When I first saw the Health and Life Philosophy book by Fred Barge, D.C. I thought it was a pretty bold statement. I thought he meant subluxation (nerve interference) was the cause of disease and a chiropractic adjustment was the cure.
In the book Dr. Barge stated “there is but one cause in disease, the body’s inability to comprehend itself and/or it’s environment. There is but one cure in disease, the body’s ability to heal itself, and there is only one thing any doctor can do for a patient and that is to remove an obstruction to healing thus facilitating it”.
In chiropractic we also discuss the three (3) T’s. Trauma, toxins, and thoughts. These three (3) factors are the obstruction to healing that must be surmised and corrected to facilitate healing in all diseases.
D.D. Palmer stated, “the determining causes of diseases are traumatism, poison and auto suggestion” B.J. Palmer, D.C. also stated “the power that made the body, heals the body”.
Your body was created by an egg cell from your mom and a sperm cell from your dad. Then the infinite wisdom of your body took these two cells and over nine months embryologically amassed 75 trillion cells to create you. Sometimes we forget the power and intelligence that created life. This innate intelligence not only created you but continually orchestrates all functions to keep you alive.
We have also determined that it is either toxicity or deficiency or both that cause abnormal physiology and hence a disease state. It could be toxic thoughts, toxic chemistry, toxic posture. It could also be a deficiency of love, nutrition, or nerve flow.
Most people understand that nutrition, exercise, or sleep deficiencies through poor lifestyle choices, can cause disease. However, most people don’t understand how the nervous system, when compromised, can cause disease. D.D. Palmer stated, “disease is a lack of coordination between innate, the source of power, and its expression”. The nervous system coordinates all functions of life and when we have nerve interference our health is compromised”.
Clarence Gonstead, D.C. stated that “the best immune system is in the body, not in a lab”. If you work on facilitating better nerve flow you will increase better immune function, hence increasing your potential for better health.
If you recall, in my previous article titled ‘It’s Not the Seed, It’s The Soil’, we discussed the fallacy of the germ theory and discussed vitalism and its importance in health. With these many concepts we can see the shortcomings of the practice of medicine and using drugs and surgery as a treatment for disease. Many doctors now practice functional medicine, trying to improve the vitality of the body by removing toxins and correcting deficiencies. We stimulate the healing power of the body to heal itself.
Robert Mendelsohn, M.D. stated “Chiropractors will never be as busy as they could be and should be….until people lose faith in the unscientific religion of modern medicine”.
B.J. Palmer stated “the master maker of the human body did not create you and then run off and leave you masterless. He stayed on the job as innate, as the fellow within, as the nerve transmission controlling every function of life, as spirit from above-down, inside-out. Expressing, creating, exploring, directing you in every field and phase of experience so that your home is truly the world, and the world is your home”.
With all this philosophy it is now important to understand the proper utilization and application of chiropractic. Chiropractic’s goal is to determine if a person/patient has nerve interference that lowers his/her expression to be healthy. The chiropractor will evaluate a patient to determine if vertebrae are misaligned and not moving properly. We also look at posture and determine what we can do to improve the spine’s stability against gravity.
A spine that is subluxated, (misaligned) and not moving properly creates nerve interference. This nerve interference may cause pain and may cause abnormal function in organs and glands. It may also cause a down regulation of immune function. Nerve interference may also affect the autonomic nervous system, and put the body in a sympathetic dominant state, ‘fight or flight’ physiology. This fight or flight physiology is NOT conducive to health.
A chiropractor’s job is to eliminate nerve interference by adjusting the spine, which will promote a shift towards a parasympathetic dominant state, the ‘rest, digest, and procreate physiology’. Many times, when working with people using chiropractic, we see a change in autonomic physiology wherein patients sleep better, their blood pressure decreases, digestion is improved, their immune system is healthier, anxiety decreases and cognitive function improves. Anyone who is not healthy would benefit from chiropractic if they have nerve interference.
The other aspect of chiropractic is that we improve posture and maintain normal mobility in the spine. These improvements in posture and spinal mobility will increase the life of the spine by preventing premature spinal degeneration, as we see with osteoarthritis in the spine. Spinal degeneration ages the spine and further compromises normal nerve flow as we get older. I look at chiropractic as the most underutilized biohack to increase nerve expression and life longevity.
D.D. Palmer stated, “in the near future chiropractic will be as much valued for its preventative qualities as it now is for adjusting and relieving the cause of ailments”.
I often ask people who is their chiropractor and often they respond that they do not have neck or back pain. This is the comprehension most people have on how to utilize chiropractic. They think you see a chiropractor when you are in pain, and you are done when the pain is gone.
Personally, I have been getting adjusted now for almost forty years. At 65 years old I am still quite active surfing and snowboarding at a high level.
Chiropractic is my secret weapon to vital health and longevity. I have also been in practice now for 38 years and I have never missed a day of work from physical sickness. Of course, I eat impeccably, exercise like crazy and think positive thoughts. I also do regular detoxification programs to cleanse my body. I live a busy active life and I don’t have the time or the desire to be sick. I hear people complain they don’t have time to exercise or eat healthy. They don’t have time to go to the chiropractor, and then end up sick for a week, or worse, end up in the hospital. Some people medicate themselves to be healthier, which only abates their symptoms, allowing them to continue with their suicidal lifestyle.
Thomas Edison stated, “the doctor of the future will give no medicine but interest his patients in the care of the human frame and in the cause and prevention of disease”.
The word doctor means teacher. At DeMoss chiropractic, we not only provide exceptional corrective care in our office, we are also big on patient education. We host weekly workshops where I teach how to take better care of yourself. We teach people how to think for themselves and how to make better health choices. These workshops span the topics of posture and spinal hygiene, nutrition, women’s health, brain health, detoxification and so much more… I love empowering people with the knowledge to better take care of themselves and their families.
When people do come to me with specific health challenges, we teach them alternatives to conventional medicine. We are not treating the disease; we are empowering the body to heal itself. Again, most people do not understand the true power of properly applied chiropractic.
In addition to chiropractic, we provide hyperbaric oxygen therapy to super saturate the body with life sustaining oxygen. We also provide a form of PEMF called Bemer that opens up the microcirculation to facilitate healing, and also as a preventative measure to maintain healthy blood flow.
There are many healing modalities people can use to supercharge and biohack their health. My goal is to communicate the importance of chiropractic, whether you are just looking to get healthier or treating cancer, my belief is a chiropractor should be part of your health care team.
If you have any questions on how chiropractic can help you live a happier, healthier, longer life, please send an email to billyd@caljam.org as I am still in active practice in Newport Beach, Ca.
Hi Billy. Can you recommend a trusted chiropractor in Houston, Texas?
I also need a chiropractor in Houston, Texas. Thank you, Suzanne 😊
Hi Billy,
Do you know any reputable/Trusted chiropractors in the Athens, Ohio or Columbus, Ohio area?
Thank you,
Thanks Dr BDM DC
I forgot the power of philosophy
I needed a reminder!