Global Health News — Episode 40
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 39
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 38
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 37
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 36
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 35
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 34
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 33
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 32
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 31
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 30
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 29
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 28
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 27
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 26
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 25
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 24
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 23
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 22
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 21
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 20
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 19
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 18
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 17
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 16
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 15
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 14
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 13
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 12
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 11
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 10
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 9
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 8
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 7
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 6
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 5
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 4
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 3
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 2
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Global Health News — Episode 1
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger
As for the the color options, these natural colorings (from food) are available at your local health food store.
what is the app for deteriming if food has GMO?
My grandmother in Greece would cup me when I got a cold and high fever. I swear my cold would be gone within 24 hours. This cupping method is still used in Greece even on children. It works!!!!!!!
these old treasures are good and well worth truth of good health and should be used more as we get a much better rest result from the body as it also regenerates goodness from with in the functioning struchter of renewing and abounding the fever because the original fever has changed and there are some strang hybrids out there fokes .
Cupping really works to clear lungs with lung disease, pneumonia , etc.,it’s the Ruth’s a of the hands moving over the sides, back Amherst along with repositioning the patient, head up, head down, on side.on stomach, it was used , I mean the old fashioned way using hands on. Back in the eighties on cystocfibrosis patients. now the respiratory therapists use machines to do this to clear lung congestion.
It’s like medical rape when they force vaccines on us!
Mmm strangers from the past are reappearing in the vacation list of germs and it obvious in my findings that it go to show were work is needed for some of them are reemerging And clearly should not be air born or stable in this day and age.
Ty and Charlene, you are so amazing. You are keeping your viewers current and up to date on everything good. When I went through Conventional Breast Cancer treatment in 2008 – 2009 I also went through Chinese medicine at the same time. Cupping was one of the therapies my Chinese doctor used to help keep my immune in tact. I am eternally grateful to my Chinese Doctor, I tell everyone I discuss cancer therapies with. Also, I am a firm believer that hemp, cannabis is a God given healer. I am curious to know how to make the tea. Is it similar to how we make ESSIAC tea, that one is also an amazing immune, blood cleanser. My parents-in-law both took that while going through their cancers, they lived to be 93 and 95 – almost 10 years after diagnosis – one with bowel cancer – she stopped treatment because it was killing her, she took only ESSIAC at age 84 she lived to 95. her husband had multiple myeloma at age 80 he passed at 93 years dying of consumption, nothing to do with cancer. I am now 8 years away from my second breast cancer and I love every word you speak and pass on. You are angles of God indeed. Thank you for all that you are teaching me.
What are essiac tea ingredients and how is it made? Sounds like a miracle tea. Thanks in advance for your help
A few points about the broadcast: A few states, like mine, has passed a We Do Not Comply laws with regards to marijuana. They specifically passed a law that warned the DEA to not come to the state if you intend to violate people’s private property rights with regards to growing marijuana plants and if they show up, they will be arrested and thrown in jail.
The second point (I know its moot now), is that Clinton not only is in bed with Monsanto, she threatened to shut down web sites that present other views, whether news or other things. I know Infowars is not that popular, but you have to ask yourself who’s next? If you are like this one and publish a blog that does not line up with the “official narrative”, then she could easily shut you down because you aren’t a “real journalist” as defined by MSM shills like CNN.
The third point is that most apps require geolocation to be turned on in your phone. Is the real underlying purpose to use a QR code to figure out where you are buying your food and whether you are interested in non-GMO food? If so, why?
Amazing.thank you for the incredible work you are doing.
Dear Charlene and Ty, you are both fantastic coureagous people. Your advice and knowledge has helped me to avoid toxic food Moreover…feeling fine and healthy – improveing every day!
Please contact Dr. Ben Carson, he believes that mandatory vacs are necessary
It would be great if you could some how share the location where we can down load the app , for our cell phones to read the bar codes. Even let us know to contact you so you can share the information privately . Thank you for all your doing , George
So where can I purchase frankincense, myrhh and all these good oils in Auckland, NZ?
Hi Theresa,
Please check out Epigenetic Labs:
Ty there is a company on face book that sales cannabis oil.They say it is legal in all 50 States with out a prescription. Is this a scam or will it work for cancer.I have watched Rick Simons.he says make your own.But it is against the law in Tn.How are we suppose to get it Thanks
Hi Ruth,
Thanks for your comment.
We do not know of this company or a company like this.
Sorry to send the same message…but I’d like to be able to use my health insurance with holistic doctor…I feel like we should push the insurance companies to allow US to go to a doctor that we choose…
This doesn’t always work. In NY state both chiropractors and acupuncturists now are covered by insurance. Many went out of business because 1) they are only paid the minimum amount for a treatment, 2) they are limited in the amount of time the doctor can be with you, 3) they’re limited on where they can work on you (chiropractors are paid for work on the spine only), 4) you have to have a referral before insurance will pay and 5) many/most of the time the insurance companies don’t reimburse them. There is insurance out there that does cover these procedures.
What insurance co covers alternative treatments ? I have lived in several states and have not found any covering acupuncture, massage, or chinese medicine.
What an awesome news show! Keep up the good work. This should be on television.
Great Information! Keep passing the “word”! I am!!!
I love this series. It has literally saved my 14 year old son’s life who is battling cancer. Because of everything I have learned and all the resources you have provided, my whole family’s health has been impacted with all the positive changes we have made because of your life saving information.
Totally like this approach of passing on information!
Excellent info about health – and manipulation in the US.
Thank you Ty and Charlene. God bless you and keep you safe.
Way to go Ty and Charlene,,, I finally have a news station that I can trust,,,, you people are a god send,,, Thank You
They truly are a god send 🙂
The story about Paul Jackson is ridiculous because medical marijuana is legal in Massachusetts and starting December 15 it will be legal for recreational use.
Just been reading about Gcmaf, I knew about the connection of Autism, they have taken off the market because it shrank tumors and cured 85% of people with Autism what Bast—s these gangsters are? my old mate Rocke
These first two were right on and more need to be aware. Best yet.
Thank you for all the valuable information you are giving us! The truth will empower us!!!!!
This news program is EXTREMELY well done! The high production quality really enhances all the GREAT info that you and Charlene have to share. I hope you guys start doing a weekly or bi-weekly show! I hope you guys really promote this far & wide. Why isn’t this being promoted on your Facebook and your website homepage??? TERRIFIC work! Keep it up! 3 thumbs up!!!
Awesome! You two are amazing (along with your team) and I feel blessed to have found out about you, and your quest for the truth. I am a loyal follower and supporter.
Don’t have an app for you, but I myself, assume it’s in everything unless it is Organically certified with the trademark. A lot of products will even list NO GMO’S if they are left out. Again, look for the trademark on the package. Did I hear right that Organic certified means no GMO?
What book is Charlene talking about at 17:55 ( counter)…I would love to get some of those books to hand out locally.
Today news in the Netherlands: the government wants to spend 2 millions of euros to inform the group of parents that question the benefits of vaccinations. The government wants to show this group of doubting parents, how successful they are with their program and to take away their doubts! In fact they are afraid about their increasing numbers. Besides the 2 million euros, they want extra education for doctors. Not about healing, but how to deal with thinking,doubting parents, that are not happy with the vaccination program and are very doubtful of its benefits for their children’s health!
I have the Magi-complex essential oil. How do I use them, I have accidentally deleted the video on using this essential oil.
Hi Victor,
Please go to Epigenetic Labs website for more information:
If you can’t find the information you are looking for please contact one of their customer support agents:
Re – Episode 3 – Charlene says who are they to tell us how to look after our kids. When you signed the birth certificate you in effect sold them to the government, so the government thinks like they are their kids, not yours. We have all been sold into a life of slavery with the birth certificate system – although no-one knew this at the time of signing. Watch this video to see how it’s been done.
This is at the root of the whole paedophile activity that is ongoing at the very highest levels in society also, because they think they have the right to do what they are doing with our kids. It is sick but this is at the root of pretty much everything.
If the government wants to have parental control don’t u think that they sud take on the full parental responsibility which includes the whole financial responsibility food clothing education etc etc let’s face it as parents our responsibilities are not limited to just one aspect of the child’s life it doesn’t stop at birth there is a life of love and nurturing that’s why they are our children we know them best and we usually know what is in their best interest we love and protect without condition we don’t mindlessly put them in harms way that is good parenting
Hello, I’m just curious about the Dark Act. Was this wholly Obama’s idea of creating an app? I know that from the start there were “people” whose intent was to obstruct any and/or all Obama initiatives so I’m wondering whether it was the app or nothing at all and his hands were tied. Considering that Trump has been for something one day and against it the other, we will have to see if he will still be against vaccinations.
Hi Theresa, also check out Young Living Essential oils! compare the 2 companies! YL is %100 therapeutic grade pure!
I would like more info on what u did when u had breast cancer. My 2 friends have it. I’m watching them. ….& im being reschedules 3rd time for mamogram to determine what’s up. I hate that I’m going a 3rd time. Radiation scares me…but how else do u SEE the problem? I have heard enuf abt chemo to NOT WANT IT..,but I’m new to all the natural ways so I was just wondering how U proceeded. I’m igetting deas as to what I will do IF I HAVE TO MAKE THST DECISION. . Thank u so much. I think it’s awesome that your a parents did so well!! Wow. I am Mrs. Dale Adams
About the memory study… if girls are better able to handle vaccinations because their estrogen walls off the mercury in their brains, then it makes sense that when their estrogen levels drop after menopause the mercury may be liberated making them more susceptible to dementia.
Shari, What is the cupping method you are using for your cold & flue?…please let me know….thanks.
I love cupping. Chinese Medicine Doctor does it for me as part of my energy and cancer healing protocol.
Thank You to both of you for working so diligently to helping get the Truth out there to those who will listen
My TCM doctor used cupping along with acupuncture to cure the sciatica I had. TCM is very effective!!!
Hi is there anything out there for a brain tumour he is stage 4 with melloblastoma
Hi Louise,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
George Cavallo: The Non-GMO Project Shopping Guide
Please could you tell me hiw ro get a digital copy of the book the truth about cancer, I have the book but I need it digital to to be able to have it oresent on my Ipad wherever I go. I have purchased digital all the quest, the symposium…
Hi Catia,
If you purchased the book through our website you should have been provided with a digital copy of the book. Please contact our customer support team for further help with this:
Absoloutly. .all the ads telling you to get your shot..and as a health professional being forced to wear a mask for four months out of the year is ridiculous and also useless.l
Thank you very much for the latest news I really appreciate everything. Stay bless
It is so important to get the truth out to people. Thank you for working on that!
Be careful and diligent to be very professional. Please find an excellent proofreader for your words printed on the screen. When things are misspelled, it lowers your credibility, e.g. Hillary not Hillery, suffix -ize not -ise, and a few others. Unless your spellings are Canadian or Australian.
Keep the truth coming!
Thanks Dee for pointing those errors out!
Dee, They are both very professional and always have been. Typos happen ALL THE TIME. Hillary is spelt the same in Australia. I don’t know about Canada, So facts need to be straight.
A brilliant format to keep us posted on the latest developments in medical research and of the cover ups from pharma and medical fraternity. You guys really do deliver. And the fight against these villains that include those at the very top will be a hard one but one that must be maintained. And what a turncoat Obama turned out to be with his change on vaccination legislation. His government has been a big failure on health and Clinton would be just as bad or worse. Keep fighting guys, proud of you.
I have metetasic breast cancer and I take anastrozole every day. I was diagnosed with brain lesions in June of this year. Should my concentration be on nutrition and building my immune system?
Thank you Ty and Charlene Bollinger for all you do, you really are God send. God bless you and happy new year.
What is essiac tea ingredients and how is made..
I, too, think that you are doing all of us a service that is unequaled. Many of us subscribe to alternative media, but it it almost impossible to find all of the news, so, thank you for your excellent reporting service. Since Mr. Trump is our next president, can you contact people who are knowledgeable and inform him about the corruption between pharmacological entities and government which come to us through fascist de factos? Something must be done not only to save us, but save the next generations of Americans. Our babies and children are vulnerable through educational channels (schools, colleges, universities), through the medical mafia, and their propaganda is more often than not UN oriented and directed. I am not a conspiracy theorist but I do believe that people like Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Soros, Clintons, obama, et al are part of the globalist elites attempting to reduce large parts of the world population to a damaged and non-productivite condition. A bill for microchipping autistic children, children with developmental problems, adults with dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease has already passed the House (no notice of this in the MSM). From there, it will be a small step to euthanasia. Thus, their control is increased. I live in San Antonio and can only wish Mr. LaHood and his family every success with their campaign re forced vaccinations. I look forward to more of your videos.
Dear Jane,
Although this is not a political forum, I would say not to lump George Soros in with the others. And, primarily, the work that the Bollingers have so brilliantly been doing requires active participation by all of us who get it in order to protect it from DT, who is as corrupt as anyone can become.
Prayer is powerful; let’s all do it.
All the very best,
I love you guys and have shared your videos and program to many BUT I wish you could keep this non political! I am a Hillary supporter. Is it necessary to make fun of her in your Christmas video, and elsewhere?
You have many fans that are not Republucan or Christian. Please remember that we support you too.
Thank you.
Do NOT have a mammogram; use thermography.
It is SO important to understand all of the ingredients of products, and to choose wisely. Whatever is applied to the skin reaches the bloodstream in one minute, and whatever is applied to the scalp reaches the brain in six minutes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ty & Charlene! Great news editions, fabulous graphics, perfect presentations, and, best of all, THE TRUTH! God BLESS you, your family, your friends and associates, and all of the healers in the world, now and always. Merry Christmas and the best of New Years.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer this year and opted out of biopsy and chemo. I did have ultrasound but no mammogram for me either.
I was never sick, I exercise almost every day, play tennis, ski go to the gym, eat right and no breast cancer in my family and yet I got it.
This put me on my very own quest for answers and thats how I came across Ty website. Cancer is not a disease, our mind is. So please do not be fearful and think about it because what you think you attract. So since I know I attracted it because I was fearful I am reversing it now through diet, meditation and supplementation and I am doing great.
Stay positive!
Hi there Ty and Charlene: I have subscribed to the Hero’s too Cancer newsletter. I liked these videos. I often put them on my Facebook page called “Nicolas and McFly walk from Rockingham to Sydney” In case you didn’t know I live in Rockingham Western Australia since April 2000. I was born in Chile in 1984. Well I would like to comment on one thing before finishing and that’s I have a friend with cancer at the liver. I gave him to watch he Truth About Cancer 9 Episode that I have bought last year. However if curing cancer was as simple as doing what the videos say everyone would be doing it. I mean that money is involved because I am not rich I have ADHD and Bipolar Disorder and because my Job doesn’t give me enough money and my friend can’t go to the other side of the world for treatment then no matter how many different types of treatments there might be they have to be affordable. I was hopping if Ty can let me know if there are such cancer clinics in Australia or a type of doctor in Australia that my friend can see that you can recommend. Thanks Ty. Nicolas.
Hi Nicolas,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Great question Nicolas. I feel the same. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in January 2017. I am a person who uses alternative treatment/ remedy over drugs and have for years. I do body cleanses yearly. I also follow Ty on Facebook as well as Kevin Trudeau many years ago. I researched places to go in the US and they exist with a price of $30,000 to $50,000 and is not covered with my Blue Cross and Blue Shield plan. I agree…if cancer was so easily cured and the passion is to help nix this horrible disease that is killing so many, why does it cost so much (out of pocket)? Could you please provide a link to Dr here in the states that could answer questions that I have regarding my situation?
Thanks, Jennea
Wonderful people –I hope that I will meet you someday
Where was your cancer
If you don’t mind me asking
Medicare does cover chiropractic and acupuncture. It may cover other things as well. I do not know their payment history though since I have not used these treatments. I go to a Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) who does adjustments on my entire body, not just the spine, and Medicare covers every visit.
Chiros do manipulation on the entire body–all 206 bones–the majority of osteopaths do not adjust anymore –just the good ones
What an incredible platform to enlighten the world about natural health and how we truly do have the power within to heal if given what nourishes and heals the body rather than what debilitates. Ty and Charlene, you are heroes for the new earth!! The segment on Grace’s Boxes was also touching. The GHN program will hopefully become the new media!!
I was wondering where here in Perth Western Australia you can have a thermograph rather than a mammogram, does anyone know 🙂
Dee, I strongly disagree with your statement that if there is a few misspelled a word or let’s say God FORBID Ty or Charlene mispronounce a word or name, that somehow then that lessens their credibility because of some occasional human errors in spelling or mispronunciations! HOG WASH!!! Give me a break! We’re all only human!!
Rather than choosing to be an arm chair quarterback looking for minor non-consequential minutia to nitpick, keep your mind focused on the big picture that is filled with valuable, truthful, FREE information that is beneficial to millions of people and realize that here and there all humans can, will and do make minor little mistakes.
Bottom line is, stop nitpicking about minor inconsequential nonsense. If you did 1, 1/100th of all the things that Ty and Charlene do on a daily basis in bring volumes and volumes of great truth and info to the world on a daily, weekly, monthly, annual basis, I bet you to would sometimes misspell or mispronounce a word here and there. So what! As long as the major crux of the info they are sharing is helping millions and is TRUTHFUL, that’s what really matters.
Nit picking is bad for your health!
Very well said… kudos!
Cheryl Christie
The book I found most helpful was Ty Bollinger’s book The Truth About Cancer which is sold at bookstores such as Barnes and Nobles and others. It gave me the complete medical history of our nation and how we got to this misconstrued distorted one. That is the first section. The next section has cancer diagnosis, detection, causes and treatments and the third section gives successful treatment protocols and where there o find them. I had joined the TTAC website long before a book came out. I have since bought not only three books, but a fourth to pass out free to family members so we can start the crusade against cancer and how to prevent it. Best book I have ever read beside the BIBLE.
Where can we get cannabis oil??
Lisa: You can’t keep this non political when the people running for office or are in office help create the laws of this land. They are either for your right to go down the path you choose health wise or they will take away your right to do so. You have to be informed as to what their stances are. If they are opposed to it, you have to vote accordingly.
I cannot get the videos. What program or format do they need?
Hi tamarque,
Our videos can be found on our YouTube channel.
From Canada try spelled not spelt
Just carry around a bottle of colloidal silver. You will hardly ever get sick and is the world’s best natural antibiotic
I believe Essiac is a brand name, based on the name of the nurse who brought it to market. Her last name was “Caisse” and Essiac is her name spelt backwards.
Halina hi!
Thank you for your message here on the board. I would love to know how are you doing, and what you discovered on your quest. I am in a similar situation. I would so appreciate if you reach out to me vikasmommy at yahoo. Many blessings and much love!
Before medicare, only acupuncturist and chiro for me, and now that I am on Medicare they say it is not covered?! Even with the most expensive plan f. When I took an an advantage plan [this one is horrible if you need a dr. very limited} I could go to them. So how to get around this and get covered? Thanks!
“Cancer is not a disease, our mind is…’ Seriously, think before you speak!!… another of those law of attraction delusional people spreading their wisdom… well, if brain was an app, maybe people would start to use it instead of oversimplifying what they don’t understand with some ignorant statements… Do you think Ty & Charlene had to do so many episodes and cover SO many potential triggers and threats that could cause cancer… to oversimplify with a ‘cancer is not a disease, our mind is…’?? And do you think the increasing number of children having cancer can be explained by this statement… Children have sick mind…?? We could maybe laugh about it if it was not so ridiculous… That would make a perfect campaign for Monsanto if they could convince everyone getting cancer that it’s all in their mind… How convenient that would be… Yeah, eat all the GMO in the world but as long as you stay positive, you will be fine! pff… I love what Ty & Charlene are doing, they are doing an incredible work but PLEASE listen to the facts they have been sharing using scientific evidence and credible experts. Don’t fall for this kind of dogmatic & judgmental thinking…
I was diagnosed with right breast cancer this year 2017 of herceptin receptor features am done with chemotherapy now they want me to have herceptin treatment for another one yearea. . I don’t think I can further with this treatment, I have been watching every episode I was thinking to proceed with th natural healing process but the problem is am Africa (Nigeria ) precisely… how am going to get all this natural treatment? I need you advise and help.
Hi Annabel,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
It:s tough trying to find facilities or insurance that provides thermography.
You will not find a MD or insurance that will cover thermography