Human cells are produced, mature, and then die. Under normal circumstances, this process repeats itself every second of your lifetime. If the body’s cells do not die naturally when they are damaged or mutated, unnecessary clusters of old and new cells build up and tumors develop.
Scientists continue to try to understand exactly what causes cancer but the truth is that there are so many variables that they primarily focus on “triggers” known to lead to cancer. Here are some critical areas that are proven to increase your cancer risk. Age, gender, and family history are impossible to control but lifestyle choices such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and weight are controllable and reduce your overall lifetime risk.
Let me ask you this question: why don’t we have a forest fire each time that someone throws a burning cigarette out a car window? There are many reasons why a burning cigarette may not start a forest fire.
- Perhaps the cigarette falls on the pavement rather than the grass.
- Perhaps there was a recent rain and the grass is wet and won’t ignite.
- Perhaps the grass is dry, but the cigarette is snuffed before it can start a fire.
- Perhaps it starts a fire but the grass is surrounded by water and cannot spread into the forest.
- Or perhaps a fire begins, but then the wind blows so hard that it blows the fire out.
In the burning cigarette example above (used with permission from Tanya Harter Pierce in her book Outsmart Your Cancer), the cigarette represents one of the many potential causes of cancer, like toxins, while the forest fire represents cancer. The pavement and the wet grass and the wind all represent the internal control mechanisms that prevent cancer, such as a healthy immune system, a balanced pH, and oxygenated cells.
Given the same exposure to the same toxins over the same period of time, someone with a healthy immune system may have no adverse effects while someone with a compromised immune system may develop hypoxia (lack of oxygen at the cellular level) and eventually cancer.
Do you follow my drift? We see the evidence of this truth constantly around us. One person in an office gets a very bad cold. The one sitting next to him doesn’t get a sniffle. Certainly both were exposed to the same microorganisms. But what is the difference? One of them has a healthy immune system while the other does not.
The Immune System
Your immune system is your first line of defense against everything that could harm your body. When it is compromised due to illness, lifestyle choices, or medications, it cannot protect you from the initial stages of cancer development.
You are effectively left defenseless. Transplanted organs (and the immune suppressant drugs prescribed) and chronic infections can also damage the immune system and lead to damaged cells, uncontrolled cell production, and cancer masses.
Keeping your immune system in fighting condition is critical to prevention of diseases such as cancer, slowing down the effects of aging, and keeping you strong and healthy every day of your life.
Your Age
Cancer can happen to any person, of any age, both genders, and every race. Some cancers strike specific demographics but more than 75% of cancer diagnosis occurs in persons over the age of 55. That means that your risk increases as you get older.
Lifetime risk (the chance that you will get cancer in your life) of cancer for men is almost 50% and for women is more than 35%. It is crucial to strengthen your body and acquire good lifestyle habits as early as possible to minimize your individual risk.
Lifestyle Choices
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not easy for many. Cutting out tobacco use (due to the carcinogenic chemicals), limiting alcohol, controlling body weight, and altering eating habits to remove over-processed, GMO, and chemical-laden foods are essential steps to prevent and even treat cancer.
No matter how much smoking, drinking, and junk food may seem “enjoyable” – they will shorten your lifespan over time. They weaken your immune system, cause body-wide inflammation, and leave you susceptible to disease.
Genetics and Family History
If one of your family members has been diagnosed with cancer, there is a risk that you may also develop cancer. Know your family medical history and avoid behaviors that lead to illness and disease.
However, genetics is not the cause for the majority of cancer cases. Experts estimate that it represents only about 5% of annual cancer diagnoses.
The Bottom Line…
Cancer is most commonly diagnosed in people who do not take care of their body. Scientists and experts around the world agree that more than half of all cancers are preventable.
So, no matter what your genetic predisposition, there are a multitude of steps you can take to minimize your cancer risk if you don’t have cancer, and there are scores of successful treatment protocols you can use if you do have cancer.
As with every disease that is considered a worldwide epidemic, prevention is possible and the most consistent method of saving lives. By taking control of your diet and lifestyle, you can improve your chances of being a person who never gets cancer.
I took care of my body, ate healthy and exercised, barely got colds or get sick until I injured my back and was treated with epidural every 2-3 weeks for a year, and strong narcotics, opiates etc, I suspect, that compromised my immune system, guessing, it doesn’t matter, I am here on this journey, trying to correct the matter in a healthy way, it’s unfair insurance doesn’t cover alternative medicine treatments and doctors, and they are extremely costly, offer no payment plans.
sad how human life is no longer valuable, someone rather doctors in than doctors in October to offer compassionate treatment.
I took care of my body, ate healthy and exercised, barely got colds or get sick until I injured my back and was treated with epidural every 2-3 weeks for a year, and strong narcotics, opiates etc, I suspect, that compromised my immune system, guessing, it doesn’t matter, I am here on this journey, trying to correct the matter in a healthy way, it’s unfair insurance doesn’t cover alternative medicine treatments and doctors, and they are extremely costly, offer no payment plans.
sad how human life is no longer valuable, someone rather doctors in than doctors in October to offer compassionate treatment.
Patient rather die than doctors to treat out of compassion.
(Messed up my last paragraph on post)
Dear Violet, I won’t lie to you. I read every article posted by TTAC , Dr. Mercola and similar contents. I ‘m really happy because about 2 years ago, a friend of mine (who became my sponsor), introduced me to DXN. It’s a Malaysian pharmaceutical company in over 164 countries all over the world and the founder andf CEO is a doctor and researcher Dr. Lim Siow Jin who made the king of all herbs (ganoderma aka reishi with a known medicinal uses for 4,000 years) known to all of us. DXN members-distributors are the only users of gano-treatment. Due to adaptogen properties of reishi, it suits every individual’s disease. It’s effective both for preventiond and treatment. Now, the best part of this: It use a Network Marketing System. We buy organic products , we treat or prevent, we acquire health and welness, and we get a bonus discount the next month for the next buys. Every next month, the bonus discount rises because we have accumulative system in our marketing plan. You never go back to zero. Do some research. There is hope.
Nowadays, every time you eat or drink, you’re either feeding a disease or you’re fighting it. And what’s cruel about it is when you acquire a disease, your MD will only manage the symptoms of the disease (with chemicals) without the intention of curing it. And its a vicious cycle. Is not health care is disease management… As a healthcare professional I know, the system is broken and there’s nothing I can do to fix it other than educate myself and the people I care about!
Nowadays, every time you eat or drink, you’re either feeding a disease or you’re fighting it. And what’s cruel about it is when you acquire a disease, your MD will only manage the symptoms of the disease (with chemicals) without the intention of curing it. And its a vicious cycle. Is not health care is disease management… As a healthcare professional I know, the system is broken and there’s nothing I can do to fix it other than educate myself and the people I care about!
I would also add another variable. I had polio in the 1950’s. Exposure at that time to monsanto’s chemical DDT is now known to have made children more likely to catch the polo virus AND studies are now showing that girls who were exposed are 5 times more likely to get breast cancer later on.
There’s so much we have no control over such as environment-Wi-fi, all things that emir radiation. Are we to stop using cell phones, watching television. I believeCancer has increased because of technology . Nor much we can do about that…
Cooking oils (canola oil) can increase inflammation in your body. This can lead to heart disease, cancer and arthritis. Before these oils and margarine existed, heart disease and cancer was a lot more rare than it is today.
I use a liquid organic coconut oil made by Carrington Farms. It does cost a lot more than canola oil. About $ 15.00 a quart at Walmart.
my sister is a hippie ate perfect no stress no bad health all was perfect yes perfect until one day she called me and said I dont have health care to poor so she let the polyp go now rectacl cancer and bag on her side to poo..she has maybe few year to live found hymnodies with cancer .so will see so staying health and all that ya might help but cancer will hit anyone. Cells die and they dont want to bloody move out and build up to tumor and you die.ok
Susan I have reports written endocrinologist Morton Biskind about the release of DDT that was followed by ‘infantile paraylasis’ and was blamed onto a virus (polio) in order to protect the chemical industry
Susan I have reports written endocrinologist Morton Biskind about the release of DDT that was followed by ‘infantile paraylasis’ and was blamed onto a virus (polio) in order to protect the chemical industry
I did just about everything right and still got breast cancer. Never got sick before.. no colds, nothing. Exercised, ate right, was happy with life but my thyroid was always off and the labs showed ‘normal’ so doctors would not treat it which was a genetic condition. I was freezing all the time and severely constipated. No matter how well I ate, it did not help.
I suspected that severe constipation was related to breast cancer and now there is evidence that is true. Doctors did not take that as a warning sign.. I have met several hundred women who have had the same issue. Constipation messes with your hormones. And that ups your likelihood of getting breast cancer.
Nothing I did prevented it. I only wish I would have gotten a doctor to take my symptoms seriously. Drugs made me sick and “fiber” didn’t work. 2000mg of magnesium citrate helps best!
Nikos. Where can I find out more about DXN. I have just been diagnosed with a breast carcinoma 5 days ago. I am so confused as to what I should do to treat this As u can imagine.I’m 31 and have a 10 year old who need me.
I need to beat this!
Cruzan, Please read Bill’s Henderson’s book ‘ The Gentle Non-Toxic way to Cure cancer for 5.15 a day . One of the cancer cure in his book is by taking Avemar, Immune Assist, Cell Forte, 4 Life transfer factor plus. But this protocol will cost about 12 $ aday or more. This includes raw vegan diet. Please read I hope this will help you .You can google about all this herbal remedies online and find out about this. The lady who used it in the book was cancer free in just 2 months time . When her doctor told her she got only one month to live.
How do you explain a baby born with cancer. My brother died 1 week after he was born and they found his kidneys full of cancer.
Exposure to chemicals and toxins in the womb. They’ve been doing studies on old bodies that show no forms of cancer.
That’s the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever written. I am a Pediatrician and it definitely was not from exposure to chemicals and toxins in the womb. Please educate yourself before making such an ignorant statement.
There’s just some things you don’t think can happen in the US.This is documented with criminal charges pending.A very important young man to our family was diagnosed with cancer,apparently rare.In trying to help him the wrong people got involved.They didn’t want to help him.They were experimenting on him and lying to his family.It all came out after his death by someone who couldn’t live with the truth.He had 3 100% bone marrow matches.Family told there was none and chemo was his only chance.At one time he was being held against his will and they were video taping his reaction to the multiple drugs they were giving him as he grew sicker.Somehow,he found his way to a phone and called 911.The autopsy was done in Europe because US doctors will stick together.There was Irish,British,Scottish and perhaps an Australian doctor.They wouldn’t let the family view the tapes.They said it looked like a barbaric practice from the 1800’s.One doctor couldn’t finish watching.He left in tears.This you ng man was an immigrant.Maybe they thought his life meant less.They didn’t care about the oath they took.If their torture would have worked,they would have been famous.This family already lost 2 children,now 3.This was their” good son”,never in trouble ,so shy.He made peace with his death.He would cry because he knew everyone else was grieving and he blamed himself.He had a strong faith and said he knew he was going to Heaven,but also knew he was going into the ground.He asked his mom to bury him in his warmest sweater and hat.I can’t write this without tears blinding me.His death was hard enough but to find out he could have been saved and the doctors deemed him not worth saving is heart breaking and infuriating.We lost a wonderful human being.This is one of the saddest stories I’ve ever heard.He could have been saved.As far as I go,I had to fight tooth and nail for years for testing.Thank God it didn’t spread in all that time I was ignored
wow i honestly can believe that,, how sad,, and i see now that im not the only one being abandoned neglected and not cared about , i have just been abandoned by doc jones at umc lubbock texas ,, not to mention the patient abuse i have been going through for almost a year,, im a stage four lobular breast cancer patient and been through so many illegal things at umc cancer center in lubbock texas, my medical records have untruthful things i have had meds with held i have been laughed at im due for my lupron shot as we speak and no oncologist , legally she had to give me a thirty day notice but shes not upholding it because, i cant get her to answer my calls or emails, so shes ignoring me, sharon shoulders is a supervisor at umc and she and doc jones sent me an illegal letter telling me not to come back to umc and without no time granted to seek another cancer care oncologist,, they have to give a thirty day notice,, but thats just for legal purposes,, i have supporting documents of every thing i claim ive been through and it doesnt matter the only one hurt and wronged was me and im being made to look like the bad person inwhich i havnt done anything to deserve this treatment,, i couldnt even get my meds sent to the right pharmacy,, so ive been without because of the meds being sent to the opposite place that i need them sent to,,, i will continue to search for some one whom will hear my entire struggle with cancer care at umc in lubbock texas,,,
I’m sorry to hear about your struggles with these doctors, please keep fighting to be heard. These kind of doctors are unhuman.
God bless you and I hope you find your health back.
Hi, I think reading Ty’s cancer book will really help you decide what to do. It’s called “cancer, step outside of the box”. You need to keep well clear of Chemo, Radiation & surgery. Not only are they all very unpleasant, they will make your cancer much worse. What you need to do is rebuild your immune system to be strong again and this is done by diet & supplements. You’ll need to detoxify your body and the many different types of detox ‘s are explained in the book and give you reference of where to go to get them from. You need to raise the alkaline level in your body as cancer is acidic and can’t exist in an alkaline environment. You’ll need a good juicer for all the intense nutritional juicing that you need to start doing multiple times a day. A great simple tip from me is to eat apricot kernels through the day. They are very high in vitamin B-17 which attacks only cancer cells and leaves healthy cells alone. Start with just 2 a day and slowly work up to eating a maximum of 30 a day. Use the Raw organic ones as they are the best. Same with all your food and drink, make sure it’s organic otherwise it could be doing you harm. Keep off smoking and drinking as they are truely awful for your body. Take a look at which is a superb site to get help and advice from. Be very warery of those doctors who will want to profit from your health problems. Remember cancer has happened naturally and it can be reversed naturally too. Trust your instincts and get started on the basics now until you’ve learnt more from books and the websites. Best regards to you & wish you the greatest of health!!!! Mart
Why do we get stomach cancer
Doctors these days are only in it for the money. They are instructed to sell agressive medical treatments for the numbers and to avoid lawsuits. When they screw up they’d just blame it somewhere else. Why do you all think there’s been aggressive campaign ads for cancer treatment centers these days? Relentless campaign ads for pharma?
If you’re lucky enough and have money, good for you. But if you are relying on your health insurance that will drop you when your treatment becomes very expensive, you’d hope there are people with compassion to help you out financially.
People in the medical field are 90% dishonest. They always blame something else but they hardly mention peticides in our food, the toxic chemicals in the air we breathe. With all the vehicles pumping fuel exhaust into the air, the only explanation these so-called experts tell the public is that smoking is the leading cause of illnesses. The materials used to build homes and all buildings are laced with lead and asbestos. They can’t even explain why those who didn’t have a poor lifestyle developed cancer. But they can blame it on the genes anytime.
I had skin cancer 4 years ago and I cured it with cannabis to this my cancer has not come back.Thank GOD for cannabis.
Thank you for sharing this with us, Duane!
Many blessings.
My family literally used to make fun of me because of my “paranoia” about cancer and my healthy lifestyle. I mean, I had excellent health, until I found out I had incurable cancer that is. I don’t believe that what we do matters too much. My dad smoked for 70 years. He never got cancer. I never even tried smoking. I ate healthy. I used natural products around the house and for my personal hygiene. I have always been a healthy weight. I didn’t have immune problems. I didn’t get colds or the flu. I practiced smart sun, blah, blah, blah. I believe it is genetics. Do you know what I learned? I learned that my excellent health was not something to be proud of, or think that I did something right. My health was a gift. If you have the gift, appreciate it.
You are right health is a gift Tracey. My youngest brother died from lung cancer at age 49. He did smoke and drink. My grandmother smoked till she was 93 when she died, not from cancer but old age. Go figure. I wish you all the best.
Its the pesticides that is used to grow our food, chemicals to treat the water and dyes and chemical used to make our clothes. Its perverted lifesyles and all the metal and plastics in outerspace thats prevents fresh flowing air. Electronics and magnetic fields is causing cancer.
Hi Bernice –
Thank you for sharing this.
We appreciate you!
This is very upsetting to read, when you already are blaming yourself and suffering from cancer. Please think before you write articles that vulnerable people who are already frightened and suffering and who have tried their best, and have consistent cancer, come across this article. This article can truly push them over the edge. You are blaming people for their suffering. It is wrong and actually quite cruel. My mother ate healthy, never smoked or drank in her life, and suffered and died from lung cancer. I know people who take drugs, smoke, drink, eat unhealthy, and live until 90. Please stop blaming. I have never responded to an article like this and I think I am the only one to respond like this, but really, shame on you.
Hello and thank you for reaching out.
We were so sorry to hear about your mother and you’re right… cancer can strike, even when we do everything right.
Our intent is never to blame cancer patients, but instead, provide hope and options. We mention many causes of cancer in this article including demographics, genetics, and lifestyle choices. Our goal is to share our research, and this includes healthy lifestyle choices such as detoxing, natural herbs, nutrition, and much more. There are many things we can do to prevent (& fight) cancer naturally.
With that said, we hope that our site can provide a beacon of hope to you, and not make you feel that you are to blame. If you’re able to take a look at more of our content, you’ll see that a huge part of our mission is (and always has been) to encourage and support any cancer patients and their families. In any webinar, video, article, or post, you’ll see Ty and Charlene always encourage love, support, encouragement, and hope. This is who we are, and this is what we stand for.
Hope this is helpful in clarifying our intentions. Wishing you and your family many blessings.
yeah, haha, you have a choice, haha