This article is just a collection of our scattered thoughts and musings on various topics relating to the COVID-19 “crisis.”
Please remember that ALL government tyranny begins with doing something in the name of “public safety” and then slowly (or quickly) lowering the hammer of oppression.
The COVID Vaccines
Would you get a COVID-19 vaccine, knowing that they are “rushing” the vaccine to market and not adequately testing for safety or side effects? We certainly would not! It’s encouraging to see that over the past few months, the percentage of Americans who would get a COVID vaccine continues to plummet.
In early May, Yahoo News conducted a poll and only 55% of Americans said they would get a COVID vaccine. By the end of May, that number had shrunk to 50%, falling to 46% by early July. By the end of July, the number had fallen to a mere 42% and it continues to nose dive.
Guess people are waking up to the FACT that vaccines have NOT been proven safe.
That’s not good news for Big Pharma and everyone who stands to make a fortune by vaccinating the entire population. And it may be one of the reasons that turncoats like Dr. Norman Oliver, the current Virginia Health Commissioner, says that he’s going to “mandate” a COVID-19 vaccine for EVERY RESIDENT OF VIRGINIA when the vaccine is available.
Seriously! Is Dr. Oliver totally insane? Does he think that the patriots in Virginia are going to obey like good sheeple?
Sounds like it’s time for some … PROPAGANDA!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now working on a plan to boost “vaccine confidence” and the feds joined forces with Yale researchers to conduct clinical trials to learn how best to manipulate the public.
They came up with multiple ways to manipulate the public’s emotions to get them to comply and agree to vaccination.
Here are the multiple “angles of attack” PSA’s they’re planning:
- Guilt
- Embarrassment
- Anger
- Personal Freedom
- Economic Freedom
- Self-Interest
- Community Interest
- Science and Authority
- Not Bravery
Amazing! They aren’t even hiding the brainwashing. They are “hidden in plain sight” for all to see how they intend to manipulate and propagandize the public into taking the COVID vaccine.
Will you succumb to this psychological abuse?
To learn more about this propaganda campaign, check out what Mike Adams has written.
While we’re discussing vaccines, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health recently proclaimed that all students in Massachusetts will be required to get the flu vaccine before the end of the year, citing the importance of reducing flu-related illnesses amidst the COVID pandemic.
I wonder if Massachusetts health “officials” have read the 2017-2018 study published in the prestigious journal Vaccine (a peer-reviewed medical journal) which revealed that flu vaccines increase the risk of contracting coronavirus by 36%!
This flu vaccine mandate in Massachusetts is a “seminal moment” for the tyrants and dictators in positions of power. In light of studies like we just mentioned, if they can get that mandate passed for the flu vaccine, with almost zero resistance from the people, then they will be working fast and hard to get COVID vaccine mandates passed state-by-state at a blitzkrieg pace.
And then the propaganda campaigns (for the untested, unproven and potentially deadly COVID vaccine) will be kicked into high gear!
“Get the vaccine!”
“Vaccines save lives!”
“Don’t wait! Vaccinate!”
“Just take the vaccine and quit complaining!”
We’ve heard the rhetoric before. It didn’t turn out well for many people who “just quit complaining” did it?
Oh yeah, we almost forgot…
On March 15, 2020 HHS Secretary Alex Azar invoked the PREP (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act) of 2005. This gave complete immunity to vaccine developers and drug developers developing COVID-19 vaccines. So if they develop a vaccine that kills 5% of the people that receive it, they can’t be sued!
The Masks
Requiring billions of healthy people to wear cloth masks is both reckless and ridiculous.
Why do we say this?
Let’s get serious here. On a fundamental level, we all understand that the size of the particle and the size of the filter matters, right? In other words, if the “teeny tiny” holes in the filter are bigger than the particle, then the particle can get through the filter. As Deputy Sheriff Barney Fife frequently used to say: “Common sense, Andy. Common sense.”
The fact is that viruses range from 0.06 to 0.125 microns, with COVID-19 being at the top of that range. However, the N95 mask only filters down to 0.3 microns, so they aren’t going to block the virus particles.
You wouldn’t put up a chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes would you?
Heck, even the warning on boxes of surgical masks states emphatically: “THIS PRODUCT WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY PROTECTION AGAINST COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) OR OTHER VIRUSES OR CONTAMINANTS.”
We don’t know about you, but we enjoy breathing oxygen (O2). Our brains need it. Our central nervous system needs it. We can’t live without it. On the flipside, we try to stay away from breathing too much carbon dioxide (CO2) which is a metabolic waste product produced when we exhale. That’s how God made our bodies. We tend to thrive when we inhale oxygen-rich (O2) air and exhale CO2. However, we tend to get sick if we inhale too much CO2 and too little oxygen.
So, in order to keep us well, those in “authority” are recommending that we all wear a mask so we can continually deplete our oxygen supply and increase inhalation of CO2.
Ummm … yeah …. That makes sense?
As if the “illogic” of masks weren’t enough, then there’s the “insanity” we are starting to see on airplanes. We’ve seen dozens of stories about people getting kicked off planes for failing to wear a mask, but the “Mask Nazis” on JetBlue take the cake!
They should be proud of themselves after giving the “boot” to an entire family with 7 children who were traveling from Orlando to Brooklyn. What was their crime? All six other children were masked, but the 2-year-old wasn’t. So they all got kicked off the flight! Watch the 2 minute video here.
But the insanity isn’t limited to the airlines!
At the end of July, the governor of Wisconsin ordered residents to wear masks at all times, even when they are indoors.
So it doesn’t come as a surprise to see that the head of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has ordered employees to wear face coverings during video meetings … EVEN IF THEY ARE AT HOME!
Forget what the actual medical studies say about the effectiveness of masks, all citizens must be trained to follow the orders of their government masters. That way, when the mandatory COVID vaccines are ready for market, the “dissidents” (people who demand their rights under God-given and Constitutional rights) will be the minority and will be easier to “control.”
The world has literally gone MAD!
If you still are “on the fence” about masks, we’ve written an article entitled “To Mask or Not to Mask” and recommend that you read the entire thing.
The Lack of Logic in Locking Down
In response to the perceived threat of a virus, “officials” all over the world have recklessly locked down billions of people with little to no debate, while ignoring the cost factor, a crucial component of any “cost-benefit” analysis in solving a problem.
If an alleged solution “works” but actually creates colossal collateral damage, then obviously it cannot accurately be called a “solution” and definitely should never be required or mandated.
According to an editorial by Kristina Kristen (published at Children’s Health Defense):
Draconian mandates of isolation, social distancing and masks imposed on healthy populations have never been done before. Why? The answer is simple—because an elementary calculation of potential lives saved versus the overall decimation of an entire society was a preposterous ‘solution’ to any microbe. The ‘medicine’ would be far deadlier and damaging than the ‘disease.’ The layered downstream and long-term effects of lock downs, social distancing, and mandated masks have yet to be fully revealed, but what we do know is poverty and suicide rates have sky-rocketed as 50,000,000 people have been forced into poverty in the US, alone.”
She continues:
There is an incessant false dichotomy implied in the flawed assertion that ‘health is more important than wealth.’ … What seems to be lost on some is while the wealthy profit from this life force the majority live, suffer, and die by it. To make matters even worse with regard to supposed ‘benefit,’ global data now illustrate countries with full lock downs not only have massive economic collateral damage, but deaths from COVID in many cases are higher than countries with minimal to no lock downs, such as Sweden, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan— the natural “control groups” in this massive, unprecedented global experiment.
The lockdowns have been directly responsible for explosive rates of depression, suicide, domestic violence, and overdoses.
Truth be told, the lockdowns are proving to be much more lethal and debilitating than COVID-19. We were told that we needed to “flatten the curve” by locking down, but this had immense economic consequences as well.
Lockdowns have caused interruptions in supply chains, drops in consumption, increased bankruptcies, disruptions in money flows, breakdowns in transportation, and homelessness. Millions of people have lost their jobs, businesses and financial viability.
But let us ask you a question…
Did this economic crisis result from COVID-19?
Or was the COVID-19 crisis set in motion to help give cover to a long-building economic meltdown that was already well underway in the autumn of 2019?
If you want to read an excellent article that will take you down the rabbit hole on this issue (and others), check out this article by Professor Anthony Hall.
The “New Normal” Future
If we don’t stand up against the tyranny and authoritarian edicts, it will only get worse.
But we are told that this is just the “new normal” so there’s nothing we can do.
What’s the “new normal” according to the controlled mainstream media? Social distance, wear a mask at all times, wash your hand with sanitizer, stay inside, and maintain a constant level of fear and an omnipresent atmosphere of sickness and death, as if the world were one big infectious disease ward.
According to Pastor Chuck Baldwin, who was our pastor in Kalispell, Montana:
Just as the Nazis believed they were waging a war against the “subhuman races,” the New Normals will be waging a war on “disease,” and on anyone who “endangers the public health” by challenging their ideological narrative. Like every other totalitarian movement, in the end, they will do whatever is necessary to purify society of “degenerate influences” (i.e., anyone who questions or disagrees with them, or who refuses to obey their every command).
This isn’t a joke, folks. The New Normals are serious. If you cannot see where their movement is headed, you do not understand totalitarianism. Once it starts, and reaches this stage, it does not stop, not without a fight. It continues to its logical conclusion. The way that usually happens is, people tell themselves it isn’t happening, it can’t be happening, not to us. They tell themselves this as the totalitarian program is implemented, step by step, one seemingly harmless step at a time. They conform, because, at first, the stakes aren’t so high, and their conformity leads to more conformity, and the next thing they know they’re telling their grandchildren that they had no idea where the trains were going.
What that means is that it is your responsibility to speak up, and to do whatever else you can, to stop the New Normal future from becoming a reality. You will not be rewarded for it. You will be ridiculed and castigated for it. Your New Normal friends will hate you for it. Your New Normal family will forsake you for it. The New Normal police might arrest you for it. It is your responsibility to do it anyway … as, of course, it is also mine.
The “new normal” — is there a more disgusting phrase of smug verbal assumption? We can’t think of one.
The “new normal” is predicated on lies and faulty assumptions, such as that the coronavirus is extremely lethal, or that masks are effective, or that the real enemy is being around other people, or that locking down the entire world is worth the collateral damage.
What if the entire COVID rigmarole (social distancing, masking, sheltering in place, the forced shutdowns of “nonessential” services) was unnecessary and nothing more than “security theater” and “obedience training”?
Check out the image above. Are you kidding? “Dining pods” and “clear boxes for students” and “beach corrals” are now in vogue.
It’s time to take a stand and say “NO” to the nonsense!
We don’t know when or if the “new normal” will fade back to the old normal, when people will crowd into sports arenas, stadiums, bars, restaurants, theaters, planes, and schools without an irrational fear of a virus.
But if we all refuse to obey ridiculous and reckless “orders” from the lunatics who are running the asylum, then it might happen a lot quicker than currently predicted.
I think there are important implications for COVID-19 modeling outside of modeling pandemic related statistics and that relates to climate change. Let’s not forget that climate change predictions, many of which are dire, are based on models.
But they r not real! Just as the models set for Covid turned out to b all wrong. Many scientists debunk the global warming hoax! It too is all about control!
more likely to be toxins related (including EMFs). Could well be little critters already in us that change their job when faced with a bad load of stuff and sending out EXOSOMES =communication envelopes to warn other cells and neighbouring people that they should do something. No one has ever established a difference between exosomes and virusses. And no so-called virus has ever been identified according to Koch postulates.
The push for masks/vaccines seems to me a prelude to banning natural supplements, to enforcing chemo etc….Keep pharma rand I include people who buy their stocks rich AND media happy with all the money they get from pharma…etc.
And models can be fabricated…
Thank you for this article and all you contribute.
I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned previously of this, but last week on the television program: “What Would You Do?”- season 15 episode 7- a portion involved the discussion of vaccines and I found it so biased, personally. Reading this article brought this episode back to mind and I felt I should mention this. Had anyone else seen this and felt aggravated as I? The networks are all paid by pharmaceutical companies and so of course they will lean towards the “pro vaccine” stance. They stated totally inaccurate data also.
Wow, everything and everyone is so bought out. There was an article on the History channel about the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 and all it wanted to get across was that one city mandated masks or a $5.00 fine – one city in the entire world! And not a word about whether it made any difference because it didn’t, of course. Then it went on to say that NYC rotated the opening hours of businesses and closed some businesses to make it seem like closing businesses was done everywhere like was it happening today. Then they stated false numbers about how many people have died of reg flu in the past decades. Either they changed the data or the CDC did because in March you could easily find out that at least 80,000 people died of influenza in the 2017/2018 winter. And it was probably more because no one was actively trying to keep tabs on every case like today – where they are actively and deceitful trying to make many unrelated deaths look like Covid! It seems like the top billionaires of the world own or are able to buy off all main stream media. It is shocking how blatant and easy to spot it is!
Excellent article! My family has already decided NOT to get the vaccine even if it is mandated. It is risky at best. No double bind studies? What ingredients are in the vaccine? What lab is going to be producing the vaccine? Does the lab have connections to China? Gates? Soros or Fauci? Too many potentially disturbing outcomes.
keep up the great work Charlene and TY and your staff! May G-d bless you!
Has the complete plannedemic movie came out? We can t find it anywhere?
Plandemic II: Indoctornation (FULL MOVIE)
Yes, it’s out on you tube. It’s called PANDEMIC. It was actually out in 2006! THAT says EVERYTHING!!!
You can see it London Real, Digital Freedom Platform as well. It has been heavily censored on all the mainstream platforms.
You really need to start delving into exosome research. Viruses ARE exosomes. That means, your body makes them. They are part of your inter-cellular communication and defense system. If word gets out, vaccines and viral pandemics totally fall flat. Then the new war starts, as they try to program the DNA/RNA, in exosomes, against you. Exosomes, I am serious. Viruses are like the fire truck at a fire, logic: fire engines are always present at fires> fire engines cause fires. Wrong,. .’viruses’ are part of our defense system. They are called exosomes. PLEASE, look into it.
I am 66 yrs old. I have never had a vaccination, for religious reasons. I am not about to have one now, especially as current vax technology can: 1) alter your DNA, and, 2) allow governmental entities to track one through integrated tracking methods in the vaccine delivery system, and, 3) potentially cause more health issues and problems than the shot itself is supposed to prevent.
God made me and will keep me in all ways, always.
Way to go! Keep on keeping on with Jesus.
Amen, Amen, and Amen!!
Lets make the ‘new normal’ throwing every COVID collaborator out of office and into prison.
Where is the leadership to rebel against this insanity. This will take a concentrated effort and organization needs to start ASAP. We know that we have truth on our side but evil is trying to scare everyone. Truth will prevail but a strong leadership is definitely needed.
I suggest everyone look up the illnesses caused by electromagnetic radiation from past to present. A good book is “The Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Firstenberg. Read about the Spanish Flu of 1918 most likely caused by the new radar waves. MULTIPLE cases and dates of new electromagnetic radiation and illnesses that soon followed. ALSO — The Spanish flu was tested and found to NOT BE CONTAGIOUS!!! Autopsy results from the Spanish Flu were blood clots in the lungs. The autopsy results from Covid from Italy showed — blood clotting in the lungs!! This radiation messes with our blood clotting times, out heart rhythms, our metabolism leading to countless illnesses. My bet is that IF we had a truly independent study — it would find covid to also be non-contagious – and a 5G-related illness!! 5G was heavy in every place where covid occurred heavily. They still have not found any virus! A “vaccine” is to kill us — there is no possible vaccine for these electromagnetic radiation illnesses. Don’t ever be convinced that this is good for you — it’s to kill you. They want to decrease the planet population — Bill Gates has stated this many times in interviews.
Exactly Diane E!!!!! Nicely stated. Thank you for speaking the truth. I keep saying this but people are too blind to listen. Also people do not be fooled…weather manipulation is real. Look into it. Start with government programs and treaties between governments. Chem trails are real also..please do your research. We are under attack in all directions. If you take the vaccine it may contain a nano chip. The studies are out there. This would take care of those unwilling to receive the Mark of the Beast (the chip)
Don’t worry. So many of us are with you on all of this! No to masks, no to vaccines, no to all the hoax nonsense. Unfortunately, we need some leaders like you guys, but we also need some political or even just resistance leaders that will stand up and be on MSMand get the silent majority together to do something. If a million can protest in Berlin, why isn’t it happening in North America? Everyone is afraid to be controversial! That is exactly why they implement these measures so slowly, so it doesn’t seem so bad and at the same time keeping people who resist look like THEY are the radical ones! I don’t know what the answer is except on an individual level but individual s don’t have the power. We need some way to unite!
YES! I have been saying that and trying to appeal to the doctors and scientists who have the evidence of this farce, and are the only ones who can lead and join us together to fight this. Ty & Charlene, did you ever get my email many weeks ago?
You guys already have a platform, a following of millions, together with all the docs. and scientists that have spoken out. We simply need to join, create a website with an organization name, (like ENOUGH! or something) which people can name and put a finger on and join us. This will be our only hope. There is only power in numbers to fight such a Goliath.
It is only those who have the evidence, the true science, that can lead and put an end to this tyranny. And you guys already have the following, and means of getting the word out, and gathering others.
We would be millions strong at the start up, within the first week!
We simply must act, NOW, before we find ourselves in FEMA camps.
Where is the post I just submitted?
I demand to know who is censoring these posts. Don Campbell You have my email address.
I totally agree!!!! What do I do? You say fight. Fight who? I want to stand up for the truth and what’s right.
God bless you!
Dear Charlene, Ty and A-Team,
Thank you for your INNER integrity and courage to stand up and share the truth, wisdom and care with us !
I think humanity had failed to the challenge of spirit evolution required and the Rational materialist – technocrat intellectuals – have been allowed to WAKE us up to our future CLAIMING of I N N E R balance.
May we wake SOONER rather than later. Love or fear – Balance or chaos – Inner + Outer – Spirit + Physical
Sincerely, In Love,
Thanks Ty and Charlene for writing this. This resonates with my sentiments 100% and probably with at least 50% of the rest of the country and world. The deception is crumpling and the dissolution of the lies are gaining momentum. I have not complied with the BS from the beginning and have tried to help as many as possible to see through the deception. The more that awaken and cease to comply with insane mandates the sooner this charade will end. Every one needs to stop wearing masks, cease the obsessive compulsive hand washing, hug their neighbors and friends, go out into the streets and go back to work and regain real normality and not some pathetic New Normal hoax.
Ty and Charlene have any of you spoken in DC? Did you get any positive feedback or do they just shake their heads and ignore the truth?
I agree. Vaccines are not good. Me and husband have never taken a flu shot or any new ones. We keep our immune systems strong with vitamins, herbs and minerals. Never had any colds or flu in over 29 years. We are 74. I bought the video of truth about vaccines, and thanks to this on animals about rabies shots, I understand why my little maltipoo died 4 months after getting one at age 12..I will never give a dog or cat a rabies shot ever again. Vets give the same dosage to every size animal and not size adjusted…….I love you, Ty and Charlene. Keep us informed and safe.
Since everything is in the works to have these vaccines produced it’s a sure thing if the public is unwilling they will conjure a way to force them such as staging incidents where suddenly everyone is sick and they take them to quarantine centers. There they will receive “treatment” and not be released until getting a vaccine. It may be required for them to go back to the household everyone there must receive a vaccine. One way or the other people will be put in a corner and forced to make decisions. Pressure to be applied as needed. You can see which way the wind is blowing.
it’s also a prelude to doing away with natural supplements, enforced chemos etc…
As a former Clinical Microbiologist of 18 years (and 25 years as an alternative medical practitioner), below is what I have gleaned as the accepted theory of respiratory viral transmission:
The coronavirus infectious particles, as I understand it, are water (ok, spit) particles in the range of 20 micrometers in size, each containing dozens to hundreds of virus particles, exhaled in every breath (and cough and sneeze). The larger particles tend to sink and/or evaporate, and IF some of them come in contact with mucus membranes (respiratory or eye or . . . ) they will infect a small area, like a fire in a corner of a room, easily put out by a functioning immune system. BUT, the small particles become part of the air, the humidity in the air. The electrostatic forces within make them very resistant to evaporation (even in sunlight) and prevent them from sinking to the ground. When this contaminated “humid” air is inhaled, thousands of these 20 micron sized particles are also inhaled and latch onto respiratory epithelial cells from the top all the way down to the alveoli in the lungs (this is not proven, but is a theory backed by an enormous amount of research; it is consistent with the evidence, which elevated it from a hypothesis to a theory many decades ago and no large, reputable studies since -and there have been dozens- have contradicted it).
Wherever these particles contact epithelial cells, they will invade them and replicate, bursting the cells to spread to others nearby. So, instead of a “fire” in a corner of one room, easily put out by an intact immune system, the whole house (respiratory system) is “on fire” and spreading, not from only one foci, but throughout the entire system (house). The immune system goes into overdrive to fight this, and causes the symptoms of flu which can lead to death.
Any mask you can breathe through will admit these particles of “humidity” in the air. In and out. Even Gortex (and N-95 masks) will allow these particles to pass through (except for the dampness left in the fabric from breathing; most get through). And this does not even take into consideration that, unless the mask is “fitted” perfectly tightly (beards are banned), the path of least resistance is around the mask (sides, top and bottom), so that’s where most of the air flows, especially out). Put your hands around your mask and you should be able to feel the air flow.
Past belief (supported by evidence) is that one needs to spend time (1/2 to 2 hours, depending on the source) in an enclosed (minimally ventilated) area with an infected person to have a strong likelihood of contracting the cold or flu. That’s the way to inhale enough viral particles to “burn down the house”.
So yes, masks let air through. They also collect infectious agents on their surface. They tend to lead to increase face touching and mask adjustment by the hands. They create a (albeit small) volume of stagnant air (the mask holds exhaled air which is inhaled again with each breath, a bit less oxygen and a bit more carbon dioxide: Is this enough to cause a problem?). They require a little more effort to take each breath. Shortness of breath and headaches are reported side-effects in many, though not all.
Yes, as stated, masks are good to filter out sawdust (get a special mask for spray-paint; try it with the ones we’re using for viruses, and you’ll find paint all around your nose and mouth when you’re done). Many masks ARE effective for specific purposes. BUT, to prevent viral transmission, the only proven “mask” is a full body suit with oxygen pumped in. I suppose saran-wrap secured with duct tape would be effective as well, though not exactly “safe”. And don’t forget to put it over your eyes as well as nose and mouth!
I wear a mask judiciously, since I can’t go into a store or to work without one. If it weren’t for the politics, I wouldn’t. I won’t wear one outdoors (you can all have your magical 6-foot distance; I’ll respect that, but I won’t be offended if you politely encroach on mine, with or without a mask. I’ll be grossed out if you cough or sneeze in my face, but that, I think, will more likely immunize me if you are sick without making me sick (I haven’t had a cold or flu for decades, since I learned how better to care for myself). I wish the best for all of us!
I am getting sick, sore, and tired of the strict rules that we have to follow with COVID-19. I cannot even do the usual activities which I enjoyed very much such as going to the movies, eating out in restaurants, going to see concerts and plays, going to church, and even going on vacation. They have opened those places, but you have to follow rules which you did not have to do before.
It is becoming quite clear that there is a “global” agenda behind all this.
But it could all fall down if we understood that infection from a so-called “virus” is not possible at all.
I know that many of you may not believe me, but I am “letting my yes be yes and no be no” – so I will state the facts as I understand them – and suggesting that, for a number of generations now, we have been lied to by the established “medical experts” (who could possibly be accused of having a financial interest in your “health” through their remedies).
There is a well documented and researched branch of medicine which actually redefines all illness / disease as “special biological programs”. This started with research by an oncologist into his own testicular cancer which was brought about, according to his findings, by the tragic death of his own son.
The name of this branch of medicine: “German New Medicine” and the doctor who researched this: “Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer”.
If his research is correct (and I have every reason to believe it is from both documented and personal experience) then viruses, if they exist at all in a human being, could only be responsible for helping our bodies through a natural healing process. They would act as a catalyst to benefit the healing process – and even then, only in certain “illnesses” and at a certain time, all controlled by our bodies.
As a believer, this places us back in a position of faith and strength where we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. I know the Lord did not create us to be slaves to fear, especially as believers. German New Medicine, in my opinion, gives practical hope and a solid, scientific reason to be free from fear for ANY so-called illness (apart from poisoning)
As expected, this wonderful approach was suppressed / ridiculed by the media, and Dr Hamer himself was imprisoned, and had his medical licence revoked, despite seeing a provable survival rate among his (mostly cancer) patients around 90% after five years. Compare that with “conventional” treatment, and the difference could not be more stark.
If you can accept German New Medicine (which requires that you re-evaluate most of what you think you know about health / disease) then I think you could be in for an exciting journey into freedom from fear and fantastic wonder at how our Lord created us…
And as an added benefit, it puts this “pandemic” into sharp focus and may allow you to view what we are being told with even more clarity.