Join Charlene as she interviews John Paul Isaac, the well-known Hunter Biden Laptop Whistleblower. You will hear the truth from John Paul about the persecution and propaganda smear campaign he was forced to endure, having caused him to flee for his life and go into hiding.
You can help John continue to tell the truth and support his mission by going to his Give Send Go page HERE.
Charlene Bollinger:
Hello everybody. This is Charlene Bollinger, founder of The Truth About Cancer with Ty Bollinger. And we have just released the most important docuseries to date that we have ever given to the world called Propaganda Exposed. And this is our first in a series of interviews we’re going to follow up the docuseries with. And many of you know, and have heard of this amazing young man, John Paul Mac Isaac. John, I want to welcome you to this interview and thank you for taking the time to be here with us. And before I hand you the ball, I just wanted to introduce you by saying to our audience that this is the man that is a computer software genius. He’s been through a lot. He’s the guy that the Hunter laptop was sitting with him all of this time. And when it was revealed and leaked that he was the one that had the laptop, he got into hot water. And as you can imagine, the powers that be were pursuing him and he literally had to go into hiding, but he has not stopped. He’s determined to restore freedom and truth to America and even the world. John, thank you for joining me.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
Thank you for having me on the show.
Charlene Bollinger:
So John, I’m really interested to hear from you. First of all, how did you get to where you are today? And I’ve read a little bit about you, I’ve listened to you with interest. Evidently you’ve had this computer shop, all of a sudden, you’ve got this laptop. How did that happen?
John Paul Mac Isaac:
Well, it all started April 12th, 2019. It was about 10 minutes before my shop closed and in walked Hunter Biden with three liquid damaged MacBook Pros. He wanted to get the data off the machines and I thought they were, because one of them had a sticker from the Bo Biden foundation, I just assumed that they were his deceased brother’s old computers that he wanted memories off of. So I checked one of the machines in. One was a write off, the other one I sent back with Hunter, but the third one I had to check in for recovery. When I started to perform the recovery, I started to realize that this wasn’t his brother’s old computer. This was Hunter’s personal computer and it had a lot of very embarrassing content on it.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
And at first I didn’t mind, I did the job I was asked to do by Hunter and hired to do. I then requested that he pays for it, but he never paid. And then he never showed back up in the shop. A couple weeks later, his father announces his candidacy for president and I started to get very fearful because Hunter was in possession of a document that said that I was allowed to recover data from these laptops. And I was just convinced that the secret service was going to see this document, kick down my door, take away the laptop and then caused me to disappear. It’s not unheard of and I think we’ve all seen within the last year and a half, the pattern of behavior where the secret service has been the Biden family’s personal cleaning service. And I just did not want to be on the receiving end of that.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
And so as the summer progressed and it became my property, I tried to alert the FBI to its presence so that they could take it from me and provide me with some level of security. I was fearful because of the handling of General Flynn and Roger Stone that basically the FBI was weaponized at this point, I think we all witnessed the Mueller report take three years and everything was Russia collusion and that turned out to be a hoax as well. So I was really concerned that the FBI wasn’t going to be honest, but I still felt like the FBI was the proper chain of command, the proper course of action. Because of that, I had my father, who’s a retired Colonel in the Air Force, reach out to the Albuquerque field office of the FBI. They promptly slammed a door in his face, told him to get out and lawyer up and not talk about it.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
About a month after that FBI agents reached out to my father again, or reached out to my father this time and then reached out to me and met me at my home. I tried to get rid of the laptop then, they said they couldn’t take it. Ended up coming back to my shop December 9th, 2019 with a subpoena. And they confiscated Hunter’s laptop and the drive as well as all paperwork relating to Hunter. So I kind of felt like this was exactly what I wanted. I wanted an FBI agent that I could call if something ever happened. I wanted this to be in the hands of the authorities, but as the impeachment trial proceeded and there was no sign of this laptop being admitted as evidence, I knew that the FBI did not have my safety on their agenda. And that in fact, I was even more worried because now the FBI knew that they were in possession of a laptop that could exonerate the president and they did not do anything. And they also knew that I knew what was on it.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
So I sent my father and another retired, my uncle who’s another retired Colonel in the Air Force, to reach out to members of Congress to try to get their attention. But because of the threat of Russian disinformation, nobody would listen to us. And eventually I decided to just take matters into my own hands. And I reached out to Rudy Giuliani’s office and that’s when Bob Costello called me back. And this was the first human being that I’ve talked to besides the FBI that had showed any interest in helping me in getting this information to the authorities. And so on August 28th, 2020, I was able to overnight a copy of the drive to Bob Castello and rest is history.
Charlene Bollinger:
Wow. That is quite a shock that you have to go through that. And we understand, I mean, John Paul, we were put on the disinformation dozen list for telling the truth about vaccines. We had Biden’s press secretary out there accusing us of all manner of evil and Biden himself walking around, accusing us of evil, just for telling the truth. And a lot of what we said that they said was conspiracy theory is now conspiracy fact. They did conspire. And the things that we have said are factual and they’re proven mainstream information now, but two years ago we were accused, and we still are to this day because they keep pushing out their narrative. And that’s what propaganda is. Propaganda is when they come in and somebody has a bomb of a story that exposes the dark powers behind the scenes. So they have their machine that wraps itself around us, lying about us and keeping the truth from the people.
Charlene Bollinger:
And when you say that the FBI has been weaponized, I think that you’re right. What Roger Stone has had to go through, and we’re good friends with him, is unacceptable. And the fact that CNN showed up when they came to arrest him, how did they even know? So we see such collusion. When Biden went out there and said to the public that these 12 individuals are dangerous, they should be de-platformed, in that very day, YouTube within the hour, de-platformed our cancer channel which didn’t have anything to do with vaccines, politics or COVID. We had solutions and protocols that were helping our followers, but they pulled that from them. And we have millions of people that follow us. And they’re trying to keep these life saving solutions from the people, which begs the question, why? So with what you’ve been through and what you saw on that laptop and what they knew that you knew, if they were for America and the American people, they would be working to look at it, at least, wouldn’t you think? Somebody in the FBI, why did they not look at this information?
John Paul Mac Isaac:
I have no idea. I gave them an explanation, I gave them examples. I did some of the leg work for them. I even helped them. They called me after they confiscated the equipment. They wanted to take a look at it. So over the next couple days, I assisted them over the phone in accessing the data. And the whole time I’m thinking, why is this not in an envelope sealed, being sent to a laboratory outside of DC? Why is this being poked and prodded in an office somewhere downtown in Wilmington, Delaware? And just red flag after red flag came up. And then again, the icing on the cake was during the impeachment trial, I fully expected the president to submit at least some of the behaviors that I had witnessed from the vice president in the Ukraine at that time, that definitely merited a phone call to Zelensky to figure out what’s going on. And it knocked the wind out of me. I did not know what to do. I’ve been trying to keep a secret, keep my life and my identity from all this hidden so that I could have my life and I could have my business. And I honestly feel if the FBI had done that job, I wouldn’t be talking to you today. I’d still have my shop.
Charlene Bollinger:
Right. But I did hear in other interviews that you did, John, that the FBI gave you a warning and a promise of reward if you would just go back and be quiet. Is that the case?
John Paul Mac Isaac:
Well, I wouldn’t call it a reward. So I have a tendency to be a bit of a smart ass sometimes, especially under situations where my heart’s pounding and I’m excited that I’m getting my way. And I was just so happy that the FBI agents were there, but I also got handed a subpoena and I didn’t know anybody on the planet that had been personally handed a subpoena. So in the excitement as the FBI agents were leaving, I kind of made the comment, “Don’t worry, lads, I’ll leave your name out of the book.” And that’s when agent Mike turned around to me and he said, “In our experience, nothing ever happens to people that don’t talk about these things.” And at first it just sounded kind of nonchalant. But then I realized that was a pretty, not so thinly bailed threat.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
And then they called me up two weeks later to ask me if anybody’s come in and collected. And it almost seemed surprised when I said, no, nobody’s come in asking for it. And they also gave me instructions, if somebody did come in asking for the laptop back that I’m to stall them, I’m to tell whoever’s calling, its offsite. It’s in our reclamation center, give me two days to get it. I’m to call the FBI and they’ll arrange for it to be returned. And again, if this is evidence in anything, how can it be this easily be returned? And it turns out, actually, the only advice from the FBI that I heeded, because when Hunter’s lawyer called me on October 13th, the day before the New York Post broke the story, his lawyer called asking for the laptop back. So I did what the FBI told me to do, which was, I said, “It’s offsite, give me a day or two to sort it out. And give me a call and can I have an email with your credential so I know who I’m talking to?” And that is probably the quickest thinking I’ve done in all this in a while.
Charlene Bollinger:
Yes. Well, in my book you’re a hero because many people in your position would’ve done the wrong thing. They would’ve thought of themselves first. And perhaps, maybe they would’ve looked for a reward outside of just saving their own skin or their life. And we know there have been many big payouts for people that just walk away and do what they’re told and that could have been your future, but kudos to you for standing up for America with this information, which was so concerning, trying to get it to the right people. Clearly our government agencies have been compromised and weaponized against the people by who? And whoever is controlling the information that’s on that laptop would give us the answer. And the thing is you’ve seen it.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
Yeah, well I’m hoping that the lawsuit that I just filed on behalf of the American project, Joe Flynn, General Flynn’s younger brother, Joe Flynn is the president of the American project. And he came and approached my attorney about a month ago, wanting to offer an opportunity to actually hold these people accountable in the court of law. So I’m excited to clear my name and hope that, above all, we’re going to get discovery. We’re going to find out who gave those marching orders, who told the 51 intelligence pillars in our community to pen a letter in the first place to label this Russian disinformation? It was astonishing to me because I woke up, I actually never went to sleep on October 14th, but I saw the article come out at 6:30 and by 9:30 in the morning, three hours later, there was zero discussion on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
It was like this iron curtain had descended. And understanding a little bit of how technology works, I knew that this is something that somebody just didn’t do a phone tree and call the next person down the line. This was a coordinated effort. They were ready for this. And Zuckerberg’s testimony with Congress, he even said that the FBI approached Facebook, Twitter, and Google to warn them of a massive dump of politically motivated information that’s going to be from a foreign entity designed to disrupt the election. They gave them warnings. And I want to see who. Who decided to tell the FBI to go to these companies to warn them of a foreign disinformation campaign because they’re in on it too. And if I mailed the hard drive to Rudy Giuliani’s office on August 28th and early September the FBI warned Zuckerberg and Twitter and Facebook and Google to look out, who was being tapped. Was I being tapped? I want to see the FISA Court for that. If I wasn’t, then that means it was the lawyer or the president of the United States. And I’m sure they want to see that FISA court as well.
Charlene Bollinger:
Well, so to be clear in my communications preparing for this interview with you, I’m just going to read a summation of what you’ve been through, which is a little bit of what you just said there, but it’s just in a little nutshell for the viewer. Adam Schiff, CNN, Politico and Daily Beast all came out and called you, John Paul, a Russian asset. 51 different intelligence officers called you a domestic terrorist and a Russian asset. You had to close your business. You had to go into hiding and you managed to make it this far, but you’re pretty much bankrupted by these people and we’re here to support you. I know that you’ve got a page that’s a little bit like a GoFundMe page and we’re going to bring that up for the viewer to see, and we’re going to include this in the notes underneath this video. So please look for that. Give, Send, Go is the name of this page that a good friend of John Paul’s has put together. We just encourage you just a few dollars, if everybody that watches this gives a little bit, that will help him to continue to just be able to not only live and pay for his bills and food and gas and all the rest. And we know that boy, the gasoline prices have gone up lately. I mean, that’s kind of crazy.
Charlene Bollinger:
But he needs to. Yeah, isn’t that crazy that the Biden administration is pushing up the price on everything. My daughter has been telling me how much money she has to spend just going to and from Nashville to sing and her little thing she’s doing, everybody’s being affected. But right now, John, you need to pay for the legal bill that it’s costing you to ensure that your name is restored, your integrity and your reputation, and the people who are responsible for the crimes here committed will be held accountable. And it does cost money to go to court, sadly. A lot of money. So if the viewer can go to that page there, it’s pictured again, Give, Send, Go. The link is in the description. Please click it and give what you can and share this video and this interview with everybody that you know, so we just want to help you, John, thank you for showing that slide there for us to see.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
I just want to add to that, I pretty much got destroyed by Twitter. Twitter had labeled me a hacker through blocking the material, their explanation was that it was hack material. And that implied that it was a hacker and that’s pretty much a death sentence in my industry. And so I went after Twitter and things were looking good. We beat them at section 230 and the cases were moving through and then they switched judges on me with an Obama appointed judge, which promptly threw the case out and then awarded Twitter, the Florida slap statue. So I had to pay all Twitter’s legal fees. And that pretty much brought me to the brink of bankruptcy.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
And I can’t begin to thank everyone who has contributed to my Gift, Send, Go because I can now focus all my efforts on not keeping my head above water and or losing my house or all the other wonderful things associated with bankruptcy. And I can now focus on getting back in the fight and taking the fight to them and get going on the offensive I’ve spent a year and a half on the defense and it’s time to go on the offensive.
Charlene Bollinger:
Yes, indeed. So we stand with you. So that’s great that we have you standing in the gap for all of America and people need to understand what freedom looks like. And in this day and age, it can be dangerous, but you know, we serve a risen Savior who did everything he had to the very last drop of his blood to secure a place for us in heaven. That’s quite a hefty price and he didn’t earn it, we did. But here you are standing in the gap for so many people where a lot of other people, John Paul, would have caved and thank you for not caving and for doing these interviews with the different media outlets to get your story out because we know that this fake news apparatus, the media has been weaponized. Social media has been weaponized. The government’s been weaponized. The education system has been weaponized.
Charlene Bollinger:
It’s all being used against us. And so we really need to lock hands and reach out to the American people directly with this information, which can and will restore America. In fact, I believe that we’re winning. They’re working so hard against us because we are winning and it’s all perception. Look, what just happened to CNN’s app that they rolled out. They spent so much money on that thing and it crumbled because everybody knows CNN is fake news. They hit us with such lies. They don’t have viewers. So whatever lies they’re telling, nobody’s listening. We are the media.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
Yep. No they’re panicking. Which means what we’re doing is working. But it’s not over. And again, I would love to clear my name. When you get accused of aiding a foreign power to overturn or affect the results of an election, you get labeled a traitor. And I come from an old military family and the entire time, every generation of my family that’s been in this country has fought for this country and to have the label hacker, well, hacker less important, but traitor attached to my family’s name. I’m just not going to stand for that. And they can try to take everything away from me. And I don’t get it why they don’t understand the logic that when you back somebody in a corner, they’re going to fight back harder. And I have so much support from the people that have been backing me both emotionally and monetarily.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
When this all started, it was nothing but death threats and hate mail. And over the past six months, it’s been nothing but love and I owe it to this country to continue to fight, because this is important that what happened to me doesn’t ever happen to anybody ever again. And we need to realize that for everybody who’s afraid of us living in a socialist world and worried about this country turning to socialism, we have, right now, state run media, state run social media. We have companies that are marching lockstep with our government. There is no separation of corporate and state, and it’s scary. And we’re a lot closer than we think we are.
Charlene Bollinger:
John, what is the most concerning bit of information that you found on that laptop that you’re able to share with us?
John Paul Mac Isaac:
Well, for me, the national security concerns that I saw were related to, basically all the information pertaining to the Ukraine were being collected out of the White House. So schedules, inside memos and documents were being collected and then sent, in the open, not in a secure channel, but in the open to private Ukrainian citizens that were employed at a private Ukrainian company that also hired the vice president’s son. And the fact that you can’t have the vice president’s travel schedule sent in the open. Somebody could take advantage of that information. And that alone, right there, is one glaring example of national security. But the simple fact that I doubt we’re the only country that has a copy of this laptop. I witnessed a behavior from Hunter with his technology and his devices that spanned over a five, six year period of time where he thinks the Russians already have a copy.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
He hired a known, well, an assumed Chinese honey trap to work for him. That was probably taking all his personal information and sending it straight to China. There’s no doubt in my mind that family is compromised. And there’s no doubt in my mind that a lot of decisions we’re seeing executed out of the White House, certain individuals in oligarchs that are being left off of the list because they had a working relationship with Hunter, we’re seeing a direct cause and effect where decisions are coming from the White House that are based on not the best for this country, but what’s going to benefit the Biden family. And I’ve seen that behavior now for almost a decade.
Charlene Bollinger:
That’s chilling information. And you say that Russia probably has a copy of the laptop and other countries as well, when this first broke, and we watched it closely when it did, we saw information and pictures that were quite shocking being leaked. And one such example was coming from Taiwan. People were putting that out there, they were rooting for America. And according to these posts and these claims, they were hoping to help America to win against tyranny, against corruption, realizing that if America falls, so does the world. And so they were leaking some of the pictures that they were finding on the laptop, which were so shocking, to help people to wake up. Because pictures speak a thousand words. So when you see images like that, it is shocking. And so some of the images were caught and captured and circulated around the world on social media and media and other information outlets as well.
Charlene Bollinger:
So we know that none of this would’ve been possible without you doing the right thing. So we appreciate you so much, and we want to support you. We want to support. And the link is, again, below where the viewer can support you and your efforts. We will stand. We’re going to personally donate to your fund. We’re going to continue to stand with you. And we want to be that support to you as you continue to do the right thing. You’re not going to fall. God’s everlasting arms underneath you. I am certain that he put you in this position for this time to do exactly what you’re doing.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
He’s got a plan.
Charlene Bollinger:
He does. He has a plan. He called the right guy to do the work and tell us now about the book, because clearing your name, we want to know the story according to you and you should be heard. And here’s a picture of your book, John Paul. Tell us about this book. What’s the content and where can the viewer find this book?
John Paul Mac Isaac:
Well, I mean, the book, I’m what they call in the industry a screw turner. I just fix Macs and it’s a simple life. And I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be an author. But when Twitter pretty much beat me up and threw me to the curb, I was afraid that because I would not have an opportunity to defend my actions, explain my actions, and then hold those accountable in a court of law, that I needed to do it in the court of public opinion. And I decided to take my life from basically April 12th when he drops it off to November 5th, 2020, when I had to get on a plane to flee Delaware, I put that to paper and it was tough to write it because it felt like these wounds were still pretty fresh, but I took a lot of notes and I was able to get it out quickly.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
And then the next step was to try to get the story to a publisher and nobody would listen to me. And I chalked it up to two things. It was either nobody cared or people were afraid. I had become toxic. Twitter took me to the cleaners so maybe a publisher was afraid they would get their Twitter account canceled. Or maybe the Russian disinformation was looming over my head and that was preventing me from having anybody return my calls. So I was getting pretty depressed because I had spent all this time writing this down and I felt like this was going to be my last opportunity to actually defend myself and to explain what really happened. And luckily for me, in December, when I did a piece for Fox Nation on the Hunter Biden story, I was able to get in contact with Miranda Divine who wrote the Laptop from Hell. And I can’t begin to thank her enough. She was instrumental in explaining this new world to me, that I knew nothing about, getting me in front of her publisher.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
And then next thing I know I signed a book and now I have a book on Amazon and hopefully the half of the country that thinks this is all part of a Russian conspiracy or a plot from a Republicans to aid Trump, they can read this book and understand that this had nothing to do with politics. This was called the right thing to do. And I can only imagine that if it was Donald Trump Jr. that walked into my shop and the same scenario unfolded that I’d have a tick or tape parade out in front of my house or I would be labeled a hero by the right. It’s not about of being a villain or a hero. It’s about the abuse that our media, both social and mainstream, took advantage of us as a country. And they pulled the wool over eyes. They blocked a story with serious consequences, not just for me, but as we now know, the nation.
Charlene Bollinger:
Yeah. So just to be clear, the name of the book is what?
John Paul Mac Isaac:
American Injustice. And I know that kind of sounds a little ego-ey. For me, yeah, a lot of bad stuff happened and continues to happen. But for me, the injustice was you’re supposed to be able to, if you see something, you say something. And you’re supposed to be able to go to people and say something. And I did, and I got punished for it. And that’s the American injustice is that we have these systems and they’re not working for us. They’re working against us.
Charlene Bollinger:
Absolutely. And you know, we’re with you, John, we have been attacked too, for speaking up and telling the truth. We had to lose seven close family members to conventional cancer treatments to learn the truth that we know today. And we now weave it through our films, our content, our books. And we have testimonies from people around the world, many thousands and thousands and many millions of viewers who have a better, more healthy life. In some cases been sent home to die who are alive and cancer free to tell their story because they learned the truth, not from their conventional doctors, but from the doctors we highlight and protocols in our films.
Charlene Bollinger:
We’ve also covered the truth about vaccines and now propaganda, which is why we’re so proud to partner with you to support you in this good work. Because if we don’t save this nation, if we don’t save America, we won’t have the freedom to choose the medical treatments that we feel are best suited for us, our families and our children. And we won’t have the right to choose a lot of other things that we would like to choose as well. This is critical. We are at a tipping point and we are winning. And so I encourage you, John, to not stop in your good efforts. And we encourage the viewer to find, we’re going to have the link to your book too, so that when it is finally released, they can purchase. When is that book? Is it released or is it out for release soon?
John Paul Mac Isaac:
It’s pre-order. They say November 22nd. I really want it to be sooner because I’d love for something like this to get out before the midterms. Apparently though, we don’t make as much paper in this country as we should. So there’s a bit of a logistics delay, but we’re working on it and we’re going to see what we can do. I’m just excited for the opportunity to continue to try to get the truth out. That’s all I’ve ever wanted is just people know that there is a truth. You can’t just slap a sticker of Russian disinformation and walk away from your problems. This is something that’s big, and this needs to be addressed.
Charlene Bollinger:
That’s propaganda. They’re covering the truth with their propaganda, with their lies. And they say it loud enough and long enough on these mainstream networks that they own, then it’s true. But it’s not. And we’re here to bring the truth to the people. We want to have you back on this show, John Paul, with us, and anytime that you need the support that you’re looking for, reach out, think of us first. We want to be there for you to encourage you emotionally and also financially. And then just feature you on a regular basis to our little network of followers, which is legion, millions. And we encourage our followers to share this interview with everybody that you know, because people need to wake up to what they’re doing with this laptop, with this information and with this brave bright hero. You’re a hero, John Paul. So we want to bring your story to our neck of the woods here.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
Oh, I take prayers too. Don’t forget those.
Charlene Bollinger:
Absolutely. Well, we’ve been praying for you. We prayed to begin, the show will continue. So yeah, the viewers out there, please commit John Paul to the Lord in prayer daily because God can do anything. His everlasting arms are underneath John, I’m sure. He’s called you for this purpose. And before we wrap this up, share your final thoughts with us. What do you want the viewer to walk away with?
John Paul Mac Isaac:
That I’m overwhelmed from the support that I’ve received. It’s made up for everything that I’ve lost, knowing that I have so many people behind me and I’ll fight like hell to make sure this doesn’t happen again. And I just thank you everyone.
Charlene Bollinger:
Thank you, John Paul and everybody out there, again, please share this interview with all of your friends. If you can support him by going to his fund page, which is in the link below. And also pre-purchase the book, that helps him. The higher that goes on the charts, the better it’s going to be. And he will be back for part two. John Paul, God bless you. Thank you so much.
John Paul Mac Isaac:
Thank you. Cheers.
End Transcript
What little I read about your book on propaganda, I really liked. I wrote a similar book, not published yet about 6 years earlier. My investigative research turned up the very same things yours did. I also had cancer and did my own research to find how to heal it and it worked. Later I found and ordered your, “TRUTH ABOUT CANCER”. Again found the very same things on how to heal cancer. I’ve helped a number of people heal from that and many other so called incurable disruptions since that time.
Keep up the good work
Patrick Johnston