by: S.D. Wells
(Natural News) There’s a secret layer of information in your cells called messenger RNA, that’s located between DNA and proteins, that serves as a critical link. Now, in a medical shocker to the whole world of vaccine philosophy, scientists at Sloan Kettering found that mRNA itself carries cancer CAUSING changes – changes that genetic tests don’t even analyze, flying completely under the radar of oncologists across the globe.
So now, it’s time for independent laboratories that are not vaccine manufacturers (or hired by them) to run diagnostic testing on the Covid vaccine series and find out if these are cancer-driving inoculations that, once the series is complete, will cause cancer tumors in the vaccinated masses who have all rushed out to get the jab out of fear and propaganda influence. Welcome to the world of experimental and dirty vaccines known as mRNA “technology.”
Previously unknown cancer driving messengers are hiding in RNA, not DNA
This mind-blowing discovery should be published on every medical news site, newspaper, television news broadcast and on the CDC website, but unless you are reading this article and use DuckDuckGo as your search engine, you probably wouldn’t ever see it. That’s because Google is in on the fix, with Big Pharma and the VIC – the vaccine industrial complex. So here’s a more in-depth explanation of what we’re looking at, for real, regarding mRNA and vaccines.
The information carrying molecule, messenger RNA, can instruct human cells ultimately in the same way as cancer drivers, playing a major role in causing cancer to thrive while inactivating natural tumor-suppressing proteins the human body creates to save you from cancer. This is the complete opposite of what the CDC and the vaccine manufactures are telling everyone right now about the Covid vaccines, and this is based on clinical research by molecular biologists at the Sloan Kettering Institute.
Even sequencing the DNA in cancer cells doesn’t reveal these changes, that’s how sneaky the vaccines are. It’s like a Trojan horse that tells your cells to allow these changes to be made, as if they were safe, but they’re not. All assumptions being made about mRNA being ‘safe’ right now have been completely turned 180 degrees with this research. Consider this very carefully if you have not yet been vaccinated with mRNA technology, and you may want to ‘lawyer-up’ if you already got the jabs.
After your Covid vaccination, RNA is transported out of your cell’s nucleus, and will no longer function properly as a cancer tumor suppressor
Bill Gates and the Vaccine Industrial Complex are very sinister, as we all know, but to create vaccines that truncate (disable by cutting short) cancer tumor suppressors, and destroy the human body’s ability to protect against cancer, well, that’s just complete insanity. Truncated tumor-suppressor proteins are similar to the DNA mutations that cause cancer cells to mutate and multiply uncontrollably. Will America see cancer cases skyrocket over the next few years due to Covid vaccines? Only time will tell, but right now, science is revealing that it’s likely. Pay close attention.
Therefore, anyone who is scared to death of the Covid vaccines is pro-science rather than anti-science, because the science shows the mRNA technology is very dangerous, especially concerning proteins that fuel cancer tumors. Let’s say that again: Science shows mRNA technology can fuel cancer tumor growth.
Substantial amount of people with blood cancer have the SAME inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes at the mRNA level
Scientists also discovered that a substantial amount of people with blood cancer, a.k.a. chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), have the same exact inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes at the mRNA level. In fact, the mRNA changes they detected could possibly account for the missing DNA mutations, and that spells out bad news for everyone who thinks the Covid vaccine series is “safe and effective.” It’s effective alright, at suppressing anti-cancer proteins, one might conclude.
Even if just half (partial truncation) mRNA changes in human cells take place, it’s enough to “completely override the function of the normal versions that are present,” according to the Sloan Kettering team of scientists. These changes can also apply to 100 different genes at the same time, so the changes can add up quickly and cause horrific health repercussions. Of course, mainstream media will dismiss any connections made by these discoveries, but they’re paid to regurgitate pharma talk, so that’s not surprising at all.
It is important to note that mRNA changes, according to researchers, are not limited to blood cancer, but have been linked to acute lymphatic cancer and breast cancer. Could this mean we’re looking at a new population control mechanism hidden in messenger RNA?
About 20,000 people in the US develop “CLL” chronic lympthocytic leukemia each year. How many will quietly begin developing it now, and then have it suddenly “show up” five years from now? Symptoms include fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes, and night sweats. Did you get mRNA vaccinated and experience those symptoms already? Are those symptoms on the warning label – the vaccine insert? Did you read them?
There’s only one “treatment” offered right now for CLL by the Pharma Industrial Complex, and that’s stem cell bone marrow transplantation. Oh, but it’s only recommended if your CLL is “likely” to advance. Do your mRNA vaccines now qualify you as “likely” to advance with CLL?
Tune your internet dial to for updates on human challenge trials for people interested in suppressing genes that fight cancer. No wonder Mark Zuckerberg is scared to death about the Covid vaccine.
Original Article on NaturalNews
Sources for this article include:
Let me explain the basic biology of the findings. mRNA is copied in the nucleus from DNA and contains the instructions for (usually) a single protein. However, the instruction are contained in discontinuous patches (called exons), separated by segments that lack instructions for the protein in question (call introns). Before the mRNA is exported out of the nucleus, the introns are trimmed out and the exons joined together to form a continuous instruction. Some mRNAs are not completely assembled, and when they get to the protein synthetic factories (called ribosomes), they make a shorter protein, which may have a slightly altered function or even lack function, as far as we can tell. The paper in Nature that this article refers to indicates that in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, mRNA for a gene needed for normal function is aberrantly spliced, causing loss of function. Specifically, it seems to involve failure to splice out an intron. Thus, the problem is at the mRNA level, but the cause seems to be with the splicing. The normal and aberrant mRNA are identical, except for one being mis-spliced. That seems to indicate the causal factor is something in the splicing machinery and begs the question of whether there is a DNA mutation in some splicing-related gene.
The viral mRNA is part of the mRNA for the viral spike protein. It is not involved in splicing, because it never gets to the nucleus. It is not related to any human genes to any appreciable extent. And, as far as I know, it gets taken up by muscle cells, not lymphocytes. In the press release, the authors make it clear in the intro that there are no implications for the vaccine. I take this to mean that the writer of the piece you were sent chose to be deliberately deceptive, because it’s hard to imagine they would be that careless/stupid naturally. At some point, the far left and far right meet up again on the other side of the circle. Here are the links:
Regardless of what is or isn’t factual within this article seems irrelevant. It simply verifies the point that too little is known about these vaccines… and when Bill Gates is the poster child for everything covid, and censorship runs rampant… We all need to stop and think… very carefully.
The links didn’t show up. Please post. Also not being a scientist, if I read right you are disagreeing with the article?
My asthma Dr. Said he wont take the shot, now I understand why .
So I will just take Sinovac jab which uses inactivated covid virus. I understand that Sinovac uses inactivated virus. The inactivated virus induces antibodies in our body that will kill the live virus that will infect the body.
I am really trying to decide on the Covid vaccination. I went directly to the Sloan Kettering website & found their article on mRNA inactivating tumor suppressing genes. However, in their opening paragraph they clearly state, “It is important to note that all mRNAs are a normal component of all cells and the specific ones here are not involved in mRNA vaccines like the one developed in SARS-CO V-2.” Sloan Kettering clearly states on its website that they feel the vaccine is safe even for their cancer patients & suggests to work with timing. This is all confusing & I do believe being pushed too quickly, but I am curious about your response to their quote. Thank you.
There is an article out there if you can find it all about vaccines from the beginning to the mid 70s by Michael Tsarion. It should be read by everyone, it’s about 50 pages long. The MMS people had it on their website a few years ago but it constantly gets taken down, even on Michael Tsarion’s own website. No -one in their right mind would have a vaccination of any kind after reading this article, in fact you would think that it is all designed to cull humanity, there is no other explanation for what is in this article. I have a copy of it, but i couldn’t paste it into this box which probably has a 250 words maximum as most of these comments boxes do.
Graham can you post a link or more info to find this article? I’ve tried it but have been unsuccessful. Is there a title to the article, I did find an Irish Michael Tsarion?
Thank you for all of this information. I m just getting over a battle with leukemia and I am feeling very good. I’m very skeptical about about the Covid vaccine . I’ll just sit and watch what happens.
Carry on with the great work you are doing
Probably a very wise choice.
Pinterest blocks all links from this website for me, just thought I’d let you know.
This is so sad I could cry. I have told people not to get this to wait and see to read the insert but their not listening. My husband has been listening and now back me up. But he always ends with it’s their choice that all I want is a choice. If others choose to get the vaccine and die or get cancer it was their choice. I sometimes can’t sleep at night because I fear for my family and pray that God will open their eyes. My youngest granddaughter has heard me talk she is 13 but her mom made her get the HPV shots even though she didn’t want them. My granddaughter told the family makes fun of me. I was a nurse and Social Worker now retired. But continue to always ask why and do my own research. I have tired doing what Jesus did ask them questions about what they know.. Why do you trust the people who have lied cheated been fined billions of dollars?
Your husband is right Patricia, they have to find this out on there own. Even if you could post them links to the data that says the opposite of what MSM tells them, they would still believe MSM. They have to realise that something is wrong, and go looking for evidence themselves, then they will find it, and then they will be onside with your way of thinking, but not until they do their own research.
You are doing the best you can for those you care about, that is commendable. You are also using the skills taught by the greatest teacher, Jesus to help them reason, which is excellent, but remember even members of his own family refused to believe he was who he said he was. All you can do is keep trying, well done to you.
I’m saddened by how your family is responding to you. I very much agree with what you have said / shared. — It is a similar thing for my adult children. (I’m just praying that they will NOT have children.) They just talk over me and chatter at me about “doing the right thing” for the “herd”. And they don’t even consider their own health and the consequences long term of some of these choices. (Not to mention the whole experimental nature of the covid vaccine.) — Discussion is rarely the case anymore. Not anywhere! Between going with “feelings” and refusing to acknowledge the concerns, and being labeled an “anti-vaxer”, I do have to keep the majority of my viewpoints and understanding to myself. Very few listen anymore. : (
@Pat, it truly is people’s choice what they want to do. I advocate informed consent, i.e. consenting to something given all the facts, pros and cons. That is what is lacking. Al you can do is educate and nothing else so don’t make yourself sick with worry over things you can’t control.
P.S-i am a nurse as well.
I feel you , I’m worried sick as well, Masters Prepared in nursing, have done loads of research.
My own daughter who is a nurse was coerced, thinking she wouldn’t be able to travel etc.
Well, they can still get CV even with vaccine, now there is evidence that the vaccinated are shedding the virus. My parents were jabbed too, elderly 😞, I wonder if depopulation scheme could be end times.
As usual. The “CURE” is worse than the disease. As far as I am concerned. World governments, the medical, the pharmaceutical and the vaccine industries can keep their witchcraft medicine for the sick and the scared folks who want it. Vitamins A-K, essential fatty acids, minerals and amino acids do a superior job for my health. Toxic medicines and vaccines are incomparable to any antioxidants I take or don’t take. Save the embalming fluid for the sheeple.
Thank you for your continued work to protect us against harmful Big Pharma products.
I’m a firm believer in researching for yourself and making your own personal choices accordingly. There are some of us that are unfortunately (?) required to take the vaccine for our jobs. Knowing that cancer loves an acidic environment, can you choose to eat healthy, take some essential supplements, move your body, have a spiritual (however that looks to you) practice and prevent any cancer, regardless of getting the vaccine?
There are a lot of cancer causing environmental factors, also foods we eat, any continued high amounts of stress, etc., that can all contribute to possibly getting cancer and also any number of life-threatening diseases…it stands to reason being proactive with your health now can significantly lower your chances always!
I too wish it were possible to convince the people I love and care about the insanity of injecting now 70? million people with a genetically modified mRNA into a closed system without ever successfully having assured its safety. Although I was raised to believe in “modern medicine” as THE way to practice medicine and doctors were akin to God, I experienced many conflicts in this story along the way. My eyes were finally opened by direct experience with vaccine injury, and I’ve spent the last 15 years learning the long sordid story of how we got here. It’s truly astounding, and you just can’t understand the dangers, corruption, and direction we are headed in a sound bite.
When I Learned about the Flexner Report of 1910 and how JD Rockefeller and Carnegie conspired (yes no other way to couch it) to change the direction of medicine as it was being practiced, it all made sense. They managed to steer medicine away from the natural way it was being practiced at the time , toward finding profitable uses for “pharmaceuticals” developed with newly discovered oil. Part of the methodology included demonizing natural practices to reshape how medicine was viewed.
I still believe there are beneficial parts of allopathic medicine, but when it comes to vaccines specifically, any real scientific efforts that don’t fit the for profit model of delivering health care are silenced by censorship, demonized, or otherwise dismissed to an unbelievable level. Is this just how corporations work? Why do we think they are lying about everything else and should be held accountable, but they totally trustworthy when it comes to vaccines, even when they have NO liability. I don’t know the answer, but I suggest if you want to learn more about the story, find the documentaries, “Truth about Vaccines”, Vaccines Revealed”, look up RFK Jr’s “Childrens Health Defense Fund”, Zack Bush MD, Del Bigtree’s “Highwire.” I believe very little if nothing you find in MSM will help you make a truly informed decision about whether you should risk getting any of the COVID vaccines.
I can empathise with Patricia’s comments. Here, in Ireland, its the same situation, a campaign
driven by media fear. A frenzy…who’s next in line for the jab… did that group get it, before
a priority group.? Debates about the slow roll out of vaccines…..Big Pharma are having a field day.
I feel so frustrated that so many are not doing their own research on the “Emergency approved”
Jab….I have given my Research papers to all my Family, i want them fully informed,
That’s all i can do….we cannot save the World.
Michael, Dublin, Ireland
The comment by Marvin Reitz is scientifically correct. I was about to write something similar, but he explains it much better than I could. Based on the VAERS data, I do not think the government and industry (same thing) are being transparent about the vaccine injuries and deaths. Being a pharmacologist, my belief is that I would not take anything not FDA approved, and they are not near FDA approval. Lots of vaccines given, but little followup. A friend got it and only had to stay for 15 minutes – later got a skin rash. This was just her first shot. Another friend got one shot after she successfully recovered from Covid. She is still bed ridden 2 months later. With sufficient D levels and ivermectin treatment when necessary, I’m not at all concerned about getting the virus.
If one is taking Statins ivermectin will get into your brain and negatively impact the synapses …you may lose your memory or worse! Good idea to know how ivermactin interacts with drugs one takes! Stay well!
Until some immunologist with some credentials that has the balls to tell the truth convinces me that there is a Covid pandemic, I will never risk altering my RNA/DNA, especially by pharma whose only reason for existence is to make money, not keep people healthy, not get them healthy and not save their lives.
No one has isolated any covid bacteria or virus using a method similar to Dr. Stefan Lanka’s (a German virologist) purity method which is the true isolation of a virus apart from other miscellaneous material and non-essential particles.
Then there is no one from the drug makers willing to tell the truth as to what exactly these gene therapies will do to a body over the long term. I will use supplements and other methods to stay free of the fake virus. No way will I ever trust vaccines, pharma, the media, the pretend government medical experts, or even my doctor whom can’t even tell me whats in the normal flu vaccines.
Agree 100% with Mary, build, a strong immune system, let’s trust what God gave us for combating diseases.
I was diagnosed with CLL over 20 years ago and have been in remission for 17 years since my “treatment” with FCR. The statement above about a bone marrow transplant being the only treatment is not quite accurate. There are many treatments now for CLL, many of which are recommended by the Pharma Industrial Complex but none are considered cures. The only treatment that I have been told by my oncologist that is considered a possible cure is the Stem Cell Bone marrow transplant, but many people do not survive the transplant.
All that being said, I will not be getting the vaccine. I do believe it is dangerous and been rushed to the public.
How do you trust a government that doesn’t believe in a “living” wage (vs. a minimum wage), but wants you to believe that they have the public’s best interest at heart?! How is one suppose to trust in a government that allows a “too big to fail” company, who KNOWINGLY, sold cancer-causing BABY POWDER to the public (intended for your baby) to now sell a SAFE vaccine? How is one suppose to trust a vaccine that is endorsed by “friends” of the government who believe in depopulation?!
If you think this pandemic is over, (this is
just a trial run) they are already planning for
next between 2023 then 2023. Everything
was planned 75 years ago from global warming, GMO, chemtrail, nano dust, aspartame,fluoridation,radiation, (even Bill Gate’s children don’t have phones and not vaccinated. Ask if Bill Gates is vaccinated maybe he used placebo). Why people are asleep because it’s a world and economic witchcraft. Even our own families and relatives are mocking us.They are deceived because the social media are paid.Trillions of dollars were used to plan this world economy control all over the world. Only few will know this, those who are given wisdom by God. Even in the Endtime only few remnants will be left. Those who rather die and bow down to the evil ruler.
Worse for those left behind… for the great tribulation, no more Holy Spirit to guide and councel them. Those who were raptured by the
Lord, those who ready are the blessed ones.
Salvation is one to one. If nobody wants to believe what God says in the bible …it’s too bad
It will be hell HELL for them God bless us all
Stay Strong Pat, you will be vindicated and grand kids will Know your right.
Best Advice…Be the Last in Line and you will be fine!
No rush to inject as you still have to wear a Muzzle after anyway.
Is this article saying mRNA-based vaccines (J&J, AstraZeneca) are dangerous? Or all vaccines?
Always pray to Jesus for guidance and have faith on him. Receive him in your heart and believe on him in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
The United State Supreme Court declared in 2011 the vaccines were not safe. People who believe vaccines are safe are stupid people. You will find in 5 or less years all of you who have gotten the mRNA Covid Vaccine shot.
In answer to Rob,
Straight out of the mouth of a vaccine EXPERT., and Author, Sue Marston. A book Sue wrote, “The Vaccine Connection.” The answer is YES! All vaccines are DANGEROUS!!! We are constantly LIED to by The powers that be..Big Pharma along with many others. “Dr.” Tony Fauci, and George $oro$, for starters. No vaccine has ever been “safe” and “effective.” They are ALL full of POISONS. There is NOT one Ingredient in ANY vaccine that is Healthy or Good for ANY living being, be it Human or Animal. My Opinion, “All Vaccines Must Be Abolished.!!!!!!!”