In our modern world we live amongst a sea of toxins in our air, water, food supply, and even in our homes. Hazardous chemicals are in household cleaning supplies and thousands of personal care products (including antiperspirant and mouthwash) with no label warnings whatsoever. Vaccinations often contain mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and other toxic substances.
Prescription and over the counter drugs are in and of themselves toxic and often contain artificial chemical additives. Poisonous heavy metals from numerous environmental sources are yet another concern, and invisible electromagnetic fields are everywhere.
This bombardment of daily toxins from almost every place imaginable can have many adverse effects and take a toll on our health over time. Nearly all of these chemicals damage our cells, weaken the body, create chronic illness, and can even lead to cancer.
And unfortunately, conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy flood the body with additional toxins that can keep it from healing.
Detoxification 101
With so much garbage coming into our bodies, it is important to be taking out the “cellular trash” on a regular and daily basis. This is what the cells of our bodies are designed to do through adequate sleep, movement, sweating, drinking enough clean water, and consuming high water content foods (i.e. fruits and vegetables), among other things.
The cells of our body automatically cleanse and detoxify by eliminating accumulated waste products. If the body is unable to eliminate toxins fast enough, compared to the amount of toxic waste coming in, cells start malfunctioning and the disease process begins.
This is the underlying reason to detoxify. It is based on the principle that the accumulation of toxins greatly contributes to cellular damage and disease formation, and thus the elimination of toxins has the ability to prevent and even cure disease.
Detoxification has been used for thousands of years (since the time of Hippocrates) and long before modern, pharmaceutical-based medicine became the accepted treatment for disease.
Water fasting, which rapidly detoxifies the body, is one of the oldest therapeutic practices used to cleanse and heal. The detoxification methods of ancient Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional healing system of India, have also been used for centuries. Detoxification protocols are also widely used amongst alternative medical practitioners.
Even though the U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that over 80% of disease has lifestyle and environmental causes, modern medicine basically ignores toxins as damaging and does little if anything to address the underlying causes of disease. Instead, the medical establishment relies on prescription and over the counter drugs as its treatment of choice.
Cell Renewal is a Must to Stay Healthy and Cancer Free
All life is maintained through the reproduction of cells in that cells are continually replaced when old cells die off. In other words, the body is in a constant state of self-renewal. Toxins are eliminated continually and consistently in a healthy body, which allows genuine healing to occur.
As mentioned, the problem occurs when the body is constantly inundated with a stream of toxic material, making it difficult to keep up with elimination and allowing toxins to accumulate.
A 2005 study found 287 industrial chemicals in the umbilical cords of newborns. Over half of these chemicals are known to cause cancer. This slow poisoning has an effect on the body’s pH balance and all these poisons push the body into an acidic state, allowing cancer to thrive. Toxins and heavy metals must be removed in order to modify the body’s pH and bring it back to an alkaline state.
Should You Detoxify During Chemotherapy and Radiation?
Numerous alternative cancer doctors who specialize in non-toxic and nutritional approaches to treating cancer emphasize the importance of a detoxification program for their patients. As cancer cells dies off, it is important to excrete them.
When the body is healthy, it does an adequate job of eliminating toxins. However, when undergoing chemotherapy treatments, the body becomes overloaded with toxins. These toxins can cause fatigue, bloating, suppressed immunity, aching muscles, and many other negative side effects.
If surgery has been performed and lymph nodes removed, detoxification becomes even more difficult. This is because the lymph system that is involved in waste removal has been compromised. Toxic build up can worsen conditions such as lymphedema, making detoxification during chemo even more important. In addition, radiation damages cells and increases toxicity in the body so eliminating dead cancer cells is necessary for healing to occur.
It is next to impossible to avoid toxins in the every day world, so regular detoxification is paramount for maintaining good health. You need to exercise, sweat, sleep well, drink plenty of clean water, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and supplement with supportive, detoxification helpers such as milk thistle, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), chlorella, and other superfoods.
If undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation, detoxification is even more important to help the body rid itself of dead cancer cells and the toxic effects of these conventional treatments. It is critical to see a practitioner who understands detoxification as a way of helping the body heal, regenerate, and repair.
How to Detox
Detoxification doesn’t have to be complicated. Did you know that you can help your body detoxify on a daily basis in simple ways? Here are 31 easy ways to detox that will guide you towards a healthier lifestyle.
I have been hearing much about daily detox by adding diatomatous earth to ones diet. Any thoughts?
Judi – Have never heard that. I live close to 1 of 3 best (most pure, highest grade, or so I understand) Diatomaceous Surface Mines in the World. My information is that it is carcinogenic, and I know that their customers include Pesticide companies, Paint companies, Brewery’s for Filtration, etc. Workers frequently wear surgical face masks to prevent the easily air-borne particles from entering their lungs, as again, I’m told it’s carcinogenic.
I’ve been supplied Garbage bags of rejected product that didn’t meet a certain grade, and have been told to (which I have exercised) use it as an Ant Repellant / Killer around the base of my house and as an absorbent for solvent/motor oil spills. (These have been successful uses.)
Now, per your question, Googled “health effects of diatomaceous earth”, and came up with a lot of sites. You can do the same, but below are two articles from one source only, in which, I learned that there IS a Food Grade form along with an Industrial Grade form, the latter NOT being what you want to use. Anyway, I learned something new…..but do not think I will be ingesting this stuff.
Best of Luck!
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is definitely a great one to add to your detox program. Start with a teaspoon in a glass of water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice each morning on rising. Do this twice a day for 3 months. DE will remove heavy metals and toxins. You must drink loads of water and don’t take within an hour medications or supplements.
Where does one purchase this stuff?
Diatomaceous Earth (food grade)
1teaspone in tbe morning on an empty stomach 1-teaspoon before you retire at night
Please drink Plenty of water!!!
My aunt had a masectomy in January of this year and has just had her first chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer , she had 2 lymph nodes that were also removed . She decided that she would go ahead and also start the reconstruction process at the Same time , the skin expander was put in right after her breast was removed . She had to have the drains in for a lot longer than normal , which delayed starting the chemo until this week ! The chemo drug that they are giving her is one of the strongest , most toxic drugs they use . They refer to it as ” Red Devil ” because it is so strong . I’m confused because they told her not to take any supplements , vitamins , any detoxifying products etc . While she is going through chemo . Why is that , I wonder . ( she also has Lupus but has been in ” remission for a long time ” . Thank you for any advice , as I am so worried that the chemo ( poison ) drug is going to take her from us & not the cancer . Her breast cancer type is ductal carcinoma in situ stage 3 .
I agree. Doctor ‘s don’t tell the whole truth. Look into Cancer/MSM and Vitamin C . You’d be amazed and shocked. Detox! Detox those cells!
There’s a big difference between breathing in DE and swallowing it orally in water, where is binds up toxins very effectively..
I would advise quick getting Dr. Patrick Quillan’s book Beating Cancer with Nutrition, as he deals with that issue. He is a PhD Nutritionist who has worked in the Cancer Care Industry, so he knows what he is talking about.
I have gone through the full cancer treatment and would love to go through detoxing. Not sure where to start.
Watch the video with your mom. She has the choice to do what she wants. They should not be able to give demands only advice and then you always ask questions and get them to back it up with data, hard data. Then go seek a second ,third even fourth opinion. Try to make one of those opinions holistiic. Come up with her own conclusion it is her body. Oh yes do research much research. We need to be informed about our health cause most conventional (other than pain meds and how to fix a cut or broken bone) doctors are in the dark. They are educated by the drug companies essentially. I stand and say let’s educate ourselves. It’s our bodies and we really need to know how to care for them. I was all conventional up until 3 years ago when a good friend was diagnosed guess what they told him to eat what he wants. I have been educating myself since. So much information out the
How long do you water fast for?
I love Diatomaceous Earth! I take it every morning. It has a LOT of trace minerals, and has helped with pms/emotional issues (I’m serious!), my skin looks better, my hair is thicker, and, it helps you move your bowels naturally! I’ve used it to brush my teeth (feels like I’ve gotten a cleaning!) and even a face mask..and yes, I’ve killed fleas in my yard. People have had great results, even helping their aches and pains (arthritis) and clearing up acne. FOOD GRADE is what you’re looking for. Just go to Amazon and type in D.E. or Diatomaceous Earth, and just read the reviews!
I just finished all my breast cancer treatments. Four months of chemo with the “red devil” and two other chemo drugs. I had a double mastectomy and six weeks of radiation. I was told I should not detox during the treatments because you need the cancer drugs to work by keeping them in your body. If you detox it competes with the chemo drugs. I am getting healthier every day. Praise God for his blessing.
I wanted to know ir there is different detox for person who has throat cancer, It came to my knowledge that vitamin C helps throat cancer grow, that means lemons not good and many other veg or fruit?
DE – Diatomaceous Earth can be bought online (Amazon/EBAY) …..or most farm stores sell it. Be sure to get the ‘food’ grade. This stuff is unbelievable—- I use it on my dogs/in their food/on their coats—IN my water—- it’s a bug killer/repellant—and sOoo much more—- and it’s ALL natural. Google it!
I’m a 9 year cancer survivor. I’m currently taking Fulvimax vitamins along with other supplements. I’ve just started taking Optimoxx for two weeks followed by another detox. I’m not sure if I should be taking the vitamins at the same time as taking the detox.
I am a breast cancer survivor for three years and have done extensive research. Some experts do not agree with Fermented process for breast cancer as it feeds the cancer. I do not want to put myself at risk taking FulviMax if this is the case. It is so hard to sort out what is the truth and are we doing more bad than good trying to remain in remission. If you can tell me why this product is good for a estrogen positive breast cancer survivor I would be deeply grateful.
I am currently detoxing. I actually have a “kit” I like to order and use. I used to do it 2x per year: once in the spring and once in the fall, but I sort of fell off for about 2 years, so I started doing it again. I got the idea from a little 96 year-old lady several years back who was as sharp as a tack, both mentally and physically. She said that her mother used to “purge” them 2x a year. My own grandmother and great-grandmother lived to ages 95 and 96, respectively. However, my mother and aunt of the same family line, have both passed from cancer. My mom was 55 and my aunt was closer to 60. My grandmother outlived them both. It was horrible for her to have to go through. That being said, I’ve prescribed to detoxing and trying to eat clean since my mom passed in 2000. I am definitely not afraid of dying; but I am TERRIFIED of suffering from cancer. I will say that while drugs are needed in some instances, I basically see them all as poison and try not to even take a Tylenol, if I can help it. I choose acupuncture for migraines that I occasionally get. I’ve been without health insurance since ACA was put into effect and have just this week acquired coverage through a HCA. Once that goes into effect next month, I do have a small knot under my armpit that I’ve been watching for 4+ years now and haven’t been able to get checked out. It hasn’t grown at all, so I am attributing that to my efforts to try to stay “clean.” I believe my mom and aunt died young because they ate more modern, fast food, unlike my grandmother and great-grandmother. I believe if you eat foods as close to the way God made them, you’ll avoid lots of nasty diseases. I try to eat scads of raw fruits and veggies in a week’s time.