Video Transcript: How Big Pharma Censors Knowledge of Natural Healing
Mike Adams: There is a system of censorship of nutritional knowledge. There is a system that’s trying to extinguish indigenous knowledge of anticancer herbs and medicines, foods, and nutrition.
The predominate messages that we are told in society today is that foods cannot be medicine. That’s what they claim. That there’s no such thing as medicinal herbs. The FDA’s official position is that there’s no such thing as a dietary supplement that has any effect on preventing or treating disease.
Ty Bollinger: If there are supplements that actually do they’re no longer supplements. They’re somehow drugs.
Mike Adams: They call them drugs. Right, exactly. Their position is that you are not a complete human being unless you have interventionist chemical medicine or vaccines. You must be injected. You must be dosed with medications to be a complete human being.
That message is the antithesis of the natural world. It is the antithesis of natural living and of holistic medicine and holistic healing. We Ty, we are spontaneous self-healing beings. We’re programmed from the day we’re born to heal ourselves if we give our bodies the right nutrients and don’t poison ourselves with dangerous toxins.
Ty Bollinger: That’s right. I agree completely. What the system of modern medicine is doing now is they’re taking drugs that will compromise that innate system that we have to self heal, and make it to where we can’t self heal. We’re dependent upon more drugs just to… does it keep us alive, or does it keep us sick?
Mike Adams: Yes, as a great example of that, you see in the mainstream media, which is very strongly biased towards Big Pharma interest. You see stories like: “Oh, don’t eat grapefruit because it might interfere with your medication.”
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. How bizarre.
Mike Adams: Right. So, the assumption of that kind of message is that the medication is your nutrition. The grapefruit is a dangerous intervention. How did we get to this situation in society? It’s these natural foods – fruits, vegetables – that should be your first primary medicine. It’s actually the blood-pressure medication that interferes with your normal human metabolism and not the grapefruit.
Ty Bollinger: It’s backwards isn’t it?
Mike Adams: It’s completely backwards.
Ty Bollinger: I mean, how often have I gotten emails from people that have cancer. They will tell me, “I can’t take the super greens that you think I should to be healthy because my doctor says that it will interfere with the chemo.”
Mike Adams: Right, that’s a great example!
Ty Bollinger: I’ll say, “Why? Why will it interfere with the chemo?”
“Because it will stimulate my immune system.”
“Don’t you want your immune system to work because isn’t that your innate system to protect you?”
Mike Adams: One of the great censored truths about chemotherapy and antioxidants is that your body is trying to eliminate toxic chemicals from your body, which is why it’s trying to eliminate the chemotherapy. This is why when you have high levels of glutathione, for example, or you take supplements like NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) it helps to promote glutathione production. Your body becomes more effective at eliminating toxins, so it becomes more effective at eliminating chemotherapy which is a poison.
Of course the chemotherapy industry says, “Well, no, you shouldn’t take those things.” Because the chemotherapy is your nutrition is really their inherent message. Which is bizarre.
Ty Bollinger: It is. It is bizarre.
Yes it’s true NAC (acetyl cysteine) is very important . I personaly take daily from 800mg to 1200.Glutathione is a master antioxidant !
GOD bless you dear Mike Adams!
All the people of the earth need to come together like a swarm of angry bees and take them down and stop at nothing to rid our planet of this evil regime profiting over the death of peoples loved ones we need people and businesses have to make a living but the fat cat corporations are well past been evil for mass profit at the expense of peoples lives, new governments need to be put in place remove the corrupt re design the system how it works too give people a chance at working even if its only training for work to begin with it will give them confidence to carry on and hope for a better future for mankind and woman were ever they are