Electricity was originally introduced to the mass population in the form of a long-lasting, practical light bulb by Edison. In just over a century, electricity has brought with it an incredible range of technological innovations.
But this technological tale is not totally a happy one. While we lead more convenient lives, our modern-day electric gadgets may be silently harming… and even killing us. It turns out they emit “dirty electricity” and electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs).
Many of these frequencies are quite different to anything that exists in nature. As our environment becomes denser with man-made unnatural EMFs, our bodies are affected by these frequencies, which bring about unhealthy alterations in our body and mind and lead to disease.
To better understand EMFs, let’s dive into its four major components – electric fields, magnetic fields, radio frequency, and dirty electricity – each of which affect the well-being of all of us in ways we are only now beginning to understand.
Electric Fields
Electric fields are produced when particles are charged, whether through natural friction or through a supply of voltage. Electric fields get stronger when there’s lesser distance to the source. For example, when there’s an increase in voltage supply or if it is close to a charged conductor.
The most common producers of electric fields in a home are electrical power supplies and wiring in the walls. For American households, the standard AC (alternating current) voltage is 60 hertz – which means that every bit of electricity in your home switches from negative to positive 60 times every second. Since our time is mostly spent at home or at work, our body’s cells are always in a constant battle of attraction and repulsion. Therefore they never really get much rest.
Many homes in America have electric fields between 2,000 to 3,000 millivolts (mV) which is far greater than what is considered “safe levels of exposure.” What’s more, electric fields commonly extend at least six feet from their source – and they can affect us even when our appliances are switched off.
A major health problem that arises from constant electric field exposure is the disruption of our pineal gland’s production of melatonin, thus not allowing us to have deep sleep that’s vital for repairing our body. This one disruption leads to many other complications such as constant fatigue, increase in allergies, insomnia, and depression in the long run.
Magnetic Fields
Magnetic fields are typically produced through electric and electronic appliances that contain a transformer or a motor. Common household appliances that emit magnetic fields are microwave ovens, refrigerators, digital alarm clocks, hair dryers, washing machines, dishwashers, and fluorescent lights.
Bad wiring and bad plumbing can also lead to an increase in charged currents. These magnetic fields can cause alterations in our body and brain’s function over time, as many studies have shown.
Other adverse effects on human health include immune system dysfunction, development of various cancers, extreme fatigue, and prolonged depression.
Radio Frequency Radiation
Radio frequencies are typically produced by electrical charges that are moving in an antenna. Radio frequency is mostly used in communication devices such as telecommunication towers, broadcasting antennas, mobile phones, and wireless technologies (i.e. Wi-Fi routers, cordless phones, Bluetooth). These waves carry information from one point to another, thus making fast communication possible.
Often it is cell phones that can cause problems to our health. The peculiarity of cell phones is that we hold them in very close proximity to our brains and many of us use our cell phones so often. Another problem linked to cell phones has to do with cell towers. Living in close proximity to a cell tower can mean a constant high bombardment of radio frequency radiation.
One of the biggest studies conducted by Germany’s T-Mobile stated that “a multitude of studies found a type of damage from high frequency EMFs which is important for cancer initiation and cancer promotion.”
Other radio frequency offenders in the home are Wi-Fi from wireless modems/routers, cordless phones, and gaming consoles. However, many other new devices such as washing machines, electric cookers, dishwashers, and refrigerators are also starting to emit radio frequency radiation as they are being made compatible with smart meters that are being introduced.
Professor Martin Blank from Columbia University has carried out a number of studies on this topic. He has released a testimony to highlight that “stress” proteins are developed in human cells when they are exposed to radio frequency radiation. These stress proteins are released to protect the body, which indicates that the human body views radio frequency as harmful.Long-term release of stress proteins is linked to disease. Some health hazards of radio frequency radiation (besides cancer) are infertility, sleep difficulties, memory problems, and damage to our central nervous system.
Dirty Electricity
Electricity comes in various qualities. For the sake of simplicity, there is clean and dirty electricity, which are differentiated essentially by their frequency. Clean electricity in the U.S. has a perfect 60 hertz sine wave while dirty electricity is transformed or “corrupted” and has a host of other higher frequencies present.
Dirty electricity is introduced into our homes through electrical wiring but also through plumbing, the ground itself, and a number of appliances. A big source of dirty electricity is from cell towers. These towers run on direct current (DC) but current arrives to them as alternating current (AC).
In the process of inverting, dirty electricity is produced by inverters and is sent back into our houses via electrical wiring.
Health problems connected to dirty electricity include diabetes, migraine, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, muscle and joint problems, and even suicide.
A budget way of finding out if your home has dirty electricity is by using an AM radio. Set the radio to in-between stations where it is only white noise and bring it close to all the sockets in your home. If you hear a hissing sound, then you know you have a particular problem in that area.
16 Solutions for Limiting Your Exposure to Dirty Electricity & EMFs at Home
The good news is, you don’t have to sit silently and allow your body to be slowly damaged by an uninvited, invisible invader. Let’s look at some of the solutions.
Steps you can take to protect your home from harmful electric fields:
- Get rid of electric blankets, water bed, and electric heating pads which are all conductors of electricity.
- Purchase shielded, grounded extension cords and power cords to be used in your home.
- Alter your bedroom circuit breaker to exclude necessities (i.e. smoke detector, alarm, fridge) and then switch off your circuit breaker at night for a restful sleep.
- Hire a professional EMF consultant to give you tailor-made recommendations to make your bedroom and/or home a safer place.
Tips for removing magnetic fields from your home include:
- Start by getting a read on the levels of magnetic field in your home by using an EMF meter with Gauss meter mode such as the Cornet ED88T EMF meter.
- Use battery-powered alarm clocks instead of ones you plug into an outlet.
- Leave at least eight inches of space between your bed and your wall because wiring (even in walls) can still emit a significant magnetic field that you don’t want to be sleeping in.
- If your bedroom is located right next to the utility pole, position your bed as such so that it is a good six feet away from this strong magnetic field source.
- The refrigerator and home entertainment center are often the biggest producers of magnetic fields in your home. If your bedroom is situated right next to the kitchen or the home theatre set, be sure to place your bed on the opposite side of the room so you can establish a safe distance.
When it comes to radio frequency radiation, here are some helpful steps you can take:
- Turn off your cell phone and keep it out of your room at night. When you’re not using your cell phone, put it on airplane mode, so it is not in communication with cell towers.
- Forget about using Bluetooth headsets no matter how convenient you think they are. A simple set of earphones will do the trick. Or better yet, use speaker mode and keep your phone as far away from your body as practical.
- Don’t use your cell phone when you’re in a car or in public transportation. The radio frequency radiation bounces around and can continuously bombard you with harmful radiation.
- If you’re using a laptop at home, avoid using Wi-Fi and opt for hard-wired Ethernet connections instead. It’s also best to avoid using a cordless phone as it is also a wireless device. Opt to have conversations on a landline instead of putting your cell phone up to your head for long periods of time.
- To go a step further you can purchase a radio frequency meter. This will give you readings as to the exposure levels in your home and enable you to pinpoint EMF hotspots.
- To ensure that your house remains a clean electricity zone, start by reducing or eliminating the use of problem appliances such as dimmer switches, wireless products, printers, scanners, computers, television sets, and energy-saving devices.
- Also, it’s a good option to replace all compact fluorescent light bulbs (“curly wurly” form) with incandescent lights (preferably full spectrum) as these are the healthiest light bulbs to have in your home.
For the sake of the health and well-being of your loved ones, acknowledge the existence of EMFs in your home and the significant potential for harm they present… and start actively working on solutions today!
Article Summary
There are 4 major components to electromagnetic frequencies:
- Electric fields
- Magnetic fields
- Radio frequency radiation
- Dirty electricity
Steps you can take to protect your home from harmful electric fields:
- Get rid of electric blankets, waterbeds, and electric heating pads, which are all conductors of electricity.
- Purchase shielded, grounded extension cords and power cords to be used in your home.
- Alter your bedroom circuit breaker to exclude necessities and switch off your circuit breaker at night for a restful sleep.
- Hire a professional EMF consultant to give you tailor-made recommendations to make your bedroom and/or home a safer place.
Tips for removing magnetic fields from your home include:
- Getting a read on the levels of magnetic field in your home by using an EMF meter
- Use battery-powered alarm clocks
- Leave at least eight inches of space between your bed and your wall
- If your bedroom is located next to the utility pole, position your bed so that it is six feet away
- If your bedroom is situated right next to the kitchen or the home theatre set, be sure to place your bed on the opposite side of the room
When it comes to radio frequency radiation, here are some helpful steps you can take:
- Turn off your cell phone and keep it out of your room at night. When you’re not using your cell phone, put it on airplane mode
- Don’t use Bluetooth headsets; keep your phone as far away from your body as practical
- Don’t use your cell phone when you’re in a car or using public transportation
- Avoid using Wi-Fi and opt for hard-wired Ethernet connections.
- Avoid using a cordless phone and use a landline instead of your cell phone
- Purchase a radio frequency meter to test your home
- Ensure that your house remains a clean electricity zone
- Replace all compact fluorescent light bulbs with incandescent lights
Really sorry that you believe in another revolutionary device (they all claim to be the one and only) There is only one way to rid the microwaves in this world, it´s to stay away from it as much as possible, and to disconnect everything wireless i your smart (?) phone and laptop. Some of the shielding devices could be useful (not all) in temporary situations that you can´t avoid, but if you rely on these shielding devices and keep on exposing yourself to the harmful microwaves, well , eventually things will go wrong in some way, it´s only a matter of time. And remember : You don´t have to feel anything from the radiation to develop cancer. Buy an EMF meter and see for yourself. The microwaves are still there.
Well said Marie Winqvist!!! I totally agree!
Hear hear, I agree.
I have a particular problem with an important electrical appliance I need to use each night as I sleep. I am sure others are in the same spot. I have a CPAP machine right by my bed. Come to think of it, in the 3 months I have been using it my feet and hands have gotten more tingly and numbish feeling than ever before. I have been looking for a reason for this and it could be many things, but I am now wondering about EMG’s as a possibility. I was diagnosed with severe apnea and the CPAP seemed to help somewhat with extreme brain fog and fatigue I was experiencing but now I have these other symptoms. Anyone have thoughts on this?
It usually takes quite intense electromagnetic radiation over extended periods of time to produce harmful neurological effects. Does the device have a CE Mark? Perhaps FCC compliance? These are usually required in order to market a medical device. The CE Mark puts a limit on emissions to some degree but FCC does not, really.. FCC only requires that it not interfere with other electrical electronic devices in the vicinity.
Your nerves are responding to high frequencies known to affect the cell membrane. The only way to stop this is with professional mitigation of RF and dirty electricity.
I had sleep apnea until I started irrigating my sinuses each night with warm salt water, using a Neti pot. It was miraculous! My sinuses just needed moisture. I’ve slept without breathing problems ever since. I also follow the Neti pot irrigation with smoothing some cocoanut oil in my nostrils, to keep them moist. Good luck!
Hope this helps – Although only minimally overweight, I suffered from sleep apnea. This completely disappeared when I went on a low to zero carb diet.
There is an additional solution that I didn’t hear mentioned which is grounding. Instead of getting rid of devices that many of us cannot get rid of like your CPAP machine, you could buy or even make a grounding mat. DIY YouTube videos can be found quite easily and it’s very easy to make one yourself and it’s not expensive. Personally I would get a voltmeter as well as a circuit checker to make sure that the outlet that you’re going to use is wired correctly. the voltmeter can also be used to determine if the grounding mat that you bought elsewhere is actually working.
Basically you’d plug in your grounding mat whether it’s under your keyboard where you’d rest your wrists or on the floor where you’d rest your bare feet or you can even fashion wristbands to put on one or both wrists while you watch TV. You could even sleep with your mat underneath you all night long. I’ve heard reports that grounding often can alleviate many of the symptoms mentioned in this article by many and this is a lot cheaper than a device that costs hundreds and thousands of dollars for those of us on a tight budget.
Materials to make your own grounding mat shouldn’t cost you more than 30 bucks for the socket + wire mesh + wire + receptacle meter. of course it’s even less if you have some of the materials just lying around.
The voltmeter tester isn’t necessary to make the mat but I find it’s a really interesting tool to have around just to see the effectiveness for yourself on how your electrical field increases because you’re using a cell phone or standing near your television, using your computer with the AC plug in or out and the effects of other devices. Then check your readings while you’re touching or standing on your mat and it’s quite dramatic.
Are Himalayan salt lamps good reducing for levels of Magnetic fields and wi fi?
Himalayan salt lamps are clever and pretty but do not attenuate Wi-Fi or magnetic fields.
Ingeborg. No, but they are emitting negative ions, the same as in nature. So they have a really good effect on indoor environments. All electric devices, not only the wireless, emit positive ions (that are negative to us) but that has nothing to do with microwaves.
What does one do when a CPAP machine is required to be used by the bed every night? I am sure others must have this problem as well. Does any one have thoughts on this?
Most of them are tested for some level of electromagnetic hazard compliance. CE mark is common; FCC too, but FCC is very lax on actual safety.
Rita, examine the box, see if it has a CE mark, perhaps FCC medical class mark of electromagnetic compliance. If it has such a mark, most medical devices do, you’ll know that it has been tested to some degree or other safety or compliance with standards.
Thanks Alan. It has a box with an EC and a horizontal line. On the other side of that line it says REP. Down lower on the bottom of the machine it says it complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. That does sound to me like what you are talking about. Thanks also for your reassuring thoughts about it taking a long time of exposure for neurological symptoms to show up. Of course I have other EMG exposure, such as the computer I am using right now, while sitting between my air filter and refrigerator.
Absolutely does not mean it is not harmful from EMF’s. FCC guidelines are WAY (decades) out of date. Most CPAP’s emit rf radiation now – a constant signal. I heard some can be turned off (rf/wireless capability) and still work properly just no reporting (which can be done manually when needed).
Vivos.com makes an oral device that will fix the root cause of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. No electricity required.
Don’t forget to get rid of your Smart Meter – which emits bursts of radiation throughout your home all the time.
I tried to get rid of mine. They said the only way is to have no electricity. The neighbors smart meter is close to my bedroom. They would not even believe me lol. What can we do. If this worked it would help, but it today’s world it is impossible to get away from.
Diana, i totally agree with you. The big corps have us by the .____. Feel free to add any word that fits. Im going to call the electric company today and see if I can opt out of getting a smart meter. Good luck with that one, right??
you forgot #9. when you put the frige on a timer to save electricity at night, it of course does not emit rf…
Thank you Marie!! Some months ago when I read about the dangers of microwaves from Ty we got rid of ours IMMEDIATELY!! I had one in my store in the back for reheating lunch and another one upstairs. Threw them both out. We currently don’t have any cell phones—and DON’T WANT ANY! If you need to get in touch with us we have land lines, thank you very much. Our only computer is a laptop which I use on a glass counter top in the store. No, it’s not wireless. And a good friend tried to talk me into wifi for the store, but after reading and knowing what I do–no way am I going to do that either. We also have the old fashioned light bulbs in our lights upstairs. Don’t want the new curly bulbs that supposedly save money on your light bills. My hubby wants them, but when I share what I know now, he’s going to say absolutely not in our house! And I understand many have mercury in them and can’t just be thrown away.
Yes, we all have cancer cells in our body, but we don’t all get cancer. Why take chances and raise your risks of getting it when just a few precautionary things to do will make a difference!
The curly ones are compact fluorescents. I expect they transmit less EMF than fluorescent tubes do. The newer, more-efficient bulbs are LED. I’m not sure they’re any safer, except that they don’t have mercury in them.
Latest information I have read on the LED lights is they are worse than the fluorescent. Buyer beware.
Wendy, I am so so happy for everyone who decides to be careful and turn off the wireless. Time will show that it may save both your health and your life. Blessings !
I Have A Question:
Are Surge Protectors Shielded At All?
Surge protectors are a form of shielding.. attenuators, actually, that suppress some high power spiking on the power lines.
They have no effect but to produce more electromagnetic fields.
I trialled a device with the same claims as the WaveRider and it made me feel worse. At least I didn’t lose any money on the trial. As Alan says, they just produce more electromagnetic fields. Does the WaveRider just replace one frequency with another dangerous frequency? What evidence will the buyer have that the WaveRider is actually doing what it claims to do? How can the buyer visibly measure the benefits?
WaveRider doesn’t actually protect anything or anyone. This sort of device appeals to the human fear factor of injury from electromagnetic radiation but doesn’t actually protect anything. We are dealing with invisible radiation. Effects of the radiation can be visible but the radiation itself is invisible, so it is easy to frighten someone into spending money on things that don’t actually help the situation.
I totally agree that EMFs are a health hazard in modern society; but as an electronics engineer and circuit designer I have to say that the first half of the article has a boat load of factual errors about these fields’ definitions and characteristics. Please get these right before publishing an article. I have to pay a lot of attention to this to keep digital noise or switching power-supply noise from interfering with radios or audio in the aircraft our products go into, and also keep our products’ performance from degrading because of things like nearby radars.
However, moving on, the different frequency ranges of EMFs have different effects on health that are still being discovered. They’re not all the same. The worst for health seems to be UHF (ultrahigh frequencies, in the approximate range of 300MHz to 3GHz), which includes cell phones, WiFi, Bluetooth, and microwave ovens. Don’t let the size of a device fool you. The little battery-powered ones may be the most hazardous, because of the proximity to your body and brain. When you put the cell phone up to your head, the radiation strength your brain experiences from it is much stronger than that of a big cell-phone tower a whole block away. If you use a laptop computer on your lap and use a wireless internet connection, you’re getting a stronger radiation from that than you are from a cell-phone tower only a football field’s length away.
In my computer bookmarks, I’ve accumulated quite a list of Ph.D.s’ lectures with data from countless studies that the industry doesn’t want us to know about because it stands to lose a lot of money if people knew. The problems are why I use a wired internet connection on my computer, and I use a land line phone, and I only carry a cell phone for emergencies and it rarely even gets turned on. It’s still way better than 30 years ago when we didn’t have cell phones or wireless internet (or any internet for that matter). I don’t feel like I’m giving up anything important.
Research “orgonite”. Wilhem Reich is a great start. Also, Ken Rohla “ormusite”.
Orgonite is snake oil.
Look up shungite. It is a unique stone that absorbs radiation. It was used in Chernobyl to help people recover. You can buy it in natural form or shaped into a pyramid or ball. The ball I use is 6cm, I believe. It covers a 12 ft area. I also have a scalar disk from Ken Rohla at Fresh and Alive.com. It comes in three different sizes, each with a different radius. The scalar disk does not keep the frequencies from going through you but it makes them more coherent so you don’t feel bad. I take them both with me if i have to leave my house, which is not that often, and have them always with me at home. However, I would try the wave rider if I could afford it. If it works for someone as sensitive as I am to EMFs, it might be easier to use and carry around with me.
Hi Rita.
It would be best if you could have the machine as far away from your body as you can. Hopefully the tube to the CPAP mask is long.
We purchased a TriField Meter, so we can measure any EMFs we are exposed to & take precautions. For example, the TriField Meter reads >100 (safe is < 3) when the kettle is turned on. But the further away I stand, the reading drops down to a safe level. In other words, if you buy a meter and measure it yourself, you will know how far away your head needs to be from the CPAP machine for you to be safe from EMF's. This meter is a useful tool to measure all electronics in the home including cell phone radiation.
In regards to sleep apnea, we use an “Earthing” sheet at night to help us sleep. The earthing sheet has zero EMFs. People who suffer from sleep apnea have reported they no longer suffer from sleep apnea and also have a better night’s sleep. It is easy to find an Earthing sheet to buy on the Internet. I recommend watching the documentary “The Grounded” which interviews people who tried Earthing or Grounding and the surprising benefits they found.
Blessings ?
Earthing sheets create contact current. You become part of a circuit. I have seen many people become sick from doing this.
this video shows what’s really going on when you attach yourselves to a sheet or mat that is sonnected to a ground wire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuqlPzn365E&t
The message says private. ??was it censured? Any other way to find it?
It can’t be viewed. Any chance you can tell u what the title is? So maybe we can find it.
My initial post didn’t hold – sorry if this is a repeat.
They make it extremely expensive to get rid of the Smart Meter; however, there is a simple way to protect yourself from yours and the neighbor’s by putting up a screen around it. Directions are available on U tube.
Here’s a sample YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DvoOcjgQZs (and there will be lots more at the right edge of the screen). This particular one obscures the meter so you can’t read the numbers displayed. I would be more inclined to go with a screen-type shield. These cut the radiation way, way down, but still leave enough for the mesh radios in the chain (or mesh) of meters to communicate with each other to pass the info to the power company so they don’t have to send someone out to read your meter.
The YouTube video illustrates that shielding is not always effective. It is a function of electrical lengths and coupling. What does work, when it’s a matching electrical length, is RF absorber, because it harmlessly dissipates the field as heat. Negative ion generators like the WaveRider treat the symptoms, not the cause, and are actually entirely unrelated to electromagnetic fields.
I’ve been searching years for a practicable (let alone affordable and accessible) form of RF absorber. What form are you suggesting?
I remember that 14 or 15 years ago the news mentioned that people who used cell phones all the time were most likely to develop leukemia or brain cancer. I never use a water bed nor an electric blanket. I hardly ever use my cell phone. It is always in my purse and it is always off. I leave my IPad off almost all day. I use my laptop a lot because I do work.
I agree with Alan. The ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) is a very real health risk, but using some device that supposedly protects from EMR is risky and potentially dangerous. Telling someone they are now safe because they have some magical device encourages them to continue exposing themselves to EMR. The best solution is to avoid EMR and create distance between yourself and the source of EMR
For the people who are worried about the emfs, emrs ,radio frequencies and dirty electricity, the one thing to do is to make your bedroom a safe place where you sleep as this is when the body heals itself, when it is at rest. This is to remove all electrical products and move the bed over 2feet from the walls then the bed has to be earth along with the mattress if it has springs in it. It better to run wires from the mattress to the base or the steel frame to a seperate earth stake out side of the house. There are alot of simple thing that can be done to reduce the risk of emfs and emrs. I have been working in this field for 20yrs and I try to make it easy for people to fix. The thing I have learnt is these energies causes stress to the cells in the body which then reduces the oxygen in the cells and then thecells oxygen level is reduced by 35% the cell turns into a cancer cell. This was discovered by Dr Otter Warburg, so we can help ourselves by reading a book called The Hidden Story of Cancer written by Brian Peskin where he he explains how to to keep the cells healhy.
If someone came up with a box that the unit sat in that had a aluminum or lead lining it would potentially stop the EMF. The electronics industry uses similar shielding to avoid the EMF affecting other components. They even use it for military components to stop possible
EMF from a nuclear strike taking out their electronic systems so I guess it should work at home.
There is no doubt that wireless radiations are harmful to human health and environment. I am an electronics engineer and had an excellent research career. I faced health problems in 2012 due to the presence of two mobile towers within 40 meters of my residence. Further studies helped me to find out that wireless modems, cordless phones, cell phones etc in homes also create problems. I changed wireless modems and phones with wired connections. God helped me to shield my home. I use cell phone for emergencies only and keep it away from bed room.I use more organic food. I could regain my health fro sleep problems, dryness in the eye, joint pain etc Traveling in public transports where everyone else is using mobile phones is a problem.
Hi Rita,
You need to measure the machine’s electric field (volts/m) and its electomagnetic field (mG).
As the tingling could be caused by other sources of emr, I would also recommend measuring
1. dirty electricity in your home (Stetzerizer meter that plugs into an electrical socket)
2. RF/microwave frequency in your home (with a Cornet or Acustimeter)
Questions: . Is there a cell mast nearby? Do you have wifi on your computer, or wifi active on your router, do you have a cordless keyboard and/or cordless mouse? a cordless phone? all these devices emit this non/sub-ionizing radiation that can cause this tingling which is the deep brain being affected (CNS).
It seems to me that I often here complaints from many young moms that their babies just won’t sleep. I have to wonder if this too may be caused in part by all the EMRs they are exposed to from the beginning of their birth… and earlier.
Thank you for your information. What a challenge. I try NOT to give out my cell phone number. I have a landline and promote the use there of.
A person should do some grounding or earthing every day. Important.
Grounding , as in using stones, hematite and others?
Grounding (or earthing) is having your bare skin in contact with natural ground surfaces such as grass, soil or sand. Concrete works to some extent. The best thing is to stand in the shallows at the beach as you are in contact with sand, water increases the conductivity and salt water is even more conductive than unsalted water. Apparently the feet have more nerve endings than other parts of the body, making them the best part of your body to have contact with the earth.
I advise against buying earthing products as they usually are counter-productive.
Grounding is unrelated to the radiation though. Two separate things.
Do hearing aids put out EMF’s? I just got a pair that have blue tooth to connect with your iPhone. Should I return these and get some without this feature?
Bluetooth definitely puts out EMFs. Even if it’s supposedly only receiving, it’s still “handshaking” with the device that’s sending the information, so the sender knows when the receiver is ready for the next piece of information. If it’s possible to completely turn off the Bluetooth portion, I would.
I like so many have SO appreciated the mission of TTAC, you have opened up so much to those that need it. In this case the only way to be safe from EMF/RF is to be away from them. I so wish there was another way where I could be around it: ie: stay in hotels, use a cellphone etc.., but there is not. I have seen so much stuff that is supposed to protect over the years w/ similar tech so see the only benefit a false sense of security. Again the only way I have ever seen is avoidance where possible or good shielding. I spent way over $1K on a shielding canopy-measured w/ my meter and it keeps most of it out. Over time I do better in there, not only for sleeping, but day activities as well. I go places that say they have no wifi and then end up baffled, when I get very sick, including mini strokes-well they lied and did have it, but I had a false sense of security that led to my harm. I am happy to see you finally bringing awareness to the EMF/RF dangers, but I do not think pushing this product helps. I am hearing those in ES support communities talking of “unsubscribing”, as we have so been down the road with many of these kind of things.
Again the only way to be safe from emissions is stay away from them. Just like sugar and the SAD diet-there is no magic pill to make one immune to the effects of sugar!
Please! Please! Please! Don’t sell out on this! I so want to see you get back to your original mission “The Truth…”.
primadonnagoingoffgrid, some things actually do work, like RF absorber, and some shielding works to a degree but other shielding does not. The degree of actual shielding is a function of electrical length. Your tent might not actually help that much, because the length of the tent is not far from human body length. When the lengths are the same, there is no shield effect.
I largely agree with you, donnagoingoffgrid. It’s one thing to sell something that protects from electromagnetic radiation from cell phone, Wi-Fi and other transmitters, and quite another to get bogged down in the confusion with Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), shielding and other subjective measurement techniques, compared to negative ion generators which work at the cellular level, like the WaveRider. Negative ion generators actually do help, but that is a completely different phenomenon from electromagnetic fields, especially because of the artificial SAR method, which has been very misleading. There could be no EM field whatsoever and negative ions would improve health. It’s a stretch to claim that a negative ion generator can offset the damage caused by EMR.
Hi Rita,
The tingling and numbness are likely related to different tension patterns in your neck and shoulders from wearing the CPAP device overnight. I highly recommend you find a glowing referral to someone local who does Osteopathic, Craniosacral, or gentle Chiropractic work. You might also look into some longer-term solutions for taking down the inflammation in your body and restoring your ability to breathe through your nose at night. There’s actually a dentist who’s recently written a book about mouth taping as an effective way to get optimal sleep without stops and starts in breathing… among many other health benefits. Don’t feel stuck with the CPAP if it’s interfering with your quality of life!
You are an answer to prayer! I just finished telling my husband I am going to call my Chiropractor today. I have not gone this long without seeing someone in many years and wanted to eliminate the simple answers rather than run to conventional medicine. They only know how to do MRI’s with contrast dye, or other procedures that can cause more harm than good. My Chiropractor is great and does just what you describe – gentle work and massage. Thank you for your confirmation of my thoughts.
Rita, quit sleeping with the electricity on and get rid of your smart meter. If you can’t do this you may want to change residences. Why? Because you are absorbing frequencies known to create nerve block. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUORfBDiF5U&t
That was very interesting Pauly
Rita. A dr Robson in Washington state is curing people all over the country with a mouth device that eliminates those horrible machines. Look him up!
I suspect that a lot of the babies that won’t sleep have a wireless baby monitor in their room. What a disaster! Placing a wireless device close to the head of a baby whose skull bones are thinner than the skull bones of an adult and whose fontanelles have not yet closed over. Open gateway to microwave radiation.
You can get rid of your Smart Meter by telling them you want your old meter back. The catch is that you may have to pay extra to do that.
Orgonite has zero effect on anything.
Wilhelm Reich is a fool?
Smart meters create nerve blocking frequencies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NTSejgsjTc
That’s great for your neighbor’s smart meter but does nothing for your own exposure unless that meter is facing your home. Actually it can make things much worse inside. Here’s a video showing what it can do to your home’s electric field. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NTSejgsjTc
Shielding effectiveness is partly related to the length of the wave you want to shield from, not the length of your body. If you’re completely enveloped inside a shield, it will be totally effective as long as the diameter or length of holes or slots are an insignificant fraction of the wavelengths you’re trying to shield from. A wavelength of 60Hz however is over 3,000 miles, whereas a wavelength of Bluetooth is less than five inches. At a past job where we had a lot of contracts for military radars and communications, we had a screen room for making delicate RF measurements. You step in and shut the door which had contacts all around to make electrical continuity. In spite of being copper screen (with a bazillion holes so it breathed just fine), it was extremely effective. I’ve seen and worked on lots of radio equipment where circuits were inside shields that were tiny compared to the wavelengths they were shielding from, and they were extremely effective.
Shucks—it looks like my response above did not get coupled to the right post, and now I can’t find the one it’s supposed to go to.
It was my post above.
Garth, shielding effectiveness is the difference between the source EM field power and frequency and the victim EM power and frequency. It absolutely matters that the victim is a human with a critical electrical length and critical resonant frequency with respect to the source. It even matters that humans are different sizes. Children suffer more from cell phones and wifi because their bodies are closer in electrical size to the equivalent electrical size of the emissions from said cell phones and wifi, adults somewhat less.
My canopy works great. It is HQ shielding fabric. Tested w/ the meter and it keeps out everything except neighbor’s smart meter pulses. It has been a lifesaver as I do not have the TIA’s if I stay in there enough and other serious symptoms are gone as well. I agree shielding is tricky. Those that can not tolerate being under metal will not be helped by the canopy.
Thank you 100 times over. Always good to know the truth. Not to mention it is accepted that the currents he is discussing cause cancer and he pulls out the paper and ref to so many studies to back that up. Out of thousands of videos, this one is one of the more useful!
Hello Family; Thank you all for adding to the information and thank you Ty for this format. Now that we are remembering our physical nature, it may be time to remember our Spiritual nature. Spiritually we are advised ” To be in the world but not of it”. We have a technology within us that is truly powerful and with our Conscious awareness can “Change the vibration and change the manifestation”. Jesus walked among the lepers and was free from that point of attraction, we are frequency generators, Love creates a higher frequency. I Reiki a teaching was about a protective bubble that we can put around our body that filters energies and it can be as big as we want it to be. A friend who can measure these electronic devices said that I had nullified the energy of these devices and protected others from the effects of the electronics. Our Consciousness is a tool a device in which we can use to do this, once we step outside of the box. Jesus said,” these things I do, so shall ye do and more”. I believe our Conscious is part of the answer. A friend would write the word Love on all incoming services, as everything has consciousness. Just adding to the equation. Love. alan.
I’ve spent the last month and a half slowly setting up a wired network. Its been a pain, crawling up around in the attic, drilling holes, figuring out how to terminate cable etc, but after learning about emf dangers it should be worth it. I used to game a good amount, using a bluettoth headset, mic, and controller. 2 plus hours a day usually. Then we got a streaming tv box which the wireless signal would pass right through me as I lay in bed. Sometimes itd be on all night, then id wake up and use a computer operating on wifi. Not too mention the neighbors wifi, the smart meters and whatever else, cell networks etc. The exposure had to be imnense. After awhile Id notice I could feel dizzy and out of sorts after gaming. Id get fast heartbeat and high bp trying to sleep. I finally started making some connections. I think a lot of things would be helped if everything just went back to wired and away from wireless. Wired is so much of a better connection anyways. So going wired was my first step, next i have to figure out how to shield the neighbors wifi too. If i turn my cell on, I see at least 3 networks at any given time. One time there were like 6 or 7. Could be worse, Ive heard people saying they lived in apartment complexes were there were 50 networks and on top of that they had like 20 smart meters on a wall next to thier bedroom! Unreal. Its an epedimic without a doubt. But at least some of us see the problem and are thinking and devising solutions. Thats the first step. Most dont even see any problem or see only positives! Anyways I should add its easy to get alarmed and overwhelmed but like I say at least we recognize an issue so we are closer to a resolution. Also since we know this technology can be detrimental and have such drastic effects, then maybe these energies can be harnessed for healing and medicine. Like royal rife was working on..
Well said about getting rid of wireless and those non believers… get a Cornet to measure EMF and RF and a Graham-Stetzer meter to measure the dirty electricity in your home. You will be shocked how bad the environment is in your home. The electrosmog detector can not read above 1999 and I had half the house read above that number. When you get reading BELOW 50 then your circuit is clean. The Wi-Fi router gave out as much RF than an operating microwave oven. And you have your WI-FI on 24/7 Shocking to say the least!!
EMX reportedly prevents cellular deterioration due to EMF by taking advantage of a one second response time of the cell by resetting the cellular exposure every half second to prevent deterioration responses, if you can believe that. This effect is claimed to be proven by several research centers as documented in the following report: http://www.who.int/peh-emf/meetings/archive/en/paper13klintestam.pdf
There is a table of cellular effects from EMR with respect to EMX but no other technical descriptions of test equipment, test methods or lab data to substantiate the information, though references are quoted.
It’s conceivable that this EMX system could have a jamming effect on transmitters and receivers in its vicinity but this is not addressed in the report. Power of EMX would have to be limited because FCC regulations require that commercial devices do not interfere with normal operation other devices, like TV, radio, cellphones etc.
Several months I bought an orgonit necklace because electrical waves running through us. To my surprise I stopped having migrain headaches. Wow I have had them for 50 years. There is something to it. When I take my necklace off I start to feel one coming on. Love it.
Thanks. I have been keen to know other’s experience with the product. Great to hear that it’s working for you.
where did you purchase it from I am new to this and explained this to my husband I am willing to take the next steps
Using a hard wired ethernet connection for your computer is definitely the way to go. I didn’t see any mention of whether or not it’s OK to use a power-line adapter for the computer, as some people like to use a device that connects to the house wiring instead of using a proper Ethernet cable. But I imagine that a power-line adapter would create a fair amount of dirty electricity, probably creating electric pollution rather than solving it.
I purchased a Qi home cell and used it for a couple of weeks. I am extremely EMF sensitive due to Lyme’s disease and toxic mold exposure. I did not notice any difference in my degree of sensitivity to EMFs in my home. I’m not sure how to know it is working if I feel exactly the same. Since I can’t spend the kind of money on something that doesn’t bring me relief, I returned it within the 30 day return period. That was over 3 weeks ago, and I have not yet received a refund.
Hi Natalie –
Thanks for your comment.
We’re sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, we have no connection to Synergy Science’s payment system and so we’re not able to intercept in this. But if you’ve tried all of the contact methods below, you can also try contacting your bank to let them know of this and create a dispute.
Here is all of the contact info we have for Synergy Science:
Customer Service Toll-Free: 1-800-337-7017
Customer Service Hours: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST
Comment or Question: info@synergyscience.com
Technical Support: support@synergyscience.com
Hope this is helpful. Please let us know if you need further assistance.
Have a blessed day!
Hi Natalie I hope you do get your refund soon, do be persistent as none of us have money to waste. Hopefully others on this site can suggest products that they found useful for them I personally can’t recommend anything to you because I’m not sensitive to EMF. I made myself a grounding mat to reduce the effects of all the electoral pollution in my apartment and I have noticed I’m sleeping better. there are several do-it-yourself videos on YouTube on how to make a grounding mat and it’s really inexpensive less than 30 bucks.
So, you are suggesting that I get rid of my ham radio gear?
Keep this issue in perspective! 4G levels are fairly safe. Indoor wifi levels are low — but use a cable if it bothers you. Worst are printers, electrical sockets, fans, radios — keep at least one metre away or use metallised shielding fabric (not aluminium foil). For instance, my bedhead is against a wall with an outlet and a convenient light switch. Too much hassle to re-arrange as the head end is raised 8 inches — that’s another subject — so I placed nickel-copper fabric between bedhead and wall.
5G is another matter. Low/mid-band 5G is already killing birds, insects and people. CBD levels in cities can exceed 100mW/m2, the WHO safety limit. High band 5G (24-40 GHz) will be worse. Satellite 5G signal power will be weak but you don’t want to be around a receiving unit at those ‘biological’ frequencies.