Video Transcript: How Fluoride in Water Actually Destroys Teeth & Bones
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Fluoride toxicity causes the bones to dissolve. It actually causes the teeth to dissolve, believe it or not.
Ty Bollinger: But isn’t fluoride supposed to be good for our teeth?
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: That’s what they tell us. I don’t believe them, but that’s what they tell us. If you get enough fluoride into your teeth, your teeth will rot and fall out.
Ty Bollinger: Wow.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: That’s one of the toxic reactions to fluoride. That’s one of the signs of fluoride toxicity actually.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Is rotten teeth.
Ty Bollinger: Your teeth fall out.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Right. Does the same thing with your bones. It rots your bones. It causes the bones to become soft and brittle.
Ty Bollinger: Is that why—I read a study within the last couple of years that fluoride has been linked to osteosarcoma. That’s why?
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Yes, yes, absolutely.
Ty Bollinger: Bone cancer.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Absolutely, bone cancer. It weakens the bone. You know it weakens the teeth, weakens the jaw, weakens the bones. You know long bones, femurs… look at all the hip replacements that have to happen. We have weakened bones and they become harder and less flexible as we get older. They shouldn’t get more brittle.
If we have a decent diet, we’re getting plenty of minerals and we mineralize our bones, they should become stiffer, not more brittle.
Ty Bollinger: But almost inevitably in most elderly they’re brittle. I remember my grandma before she died. I think she broke her hip.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Couldn’t even give her a hug?
Ty Bollinger: She broke her hip one time just walking.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Sure. Absolutely.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Terribly brittle bones. We’ve been fluorinated in the United States for about 70 years, heavily fluorinated. And osteoporosis is rampant. It’s rampant in men, elderly men. Testosterone, which is our “boy hormone” should keep our bones strong. And despite that, the fluoride’s still eating away at our bones.
Ty Bollinger: So you think that’s one of the major problems with the osteoporosis?
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: I think so. Absolutely.
Ty Bollinger: The fluoride, okay.
Is there help for a person with cancer throughout their body?
Please look into medcal marijuana. Some products have been messed with by chemists and some are natural. From what I have been reading the natural versons, especially injesting daily doses of oil derrived from the flowers, have had dramatic improvements in shrinking tumors and pain management. The big pharma companies are trying to monopolise it by keeping natural versions prohibited and available versions expensive and ineffective. Please do some research and find what is best for you and available locally.
Also consider EMDR therapy for processing and healing emotional trauma and blockages within the body. It is amazing and I know first hand that it works on many levels within the body. Google search EMDR and your location will find you a local practitioner.
Love and best wishes for your health and happiness. Ali. Xoxo
A doctor or dentist cannot force fluoride or any drug on ANYONE. They would lose their license to practice if they did.
It should be illegal for the government to force it on EVERYONE without consent.
Im just amazed how we, the people cannot do anything about the government adding fluoride into our tap water… it’s illegal in Europe and a whole bunch of countries around the world, why in the USA?
James Fluoride is mandatory in almost everyone’s water
so legal or not you are drinking it !!!
Here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, we got to vote on the addition of fluoride in our water. A vast number of our citizens voted against it, so we are fluoride free!
My dentist KNOWS that I do not want to have any fluoride and, yet, I learned that he used some fluoride in the cement that they used to re-attach the bridge!?!? What can I do after the fact!? Totally damaged trust.
There is always help for even the worst ailments , Do your research Baking Soda Molasses ,make sure not to be acidic , heaps of help available, don’t trust mainstream for anything .
Don’t blindly trust anyone about anything, do a little research of your own !!!
Other countries and parts of USA where public water has no florine added have no larger amounts of tooth decay in studies done for the past 38 yrs. (Since 1977). Studies that children who consume water treated with florine have lower scores on intellegence tests. Seems foolish to subject sublingual blood vessels daily to tooth paste with florine, when the label warns individual to contact the poison control center if a childay swallows a small amount of that poison.
What are the best filters that will filter fluoride out of my tap water?
I have been using ZeroWater water filter. But definitely do your own research and follow your intuition of what’s best for you.
I recently found about 6 counter top filters that claim to,. You are going to pay $200 on up for them. Research by Googling and be sure they are showing you the actual lab test results of substances proven to be removed by the filter. Look for one that also removes chlorine and chloramine if you have that in your water too, and you probably do.
After researching quite a bit, I found this countertop filter system, similar to Brita, that actually removes fluoride.
I have a Brita but they are a low quality filter which only filter 20 micron about the thickness of a human hair. They now improved it but can’t see what improvements they did reading the specs are quite vague. Reverse osmosis filtration is one way to go but pretty expensive.
Please site your Double Blind research study. We know that fluoride from natural resources at the correct concentration will prevent tooth decay with many studies. Tell me the concentration where you say is toxic?
Allan, no amount of fluoride is good for you. First off, the fluoride you get in water is not the natural fluoride, it is hydrofluorisic acid. It is a by product of the fertilizer mines, coming mainly from Jacksonville. This stuff is highly corrosive and toxic. Read the toxicity of this product and find for yourself. Less then a cup is a lethal dose. So how can I toxic deadly chemical be good for your theet!?!?! I mean come on, let’s stop the bs and madness here, fluoridation is toxic!!!! How can we still today believe this crap is good for us!?! Big tobacco cie stated for years that nicotine was not addictive. Do you want to fight that?
There is natural occurring fluoride in some water that comes out of the ground with it. It causes modeling of the teeth in young children but no cavities.
How can ingesting fluoride do good for teeth, it enters the bloodstream and eventually wreaks havoc to the body in whole. It is known to also calcify our penial gland in the brain which is also called our third eye to extrasensory perception. Fluoride also is a by-product from oil refinement in purity it is toxic poison, as a matter of fact in WW2 Hitler used it by the drum full for concentration inmates known to keep them docile. Have you ever seen any photos or footage of the inmates with good teeth? You tube has great science information on fluoride, you will want to stay clear from the stuff after a little research trust me.
Is there any scientific data for those statements about what levels of fluoride cause toxicity in the body. Many Pediatric dentists prescribe fluoride supplements such as sodium fluoride 0.25mg 0-3 years old, 0.5mg 3-6 years old or 1mg to 6 and over on top of fluoridated toothpaste, specially in places where water is non fluorated.
Big Money influences the U.S., so we have over 74% fluoridated.
The world has wised up with only 5% fluoridated.
Europe is even better with only 3% fluoridated.
Just like tobacco and asbestos, fluoridation on the way out — good riddance.
Great video clip i can use for those who are still convinced “Fluoride” is a must for dental health. Thank you
We all have to brush our teeth. If we do not brush our teeth with fluoride toothpaste, out teeth could rot and fall out. We could get cavities and infections, if we never used toothpaste. Is having oral surgery to remove four wisdom teeth and root canal work good for your health?
A very well-respected dentist in my area told me years ago that we don’t actually need to brush with toothpaste. He said that the important part is the mechanical action of brushing, which removes plaque. He said that toothpaste is really just a social convention — people like the fresh breath, or they like the nominal whitening effect from a whitening toothpaste — but you can remove just as much plaque without it.
Brands like Tom’s and Jason make non-fluoridated toothpaste.
Silvia, you can make your own toothpaste as well. There are plenty of DIY recipes out there. I use coconut oil, baking soda and peppermint essential oil.
This recipe is amazing, I use it as well
Next time you go to the dentist, ask them what kind of fluoride is used in water and toothpaste and they will not know. Toothpaste is not necessary to brush your theet. You just need friction, same principal goes with flossing. You need to watch the documentary about fluoride called the great deception, amazing.
I’m looking to buy a water purification system..I’ve looked at kangan system but it is Multi level mkt costing 4 thousand does your group know of something just as good but less cost?
Distilled, reverse osmosis, spring water or bone char filters
Please research to make an informed decision about filtering your water. Although filtering takes out impurities you are also taking out essential mininerals the body requires. Filtering water is not a good long term solution. Distilled water also isn’t healthy as you will again deprive yourself of essential minerals. Spring water is the best choice imho. When in doubt, use the most natural solution and let your body do the rest.
I am researching filters also. Reverse osmosis gives you ‘dead’ water and spring water comes in potentially carcinogenic plastic jugs.
Is there another good choice?
try the (longish) video at …. it’s well worth it!
Dr. Mercola has filtration systems that are reasonable in price. I was amazed when I went to a new dentist and found out that he was still using amalgam fillings. I thought they were “out” and dentist were using composite fillings now. I found out that if you don’t ask, amalgam goes in. I asked them to write on my chart that I never want an amalgam filling. They don’t ask what you want, they just put it in. So don’t assume; ask!
How blessed that there is a real doctor acknowledging these truths of toxic flouride! D.O.’s in the U.S. have the same capabilities as M.D.’s (prescribing medication and performing surgeries!) Namaste!
Chanson Miracle Max Plus. Check it out. Fantastic reviews. It’s defiantly at the top of the list when it comes to water alkalising, purifying and ionizing.
It would be helpful to present some actual evidence about the effects of fluoride.
I stopped using toothpaste containing fluoride and started using Neem. But when I had my routine dental cleaning, my teeth were extremely sensitive and it was painful. This never was a problem in the past. I went back to fluoride toothpaste and had no more sensitivity/pain when cleaned. I know fluoride is toxic but I could not tolerate the sensitivity/painful cleanings when not using it. I thought I would compromise, therefore, I now switch off between using fluoride toothpaste every other day and Neem the other and am no longer sensitive or have pain during cleanings. I am wondering if anyone else experienced sensitivity/painful cleanings when not using fluoride toothpaste (?).
I had sensitivity when I was using fluoride toothpastes. Now that I am using Jason toothpastes….no problems! Good luck!
How do you get the fluoride out of your water. I use a Britta filter Is that good enough to get the fluoride out ? Also does fluoride in the water get into your body through a shower ?
According to the Brita filter package, “The Brita Filter keeps a healthy level of fluoride, a water additive that promotes strong teeth.” So no, that filter will not remove fluoride.
Hi Berkey water filters have an cartridge option which filters out fluoride. These are a counter top filter with various sizes to choose from. After much research I found this was the best option. Although quite expensive up front the cartridges last for approx 10 years. Hope this helps.
First Ty I want to thank you for ALL your efforts to this Great cause of awareness!! I’m have been thinking on how I can help with any small part??? I’m in the kitchen and bath remodels. So I’m thinking of installing while home water purifications. My wife and I have purchased your series twice and have passed on the first to family.
May I post your video links on my website and email my customers about fluorides and the rest of our so called safe water we all drink.
Again thank you Ty, I too lost my Dad to cancer!!
Thank you for this video clip! I stopped using fluoride over 3 yrs ago, ever since I started following The Truth About Cancer. I haven’t had cavities in decades. Still none, even tho I stopped using fluoride toothpaste. I’m now using Thieves Ultra toothpaste from Young Living, an essential oil company. I love it! It also helps with my sensitive teeth. Keep up the good work! <3
For many years my husband worked for the local water plant. When he handled fluoride he wore a full hazard suit including face mask. The bags of fluoride were marked with scull & crossbones with the word POISON. He learned this fluoride is not the natural fluoride found in the earth, but is a leftover byproduct that comes from a fertilizer plant.
I have read that if a drop falls on the concrete it will leave a hole.
Thank You for Sharing The Truth!
My holistic dentist told me to try using tooth paste made with bentonite clay. It’s supposed to be good for sensitivity and remineralize the teeth.
I was told by my dentist that the amt of fluoride in the toothpaste is small and it’s necessary to prevent tooth decay. He said the fluoride added to the water is the bad kind and that it’s different than the one added to the toothpaste. Is that true?
You can find out anything you need to know about fluoride here Anna, fluoride per se is one of the most toxic substances known to man. my family & I have not used fluoride toothpaste for many years , we have no cavities either.
The fluoride used in dentistry is sodium fluoride, the so called fluoride added to water is something know as hydroflurosilicic acid ( & its toxic cousins ) which are even more dangerous . it is classed as hazardous toxic waste. ALL fluorides are very bad for the human body & brain they are in fact cumulative general protoplasmic poisons
Before I was 13 years of age, I lived in the country and drank nothing but well water. Then when my Dad had to move to the city, we started using fluoridated water. Within 1 year, I had 7 cavities in my mouth. The dentist that we had then told me to stay away from the city tap water because if contained fluoride . . .; that was back in 1962, We then started carting our water from a farm that had well water. Then in 1991, I had all the amalgums removed from my mouth because they were causing me other troubles . . . found this out from a naturopath. I unfortunately was going to a dentist that was adamant about using fluoride on my teeth. I fought with him and managed to keep it out of my mouth until he put a cap on one of my teeth . . . he put fluoride on it before capping it and told me after he did it that he had. I was furious!!!!! Within 6 months, the cap fell off and I made him put it back on, this time without the fluoride please. Unfortunately, when he put the first cap on he scraped the tooth beside it and when the fluoride was put on, it went into the scrape. I didn’t realize it at the time, but about 2 years later it started to decay up the side. That’s when I knew what had happened. I now have a front centre tooth that must be fixed somehow and I don’t have the money to get it fixed. They want to give me a root canal and I’m not so sure that’s such a good idea either. anyway, you can’t tell me that fluoride is good for your teeth!!!!! I freak out whenever I see children “brushing their teeth” and sucking up the excess toothpaste that is full of fluoride. Parents need to read the label and find out the truth about such a move. I have been using nothing but distilled water for the past 34 years and supplement with the right foods that give me the minerals I need. I had a doctor give me a medical a year ago and he automatically assumed that I had Osteoporosis because of my age . . . I told him that he was crazy and proceded to tell him that I was as any 69 year old he’d find. I am a professional faller-downer . . . off ladders, down stairs, down the hall after falling over a chair, hit the bottom of the pool etc. and I haven’t broken a bone in my body. My muscles are not as firm as they used to be, but I do keep busy . . . . without fluoride!!!!! Hope this note is not too boring but I hAd to say my two cents worth.
Am up in years and have been using fluoridated everything all my life and had all my upper teeth capped but they all fell out. I went to a specialist to see if my lower teeth could be saved and my gums were inflamed .the dental hygienist asked what toothpaste I was using and it was sensodyne and she said she had seen this before and to stop using fluoridated toothpaste. When I stopped my gums cleared up. The dentist told me she never drank tap water. I have to assume in part if not all together that I lost my teeth due to fluoride. I have heard the people in Tenn who have been using it for decades are mostly toothless.
Well I’ve been a victim of the fluoride in water an toothpaste as well as treatments from dentist as a kid. I was told by an older dentist when I was in my teen’s I would lose my teeth from having too much fluoride in my teeth, they would basically rot from the inside out. Other people laughed at me when I told them this. Well he was right by the time I was 18 years old, I had most of my upper teeth gone, and I have very few left. And I’m in my mid 50tys. My question is-has this awful thing sunk into my bones as well? I’m having a terrible time with a shin splint in one of my legs that never seemed to heal itself after 6 months. So it got me to thinking that my bones aren’t as strong as I thought they were.
I appreciate the video I plan on passing the link around to non-believers.
Just curious did you brush 2x a day, especially before bed? Did you floss EVERY day? What was your diet like? Sugar, which is in everything, is very bad for teeth. Soda is a killer when it comes to teeth. Did you see the dentist every 6 months? I do have stage IV cancer and my brother had colon cancer and my mom had breast cancer. A common link…well water. Who knows what was in that? Pesticides, other poisons put into the land near us?
for many decades I’ve searched for a cheaper, yet more effective way to filter water – I think I’ve found it at … the video is amazing and thorough!
Is there a way to detoxify the flouride build up from the body. I have mottled teeth due extremely fluoridated water as a child as explained to me by several DDS. What can I do now, besides not interesting anymore fluoride?
Hi, Jean! You may want to consider fulvic acids since it is one of nature’s most powerful detoxifiers. Over the years I’ve tried at least six different brands–all claiming to be the best, but I have only found one that actually produced significant results. The only fulvic acids product that has worked for me came from Hope this helps!
There is many “you tube videos” on how to detoxify as well as neutralizing fluoridated water with borax. What you would buy in the laundry section of a store please note pure Borax also called Boron without perfumes or what not. Another way is drinking distilled water by adding a quarter teaspoon of Celtic salt to a quart to return minerals lost in the water distillation process. This is only info I obtained please do your own research. Unfortunately it is hard to get away ingesting fluoride, if you think about when you buy all food products such as drinking coffee from restaurants,sodas etc from manufactures even bread made by added water they are using fluoridated municipal water. It should be banned like many European nations.
While I do not promote water fluoridation, an explanation of the ppm level of fluoride in the water that would cause fluoride toxicity would help many to differentiate the need for filtering the fluoride out of their water supply. Well water can also contain fluoride in trace amounts. Patients can easily tell their dental care providers that they do not want fluoride products used and indicate such on their medical history forms. Mouth washes and toothpastes are available in non-fluoride alternatives. This article lists bottled water brands and fluoride content.
It is not put in our water at toxic levels. It can happen by accident of course but there is little to worry about as long as levels are correct and has major heath benefits due to stronger teeth.
Since moving to the city in 1977, experienced declining gastrointestinal health. Was put on loperamide in 1978 (took large amounts over years) and more issues with diarrhea to constant bowel leakage through 2015! Numerous colonoscopies showed nothing and various drugs did not help. In June of 2015, coincidently, I started using reverse osmosis water to make bone broths and within two weeks I noticed the leakage stopped. Totally clueless, researched additives in water and determined fluoride to be the problem. I know it will take much time to heal my gut, but this water change was a hugh improvement. Almost forty years of my life has been negatively impacted by this toxic chemical.
not only fluoride, any chemical material added to water or food will have very bad side effect, and lead to damages,,, why old people didn’t suffer with these diseases ? because they were acting naturally,,, nowadays,, people are coded,, and additives to food are widely spread,, Thanks to Dr TY for all these interviews with those specialist who unveil the truth and putting it to our hands.
Fluoride in an approved low dose is not harmful. It is beneficial. Of course, TOO MUCH fluoride can be harmful. If one gets TOO MUCH ( OVERDOSE) as a child when teeth are developing, it can cause tooth fluorosis, tooth mottling (brown disfiguration), defective tooth structure. In an adult, a dose of 1mg or less a day does not cause harm.
Many substances are beneficial and even essential for a healthy life, but in an overdose they will kill you! It is possible to overdose on water, table salt, vitamin A, aspirin, morphine, vitamin D, etc. In appropriate doses, these compounds can be beneficial, but an overdose is harmful. Same with fluoride.
Nuzum, in this video is talking about taking an OVERDOSE, fluoride toxicity from taking TOO MUCH! No evidence is presented showing harm from a low approved, well researched appropriate dose!
It’s making me feel sad reading all of this. Our health is a money maker for the farma industry. Governments don’t care about us. When does it stop? I live in the Netherlands and it’s the same over here. Watched zeitgeist and a lot of other documentary and realise that money is the worst invention ever. Cancer is hopefully a chronic illness in the future. They don’t wanna cure cancer because cancer is a money maker. Unbelievable that we accept it.
I grew up in a country were tap water had excess flouride and my teeth stained but I never got any cavities until move to the US and stopped drinking tap water. The dentist told me I had very strong teeth do to the flouride in our tap water. I whiten my teeth many years ago so the staining wasn’t permanent. I still continue to get cavities despite of my good dental hygiene and healthy diet.
I have been aware of fluoride in the water for years. I have a very good water filter at home, but the only bad thing it lets in is fluoride. When I asked the company through which I purchased it, the answer was that fluoride is needed for teeth. So, I keep asking them to change the filter to block fluoride because it is an industrial waste, not a vitamin that’s healthy. Deaf ears. So, most of the time, I purchase bottled water, not knowing what’s in it, including fluoride. What recourse is there when they won’t listen? Do we go to the legislatures, both local and national? Who will be willing to fight against this industrial waste dumping into our bodies?
Does anyone have experience using wheatgrass to clean fluoride from water?
Amen!! It’s POISON!
I have been using non-fluoride toothpaste for quite some time now…. and also drink bottled water, its a shame I cannot afford the real filter for water …. at very last … I try to be as health conscious as possible. Only wish I had learned all of this when I was much younger .
Dentists often provide fluoride rinses when you go for your six month cleanings. I have to say almost every time, “No I do not want the fluoride rinse.” If you say yes, it’s an additional expense not to mention that fluoride is toxic though the Dental hygienist may insist that it is good for your teeth. Well, I know better. Fluoride is also bad for your thyroid in case you happen to have a malfunctioning thyroid. Even if your thyroid is in good shape taking fluoride could damage your thyroid over time. You can go to a health food store and find non-fluoride toothpastes. NOW, Spry and Kiss My Face, DoTerra are some brands that made non-fluoride toothpastes and they are all good. Conventional dentists are told to say that fluoride is good for cavity prevention. Don’t believe it. Check out the Fluoride Action Network online.
Can anyone on this page or elsewhere cite MERELY ONE sound peer-reviewed study–if one exists– for the health SAFETY of this hazmat-sourced process called water fluoridation?
Hi Gene,
Please refer to our sources and reference tab that is directly underneath the article summary for more information.
Waoooh!!!being using fluoride tooth paste all my life thinking its healthy and protects my tooth but no all lies. switched to using Longrich fluoride-free toothpaste after being misinformed all my life. i even market them and they are very affordable compared to the so called fluoride tooth paste.
The video appears not to be available anymore. Could you please look into this?
Bert, thanks for letting us know! It is now live 🙂