Chronic disease continues to ravage our world today despite tremendous advances in health care. Therapeutic approaches to treating this wide-range suffering cannot be met by technological growth in pharmacology, genetic therapy, or surgery. It should be obvious that the real solution for treating cancer and disease is not found in a man-made pill but rather is found in regulating the metabolic functions within our bodies.
Western cultures today enjoy a diet rich in the delicacies that our ancestors did not consume on a regular basis such as grain, sugar, and starch. Research continues to show that sugar is the main source of fuel which feeds cancer and contributes to an inflammatory environment. Sugar essentially increases the risk for cancer and disease.
How the Ketogenic Diet Works
What is the Ketogenic Diet?
The Eskimos and Maasai group are cultures we often look at to learn how their scant consumption of carbohydrates sustained their bodies through harsh weather conditions. It turns out that their low carb diet switched their metabolism to burn fat instead of sugar or glucose.
This created a metabolic state known as ketosis, a process in which the body burns ketones to make energy, instead of relying on sugar or carbohydrates.
Ketones are metabolized by fatty acids in the liver for energy. (This source of fuel is capable of crossing the blood brain barrier and is an excellent form of energy for neurons.) When the body lacks glucose, which is its first source of fuel, ketones are created in its absence.
Ketosis was a beneficial process the human body developed as an adaptation to times when food was unavailable (such as for these hunter-gatherers). However, you can effectively produce ketones too by limiting the carbohydrates in your diet to less than 80 grams daily and protein to no more than 1.2 grams of protein/per kg lean body mass. As the body adapts to the use of ketone metabolism over time, the hormone in the liver that is essential to ketone metabolism (known as FGF21) becomes more efficient.
The Ketogenic Diet Starves Cancer
Otto Warburg was a leading cell biologist who led to the discovery that cancer cells are unable to flourish using energy produced from cellular respiration, but instead from glucose fermentation. Dr. Thomas Seyfried and other cancer researchers agree, and have further discovered that cancer cells are also fueled from the fermentation of the amino acid glutamine.
With ketogenic diets, lowering carbohydrates will reduce your levels of glucose, the fuel that feeds cancer cells. This will put your body into ketosis and will assist in depleting cancer cells of their energy supply.
Cancer cells are unlike normal cells in many ways, but one of their traits that is most unique regards insulin receptors. They have ten times more insulin receptors on their cellular surface. This enables cancer cells to gorge themselves in glucose and nutrients coming from the bloodstream at a very high rate. As you continue to consume glucose as your primary diet source, cancer cells will continue to thrive and spread. It is no surprise that the lowest survival rate in cancer patients is among those with the highest blood sugar levels.
Cancer cells have damaged mitochondria and lack the ability to create energy from aerobic respiration. They cannot metabolize fatty acids for energy. For this reason, cancer cells thrive in oxygen-depleted environments. Instead, cancer cells metabolize glucose and amino acids. Restricting glucose or the amino acid glutamine is essential to starve off cancer.
Intermittent Fasting and Cancer Prevention
The ketogenic diet is particularly effective when combined with periods of intermittent fasting. Fasting increases ketone production and can starve cancer cells. Late stage cancer patients can further weaken their cancer cells by completing a lemon water cleanse for three to seven days.
In today’s modern diet, snacks and meals have us eating up to five times a day, preventing any sort of intermittent cell fasting. As nutrition is constantly supplied, blood sugar levels remain elevated, insulin levels remain high, and the fuel source needed for cancer cells to develop and grow remains a constant threat.
A lifestyle of fasting may involve an individual eating for a period of only 4-8 hours in one day. A 20-hour fast may involve eating food between 3pm and 7pm each day. This regular intermittent fasting lifestyle allows the body to produce ketones in order to fuel the entire body. The 20-hour fast may be optimal for individuals with the diagnosis of cancer, but may otherwise be incorporated into your lifestyle using a 16 to 18 hour fasting period.
Ketogenic Diet Meal Plans that Kill Cancer
The ketogenic diet consists of a meal plan centered around healthy fats. These include:
- avocados
- coconut oil
- butter
- raw seeds and nuts
- olive oil
- eggs
The diet also allows low carbohydrate vegetables such as:
- cauliflower
- cabbage
- celery
- collard greens
- spinach
- Brussels sprouts
- asparagus
- broccoli
- kale
Protein sources in a ketogenic diet generally come from:
- grass-fed beef
- organic pastured poultry
- wild game
- fish and seafood
- fermented dairy
- grass-fed raw organic dairy (full fat)
Organic acids, antioxidants, and enzymes are recommended to help the body develop an alkaline environment. When organic acids are metabolized, foods such as low-sugar fermented drinks, dried herbs, lemon, lime, and apple cider vinegar help to weaken cancer cells by neutralizing acidity and increasing cellular oxygenation.
Diets high in protein are also capable of feeding cancer. A moderate protein diet is recommended on the ketogenic diet in order to weaken cancer cells. You can starve cancer by practicing a ketogenic diet consisting of an abundance of healthy fats (about 75%), only 20% protein, and no more than 5% carbohydrates.
Creating Optimal Hormone Sensitivity with a Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet is designed to allow an individual to feel satisfied easily as a result of optimal insulin and leptin sensitivity. For example, a man weighing 150 pounds should consume 30-50g/day of carbohydrates and less than 70g/day of protein to maintain an optimal state of ketosis. When only a single meal or two is consumed consisting of approved ketogenic foods, this is easy. The ideal blood sugar concentration for weakening cancer cells is between 60-70mg/dl, and ketone levels are recommended between 4-7mM.
While practicing the ketogenic diet, it is also recommended to supplement with high quality (non-synthetic) multivitamins, probiotics, and omega-3s. Omega-3 supplementation has been found advantageous in stimulating the anti-cancer effects of the ketogenic diet.
With so much information (and MIS-information) floating around out there, it’s hard to get a clear picture of what the ketogenic diet actually is. Here are some helpful articles that may help guide you:
- The Benefits of a Plant-Based Ketogenic Diet for Cancer Prevention
- Keto for Women: Is Cyclical Ketosis Right for You?
- 10 Tips for Following a Ketogenic Diet Plan & Getting “Fat Adapted”
Article Summary
Research continues to show that sugar is the main source of fuel which feeds cancer and contributes to an inflammatory environment.
A low carbohydrate diet produces a metabolic state known as ketosis. This is a process in which the body burns ketones to make energy, instead of relying on sugar or carbohydrates.
You can effectively produce ketones by limiting the carbohydrates in your diet to less than 80 grams daily and protein to no more than 1.2 grams of protein/per kg lean body mass.
Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose which feeds cancer cells. By removing carbohydrates from your diet, you can also deplete cancer cells of their energy supply. The lowest survival rate in cancer patients is among those with the highest blood sugar levels.
The ketogenic diet is particularly effective when combined with periods of intermittent fasting. Fasting increases ketone production and can starve cancer cells.
Diets high in protein can also feed cancer. A moderate protein diet is recommended on the ketogenic diet. You can starve cancer by practicing a ketogenic diet consisting of an abundance of healthy fats (about 75 percent), 20 percent protein, and no more than 5 percent carbohydrates.
Supplementing with high quality (non-synthetic) multivitamins, probiotics, and omega-3s is also recommended on a ketogenic diet.
Is the ketogenic diet you speak about above for all cancer types including hormone sensitive (with eggs and dairy)? If a cancer patient is suffering from weight loss (about 40 pounds) and muscle loss what adjustment do you recommend (if any) in a ketogenic diet to build muscle and stop weight loss. I also wondered if D-ribose is a good product to use if a person seems to be experiencing cachexia. It seems to me that it would help regenerate damaged mitochondria or help promote new mitochondria. My concern is whether it will feed cancer cells.
Hi BH! Just read your questions and thought I’d chime in, since nobody else has. You can tailor your Ketogenic diet to be dairy-less and egg-less. Just exclude those items and eat something else from the list instead, or buy organic ones if the hormones you’re concerned about are the ones added by humans in the food industry. For muscle loss (caquexia), a Ketogenic diet is perfect, and it is actually muscle sparing, which means that it prevents the breakdown of muscle commonly found in people with cancer. I just attended a presentation by Drs Dominic D’Agostino and Angela Poff on this subject. As for the D-Ribose, I am totally ignorant, but I recommend you follow the group Practical Keto on Facebook, led by Patricia Daly, a nutritionist from Ireland who used a Ketogenic diet as an adjuvant in the management of the cancer she had. You can ask about it there, they’re great! Best of luck to you!
Some symptoms since the Lymph node removal are my swollen ankles, muscles in upper arms sometimes painful when I try to reach for something. Is this typical.
fantastic article…we still maintain that the ketogenic diet will have it’s day. It is shocking how those who have been helped to recover from cancer with a whole foods, low-fat, grain and veg based diet often insist that the ketogenic diet ‘won’t work’ because these same people have already decided that ‘meat’ causes cancer, along with ‘dairy’ ( without any distiction between raw and pasturised, unfermented and fermented, grass fed etc) and that there are no long term survivors following the ketogenic diet. All of this while enthusiastically endorsing some cancer diets that have never been properly tested ,and are harmful in the long run ( such as the so-called ‘nori protocol’ which basically consists of fruit..and more fruit)
To add insult to injury, we have Dr Michael Greger’s ghastly new book ‘How not to die’, a morbid affirmation of his veganism where the ketogenic diet is described as ‘artery clogging’ etc,and even more dishonest than Phd Campbell’s ‘China Study’, based on deliberately falsifed information and twisted takes on ‘the literature’ (we are currantly preparing a massive point by point rebuttal of Greger’s unhealthy vegan tome) being enthusiastically endorsed by some prominant cancer survivors, even though they themselves often don’t follow Greger’s third world, Vitamin b12,d3,k2, Retinol free diet (!)….the ketogenic diet has shown potential with some cancers (brain tumors for instance) where other more famous therapies have failed, like the Gerson therapy (Check the website, they spell it out that brain tumors don’t usually repond to the treatment).
If we really have a heart for treating cancer and helping those recovering, we need to be open to all treatments and diet options, even if they don’t conform to what a standard ‘anti cancer’ diet is supposed to look like and
I have a question for dr Jockers or Ty Bollinger about the ketogenic diet and the use of bone broth. Does consumption of the bone broth lead to glucogenesis because of its glue the signing content which would prevent someone from staying in ketosis
There is a product out there that puts you into ketosis within hours.
That is impossible, all it does it increase keytones, that is useless unless you have burned off all your glucose first which takes at least 3 days or more.
It sounds great – a God-send. However, there is some compelling evidence to suggest that this diet works in the short term, but has no long term effect.
Hi Sheila … can you give me the name of this product please? Do you use it or know someone who did?
hello! Thank U so much for such an interesting article!
Please tell me, could I use superfoods during fasting time? Only superfoods and water?
So, is it the ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting that is beneficial against cancer? Is it the great list of cruciferous veggies above? Pretty sure if one eats enough brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, garlic, onions, tumeric, green tea and berries, most cancers will be slowed or reversed as long as one stays away from processed junk food and high levels of animal protein and dairy and various environmental hazards. (Read the book, ‘Foods to Fight Cancer’ by Beliveau and Gingas). Any number of research studies cited by Dr. Greger in his videos on foods that are effective against cancer also articulate the benefits of various veggies.
Any ‘scientific’ article that references the Eskimos and Maasai as ‘proof’ that a diet protocol as desirable is naive at best (questionable science then) and idiotic at worst, in my humble opinion and negligent of the facts. To leave out fruit and berries (yes, the eskimos ate and highly desired these, btw) goes against our body’s need for any number of anti-oxidants, electrolytes, digestive enzymes, fiber and nutrients beneficial to help our immune system fight cancer. There are any number of sources for a greater understanding of the misinformation propagated by those who suggest paleo/ketogenic diets are best for health. I recommend the seventy-plus videos posted on youtube by ‘plant positive’, that destroys the myth that the Maasai and other ‘meat-eaters’ were pinnacles of health. That said, small amounts of meat, etc., (e.g., once a week or less) should pose minimal risk to humans, assuming an otherwise plant-based emphasis based on the research I’ve come across.
It was when I was on a low-carb diet, with veggies, and fair amount of ‘healthy’ meat and dairy that I became a type 2 diabetic. Once I got rid of the saturated fat and animal proteins out of my diet and started eating potatoes/rice again instead, that is when I reversed my diabetes in less than 90 days. As Johanna Budwig stated many years ago, ‘sugar’ in a diet is a secondary issues for diabetes. The primary issue is saturated fat, which prevents the glucose from entering the cells, leaving it circulating in the bloodstream. Once one stops eating a diet with saturated fats (including dairy, other animal products, coconut and palm oils), then the cells are freed up to let in the glucose, returning glucose levels to normal.
During this ‘unhealthy’ period of my life eating meat and dairy, I suspect it was my high consumption of brussels sprouts, broccoli, garlic and onions that indeed kept cancer away.
Hello when you talk about eating certain vegetables to keep cancer away. Did you eat these vegetables raw or cooked please?
Thank you
What is that product? I have a relative with cancer who doesn’t seem to want to change his eating patterns . I’d like to help him somehow!
I follow the ketogenic diet & supplement w/ an all natural exogenous ketone supplement.
Bravo !!!! I too, am on a restricted diet……, due to a health challenge ,tho…..vegan , living , raw food diet……I have managed to stay on this side of heaven since July…….2015……my body is actually starting to function more normally now……thank the LORD……!!!!!
Congrats Carol… And yes “Thank GOD” of Light, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!
So proud of you for “fighting AGAINST” traditional MD’s and Relying on Alternative Medical
Research/ diets that “Starve” terminal cell production and illness🤯🥵🤔🤗Modinos-Capps@ :
Member of TTAC😻🦋🍁
No two people are exactly the same. We all have our unique body chemistry. One-protocol-fixes-all is as crazy an idea as the one that insists that cancer is a deficiency of chemo and radiation.
I had Hodgkins Disease in 2002. Went the chemo route, but refused radiation. Starting about 3-1/2 years ago I felt a “welt” at the bottom of my left breast. I watched it grow steadily. Over the last 15 years I educated myself about cancer and alternative therapies, so I am aware of all the doctors and protocols. I have had excellent insurance (until last year when Medicare kicked in, which is worthless), but insurance doesn’t pay for alternatives. It is true that natural, alternative, integrative, etc. therapies are far cheaper than conventional care, but that doesn’t help a person who has great insurance, but no money. I started with the Budwig Protocol, the real one (I’m German and read her books in German and followed her protocol, not the shortened version done here by most people). The tumor kept growing. I incorporated lots of juices and green drinks and do coffee enemas daily. The tumor kept growing. By now it’s 12x10x8 cm. I have known about Otto Warburg, own Dr. Seyfried’s book, the Ketogenic Diets Book for Epilepsy (it’s been used for children with epilepsy for 60 years) and several more. I also own Dr. John Beard’s book “The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer” on which Dr. Gonzalez’s work is based, along with all of his books. It only makes sense that starving the cancer of glucose will be effective. The problem with the above diet is, it’s not strict enough. I started on the Ketogenic Diet for Cancer about a month ago. My daily intake of net Carbs is 12 grams, all of it from green leafy vegetables and avocados, about 65 grams of protein, which is .5 grams per pound of a persons “ideal”weight, and the rest of it in fat, which should be based on the calorie need for ideal body weight and lifestyle (sedentary, moderately active, etc.). So my diet consists of 82% fat, 15% protein, and 3% carbs. I also do coffee enemas, drink Essiac Tea, take Dr. Gonzalez’s pancreatic enzymes (60 per day), take probiotics, various supplements, Vitamin D, etc. etc. I also listen to my daily dose of health talks. I added 20 90-minute sessions in a hyperbaric chamber to flood my body with oxygen. So far I seem to thrive on the diet. Other than grass fed butter, I really don’t get much dairy. I use avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, MCT oil, pure natural unrefined lard.
I have to wait a few month to see, how the tumor is responding. I don’t do any conventional tests, instead just listen closely to my body.
I learn more on a daily basis and refuse to disregard anything. We are all different. I listen to the this body that I chose for my current stint on this planet. I tweak, I observe. In the end (it’s going to end for all of us), whether I’m successful healing this body or not, I will return to where I came from ready for a new adventure.
Hello Ilse. Have you tried medicinal mushrooms? I have breast cancer for 10 years now. Have a tumor the size of a lemon on my right breast. Medicinal mushrooms and a few natural supplements have stabilized it and prevented it from growing further and transferring to other parts of my body. I believe with your diet and other protocols, combined with the mushrooms and other supplements I am taking, might be effective for you.
Hi Ilse, how is your tumor responding by now?
I am following the ketogenic diet as well and feeling great. What really, really had fantastic results was inoculating myself against Newcastle Disease ( chickens). My tumors have shrunk 90+% in two months!!!!! 15000 doses, 3 days in a row, drinking half and nebulising the rest. Please look into it! See Wikipedia
Hi llse,
I hope your treatment plan is working, would be interested to understand how it is going. I’m about to start my dad on a diet change after developing skin cancer. This is after several years living with liver failure following an overload of drugs used to manage a heart transplant. Also added complication of type2 diabetes.
A lot of complications to work around so nervous about any changes and if they will make things worse.
Have you tried asea boosts your immune system to help your body fight disease creates new cells in your body an amazing product,good luck on your journey
Hello Gina where do you purchase this supplement and is it safe, very interested to learn more.
Wow, tons of questions on this one. I invite you guys to check out this recent video I did that answers a number of questions on the ketogenic diet. Let me know your thoughts or if you have Q’s that weren’t addressed in this.
Great article, David! I’ve had success with ketogenic diet protocol recently – client with brain tumor (stage II). Strong ketosis till noon, mild ketosis throughout the rest of the day (checked by Ketonix device every hour) – 3 months of diet, his tumor is encapsulated and on 65% of size! Biggest change? Not a single epileptic seizure since start – compared to seizures twice a week, most of them severe and during the night.
I have a friend who just finished chemo for breast Ca. Lost her hair and fingernails are falling off and smell funky. Any suggestions?
Hi Sharon, I would suggest consulting with one of the doctors that we interviewed in our Global Quest series. Here is a list of their info:
Thanks for such an interesting post.
There is a cure for cancer detailed in the book ‘Tripping Over The Truth’ by Travis Christofferson, where he describes convincingly cancer as a metabolic malfunction. His book is based on the detailed research of Peterson and Ko who discovered a positive cure using 3BP for all the cancers they tested it on.
The problem described is that 3BP is a cheap readily available material and no one is prepared to fund the trials necessary to get it approved since there is no profit to be made.
So sad really, we shall never know if it would cure, I.e. Destroy our cancer cells in our life times anyway.
Ken Bee
Ketopia is the product by Fgxpress. The products are organic, and absolutely delicious. It has become a part of my lifestyle and will remain so for the rest of my life. I have cut sugar from my diet by about 99% since November. Cravings gone, brain sharper than ever and endless energy.
This coming from a self proclaimed pizza expert!
Good for you! My mom has developed diabetes, so that’s spurred me to cut way back on sugar & eliminate white flour. I haven’t gone to this extreme since I seem to be quite healthy, but I am investigating. Dragging my husband along (he loves anything with sugar!) reduces my choices, but he’s better than he used to be! I still teach fulltime and ride my bike 5-6 miles a day.
If cancer cells consume so much sugar, wouldn’t that have a blood sugar lowering effect?
What is it?
Ketopia is a product that puts you into the ketosis state with hours. You can check it out by looking at my site
I’m actually using a Ketone supplement that put me at 3.4 blood ketone level in 30 minutes. It’s called Keto OS by the company Pruvit.
I have used a new product that puts me into ketosis within and hour. Since September, I have dropped 47 pounds of fat, reversed my Type 2 diabetes and have been taken off all medications.
Is this a product that can be bought in Canada and if so, what is the name of it please and thank you?
Hi Linda we have a great product that is called Ketopia and is exclusive to Forever Green. check it out here
Organizingwithlaurie: What is your new product?
Hi Faye it is called Ketopia and is exclusive to us. If you want more info please contact me
It’s called Keto-OS by Prüvit
I really liked Travis Christofferson’s book. I also have Thomas Seyfried’s book “Cancer is a metabolic disease”, another great book, if you feel like spending $120.????
Hi Rehab. I’m pretty sure the product Sheila is talking about is KetoCana or the earlier product Ketoforce. You can find a few places to purchase it with a Google search. I haven’t taken it but from what I understand, either product can put one into a ketogenic state, even with a carb heavy diet.
She is trying to talk about Prüvit. We have a product, Keto//OS, that will put a therapeutic level of ketones directly into the blood stream. Beta hydroxybutyrate is the ketone body we produce and utilize at the highest percent, when we are creating ketones. Elevating these ketone levels is beneficial for many many reason. If you wanna do some research on it, the link is
You can also Text or call me. I’m a human biologist.
It is not Pruvit it is a product exclusive to ForeverGreen.
Hi Emilie,
Thanks for your reply. I take cordyceps, reishi, and turkey tail, also frankincense and myrrh powder. I take a large number of pancreatic enzymes, CoQ10, Vit. D, NAC, ALA, various other vitamins and minerals, Restore, probiotics, iodine, immune and blood support, fulvic acid. I’m probably forgetting a few.
I do think this diet has a place.. But where are the studies, cases of cancer cures and facts……,interestingly dr nicholas Gonzalez wrote a very interesting article on why the ketogenic diet does not work for cancer, surely worth researching if you have cancer
Dr Domenic D’Agustino from the U of S Florida has many lectures on TED and also UTube that you might find very interesting regarding how being in Ketosis works
Sorry Rehab just saw your message, and yes it is Ketopia from Fgxpress. please look at it here and if you need more info send me your email address please
I take Reishi, Cordyceps, and Turkey Tail mushrooms plus powdered Frankincence and Myrrh (can’t remember the Chinese name).
And what might that be Sheila??? Thanks for the responses in advance. Have a nice day.
It is a ketone supplement and protocal called Ketopia, you can check it out here
There is no way that animal fats & protein in any way contributed to your diabetes unless you went totally crazy with the grams of protein & had it in large quantities along with carbohydrates. Excess protein can be converted to glucose & raise blood sugar. Fat will never do that. You can eat it by the spoonful & blood sugar will not be affected. Also, if your dairy consisted of milk in any form or low fat anything, there are hidden sugars there that would contribute to diabetes. I have a hard time believing any of this & sense that you are a vegan looking to convert others. Potatoes & rice are well known for raising blood sugar, even the diabetes association will tell you that. Of the 3 macronutrients, carbohydrates is the only one your body does not need.
Actually it does. A friend of mine was diabetic and got cancer. I regret him telling me since he got the cancer his diabetis was gone, his blood sugar was normal
I had 11 lymph nodes removed. I had the swollen legs, my right side is still numb not so bad but still. I did for myself a gentle yoga class, I walk 5 times a week for half an hour and my in house massage therapist did some awesome lymphatic massages and did more for getting rid of the swelling in my legs than the pills the doctor prescribed. She also showed me how do to lymphatic brushing. Awesome. Also do the arm exercise the lymphedema nurse tells you to do on a daily basis. it helps. Good Luck and Keto on. A great group on facebook is Keto Adaptation. Hope all this helps.
Rehab mansoyr: I use a product that puts you into nutritional ketosis in less than one hour. It’s easy to prove with a ketone strip kit you get in the drug store. Check out my website for more info if you’d like.
what is your website Debra
Not sure if you got my other reply or not, It is hard to track them on here. so if you would like to email me back that would be great. and the name of the product is Ketopia from Forevergreen
The calorie restricted extreme low carbs (like 12 grams a day for an adult) along with hyperbaric oxygen has worked on gleoplastoma (brain tumor) in children. That’s all. I have stage 4 metastasized breast cancer. I did keto w/ hyperbaric oxygen. My tumors just grew. In fact, I think it metastasized to the bones during the four months period. The only positive is, I lost about 12 lbs. like all other info on TTAC, take with a grain of salt. I’ve done a lot of different things and felt fantastic until recently, because I was supporting my immune system. Two days ago I had to have almost 2 was. Of fluid drained from my lung. Only rich people can afford all the doctors they interview, and a majority of the people still die. Where are the thousands and thousands that have been healed? I would tell the world, but only a few dozen have spoken up. Gonzalez would have been the only one I trusted, unfortunately that’s impossible now. He was a genius.
Sorry about the auto correct. That should be 2 qts. of fluid.
Ilse I too have stage four breast cancer. I too tried Budwig which did not work. I too have spent months researching alt treatments. I have had no surgery, no chemo, no radiation. I have held the cancer at bay for almost a year. Would love to converse with you, Maybe we can share some notes. You can reach me at I live in the States in Texas. If you don’t wish to converse I understand and wish you the very best!
The other Doctor he ( gonzalez ) worked with was dr Linda issacs… She is very nice I have seen her and she uses same protocol… Best wishes
Tanya, This is what I understand as I eat for alkalinity and ketosis. When fasting, up to 15 hours but no less than 12 hours, between dinner and breakfast, you can have water (with lemon or ACV), ketone or fat fueled coffee or tea such as matcha (google fat fueled coffee), or powdered greens. After fasting, you can consume your superfoods. I usually make a smoothie with a mixture of different greens, avocado, cucumber, MCT oil, almond butter, sprouts, powdered greens (I use Mighty Maca), powdered protein (make sure it is high protein, low carbs). I theses up so I don’t drink the same thing every day, except for the greens and protein. You could use animal based products such as butter, ghee, etc. I don’t because I am vegan. I hope this helps you.
I have a product that will put you in Ketosis within an hour and would love to send you a sample to try it out.
There are two videos that explain ketosis and the product.
What a great interview. I have cancer and have been doing a lot of research but you clarified so much for me.
My friend has just gone into complete remission from a 4 year cancer after using a whole organic diet . He is over the moon.
Hi Ilse,
Where do you get your enzymes and other supplements? Is somebody helping you with all of this?
I am in a very similar situation. I also don’t believe in any one-size-fits-all diets. Everyone is different and one person’s cure could be another’s poison. Unfortunately, I haven’t found the right diet for myself yet. I am still researching and experimenting. I would really appreciate any feedback and info from you.
Hi I would like to speak to you if possible thanks
Hi I would be interested to know about ketopia
You can private message me with your contact info so I can send you the valuable info on ketopia
I am a type II Diabetic. After becoming interest in the Truth About Cancer series I have been on the Ketogenic diet for three weeks. My fasting blood sugar has dropped from 179 to 99 in that period, which I consider to be a real life saver.
I would like also to know about ketopia. I thank you soo much since know
If you go to my website. Sheilarobertson and go to the Ketopia information there
What is it?
I have been fighting prostate cancer for several years. I find it very frustrating that the different camps have all this fighting going on. It also seems like everyone has something to sell. I just want the truth and I would like to see those who falsify information to be exposed.
Does this diet only work on particular cancers?
Please, could you advise on where I can purchase medicinal mushroom? I read your post and urgently need it for my sister. Thank you, kindly
Hi Josephine,
Our friends at Epigenetic Labs have a great mushroom supplement called 7M+. Here is a link to learn more about it:
Great article,, but I have been coping some flack over the negative effects of ketones and people who haved suffered or died with ketoacidoses. Can you recommend any articles that may quell there fears?
Ketosis and ketoacidoses are two entirely different things. Google and read about them.
The two top professors on a ketogenic diet are Professors Phinney and Volek. Is Axe even a doctor, and is he even a practising ketogenic dieter. Here are Dr Axe’s credentials. We in the UK know him from when he came to UK with the USA Olympic team for the 2012 London Olympics. He is a musco-skeleton specialist, but he has studied nutrition to functional medicine Doctor level, so knows what he is talking about when discussing diet/nutrition – as he does for USA athletes. Many GP type Doctors will tell you that they do only a few hours in their years of Medical training on diet and nutrition – I know as I was given totally useless diet information from my own Doctor when I was diagnosed diabetic 5 years ago. I got worse until I looked up functional medicine practitioners in USA like Dr Axe and diabetic specialist Dr Brian Mowll. I resolved my bleeding retina, neuropathy starting in my feet and have no need for the usual medications they needlessly push type 2 diabetics on. My Doctor was annoyed and thought I was crazy back then, but how he directs me to the diabetic clinic nurse and I tell her about how to do this low carb.ketogenic diet and she, also diabetic, has started on it and wants me to come to clinic classes to tell others.
15,000 doses?
Is that an amount of volume, e.g. mg’s or actual times you ad a treatment, if so seems a bit much.
Hi Brenda, please tell me more about this inoculation against Newcastle Disease. What type of cancer do you have?
I’m on keto/so also,it puts me in ketosis in half hour,I’m more happier ,more energetic my brain functions better,totally love it.
So sugar feeds the cancer cells- you dont have to go full keto just stop eating sugar? I keep reading meat causes cancer and a vegan diet is best! When you cut out sugar and all grains you end up eating dairy and meat, with nuts for a treat. Friut is off the list, honey and some root veg like potatos so if you cut down on meat what the feck are we left with? you can only eat so many eggs,avocados and spinach. I also am yet to find a keto dessert I like, coconut flour and stevia dosent make a cake.
Any help would be good.
There is no hard evidence that meat itself causes cancer. There is evidence that people who eliminate meat have a slightly lower cancer rate. This can be explain bc people who eliminate meat are usually doing so bc it is perceived to be “healthy” which means they are also eliminating/limiting foods such as coke, junk food, and other highly processed/high in sugar foods. These same people are also more likely to do some type of exercise where as the “meat-eaters” they are comparing them against are eating a highly processed, junk food, standard American diet and are also more likely to smoke and have limited exercise. Correlation is not causation.
There aren’t any studies on control groups living healthy lifestyles, eating a low carb/whole food/meat diet, that shows an increase in cancer. There are 1000’s of examples of blood work showing improvements in LDL ratios (risk of heart disease) and low/steady blood sugar levels (diabetes prevention/treatment). That is actual science. as far as anecdotal evidence, there are many accounts of vegans/vegetarians that have became extremely ill over time due to lack of complete nutrition. It is also more difficult (takes more planning) to ensure you are getting sufficient amounts of calories since plant based is not calorie dense and it takes larger quantities. Additionally, Fats and animal fats especially play a vital role hormone production as well. Look up Dr. Shawn Baker.
Societies have lived off whole meats, vegetables, and fruit for our entire existence with very little known disease; including multiple cultures that are essentially carnivores. Diseases increased exponentially in the western world once sugar was added to everything and the junk food boom took place. Our bread is even so processed now that it has the same effect on your blood sugar as eating a tablespoon of sugar. (Yes, the average age some lives is greater today than it was before the sugar boom but that is because infant mortality has decreased 200+% in the same timespan and is now in the single digits. The lifespan of someone who made it to adulthood was the same as it is now. Even Socrates lived to be 77 without modern medicine{‘throw drugs at everything”} before being executed.
So why the hate for meat you might ask?? I’ll give you 2 things to ponder that are observations at best. 1) Sugar, and all the tasty frakenfoods we make with it, make up a multi billion dollar food industry. 2) there is an anti-meat morality sentiment/culture that has grown and condemning meat “saves the animals” —-If you look at who funds the studies that are quick to point a finger at meat for all the diseases in modern society (even though its been our primary source of nutrition forever and doesn’t explain the increase in disease from non existent to probable), you’ll usually find that the “research” was funded by someone tied into the food industry or the animal rights industry.
Carbs are also converted to Glucose so really what you need to do is cut carbs and provide ketone as alternate fuel which comes from Saturated fat. Even if you think you have cut carbs by cutting down protein you might be surprised how many carbs you are consuming in a normal day.
Have you read The China Study? Big research project.
Halle, I read the China Study years ago and bought most of it at the time. It was one factor in my starting a vegan diet, which turned out to be devastating to my health.
I later learned that much of the book was based on cherry-picked studies and statistics… the author went looking for studies that supported his conclusions, and ignored those that did not. That’s unfortunately the way of things in this world, much of the time. So take it with a grain of salt. Much of it has been debunked.
Deb Simon, Most long term vegans are sneaking meat in away from there spies. And also 85% of all plant based eaters revert to meat in their diet.
Yes and there is also 1000s studies that are paid by the meat industry to say that meat is good. What u say is right BUT the meat industry is really messed up too. Super intensive production of really low quality beef is killing us and the planet. Watch cowspiracy/ and documentaries of the sort and then tell m the balk of the problem is not here.. or at least as big as sugar corporations
There are many types of meats, the processed, the normal meat that comes from producers that bulk it with growth hormones and steroids, and other Gmo’d grains, and there is the free range meat (as organic as you can get.)
I prefer organic, but some are more organic than others, see definition according to FDA, and some certified organic labels are not as scrupulous as others, I question some sudden large quantities that suddenly appear on the market. Do the research your self.
Salad mixes, fermented things like sauerkraut and kimchi, unsweetened yogurt, unsweetened coconut yogurt, coconut oil, cultured cottage cheese and cultured sour cream. I am not eating meat or carbs except what is present in some vegetable juices. I started exercising a little and hot baths, having less pain and feeling like I have control over symptoms. Of course using some supplements. For me, dessert will be surviving long enough to see old friends and make new ones.
Carbohydrates turn into sugar in the body, so it is not only sugar.
I have been on a less than strict Keto diet since May 2018. My blood glucose went from 150 to 100; my triglycerides from 170 to 114; my weight from 200 to 170; my A1c from 707 to 5.7; my waist size from 38 to 34; I am off all my meds and my doctor told me to test my blood sugar once a month instead of twice a week. My HDL went up but also my LDL but there is evidence that there are different types of LDL and indeed lipids are not the danger that Acel Keyes though they were.
I use The product and it is amazing!! I have only been using it for 10 days and it has completely changed my energy level and how well I sleep!
What product are you using? I looked above and no product is mentioned.
I’m a vegetarian, so the ketogenic diet poses some issues. However, I just found this site that makes this so much easier! We had our first meal on it today! Use the advanced search tab to choose the meal, your main ingredient and then choose ketogenic for the strictness option.
What website?
Hi I am a breast cancer patient and would want to know much fats, protein & carbo i have to take based on my weight of 40kgs. And also how many hours of intermittent fasting shoukd i do.
Hi Nancy,
We cannot give specific recommendations, but the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I’m finding that a lot of this doctors no longer practice medicine to do research, publish, create products, etc.
It seems to me that your’re presenting conflicting information. Your series had T. Colin Campbell and his research from the China Study. And the healing benefits of a plant based diet. Animal protein causes inflammation. Is there specific science on the ketogenic diet? I know people doing keto long term and they look awful and seem to be sick all the time. I have heard of the keto flu.
the keto flu is like a drunk trying to quit alcohol, in this case quitting carbs, it’s a withdraw period until your body adapts to not having it, about a month, once over that, you feel great
The only people I know who have followed a ketogenic diet long term look amazing and seem super healthy. My daughter has been in ketosis for almost a year and she seems to have a lot of energy and absolutely glows with health. Obviously the people you know who look and feel bad are doing something very wrong.
I have done it a couple of times for months and after the initial withdrawal from glucose wears off you start to feel different – clearer and more energetic. Do not be afraid my friend, just do it properly.
Pay attention. Do your own research. Use online tools. Ketosis is wonderful! I am 65 and a former athlete who started gaining weight and feeling poorly in my 40s. My only regret is that it took so long for me to discover this way of eating/living.
Is there an adapted version of this for vegans?
From my extended research, non mammal ketogenic diet plus a high volume of carrot juice (slow juicer), paw paw fruit, piperine, matcha, turmeric can kill cancer really effectively. Problem is also that phytic acid foods have abscic? Acid that damages mitochondria as written in Japanese research journals. Does it mean that nuts, seeds, are nono? Hmm. Mammalian meat and dairy has neu5gc which is very toxic for us. Cancer is evolution trying to protect us from intense toxicity. Aldehyde from cooked polyunsaturated fat is also very toxic to us. Ex. Potato chips, potato fries
I have bladder cancer. What is the best way to kill cancer cells. Please help. Having it removed for the 3 time next Tuesday.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Also look at cancertutor .com /bladder cancer for help. My dad cured his bladder cancer. Alkaline diet w no processed food. Juicing 5 lbs of carrots a day, colloidal silver water, wobenzym, raspex, vit D3, black walnut, moringa, rife machine, infared sauna, Doterra frankincense under the tongue and on abdomen and DDR Prime capsules
What about diabetics….type 2…… Who have cancer???
This describes me, too. I am not a doctor, but after months and years of research, have decided to follow the ketogenic lifestyle and the naturopathic cancer treatments prescribed by my physician. It took a few months to find a doctor who embraced this, but he is worth it. Keto had my diabetes under control long before we realized that cancer was trying to get me as well. I take no chemical drugs for anything. Diet, exercise, and a few supplements take care of my health needs. You don’t know me, but three years ago, I needed a walker and a wheelchair. Today at 60, I walk under my own power and ride a bicycle as much as possible. Go as natural as you can, it helps. Stay away from “products” and just eat fresh, whole, natural food. (The article shows these.)
Thank you Eileen, for sharing your story.
Congratulations for your improvement. I know what strong will and dedication it takes to do what you did and still do.
I’m on a somewhat similar journey, I refused surgery and all that may come with it. I too, follow a natural way of dieting, fasting, exercising and hoping for recovery.
Be safe,
Thank you Eileen for sharing! I went through Mexico for my T Cell Lymphoma when I was diagnosed last March 2018. Have now been in remission for almost 6 months. I went all Alternative treatments. I watched THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER and took the course. I credit Ty and Charlene for the encouragement I desperately needed at the time for getting me through a very difficult cancer.
Any recommendations on cookbooks? I just purchased Simply Keto and the author uses what seems an abundance of processed meats which have highly toxic cancer causing sodium. Also, the sweeteners suggested rather then sugar are also highly toxic cancer causing…and so on. I am trying to cancel my order so I can research more on recipes, using foods that truly are healthy and not causing cancer in itself, losing weight is not my priority and seems these cookbooks are more focused on losing weight not fighting cancer. The list of foods provided could not be complete, so if you are going to guide people to Keto lifestyle (I hate using the word “diet”) please provide more information such as those in the know and can trust recipes and guidance with complete list of foods and so on. Thank you in advance.
I was successful canceling the cookbook so I can further research this and your help will be greatly appreciated guiding us to more complete information regarding Keto lifestyle.
Forget the cookbooks and use basics! I recommend searching for a list of the best spices to cook with and go buy them all. Turmeric ginger allspice cumin curry.. ect Use butters oils creams and spices with your meat and veggies and you can’t go wrong. Steam sautee or baking in moderate heat!
Thanks for your comment Stashed!
Tammy, recipes can be adapted to your specific preference. For me I have yet to follow a recipe without making changes, like grass fed and finished meats, plant based sweeteners, nut flours etc.
Simply look at them as a guideline, then get creative and enjoy!
I have small cell lung and probable liver cancer…..wondering if this will help slow…..
Hi Mary,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Sending healing vibes your way!
How does one obtain the required high fat intake while keeping protein intake “moderate »? Mostly veggies? Am at a loss- how to eat fat unless you swig it down every time you eat something? Glugging coconut oil sounds just nasty!
Fatbombs! Are an excellent way to get your fats in, and tasty too. Here’s a quick recipe for one of my favorites.
Take 1/2 cup of organic coconut oil refined or unrefined if you like coconut flavor
2 TBSP of Swerve (sweetener) granular or powdered is fine
3 TBSP Coco powder. ( I like the Guittard brand best)
1 1/2 TSP Pure vanilla
A pinch of pink Himalayan salt
1 cup semi crushed organic macadamia nuts * or any nut you prefer, macadamias are high in fat.
Melt the coconut oil, then stir in the sweetener , vanilla, salt and coco powder.
Stir well, then pour into silicone candy or cup cake molds, sprinkle with the nuts and a little more Himalayan pink salt, then refrigerate until they harden. Then enjoy this delicious fat bomb!
They can be kept in the fridge or freezer.
I just made these last nite, but added a 1/2 TSP of organic peanut butter to the middles of each cup and was in fat bomb heaven!
They are way to get your fats in and taste is perfect, not to sweet but with a chocolatey, crunchy goodness.
Have you looked at cancer and bacteria connection.? Not many studies here, but there is a link.
Bacteria may be the link to how cancer develops.
With havin so much content do you ever run into
any issues of plagorism or copyright infringement?
My website has a lot of completely unique content I’ve either created myself or outsourced but it looks like a lot of it is popping it up all over the
internet without my authorization. Do you know any techniques to help stop content from being ripped off?
I’d definitely appreciate it.
If I were you I wouldn’t worry about that. I would just be glad that the word is getting out on combatting cancer. The rewards of spreading good helpful lifechanging knowledge are far greater than anything money can buy. Problems have always followed the attitude of profiteering vs benefitting all who need help. Pay it forward, pass it on, and Live!
Hello, I have doing keto for 6 weeks. I’m still tired and I don’t have the energy everyone is talking about. Some times I eat 20 gr of carbs instead of 16gr. I was thinking if that can be the reason … maybe I got kicked out of kitosis. I lost 12 pounds tough …
Any input ?
16 vs 20 gr of carbs isnt going to make a difference. Generally, most people can stay in ketosis under 50 gr per day. The lack of energy can be caused by an electrolyte deficiency. Check your intake of magnesium, potassium and sodium. Also, hydration is VERY important on a keto diet, Drink plenty of water.
I agree with Mark. Water is very, very important. I actually make my own vitamin water and drink about 60 oz throughout the day. I have been on keto for 6 years now and I am 64 yo. I feel so good, way better than 30!
June, will you please tell us the ingredients of your vitamin water, thanks! I am Keto-Adapted Living too for 4 years & T2DM, stopped my meds. & my Cholesterol meds.
This is definitely good news! Cancer really is a lifestyle disease so it is important to watch what we eat. Great read, thanks for sharing!
The topic of a good, plant-based keto cookbook has come up in this section yet never really addressed. I’m wondering if you could ( or other readers could) recommend a good cookbook with delicious recipes. Thank you!
I hope this one is true. I’m a bit skeptic, and I think this needs more research. But I’m glad we’re almost there.
I’m also on keto diet. these tips really helped me in my journey. Thanks for sharing. please suggest some recipes for keto diabetic diet.
Why does everyone simply condemn meat as a possible cause of cancer? It’s not about the meat of chickens or beef but the way they are raised these days! Farms raised chickens are in such tight quarters that they are not even able to sit down and are prone to disease. So what do they do? Feed them “antibiotics”! Then they feed them pesticide laden food! Then to quickly fatten them up they are given hormones to promote growth. Beef/cows are also living in crowded barns and fed grain with growth hormones added and pesticide laden HMO grain. Is it any wonder that we are exposed to getting cancer? If we all are outraged by this practice and we should be, we would be switching to organic meat, raised cage free without pesticides, hormones, or antibiotics. Some companies and food markets are beginning to realize this as a problem and have greatly enlarged their organic sections lately! Check your labels when shopping!
My sister has been on keto diet though not varied because she cannot chew due to the mouth cancer she has. She can only take vegetable juíces and struggles over smoothies. She is all boned.
Recently, she suffered aspiration and her legs got swollen. Radiologý result showed she has enlarged liver; the doctors say the herbs she was using impacted on her ĺiver; and she is also anaemic.The only herb we gave.her was soursop tea.
In this case what do we do to improve her health and looks.
My son has been fighting brain cancer for 18yrs. Started st 15, now 33. He’s otherwise healthy. Never looks sick at all. In the beginning he had 6mos chemo industrial strength. He never got sick, ate 3 meals a day and gained weight. Followed by radiation, that he didn’t feel good, but he still did pretty well. PNET morphed into Ependymoma. What info can you send me specifically for brain cancer. Will the fasting, Keto diet, stop sugar intake work on brain cancer due to the Blood Brain Barrier? He is having his 8th surgery Mar 18. Previous surgery was just 6mos ago. He also was in 2 clinical trials in the last 2yrs (Car T cell therapy directly into the tumor bed area.) We have run out of options and will try anything. Please help.
Hi Cynthia –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your son – I’ll be sure to pray for him.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series and discuss your son’s exact condition and the treatments he’s already done. That way they can work with you to tailor the best treatment that will be most beneficial to him.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
Dear Ty,
My respect for you is so great! I’m trying te show The Netherlands how to treat cancer on a natural way. I have competition from organisations that say that no diet can influence cancer. You and I don’t believe that. Can you help me with a advise or some research that is done on the Ketogenic diet?
Thanks a lot!
The ONLY drawback I have with KETO Diet is I lost my right kidney to cancer July 2000. If you have any kidney ailments, the KETO Diet is not the way to go.
My opinion only;;;;;regarding diets for cancer and other ailments….my doctor says just remember everything in moderation…I have stage 4 breast cancer….I went on the keto diet for cancer for 6 weeks, never had one carb or one grain of sugar…lost 32 lbs. felt wonderful but it did nothing for my cancer, also did Vit C IV during that time, which cost me over $5000.00 took several supplements. this was 3 years ago….I am 87 and so what, I want quality of life not quantity!…I have not had radiation for breast but was also misdiagnosed with brain cancer so had 14 tx of radiation for that before I finally convinced 4 cancer doctors I did NOT have brain cancer…I took it on myself to go to an neurosurgeon and he said I did NOT have brain cancer and never did…so I find myself at my age very skeptical of the medical community. choose your dr wisely….lets face it everyone out there is determined their method of tx works especially if they are selling supplements or other , be careful….
Thanks for all your efforts that you have put in this.
Very interesting info.
I have heard that people with brain tumors have used ketogenic diets. Does ketogenic diets kill the cancer cells in a person’s brain and they recover?