. It did not for me. May you continue to be healthy.
Patty, I am more than happy you have found your way back to health… since, as a functional nutritionist, that is my goal with ALL my clients…. my point was, everyone is the same on a MACRO level, but we are all different on the MICRO level. Most often, when someone says to me, “PALEO/PRIMAL” didn’t work for me, I ask a few questions, and find that they did not follow a healing protocol like mine, which takes everything step by step, STARTING with the removal of amalgams, since with mercury toxicity it does not matter WHAT diet one follows… mercury poisoning MUST be eliminated first… just as an example. I explain much of this on LinkedIn…
This forum is tough to reply to the pertinent comment, but I very much like your description of how alike we are on the macro sense but vastly different on the micro. I talk about this all of the time…how we are such individual ‘bags of chemistry’ yet we are all identical…on the macro level. Can you explain a bit more as I need to understand your concept a bit more. Grins
What is your background and what is a ‘functional nutritionist’? Registered dietitians,are hard to find. I’d like to combine a registered dietitian with an Amazonian medicine man and a Zuni witch doctor.
Mercury! Why worry about anything healthy when you ingest THIS chemical!! Way back in highschool, nutrition, chemistry, biology, botany and the human body need far more emphasis.
Stormy, all humans function by the same “processes”, but what happens WITHIN those processes can vary… these “differences” can be many things, on many levels… functional nutritionists (good ones) are kinda like an RD who has studied with an Amazonian medicine man and a Zuni witch doctor… LOL… as for amalgams, they should have been outlawed fifty years ago. As for my background, it is quite extensive. I started with cytotoxic testing and reflexology, and have since seen the gamut of “natural” healing, including Reiki and Qigong. I have a strong science background, but never had the memory required to be a “physician”. I have seen hundreds of clients in the last forty years or so, off and on, and thrown out a great deal of what I was originally taught, and “re-educated” myself.
Patty, again, your remark about “beef, bacon, and red meat” is inaccurate… all of those heave HEALTHY fats when FARM-raised on a NATURAL organic diet… for cows, that is GRASS… not GRAINS… for chickens, it’s anything they can find in a field, etc.
I add Turmeric to my mustard using it as well as olive oil that I prepare my sandwich spread with that I also use in my potato salads that include salmon and poultry meats. I seldom eat out as the meals prepared are not prepared for someone who is lactose intolerant like myself. I use a wide variety of spices that have been stated to be healthy for anyone who wants better than average health. My allergies are okay and i am 65 retired,working and sweating enough to fill a helmet and do find it necessary to take thermotabs that include sodium and patassium when I begin to cramp as my muscles are the best alarm that I have for indicating that I am nearing heat exhaustion as I have been there a few times when I was much younger and have no desire to be there again. My cholesterol has never been above 150 and I have no problems with my heart or circulatory system and consider myself in great health and take it easy enough and never overwork myself.I rest as often as I need to and have no problem falling asleep,just the opposite i fall asleep to easy. I’m told that I have a clear conscience haha.
Garlic and Turmeric = Healthy.
Turmeric isn’t bad for you, but it can thin the blood. If you’re already on blood thinners, it’s not a safe combo at high doses.
” ..therefore bring out the best of a particular ingredient.”
I do not quite understand what you meant, with this statement.
My question is: does it assist or enhance the absorption of the tumeric into the body?
Mother nature would never have only one remedy for cancer or any other ailment,in reality the creator has produced multiple natural plant remedies for all conditions…I back this statement up in that if you Google “PubMed” you will find multiple studies ,eg for cancer : cells/tumours killed ,reversed or stabilised using powerful plant remedies,such as black seed oil,ginger,turmeric,garlic,dandelion root, extra virgin olive oil,flaxseed oil,frankincense,etc the more natural remedies you use,the better. ,But don’t expect to find huge large scale studies done very often on “plant medicine”,simple fact is,big pharma won’t fund those studies as it can’t profit from selling natural products it can’t patent,but you will find multiple animal and cell line studies, showing stunning anti tumour effects of natural final point..ketogenic diet good (sugar feeds cancer) Dr Colin Champ/Dr d,Agostino Dr Seyfried great on that subject.
Anyone wishing further information on the ketogenic diet can find me on LinkedIn, or research my old blog…
grv78 you asked what organics are more toxic than…most chemicals. Organic, synthetic no matter they are all chemicals. Tobacco (nicotine) and Daisy (pyrethrins)…for examples. What one needs to look up are the LD50 ratings. This means ‘lethal dose for 1/2 of the population’…all the lives that had to die to get these ratings, deserve recognition of some sort! Nicotine has one of the most toxic of all chemicals (btw, the lower the number the higher the toxicity).
Kudos Mr. Paleo!
Thank you, Stormy ! (it is none of my business, but I always wondered WHY parents would name their child “Stormy”… do you know ?)
My parents did not name me Stormy. Hurricane and Tornado but that didn’t stick. Stormy was a nickname much later and I approved I guess. Fits. So no responses on what I’ve written? Hey, thanks for bringing some sense to this forum.
Her-icane,Too bad you don’t have a sense of humor, a real shame… (LMAO)
Hey, amalgams aren’t they for dentistry? I think the best and most effective people in the healing professions are those trained in the normal way as our doctors are trained and then go out to get what they didn’t teach, such as nutrition and physical exercise. Tut tut about the memory gig. EVERYONE can memorize and do it well. It is just a skill that I think you just did not have the patience to use for stuff you didn’t care to expend energy memorizing! But to have all the background of normal physicians and to add the nutrition and exercise is phenomenal. As well as still being able to consider all the new information NOT promoted by pharmacy companies!! Re educating oneself is such a rebellious, wonderful attribute!
Stormy, “memory” is a bit more complicated than that… see the basics here:
Are you familiar with “left” brain vs. “right” brain thought ? Memory also functions along these lines, for example, if you and I were to meet tomorrow, for say, five minutes, I would probably not remember your name, but I would never forget your face… I am “artistic”, not linguistic… even though I read over 600 words per minute at the age of 8, with a 90 plus percent “comprehension rate”, and have an IQ 3 points below Mensa, I am not able to learn but the most basic of languages, remember biochemical pathways, or memorize poetry, I CAN watch someone do just about ANY physical or artistic task, and then do it myself, do you see ??? Doesn’t matter how much I might want to, it just doesn’t “stick”…
Yes I am familiar with left brain right brain. You sound an awful lot like little ole me. Smart doesn’t make life easier. Not at all! Always have to give up something. I held ‘sessions’ for tutoring since 4th grade. That gave me motivation to learn the subject before helping others. Such a super gig. Memorization is an individualized skill. You just found other ways that FEED you more than memorization. i get that. I could tell how others learned…tactile, audio, visual. Do you know a second language? Something I’d love to do someday, grins.
I am a Landscape Architect as well as an Exercise specialist. I am an artist, mainly graphics but I keep trying with water color. The more one works at something the better they get and closer to their goals. Practice does make perfect but to practice something that just doesn’t FEED you won’t work. I am also proudly ADD!!
Grins, I am either 3 points below Einstein or 7 points above. He was ONLY 147! I don’t hold much with IQ testing. We all know when we are smart. And when we are smart we are deficit in something else. Worth it to not be bland milk toast?
I am genius with bodies and movement, dance, exercise, etc. Not many people are happy when you tell them they need to tighten their middle back, mid trapezius, rotator cuff muscles. Or that they need to work on their vastus medialis to keep their knees over toes. Most of people who work out get the athlete’s curve which is horrible. Too many abdominal crunches without also working on their backs. Doing abdominal exercises by tucking their feet under the couch…uses hip flexors (illiopsoas) that pulls the lower back inwards and does little for abdominals. Gosh, I should write a book because all I am seeing these days is less than the coaches of yesteryear knew or cared to know.
Learning body language, facial expressions is helping me to communicate with other people. Wish I’d known decades ago.
I do well with all animals. Humans are inconsistent and competitive. Jealous and conniving. Animals are my anchors in life. Wild bunnies are my newest love, feral cats which amazingly work with the bunnies and ravens! I am getting to know a certain MOB of ravens. They mate for life. Did you know that? They will call the wolves in using wolf calls so the wolves will tear up a carcass enough that they are able to eat as well. I love animals. I am not a fan of my own species.
One caveat sweetie, labels are dangerous. When we say, ‘we are such and such’ we actually work at believing such and such even though that belief is wrong. Grins. And we change so much every 5 years, every 7 years we are actually a new person except for nerve cells!
You can do anything but you will always chose activities and goals that FEED you in return! Trust me. Do you do any painting, sculpture, music?
Stormy, we have kinda gotten “off-topic”, and yes, it does sound as if we are very much alike… why don’t you email me: P.S., one of my hundreds of posts on LinkedIn is on the RAVEN…
Removing toxins from the body is the first step, and extremely important. However, please keep in mind that you have to flush the toxins that are released in the process or you make your condition even worse by building up again the body’s toxin level. You have to increase you fluid intake to do this, drink plenty of clean filtered water is the best way of flushing the toxins out of the body, I drink allot of lemon water to help the process. I wish you health! And the comment left about this being the worst idea is false, yes our bodies can detox, but due to the extreme amount of toxins we are exposed to, our bodies need help to get them out. You can research this and see how beneficial it really is.
I have been drinking a cup of hot water with honey and curcumin every morning on an empty stomach. I read it is a natural anti-inflamatory. I do it hoping it will help with my throat, rhinitis and occasional headaches and it has also help my digestion. Its a win win.
One little problem I am seeing is eating sugar on an empty stomach. Honey is sugar pure and simple. Perhaps a bit more chemistry than refined but sugar or simple carbohydrates none the less. When someone eats simple carbohydrates on an empty stomach this signals the pancreas to think a huge meal is coming down the tubes (analogy…) so the pancreas dumps insulin big time to gobble up the sugars. This leads to even lower blood sugar than your fasting blood sugar levels upon waking. Then we have ‘break fast’. Simple carbohydrates should not be eaten on an empty stomach. If one is worried about cancer cells trying to multiply, simple carbohydrates is loved by these cells. Honey, molasses, sugar cane, fructose are all simple carbohydrates.
Ditto Sir. I did not know milk had that potential. Thank you both for sharing this information.
Hi Ty, I have read that the black seed oil ( nigela sativa) is against cancers too much effective. Can we take that oil with curcuma (curcumin) together to have a very high activity against the cancers, particularly against breast cancer, if yes, how many tablets 500mg.95 % of curcumin and how much of black seed oil ( nigela sativa) we can take together in a day please?
I juice turmeric root. Its pretty messy. You can warm unsweetened nut milk + turmeric juice + cacao and its heaven
Julie may I know in what stage your breast cancer, I had stage 0 to 1 and was diagnosis last year so I did have a surgery and my oncologist said I have to have a radiation but when I scheduled for appointment to see my radiation doctor she just want me to have another mammogram so I did, it shock me because they still find calcification in my breast then my surgery doctor told me to wait another month and have a mammogram again
and still come out the same so my surgery doctor said I have to do the stereotactic biopsy again.
I was so depress then and I got so stress I did not have the biopsy neither radiation.
I just so confused and don’t know what I should trust because they give me so many mammogram.
Thank you.
Synthetic or organic, chemicals are chemicals. Where do you think we get the ideas to recreate chemical combinations so that we can reproduce them for less money? Nicotine for example, we could also use Permethrins from the daisy have very low LD50 ratings. This is lethal dose in half of the test population. So the lower the number the more toxic the chemical. Poor test rats, mice. Look it up to get the ratings but you will find that organics can be very toxic, more toxic than other media sponsored chemicals. All our pesticides and medications were once found as organic and then we made them and turned them into ‘synthetics’. Chemicals, elements, combinations ARE ALL the same no matter how they are made. There might be contraindicated use because someone ADDED or ENHANCED certain combinations. But GMO products include herbicides that I have trouble imagining the why? And we all get to consume them. We humans need to learn a lot of humility and the only way to do that is by understanding basics…before ingesting anything. The mind can do magic. If you NEED to feel you are doing something, you found it in writing or heard about it on a video, you will rationalize like crazy to make it work. Positive thinking and all. I’ve been harassed because I am such a downer trying to get others to beware of advertising and anything that sounds too good to be true. There is and never will be magic in nutrition, weight loss or cancer cures. Cancer is NORMAL. Happens every second of every day you live. Our immune system evolved to control out of control cancer cells. The focus should be on our immune system which includes the brain. Boosting our basic knowledge about chemicals, plants and prescription drugs to name a few is critical to supporting our immune system. The best thing I’ve found besides eating GOOD FOOD, nothing processed, no GMO ANYTHING, proper exercise is Carnivora. Curamin is my newest over the counter supplement that seems to be working ‘magic’ for pain. We are all guinea pigs and to take too much or take supplements willy nilly and altogether is asking for trouble. More is not better!! I cringe listening to unsubstantiated ‘tests’ verbalized by those who know nothing or little about the body and chemistry not to mention nutrition. THERE IS NO MAGIC. If we took a cell phone back to the past THAT WOULD be called magic. But we know it is not.
yes our body no need help , use to 1 of 10 people have cancer and sson 1 of to will have cancer , is realy briliant . And company make huge money on detoxifying , wagatable cost huge money in pharmacy , coffy enama also cost 10k or more same as chemo
I’ve been making Gp and taking it over two years and I’m in a group on FB GP stands for gold paste this stuff is amazing ?
Wherever there is sunshine unfortunately the conditions often gets stormy , being positive is energy of light , which brings positive results. I wonder why a person who would go by the name “stormy” ? NOT GOOD” I like to always hear a persosn’s input especially if its positive.i believe in the placebo effect. By thinking positive I believe as a main ingredient and making things happen
BIG BIG fan of Turmeric! Great for pain too.
What heals skin cancer? My father has skin cancer.
Hi Dale,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I did it by putting Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) on a plaster and placing it directly on the spot. It worked amazingly fast. Now there isn’t a trace of it. I believe that according to Dr Simoncini is a type of fungus and its worst enemy is sodium Bicarbonate.
How do u do it are mixing qith water ??and for what purpose plz reply
I have just been diagnosed with early prostrate cancer All tips and advice welcome I am positive about sorting this Cheers Richard
Hello, Richard!
Thank you for reaching out with your question.
The more you know, the more prepared you will be to fight the fight!
You can sign up for private FREE access to our 9-part docu-series by following this link:
Make sure to be part of the free broadcast for this important information.
In the article it says curcumin needs fat to be absorbed so what about the turmeric tea, there’s no fat in it how does that work?
How could a person possibly know, aside from being a bio-chemist, that their product contains pure fresh turmeric root & not taking a product that is useless & a waste of time & money? Proof is in the pudding, but a lot of puddings look alike.
Do you have an Indian grocery store near you? You’ll be able to find fresh tumeric root there. I have the benefit of living in a very diverse neighborhood and recently realized that it never occurred to me to see if they had tumeric and boom. Sure enough fresh tumeric root. They look like tiny fingers of ginger 🙂 I have to admit that the powder is more convenient though.
I have been using turmeric for three years now. I buy the powder at an Indian Shop here in Lagos, Portugal. I also use Bio Coconut Oil in my oatmeal breakfast. I start with milk and a little water, then add oat flakes from the Lidl supermarket and Nestum flakes from other stores. One Kiwi, half a banana, one egg, and some honey to make it taste really well. The amount of turmeric and coconut oil is one tablespoon. When its ready I put a grain of black pepper in milk and water for better metabolization. I really enjoy the taste of it. There are also capsules with turmeric that enhance the metabolization by 180 percent but they are expensive. I also investigated the sad stories on the war against holistic doctors and alternative cancer therapies like GcMAF. In Mexico you will be able to locate several cancer clinics like Hope4Cancer in Tijuana. They use seven different holistic therapies including GcMAF but it is very expensive and only for rich people.
I take 750mg of circum, in tablet form daily, for cancer that I have. Is that an acceptable dose or should take more
Hi Brian –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis – I’ll be sure to pray for you.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
New study on Tamoxifen and curcumin
“In conclusion, the exposure to tamoxifen and endoxifen was significantly decreased by concomitant use of curcumin (+/- piperine). Therefore, co-treatment with curcumin could lower endoxifen concentrations below the threshold for efficacy (potentially 20⁻40% of the patients), especially in EM patients.”
Be advised, its NOT a good idea to use both in the same time.
Thanks for sharing this study with us, Miki!
Well, I’m getting IV curcumin. It really goes after the cancer with no toxic side effects. Reduces the inflammation in my body as well. It is very hard to come by in the US as big pharma doesn’t want us to have access to other therapies.
Thank you for a lot information its really helps appreciate your work