Video Transcript: What Doctors Don’t Know About Nutrition
Ty Bollinger: I’m so glad that you’re a part of this, “The Truth About Cancer,” because you just mentioned it… nutrition. Nutrition is so important. This is what blows my mind, Mike. You take a typical medical doctor who goes through a decade of school. How many courses do they typically take in nutrition? The answer is at most one and it’s not really a course, it’s a one-day mini whatever you would call it: a two-hour sit down and they don’t even really go into nutrition. They go into the ways that certain vitamins affect your body, your enzymes, but that’s it. That’s it!
One of my good friends is a physician in San Antonio. He said that he went to school for 12 years. Twelve years! He had two literal hours on a Wednesday afternoon for nutrition and that’s it. So, the reason that your doctor does not tell you about the effects of nutrition on your health or about the effects of nutrition on cancer is that he or she doesn’t know it.
Mike Adams: It’s also a great example of the astonishing disconnect that exists in the mainstream medical system. They think that your body is somehow disconnected from what you feed your body; which is astonishing, completely irrational, illogical and unscientific.
So, the good news is that it becomes very easy to start waking people up and to start educating people about what’s real in terms of nutrition and health. People can understand this. We live in a materialistic type of society, so if you start with a material metaphor or with a material explanation, you can make good progress in this.
You can say, “well look! What you eat and drink is digested, right? And it becomes your blood composition and your blood is made of what you eat and drink.” And people say that “yeah, I get that.” “Okay, great! Unless you think that your blood is made magically, which doesn’t happen.
So then, your blood circulates throughout your body. Your blood brings the materials that then become your organs, that fuels your brain. Your cognitive function that fuel the function of all of your organs, and that replenish and rebuild all the cells of your body. As you lose cells, you build new cells. You replace cells.”
“So, clearly what’s in your blood becomes your physical body, right?” They say, “yeah right. I get that.” So then, you literally are what you eat physically. It’s an inescapable conclusion. So, if you’re eating junk, if you’re eating toxins, or if you’re eating heavy metals, your body, your brains, your organs, your skin and everything that’s in your physical body becomes junk, becomes toxic, and becomes processed. Not natural.
That idea is not yet recognized by the entire system of modern medicine with all of its claimed advances and with all of the billions of dollars that have gone in the cancer-research industry. They still cannot yet grasp a simple concept that a five year old understands almost automatically.
Yes Ty for sure you are what you eat.
Honestly believe that.
Keep up your good work.
We become what we eat. or What we sow we will reap. I heard a piece of Christian music many years ago, the chorus went something like this… Put garbage in, get garbage out. how true. Millions care less for their bodies than they do of their cars, or cats, and dogs. And how many care less for their souls than they do for their bodies. The same rule applies… are what you eat. Let us get back to eating true food….as much as we are able. Keep up the good work Mike.
What are the best foods to eat if you have small cell lymphoma ?
Patricia Morris
As always great information and I appreciate the many views on your program however because you are bombarded with literally hundreds of natural remedies it is difficult to decipher what is a correct course of action for someone treating cancer … Would you be able to specify without running afoul of the FDA a nutrition guide and preparation ? Thanks
Mike is definitely is the “Health Ranger”, well said!!!!!!
This information is so true. As a nursing student I also got maybe 2 hours of nutrition information in all of my years of nursing school. Even the years I was working on my Health Education BS degree and my Fitness-Wellness MS, taking actual nutrition course, no one EVER talked about food being what makes your cellular health OR destroys your cellular health. Years of working in the medical industry and I have been blown away at how medical personnel poo-poo the importance of nutrition in the prevention and healing of disease. For example: I passed on a colonoscopy when I turned 40 because I know my risk is low; my lifestyle is very healthy. I was told my risk of colon cancer was no different eating the 100% whole food, mostly local raised, mostly organic/sustainably grown food that I eat compared to eating at McDonalds 3 meals a day. I politely passed on the colonoscopy, went home, and continued my whole food diet.
Passing this along to many and saving the link to share with clients I work. This is simple, to the point, and all can watch and understand the need to shift their personal eating habits to cellular regenerating food not degenerating junk products disguised as food.
Excellent explanation!
Thanks for all you are doing for our universe.
Totally agree!
My whole life changed when I watched your Truth about Cancer .
Merci d’informer le monde car la prévention est laissé de coté, on dirait que cet oubli est volontaire pour que nos bons docteurs fassent plus d’argent. Ils refusent même que nos super infirmières s’en mêlent.
Thank you very much Ty for your support and help, I much appreciate all you’re doing. If I had known back in 2012. Maybe my wife would still be here, but if I can educate others now and they do not have to go through what my children and I went through, it will be a good thing.
Thanks once again Ty.
Kind regards Carl Makovecz.
cancer doesn’t scare me its the doctors that want to hack on you cut you open for a new BMW that’s what scares me.
Thank you for this video!!! Last for the past two weeks, I have had my two year Breast cancer checks. I found I have a lung nodule, a kidney cyst, and several Breast calcifications. I need a colonoscopy, knee replacement and something is growing on my facial skin.
Where to begin.
Do a lot of cleaning;avoid toxins…
Read Andreas Moritz’ liver cleansing and Walker’s Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices;colonic hydrotherapy is a great way to clean,sauna,breathing clean air…
Eat lots of raw stuff…
Consider stopping the use of hair & body soap,wich contain SLS & more…
Cocoa can provoke inflamation…
Learn about how the lymphatic system works,and then help it!
Positive thinking is very important,so also work on that!!!
One thing I’m not hearing much about, which is sort of related to nutrition and food, are microwave ovens.
What about all the other radiation we are surrounded by, such as Wifi, GSM and Electricity masts?
So informative . I am aware of some of the information and it is astonishing how doctors dont know much especially the simple things you can five your body. Can i say that i am fascinated by your insights. Very informative thanks.
Love your work – now, an easy & inexpensive way to get more fruits, vegetables & berries into you body everyday is to take Juice Plus! I’m so grateful I found this premium product – we must share the news
Haven’t found that with my MD/ND/GP maybe because they have too many patients. Even Foodbanks and smaller seem to not know about what is on their shelves to give out. They don’t read labels at food distribution. They are shocked when they find certain amount of people do not show up on distribution day or run into persons and just happen to say oh I forgot you cannot have that food.
Mike Adams knows his stuff.but I can’t help thinking that know you and Ty seem to be telling us that the pharmaceutical company and doctors are lying to us ?I’ve been a lymphoma patient for 8 years I opted to eat well and keep it under control ,my consultant was on my side he said at first we can give you a little radiation and chemo. ..I said no I’ve read a lot on Mr bollinger theory’s on what to eat and some other great nutritionist. My consultant was over the moon he told me himself about tumuric. .b17 pomegranate telling me some of his patients have had great results. ..But we all know I hope and belive in modern Medicine. .because if that they comes where your fresh out of eating strawberries and you need more medical because the ginger isn’t working. .what would you honestly do…Regards Ray
Most of them don’t lie
They just don’t know so are ignorant to nutrition
That’s all to it
Some choose to sell drugs cause it is great business and those should go to jail
But wait who controls jails and judicial system
Most of those are paid off by big Pharma
Vicious circle
Only organic movement of people will change it and it is happening thanks to good people like Mike and Ty
God bless you
Your all living in a conspiracy world wake up and smell the roses
Of which roses are you speaking? Natural roses or those that have been genetically modified? The truth is what the truth is and the sooner people pull their heads out of their … whoops … sorry … the sooner health will be the norm rather than the exception. It’s all documented … it isn’t “theory” or anything like that. (PS … the word is “You’re”, in case you want to appear literate.)
Go sit in front of a health food store or co-op for a while, observe the type of people who walk in and out, how fast the walk, how youthful they act, ect. Now go sit in front of the walmart grocery dept or food lion and tell me the difference you see.
In the end you have the most powerful source of information ever known to man at your fingertips. The numbers don’t lie, but it’s your choice. Be well.
Hi How do i counteract the skin cancer effects of having to take immune supressive medicine?
Also how to clear a 50% blocked main aeorta that supplies blood to my transplant kidney?
I’d be so grateful
G. Ackermann
You are not what you eat. You are what you can digest and we are not digesting properly a lot of the time.
If you eat correctly, chances are that your digestive system will look after itself. Good food will give it the best chance of doing so.
Amazing as always Ty. Thank you
Thank you I’m going to show that to people who argue with me about what they eat.
It is unfortunately not just the medical profession selling us short. Here in the UK if you visit a gym, private or state run, the food on offer in the in-house restaurant is atrocious. They pride themselves on chocolate gateau, smothered in double cream, and cream teas or coffees to match. It is nearly impossible to find a healhy eating option. The same goes for hospitals. As a visitor you will find chocolate and crisp vending machines, small charity run eating outlets serving only sandwiches or rolls laden with fatty meat or worse. What sort of message does this send out? I cannot imagine that basic nutrition is completely lacking. Even in this day and age vegetarian options are often missing, and try being a vegan and you might as well be saying you are from another planet. Shame on them all.
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008, My first biopsy showed my Gleason score was 47 in one area and another area looked very bad. My PSA was 7.4 & I was 62 years old. I was told by the urologist. “You have to choose one of three types of Chemo, or have it cut out.” I said I didn’t have to do anything. I’d think about it, I read all the material and side effects from all of this and I decided I was not doing any of it. I was told I was unreasonably stubborn. (I’d watched a man die from chemo and had no intention of letting them do that to me.) ** I stopped drinking all soda’s, at the time I was drinking two to three Cokes a day. I’d learned that cancer feeds on sugar and all soda’s are VERY bad for me. [ diet soda’s and the dark cola’s are worst) Sosa’s are no more than liquid candy. I found these things out by doing my own research. I stopped eating all meats except fish and chicken, which was either baked or broiled. ** I cut out almost all cakes, honey buns and sweets for six months. ** My next biopsy showed my Gleason score had dropped to 14, and my psa went down to 5.4 plus my Triglycerides’ and my cholesterol dropped dramatically. ** The area that looked so bad cleared up 100%. ** The urologist made lite of this, he did not give any credit at all to my changing my eating habits. He said I still needed to take chemo or cut it out because I still had the cancer, he added that he had never heard of anyone getting rid of cancer with diet. ** I told him I don’t know all he knows but I can see that what I’m doing is working. And still would not take treatment, he got upset at me. (Big deal) I saw that what I was doing was helping. ..This went on till 2012, I stayed at 14 on my Gleason score and my psa dropped down to 4.2. Jan of 2012 I started drinking Kangen alkaline, antioxidant super hydrating water, November of 2013 my last biopsy. The urologist came in and had my file and told me. “Mr. Bishop. I don’t know what to say but, we cannot find the cancer. According to the test, you’re cancer free.” This was a different urologist. [ He knew I’d taken no treatment whatsoever] I told him what I’d done up to 2012, and and had done since 2012 concerning the Kangen Alkaline water. He closed the folder. looked me in the eye and said. “What ever you’re doing, keep doing, it’s working. I don’t know what else to say. We cannot find any cancer. And we tried to find it.”
Can you tell me if you bought the Kangen water purifier or buy the water? So glad you chose the route you did. Blessings!
I read a article in guide post about a college in West Virginia having a nutrition course because one of the doctors realize how her blood work improved by eating more fruits and veggies and not junk foods. She tells her students we can’t help our patients if we don’t know about nutrition. It’s a start. Keep sharing and I will. Susan ????
Your messages never stop to touch me deeply, the beautiful music symbolizing the meaning of it all with clarity and profound truth. Thank you. Every person on the globe must be reached.
When I asked my doctor about vitamins or nutrition he told me he was not trained about them, just as you say, But he told me to take CoQ10 when I took statin drugs. He also tested me for vitamin D and told me to take D3 to bring it up and kept monitoring it as I tried different brands. So some of the research on drug interactions with vitamins gets passed around but not much not seems.
But then it has been know since the 1940s that vitamin C would prevent artery damage that is the underlying cause of clogged coronary arteries. But even at the Mayo Clinic they are completely mum on this. It has also been know/proven that vitamin C and Lysine will reverse coronary artery disease but my cardiologist told me it would not work. When she told me I had a 40-60% blockage in my carotid artery I told her I was going to try C and Lysine. She told me it would not work, don’t do it, exact quiote. But I did and at my next visit the blockage was gone. When I mentioned I had taken C and Lysine she totally ignored me. She also lost a patient. I asked another doctor if the blockages go away by themselves and he said no. I told a friend about Pauling’s paper and gave him a copy when he was diagnosed with a 80% blockage in his artery. It was clear in 5 weeks.
Linus Pauling discovered this in the 1950s or early 1960s and patented a a supplement cure in the 1980s but you will never hear a doctor tell you to to take C and Lysine to prevent or reverse CAD. Even the Mayo clinic never mentioned that to my wife as they inserted three stints. I have wondered many times if she had taken C and Lysine if the stints would have been needed. We didn’t know about that then, but Mayo should have.
Pauling’s protocol has been totally ignored. Well lets see, Tell the patient to take C and Lysine for a few dollars or spend $64,000 to put the stints in. No mystery there. Money/greed rules. Pauling’s therapy is defined at
Wow! I can attest to what Ty and Mike say in this article. In the past year I have been diagnosed with diabetes, breast cancer, and congestive heart failure. I asked my oncologist about changing my diet and nutrition, but he said nutrition wasn’t important. Chemo and radiation were important. He got slightly aggravated with me. I talked to my cardiologist and he brushed past my questions about nutrition. I could tell he just didn’t know, so he decided to go silent on the matter. The only people who talked to me about nutrition and diet change were the diabetes people. But they were the support staff, not the doctor. The doctors involved in my diabetes wouldn’t talk about nutrition. They got uneasy when I brought it up. They just don’t know anything about nutrition, so instead of acknowledging their ignorance, instead they brought up prescription medicine. That’s all they know about. When people say their doctors answer their questions about nutrition, I wonder if they are located out on the west coast where good diet and nutrition are practiced more. Down here in Southeast Louisiana, none of my doctors know anything about nutrition and so they shut up when it is brought up. I have had to research this topic on my own. Of course, I have been researching this topic for 40 years, so it was easy to research for me. Plus, I took a nutrition course for a semester back in the early 1990s at a local college. But a lot of people down here do not know anything about nutrition and so they leave it up to their doctor to give them the best care for their illnesses. Unfortunately, their doctors are ignorant in one of the most important aspects of any illness – nutrition. It is very sad.
Yes, roses are super nutritious! Rose hips, lots of vitamin C. Before there were pharmaceuticals, there was nature and people lived long lives before they stopped farming and walking and getting food straight from the earth. I don’t think it started out as a conspiracy, just a necessity and then it grew to the fact that they could make a lot of money. Two roads leading to the same place, but neither of them intersect.
Thank you so much for all your work on educating the people! I am a naturopathic doctor, and share with everyone this truth, you are what you eat. It’s almost like turning a ship around. My father was a sea Captain, so I know what it takes to turn a ship and changing people’s mindset is very similar. I see ND’S buying beer every night and choosing to eat junk. It is a decision factor every time we shop! Do we decide to eat right before we get sick or after? My father had lung cancer, even then it was hard for him to stop eating sugar. I am passing your videos on to everyone! May God Bless this project and touch the ears and hearts of all who watch and listen!
Thank you for your message and yes, I agree, some Drs may not be aware (or care) about nutrition. Ty and Mike, please check out the children’s (cancer) hospital in New England who are trying to change the food delivery system for the past 5 years by banding together with other hospitals. They need support in their effort to have nutritional, locally grown and harvested foods delivered safely and efficiently. Please continue to “fight the good fight” but acknowledge those who are trying to make a change for the betterment of their patients.
The information in the interview is dead on. The present problem is called brainwashing by the establishment. We are taught as children that if you get sick you go to the doctor and he will make you well. In school go to the nurse they will make you feel better. As adults we build relationships with our doctors and virtually put our lives in their hands. Our doctors are taught drugs and how to mask symptoms not to heal. They learn health maintenance which creates revenue , good business. There is not a lot of money in curing people. My suggestion to you if you become ill is learn all you can about your illness. Talk to people who have cured themselves. Get referrals of doctors who helped them. There are a lot of good doctors but there are many who just don’t know what is going on. Take control learn about your illness and understand their are many alternative solutions that you will never hear about from your doctor. Stay connected to sites like “the truth about
educate yourselves it could mean the difference between living or dyeing. God bless you.
You are what you eat and it is absurd that many medical professions still dont address nutrition. I know, my niece was diagnosed recently with Lymphoma and in the hospital where she is receiving treatment, the only thing she was told was ” eat whatever you want , to keep calories in” On her bedstand was 2 huge containers of candy. I spoke to my sister concerning the importance of food during her daughters treatment and care. They choose to listen to the Doctors. I gave them a book from Dr Phillp Quillin addressing nutrition during treatment and paid for the consultation from him. So far they havent addressed nutrition nor made an appt with him. Its been 2 months. Its the life choices they choose. Too much trust in the medical community and not enough of healthy skepticism. I dont understand how a mother can see her child pumped full of toxins and not address proper healing nutrition? And the hospital overdosed her with 20 oral chemo tablets when it should have been 2!!!! I dont get it!
Thanks Ty – the review by the Science Based Medicine people didn’t answer the lack of nutritional issues raised in your series of videos at all. This is where the medical scientists fall down when criticising your efforts for lack of evidence. I found you had cross referenced a lot of your inputs to scientific articles and papers.. They conveniently ignore the food benefits.
I truly believe in eathing, real organic foods, but all my ideals have become totally tangled after my youngest, super fit, athletic sister who was ALWAYS careful about her (and her family’s) nutrition ended up with breast or liver ca…her liver was almost completely destroyed when her breast popped and she went to see a Dr. who insisted on doing a biopsy which she ended up doing even though it was against her principles. She lasted 7 weeks after visual diagnosis, and I know that her fear killed her much faster! I also think that the titanium hardware she’d had on her ankle (same side as breast ca) had a lot to do with the destruction of her liver…she ran everyday & the friction causes tiny metal particles to dislodge (CALLED FRETTING), enter the circulatory system and lodge themselves in the organs, such as the liver. Her army career, since the age of 18 & having spent several years in Bosnia & Croatia must have also screwed her over…so tragic! All the best & thanks for all the great info!
Get I.V. CHELATION THERAPY… find it in your area –the naturapathic Drs. that do that..
I think that students in medical schools should learn a lot of nutrition, because then cancer patients do not have to take chemotherapy and radiation therapy and all those kind of drugs that are toxic to their body. The body can heal itself by eating very nutritious food like raw vegetables, fruit, and juicing. Junk food is definitely bad for everybody and unhealthy. Eating too much junk food can cause cancer, heart disease,strokes, diabetes, obesity, and all other kinds of health problems. Nutrition is very important for people.
Fantastic.. so true and I have proven it… eat badly for so many years and became ill; changed my eating habits to organic; grass fed and 8 servings of veggies and fruit!
My family has been partying in the Cancer Gene pool for decades. I choose to crawl away from it, I have no need for these genes to be expressed. Plus, there are plenty more relatives blindly following the same path. They tend to prefer Dr.s, horspitals, pills and procedures over health!!!
You can eat the same food that eliminates cancer, no meat no dairy, no process food, like refined boxed food. Check labels close because they are deceptive too. Eat only whole foods.and only plant foods search the web for Doctor joel Fuhrman,s web site. It is very good. Hope this helps and God bless.
Love your last sentence, Paula!! Right on!!
I worked painting doctors surgeries for some time often at night so got to read some of the literature lying around. Basically the content stated if you have this symptom you take this drug and incentives were often offered to doctors to prescribe certain drugs… Never recall reading anything about nutrition vitamins and exercise… sad really when they have the opportunity to help so many..!!
I just read through all the comments and totally agree with your proposition that we are what we eat.
About 20 years ago I had some health problems caused, I believe, as a result of living in a car for a couple
of years (marriage breakdown) and not eating properly. After numerous visits to a doctor, I was told I had
polymyalgia rheumatica and prescribed prednisone. Somewhat later a specialist rheumatologist prescribed
methotrexate and I was informed that I would have to take these drugs for the rest of my life. After a couple
of years with no improvement in my health, I decided to stop the medications and stay away from doctors.
I am now 73 and walk 10 or 15 kms each morning for exercise with my dog. I could walk much further if I had
to, but don’t want to overtire my dog. I last visited a doctor about 2 years ago, but as things stand I shall be
quite happy if I never visit one again, as I believe they are terribly misguided in both the advice and the products
they dispense.
HAHA Go to Youtube and search “people of Walmart” That being said, Walmart is offering some organic foods. They have dried beans, several types of rice and a decent produce section. It’s not all bad
Thank you Ty & everyone else involved in this wonderfull “the truth aboutCancer” I saw first hand just what Chemo & Radiation does to ones body.We watched my husband’s brother’s wife go through it all..that is 15 years ago… She passed away about 8 months after having Chemo & Radiation…..Scarry stuff…..I would NEVER have it… Nutrition is the way to certainly help ones body…Good clean food (Chemical free as much as possible) We live in Victoria, Australia..
Wow Paula – it’s good to find a kindred spirit out there! I studied Medical Science and Nursing, and the only nutritional information we were given over those years was what I’d already learnt in primary school: the main food groups, a diagram of the digestive system and its physiology, the benefits of eating five serves of vegetables a day, and a six day (12 hour) course in ‘Invalid Cookery’ – where I learnt absolutely nothing! Every student passed on the basis of being able to make a white sauce without lumps!! In fact we learnt LESS than nothing, because we came away with the impression that a bland food diet, consisting mainly of white sauce, custard and clear broth, was what we should give anyone who was ill!
And yes, I too refused a colonoscopy – a procedure which is more or less standard treatment these days for someone with persistent low iron levels. I explained to the doctor that I’d been living in India for three years on a vegetarian diet and that I was confident my normal iron levels would be restored within three months. They were… and he was amazed! In fact, most of my knowledge of natural health has been gleaned from personal experience, observation, my own studies, and keeping an open mind! And really, it’s all very simple: Good nutrition doesn’t produce garbage, and eating junk food doesn’t make you well!
I have been saying this to friends/family/clients for YEARS! We are the ONLY species on the planet that don’t eat what our bodies actually need to survive. We are a biological being, just like your dog, or a monkey, or a frog, or a bird. They eat only what their bodies need and nothing else. If they happen to eat something poisonous or toxic, they are going to get very sick or even die. And you can bet they won’t eat it again! Survival of the Fittest, right? Well the unfortunate thing about our species…humans…is that we are too smart for our own good. We are able to use technology and science to create “un-foods” – things that barely resemble or have anything to do with actual REAL food. But it sure is easy, convenient, fast and delicious!! And as humans, us “lay” folk and especially doctors who have no more knowledge than the rest of us (and some who have less) we seldom make the connection between the food we eat/nutrition, and the way we feel, function, live and thrive (or fail to). The vast majority of us are all walking around with blinders on either by choice, or by ignorance. We all need a giant wake-up call, and if our doctors, the very people we look to for advice on how to take care of ourselves, don’t even know what to tell us, and most likely are walking around with blinders on too, we will continue to get sicker, and sicker, and sicker. Keep up the good work Ty!!
Very interesting James I was just diagnosed with the lowest grade of prostate cancer and they were talking radiation chemotherapy and surgery before they knew sure what I had. Now I am trying to do the detox and put good things into my body so I can go back later in the year and show them that I am cured
Thank you so much for sharing all the information. It is very beneficial and so appreciated.
I really respect Mike Adams and all of Ty’s team. They both are for getting us all healthy. Mike I am so glad you are a scientist on our side. I trust you . Thankyou both for all of your help for the people.
A good friend of mine, an educator and very active individual, began complaining of hip pain last November. Because of the pain, she was forced to stop all of her normal physical exercises. She went to several medical professionals who gave differing diagnoses. A specialist determined she has rheumatoid arthritis and gave her several prescriptions. She asked me what I thought. We went through the changes she had recently undergone. She mentioned dental work, a required flu shot for teachers, and something else which I do not recall. Because of the information learned from Ty, I suggested she question her doctor(s) about a possible reaction to the flu shot or an adverse reaction to the bonding agent of her new teeth. She got the standard reply, “No, not possible.” Out of desperation, she took the advice I shared from Ty and company, and cleaned up her diet. Said within two weeks, she felt rejuvenated and almost pain free. At her last visit to her arthritis doctor, she asked if diet could play a role in helping her feel better. The doctor’s response? “Diet has nothing to do with it.” We just shook our heads. Silly doctors.
This really does make sense. We literally are what we eat. I recently started adding back in lots of living fruits and veggies after doing a year of low carb high fat (mainly cheese, meat and cherry tomatoes every day). After adding raw fruit and veggies back into my diet, the difference was pretty immediate. I could see it in my skin within the first week (much clearer and brighter). I have also started to sleep through the entire night without waking up (my sleep was erratic throughout this past year on lchf). I even lost 3.8lbs in the first week and a half after adding back fruits and veggies (I thought I would gain weight after being on lc for so long!). The living foods make a world of difference. I was trying to loose some weight by doing lchf but I feel that I lost key nutrients and may have done some damage to my body during this past year (my vision has diminished greatly which is just one reason why I am changing my diet). It’s amazing to know that our bodies respond so immediately to the good nutrients when we introduce them in or back in to our bodies. Thank you for this message, it’s true! God bless!
That’s amazing and very inspiring!! God bless you for your determination and bravery on saving your life on your own and with the grace of God!
I recently watched the movie Fat Head, all about the scam of the medical industry ( especially the Heart Association) in regards to fat in the diet.
The government endorsed food guide is so wrong. Wheat and vegetable oils are destroying the health of a nation. There is a plethora of information out there about good food choices in regards to cancer. Ultimately one needs to become educated and decide for oneself the best path. Some people go organic vegan and have excellent success , others ( like me) do a ketogenic diet and have great results. So I encourage you to search and read and see a naturopath if you can. Best Wishes on your journey.
In the computer industry, we have an expression: GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out). It IS astonishing that our government, and most of our citizens, don’t understand that this also applies to the human body. But, as usual, in America it is all about the money, the money used by groups like the Wheat Growers Association. Upton Sinclair said it: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary
depends upon him not understanding it.”
Right diet can make such a drastic changes, that the whole body can be literally reshaped – true, because we are, what we eat! And to the point, when cancer ssimply CAN’T start as a disease, so far the energy state of a body now DOESN’T ALLOW the tumor as structure to form.
Being grave Yin state, cancer can’t exist with Yang energy growing above certain critical level, which is btw, still quite low, compared to ideal Yin-yang balance of Tibet monks, for example!
Every food can be classified to Yin or yang prevailing energy, and this is the base of Macrobiotic science, to regain the energy balance through RIGHT PROPORTIONS of different products in daily meals, not even excluding certain those, which in fact support cancer’s Yin energy – the point is right balance! It’s hard to find another factor to get rid of diseases, as food, as this is the most important process to determine one’s Yin-Yang balance.
Now, what maybe better NOT to write, however:
— cancer’s main energy is Yin, which provides ROOTING, while energy of SPREADING = YANG, is secondary as nucleus in main Yin matrix. This explains, why it takes such considerable time for cancer to start it’s devastating spreading across the body, and how many efforts it makes forst TO ROOT
— Earth is, unfortunately for cancer treat, an Yin Planet in general, and at least 2/3 of the food orruring here IS YIN therefore! Just by random choosing of meals one shifts oneself to more and more Yin state, which creates base for Yin diseases, which are at least 75-80% of all.
— favourite Western meals as: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, grape, bread, all bakery, and most meat and fish – are Yin, and first two are strongest Yin! Now recollect the love for chips and other potatoe based things!…
— coffee, alcohol being doping, excite one’s Yang energy for some period, leaving Yin as a result! Beer being especially strong Yin as a result – the famous beer belly is not just evidence of the lack of physical activity. It’s much more fundamental.
— and maybe the worst, sweet drings, which are strong Yin and most readily consumed by body. The harm they do is only now being begun to be understood
— finally, lack of physical activity is also creating Yin state of body, and overweight is exactly excess of Yin
It sometimes gives a bad feeling, like the modern civilization is destroying itself at the roots, all above contributing to Yin growth, and cancer as one of worst Yin states.
Finally, Yin state is DEPENDENCE! – all forms of addictions, as diseases. One may make a guess then, who is interested on people’s DEPENDENCE in body and mind, regarding, if it’s easier to control DEPENDENT or INDEPENDENT MIND!…
We Live in a world with too many Chemicals, too much Sugar, too much Sodium Nitrite (Food preservative in sandwich meat)The chemicals in farming are causing crazy people with birth & mental defects especially in children, especially the vaccines. Sugar & Sodium Nitrite depletes our Oxygen, & causes cancer. The solution to cancer is tomatoes & green vegetables, but it is easier & faster to drink V8 vegetable juice. Cancer can be gone in three – six months. With Sugar Diabetes, you need cinnamon, tomatoes, greens, celery &( coconut oil acts like insulin but naturally.) But for Alzheimers disease it is curable with coconut oil. Two tablespoons per day, probably for life. Solid Coconut is half Lauric Acid, it will cure the common cold, & many viruses also.
It is very true, Lee! With all the chemicals that we are exposed to everyday, it is not too surprising that even young adults and middle-age adults are getting cancer. When I was younger, I use to think that cancer was just a disease that happened only to elderly people. Obviously, I was completely wrong. With all the poisons that we breathe in the air and the type of chemicals that we are suppose to, it is not too surprising that cancer could happen to us. They spray all kinds of pesticides and herbicides on fruits and vegetables. They put all kinds of hormone growth products in milk and milk products, eggs, and meat. Even the fish that we ate are exposed to pollutants, because the rivers, seas, lakes, and oceans are very polluted and even the tin cans of food that we eat are exposed to poison led. Other the multiple vaccines that we took as children cause problems too. Many of us had been tested positive with aluminium, because of the vaccines. I have also heard that vaccines cause autism on children and other mental disorders. I suffer from Asperger’s syndrome and my sister suffers from bipolar disorder. My mother thought that the multiple vaccines that my sister and I took as children could had possibly caused us to have mental illnesses. Do you believe what my mother said was true? My mother was exposed to tons of DDT, when she was a girl in Brazil from age 5 to 18. My grandmother use to put tons of DDT in my mother’s mattress, because she was afraid of my mother getting flea bites. In those days, they did not have advertisements how harmful DDT was. My sister and I could have it in out body, because we drank her breast milk as babies. Do you think that my sister and I could have DDT in our body, because we drank our mother’s breast milk? We also played with plastic dolls and toys, when we were little girls. I have also heard that PCBs cause cancer. Too much sugar is not good for our body, because I have heard in ‘The Truth About Cancer’, that cancer feeds sugar. I do not know. I am not a doctor or scientist. This actress Lourdes Colon had stage 4 lymphoma, because when she was younger, she was always putting lots of sugar in her fruit and eating many desserts and not nutritious food and she was given only days to live. I think that she went to Mexico and did those therapies and she is now alive and well. She now eats wheatgrass, a raw vegan diet, does juicing, and eats raw fruit.
This is so true! As a registered dietitian, I get so discouraged when I try to educate patients on nutrition, and they discount what I’ve said because a doctor has given them different information (misinformation!!). I worked so hard to obtain my credentials, so that I would be taken seriously, but now anyone who has read a book or an article on the internet can claim to be a nutrition expert.
I go to UCSF dental school in San Francisco occasionally for inexpensive dental checkups, and you ought to see what Drs and dentists there are eating for lunch! It is disgusting! Surrounded by medical education and likely all circling the drain from subclinical malnutrition before they even graduate! ???? Digging their graves with their forks!
Hi Patricia!
A good friend of mine got rid of a very bad lymphoma by cleansing:anything that will CLEAN your body is good;learn how the lymphatic system works and help it.
What she did was quit taking in any toxin you can avoid (read all ingredients,avoid weird stuff like “MSG”e-321…stop smoking,quit coffee and milk…);
Andreas Moritz’ liver cleansing (follow the protocol;I recomend reading the whole book:it helps understand many things…)cheap,efficient;
Eat oganic as much as possible,brcause of pesticides,as well as more nutrients & vitamins;
Drink sea water;
Do something to help your immune system:echinacea is a good solution.This is extremely important:you don’t want to be low when all the mess comes out!!!
Also read Walker’s books,especially Fresh Fruit and Vegetable juices:eat LIVE foods,wich will feed your cells live stuff:raw=live enzimes=healthy cells!
Have collon irrigations,go to the sauna…clean everything you can think of:spring cleaning time!!!
My friend was in pretty bad shape (she’d startet having the conventionnal treatment…radiation,chemo?…) and now,3 years later,there’s still no signs of illness.
I really hope this helps,and I wish you quick recovery and LOTS of happyness and love!!!
Thanks for the info. It took me decades to learn that food was at the heart of my very uncomfortable irregular heart beat that was so bad at times I ended up in the hospital several times thinking I was having a heart attack.
Doctors couldn’t figure it out so I got on the internet and did my own research and found out it was the food I was eating! cleaned up my diet and now have little to no problems because the biggest culprit was sugar!! I don’t eat it anymore!!
Atrial fibrillation (the medical term for irregular heartbeat) can often be caused by a lack of magnesium. I discovered this after being admitted to hospital with severe AF several years ago. No medication helped, and the cardiologist told me that if my heart did not return to normal by morning, they would have to perform an electrical cardioversion and then prescribe a heavy duty medication (flecainide acetate) to prevent AF. I refused. God intervened, and I was discharged with a normal heart rhythm. Meanwhile I did my own research (my background is in medical science and nursing) and discovered that magnesium is a frequent cause of AF and it is difficult these days to get enough magnesium in our diets. I therefore started taking a good magnesium supplement. No further problems. Now why is it that the medical profession don’t promote the simple cure – which is usually nutritional – but wait until their patient’s condition deteriorates to such an extent that more drastic procedures are necessary?
Correction to above: “… discovered that A LACK OF magnesium is a frequent cause of AF….” – adequate magnesium is essential to heart health.
Just wondering…there are tons of “Nutritionists” that also report their bodies are not healthy and complaining about sluggishness, overweight, skin problems etc. So maybe it’s not taught to doctors because even nutritionists don’t know what to consume these days.
However, I did just happen to read something about acidic and alkaline foods, and how and acidic food (like the lemon) converts into an alkaline food in your body. Yet foods like milk, yogurt etc are alkaline, but convert to acid in our bodies. Coffee, fast foods and all meat/fish convert to acid! Things that all us north americans eat the most. causing the body to produce more insulin and then insulin intolerance and then the dreaded diabetes 2, strokes, heart attacks, comas etc. Article said the body needs to be at a perfect 7.3 ph balance. So if you had a “fast food” meal causing the balance of ph to get too acidic, a person should be able to rebalance the ph by eating raw fruit and vegetables – something the majority of people don’t do yet. And if you do eat lots of raw foods – now your body is too alkaline.
Anyway – I think its about balance. Eating lots of raw fruit and vegetables would be ideal, but what about all that other wonderful food like chicken masala, or BBQ salmon, or just a nice bowl or ice cream or apple crumble? So many wonderful flavors out there. I find it very hard to just stick to one thing. A little acid, a little alkaline. I wish there was someone who could make it simple for us ordinary folk, or start putting the Ph on all the food packages so we can know I just ate 2 acid foods, so I need to look for an alkaline food to keep the body in balance, or that all food tasted horrible – that would probably solve many of my eating/diet problems!
You’re exactly right, Barb! There are so many extreme diets out there. The main thing is nutritional balance: If you have a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, complex carbs and protein (including fish, eggs, and a small serve of meat once every few days), drink plenty of water (preferably filtered), and exercise frequently, you’re well on the road to health. It’s too easy to obsess about your diet – that leads to another set of problems! Balance is the key. And stress is also a big factor – HUGE, in fact! We need to learn to deal with stress early rather than later.
Does your good friend no longer eat meat, dairy, eggs, fish, poultry, and desserts? She just eats a raw vegan diet, fresh fruit, and does juicing. What vitamin supplements does she take? Does she take vitamin B-17, probiotics, magnesium, and zinc? Does she got to a homeopathic doctor to do saunas and acupuncture? Does she drink essiac tea and use essential oils such as frankincense?
I have taken a course in the lymph system from the IAL International Academy on Lymphology located in Orem, Utah. The mini trampoline by Samuel C. West was started there and has progressed to many levels since.
Also, I have experience with the Native American Nutritionals they have an excellent produce for you called DEFENSE.
So TRUE Billy.
Hello Mike and Ty – deep inside my soul there is a fountain of gratitude spurting out its thanks to both of you. I’ve finally found real friends
whose invaluable opinions on nutrition matches mine. Please don’t fall by the wayside because of obstacles that might be thrown your way….
Hi Silvia!
In fact,she has resumed a rather “normal” life:stressful weeks as a private music teacher,wich make her drive alot;and although she is eating a mostly vegetarian diet,she eats out many times and just does not organize tupperware meals that much… She does have a lady make Ayurvedic food for her,but I recently found her eating a WHITE BREAD SANDWICH!!!!!
I thaught that was terrible!
And also she’s gone back to smoking…
As for desserts,she likes chocolate,but recently,she started having cocoa nibs with raisins etc.
She does not have a potent juicer,so I rxpect she doesn’t do much of that…
I don’t know what supplements she takes,but she does have a naturopath doctor,and does conventionnal checkups.
I don’t know about the tea and oil you mention,I’ll have to check.
Are you on a raw diet? I’m interested,because I’m eating mostly salads and lacto-fermented veggies,sprouted rye and kamut,ocasionally Sashimi…
And I must say,I feel ALOT better!
You may not have given it much thought, but our digestive system is “outside” our body. It is in essence, a tube that runs through us and absorbs nutrients from our environment for energy (we even get our best source of vitamin D from the outside). We have evolved for millenia to become synergetic with the outside world and much of the transformation of substances is done through other organisms (plants, bacteria, “parasites”, fungui…). Supplements are not the best source of nutrition. Processed foods are just plain bad sources of nutrition. Even organic foods become less nutritious if they are processed and packaged. And when you find yourself craving foods, digesting some foods badly or reacting to foods, that is your body’s way of signalling a mistunement (or energetic imbalance) in your organism. Supplements can be a quick re-boot, but over the long term, they can be just as harmful as any other medicine since they are processed or synthetic and not natural to us. So, start with lifestyle choices, one change at a time (quality of sleep, food, relationships, exercise, mental and spiritual persuits) and if there are still sighs of pathology, then, and only then, intervene. That is why I prefer a homeopathic approach to healing: it seeks to rebalance the organism and when this happens, cravings go, exercising becomes easy and desirable, we tend to seek out positive, healthy people and mental persuits. In short, we lead constructive lives and give back to our environment.
Thank you,Manon,for being so clear:this is exactly what I believe,put into words!
Hi I’ve had low grade lymphoma non hodgkin’s for 8 years and have kept to a great diet of salads fish and fruit. .I have just had a scan and bone marrow done because I felt unwell. .my consultant has always been on my side about my diet. .He even looks into diets for other patients rather then chemo. .when I became a little unwell he did a blood test first and found my hemoglobin was low my calcium hi..then he said its been 8 years let’s keep a better eye on this hence the scan and bone marrow. .so they found lymphoma in the bone marrow and now he has put my on steroids for 2 week’s and said if these don’t work we might have to do chemo. ..can you put me on the right path. Regards Ray
One is mushrooms. I subscribed (email) to TTAC and I found out they’re is an anti cancer superfood. I think you should too. Bone broth has many health benefits and I think you should try it. Also lavender essential oil and some teas are good too. Look for the best anti cancer foods in the website.
The Doctors have low info on the lymph system.
99.9% have never taken a course from the IAL the: International Academy of Lymphology. There is 3 pints of blood and 11 pints of lymphatic fluid depending on persons size. The International Society of Lymphology is made up of some top doctors world wide. They have endorsed the IAL and it is the only school of its type which is in Orem, Utah. There is no pump for the lymph system and the fluid is moved because of exercise only. The mini trampoline is an excellent way to move this fluid, when not able to use the mini trampoline there are other alternatives.
There is also a suggested type of foods for the health of the lymph system.
They have courses that you can take to understand your lymph system.
The lymph system is responsible for your immunity it serves many functions in the health and maintenance of our body. At the cell level there is trapped blood proteins that are the cause of all pain and sickness death and diseases at the cell level. The formula for life and death at the cell level is stated in your studies of the lymph system. The book: The Golden Seven Plus One is used in the studies for this school the author Samuel C. West is the author and discover of this information. I personally want to thank Samuel C. West for sharing this information with me some 30 years ago.
In Dec of 2007 I was hit by a driver of an SUV with a snow plow on it while I was scrapping 1/4″ of ice off another vehicle’s windshield. I was thrown 25′ thru the air and landed with whiplash, head concussion, and nerve damage to my lower back. I was so dizzy for three months and in bed. I went to the emergency room and asked for help and was turned away. I have seen dozens of people with dizziness and they have found no help either.
Because of my studies of the lymph system years before the accident I believe this is why I am still alive today. I used lymphasizing with my hands on my head and realized the tremendous benefits of my training. I also used the mini trampoline for my extreme lower back pain (nerve damage) and after many used of it remover my back pain.
Hi what’s lymphasizing. Regards
No, Al, I am not in a raw vegan diet. I eat a variety of different things. I eat meat, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs, and one chocolate a day. I eat green salad with cucumbers, bell pepper, celery, radishes, cherry tomatoes, romaine lettuce, and radicchio and I season it with salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil. I eat an egg every four days. Every four days, I have cereal with milk which is 1% fat and quaker oat meat cereal using 1.5 cups milk. I eat one slice of cheddar cheese every two days. I eat artichokes, green beans, corn on a cob, peas, broccoli, brussel sprouts, coleslaw salad, carrots, and cauliflour. I love to eat raw broccoli, cauliflour, and carrots, because they taste much better raw, I eat tuna and mackeral every four days. I eat meat for 3 days, then after I get sick of it and I prefer to eat pasta, rice dishes, cold salads, and fish. I eat a slice of bread everyday. I hardly add sugar and butter to my food. I take Brewer’s Yeast and Vitamin D3 supplements. I do not juice. I squeeze a lemon in my small lemon squeezer to make lemon juice. I tend to drink orange juice from cartons or from a tin can. I eat a lot of fruit, so I get my natural sweetness from the fruit itself. I eat a whole banana every morning for breakfast, because they are high in vitamin K and potassium. I eat apples, pears, mandarines, peaches, plums, nectarines, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries every day. I drink a lot of water. I do not smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs. I go for a walk every day in the morning for an hour and a half or two hours. I dance a lot in my room. I do not eat out that much, only once every week. I prefer to eat at home, than in a restaurant or have a take out, because they put too much salt in the food which makes me very thirsty. I much rather eat at home, because at least I know what I put in my food.
I saw this on The National news Jan. 2016, regarding cholesterol lowering diet, & how THEY were wrong & knew this decades ago……yet kept telling people to avoid the Fats that we were supposed to be eating while they were prescribing STATIN drugs which now cardiologists & other Dr’s& good scientists have spoken out saying Statins are dangerous and making people sicker…….it’s horrible what has been going on ……all on the news……Google it to see it !
Great work Ty Bollinger, the world thanks you for your honesty !!
I personally know of 3 terminally diagnosed cancer people who are still here years later…….amazing & done through positive thoughts & powerful nutrition. …..& one was a RN ……..beautiful to hear positive natural healing occurs when our bodies are given the right tools !! Love how you are helping many Ty !!
Well FOOD IS THE TRUTH and THE BODY DONT LIE. #2 all people know are FOOD AND DRUGS.#3 WHEN FOOD IS THE POWER OF HERION and drug’s THEN ALL PEOPLE WILL KNOW truth of FOOD/DRUGS and simple brilliance matters. #4 A HEROIN OVERDOSE HAS BEEN NEUTRALIZED WIYH AN INJECTION OF VITAMIN – don’t get me started as an adult lecture if it’s childish judgement and reasoning that are easily and distinctively selfish reasonig.