As good as it may taste, sugar is NOT your friend. It may “feel” like your friend when it comforts you (due to the beta-endorphin rush in your brain), but sugar is really your ENEMY.
Truth be told, regular consumption of sugary foods is one of the worst things that you can do for your health. Modern scientific research has shown us, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that sugar in your food (in all its myriad forms) is taking a devastating toll on your health. We’ll explore cancer and sugar further down, but let’s first take a look at the sugar consumption trends over the past 300 years:
- In 1700, the average person consumed about 4 pounds of sugar per year.
- In 1800, the average person consumed about 18 pounds of sugar per year.
- In 1900, individual consumption had risen to 90 pounds of sugar per year.
- In 2012, more than 50% of all Americans consumed 1/2 pound of sugar per day — translating to a whopping 180 pounds of sugar per year!
In 1890, only 3 people out of 100,000 had diabetes. In 2012, almost 8,000 out of every 100,000 people was diagnosed with diabetes (and this number is rising all the time)!
Creating Our Addiction to Sugar
The “sugar rush” has been targeted at our children. American children are consuming about 10 times as much sugar as they were in 1900, especially in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is the average American’s greatest source of calories! Highly addictive HFCS contains fructose and glucose, but they are NOT bound together (as they are in table sugar) so the body doesn’t need to break it down. Therefore, the fructose is absorbed immediately, going straight to the liver, which turns it into fat (VLDL and triglycerides).
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola:
“Fructose also tricks the body into gaining weight by fooling your metabolism (it turns off the appetite-control system). Fructose does not appropriately stimulate insulin, which in turn does not suppress ghrelin (the “hunger hormone”) and doesn’t stimulate leptin (the “satiety hormone”), which together result in your eating more and developing insulin resistance.” This process also suppresses the immune system.
But just because you avoid HFCS doesn’t mean that you’re in the clear. Excess intake of ALL processed sugars results in compromised immune function (decreasing the white blood cells’ ability to destroy bacteria), obesity, and diabetes.
And if that’s not enough, keep in mind that sugar is HIGHLY addictive! That’s right! Dr. Serge Ahmed of Bordeaux, France, has been working with rats and giving them the choice between cocaine and sugar. Guess which one wins, time and again?
That’s right… sugar!
It turns out that the sweet taste of sugar is more rewarding than the high of cocaine.
You see, sugar produces dopamine − a happy, feel-good chemical − in the brain. People get addicted to eating sugar, whereby they need it to feel “normal” and they undergo “withdrawal” if they cut sugar from their diets. If they go “cold turkey” for a few days, their brain will begin to produce dopamine on its own, but the discomfort of the withdrawal process keeps many “sugar addicts” trapped in their addiction.
Does Sugar Feed Cancer? Exploring the Sugar and Cancer Connection
Due to the anaerobic respiratory mechanism exhibited by ALL cancer cells, sugar is cancer’s favorite food! What this means is that cancer feeds on sugar. And since half of the white sugar in the USA comes from sugar beets, you should remember that most beets are now genetically modified with all the associated risks of GMOs. This is another reason to keep the “White Death” out of your diet and reduce your risk of various cancers, isn’t it?
Whether you are currently healing from a type of cancer such as breast cancer or prostate cancer, or are simply trying to maintain good dietary principles, I personally recommend that you avoid white sugar, brown sugar, agave, and all artificial sweeteners such as aspartame/AminoSweet, sucralose, and saccharin. If you have a sweet tooth, it’s best to stick with 100% organic green stevia, xylitol, raw honey, pure maple syrup, molasses, and coconut sugar.
The bottom line… if you want to be and stay healthy, you MUST take control of your sugar intake so that it doesn’t take control over you and your health!
Ending the Sugar Confusion
It’s easy to become confused by the various sugars and sweeteners, so here is a basic overview:
- Saccharide = sugar
- Glucose (aka “dextrose” or “grape sugar”), galactose (“milk sugar”), and fructose (“fruit sugar”) are all “monosaccharides” (i.e. single sugar molecules), known as “simple sugars.” The primary difference between them is the way your body metabolizes them.
- Glucose is a form of energy you were designed to run on. Every cell in your body uses glucose for energy.
- High amounts of fructose are very damaging to the body if it isn’t burned immediately for energy because it travels directly to the liver where it’s converted to triglycerides (fats). Excess triglycerides increase insulin resistance (and insulin production), thus contributing to diabetes in a “back door” fashion.
- The simple sugars can combine to form more complex sugars, like sucrose (“table sugar”) which is a “disaccharide” comprised of 50% glucose and 50% fructose.
- “Refined” white sugar (pure sucrose) is washed with a syrup solution, then with hot water, clarified (usually chemically) to remove impurities, decolorized, concentrated, evaporated, re-boiled until crystals form, centrifuged again to separate, then dried. By this point, any remnants of “natural goodness” and “nutritional value” have completely disappeared! Quite frankly, white sugar should be considered an “industrial product” rather than “food.”
- “Brown sugar” is white sugar mixed with molasses.
- “Raw” sugar is not really raw. It has been cooked, and most of the minerals and vitamins are gone. But it’s probably a little better than refined white sugar because it has a little of the molasses remaining.
- Aspartame or AminoSweet is a neurotoxic rat poison… need I say more?
- Splenda (sucralose) is NOT a sugar, despite its deceptive marketing slogan, “made from sugar.” It’s a chlorinated artificial sweetener in line with aspartame.
- Honey is approximately 50% fructose, but in natural (raw and unpasteurized) form contains many health benefits. Buying honey that is local and unpasteurized is best.
- Stevia is an extremely sweet herb derived from the leaf of the South American stevia plant, which is completely safe (in its natural form). Green stevia is the whole plant, while white stevia is processed and can often contain other ingredients like natural flavors or dextrose − a form of sugar. 100% organic green stevia in its natural state is what you want.
- Agave nectar is made from the agave plant, which is a cactus. Sounds natural, right? Like maple syrup from a tree, or honey from a beehive. Only it isn’t. Agave is HIGHLY processed while the end product does not even remotely resemble the original agave plant. Furthermore, agave is approximately 80% fructose (much higher than honey and maple syrup).
- HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) is 55% fructose and 45% glucose. It is mostly genetically modified. Stay away!
- Rapadura is the pure juice extracted from the sugar cane (using a press), which is then evaporated over low heat, whilst being stirred with paddles, then sieve ground to produce a grainy sugar. It has not been cooked at high heats or spun to change it into crystals, and the molasses is maintained in the sugar. “Sucanat” is the USA trade name for Rapadura.
- Coconut sugar is made from the sweet watery sap that drips from the cut flower buds of the coconut palm. It has a low glycemic index (GI) and is rich in amino acids. It is typically less than 10% fructose, with sucrose being the primary component.
- Xylitol is a sweetener known as a “sugar alcohol” (or polyol). Sugar alcohols are neither sugars nor alcohols − they are carbohydrates (with structures that happen to resemble sugar and alcohol). Xylitol is extracted from corn or birch cellulose. Unlike sugar, Xylitol is slowly absorbed, does not cause a rapid blood sugar increase, and does not require an immediate insulin response from the body to be metabolized. Moreover, many studies have shown that it actually helps prevent dental cavities, ear infections, and some evidence suggests that it helps prevent gum disease because Xylitol is anti-bacterial. However, Xylitol does have some potential health side effects (most notably gastrointestinal issues) and should be used with caution.
Editor’s Note: This article was initially published in April 2015 and was updated in July 2021.
The sweet killer!
The devil’s number one killer is white sugar!
How about stevia with maltodextrin?
why wasn’t monkfruit included in research? I love it!!
I lost my right kidney to renal cancer in 2002. I had stopped using sugar in my coffee and changed to Splenda. In 2013 I had knee replacement surgery on my left knee. The hospital did a routine x-ray of my chest before discharging me and spotted a very small spot on my left lung. In 2014 I collapsed and they found a tumor in my stomach area and performed a Whipple on me. After the surgery I couldn’t stand the thought of Splenda, so switched back to sugar in my coffee. The spot in my lung started growing. I stopped using sugar and went with just cream in my coffee. The spot stopped growing. I have no doubt in my mind that sugar does indeed promote cancer.
I personally KNOW how addicting sugar can be! After years of slowly cutting back, I have finally come to a place in my life where I can live almost totally sugar-free. Praise the Lord! However, those bad nasty cravings still haunt me… just about every night. It’s not easy but it’s not impossible. Eating the right foods and exercising has been an enormous benefit and change in my life and my husband’s. Now…. time to work on our adult children who make their own decisions.
Try a chromium supplement. Cravings are often a sign of a mineral defiency. (spe).lling?
How could you super????????????????????????
Please remind folks that xylitol is toxic to dogs…not that anyone should be giving dogs sweetners, but, just in case, it might be good to emphasize this. Excellent, excellent info…thank you for all the work you do!
One of my new year’s resolutions was to cut back on sugar, but I knew to do that I had to quit it for awhile. “They” say it takes about 30 days for a habit to form, so I figured it would take around the same amount of time to break one. I avoided foods with any man-made sugars (tricky at first) for January, and then decided to do it again this month. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I sometimes really wanted something sugary, but would sate it with a something naturally sweet (fruit, honey). You don’t have to quit sugar forever, but it’s definitely worth it to take a temporary break and then makes cutting back in the future easier. Oh and I’ve lost 10lbs and have around 10-15 more to go to get back to a normal, healthy weight.
So what is safe to use?
The article has suggestions like RAW local honey and molasses.
Re-educate your taste buds like I have done. There are days when I fall off the wagon and cheat but my sugar intake has dropped 90%. If I need to take the bitterness out of a smoothy, I add a small amount of raw honey. Stick with it. It is a mind thing and can be done. Try self hypnosis, which I use for other reasons.
What about erythritol which is on the label of Trivia products?
“Tapping,” aka the Emotional Freedom Technique, has helped me overcome my sugar addiction.
What is “tapping”?
The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living
The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence: A Woman’s Guide to Stressing Less, Weighing Less, and Loving More
The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reducing and Eliminating Chronic Pain
Until next time…Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
Andy, a smoothie should require NO additional sweetening, especially if you’re using fruit! Try adding a banana! I like to add dates sometimes, very sweet, yet all natural and very healthy!
@jeans – It depends what you’re adding it to. For cold drinks I love Stevia, for hot, I like honey, in smoothies, add bananas or grapes, or even dates! Eventually your taste buds will no longer demand “sugar”, believe me. I can’t stand candy or cakes or even cookies anymore, just taste sickening to me. I do love fruit though!
@Dale – Yes, Splenda is one of the worst things anybody could ever “switch” from sugar to! The best way to get your head around what you should be putting in your body is the closer to nature its is, less processed, the BETTER it is for you! Hope you’re doing better now.
Could you Please provide references to primary literature for the statements that you have made? Much of the information provided doesn’t fully coincide with the vast amounts of literature I had read about sugar metabolism in vivo.
How can you really know if Splenda and Sweet and Low are really bad for you? I substitute them for sugar in tea, lemonade, baked goods.
Go to PubMed for research if you want. This isn’t new information though. Cancer needs sugar to survive.
Date sugar wasn’t mentioned. I have used dates in different things. And I have used date sugar. If you like oatmeal but don’t like it bland, cut up a couple medjool dates and put in while cooking. You will have the natural sweetness plus the added nutrition and fiber. You can check out Chef AJ on youtube. That is the only thing she uses for sweetener.
You can purchase 100% Erythritol from Amazon without any added ingredients. It comes in a bag. Dr. Michael Gregor has recommended using this if you need a sweetener. You can check him out and his articles on
Or read his book, How Not To Die.
A smoothie with a ripe banana is highly fructose laden food. It may be nutrient dense, but sweeteners of any kind are a slow chronic poison in the long term. The question is: what did this fructose load do to your insulin level? Life-long elevated (even non-diabetic < 90 mg/dL) insulin levels lead to body-wide vascular degeneration. This is seen eventually as heart disease, kidney failure, dementia and Alzheimer's, heart arrhythmia, blindness. Anywhere in the body that requires fine capillary communications and oxygenation find that oxygen and nutrients are less and less available as the years progress and cellular function slowly shifts to anaerobic methods (cancer) to survive. Pathology reports of nearly all Korean war dead showed degradation of the fine capillaries is the septum of the heart. These were 19-22 year old's who were well on there way to modern day disease manifestation. Cancer is a response by our cells to mutate to anaerobic processes. These mutations for many are due to the withdrawal of robust capillary networks from the cell areas all over the body.
Other poisons that lead to vascular and direct cell failure come from smoking, air and water pollution. The point I am trying to make here is that elevated insulin over a lifetime is also one of those poisons and that glucose and fructose raise insulin to toxic levels. Your brain is the only organ that actually requires carbohydrates, and those can be generated by your liver. So you really have no need for exogenous carbohydrates (sugars) at all except in the form of fibrous vegetables and related unprocessed foods.
Thank you, Mr Bill for sharing your knowledge and educating people! …Scripture says “My people perish for lack of knowledge” so we appreciate you for taking the time to share.
God gave us designer foods so that our bodies could function at their best…. processed foods were not designed by God. Let this saying be your guide: Eat the things that God created, not the things that man has manipulated. Eat as many fresh and frozen foods, in their natural state, as you can. Read all labels….if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. God bless you, abundantly!
I wanted to second the person that said to be sure and warn people how deadly xylitol can be to dogs. I don’t use it because I’m clumsy and my dog is fast. All it takes is one dropped bowl of something with xylitol to kill my pup.
Thank you SO much for all the info. I changed my eating habits after Christmas 2015 & went back to eating The Hay Diet for purely health reasons. It’s all healthy food…lots of veg, fruit & each meal only 20% carbs OR protein (don’t mix them tog at same meal) Sugar cravings vanished after a week or so..& I have lost 14 pounds of fat slowly over the past 10 weeks. Fat just ‘slipped’ off. If I indulge, VERY rarely in a piece of birthday cake for example, sugar cravings jump into action & the brain goes into overdrive to satisfy the craving! Keeping eating wholefoods etc has made me feel so much better & healthier & it’s SO good to read that your articles confirm what Dr Hay was saying in the 1800s! I read on the internet that people in Okinawa in Japan look upon food as ‘medicine’ for the body! I agree!! Such a pity that its more difficult these days to get truly organic food. Tangerines/satsumas are sprayed with fungicides etc to keep them from rotting in transit. Something I only found out weeks ago! We are just NOT aware of what is in the soil our foods are grown in or what they’re sprayed with these days. Its a battle! Anyway, thank you for all the positive info your e-mails give. Many Blessings..PJ in the UK:)
Way to go, Julia! Sugar definitely is addictive – but we can overcome the cravings and be so much healthier. It’s tough with our adult children – but we can lead by example and feed them nutritious foods when they are in our homes. Blessings to you and yours!
Ty you mentioned good sweetners such as honey, pure maple strup, molasses, coconut sugar. Would these better sweeteners still be okay if one has cancer? I know refined white sugar should be completed emininated but what about the better kinds of sweetners?
NO, if you have cancer please cut out all sugars and definitely avoid all sweeteners, especially white refined sugar, for an occasional treat some raw honey should suffice . . . x
Finally the truth revealed!!! Thanks for sharing wisdom. Can someone tell nurses in chemotherapy treatment centres to stop giving cancer patients chocolates & sugar loaded drinks…see it too often. Not to mention Stress being a contributor to cancer cell growth as well.
I have to agree with you 100% even at cancer centers they serve coffee and have sugar and they also have cookies and juice.i have mentioned it to them they just smiled.
Do you know cream has sugar in it?
Dr Jemenez explains in the interviews how suger works on cancer…explaining the differences between plain suger and the fruit sugar…I don’t remember in which video he explains this…. it is in the first series..thou..very interesting…….
Interesting how everybodys taste buds demand sugar. I use to be “addicted” to sugar, I thought I would never be able to live without it. But I have proved myself wrong. Because of being diagnosed with a brain tumor I completely stopped using sugar. My nutritional doctor thought it would even be good stop using fructose sugar for awhile. I have about 5 drops of liquid stevia in a coconut pudding that I have once a day, now I’ve gone about a month with zero sugar and I’m still alive 😉
It’s so hard to eliminate sugars! I love desserts, bread, pasta….
I am a diabetic with cancer…
would not do it. There is a product called Swerve that has xylitol and is really nice. There is a product on the market called Keto O/S and it puts your body in state of nutritional ketosis in under and hour and it is safe and made from mineral salts. It is inhibiting the growth of cancer in lab mice and now the studies will move to human trials. If you are having trouble kicking sugar, I highly recommend you try this. Takes great and side benefits are amazing. I gave some of this to my alcoholic brother and he did not want a drink all day. He was shocked. Fat loss is a nice side benefit. When the body is on ketones as fuel, cancer stops growing.
Yes, Ketos OS kicked my sugar addiction in 2 days without any discilpine needed and I lost 6 lbs in a little over a week. Unbelievable.
Chances of survival if diagnosed with pancreas & liver cancer. Is there help for this type of cancer. Thank you
Find Ty and Charlene Bolinger online— The Truth about Cancer…. lots of help! Look up Donna Roth from Canada….She will be a TREMENDOUS help!! I will pray for you to get the healing you need!!
Well call me a lab rat I’m 35years old and have been eating white sugar since 17. .It started with I liked the crunch now how many years later I am eating by the cupful shot glasses and bagfulls ..1 bag in my house literally last 2days so that’s half a bag of white sugar I consume per day. ..I know I’m addicted I’ve tried 2 substitute but nothing works, I hide it from my kids my family know, spoken with the doctor he says Lil sugar is okay but I don’t think he really understands just how bad this is for me… Can anyone help??
That sounds serious. And a serious problem requires a serious solution. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I think counseling will help. Your addiction is severe and I feel that if you’ve not been able to quit on your own, then a professional should be called in. Sugar is VERY ADDICTIVE! I know this as a fact personally and I still struggle with cravings even though I’ve been on a “health journey” for the last 15 years or so. Drug addicts have to go through detox and counseling, even seclusion from the rest of the world to help eliminate any triggers. You might be at this point. Just be honest with yourself and your family. They are your support team….. praying for you Selena.
Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings upon him 1400 & plus years ago warned us to avoid or minimize the consumption of the ”Two Whites” Sugar & Salt…and he warned us on many other things that today’s new modern medication ‘advancement’ is discovering and making a big fuss on their discoveries..Why not check what the Arabian Prophet from the deserts of Arabia has once upon a time said to avoid on new discoveries and waiting for long 😉 just a thought..a little tip while @ it According to hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is believed to have said: “In the black seed is healing for every disease except death.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Indigenous to the Mediterranean region, the black seed plant (Nigella Sativa) has been used medicinally by Muslims and non-Muslims alike for hundreds of years.
A Cure For All Things
Within Arabo-Islamic culture, the black seed has been prescribed for various ailments including fever, asthma, chronic headaches, diabetes, digestion, back pain, infections and rheumatism. In fact, since its rise in popularity in the Seventh century the black seed has remained a staple of family medicine within the Muslim world. The black seed is believed to have 100 components and is a significant sources of fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
Whenever I get a cold or flu, the first things that gets added to my hot drinks is black cumin and although it leaves no taste in the drink- the trick is to chew the seeds rather than just swallow them whole. They have a slightly bitter and pepperytaste but nothing too strong so it is a relatively pain-free medicine. My mother constantly tells me about its amazing properties and it seems that there science out there to back it up.
A Revival In Natural Medicine
Black seed has been scientifically proven to demonstrate strong anti-bacterial, antioxident, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties which support its claims to be of medicinal value for various ailments. There was also interesting studies carried out which found that black cumin had inhibitory effects on carcagins and was also helpful for fighting tumours.
How to use:
Eat black seeds plain;
Eat a teaspoon of black seed mixed with honey;
Boil black seed with water. Strain and drink;
Heat black seed and warm milk until it just begins to boil. Remove from heat. Cool, then drink;
Grind black seed and swallow it with water or milk;
Sprinkle on bread and pastries;
Burn black seed with bukhoor (incense) for a pleasant scent.
In the kitchen: Black seed is aromatic with a slight peppery flavor. It is one of the distinct flavors of Arab pastries. It is often sprinkled on breads and cheese. It is heated with milk for flavor. It is eaten ground with honey or with cakes and pastries.
Since 1959, over 200 studies at international universities and articles published in various journals have shown remarkable results supporting its traditional uses recorded almost 1400 years ago.
Both the holy Qur’an and Hadith refer to honey as a healer of disease.
‘And thy Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees and in (men’s) habitations….. there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for mankind. Verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought’.
(Translation of Quran 16:68-69)
In addition, the Prophet MOHAMMED (PBUH) said:
‘Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Qur’an is a remedy for all illness of the mind, therefore I recommend to you both remedies, the Qur’an and honey.’
Hoping it helps and wish the world a good health..
Thank you for sharing this information. May God bless you.
In every country exist herbs, seeds…etc etc. To help heal people living in this specific country.,and it is good….now that we can travel all over the world we can benefit from other cultures health concern…as long as we stay on the road without …pushing people in this or that religion we can no doubt get along…thank you for the advice..
The human body was not designed to run on glucose fyi
Can anyone comment on ‘Mannitol or Erythritol’, preferably someone that has experience of taking these sugars in the past or present.
I have been taking both for a few years now. Since watching Ty Bollinger’s 9 episodes of cancer prevention I’m in half mind to bin the supplies I have left!
Dennis p
i sure wish someone could explain to me how it is i’ve been eating sugar my whole life… and yet i have never missed a day of work due to illness… i feel great… no sign of diabetes although my family has a history… immune system seems to work extremely well… i smoked cigarettes for 30 years… quit 13 years ago… i’ve smoked pot every day for the past 35 years… i’m 6 ft tall… 215 lbs… play softball once a week and umpire twice a week… my job requires lifting medium weights and i walk around a lot… and i am well known to everyone to eat a lot of sweets…
maybe i’m just lucky… but at 63… i’m wondering what the long term means… should i not eat any sugar my whole life so it won’t kill me at 75? or am i doing something that counters the effects? 8)
Playing Russian Roulette with your life is never wise! Thank the good Lord that you have not had a serious illness…but you cannot see inside your body…what is happening inside your arteries, organs or blood. Be wise and change to good health habits now so that you can live a longer life and not become a burden to your loved ones.
What about GLYCERIN. Does it feed cancer like sugar?? It is in so many health products including Dr Mercola’s Vit D spray. It’s in a lyposomal Vit C which patients take for immune support during cancer.
I am told it isn’t a sugar… mum has cancer and is using health supplements that contain glycerine. She is on a sugar free diet. She asked this question which I am having trouble getting an answer for. Please can you help……..
I won’t pretend to know what is best for anyone, but can only relay my personal experience. For several years, I suffered from muscle cramps all over my body; legs, core, back, arms etc. Anything could set them off, just bending over could cause a terribly painful cramp in my Abdominal muscle. I stopped eating all artificial sweeteners for other reasons; and my cramping stopped almost overnight. it definitely makes me think about what I put in my body now!
Enjoyed reading all the comments as I too have had a lifetime struggle with sugar. Well, at least since reading “Sugar Blues” in the ’60s and learning the negative side effects of those little white crystals. Was raised since early childhood with always having desert after dinner then worked in a bakery for 3 years as a teenager so the addiction was well established. Have tried many times to cure myself of the habit and found some things worked but could not always stick with it. There are always people around encouraging one to have just a bite of this or that, “one piece of cake isn’t going to hurt you” or “how about a little ice-cream with that?” I now know the struggles of an alcoholic or drug addict when they try to “kick the habit” I found that adding two scoops of Tangy Tangerine to my smoothie gives enough sweetness to satisfy. Also, building up the immune system is the best way to help fight against everything that attacks the body. Something that has come along in the last few years to help with this is Redox-Signaling Molecules. Go to to see the studies done on this.
Good luck to all with this addiction.
I had symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and couldn’t figure out why my joints and muscles hurt so much all the time then realized I was using a lot of Splenda (sucralose) and decided to stop to see what would happen. It took 2 full months but my joint and muscle pain COMPLETELY went away and now I feel like the little pink/yellow/blue packets are poison for my body. I’m 60 and very active with no major ailments and am not on ANY meds–what a difference! Also, I’ve heard MANY stories of people who stopped artificial sweeteners and got rid of bad headaches and even multiple sclerosis symptoms! It’s worth a try (but takes a while to get out of your system!) if you have ANY aches and pains…
What is worth trying for several months is to detoxify your body..and this will get rid of most of your problems…of course EO..and all the other things will help that is sure but the root of these problem…which will not get well once in for all…if you don’t detoxify your body..and this in all directions..nourrishments…cleaning the body..inside out outside in..meaning juicing very often organic food..and there are loads of info about all this….
these aren’t any miracle med or oils or anything that will last for a loonnnggg time .,the only thing that wIll help yourself for the rest of your life is to be careful what you eat as well as dong excercices..and help your body to detoxify..I have been reading all these comments for a long time..and seems to me that most people haven’t even heard the docs expressing thelselves about cancer or other a matter of fact..,..the alkalinise body..the clean colon body..and a good working liver etc..will never get sick with any desease if the body is detoxified… I said .starting by changing drastically wHat you more milk…no more meat….no artificial sugar …and so on but plenty veg and fruits ……juices..nuts…good filtered water..without fluoride…and most reste you can have… will boost your imlune system keep it up protect your body…keep yourself happy …being grateful others..not only think of yourself…all these things seems to amount to almost nothing but in reality are very powerful..on our spirit and by consequence on our body…
Take care be happy…express love to yourself..
For your overall good health, I’d recommend to stop drinking coffee and cream (dairy in general). There is an Instant Herbal Beverage with Dandelion called Dandy Blend (it’s like an herbal tea), that tastes really close to coffee. If you want to try it as a tasty and healthy replacement to coffee.
If something has 5 molecules and 3 of those are chlorine … would you want to consume it? That’s Splenda …
Very important information..I stopped all forms of sugar, dairy, and gluten and already lost around 10 lbs. Since June. Was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, diabetes, high wasn’t easy in the beginning because I stopped all at once and my cravings to eat my “foods” made me feel horrible, bad mood, brain foggy….etc….but now I feel much better. I started a natural protocol with holistic medicine and I’m so happy to see results in 2 months. I’m convinced sugar is not only addictive but is poison for our bodies and fuel to developing all kinds of cancer.
Just curious…. Regarding the typical amounts of sugar people used to eat vs today… Were these numbers reflectling only white sugar found in treats and desserts? Or did this include the sugar found in fruits and other foods like dairy etc…?
Sugar consumption has gone through the roof in the past 30 years, HFCS is also very detrimental. Fruit is not unhealthy bar the pesticides, unless you do no exercise there can be complications with diabetes. Check out my book ‘The Seven Deadly Whites’ – if you want to know the truth, it’s all in there . . x
Not only coffeee or sugar but the whole eating system is completely out of track for patients….!!
What’s next; that apples are bad for you because they contain carbs? I agree that diabetics must watch how much fruit they eat, but for a normal healthy person, fruit is good for you. Of course i could go into all of the reasons why, but just do a little research on eating one organic apple a day and you will see that giving up fruit and eating only ‘fibrous vegetables and unprocessed foods’ is a load of bullocks. One last thing; don’t ever try and convince me that eating a banana or three everyday is somehow going to hurt me. The potassium load alone is worth more than gol, and that’s before we even get into the fiber they contain. Again, do some research online.
the reasons you are so healthy:
– the exercise you get a work
– the mental freedom of having a good job
– the pot (it is anti-cancer, helps you relax)
– the friends, family and laughter from hanging out with the softball teammates, as baseball/softball is the best sport
nobody seems to have any answers/info about glycerine and cancer???? I am told it isn’t a ‘sugar’.
As to what i heard it is an acid aminy and is essentiel in the elements to make life existing…life wouldn’t be if glycerine wouldn’t be there….
How about putting a banana in coconut shreddings…with some nuts….hmmmmi am sure it would taste sooooo good!!…both tigether are very giid fir health.,by the way .,This nothing go do with the other..i keep on asking ..Dr Axe…..and now i quite .,about his bone brith.and of course.,instead of znswering ..well let say anything but just answer…because i yold him dince i am vegetarian what could i do to replace bone broth?……,..i am so mad..not because he might not know..but because it is a lack of respect for me and other vegetarians…for not even answering my question….
Char, I agree with 110% each and every time I went for Chemo, Radiation and had any discussion with
a family doctor and worse an Oncologist, they all encourage all kinds of SUGAR just eat gives you energy
Cancer thrives on sugar yet the Doctors try and push it on you, it’s the Killer!
Most peoples knew the value of honey. It was common knowledge even before Mohamed. Most plants, including black cumin, have medicinal value and most cultures have their own “all-curing” local plants (turmeric in india, etc). Mohamed just spoke about the things that were going on around him in his day 🙂
Neither of which is safe for a diabetic. Not helpful.
The nurses have nothing to do with the types of food served in chemo or cancer centers. This decision is left up to dietitians employed by the hospital or clinics at which they are being treated. I solved that problem by carrying a bag with healthy foods, snacks, and my own water to get me through the hours of chemo, which helps with nausea, eating a little nutritious food at a time.
Everybody is affected differently by things. You may just be Lucky !!!
I read in Stephen Cherniske’s ‘Caffeine Blues’ that coffee puts us in flight or fight which causes the liver to dump a load of stored sugars into our blood. Something to think about.
So which of these sugars are good in the end? i guess it would be better to put that next to all these explanations… most of them are easy to understand but some I didnt quite get whether they are good or not?
Hi, maltodextrin comes from corn which is genetically modified.
What about erythritol (another sugar-alcohol), which is often paired with stevia?
100% pure green stevia, raw honey, molasses, pure maple syrup, coconut sugar, and xylitol (should be used with caution b/c it has some potential gastrointestinal health side effects).
I would like to know if you know where molasses comes from. You say that molasses is added to white sugar to get brown sugar.??????
molasses comes from sugar beets and was not found in cane sugar. I was an electrician at U and I sugar manufacturing. in fact all brown sugar sold by C and H was purchased from beet sugar manufacturers. molasses is left in the sugar and so to choose molasses as a “good” sugar is in error.
Molasses is a viscous product resulting from refining sugarcane or sugar beets into sugar.
Look at the clinic of Dr Nicholas Gonzales and Dr Linda Isaacs in New York. They use pancreatic enzymes from pigs trypsin and chymotripsin matching human enzymes.. they have patients who are still alive after 30 years. Milk thistle helps repair the liver…
I have heard that sugar from Russia is purer, and better for you, not processed like that in most of the rest of the world. Anyone know if this is valid?
I would love to know where your sugar consumption numbers come from, the study perhaps and by who. I don’t dispute them whatsoever. I want to be able to use those numbers in discussions.
Without knowing who did the study or what study in fact, it is difficult to get certain people to even objectionably look at what I, (we) have to say.
Hi Roger,
Please refer to the sources and references tab that is directly below the article summary for more information.
White Sugar is a slow killer. I was diagnosed to have “intermittent claudication” and the doctor recommended a fruit and vegetables diet, without sugar, salt, fatty oils and red meat. Then 8 km walk daily for 60 days. With no other medication at all, I got well. up till now, after 11 years of the diagnosis….. But is sugar cane the same with mollasses?? Thank you Ty for the article.
Bill, thank you for that response. All food affects insulin levels so how do we protect ourselves?
i cant believe my organic agave syrup is bad for me…darn it!..i just did a buy one get one at publix…lol…oh well …back to honey…i am a breast cancer survivor wanting to change diet and liftstyle to prevent a reoccurrence…not sure where to begin
I don’t think it’s THAT toxic. Not that you shouldn’t be careful, but i bowl of xylitol sweetened something wouldn’t kill your dog- just make him sick. It’s “toxic” to cats too and I have one very determined (and already old and infirm) cat who has managed to gobble up an entire cookie on more than one occasion and didn’t even appear sick.
Please be careful with your cat! It is toxic and even though there was no immediate / obvious effect, it can build up…
How come so many articles always leave out Maple syrup? I want to know more about it. Good bad? Other wise.? Not many will talk about it. WHY? Give me your thoughts (thetruthaboutcancer). ? Does it make canidia does is it better then Local Raw Honey? Is it the same?
I read an article years ago that pure maple syrup,does not enter your bloodstream,but gets quickly digested !! And many diabetics have used this with great success.
If coconut sugar is mostly sucrose, doesn’t that mean that it is a lot more than the 10% fructose as stated, given that sucrose is made up of 50% glucose & 50% fructose (also stated)? Confusing / contradictory information is such a problem when researching alternative treatments and is not helpful…
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for your comment.
For more information please look at the sources and references tab directly below the article summary.
Just read this page : and it says that sugar has no direct link with cancer growth because normal cells also absorb sugar or something? Don’t really understand it … But seeing that the cancer organisation of the uk denies the link is quite impressive
To say that “sugar” is cancer’s favorite food can be misleading. Glucose is sugar, all carbohydrates are turned into it, and every cell, healthy or otherwise, uses it for energy. Rice, potatoes, corn, and wheat have kept human societies alive and robust the world over for millennia. I fully agree, GMO’s and refined, denatured foods promote disease, but raisins, dates, bananas, and watermelon, as examples, are very sweet and quite healthy in moderation, (as with everything.)
Sounds like from your description that ‘rapadura’ is just sucrose or dextrose and should therefore be avoided. Correct?
My brother suggested I would possibly like this blog. He used to be entirely right.
This put up truly made my day. You can not consider just how so much
time I had spent for this information! Thank you!
We’re so glad to hear this, Petra!
Thank you for sharing your love and support. 🙂 We’re happy to hear that our information was helpful to you!
How do i know that what you say about sugar is true? We know that is causes diabetes, but more things other than sugar can cause that.
Hi Sierra,
For more information you can look at the sources and references tab that is directly below the article summary.
I read this paragraph completely about the resemblance of most up-to-date and previous technologies, it’s amazing article.
From a Google of “Sugar is not linked to Cancer” because of the phrase being part of point one in a Quora response to the question: What percentage of cancer can [we] control if we eliminate all sugar from our diet? – this link was listed part way down in the search result. I am a student of TheTruthAboutCancer over the past years.
After reading a few that supported the above phrase, I read this article. To be open, I was disappointed expecting some good supporting refutations to sugar is not linked to cancer. The only take away I got from the many words were “Due to the anaerobic respiratory mechanism exhibited by ALL cancer cells, sugar is cancer’s favorite food!” and the added aspect of GMO contribution if the sugar is from beets.
From the several articles I read prior to this one, the premise that cancer feeds on sugar is limp because all cells (including cancer) utilize sugar (glucose) for their metabolic energy. The only difference was that cancer cells do so anaerobically (without oxygen), which they also acknowledged.
It would be good to better explain the mechanics of why sugar IS linked to cancer to help those learning, as well as to squelch the adversaries. Poorly explained statements tend to work the opposite and drive the adversaries. Ironically this is the primary difference between a well nutrient-ed body not supporting cancer and one that does.
Respectfully, Crossville TN
Great points Stephen Crouse.
Let me first state, I come from a very anti-sugar consumption standpoint. Avoiding sugar in all it’s forms, whether ‘natural’ or synthetic.
I do prefer more indepth exsplanations of statements. Maybe that has been avoided in this article in a bid to not confuse many non – thinking people…. Who knows…..
Thank you for the article! Could you please clarify….You indicated that a lot of fructose it’s harmful as it’s converted to fats and leads to insulin r resistance and production…. So consuming a lot of fruit world be harmful??
Fruit is not harmful because it provides the fiber which causes the fructose to bypass the liver and feed the microbes in your gut (a good thing). Fruit is only avoided (with the exception of blackberries, raspberries, minimal blueberries, and strawberries) if someone is insulin resistant. It’s better to avoid most fruits and stick to a small portion of berries until your resistance is reversed. After that, a person can eat fruits in moderation while keeping an eye on their insulin levels.
The result is they received fatter and sicker.
I was diagnosed with bc in 2012 triple positive. The tumor was the size of a golf ball. The surgeon said after chemo, then would follow a mandatory mastectomy…..Started doing my own research. Found the theory of sugar being the only fuel source for cancer. Dropped sugar from my diet. No pies, cookies, pop, ice cream. No processed foods. Hormone free milk, meat, etc. Made meals from scratch and did not eat out to avoid the processed foods. Picked up a juicer to increase my nutrient intake. First chemo, size of a golf ball. 2nd chemo 2 WEEKS LATER….the size of a pencil eraser. Went to the surgeon prior to surgery once the chemo was completed…she could not find the tumor. Period. Through touch and with a equipment (sonogram/ultrasound of the breast). On the sonogram,/ultra sound all she could find was one little tiny white dot which is all that remained of the tumor. She did a lumpectomy. It came back clear margins. She asked to go back in and do a 2nd lumpectomy 4 days later because she could not believe she could not find the tumor. Still clear margins. All during this time of chemo, my doctor and staff said “don’t change your eating habits, eat whatever you want”. Even though all we did was switch to eating more healthy. 7 years later. Still cancer free. I BELIEVE. There is nothing anyone can say to change my mind. The oncologist could not/would not explain why the tumor disappeared as it did. The surgeon expected to just go in and remove this lump of tissue the size of a golf ball and she literally found NOTHING.
That is amazing Alyce! Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Thanks good information … asif Islamabad pakistan
Xylitol is HIGHLY poisoness for dogs. Even a small amount can send your dog into seizures and usually the result is death. Xylitol is usually used in gum but can be found in some peanut butter so read ingredients carefully if you are ever making sweet treats for yourself, others or your pooches.
I had no idea!! THANK YOU for the info!!
Wow! In the end I got a website from where I be able
to really take helpful data regarding my study
and knowledge.
Amazing! We’re so glad to hear you’ve benefitted from our info.
Blessings and love! 🙂
You have mentioned very interesting details!
ps nice internet site.
Thanks for a very helpful information regarding sugar which is related to cancer.
Dang, bruh thats crazy. You got the whole squad laughing ha ha
this is comedy
Sugar itself doesn’t cause insulin resistance and diabetes. It’s when sugar is combined with fat and oils that causes insulin resistance and eventually diabetes because fats and oils prevent sugar from entering the cells causing it to build up in the bloodstream . Of course you want to avoid all processed sugars just like you want to avoid any heavily processed food because the sugars aren’t in a form that our liver, brain, and nervous system can use and are devoid of any micronutrients like vitamins, minerals antioxidants, and phytochemicals that are bonded to natural sugars. Its also false that fructose or other sugars are converted into fat. Sugar doesn’t convert into fat or triglycerides. Triglycerides come from eating fats and oils and processed oils and large amounts of animal fats are especially harmful but even excess fat from plant based sources isn’t good either.
Look up Warburg (Nobel Prize) and more recently Seyfried. They propose the Metabolic model for cancer and not the presently ensconced Genetic model. Damaged, cancerous cells can no longer survive on oxygen but revert to a method used when there was NO oxygen on the earth. They survive on glucose and necessarily die without it.
Some researchers believe – probably Seyfried among them – that the efforts of our T-cells to combat the damage from these cancerous cells results in eventual merging of the two cells. Unfortunately the cancer now has the unique ability that only our immune cells have – they can travel to all locations in the body – called metastasis. YouTube has videos on this subject.
A very interesting and relevant article! As a child, I was a terrible sweet tooth and could use sugars and baked goods in infinite quantities! But as a teenager, I experienced all the consequences of the excessive amount of candy I ate. I had terrible skin problems and started having digestive problems. It’s good that my teeth are naturally strong. 15 years later, I do not eat sugar with coffee or tea and practically do not eat sweets. I eat a lot of dried fruit or fresh fruit. Nuts help me a lot. I’m glad I was able to get rid of my sugar addiction!
I do not use sugar anymore as a sweetener because I find that it is bad for you.
This is good position
I agree with the problem of drinking sugar and the emerging dependence on it. But everything should have a measure, if you monitor your diet and limit yourself in sugar consumption, you can avoid serious problems. As for me, in a supermarket you need to carefully read the composition of the product on the label so that you do not harm yourself after eating.
Sugar is heavily addictive. I lost all of my fingers except my middle ones. I think it has something to do with sugar radiation. Sugar also has major side affects that ended giving my brothers sisters fathers daughter the ability to EAT black licorice. The doctor said she doesn’t have much longer to dance.
sugar causes cancer wraiths to exist.