In 2010 Skip Stein received a prostate cancer diagnosis from his doctor. While the doctor wanted to do surgery, Skip’s weight at the time meant that he wasn’t a candidate for surgery. Other treatment methods the doctors were recommending included radiation and seeds implanted in the prostate.
Even with conventional cancer treatment Skip was told he’d likely only live five years. When he asked what would happen without treatment, his doctor said he’d only have three years.
Skip had watched his own father die from prostate cancer and his mother-in-law from bladder cancer. Both died not from the cancer, but from the conventional cancer treatments (chemo and radiation) that they had received. After their parents’ deaths, Skip and his wife resolved they would never go that route should they ever be diagnosed with cancer.
With Skip’s prostate cancer diagnosis, he and his wife kept this promise to themselves and instead embarked on major lifestyle changes. They switched to a plant-based diet and eliminated all meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. They also started meditating and getting regular exercise.
Almost eight years after his prostate cancer diagnosis, Skip’s doctor now tells him he wishes his blood work was as good as Skip’s.
Watch the video above to hear Skip explain more about the lifestyle changes he made, what he and his wife do now, and how good they feel at age 71.
Have you survived a cancer diagnosis and lived to tell about it?
We hear so many amazing stories from our readers about how they beat cancer using the very techniques they’ve learned from The Truth About Cancer… and we’d love to hear YOUR story!
Sharing these stories brings hope to those who have been diagnosed with or are currently dealing with cancer.
So, if you have a personal story to share of your triumph over cancer, please click here and tell us all about it. ?
Each week we’re posting a new story on our site from the submissions. We’re calling it “Survivor Stories.”
How is Skip Stein doing these days?
He did an interview recently here: