Wow. I saw it, but I still don’t believe it.
Dr. Karin Michels, a professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Director of the Institute for Prevention and Tumour Epidemiology at the University of Freiburg in Germany, went on record to label coconut oil “one of the worst things you can eat.”1
But that’s not all…
During her speech, “Coconut oil and other nutritional errors,” which was seen over a million times on YouTube, she made the extraordinary claim that coconut oil is just as bad for your health and well-being as “pure poison.”
I’m assuming she made these claims based on what the mainstream medical establishment and unfortunately, most people, still believe are the damaging effects of saturated fats and LDL on our health.
But before we pick that hoary old chestnut apart, let’s establish one thing up front:
Coconut Oil is Rich in Saturated Fats
Coconut oil does contain a lot of saturated fat – more than 80% of coconut oil is made up of saturated fats, in fact. That’s significantly more when compared to butter (63%), beef fat (50%), and pork lard (39%).2
And yes, in seven controlled trials, coconut oil consumption increased levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, also known as “bad” cholesterol.
Since higher levels of LDL are automatically assumed to increase our risk of cardiovascular disease, the American Heart Association (AHA) has advised against consuming coconut oil. Other organizations such as the British Nutrition Foundation have also issued statements that while coconut oil can be consumed safely, it should only be included in small amounts and as part of a healthy balanced diet.
Are they and Dr. Michels right? Have we been mistaken all along? Is coconut oil harmful for our health?
As it turns out, no. Not even close. Let’s take a closer look at published, peer-reviewed facts.
But before we do, let me ask you a question…..
Is “High Cholesterol” the Cause of Heart Disease?
Ask any American what causes heart disease, and 99% of the time the answer will be “high cholesterol.” You see, the fact is that cholesterol has been vilified and is now regarded as a “terrifying” substance that must be lowered at all costs. However, if you speak with gerontologists that specialize in elderly medicine, you will quickly find that almost all of the most elderly patients have “high” cholesterol levels (according to the supposedly “normal” standards). But these patients are still alive and many of them are in very good health and are very active for their age.
And just to be clear, cholesterol itself, whether transported by low-density lipoproteins (LDL) or high-density lipoproteins (HDL), is exactly the same. Cholesterol is simply a necessary ingredient that is required to be regularly delivered around the body for the efficient healthy development, maintenance, and functioning of our cells. The difference is in the “transporters” (HDL and LDL). The fact is that both HDL and LDL are essential for the human body’s delivery logistics to work effectively.
“But haven’t high levels of LDL been associated with increased risk of heart disease?”
“Shouldn’t we try to lower our LDL levels?”
Lower LDL Cholesterol is Not Associated with Reduced Risk of Heart Disease or Death
The Minnesota coronary experiment—conducted between 1968 and 1973—was a double-blind, randomized, controlled human clinical trial designed to test whether replacing saturated fat with vegetable oils lowers the risk of coronary heart disease and death by lowering blood cholesterol levels.
Much to everyone’s surprise, a recently published analysis of previously unpublished data from this study showed that replacing saturated fat with vegetable oils did not lower risk of dying – even though both LDL and total cholesterol levels decreased.3,4
In fact, instead of LDL levels, a high ratio of total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) seems to be the best predictor of cardiovascular risk and insulin resistance.
And in people older than 60 years, a recent systematic review has conclusively shown that LDL cholesterol is not linked to a greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease; instead, it shows an inverse or opposite correlation with death from all causes!5
There is No Link Between Saturated Fat Consumption and Heart Disease Risk
Here’s another shocking fact – a systematic review and meta-analysis of up to 12 studies, published in 2015, showed no connection between saturated fat consumption and either greater risk for heart disease, death from any cause including heart disease, stroke, or type 2 diabetes in healthy adults.6
Systematic reviews use systematic methods to collect and critically assess scientific evidence. They are designed to provide a complete, exhaustive summary of current evidence relevant to a research question.
A meta-analysis is used to combine results from multiple studies to increase or “power up” the statistical likelihood of the results, improve estimates of the size of the effect and sometimes resolve uncertainties when individual studies disagree.
The Sugar Link to Heart Disease
Over 600,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year, which accounts for 25% of the total deaths. Aside from “iatrogenic” causes (i.e. caused by a doctor or medical treatment), heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women.
In 1770, when sugar was only for the wealthy, the average American ate just 4 pounds a year. In 2018, the average American consumes over 160 pounds of sugar each year! Sugar has been linked to cancer, diabetes, and obesity. But is there a link between sugar and heart disease, too?
A diet high in sugar increases your risk of dying of heart disease (even if you aren’t overweight), according to a major study published in JAMA Internal Medicine.7
Over the course of the 15-year study on sugar’s contribution to heart disease, participants who took in 25% or more of their daily calories as sugar were more than twice as likely to die from heart disease as those whose diets included less than 10% added sugar.
Consuming too much added sugar can raise blood pressure and increase chronic inflammation, both of which are pathological pathways to heart disease. A high-sugar diet may also stimulate the liver to dump more harmful fats into the bloodstream, which also can increase the risk of heart disease.
Bottom line…. Stay away from processed sugar. According to brain scans, it’s as addictive as cocaine and can fuel cancer cells, as well as being implicated in heart disease.
There is Also a Link Between Synthetic Trans-Fat Consumption and Heart Disease Risk
Interestingly, the same 2015 systematic review and meta-analysis showed an association between consumption of synthetic trans-fats and risk of heart disease and death from all causes, including due to heart disease.
Interesting, because as I had pointed out in an earlier article, in the 1960s food manufacturers wanted consumers to buy margarine and hydrogenated oil over the natural products people used in their homes to prepare their food. As part of their underhanded marketing campaign, these manufacturers claimed that olive oil, coconut oil, and lard were responsible for clogging arteries and raising cholesterol levels, because of their saturated fat content.8
Here’s a thought – is Dr. Michels’ recent verbal assault the latest chapter in the ongoing defamation of coconut oil? Does she have an agenda we’re not aware of?
While we ponder that intriguing possibility, it’s worth pointing out again how food manufacturers managed to discredit coconut oil, which has been used by millions of people from many civilizations throughout history – and who, by the way, didn’t experience the rate of staggeringly high rates of disease that people in the U.S. currently do. For instance, inhabitants of various islands in the South Pacific have a diet rich in coconut and coconut-derived products – and yet, heart disease is almost non-existent.
Back to the food manufacturers. In a neat trick, they used partially hydrogenated coconut oil for most of their studies. Neat, because partial hydrogenation is the exact same process used to convert natural, healthy unsaturated fats into synthetic, unhealthy trans fats!
In other words, once coconut oil is partially hydrogenated, it is for all intents and purposes a trans-fat version of coconut oil.
Natural, organic coconut oil was not the culprit. Trans-coconut oil was. What a surprise.
Further, coconut oil is a rich source of medium-chain fatty acids, which are metabolized within our body to ketone bodies. These have been shown to help reduce appetite and maintain the thyroid gland’s optimal control of metabolism, leading to weight loss and better health.
Ketones are also an excellent mitochondrial fuel, and they can pass the blood-brain barrier to supply your brain with energy. They are a much more preferable fuel than glucose, as they produce fewer reactive oxygen species and secondary free radicals when burned.
In summary, the available published, peer-reviewed evidence indicates that coconut oil, far from being a poison, is a natural, healthy substance that enhances our well-being.
Specifically, raw, organic, virgin coconut oil is rightly considered a superfood because it can boost cardiovascular function, heal damaged cells, and cleanse the body.
Editor’s Note: This article was initially published in 2018 and has been updated in 2024.
Thank you Ty for all that you do!
I have liquid coconut oil (liquid at room temp) it has a much milder taste and it has been my understanding that this is just coconut oil that has been filtered further to remove the solids that keep the oil solid at room temp (perhaps taking away the best part of coconut oil?). My question is this hydrogenated coconut oil? I don’t use very much of it but will not use it at all if it’s hydrogenated…
Thanks again!
Kelly – just check the label of your coconut oil. If it is hydrogenated it will have that one the label. Whether it is liquid or not depends on the temperature of your room…in winter, if the dogs have left the kitchen door open it is like an ice house and the coconut oil is rock hard. In summer, it is always warm so the coconut oil is always liquid.
Thank you Ty Bollinger for speaking the truth about coconut oil! I ate a diet my whole life that adhered to the nutritional guidelines that the government recommended, and thought I was being healthy. Low fat diet, plenty of grains….look around and see how that has affected Americans. We are not getting healthier as a nation – frankly it is quite the opposite. There continues to be mis-information put forth to the public, and sadly many professors, scientists, and doctors are being paid by commercial interests, resulting in flawed studies and general bias. The ketogenic diet is a movement that can not, and will not be stopped. As we stun our doctors with our amazing lab results, lose weight we never thought we could lose, get off our meds, and feel amazing with lots of energy, I applaud you for writing this article in response to Dr. Michels. It is maddening to have to see the garbage put out in the media, knowing people will trust in good faith what they are reading. Natural saturated fats are vital to our health and well-being! Thank you!
Hello, Claire!
And we thank YOU for taking the time to read Ty’s article and your positive feedback!
You can help us reach even more people with this information and making a difference by sharing it with friends and family.
Thank you for your support and have a healthy day!
What about coconut milk? Any studies or thoughts regarding the health benefits or detriments of coconut milk?
Thank you very much.
“I’m assuming she made these claims based on what the mainstream medical establishment and unfortunately, most people, still believe are the damaging effects of saturated fats and LDL on our health.”
I appreciate your rebuttal, but I would really like to know why she made her statement. You pointed out her negative claim and made assumptions about her reasoning. Please share anything else you know about her position.
Hi Kristin,
For more information you can follow the links in our Sources and References tab that is below the article.
I’m not on either side of this fence. I made my own decision when I brushed my teeth with coconut oil. I kept spitting in the sink repeatedly stopping an inch and a half pipe.up. Anything that keeps repeatedly stopping up an inch and a half pipe I do not want in me.
I’m no expert but coconut oil is only solid when it is cool or cold , the human body is warm except if it’s dead so if your having coconut oil while your alive it will not turn out like your pipe and your body should be able to use and pass it in a fluid state , just my thoughts
Fats do not circulate freely in your system, the are transported either using various forms of lipoproteins (chylomicrons, VLDL, and LDL). It is from complete ignorance of how the body works that anyone would believe that fat “clogs” arteries.
You’re not meant to spit coconut oil down the sink! Of course it’s going to clog your drain, lol.
hahaha…..not in our coconut-ty part of the world….
Ha! That old ridiculous argument about a solid fat at room temp, therefore it will do so in the human body, still exists?
The human body is roughly 98.6 degrees. Put your coconut oil at that temp and see what happens. Or add an emulsifier to it, like our digestion does. And like others have pointed out, fat is transported in us quite differently than being poured down the drain.
Ty ~
This very interesting article makes many valid points (Is Coconut Oil really a “Poison”?.
Unfortunately, your references section is worthless because it does not contain any sources. As an RN, I cannot quote from this article to my clients or refer it to my physician without valid sources.
Please! Always include valid sources for your opinions and claims!
Hi Geri!
Our sources and references tab does contain many links to articles that also have sources!
Another thing I would like to find out is: Who funded the research that led to Karin Michael’s conclusions?
To better understand what is behind all this, try to see Josh Fox’s new film ‘The Truth has Changed’
Thank You Ty for your good researched article about coconut oil . I use it for oil pulling and as a condiment only to my salad dressing some times . My favorite is coconut kefir and coconut water and coconut milk and meat . Thailand Phuket where I live is famous for coconut . Blessings and Namaste
Havad –yeah right–I am a physician and can tell you that so-called dr knows nothing about nutrition–works for the sugar corp and heart assoc trying to promote big pharma drugs–check the clowns background and follow the $ —And the masses are the asses–they do not teach nutrition in med school–I had to go back and get another doctorate to learn nutrition
Thank you Dr. You nailed it right there! They receive about 12 hours of nutrtion. And that’s probably a lot. Big Pharma is winning. How sad! People just are like lemmings, they want everyone to take care of them,they dont want the responsibility themselves. And they’ll follow each other off the cliff!
Excellent article. Thank you Ty.
I read that article by Dr. Karin Michels and was shocked. On the other hand I was relieved to read Ty’s prompt reply. In this day of multiple truths floating around it is a blessing to find someone whose version of the truth makes sense and can be trusted.
Wow – great find Ty!!!
Back to the food manufacturers. In a neat trick, they used partially hydrogenated coconut oil for most of their studies. Neat, because partial hydrogenation is the exact same process used to convert natural, healthy unsaturated fats into synthetic, unhealthy trans fats!
Natural, organic coconut oil was not the culprit. Trans-coconut oil was. What a surprise.
Dr. Karin Michels talks about coconut oil poison why dont she talk about vegetable oil
and I think the sale of the vegetable has dropped she must be getting paid to talk about
this you can fool people some of the time but not all of the time I wonder who is paying
her to talk these lies????? the truth cannot hide Richard
Interesting…not one comment questioning the fact that this total refutation of the American Heart Association’s research…is coming from a Certified Public Accountant. I wonder how much credence Mr. Bollinger would lend to a financial survey of a prominent business if it was conducted by a heart surgeon? It’ll also be revealing to see if my comment remains posted for long, or even shows up.
Mr. Bollinger is surely as intensely interested in finding out all he can about the terrible diseases that claimed close members of his family. I can understand his grief; I’ve seen the same types of death devastate my family and friends. But that same drive to understand and cure these diseases is also the impetus behind the research conducted by or reviewed by the American Heart Association. No, they are not servile lackeys of the sugar industry, as some of the commenters here claim to know as fact. They are people who for the most part care deeply about what they do and strive to do their best.
We have facts to go by on this subject, and they have been thoroughly parsed and reviewed by many, many experts who have devoted their working energy to the subject. For Mr. Bollinger to refute all of that research is not only arrogant and wasteful, it’s dangerous. Surely there is common ground to be shared here, with an opportunity to advance human knowledge and make the lives of those who follow us healthier in so many ways…
Ty is on the right track i believe. Just read a brilliant book which backs up Ty.”.Natural born heroes” by Christopher McDougall. Following athletic feats of our ancestors, basically plenty of animal fats and vegetables. On this diet [no, not a diet, original food of our ancients] champion athletes beating their own records 20 years later. No sugar , no carbs, no high energy drinks, drinking less water. These are 1000 mile runners, yes no mis print ..1000 mile. Well done Ty. Keep up your fantastic work
Some of you are in La La Land….My brother was killed by a medical doctor. When I shared this with many others they had the same story about members in there family. My Father just passed on from cancer after my sister talked him into chemo and radiation. My brother has cancer, after chemo and radiation it now has spread to other parts of his body. My pass boyfriend died of cancer and had chemo and radiation. My sister died of a massive heart attack at 58 years old. My other sister had a heart attack. My other brother has mesothelioma. My Mother had recto-dueodeno cancer. I can go on and on…..I am not perfect but am health conscious. So far none of these problems. I believe in Medical help. Sometimes there is a need. I just don’t want to be the one who needs it. Most of us just don’t get that we need to educate ourselfs so we can learn to be healthy and stop making other people responsible for it. Look around…it is obvious there is a problem.
The further away from nature the more problems we take on.
We are so sorry to hear about this BigBaby. Wishing you all the best!
I had a malignant tumor removed four years ago. I told the surgeon that I did not want chemotherapy or radiation and that I was not afraid of death. God is the one who knows the day of our birth and the date of our demise Ecclesiastes 8:8. . Many people have no faith and disregard that the Scriptures tell us that Ez. 47:12, “Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.” Well, I am still here and I am pretty sure I would have died if I had allowed them to give me chemotherapy since I was skinny as a rail. No mysterious diet for me–I just omit sodas, very few pastries and mostly eat fresh organic vegetables, fruits, chicken and fish. I make licuados every day (smoothies) and drink wonderful fresh herbs and bark teas. Also I love coconut water. I drank a lot of it 24 hours before my surgery.
I really don’t care what some “expert” think about coconut oil. I grew up on coconut. As a matter of fact I had my own coconut tree. I may be one of the few individuals who does not let others dictate to me what is or is not good for me. Smoking, Factory farms, sugar, candy, these are all poisons. But there is no outrage about those things because they are real profitable and if everyone stopped eating crap, well how are these companies who produce all this gooing to survive? People can do what they want. However, Im going to eat what I determine is appropriate for me to eat or drink. Raw milk ( if I choose), coconut oil, lots of fruits and vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, etc. God gave ME this body. Not doctors or medical schools, the FDA or big Ag and Pharma.
I’m very glad that people like Ty are bold enough to take a stand to educate us. But it’s obvious from some of the comments that people don’t want to take responsibility for the body they were given. They want everyone else to tell me what to do. And we wonder why there is so much confusion out there?
Jennifer, I too grew up on coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut water and coconut meat. I am 68 yrs old and from the caribbean. Coconut oil was the only oil we had to cook with. Many years ago, and after I was grown, my country started importing canned goods (quick fixes). This was when I watched my people started dying from all types of deseases we never heard of while growing up. Chemically treated foods are deadly. Heres my source of information: 68 years of personal experience of a country of 300,000+ that was once a healthy nation gone to a country riddled with sickness of all sorts.
Great comment, so true. In high school (decades ago—I’m almost your age!) I read “Bio-organics, Your Food and Your Health.” There are many similar examples of “native” people who lost their health with the importation of processed food, or when they relocate to some place with processed food. Sad.
Regarding Coconut Oil, your reader above, Paul Stepp that commented on August 25th, above,
is absolutely right when he said if Coconut Oil is clogging up his 1 1/2 ” plumbing pipe when he was using Coconut Oil to brush his teeth, think how the Coconut Oil is clogging up his arteries !!!
Dr Joel Wallach, Naturopath, has done over 20,000 Autopsies ( approx 7,000 on Humans and 13,000 on Animals ) and he said Do Not use any of the Oils as they are all bad for the arteries and the heart !!! That includes Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, all Vegetable Oils, and all Oils !!! If any of you can remember back to the days of Wild Animal Kingdom with Merlin Perkins, on TV, back in the 70’s and 80’s and possibly 90’s, he hired Dr Joel Wallach to be his chief Pathologist who performed all of the Autopsies on the wild and exotic animals and Dr Joel Wallach can tell you exactly why the 7,000 Humans died and why the 13,000 Animals died and exactly what the Nutritional deficiency was !!! Dr Joel Wallach said of all the 900 diseases, they are all a result of a Nutritional deficiency and every human being needs 90 essential nutrients in their body every day and if they are not getting the 90 essential nutrients every day then they are subjecting themselves to one or more of the 900 diseases. Dr Wallach is also a Veterinarian and he has written over 10 books, the most popular is “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”. The reason they don’t lie is because they are dead and they knew nothing about Nutrition !!! Dr Joel Wallach is going on 80 years old and he said the human body can live to 125 years if given the 90 essential nutrients each and every day. Dr Joel Wallach sued the FDA 7 times and won 7 times. He wrote a book about the Diseases of Wild Animals and it is in the Smithsonian Institute. It took over 25 years to write and all of the associates that were assisting him with the book have passed on. Dr Joel Wallach is the sole survivor and author and his quest is to make it to 125 yrs old. Be sure to do a Google search for the Dr Joel Wallach Story as that 10 to 17 minute story will blow your mind with Common Sense !!! If you want to keep a strong heart and keep your arteries clear, Do Not put oils into your body. If you cook, cook with Butter, preferably Ghee, organic butter and eat 4-8 eggs a day to add cholesterol to the Milan in the brain. Alzheimers and Dimentia are Doctor induced per Dr Joel Wallach. Get his book Dead Doctors Don’t Lie, along with Cerial Killers, Let’s Play Doctor, and Rare Earths Hidden Cures. Dr Joel Wallach is a Godsend and he will add many more years on to your life. If you have any kind of health issue, do a Google search for Dr Joel Wallach and after his name type the health issue and add the word video after it to see all the FREE Dr Joel Wallach videos on the internet !!!
For example, Dr Joel Wallach, diabetes videos, or Google Dr Joel Wallach, cancer videos, or Dr Joel Wallach, congestive heart failure videos, etc. etc. Watch these Free Videos, take notes, and Enjoy and God Bless…..
Rick, if we needed 90 essential nutrients every day to survive we would never have survived as a species. We are extremely well adapted to survive extended periods without anything except water. Recent studies show, cholesterol from eggs is not well absorbed by our digestive system, so you don’t really need them for the cholesterol as your body produces more than enough. I agree that eggs are extremely healthy, but just not for the cholesterol as it is basically neutral for most people.
yeah mate this is about as telling as saying your blood caused your death when you were shot not the wound or bullet. There is lipids in all your cells jackass 75% of your cell membrane is phospholipids 20% cholesterol and 5% glycolipids, if they are oxidized they cause damage. It’s not the oil its the susceptibility to oxidation which comes with double bonds in abcense of antioxidants in a lipoprotein such as ldl if it remains in circulation too long it oxidizes.
Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Neal Bernard and Dr John Mcdougall all write that We should eat ”no oil” because oil is just calories without any nutrition, just pure energi. They say oil inhibits the insulin,the cause of type 2 diabetes. It’s better to eat the whole plant, in this case coconut flesh. But in moderate amounts. This sounds very logic to me, and has made my type 2 diabetes to go away.
To avoid complex carbohydrates did not help me, i eat plant based whole food with no added oils and Low in salt and sugar.
Another natural product given the thumbs down …. Just think if EV Coconut Oil became too popular what affect would that have on the nasty bleached oil manufacturers’ profits and the whole fast food industry that use the same bad products for DEEP FRYING AND SALAD DRESSING YUK YUK YUK. I guess there is always one supposed authority who will tell BS if the paycheck is too hard to resist. I have been using coconut oil for 10 years+ and EVOO for 20 years. What a load of horse poo.???
Most people are just misinformed frightened brain washed sheep who are afraid to listen to anyone except their GP despite the information out there. Its hard to believe that the masses have not worked out why so many people are sick in 2018. Despite the comments I get about being a merchant of voodoo and quackery , why is it that I have no ill health , no medication etc.
All you can do is never give up sharing and educating those around you with Ty Bolinger’s great series that there is an alternative and anyone can self heal at any time if they are prepared to change and open their eyes.
I lost an uncle 2 years ago who was full of bitterness, lived on processed food from the freezer, packaged product ,from cans ,never fresh, intelligent man but clueless about how to keep healthy and so he died at aged 71 just four months after chemo and accepted his death sentence, then prepared for the final days including his funeral. I have lost 2 close friends to pancreatic cancer whom also died within 3 months of their prognosis. I have an 12 year old great nephew who has leukemia and been on chemo for 8 years !! His mother just does what the doctors tell her because she is filled with fear if she doesn’t..
.Never give up sharing this knowledge Ty has produced. Its really an investment for everyone’s health. Keep and eat well and Live long.
As I was lead to believe Dr. Karin Michels has only a PhD in bio-statistics.
Seen in a Bruce Fife newsletter, that came out not long later after this global frenzy attack.
As Bruce Fife point out coconut oil is the only antidote that cures Aluminum phosphide poisoning, many hospitals around the world use it, without it death is the outcome, how can one make these claim
It seems strange that someone who has a PhD, can not do homework, it is claimed there has never been any research to show the benefit of coconut oil, Bruce Fife points out there has been lots of research into coconut oil freely available on internet.
The newsletter by Bruce Fife is worth reading.
What a incredible duper she is !
Wow so many interesting comments here .
First of all thank you Ty and Charlene for your hard work and making the information readily accessible and free at times to the public and or anyone who wants to know, and especially those who may need the information right now.
I shared the truth about cancer series through email to my mother and several family friends when you had the free link it was like watching a good movie.
I hope in the future you will have the series again for free and I plan on hosting a party and sharing it with more friends. I do believe the only permanent solution to all problems including cancer is God’s kingdom. Right now however we have to try to do something to help our body and take the best care of it while we can . I’ve heard many things about coconut oil . If anyone knows the best purest brand next to the fruit itself ripe from the tree please comment . Please give links or sources that explain the ethics of the company to if your able . It would be helpful to include in the comments how it should be harvested and how the company harvest from to packaging to Delivery .
Once again thank you ty and Charlene good work .
I hope it will remain a free resource of invaluable informative information .
Come over to a tropical country to live for awhile. The unhealthy ones here are those that follow the typical American diet…. Obesity was unheard off in our grandparents’ days. Now its fast becoming a killer in these parts too. Fast food leads to ‘fast’ death…’nuff said
Thanks TY for this article
I love coconut oil but i found the i have high cholesterol, and my natural bath doctor said try to stop having coconut oil for 3 month and will see how is your cholesterol doing .i did and i redo my blood test for the Charleston after one month and relay number has been dropped . so sad because now im not eating coconut oil any more .
grapefruit Essential Oil is best for health . Along with other essential oils, it is used to ease mental stress, depression, and post-partum sickness in patients undergoing intense trauma, labor, and harsh treatments.
George Bernard Shaw said, “If all the economists were laid end to end, they’d never reach a conclusion.”
I am coming to much the same conclusion about the medical profession!
Such nonsense makes me angry!
Anyone with half a brain can see that in parts of the world where coconut is a staple food – coconut milk, coconut meat, desiccated coconut, coconut flour and, yes, coconut oil are far healthier than those on the standard western diet.
How much money will it take to heal the doctors?
I love this article! I’ve switched to coconut oil and flour. I’ve also lowered my carbs significantly and lost 20#. You are helping this country get on the right path to better health and longevity. It’s amazing the disinformation we’ve been told for decades. It’s unfathomable to me what our government agencies have become; all for the almighty $. Please keep these articles coming. I was diagnosed with Gist in 12/17….did 7 weeks on Gleevec and thought OMG, the direct effects are killing me! Stopped that business. So now I’m doing it MY way and feel wonderful.
This is SO SO good to hear, Eleanor! Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
We’re so blessed by your testimony! Love and blessings always!
grapefruit Essential Oil is best for health . Along with other chiltan pure it is used to ease mental stress, depression, and post-partum sickness in patients undergoing intense trauma, labor, and harsh treatments.
Thank you, Anna, for your recommendation.
I’m interested in knowing where to purchase coconut oil. The kind that is good for you not that at age they sell at the store? They tried to get me to take chemotherapy years ago and I seen people die. I didn’t trust anyone that prescribed it.
Thank you Dr. You nailed it right there! They receive about 12 hours of nutrtion. And that’s probably a lot. Big Pharma is winning. How sad! People just are like lemmings, they want everyone to take care of them,they dont want the responsibility themselves. And they’ll follow each other off the cliff!
I appreciate this article. In the future, will you provide a printable format that includes the references? I can open the reference list, but it does not show up when I print. Thank you.
Thank you for all I want to leave you with another “Quote” about doctors that my grandfather said to his doctor, ” THE ONLY GOOD DOCTOR IS A DEAD DOCTOR”. He then threw his heart meds at him and got out of his hospital bed and asked my mother to take him home. He lived another 15 years, well into his 90’s. I smile when ever I remember his words. He was right. Not that he wished the doctor dead but to get his point to him that grandpa was not going to let poison “Western Medicine” take his life, and as he said, “Only the good Lord can do that”. Bless all of you for putting this info out there. Hugs