Nashville officials buried numbers showing very low infections in order to gaslight the public over need to keep bars and restaurants shut down
(Natural News) Today we are calling for the arrest and prosecution of top government officials in Nashville, TN, who have now been caught red-handed covering up the very low numbers of infections at restaurants and bars in order to gaslight the public and justify draconian business closures and lockdowns.
A bombshell investigation by Fox 17, WZTV in Nashville, has uncovered once-secret emails that reveal a shocking conspiracy to deliberately deceive the public by withholding covid-19 infections statistics that would have shown that bars and restaurants are not spreading infections.
While nursing homes and construction sites were found to have produced over 1,000 cases of coronavirus infections (each), bars and restaurants reported only 22 cases, reports Fox 17. From there, the cover-up begins. As Fox 17 reports:
Leslie Waller from the health department asks, “This isn’t going to be publicly released, right? Just info for Mayor’s Office?”
“Correct, not for public consumption,” writes senior advisor Benjamin Eagles.
A month later, the health department was asked point blank about the rumor there are only 80 cases traced to bars and restaurants.
Tennessee Lookout reporter Nate Rau asks, “The figure you gave of ‘more than 80’ does lead to a natural question: If there have been over 20,000 positive cases of COVID-19 in Davidson and only 80 or so are traced to restaurants and bars, doesn’t that mean restaurants and bars aren’t a very big problem?”
Health department official Brian Todd asked five health department officials, “Please advise how you recommend I respond.”
The name at the top of the response is clipped off but you may find the answer unacceptable.
“My two cents. We have certainly refused to give counts per bar because those numbers are low per site.
We could still release the total though, and then a response to the over 80 could be because that number is increasing all the time and we don’t want to say a specific number.”
Neither the health department nor the mayor’s office would confirm the authenticity of the emails but councilmember Steve Glover had a Metro staff attorney inquire. Here’s the official answer:
“I was able to get verification from the Mayor’s Office and the Department of Health that these emails are real,” the staff attorney answered.
Glover says this is Metro Nashville orchestrating a cover up.
“They are fabricating information,” Glover said. “They’ve blown there entire credibility Dennis. Its gone, I don’t trust a thing they say going forward …nothing.”
They were “managing” the propaganda to deliberately mislead the public
What these emails show is that Nashville officials — almost all Democrats, of course — were carrying out acts of criminal fraud against the people of Tennessee. They were deliberately engineering or shaping the propaganda in order to mislead the public and try to justify lockdowns and closures that could not normally be justified if they had reported the real numbers.
Brian Todd, one of the officials involved, reportedly asked five other government officials how he should “respond” to questions about the data, implying that he couldn’t simply tell the truth and wanted to know how to shape the response to mislead the public.
It’s clear that the Nashville Mayor’s office would only share “bad” information with the public, while covering up “good” numbers that might justify reopening local businesses.
This is the weaponization of government against the people, isn’t it? Instead of local government working to help local citizens overcome the economic devastation of lockdowns and closures, these government officials were acting as enemies of the local people. As if they were waging a war against them!
As Donald Trump Jr. tweeted, “The Dem Mayor of Nashville KNOWINGLY LIED ABOUT COVID DATA to justify shutting down bars & restaurants, killing countless jobs & small businesses in the process. Everyone involved should face jail time. How many other Dem run cities is this happening in?”
The Dem Mayor of Nashville KNOWINGLY LIED ABOUT COVID DATA to justify shutting down bars & restaurants, killing countless jobs & small businesses in the process.
Everyone involved should face jail time. How many other Dem run cities is this happening in?
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 17, 2020
We are calling for the arrest and prosecution of every Nashville officials involved in this criminal fraud
This story shows that Nashville officials recognized the “numbers were low” for bars and restaurants and therefore decided to withhold those numbers from the public.
This is criminal.
In a time when small businesses are being devastated by lockdowns that lead to bankruptcies, with jobs and livelihoods on the line, these Nashville government officials — who all hold cozy jobs as government workers — took actions that deliberately destroyed private sector businesses, almost like an act of BLM terrorism.
Black Lives Matter burns your business down, but Nashville officials destroy your entire revenue model, making them worse than terrorists.
Anyone who has ever wondered whether government was your enemy, look no further than Nashville.
It’s time that We the People started arresting these government criminals and tyrants who are abusing their power, lying to America and destroying local economies just so they can use the coronavirus pandemic to roll out their authoritarian schemes.
Arrest the covid criminals in Nashville, starting with Mayor John Cooper.
Re-posted with permission from Natural News. Original article here.
Did not realize you were from Nashville. We live just a few miles away in Portland, Tn.
Why did this article have to become politicized? There’s enough divisiveness in the world right now, coupled with all the lies about COVID that the MSM and governments keep spinning, without pitting Democrats against Republicans. Especially for those of us that do not live in the U.S., can we just keep it about the facts please.
Unfortunately, it is a terrifying reality that the democrats have gone radical. The republicans have their share of failures and bad ideas, no doubt. But, these democrats are wicked at heart. They policies and affiliations are clear indications, since they have repeatedly lied, we cannot trust what they say but what they do. I suggest researching the federal register, and recordings of the senate and congress hearings. As I said, terrifying and the American people are failing to take themselves directly to these resources and following the MSM narratives. If you watched our news, listen to our radio stations and had our censored social media platforms, (you may, I don’t know where you are in the world), you could see that it is all one sided. They never share facts and accurate data, just models and projections, discrediting the doctors and scientists blowing the whistle in regards to their corruption, and disgracefully talk about the POTUS as if he has never done anything right. I see a lost group of people seeking salvation from a government party who only exploits their pain for their gain. They have been fed false promises for decades and now the democrats aren’t saying anything at all in regards to what they will do under a democratic administration. Considering not having a presidential debate? Refusing to answer questions challenging their administration an their stances on serious political issues? They are divisive. They have instigated this from the beginning to accomplish an agenda. Now, I am not a republican, but I am also not an idiot. I can see that any party trying to support abortions up to birth and have been caught red handed protecting Planned parenthood participating in the fetal parts trade lacks common human decency. Adding their deceit through the COVID crisis among much more, only amplifies their heinous and evil intentions for the American people.
The enemy of a lie, is the truth! May we all be blessed with that very soon.
The facts are that the Democrats in our country are so corrupt that they are trying to divide us and destroy our economy so they can remain in power. This is a war in our country and to ignore that would be to ignore the facts.
Those are the facts! The democrats have perpetrated this crime and many others! More to come!
It is the Democrat run states keeping the lock downs in place. It is the Democrat run states letting rioting, burning and looting go unpunished. How do you not politicize that truth?
did you know what BAR as in Lawyer’s means?
“British Accreditation Regency” swear an oath to the Queen of England
Constitution reads “NO Nobility” Esquire and Solicitor are nobility
that’s just the beginning
Have a great day!!
WHY are these criminals still in office? If the proof has been publicly shared and is a known violation, why isn’t someone removing them from office or at least pressing charges?? Who can do this? Until someone actually takes action against people like this, they are building more confidence in getting away with the crimes.
This is great news! I suspect the same is happening in Washington State, the governor has paused our opening up because of “increased cases”. But it’s clear that the death rate everywhere is dropping and I suspect that most cases are with minimal or no symptoms. Business are closing right and left, many people want to get on with life, but the governor is keeping everyone locked down.
I believe that if this is true there should be an investigation. But to me bars are a perfect place to spread. this virus. I have been in a couple in the last month and almost no one was wearing a mask or social distancing. I won’t be back for a long time. This is just common sence.
Accountability lock them up!!! Why are only elected so called leaders which they only lead their puppet masters agendas and corporate terrorists against the people seem to be free from and unaccountable for any and all corruption against the tax paying people they seem to think they lord over? In your job you’d be fired or arrested for even the little things and theft, yet they are immune to any punishment.
Time to change that. Make an example of a few and look how friggin scared the rest of these fearful corrupt entitled so called leaders be of jail time or treason …. you’d see a big change in behaviour ….. some are slow learners though and will continue following their masters orders until caught and jailed then its oh poor me poor me ….. no its poor us we are the sheep getting fleeced of or rights privledges good governance and our families tax dollars all designed by a few evil families to strip us of everything. Now is our time enough is enough, they have a job to do and if they are corrupt in their duty they need to be arrested charged and jailed …. knock them off their self appointed pedestal, and strip them of any wealth they have accumulated through corruption. Hit them where it hurts like they do to us. “FORGIVE THEM NOT FOR THEY DO KNOW WHAT THEY DO” and don’t think for one minute if they go all lying joe biden on you and say they didn’t know or it was a stupid mistake …. no they know alright the harm they cause the masses they think they rule.
You shouldn’t claim that Black Lives Matter is burning down businesses without any evidence and anyone can claim to be “Black Lives Matter” but that doesn’t mean they are. There are right wing extremists that pretend to be Black Lives Matter.
That is one of the reasons that I have been avoiding restaurants and coffee shops because I do not find that they are safe places to eat because first of all I do not know who the chefs, waiters, and clients go in contact with. Second of all, it is a nuisance having to take off your mask while you are eating.
Why wear masks??? They have been proven to do more harm than good. I see silly folks putting masks on little children while they are outdoors where they should be breathing wonderful fresh air. That is child abuse!!! When will the sane folks speak out and be counted?? When will you stop repeating all that fear-mongering and stop being so afraid for your lives. Especially when your lives are not at all in danger. Wake up!!! Wake up and speak up!!. Whatever happened to common sense?? It is time to deal with all the fraudulent information being spouted. It is time to deal with the people who are spouting it. Stand up! Speak up! Step up to TRUTH! Stop being complacent and even worse, repeating the trash you hear every day being spouted by liars in the media.