Video Transcript: First Steps to Detoxify Your Body
Ty Bollinger: So what do you tell the millions of people that are watching this right now that are toxic and that they’re not able at this point to go in and just begin to gently cleanse? They don’t even know how to start. Give me a few practical steps that 99% of the people watching this need to follow to detoxify all of the toxicity that they’ve built up over the last few decades?
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: Ninety-nine percent of the people are going to listen to this and not detoxify. So I just want you to tell them—tell you that, one percent might if we’re really lucky.
Ty Bollinger: Well, let’s talk to the one percent then. Give them some steps.
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: I will. But I will tell you about the 99%. They’re scared of what lives in there and they shouldn’t be. You know, they need to lighten the load. Everybody needs to lighten their toxic load. But everybody lives in fear and they’ve got to reach in and get that courage and just do step-by-step.
Ty Bollinger: So Dr. Wolfe, give us a roadmap for people that are interested, that are watching this now that they say, “you know what, he’s right. I’m sure that I’m toxic. How do I detoxify?” Give them some practical steps that they can detoxify.
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: Okay. I’d like to take an external point of view and then an internal point of view.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: So externally we know that we’ve got to look after our water. We can’t keep on having chlorinated water come into our homes. Okay. So somehow we need to look after that. The next thing, if you’ve got Wi-Fi in your home you’ve got to hard line.
Next thing, if you own a phone, remember phones aren’t phones anymore. They’re computers. So every time you’re taking and putting that thing up to your face you’re frying your brain. So you need to make sure that it’s on speaker phone. Don’t put it to your head all the time.
The next thing is you have to sit down and you have to have a meeting with your family. If one person tries to detoxify in the family and they don’t get everybody on board, and when I mean on board, not meaning that everybody has to do it, but on board that, “I’m doing this. Please do not down me, do not call me a health nut, and do not try to undermine me.”
Because family’s get jealous. When a person starts getting healthy in a family and the others aren’t doing it they will undermine them. And that’s a fact.
So these are important issues. And I talk about this to all my patients. And I teach people this that you must let people know where you are and what you stand for now, that things are changing.
The next thing is you meet with the family. The rule is that from this point on nobody will bring in anything into this house unless it’s alive, high vibrational, whole plant-based diet food. There will be no more pop. There will be no more sugar. There will be no more chips. There will be no more the greasy packaged food coming in the house.
If somebody in that family wants that then they can eat all they want outside the home, but cannot bring it in. There! So it doesn’t matter if you start a cleansing program. If the rest of your family is not helping you, then the support, everything breaks down.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: So let’s get that out of the way. Next thing is, which I’ve already mentioned, is we’ve got to make sure that we take in ample water and that we do that throughout the day. That we actually hydrate because when you’re thirsty you’re already toxic. And the other thing is when you feel tired you’re probably dehydrated again.
The other thing is, is when you get up in the morning you want to do things like blender drinks. You can do blender drinks of fruit, like let’s say blueberries. You can go to Costco, get a big organic bag of blueberries. You can pour in almond milk or you could pour in coconut water, and then you get yourself a good plant-based protein powder. And you put half a cup of blueberries in there and you blend that up because what you’re trying to do is you want something good and tasty because we’re all about taste.
So don’t think that you can do something that doesn’t taste good because it’s not going to work. And for myself what I do in the mornings, okay, I can only say what I do, is I do raw eggs. And I’ll let you do your own research on that one. I’ll do raw eggs and that satisfies me.
And then what I’ll always try to do is attempt to have salads. And when I have salads I’ll always be trying to do things like lemon or lime or olive oil or coconut oil. The salad dressings are full of chemicals so we want to avoid that.
great tips. thanks for sharing. Cleansing our body is very important to get rid of toxins that we accumulated and which can cause cancer. Hydration is also very important too, in a matter of fact in #4StepsToHealth approach we start with 1st step which is super hydration wisth living water. Wish you health!!!
Detoxifying the body can be a very complicated issue because we do not know that the stuff that we are using to detoxify our bodies are toxic. I could be full of poisons. If we drink distilled water or filtered water and eat all organic food, are we detoxifying our bodies properly?
that is true, that is why it is very important to super hydrate your body first as it is in #4StepsToHealth. Wish you Health!
Unfortunately, there are certain situations that the advice given cannot be fully followed. What if a person has enormous problems with swallowing? This hasn’t been taken into account.
There are homeopathic and herbal injections available, I use these when talking in oral meds is not an option for my patients.