The absolute best way to prevent, treat, and beat cancer is through nutrition. Unfortunately, finding the right information can be hard. The agricultural industry is doing its best to confuse us with tricky labels and misleading science.
Did you know that over 50% of cancer deaths are preventable? With the right diet, you can drastically reduce your cancer risk – and even help your body heal from most diseases. The medical mafia wants you to believe that drugs are the only way to fight disease and illness. The truth is that there’s very little money to be made in natural treatments. The standard American diet (SAD) is loaded with sugar, toxins, and processed, fake foods.
Each month, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite anti-cancer recipes. These dishes aren’t just good; They’re good FOR you!
This kale and artichoke dip is packed full of flavor and nutritional benefits. This recipe is a savory crowd pleaser and perfect for those winter get-togethers.
Kale has gained in popularity over the past years and for good reason. It is an excellent source of protein, folate, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. A 2013 study from Current Pharmacology Reports stated that cruciferous vegetables, such as kale, contain chemical components that have been responsible for fighting various types of cancer cells. The study also stated that cruciferous vegetables are key in advancing cancer prevention.
Artichokes are high in natural antioxidants, fiber, and many vitamins and minerals. A 2015 study in The Plant Foods for Human Nutrition Journal found that artichokes were very beneficial in supporting healthy liver function and protecting the liver against diseases. They also suggest that artichokes may have the ability to support liver cell regeneration. Along with all of these qualities, and one of my favorite health impacts, is that artichokes also support overall gut health!
This simple sweet potato casserole is a delicious and healthy side dish to go with your savory dinners this winter.
Sweet potatoes are high in dietary fiber, antioxidants, and rich in beta-carotene. They are also naturally sweet and filling. A 2010 study in The Journal of Nutrition stated that beta-carotene is important in providing adequate amounts of vitamin A. Vitamin A is important in supporting a healthy immune system and organ function.
According to a 2014 study in The Journal of Medicinal Foods, sweet potatoes have valuable medicinal purposes such as anti-cancer, antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory.
In this casserole, we have skipped the traditional gluten-rich topping and opted for a healthier pecan crust. The monounsaturated fats found in pecans are excellent for supporting a healthy heart. A 2018 study in Nutrients Journal stated that ingesting a handful of pecans daily may prevent cardiovascular disease and development of type two diabetes, while supporting a healthy weight.
This delicious carrot cake is an excellent way to turn an ordinary winter vegetable into a sweet treat.
Carrots are a naturally sweet and hearty root vegetable. They are well known for containing beta carotene (vitamin A), potassium, and antioxidants. A 2003 study in the European Journal of Nutrition found that carrot consumption modifies cholesterol absorption and could be effective in protecting against cardiovascular disease.
A 2018 study in the Baltimore Medicine Journal stated that high intake of carrots has been correlated to decreased risk of breast cancer.
This carrot cake is also packed full of walnuts. Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3s, magnesium, vitamin B-6, and iron. A 2018 study by Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care stated that while all nuts are rich sources of bioactive nutrients, walnuts have a distinct composition. The study also found that walnuts have beneficial effects against oxidation, inflammation, and tumor growth.
I learned about you from Infowars. I loat my Dad a few years ago from I don’t know exactly yet but I do know that he had Colin Cancer, what natural foods can we eat to (I don’t want to say cure but you know what I mean) that can help some one that has it?
The doctors say I have stage 4 breast cancer. It has went to my bones. I am praying this will help me. I am 65 years old. I don’t know what to do. I don’t really trust doctors, but what can I do. My doctor has me on Ibrance 125mg 21 days on and 7 off. They say I have to do this the rest of my life. Ibrance is made by Pfizer. Don’t trust Pfizer. But I feel I have no choice.
Thank you,
God Bless
There used to be a good website called, but it now looks like it is simply a money making referral place.
Try getting Ty and Charlene’s most recent edition of their book, Cancer: Think Outside the Box.
It lists a bunch of different protocols to treat cancer.
Then, of course, look up on the internet for various protocols to treat your type of cancer.
I have lost my mother and one brother to cancer. Now my brother who is 4 years younger than me has cancer. He has been battling stage 4 CA for 4 years. My grandmother had 19 children and besides losing my grandmother and grandfather to CA, most of my aunts and uncles also passed with CA. I watched you on Red Pill 78 and found your information very interesting. And because you are a Lamb of God and a believer, I want to learn more. I thank you and will now check out any information you have graciously shared. God Bless ~ Donna
I lost my brother to a turbo liver cancer caused by the jab. Interestingly, he knew the jab was dangerous but listened to his misinformed family and went along with their decision to be jabbed. He must have wanted a clean bill of health and got one 7 months after the Pfizer jab but two months after that he thought he was having gallbladder issues but I knew before he even went into see the doctor it was much worse and it was. He was diagnosed with cancer, given chemo twice and then was told to enter hospice. He died a year after getting jabbed.
I’ve been told that if you have an allergy to ragweed, that artichokes can cause an allergic reaction and throat swelling. If I’m not mistaken, ragweed, milk thistle and artichokes are in the same family of plants. If you are not sure that you have a ragweed allergy and don’t want to have this tested, try a small amount of the artichokes the first time and if nothing adverse happens, try more next time.
Five years ago, my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer that metastasized to the bones. I followed you and mixed up a drink every day with nutrition, and the two months they gave him has extended to five years. However, cancer has recently spread up his spine. He is in a lot of pain and I am searching for new foods two once again cause this Cancer to go to submission. Any suggestions are more than welcome thank you and God bless you for the wonderful work you’re doing.
Very late, but I pray that he’s still here,
There is a fruit called Guanabano (soursop.)
it has been known in Australia for curing Cancer.
Best advice… Stay away from Hospital if possible.
Hi, Diana,
You can try Essaic tea. It is a blend of 6 herbs and you can either buy the herbs and make it yourself or buy it already made. This tea dissolved breast cancer in my aunt and another woman. Also need to drink green juice every day and make gazpacho in a blender with lettuce, bell pepper, organic vegetable broth, garlic, and maybe avocado. I made these for my Dad for a year and he had negative MRI´s after having had cancer in his appendix. Basically you need to detox, with no vegetable oil, milk products, gluten or sugar/sweets. You need to be disciplined to clean yourself out.