I was a chemistry major back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. I got really into nutrition, including juicing, back in the day. Macrobiotics was the current fad of the day. I ate a lot of fish, steamed brown rice, and vegetables. I knew if I ate right I would always have more energy for my passion, which is still surfing, and as an added benefit I was never sick.
To this day I have not missed a day of work because of sickness. It was crazy, I actually had instructors in college who tried to convince me that eating healthy didn’t matter and that nutrition was a pseudo-science.
In 1979 while studying in the basement of the California State University at Fullerton Science Building, someone jokingly introduced me to chiropractic by showing me the classic ‘chart of effects’. This introduced me to the concept of nerve irritation by a condition chiropractors call subluxation.
Chiropractors locate these subluxations and specifically adjust them, removing interference and normalizing nerve flow. Each nerve in the spine innervates specific organs, glands, and muscles and subsequently these organs, glands, or muscles would be compromised in normal function.
This theory made total sense to me. My mother, being a dental hygienist, had hoped I would go to dental school. However, Chiropractic had really piqued my interest.
At the time, chiropractic was considered a pseudo-science because it went against the grain of western medicine. Even to this day, I have a certain disdain towards western medicine. I can understand the need and power of western medicine in a crisis, but do not see its relevance in relation to true health.
I came home excited to tell my family that I had changed my mind and I was now going to go to Chiropractic school and not dental school. This did not go over big with my Mom as she just shook her head, and told me I was wasting my life. Much to my mother’s dismay, I then convinced all three (3) of my younger brothers to drop dental school as an option, and they all followed my footsteps and became chiropractors.
I entered chiropractic school in 1981 at the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic ( LACC ). I was told the school was good for basic sciences but we didn’t get much chiropractic philosophy. With this in mind, I researched old chiropractic philosophy from our founders D.D. Palmer and his son B.J. Palmer. I was literally blown away by what I was reading in their green books.
I was reading so much that aligned with my own philosophy regarding health. Some of these books were from the early 1900’s, and what was written was relevant with current thinking of the day.
“If the germ theory of disease were true, there would be no one living to believe it” – B.J. Palmer
This went 180 degrees in the face of the much purported germ theory which even Pasteur denounced on his deathbed. This one quote really struck a chord with me and introduced me to the terrain theory which made much more sense to me.
I also read quotes from both D.D. and B.J. Palmer that denounced vaccines.
D.D. Palmer, in the early 1900’s stated that “ Medical ignorance is the greatest danger to humanity today. Medical Tyranny by which criminal outrages are murdering our children all over this country by the enforcement of school blood poisoning laws, is the foulest blot on our civilization. No one will ever pollute the blood of any member of my family”
B.J. Palmer stated, “Let those who want to be vaccinated have it. If there is any protection in it, they have it who are vaccinated. If their vaccination does not protect them, neither would the vaccination of the entire community.”
Another great chiropractor philosopher was Dr. Fred Barge. He stated, “ A person is not sick because he has pneumonia. He has pneumonia because he is sick”
Dr. Barge also stated…
“Disease is not so much the virulence of outside organisms, as it is the resistance of the internal inside mechanisms that produce a healthy body”
“ Chiropractic forefathers were fearless pioneers of the principle, they fought medical programs of compulsion such as vaccination, fluoridation and any form of mass medication. They spoke out against fads of tonsillectomies, hysterectomies, etc….These fearless practitioners of the past would not trade long term significance for short term acceptance, as many chiropractors do today”-Dr. Fred Barge
Another influential quote came from Claude Bernard as he stated:
“Illnesses hover constantly above us, their seeds blown by the wind, but they do not set in the terrain unless the terrain is ready to receive them”
Aldous Huxley stated “Medical Science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left”.
Today 54% of children are diagnosed with a chronic condition that requires at least one medication. I think that most of this can be attributed to vaccines.
With the germ theory now in my rearview mirror I started to question the need and efficacy of vaccines. I read every book I could on vaccines. As I went down that rabbit hole I was literally blown away about all the misconceptions and supposed science supporting both vaccine safety and efficacy. I learned about all the potential vaccine injuries including autism and autoimmune issues.
As I learned this information, I was more than compelled to teach others what I had learned. To protect the children from this unscientific cult called vaccination. I started teaching vaccine workshops in my office with a female M.D. pediatrician that also worked in my office at the time. She later quit practicing in California due to all the unjustified scrutiny she came under from her medical board.
We would always have a packed house……Mom’s doubting the safety and efficacy of vaccines, some with vaccine injured children, and most pediatricians denied there was any correction.
I have faced extreme criticism, even from chiropractic peers, calling me a baby killer, and not being a real doctor…….but I keep on delivering the message because I was, and will always, fight to save the children.
I could never understand why others could not see what was so obvious to me. I was only selling hope and faith in the body God gave you.
I was mesmerized by the whole embryologic development of a fetus by the innate wisdom of the body from a sperm cell and an egg cell to a beautiful baby.
Studying all this vaccine information I also learned of all the corruption surrounding both safety and efficacy. I wondered why vaccines were devoid of any liability from injury….
Many people over the years were educated on the truth about vaccines in my office and also at seminars I routinely spoke at. I recently finished a talk in San Diego when a 30 year old
pregnant woman came up to me with tears in her eyes . She wanted to thank me for educating her mom 30 years ago, as she was not vaccinated and neither will be her baby. Later on, I started an event you may be familiar with….California Jam!
My goal was to educate mostly chiropractors about many of the truths which I had learned about vaccines. The event also touched on many other topics surrounding health. I asked all my mentors to speak truth at this event…people like Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Suzanne Humphries, Tim O’shea, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Joe Mercola and so many more.
I wanted folks, especially chiropractors, to realize a lifestyle which incorporates specific Chiropractic is what determines a person’s health. There are really only five (5) factors, which include sleep, exercise, nutrition, positive self talk and consistent properly applied chiropractic.
In future articles, I would like to discuss the need and relevance of Nerve Chiropractic in a person’s health practices.
Chiropractic continues to be the most misunderstood health discipline on the planet. Properly utilized chiropractic not only increases a person’s life expression but also prevents spinal degeneration subsequently increasing a person’s lifespan.
My goal with this short article is to motivate YOU to do the necessary research before you vaccinate your children, and even your pets.… When you learn the truth about vaccines you cannot go back to the darkness. One of the biggest scams ever sold to mankind.
Don’t believe the lies, and once you own this information, teach others. “Silence would be criminal to the welfare of man” – BJ Palmer
This is the way we win the game and save the children!!!!
Please follow and support Ty and Charlene Bollinger and TTAC
Til’ next time……Have Faith in the miracle of life and the body that God gave you!!!
Editor’s Note: This article was initially published in 2023 and has been updated in 2024.
Agree and want to stay updated on what you say. What are my best options here in Albuquerque New Mexico. Been looking for doctors for family care so overwhelmed with who and what is best. I have gotten the best help from chiropractic but have trouble finding one I’m comfortable with to provide the best care.