Here is a scientific fact that may surprise you: everyone has cancer cells in their body, including you! For an individual with a robust immune system, the number of mutant cells remains low enough that they do not pose a threat. In fact, cancer cells in the bloodstream don’t even raise a red flag on most standard tests until they can be counted in the billions.
So how can you keep the number of cancer cells in your body low? Maintaining your immune system health is the key. Here is how to do it:
Everyone Has Cancer Cells in Their Body
First, it is important to realize that every cell in your body has the potential to become cancerous. According to Cancer Research UK, on a molecular level, there are three steps that can turn a healthy cell into a cancer cell:
1 | The cell divides
2 | The cell builds up mistakes in certain genes within it
3 | These mistakes become so numerous that the cell grows out of control
You may know the reasons why a scenario like this happens. Drinking excess alcohol, smoking cigarettes, chronic stress, eating a bad diet, not getting enough exercise, being exposed to too many environmental toxins, and a host of other epigenetic factors come into play. These factors can turn normal, healthy cells into mutant ones that grow out of control.
The good news is that our bodies were created with safety mechanisms to stop cancer cell growth. Take the example of exposure to the sun. Research has proven that a little bit is a good thing for getting vitamin D and other benefits. But if you expose your skin to too much intense sunlight, the powerful UV rays begin to mutate cellular tissue.
The body, by design, created antioxidants to clean up potentially threatening and cancerous cells. It also has mechanisms that can lock on to the DNA code, looking for faults in order to repair them. Finally, the immune system contains specialized “cancer fighters,” such as Natural Killer cells, which can wipe out damaged DNA or force them to commit “suicide” in a cellular process called apoptosis.
Even with all these ingenious systems in place, it is inevitable that some genetic “blips” will slip through the cracks. In fact, this happens quite regularly.
Think about it: each time a cell divides, it copies billions of DNA “letters” which make up its unique genetic code. The more cancer-causing substances to which a cell is exposed, the more chances a damaged cell has to escape the body’s protective mechanisms and grow into a tumor.
The Importance of Natural Killer Cells
Natural Killer cells, or NK cells, are a type of white blood cell, or lymphocyte. They are part of the lymphatic system and are formed in the bone marrow, tonsils, thymus, spleen, liver, skin, intestine, lungs, and lymph nodes. They also play a vital role in cancer protection. Their job is to patrol the blood stream for pathogens, especially cancer cells.
NK cells are truly unique in how they react to cancer. You can think of them as the commanders of an army of cancer-seeking and cancer-fighting substances in the body. They have the ability to control both cancer metastasis and tumor growth, according to a 2011 investigation conducted at the Alexander Flemming Foundation Cancer Institute in Brazil. They do this by first spotting cells that they identify chemically as cancerous. When they find something that looks out of the ordinary, they call their “friends” to the scene. Then a group of NK cells surround the defective cell and blast it with a toxic substance to destroy it. Finally, the NK cells send out another call (in the form of a hormone) to additional immune system cells who clean up the mess.
All of the suggestions outlined below are designed to super-charge your immunity and boost your NK cell count:
- Eat blueberries! In a report published in the journal Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, researchers found that the Natural Killer cell count of trained runners who eat blueberries were higher, and inflammation lower, than those who did not after only 6 weeks.
- Spice up your food. Turmeric, black pepper, and cardamom have all been shown not only to lower inflammation and boost the immune system, but also to increase the cytotoxic activity of NK cells.
- Consume more garlic. Garlic and onions are rich in sulfur compounds which can stimulate NK cell production and action, according to a study at Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran. That same study found that phytonutrients in garlic had a direct effect on breast cancer cells.
- Consider selenium supplementation. Selenium is an essential nutrient for the body. Many other minerals, like iodine and magnesium, cannot be processed without the help of selenium. Since the 1990s, studies have also linked selenium to increased NK cell activity, including a pivotal study conducted by New York University in the mid-1990s.
- Serve up some mushrooms. Mushrooms are rich in beta glucans, which are a specific type of polysaccharide known for their super-stimulating effects on the immune system. A 2014 study published in the International Journal of Oncology found that beta glucans also helped curb breast cancer by affecting certain kinds of gene expression.
6 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Prevent Cancer, Metastasis, and Cancer Recurrence
Natural Killer cells really are the “it” factor for ensuring that cancer cell counts in your body stay below the radar. But they are not the only factor.
The absolute best way to protect against cancer is to reduce your exposure to cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) in the first place. Secondly, you must support the mechanisms which protect against DNA mutation. Since the vast majority of safeguards against cancer can be found in the immune system, keeping this system as strong as possible is paramount. Whether you have already gone through traditional cancer therapies and want to boost your immunity, have been diagnosed and are learning about your options, or simply want to prevent cancer from occurring in the first place, getting your immune system back online is essential to keeping cancer cells at bay—and living a vibrant, disease free life!
Follow these steps and you will be well on your way to doing just that:
1 | Cut the Sugar! Of all the things you can do to keep your immune system strong and cancer cells weak, cutting sugar and simple carbs from your diet as much as possible is the most important. This is common sense, since glucose is cancer’s favorite food. When you consume sugary drinks, desserts, and candy (or even grain products that use refined flour, like bread, pasta, and cookies), you are literally feeding cancer cells and making them stronger.
A 2016 study conducted by MD Anderson Cancer Center Department of Palliative, Rehabilitation, and Integrative Medicine found that when mice were given a diet comparable to the typical Western diet, breast cancer tumor size and metastasis grew significantly compared to those who were fed a no-sugar, no-starch diet.
According to the study’s co-author, Dr. Lorenzo Cohen: “We determined that it was specifically fructose, in table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, ubiquitous within our food system, which was responsible for facilitating lung metastasis and 12-HETE production in breast tumors.”
2 | Heal Your Gut. If you think that there is no correlation between gut health and immune system health, keep in mind that as much as 80% of immune system cells reside in your intestinal tract lining. This includes a large number of Natural Killer cells. Again, cutting down on sugar and simple carbs can help restore gut balance, as can upping your intake of probiotics such as kefir, cultured vegetables, and probiotic supplements. Prebiotics are also important, since they are considered fuel for beneficial gut bacteria. Some prebiotics include garlic, onions, leeks, and asparagus.
3 | Stay Alkaline. Cancer loves acidic, low-oxygen environments (the internal environments encouraged by the Standard American Diet). Evict dangerous cancer cells from your body by eating a diet that helps to alkalize the body. The best diet for this is made up of 80% fresh vegetables and vegetable juices, seeds, nuts, and some fresh fruit. If meat proteins are part of your daily routine, make sure it is clean and green – grass fed and pasture raised. Depending on your weight, portions should not exceed the size of a deck of cards. Wild caught fish can also be beneficial.
A quick tip for alkalizing the body is to enjoy a big glass of clean water (about 8 oz) with a teaspoon or two of organic, raw, apple cider vinegar. This is a very refreshing way to start your day!
4 | Get Enough Quality Sleep. When we sleep, the body’s systems, especially the digestive and immune systems, heal and repair. It’s also when the emotions and thoughts from the day are processed (and sometimes come to life in dreams). This nighttime healing activity helps keep your immune system on track—and you can help this process by getting plenty of quality sleep each night.
From 1 – 4am, melatonin is produced by the pineal gland. You may have heard of melatonin as a hormone that helps you sleep, but it does much more than that. Melatonin is also a heavy-duty cancer killer. A 2016 Brazilian study on liver cancer cells found that melatonin helps the immune system in many ways, including in the regulation of Natural Killer cell production. Melatonin also appears to have an effect on cancer stem cells, according to a 2013 study published in the British Journal of Cancer.
5 | Detox Your Body. In our modern world, we are exposed to more toxins than ever before – through the air, water, and food that we eat. In addition, our bodies make their own toxic waste in response to stress. All of these toxins are compounded as we age and are subject to immune senescence, or the general decline in immune system function. Immune senescence affects NK production as well.
We can curb this rapid decline significantly by helping our detoxification pathways – especially the liver – do their job. First, we can lower the amount of toxins that go into our bodies by eating organic, non-GMO, hormone-free, and antibiotic-free as much as possible. Drinking only filtered water (no BPA-filled plastic bottles!) and using natural sundry products can help as well. Next, we can actively assist our liver and other detoxification pathways through special protocols and herbs. There are literally dozens of ways, both big and small, that you can help your detox pathways.
A periodic cleanse or fast is another option. Intermittent fasting, saunas and other forms of hyperthermia, and coffee enemas are other methods. You can even detox your mouth by consulting with a biological dentist who can advise you on removing amalgams and root canals. Learn to include herbs such as milk thistle and spirulina to your daily diet as well. Spirulina, as well chlorella, has been shown to detox heavy metals.
6 | Eat a cancer-healing diet. We touched on diet when we spoke about alkalinity, as well as key substances to help with NK cell production, but diet is an incredibly important topic for cancer prevention and healing, and bears repeating. For a vibrant life, eat a diet that is high in vegetables (at least 80%), moderate in proteins and complex grains, and as low as possible in sugars. Consider a dairy-free and gluten-free diet if gut health is an issue for you. And ALWAYS go organic, pesticide free, GMO-free, hormone-free, and antibiotic-free whenever possible.
7 | Reduce Stress! Finally, there is stress. Let’s face it: stress is a part of life in this fast-paced world. When stress becomes chronic, our stress responses become heightened, and don’t go down to a steady state for hours, days, weeks, or even years. This is where danger to our physical bodies can become a reality. Activating the “flight or fight” mode increases the hormone cortisol. Studies have linked chronically high levels of cortisol (also known as chronic stress) to inflammation, high blood sugar, depression, and diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cancer. Increased adrenaline has also been shown to increase the risk for cancer metastasis.
Fortunately, you can learn ways to manage stress and slip out of the “fight or flight” mode. In fact, this is critical for maintaining a healthy immune system and keeping cancer under wraps. Like detoxing, there are many ways to reduce stress, including: meditation, walking, Tapping or EFT, yoga or stretching, watching a funny movie, reading an inspiring book, or doing a favorite craft. In fact, the simple act of breathing deeply through the nose automatically signals the body and mind that you are safe and can calm stress responses.
Everyone has some level of cancer cell production. The good news is that our bodies have amazing and clever ways of sniffing out these cells and destroying them through the immune system, and Natural Killer cells in particular.
All we have to do is support these mechanisms through healthy eating and lifestyles. Then cancer will become a non-factor in your life – and you’ll never have to fear cancer again!
Ty and Charlene. Will you please write something about thyroid problems (nodules, cancers, goiters, etc)? I just had a total thyroid removal surgery due to the presence of nodules which one in particular was growing, I had multi nodules. After surgery the nodules were biopsied and one was found to have a microscopic spot of cancer. My surgeon advised that the total removal of the thyroid stopped the cancer growth. He advised no further treatment would be needed. There were good margins around the spot and the removal was successful for stopping the cancer growth. Please address some prevention tips for diet, maybe some causes for this condition. I believe the thyroid is a very important gland in our body which is important for metabolism and healthy function. I also think there is an increased incidence of thyroid problems in our nation. Thanks for all you do……………..Kay
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