Clove, the aromatic and exotic spice, has a long history of medicinal use going back many centuries into early human history. Clove was highly regarded by the German abbess Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) for its medicinal properties. Clove is also well known in the traditional medicine of India and China.
Clove comes from clove trees (Syzygium aromaticum) which grow in tropical regions. Clove essential oil (or oil of cloves) is steam distilled from flower buds and stems.
Both the clove spice and the oil of cloves are rich in a phytochemical (plant chemical) known as eugenol. In fact, clove oil consists of about 75-85 percent eugenol. Eugenol is exciting quite a bit of interest in both conventional and alternative medicine because of its demonstrated ability to stop cancer cells in their tracks. More on that below.
Clove’s Interesting History
Clove has been used for centuries for numbing pain, repelling internal parasites, arthritis and rheumatism, for throat, sinus and lung infections. Clove is a natural anti-coagulant (see warning at end of article), with anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-tumoral, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. All the important anti’s!
An excellent illustration of clove’s anti-viral capabilities occurred in Indonesia in the mid-17th century. The people of Indonesia’s islands of Ternate and Tidore (historically called the Spice Islands) used clove extensively throughout their history for wellness. During the mid-1600s the Dutch East India Company controlled the spice trade in the Spice Islands and gained complete control of the clove trees in this area. Any clove trees discovered that didn’t belong to the Dutch East India Company were destroyed, thus allowing them to have a complete monopoly of this and other spices.
As a consequence, the islanders who relied on those clove trees died from the epidemics that raged through the region, brought to them courtesy of the same Dutch colonists. Such is the power of clove to protect us.
Clove, Eugenol and Cancer
The most exciting and promising research on clove essential oil relates to its anti-cancer benefits. Most of the researchers who study clove essential oil for any length of time agree it has great promise, not only for its ability to kill cancer cells, but as a natural chemopreventive (cancer prevention) agent.
Clove essential oil has been found to have cytotoxic (cancer cell killing) properties against a line of breast cancer cells known as MCF-7. These cells are invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) with both estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER+/PR+). A 2014 study investigated different clove extracts, including water, ethanol, and essential oil and found that the essential oil provided the most cytotoxic activity against the MCF-7 cells. Researchers stated “Cloves are natural products with excellent cytotoxicity toward MCF-7 cells; thus, they are promising sources for the development of anticancer agents.”
An earlier 2013 study investigating the anti-cancer potential of eugenol found the phytochemical in highest quantity in clove. Researchers tested eugenol against different breast cancer cell lines including the aforementioned MCF-7 breast cancer cells. They also tested eugenol against MDA-MB- 231 cells, which are triple negative breast cancer cells and invasive ductal carcinoma. Researchers discovered that eugenol increased apoptosis (planned cell death, lacking in cancer cells). It also decreased the protein coding gene E2F1 (also known as survivin).
Eugenol also inhibited the rapid growth of these cells. It inhibited onco-proteins known to be highly expressed in breast cancer cells and tissues, both in vitro (test tubes) and in vivo (inside the body). Eugenol was found not to be toxic to normal, healthy cells.
For women with estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer looking for natural anti-estrogen products, clove essential oil provides one other exciting benefit. A 2012 study revealed that eugenol not only exhibited growth inhibition and promoted apoptosis (as described in the previous study), but also exhibited an ability to act as an antagonist to estrogen. Researchers found eugenol “to have compounds that have similar or even better affinities to ER than tamoxifen and its metabolites.”
Clove essential oil is not only useful for breast cancer. There are plenty of studies showing its benefits for liver cirrhosis, for colon cancer, and esophageal cancer. Indeed, because of clove’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well as its ability to effectively stop the growth and spread of many cancer cell lines, clove essential oil shows great promise. Its natural healing properties and anti-cancer benefits will no doubt continue to be studied extensively in years to come.
8 Great Ways to Use Clove Essential Oil
1. As an Anti-bacterial – Clove is powerful against many strains of bacteria, including E. coli, Salmonella, Helicobacter pylori (the one associated with stomach ulcers), Staphylococcus Aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and many others. If you choose a high quality food grade oil you can take it internally in an empty gel capsule (see caution #3 below). Clove oil can also be applied topically.
2. As an Anti-fungal – Clove oil is a potent anti-fungal, especially against Candida albicans. As with item 1, above, you can take quality food grade clove oil internally by placing a few drops in an empty gel capsule (see caution #3 below).
3. Helps Toothache & Abscesses – Apply clove oil to a cotton swab and hold it onto the affected tooth or gums. Clove oil has great pain relieving properties and has been used by the dental industry for decades. Oil of cloves is often included in dental rinses and mouthwashes.
4. For Cold Sores – Clove is quite effective against herpes simplex, the virus that causes cold sores. Put a drop or two on a cold sore to decrease pain and duration. You can also put a few drops into an empty capsule and take it internally to rid yourself of viral infections.
5. Flatulence, Indigestion, and Diarrhea – Dilute clove oil in a base oil such as almond, coconut, or olive oil and massage over the abdomen. It has a warming and antiseptic action which makes it especially soothing for these maladies.
6. Arthritis Pain – Clove’s pain relieving properties make it beneficial in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis. As in step 5, dilute it and rub it into the affected painful area.
7. Head Lice – Using 1 tablespoon of your favorite natural hair conditioner, mix in several drops of clove essential oil. Wash your hair, then massage in the clove-enhanced conditioner. Don’t rinse yet, instead comb it through carefully with a head lice comb, removing any lice you see (they will be dead), then rinse the conditioner out. Reapply daily until the infestation is gone. This treatment is nice and natural, with no nasty chemicals.
8. Natural Insect Repellent – Clove is an excellent insect repellent, especially when combined with cedarwood, cinnamon, and lemon in a carrier oil and applied to the skin. It also relieves the sting and itch of various types of insect bites.
3 Important Cautions When Using Oil of Cloves
1. Clove oil has natural anti-coagulant properties which can be enhanced when combined with drugs like Warfarin and aspirin. Be very cautious if you are on these blood thinners.
2. Clove oil may irritate the skin. Don’t apply it to your face, it will sting. If preferred, dilute clove oil before using topically, although it is not terribly hot or unpleasant if you do not.
3. Because of its strength, clove oil can be potentially dangerous when ingested in high amounts. Use it in moderation and work with a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare practitioner. Make sure your clove essential oil also comes from a reputable source and is a high grade organic oil.
Article Summary
Cloves (the spice) have been used for centuries for numbing pain, repelling internal parasites, arthritis and rheumatism, and for treating throat, sinus, and lung infections. Clove is a natural anti-coagulant, with anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-tumoral, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Oil of cloves (aka clove essential oil or clove oil) has been found to have cytotoxic (cancer cell killing) properties against a line of breast cancer cells known as MCF-7. These cells are invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) with both estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER+/PR+).
Clove essential oil is not only useful for breast cancer. There are plenty of studies showing its benefits for liver cirrhosis, for colon cancer, and esophageal cancer.
In addition to its anti-cancer benefits, here are 8 ways to use clove essential oil:
- As an Anti-bacterial
- As an Anti-fungal
- Helps Toothache & Abscesses
- For Cold Sores
- Flatulence, Indigestion, and Diarrhea
- Arthritis Pain
- Head Lice
- Natural Insect Repellent
3 Points of Caution When Using Oil of Cloves:
- Be extra cautious if you are using blood thinners as clove oil can also thin the blood.
- Clove oil may irritate the skin, so be especially careful if applying to your face.
- Use in moderation. Clove essential oil is potent and can be potentially dangerous when ingested in high amounts. Consult with a qualified specialist.
Hello everyone, Thank you for all informations..just one thing..when you give infos about essentiel oils like this …PLESE PUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO KNOW IN THE BEGINNING..LIKE THIS
“Be very cautious about using clove oil if you are on these blood thinners….”
Be use after all ..we want to know what this essential oil is good for but it is always wise to know firts what not to do..some people are so in a hurry that most don’t read til the end of the explanations…
Thank you
A krajewski
Thanks for your article. I’ve used clove oil for years, especially for aches and muscle pains. I’ve had cold feet in the winter, for all of my life, and have found, when I drizzle essencial clove oil over my toes, rubbing it in between each toe, it warms my feet all day long! Aside result of using clove oil on your toes is that your shoes begin to smell lots fresher!
Care should be taken in recommending use of pure oil to anyone in chronic body pain, as they may overuse and become toxic. Have recently heard this happening to an old chap who overused dencorub, continuously applied everywhere to try to overcome arthritic pain. Suggest a “whole food” approach might be better for many ailments: use small amounts of ground cloves as a tisane, even better, grow your own tree!
Denise Black (Botanist)
Oh Denise, great idea! I grow herbs but never thought about trying clove. Thanks!
I agree.
How does one go about using this oil
If only people didn’t eat meat and only ate foods of plant origins. Using food as medicine. Where can we buy these oils. Or the water treatments systems?
Please do NOT purchase essential oils OTC! I would be happy to speak with you about obtaining pure therapeutic grade Essential Oils free of any pesticides, weed killers, or other chemicals used to grow the plants or extract the oils.
do Terra Oils are pure with no artificial ingredients. I use a lot of there products. My best friend turned me on to them.
As I understand it Do Terra essential oils are run along the lines of multi-level marketing. That in itself is not necessarily an issue. However, as a trained aromatherapist I would only buy essential oils from a company which strongly supports the use of a trained aromatherapist and for the compelling reason that the use of essential oils is a science (and an art learned over many years), not something which can be casually picked up and applied.To illustrate the potential for inadvertent misuse and harm some countries do not allow the use of essential oils by anyone other than those with medical qualifications. As professionals we are strongly discouraged from ingestion and are encouraged to apply them to the skin, which is considered the most effective route of absorption, and through inhalation. Clove oil is a potential skin irritant and can also cause contact-sensitisation. At the very least, when using clove oil a sensitivity sense should be done before this oil is used. Once a bottle of essential oil is opened and exposed to air, its chemical constituency changes and this in itself can cause skin reactions.
I strongly advocate the use of essential oils for many conditions. However, common sense prevails and caution is urged.
DoTerra is founded by a Doctor and experts in their fields, they offer advanced education and ongoing support to anyone interested in their health and wellbeing, on the Clove Bud bottle (and on every bottle they sell) it sais everything you need to know about best usage of this precious oil, about the skin sensitivity and all you need to know really.. . I personally think it would be very wrong that only people with medical qualifications to use these gifts of the Earth…I do agree that one need to become educated before using anything, maybe then we won’t hear about so many people that die year after year by taking prescribed medication…
A DoTerra Wellness Advocate
Hi Patricia, Your source of therapeutic essential oils is critical. If the source does not have the SEED to SEAL stamp, then avoid.
If man had NOT eaten meat AS Intended by GOD, None of us would be here.
Exactly! Our bodies need meats, fruits, vegetables and dairy. I’m not saying a lot, but moderation is the key to any food.
Thankyou for the article, clove is a beautiful and useful oil, BUT as with previous articles on essential oils, I find the safety information a bit thin, and I agree with the previous writer who suggests it should be nearer the beginning. Firstly, there are 3 clove oils derived from 1) the bud 2) the leaves and 3) the stalks and stems. Clove bud is the least toxic because it has a lower percentage of eugenol, but all 3 can cause skin and mucous membrane irritation. Consequently it should be used in moderation and in low dilution, ie 1%, which is 1 drop in 5mls of carrier oil. It makes sense to exercise caution at first until you know how your own body tolerates it.
Can find this either in a pharmacist or organic store but the best ones are Pranarom or doctor Valnet…be careful of the ones you buy that they are the best ones…
Since I read that it is good for lung infections, is clove essential oil useful and good for lung cancer (small cell)? If so, how can we apply it? Does anyone use Puritan’s pride brands? I was wondering if they were reputable for this type of application. Thank you so much!
Baking soda/water in a nebulizer. I am not a doctor
I would only use essential oils from the company that has the seed to seal process. They are passionate about purity. Etc. they have been in the essential oil business for over 22 years. The leader in essential oils.
Which company is this?
Young Living, out of Utah. Gary Young, founder.
Yes. Young Livivg. Super Company for 23 years now.
Agree with you, Capucine. Most people don’t read to the end of an article. As a physician, I know how difficult it is to manage anti-coagulant therapy. I am out, out, out of mainline medicine now, but do recall how dangerous it is to “over-anti-coagulate”. By the way, I am SO grateful now to continue learning about natural ways to address health and wellness issues!
Good for you Dr Glover!!! So happy to hear of a Dr. seeking natural wellness!!!
Clove is also a natural antiemetic. I actually prefer to use it in a powdered spice-rack form, and I use it like this: I Sprinkle some into the bottom of a mug, much like one would salt food, not covering the bottom of the mug, as it will be too strong, but perhaps 1//3 covered or nearly covered. I Pour boiling water into the mug till its half full. I Allow to steep for 5 minutes, then fill the mug the rest of the way with cool water. I then take it by the teaspoonful, slowly, every few minutes, until the nausea subsides. Perhaps it soothes the vagus nerve?
What is a good website for purchasing essential oils?
I buy my EOs from dōTERRA. They are the largest EO company globally. They put a lot of time, research and energy into making sure they are not only 100% pure but they are the highest therapeutic grade.
I like to buy 100% certified organic essential oils from Genesis PURE.
Once again let me remind you all that there is no designation as “therapeutic oils”..This was made up by the MLMs trying to sell their oils. “Therapeutic oils” is not recognized by any governmental agency or used by any one really trained in Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils. Please stop using this terminology.
Here is a simple definition for the word therapeutic from Websters dictionary….producing good effects on your body or mind
: of or relating to the treatment of illness
If these oils produce a good effect on your body or help someone when they are ill, then I guess they are therapeutic. Therapeutic is not a medical term. Play nice.
All essential oils can have a therapeutic effect, yes that is true, but there still is no classification “therapeutic grade” EOs. This is something your MLMs have put out there to make it seem that EOs not from them are no good. And I am playing nice, just stating facts.
I also buy EOs from doTERRA! Excellent source for Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils.
I signed up for doterra, but there is no support of information from them…they told me to find it on the internet….it may be a wonderful product, but you have to learn on your own on how to use it.
Young Living essential oils are top quality.
Hello Cynthia, one of the best websites for purchasing EO’s is Bulk Apothecary.
Organic Infusions, Inc is a farm direct, wholesale essential oil supplier committed to purity. Authentic 100% pure USDA certified organic or wildcrafted therapeutic grade essential oils. They have top quality therapeutic grade oils at prices you can afford.
Young Living Essential Oils
Young Living Essentual Oils are 100% Thereputic grade…one of the best on the market. Google for a rep in your area to help you…
100% Pure Therapeutic Grade is a trademarked phrase and has absolutely NO meaning. Young Living has recently had at least 1 oil found adulterated.
And which oil would that be? They once dumped an entire batch of an oil because they’re testing methods (at every field where their crop ( oils are harvested) came from did not pass their rigorous testing methods.
This is an excellent article…….but now where does it tell one how to use it for breast cancer???? Does anyone know ??
I was wondering the very same thing. If you find out please let me know at Thank you
I don’t know if you would like this idea or not …check out google recipes which use cloves. if you work and don’t have time to cook.. the grocery store has ginger snaps, buy some..and you are on your way to incorporating cloves into your blood stream. read ingredients always on packages always, always know what you are ingesting. Love Old Georgie
I was wondering the same thing Coleen. Do you mix it in a carrier oil and apply it topically? Do you add it to tea and drink it? Some dosage instructions would be appreciated, especially for the treatment of breast cancer.
Or if you could list your sources, then we could do some further research. I want to tell my Oncologist about Clove Oil being just as effective as Tamoxifen, but the name of the study is not listed.
Best to you telling your Oncologist, the Doctors don’t like other treatments, their sell is chemo and radiation. Have you thought about Hemp oil that will kill cancer cells. Please see on u-tube “RUN FROM THE CURE BY RICK SIMPSON”. This will give you some good insight.
How do you take the clove oil as a supplement? One place said 3 drops in a gel capsule? Is that the only and best way? Where do you get gel capsules? Why use the gel capsules?
It is NOT safe to ingest essential oils!! Please do more research on the topic. You can dilute pure clove essential oil to 1% (1 drop of eo per tsp of carrier oil such as sweet almond, coconut, or olive oil) and rub it on the skin topically. Avoid mucus membranes as clove oil can be very irritating to those areas. Good luck!
You can ingest most essential oils. The teachings in England said you could not because they did not have a quality oil there. Actually you ingest essential oils in the food you eat on a daily basis. Most flavorings are essential oils and not of a good quality sad to say. I have been ingesting them for 20 years. Lemon, cinnamon, clove, frankincense, peppermint, ginger, lime, etc I am 67. Used them topically, diffuse them and ingest them. I would guess about 15 drops of various oils throughout the day. But some, like cinnamon and clove in a capsule. I think they are safe if I am still alive, do not take a single drug or aspirin and have only been to the Doc for a yearly physical. Do not get the flu or even a cold. BUT it cannot be stressed enough to use a high quality grade and a company you can trust. Otherwise, yes, they should not be ingested OR applied topically,as that will still get inside your body OR diffuse as that will get them into you lungs and from there your blood stream. Contact a company you want to buy oils from and ask them where their farms are, how their distilling process works. How their oils are tested. You should be able to go see the farms, the corporate headquarters. Learn about the whole seed to seal process. They are amazing but only if you purchase the right oils.
good morning how can I get these oils to buy?
Email me. From there I can give you info and also my phone number. ????
You can find gel capsules at any vitamin store. Make sure the essential oil says “essential oil supplement” on the bottle. If it says supplement you can take it internally. I use Doterra therapeutic grade essential oils.
Yes Suzi your right to say to make some research on the EO…I bought a what they call a Bible on EO…there are so many things to know..
for the beginning to do a tiny try to see if we could be or not allergic with certain EO…When we start having a beginning flu..we take a big spoon full of lemon juice with a teaspoon of honey and one or two drops of either ravinstara or thym..or tea tree and we swallow it..
Of course at our age we are not pregnante…and my husband who does the same thing if he has a soar throat……we have been doing this for a longtime….but it is true to be careful with EO…some are not to swallow better have a serious book explaining what .,how much.,etc. .
Why do you say Chemopreventative is cancer prevention? Does chemo have some relation to the word cancer?
Chemo can cause cancer…. Dr P. Minke 2 time cancer survivor….. the second bout was induced by the chemo he received for the first.
I understood the word chemo to be short for chemical… i.e. chemotherapy is a chemical cocktail. Personally I’d rather take my chances with essential oil supplements!
What is the protocol for breast cancer? Do you ingest or apply it topically?
I was wondering the exact same thing. I guess I’ll google how to use this pure oil for such said use.
In the book Cure for All Cancers there is a regimen for using ground cloves.
I wish they answered this question! This is a cancer forum, yet in the entire article there are no instructions for how to use the oil for breast cancer. Very frustrating!
I am enrolled with DoTerra love these oils has good non-multilevel marketing product and most of it is organic.
how come half of the showbiz world had died this year (2016) so far (this is July) from cancer etc.
can essential oil not have helped them?
The article is about killing cancer cells. So why no info on how to use clove EO for that purpose?
I’m missing the part on how to use for cancer prevention benefits?
An explanation of HOW to use the oil would be very helpful. I find this with most articles I read about the benefits of EOs; they tell what they’re good for but not necessarily how to use them.
Young Living Essential Oils and Oil infused supplements…… treat your body well! I love the YL Clove oil!
Very interesting read….how do you use it for breast or esophagus cancer.
My friend had liver cancer. How and how much would he need to help fight off his cancer?
I have kept clove oil for 4 decades because it is a necessary substance for oil painters. Learned at the Art Students League to put a drop on the piles of color on a palaette to keep the paint from drying too fast. Also buy at the drugstore on occasion to use for toothache. This article has convinced me of the wisdom of keeping a good quality oil for potential medicinal use.
Out of all your info . How do you know what you should take to help you out the best ..with the kind you got and stay cancer free
Please provide the protocol for Breast Cancer.
Oils high in phenols (like eugenol in Clove bud oil) should be intelligently used. Not only are they – as stated – highly skin irritant, but also may have, if overdosed, harmful effects on the liver. Otherwise, Clove bud oil is great plant medicine and belongs to every aromatic home pharmacy. Clove bud’s incredible anti-oxidant effect should also be mentioned. Hardly unrivaled in Nature, “un-copiable” by human beings.
Love the pure organic line of OSHADHI with high intl. reputation and over 550 essential oils.
How would I know how much would be an overdose? Where can I find out how much is safe to use and how to use it?
You’re seeing half the showbiz world dying as a downside, Desmond. Perhaps you should look at it as a blessing. 🙂
I know Young Living produces high quality essential oils that can be ingested, and someone else already mentioned DoTerra.
I used to use clove oil as a non-toxic (to people and pets) ant killer. You can buy the cheapest grade for that use.
I have used to effectively burn off pre-cancerous skin spots
Clove oil mixed with a carrier oil will kill scabies. Reports available online.
Clove is excellent for a variety of ailments but it is a “hot” oil as noted. At the time of first using clove oil on your skin dilute with a carrier oil such as coconut or jajoba etc.. a good organic preferably. I use either Young Living or Mountain Rose. Mountain Rose is a little less pricey and can be found in many health food stores and almost anywhere in Oregon where it is produced. You can ingest with proper dilution..please check with an EO manual for ingestion dilution amounts..1:1 etc. I use clove oil externally diluted with a carrier or diffused straight or with geranium or rosemary etc. I have also taken clove oil internally diluted in 1 tbs of honey for coughs or at bedtime if feeling a cold coming on.
This article doesn’t comment on how Oil of Clove is applied or consumed for cancer prevention.
Very informative thanks
Interesting that something with so many benefits could be harmful when used/consumed in high amounts (as the warning at the bottom of the article reads). Seems ridiculous that people don’t want to understand that same fact about other substances (i.e. fluoride and many others).
Only a few essential oil companies produce therapeutic grade essential oils that are safe to ingest. I have been using Young Living oils and they are fabulous!
You get what you pay for in essential oils. Most oils out there that is labeled “natural” only have to have 3%. My concern is what else are you getting? Make sure it’s pure because anything put on the skin is absorbed into the blood stream. We want to avoid chemicals completely. I’ve done my research and know what I’m getting.
If you are new to essential oils, do not try t work with them until you get some education about them. Most essential oils are very potent, and need to be mixed with a carrier oil. There are many good aromatherapy books available to give you a start. They can be in your local library and health food stores. Take a class. Many health food stores have this option available.
Would consider Young Essential Oils therapeutic?
Thank you for a good post.
People who do oil painting have air tight boxes in which to store their palates. A 2 inch by 2 inch piece of fabric with 2 or 3 drops of oil of cloves inside the box will keep the oil paints from drying and becoming useless.
would Clove Oil be helpful to someone who gets a lot of skin cancers around the mouth and face. He keeps getting pieces cut off his face and mouth. Would the Clove oil mixed with coconut oil massaged in be enough or would it be best to take internally with a capsule.
There is a product called bec-5 that is reported to kill any skin cancer except melanoma. I would look into it. Also study about baking soda for skin cancer. Hope this helps.
Very interesting info!
The article does mention right at the beginning that there are warnings to take notice of at the end of the article so I don’t think there’s a problem with that.
The only very important warning I would add is that it’s not wise to use in pregnancy due to the anti-coagulant properties which can be fatal when giving birth. Also I think it can increase the chances of miscarriage or early labour.
One way to “ingest” these oils is through the skin. I have a a large collection of oils and mix them for various reasons, sometimes just on a whim and put them in the atomizer with distilled water. That would be mostly ingestion through the lungs. Another way that I do every day is in the form of an an armpit deodorant. I have a somewhat random mixture of coconut carrier with clove, black pepper, fennel, oregano, and a few others. Some people at work say I smell like pizza, others say a hamburger. Seems to do the job and I never have problems with mosquitoes.
This article doesn’t say how to use it for breast cancer!!
I have researched best sources for medicine grade essential oil & rocky mountain essential oils are very good.I love their service too…fast!
It is so wonderful to be empowered and have this all at our finger tips. Thank you Ty for sharing. I am excited to share this and to help where I can with Cancer sufferers as the Essential oils are amazing. I also love the cleanses for the different organs, Impressive. I hope that many will in future try the natural route as its so much kinder and friendly towards the body. We are blessed that the Lord designed our bodies to heal.
will oil of clove work on non melanoma skin cancers? carries a line of organic oils from France that are high quality. If you are concerned about ingredients in your food & products you use, this website offers a lot of choices.
Sylvia, EXACTLY!!!!
Yes we all need all the people who are reading these infos,,details exact,,how much..if having breast cancer how to use it…etc etc other wise it is showing a carrot to a mule to make him walk..,otherway to say it is almost useless these info..since too much could be harmful.,…so in the futur if people have info about so and so subject please give at the same time info about ..HOW TO DO IT!!!! It is as much important as knowing that this or that will work…..
All they need to do is ask there health practitioner or persons whom there buying there oils from for those instructions . They have all that information on how to use and take. Easy
Frances…yes but again how many drops per carrier oil?…details details always details..thanks .
I agree I ask for some instructions regarding cancer cirrhosis somebody please!!!!!!
You can take three drops in a veggie cap or dilute with a carrier oil and rub on location. I would also think about lavender at other times of the day on location. Or Tsuga, which is specific to breat cancer. Frankincense is good for any type and you can use lots. Dr HK Lin when doing research at Oklahome University gave a woman lots of Frankincense. Her large tumor was gone in 3 months. Awesome. You can look him up to find that research on Google.
I would only use Young Living for MANY reasons.
Hi there ! Crucial topic but alas ! We are going round in circles here by saying this or that,yet the so called experts in this forum are not giving us the exact detail of dosage and usage in particular category of illness. Then whats the point in all this ? -from Malkolm
I agree Malkolm. I’ve asked twice now. no response from anyone!!! very frustrating!!!!!
Hello Nikki..why not write to Ty…he could or his team could guide you on to a person interviewed…without forgetting tht they re maybe on vacation..have you viewed the episodes?…..i would write to Ty .,to have more info……
Re hello Nikki..have you been on facebook to see if you could get in touch with one of the people Ty interviewed?..lots of info there…
I agree, no where is it mentioned how to use it therapeutically for cancer, which is what this is supposedly about. I am going to do further research to find dosages.
I have asked questions and never get a response either.
Hi Nikki!
We do our best to answer as many questions as we can. Unfortunately, there are more comments than there are those of us to answer! 😊Please post your question again and we’ll do our best to answer it for you. Thanks for your patience and support!
Very interesting. I have only used clove oil as a cleansing agent.
Where can I buy it? Thanks
Please people, ask the person your buying the oils from for instruction for use. It really is that easy to get informed if there a good consultant. And yes I believe DoTERRA are one of the best providers to get that information from with purchase of your oils.
That is because you cannot give an actual dose. Every person is different. Start out slow and cautious. Also even an expert cannot diagnose or prescribe essential oils. The FDA is adamant on that one. There is so much you can find out on google. The most important advice I can give you is to buy a high quality essential oil. That is the first research you should do. Cheap adulterated oils will not do you any favors.
Herbs are not strong enough. And the essential oils are dried up. Get the oil. Get Young Living
Thanks for these most precious info. I will try to share with as many people as possible.
Certified Pure Therapetic Grade oils are a trademark phrase used which means absolutely nothing, there is no group in aromatherapy that has set a standard to which things can be measured, but it sounds good when marketing
Well, DoTerra is by far not the largest. Lol. They do not even have one farm, THAT is how you are sure your oil is pure. From the seed to the seal. The whole process. What seed do you use, what land do you grow it on, making sure no chemicals are on the plant. Then distill at the right time, temperature and pressure. Then test and bottle yourself. YL is the ONLY distiller that does not use chemicals in the steam water. Those would go right on the plant. They can still call it pure and organic. Everyone else gets all their oils from a broker. Nuff said.
Just yo say that we don’t …need…to eat meat .,we have all we need in vegetables nuts, cereals…and fruits…..half of the world is vegetarien and japanese people don’t eat diary..but eat is a huge misunderstanding that the industry companies put on tv etc… …since years and years….i use to eat meat and diaries and had loads of asthma and skin problems you can’t imagine..and when i turned to vegetarien all problems went this is a tiny winny proof…and so many people are sick with this or that and don’t even think two seconds that their problems comes from what they are eating …so go ahead eat what you want but then don’t think that essential oils will heal you for ever if you don’t change your diet ….each person has his own way…to consider what he should eat,,..and make his own verification..
You are too right. A plant-based diet, especially an organic one, is the most healthy way to go.
I have been vegan for over 40 years and vegetarian for longer than that – I only wish it had been all my life -and never taken an pharmaceutical drugs and my grandsons have chosen to be vegan.
The animals are killed in fear and that energy is passed on to humans and creates aggression.People seem to have little understanding of what is really going on behind what they do and condone. All life is interconnected. You can’t think you can eat poison and cure yourself with some remedy or other. I could write pages on this – well, I have published books, especially on the age-old philosophy and thought on a plant-based diet. I know that not only have I kept myself alive by my diet (didn’t have a doctor for 40 years until I had to get an x-ray) but that it has brought its own joy and blessing.
AMEN, Capucine & Rick! Thank you for that! It’s all in the Diet!!
Capuchine. We are with you .Balance is the key. Us Americans are completely out of balance food wise The USDA in the FDA are all there for the corporations and not the consumers
I agree. I changed to a whole food plant based and it has help us with every health issue. Even Chronic pain I,had for 8 years in my neck disappeared. Did the disc go back in place, quit bulging. I don’t know. My husband reversed heart disease. Our blood pressures war down. I have been using essential oils for 20 years. They work amazing. I sleep with a diffuser every night. I invest cleansers like lemon. And yes wonderful cove goes in every smoothie. ????????
What company do you use to get the essential oils you use ?
I’ve struggled with a sorer throat for some time now, along with acid reflex, to the point that ai though I may have throat cancer. Doctors just keep subscribing medications that never worked. I decided to shave a clove down into powder form added to cup of hot water, and a touch of honey and fresh squeeze of lemon, just a touch. used this for 4-5 days and my sore throat was gone. even my acid reflux as well. ??
Lots of dangerous recommendations in this article. Essential oils should not be ingested unless under the direction of a physician trained in essential oils. They can be very damaging to the liver. Also, oils should not be used neat. They should be diluted.
Good luck finding an MD that would prescribe essential oils, they might be in some areas of the US or European countries, but not that easy to find. I gather as much information as I can and use these oils judiciously; they will harm me less than normal pharmaceuticals! I have been “experimenting on myself for 40 years, now using coloidal silver for many ailments and general well being, also a controversial substance….sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands – and use good judgement. “Normal MDs nearly killed me, so I am not enamored of their so called expertise either. Even doctors make mistakes.
So true Christy! They don’t study nutrition but for a few hrs. so they really don’t know a lot! Yes, you do have to take matters in your own hands! Dr.s don’t like it that you don’t take the Flu shot. I DON’T want it! My last Dr. I could tell didn’t like it that I said “No”.. and my new Dr. now, doesn’t like it as well! Well, I guess I’ll have to change Dr.’s AGAIN! It’s got crap in it like embalming fluids, mercury, etc. etc., etc. – I’m quite healthy without it!! No meds except vitamins…
Dr Michael Greger says. Moderation. When it comes to meat, dairy and processed. You will have moderate heart attacks. Moderate cancer, moderate diabetes. Etc. I choose to have a low risk.
Research, owned by Holly Draper, a BOARD CERTIFIED Aromatherapist. Her oils are USDA Certified ORGANIC and WILDCRAFTED, therefore having NO TOXINS whatsoever in their ingredients. The information on her blog and website are immense. She offers free EO information on her website and teaches free classes to anyone interested in the usage of EO’s. She even has a line of EO’s especially for babes and a line for children as well. I can’t say enough good about her oils. I tried and used the oils from the two prominent oil companies mentioned here before finding purifyskintherapy. I had been seeking the best quality EOs and found them a couple of years ago in Holly’s oils. She is not into multi-level marketing and simply offers what I have found are the best. Simply research her website, you can’t go wrong.
I am sorry, but they are absolutely not quality oils. You MUST be careful what oils you buy. That is priority. I think you should research. A company that has been in business for over 20 years knows what they are doing. AND they should have their own farms, etc. Do not be fooled.
How can USDA Certified Organic and Wildcrafted oils NOT be quality oils, no matter how long the company is in business!? Also, Holly Draper carries degrees in Aromatherapy, is a BOARD CERTIFIED Aromatherapist and therefore has the credentials that prove her expertise. She can confidently answer the questions being asked here with her educational expertise. People, please research, research, research the companies you wish to invest in before you put these powerful oils on or into your body.
we do not NEED meat we choose it – it is not necessary to eat animals to thrive – the fall is where meat eating and violence began – garden of Eden was where all lived in harmony with no harm – do no harm, don’t kill for your tastebuds – if you eat meat and abhor the whale dog and cat eaters then you are the biggest of hypocrites. anyhow – meat and dairy have been shown to scientifically increase your chances of chronic disease and cancer by a factor of 4-6
And you can add….there is no worse deaf than the one who doesn’t want to hear!!!
And no worse blind than the one who doesn’t want to open their eyes……but they all want to be healed..and want to know how….but when it comes to do an effort for themselves…rarely do we find people who are willing to do the effort…..they want to be healed without any effort…,something in their ways of thinking is lacking…in that way it coukd be a lesson to be learned throu…sickness….
So true Capucine…. People just DON’T want to listen. I was telling this lady about a video I saw “Fork Over Knives” about inhumane killing of animals.. I couldn’t stand watching it which turned me around completely but told her just a bit about it & like a kid, she put her hands over her ears. She still eats meat. What’s wrong with people??!!!
Sin is the reason, not meat.
The fact of eating meat means that people do not understand that animals suffer when they are killed…and in the human hearts doors are closed ..but now the doors are beginning to open up…that is wHy ..the nature gave all the things we need to heal…and trying to have harmony in ones life is part of the healing….all emotions….all bad feelings is a door open for deseases….on the contrary…love unconditionnal love is a door open for healing…and even if Ste Hildegarde said things about eating this or that as meat is at …her…epoch…and isn’t for our epoch…we have the choice …not animals..but as you can see animals are standing up for their rights…they now have deseases ..the crazy cows…and now the chickens and others…specially in europe…right now they have deseases coming from wild birds…..
So either we try to convince ourselves that eating meat is ok….it is not…even bone both ..that i keep on asking Dr Axe …and finally i think he tried to answer quickly one time….but not every time trying to add his advice for the vegetariens..etc…because he sales …bone both….
We have choice like I said….and we have the intelligence to find another way to eat instead of killing animals…i will never agree with meat eaters..sorry but that is my way and millions of people in the world that consider animal life like our own….
My experience with all of this is that the cancer monster is a thing that has been running rapid more and more and it seems no end to it. Having an Autoimmune Disorder which can cause and has caused Lupus, Cancer, Psoriasis, and so much more. It controls your body. I have researched all products including oils and organic foods. The thing is all food that has the organic label on it is not always organic and all oils don’t work the same way with every person who has cancer, immune disorder and etc. It will be nice to get happy to see that other things are being discover to help cure cancer or beat it. Before you know we all are following experts advice or consultants that tells us what we should purchase and how much do we spend trying to find the right oil or the right foods and spices to help us along way through out the process of a cure for our bodies. This is so serious and everything that is put in front of us is not always working because we have to be the one being experimented on. I agree that we need to care what we use and eat and how we use all of those oils out on the market today. If the expert that gives advice say lets give you a sample to try before we purchase their products, but instead at the end of every article they show us how to get the products and that is to purchase their products. However I understand the products cost but at times there are sick people who wants to have hope in treatments or alternatives.
In all the docu-series I have watched nothing is said about olive leaf extract. In the Bible it states that the fruit is to is and the leaves to heal. What kind of light can you shine on this? Thank you.
Hi Donna,
We don’t have information about olive leaf extract at this time, but I will suggest it to the team!
Such great information!!! -any oil that helps get rid of BCC? Have had 4 MOHS on my nose, and don’t want another!!! Love your site!!
I’ve used lugols iodine[apply a few times daily on lesion for a few weeks] , or bentonite clay mask or just burned it off myself with 12% hydrogen peroxide.
Can you diffuse clove oil?
I do diffuse clove oil in my oil diffuser. Smells nice.
Love it Mamed!