Video Transcript: Can a Foundation of Faith Help You Heal From Cancer?
Ty Bollinger: So talk about the importance of hope as opposed to living in fear. Because I want to really focus on that. From my research I’ve seen that one of the areas in which the traditional cancer treatments fall short is that people are scared. With the cancer diagnosis people are terrified, and they don’t necessarily have to be. There is hope. So talk about the importance of hope.
Dr. David Jockers: Absolutely! I think no matter where you’re at in your life it’s so critical to have a faith foundation; really to have a faith foundation. And the faith foundation should be this…
No matter what happens in your life, no matter what diagnosis, no matter what circumstances take place − that you are blessed. That you are called to be prosperous and victorious. That’s the way I live my life and I really think there’s a lot of advantage in that.
If you let circumstances run your life you’re going to be living in fear all day long. When you live in fear you’re constantly over stimulating your adrenal glands. When you do that your body produces a lot of cortisol, a lot of stress hormone. That stress hormone wears down your immune defense in your gut. And then your gut becomes damaged.
When your gut becomes damaged now it creates a whole inflammatory spiral in your body. It will throw off your hormones; it’ll make you crave the sugars. It’ll provide a breeding ground for opportunistic infections, and you get this whole negative spiral of health effects that are going to lead you down a route to chronic disease.
There’s a huge difference between living with hope and living with a lot of love, as opposed to living with fear. I don’t think any of us will ever completely get rid of fear. I think that’s just something that we’re going to deal with on this planet. However, when we have this foundation of faith and we’re attuned to where our mind and our emotions are going we can constantly reconnect. It’s like flipping a switch. Just reconnect back to hope, back to our faithful foundation and really bring love into the environment.
Just like it says in the bible, “perfect love casts out all fear.” And so the more that we can open the door to love, the less fear will control us and the more we’ll be able to move on and see miracles in our lives.
Ty Bollinger: And you have seen those here at your clinic.
Dr. David Jockers: Oh yeah.
Ty Bollinger: You know, give us just one quick example of somebody that you’ve seen that their life has been turned around by implementing the principles that you teach here?
Dr. David Jockers: We’ve seen people reverse all different types of chronic diseases. A lot of autoimmune cases. This is an epidemic that we see in our society − whether its autoimmune thyroid, hypo or hyper, Crohn’s disease, lupus. All different types of autoimmune diseases. Where basically the immune system is way out of whack and we’ve seen people reverse that.
When it comes to cancer we’ve seen metastatic cases. We have one lady with breast cancer that metastasized into her lymph nodes and into her liver. Now it’s still there, but it’s actually a lot smaller and it’s located just in her breast. So we’ve cut down the metastasis.
We’ve seen a gentleman completely reverse brain cancer. In fact, we’ve worked with a lot of glioblastoma cases and we’ve seen several of them basically go into complete remission. So it’s pretty remarkable what happens.
But you know, I think that the basic foundation of people that get the best results are the people that really have hope. They have confidence, they have faith. The people that are driven by fear, they hear about cancer, they go into fear, they’re fearful for everybody around them, they’re constantly focused on their diagnosis rather than the solution. Those are the people that are a lot tougher to help get well because they’re letting the circumstance or the diagnosis control them, rather than having their faith foundation dominate the circumstance.
Ty Bollinger: It reminds me of the Bible verse that says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” So I think what I really appreciate about you, and many of the people that I’ve interviewed thus far on this series, is the fact that you are pushing that information out there. You are providing knowledge for people. As people are empowered with knowledge, that in and of itself gives them hope.
Dr. David Jockers: Yeah.
Ty Bollinger: You know, the old phrase, “knowledge is power.”
Dr. David Jockers: Absolutely!
Ty Bollinger: If you have that knowledge before a cancer diagnosis, or right after a cancer diagnosis, you’re not nearly as fearful because you know that you do have good options. You have proven options and not just the options that conventional medicine would offer. There are other natural options if someone wants to go that way. That’s why what you’re doing is so important here. I really appreciate your time today.
I’ve got one last quote that I think that you’re going to love. This is the quote from Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” That sounds like exactly what you’re practicing here at your clinic.
Dr. David Jockers: Absolutely. I mean the food that we put in our body plays a huge role with our physiology. We want to know exactly what’s going in our body and what kind of effects that food is going to have on our system. And so for me personally, if something is not a profound super food, I really don’t want to put it in my body.
And what’s great about the knowledge, you were talking about knowledge. Knowledge we have in today’s society… 2014 here, is that there are a lot of super foods. And they taste good. I never eat anything, and I’m sure you don’t either Ty, that doesn’t taste amazing. We don’t eat anything that we don’t fully enjoy, yet guess what? It’s got tremendous health benefits to it. So it’s amazing.
And just to speak on that last part too. You know, “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” Really, I think it’s two things. It’s knowledge and vision, right? It’s education and inspiration. Because education is fantastic. We could have the knowledge, but we’ve got to be inspired. When you’re inspired and you’ve got the knowledge, nothing is going to stop you.
Because you know what I think this is true for most of us… If we have a vision; a compelling enough vision in our life, we’ll withstand whatever pain we need to go through in order to get to that vision. If you have a medical diagnosis and you’re struggling with your health, the most important thing you can get is a vision for where you want to go with your life.
And then all the other steps: making the lifestyle changes, the nutrition changes. If you have advanced disease you’re going to spend a lot of money on testing, on advanced therapies. That’s painful, but you’ll withstand the pain because you have the vision. So the vision comes first and you just follow it up with the knowledge, apply the strategies and the principles, and you’ll be blessed on the back end.
Ty Bollinger: Profound words from a profound man. I think that we could sit here probably for the rest of the day and talk about different topics all day long and I would never be bored. But unfortunately we’ve got to call it quits. I thank you so much Dr. Jockers for spending the time with us today.
Dr. David Jockers: Such a pleasure Ty. Really honored to be on with you.
Ty Bollinger: Alright, thank you. God bless you.
Dr. David Jockers: Thank you.
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Jesus died to release our bondage to sin — which is basically releasing us from disease as well, so a cancer diagnosis can be fought with the knowledge that we are free free from it all . god bless and merry Christmas