If you think celery is only good for lowering blood pressure, think again! On the other hand, if you already enjoy celery in your diet, you’re lowering your risk of cancer. Celery contains compounds that help repel cancer cells! You read that right… eating celery is a natural cancer preventative!
The extensive health benefits of celery might surprise you. This plant has been known for its medicinal properties since the 9th century.
It belongs to the Apiaceae (also known as Umbelliferae) family which includes parsley, carrots, fennel, coriander, parsnips, cumin, and others.

Celery Compounds that Kill Cancer Cells
Celery contains apigenin and luteolin. These specific compounds are bioactive flavonoids that fight cancer cells. Flavonoids are naturally occurring plant pigments that work as antioxidants and have the capacity to combat free radicals in the body.
The apigenin component of celery fights cancer cells by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death), which causes the cancer cells to self-destruct. In addition to apigenin’s antioxidant and anti-tumor properties, it is traditionally used in Chinese medicine for its capacity to treat gout and some arthritic conditions. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound rivaling commercial anti-inflammatory drugs.
Luteolin has the capacity to short circuit the replication cycle of cancer cells. A study published in the BioMed Central Gastroenterology journal discovered that luteolin is able to block the signal pathways (IGF and PI3K) which are necessary for the growth of cancer cells, specifically colorectal cancers. In developed nations, colon cancer is the second most frequent cause of cancer-related death.
In a laboratory study, mice were fed a strong mutagen to induce fibrosarcoma (a form of bone cancer). When the mice were supplemented with luteolin in their diet, researchers noted a 60% reduction in tumor size.
Like apigenin, luteolin possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties. The Inflammatory Research Journal reported that luteolin is one of several flavonoids that exhibit anti-inflammatory activity. Both luteolin and quercetin (another flavonoid), “Inhibited the platelet-activating factor and suppressed the inflammatory response induced by allergens.” Luteolin impedes excessive production of TNF-alpha – known to be a major source of inflammation.
6 Health Benefits of Celery
Though celery is an excellent anti-cancer food, its numerous health benefits make it a perfect choice for your healthy diet. The celery plant is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals such as: A, C, K, folate, molybdenum, potassium, fiber, and other healthy components. Listed below are several of these featured health benefits.
#1. Replaces Lost Electrolytes
This water-loaded veggie is a superb post workout drink because it replaces the electrolytes in your body. It is also a rich source of potassium and sodium, giving it a mild salty taste. A one-cup serving of celery juice contains only 65 calories, making it nutrient-dense.
#2. Balances Your pH Levels
Celery is one of several natural alkaline-forming foods. Eating celery reduces your body’s acid levels, helping you to maintain a balanced pH. If your pH level is too acidic, it can stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Studies have shown that cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment.
#3. Lowers Cholesterol and Blood Pressure
Celery is a good source of fiber. Fiber helps lower cholesterol levels by “sweeping” the cholesterol present in the bloodstream. Celery also contains pthalides, a substance that stimulates the secretion of bile juices that reduce LDL cholesterol. The pthalides relax the arterial wall and dilate the blood vessels, allowing blood to flow without interruption.
#4. Prevents Constipation
Since celery contains fiber, it helps prevent constipation. Including a cup of celery in your meal or snack can yield around 2 grams of fiber plus 97 grams of water content.
#5. Improves Kidney Function
Celery has diuretic and cleansing properties which improve overall kidney function. Regular and frequent urination helps eliminate toxins within the body and prevent the formation of kidney stones.
#6. Treats Nervous Disorders
Dating back to Hippocrates, celery has been used to treat nervous disorders. If you are suffering from insomnia or anxiety, a cup of celery juice provides a soothing and calming effect on your nerves.
How to Enjoy Celery in your Meals
- Chopped celery is an excellent accompaniment to tuna and chicken salads.
- It is also perfect for juicing and green smoothies.
- Dip celery stalks in organic peanut butter for a delicious healthy snack.
- Add chopped onions and bell pepper to braised celery stalks and leaves. Mix in some ground walnuts and a dollop of soft cheese for a nice side dish.
- Introduce a new flavor to your soups, stews, and casseroles by adding chopped celery to the mix.
Remember to always buy organic! Celery is on the “Dirty Dozen” list for a reason. It is among the top twelve veggies found to have the highest amount of pesticide residue.
Undoubtedly, celery offers many health benefits and may repel cancer cells. Inexpensive, widely available, and nutrient-dense while being naturally low in calories, it is the ideal addition to a healthy cancer-free lifestyle.
Editor’s note: This post was originally published in December 2015. It has been updated and republished in April 2024.
Article Summary
Eating celery is a natural cancer preventative.
Celery contains apigenin and luteolin. These specific compounds are bioactive flavonoids that fight cancer cells.
6 Additional Benefits of Celery:
- Replaces lost electrolytes.
- Balances your pH levels.
- Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.
- Prevents constipation.
- Improves kidney function.
- Treats nervous disorders.
Always buy organic!
I’d like to read about celery juicing vs alkaline water drinking.
Alkaline water isn’t recommended by Medical Medium Anthony William because if you put your pH over 7.5 then your body would have to work to get it back down to the right pH. So actually doing you harm rather than good. Celery juice, 16 oz, no pulp, on an empty stomach, not mixed with anything at all is what has been transforming people’s health for decades now. Mine included. In fact I reversed lupus, anemia, diabetes, vertigo, fibroids, migraines and so much more by following Medical Medium protocols that are in his first book. And tens of thousands of us had already done so, including thousands of doctors who were his clients for decades, before the first book was finally published. Every disease under the sun with his protocols. Including cancer.
Can I juice with both celery and carrots together.
I do, actually I juice carrots, beets, celery, fresh turmeric, fresh ginger and fresh garlic daily because they are all excellent cancer fighters!!
Catharine says 16 oz celery juice, no pulp, on empty stomach… how do you make it? Can I use a blender or do I have to get a juicer? How much celery does it take to make 16 oz?
I use a juicer. I am tired of juicing but didn’t realize celery’s benefits. I think I will just juice celery as it will be less trouble than all the other stuff I have to wash and deal with. I am dealing with something that needs the help.
Hi Jean Terry,
I understand how juicing can be exhausting.
you can use a blender then strain it with cheesecloth or some other towel to get only the liquid out.
Catharine why wouldn’t you just tell people how much it takes to make 16 0z and how often to take it .If its that good . Why do we have to send messages back and fourth ,Or is like the drug stores a business or a way to make money.
Nyla Blair, you will receive much more of celery’s benefits if you use a juicer.
Using a blender and squeezing the juice out you will lose many of the benefits because it is impossible to squeeze it enough to get most of them.
Even if you have a good juicer, you will squeeze every last bit of nutrients out of your juice if you put the pulp through a juice press after juicing. This is what I do to maximize the nutrient value of the juice.
I completely agree with Catherine. Things like lemon juice, and celery juice help the body become more alkaline, but doesn’t affect your stomach acid. Alkaline water on the other hand will dilute your stomach acids enough to eventually cause digestive problems. Your stomach is meant to be acidic to protect you. Foods that help the body become alkaline work differently than alkaline water.
Fascinating lecture thank you for enlightening me irene
Thank you TY mucho love
Celery is also good for male ED / his manhood. Celery juice, celery seed, celery seed capsules. Google around with them.
Love celery I always forget to buy some.
Celery is one of the dirty dozen for pesticides so stick with organic.
Yes organic all if you can- on the cansurviving site celery is one of the 14 ingredients listed to make so many different varieties of meals, snacks,…on the Diet and Body forum- but also Mind and Spirit are involved…do have a look…we cansurvivors need to help one another!
Do you have to juice celery to get the benefits? Why can’t you just eat celery? How much celery is needed to get 16 oz of juice?
Great article! So many natural things kill cancer…In fact if summarize the info on what kills it, it becomes unclear, how cancer still survives in humankind! Are people so mind-paralysed, that prefer to march into cancer’s gates, rather than just kill it?…
Is cooked celery as beneficial as raw?
Really good information about the properties of celery. Thankyou for your research. Barbara.
Thanku so much I have been eating organic celery for years now, but was not aware of the anticancer properties it contains.regards Lorraine Cooper Nuneaton GB
It takes about a head of celery
I blend my celery with wild blueberries that are frozen. The combo has been great for my digestion.
Simmer the celery in a large pot, or steam it in a large pot, and drink the water.
Why would anyone even want to remove the pulp?
How much celery to make up for 16 oz?
Will celery help reduce my cholesterol. I am looking for foods that will help reduce my high cholesterol. Btw, I am not fat all, my bmi is 21 but still I’m plagued with high cholesterol. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions.
Alkaline water will not really alkalinize you; the “power” is not there, and your body will easily revert to it’s previous acid or alkaline condition. To put it another way, one teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate has more alkalinizing power than 10,000 gallons of alkaline water. It will dilute your stomach acid, but not much. Alkaline water is, however, a resounding waste of money. Water pH should be neutral.
If you want your body to be alkaline, eat fruit (not too much, and by itself), and plenty of vegetables, preferably raw, unless it must be cooked. If you have cancer or some other serious illness, severely limit grains and nuts. If you do this, your illness will almost magically disappear.
How about raw nuts?
Great article Great information, keep up the good work TY.
So easy when you buy an auger juicer. Leaves the pulp behind and you drink just the pure juice. Grow your own organic celery it is easy to do.
Great Info! Thanks! I will pass it on.
I enjoy celery smeared with organic peanut butter.
This is so helpful I have bone cancer am trying everything with little money to go on so all advice is greatly received thanks LB
HI Lissett,
Can you correspond with me either public or privately about your protocol in staying well.
Yes Lisset, I have bone cancer too, as well as the rare amyloidosis so I have gone back to celery which I used to take as soup years ago for relief with rheumatoid arthritis. Wash and use right to the top of the bunch. For a drink, use your potato peeler and shred the strings before cutting and making a drink. Don’t add any other fancy ingredients, but a little cucumber is beneficial with this drink. It is anti-inflammatory. 2 – 3 sticks are enough for 16 oz. , with a little ice water.
I have multiple myeloma,I have been cold press juicing for over 12 mths now enclosing celery usually 1/2 bunch in my juice,I feel it has helped me enormously also I put raw tumeric in as well as its an anti inflammatory, to get rid of cancer.Juicing is a great way to get the nutrients you need and it’s easy to digest.Chez – Australia
Does celery have the same beneficial properties cooked that it has raw??? Like with so many of these articles about super foods, it doesn’t say whether cooking destroys the important nutrients or not. The beneficial qualities of some veg and fruit are enhanced by cooking, and for others it’s depleted or even destroyed. This is important information and it would be very useful if all the articles about wonder foods included it instead of leaving us wondering and hoping we’re eating it the right way. An example is pumpkin seeds (and most nuts too). Eating them raw is practically useless, as they have natural substances to preserve them and prevent them from sprouting and releasing their nutrients until conditions are right to grow, all part of Mother Nature’s grand plan. Toasting them also ruins the benefits and spoils the beneficial oils. The way to unlock the cancer-preventing zinc and other nutrients is to soak them overnight in water (with a bit of salt in it). Think about it, this is just what Mother Nature would do when the time was right for them to grow, she’d water them. Then they can be dried at a very low temperature for storage. How foods need to be prepared to actually get the disease-preventing elements out of them is vital information, otherwise people may be wasting their time. As well as reminders about the huge importance that foods must be truly and reliably organic, as we may be doing ourselves more harm than good consuming large quantities (or any quantities) of pesticide and herbicide laced veg and fruit.
Summer Joy I totally agree with you and thank you so much for writing this note. So please, someone give us response about Summer Joy comments!
May GOD Bless everyone
Thanks to the excellent guide
Dear Ty,
Thank you very much for your guidance. In fact I have started with some traditional and natural treatment, such as some fruit as shown in the pictures you sent me and I have just started with celery, a week ago. Thank you once again for giving more confidence to support your work.
Thank you for reading our article Joao! Wishing you a healthy life.
Hi, I have been searching and researching for foods favorable to cancer stage 4 patients? Can you guide me? This is first test reveal possibility of cancer stage 4. We do not know anything. Can you guide us? What food or veg drins fruits can prevent cancer cells in the breast? Thank and await your reply
hare krishna money
Celery naturally produces carcinogens and other toxins. Can you explain to me how you prepare celery to reduce harmful risks?
Per Dr Weil avoid celery with Brown spots as that indicates possible toxins. Only eat in mideration and buy organic. Preferred method cooked.
I use lots of veggies …..but I hear celery really works well …so this is my step why not …they are known to be high in everything that’s good for the body all around ….thxs for all your help
Thanks for sharing, Darin!
I’ve been following the medical medium on Instagram. I have several of his books. I’ve been juicing with celery… every morning. According to him, you must eat it fresh or juice and drink right away. Some of the beneficial nutrients are lost over time. I would say that would be the case when cooked.
Thank you!
Would I get the same benefits by using (food & therapeutic grade) celery seed oil ?
If so, how much would you recommend taking and what would be the best form of delivery ?
I appreciate the info & your response, thank you.
Hi Carmen!
Thanks for your comment.
Celery seeds are extremely nutritional and often come as an extract, a capsule, or tablet.
It is a great alternative for the celery stalk.
Unfortunately, we cannot say if their nutritional value is equal. We would encoruage you to see more studies in this arena. Along with this, it would be best if you were to consult with your healthcare practitioner before starting any form of supplementation. 🙂
Blessings and love!
I eat celery almost everyday. I slice in my salad. I used chopped celery a lot in cooking such as making sauces, soups, and chili. I even drank a cup of celery juice every day for lunch, but my juicer unfortunately broke down and I added one teaspoon of chlorophyll in it.
Thank you for sharing this very important information. I am very grateful to you for the work you do.
Hillary is an herb I am told. My mother ate it every day and salads, as an appetizer,With cheese, and used it and vegetable trays. She left 85 and could have lived longer.
It is sometimes difficult to get organic celery. Some of the organic celery I have gotten has been a lot smaller in bulk and commercial celery.. Furthermore, in the store it is not easy to find organic celery. I would like to see more exposure for it.
God bless.
Hi Ty, Sharlene, great work.
However Anthony William aka Medical Medium has been sharing the benefits of juicing this God given herb, available right round the world or so I believe, for decades. Doing so myself as we speak along with his Heavy Metal Detox as well. His book “Celery Juice The most powerful medicine of our time Healing Millions Worldwide” is available on Amazon and others and well worth the read and application for everyone. For those asking about how much celery to use, we are currently gaining 16ozs from approximately 3/4 of a bunch, but obviously depends on the size of the bunch, Cheers
Several questions as to whether eating raw celery, versus juicing is just as good?
Is juicing the best method? What about cooked celery? Hopefully someone can reply to these questions?
Juicing? Raw? Cooked Celery…
thank you