The following is an excerpt from The Truth About Cancer: What You Need to Know About Cancer’s History, Treatment, and Prevention (Hay House, 2016), by Ty Bollinger.
You’re probably already familiar with what happens when you contract a serious illness and your body goes into hyper drive by reacting with a fever, or high temperature. This hyperthermic response is the body’s way of naturally fighting the infection, and contrary to popular belief, it shouldn’t be minimized with ibuprofen and other drugs because it’s a good thing, despite being uncomfortable.
As it turns out, hyperthermia is also beneficial in the treatment of cancer. In 1893, Dr. William B. Coley discovered how the body’s hyperthermic response to bacteria can also help kill cancer cells. He purposely injected bacterial toxins into the tumors of 10 cancer patients and watched as their bodies responded with fevers, effectively killing the tumors.
A later study from Germany replicated this by demonstrating that Coley’s toxins, which are now referred to as mixed bacterial vaccine (MBV), helped cure advanced-stage non-Hodgkin lymphoma, resulting in a 93 percent remission rate as opposed to a dismal 29 percent remission rate among controls who received chemotherapy, and such research is continuing.
The use of induced hyperthermia in anticancer therapeutics is a rapidly expanding field, yet its effective application has been around for more than 100 years. In 1927, Julius Wagner-Jauregg was awarded a Nobel Prize for his work in hyperthermic therapies, but how many people do you know today who are utilizing it in the fight against cancer?
It’s a shame, really, because hyperthermia is a highly effective way to kill cancer cells. They only need to be heated to about 108 degrees Fahrenheit for roughly one hour in order to die. Healthy cells, on the other hand, die at a much higher temperature, so this heating process is completely safe and 100 percent selective, destroying only malignant cells. Even better is the fact that this gentle heat promotes blood vessel dilation around healthy cells, improving their function − this while knocking out cancer cells with ease.
>> Click here to learn more about the sauna we recommend and use daily. <<
Because cancer tumors are tightly packed with very little circulation, heating them in order to kill them just makes logical sense. And microwave energy is one powerful way to do this, as cancer tumors have a high water content. The beauty of microwave energy, as Dr. Alan J. Fenn, an electrical engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, found throughout his research, is that it’s adaptive. This means it can be concentrated directly into a tumor without harming other tissues, which seems to be a pattern among alternative cancer therapeutics.
But there are many other ways to induce hyperthermia, including full-body submersion into hot water, ultrasound, and one particular modality that seems to be growing in popularity at an accelerating rate: infrared saunas. Infrared energy penetrates the skin and pulls out toxins while simultaneously heating the body’s internals. And depending on which end of the infrared spectrum is used − near, mid, or far − heat energy can have varying beneficial effects.
Here’s what renowned oncologist Dr. Josef Issels, once stated about the power of heat: “Artificially induced fever has the greatest potential in the treatment of many diseases, including cancer.”
This is quite the powerful statement − and by a cancer doctor, no less! But it’s true, and there are several important reasons why.
First, hyperthermia helps eliminate from the body lingering toxins that contribute to cancer. Hyperthermia also helps improve circulation, improving the flow of oxygen to cells while flushing acidic waste from their structures. And finally, hyperthermia kills cancer cells on contact by heating them to a temperature beyond what they can handle.
Some cancer clinics utilize hyperthermia machines like the BSD−2000 Hyperthermia System in conjunction with traditional therapies like chemotherapy and radiation. One example is the BSD Medical Corporation based in Salt Lake City, Utah, which obtained a Humanitarian Use Device to use with the BSD-2000 in the treatment of cervical carcinoma.
I’m of the persuasion that there are much better ways to utilize hyperthermia without tying it in with radiation and poison. But unfortunately for Americans, it’s difficult to find such treatment options without going overseas to places like China and Germany where innovative approaches to its use are welcomed rather than scorned.
I will say that hyperthermia is by no means a stand-alone treatment for cancer because it doesn’t possess the ability to boost immune function, a key component of the healing process. The only way it can is by combining it with a powerful nutrition program. The Hope4Cancer Institute recommends adhering to a customized, holistic nutrition program that centers around things like getting the proper amounts of macronutrients and micronutrients. This can involve juicing, fermenting, and sprouting nutrient-dense foods, as well as making sure that you’re getting plenty of antioxidants, whole-foods based vitamins and minerals, complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and of course, clean water.
I’ll leave you with this final quote from Parmenides, the famous Greek physician who more than 2,000 years ago demonstrated a solid understanding of heat therapy and its importance in warding off disease: “Give me a chance to create fever, and I will cure any disease.”
Click here to learn more about the sauna we recommend and use daily.
Editor’s Note: This article was initially published in 2016 and has been updated in 2024.
Once again, thank you,Ty. I was unaware of the 40% higher risk of cancer due to low body temperature. My body temp was in the low-to-mid 97s for years and neither I nor my doctor thought it was of any concern. Turns out it was another factor for me getting cancer.
Curious if a consistent practice of Bikram Yoga (hot yoga) helps keep cancer at bay? Honestly, it’s frightening that heat is not used here in the US to help combat the fight against cancer. How sad it typically comes down to the all-mighty dollar. You’re doing great work Ty, keep it up!!! Looking forward to you upcoming book.
I have a far infrared Biomat but it seems that there were very few instructions with it.
I never sweat when I use it. I know some people sleep on it but I find it too uncomfortable.
Does anyone have insight on this mat?
Giving advanced cancer patients hyperthermia is an excellent therapy. I wish that everybody takes this particular therapy instead of chemotherapy and radiation therapy and all those conventional therapies do is just make people even feel sicker and causes them more cancer and even death. I would not be nervous about getting cancer, if I did not have to do neither chemotherapy and radiation therapy and was just offered hyperthermia instead and a strict diet.
Hi Ty,
Thanks for the great information. Point of interest to note towards the end of the article you talk about how hyperthermia alone is not enough to get rid of cancer because it doesn’t do anything for boosting the immune system. However in your colored summary box number two states that the Biomat infrared therapy actually boosts the immune system.
After I returned from the German cancer clinic and went straight back to work, my company’s benefits administrator stopped in at my office to ask if we could get together and discuss my experiences in Germany. I accepted, and I told him all about it. He was excited, and compared my experience with another employee who just had another round of chemo (at around $70,000) and couldn’t get out of bed. He told me he was on the board at Cancer Treatment Centers of America’s Tulsa campus, then asked me if I would join them at their next meeting. I accepted, then waited and waited for a call.
Finally, after two months, I found out that CTCA had sent an oncologist to the same cancer clinic in Germany. She followed the staff around, watched the procedures, witnessed the outstanding results and became very excited. My contact explained that the board told the oncologist that if they ever used the same treatments here, they’d go out of business! The board told the doctor to forget everything she’d seen in Germany because it would never see the light of day here the United States. It’s all about the money, after all.
What is the centre you went to in Germany please ?? I have recently been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer
I’d just like to know whether I need to fill out the form above since I already pre-ordered the book!
I mean, I don’t need to subscribe, do I?
Americans are refrigerated. They fear heat more than they do the devil. I ask them if they want some cheese with that whine, and to quit sniveling and go out and sweat, it’s good for you.
How about adding hyperbaric therapy to the mix? I wonder if oxygen therapy is beneficial even after angionesis has taken place.
Your recent email asked for feedback on this section. One small comment: You mention the benefits of microwave radiation. Perhaps you could add there a brief comment contrasting it with conventional radiotherapy. I had to think for a moment “are microwaves the same as radiotherapy” so I looked it up and realized that of course they’re not – but possibly you could point out the difference for the benefit of readers who aren’t very clear about it. (Incidentally, if this caught on, I wonder whether conventional radiographers could adapt their existing skills to offer microwave therapy, then they wouldn’t need to be put out of work if alternative therapies catch on, so wouldn’t need to resist the change.)
I love “A”‘s Comment. Your excerpts are great,Ty, and you are so effectively getting the word out that the sheeple must think for themselves, and refuse to be bullied into a treatment protocol they don’t have confidence in.
this book should be put into d.v.d. format so millions more can get these very important cures / prevention suggestions
Excellent remedy. As soon as cancer is diagonise, people immeiately are advised for chemo. Your book will reveal so many alternatives.
I had hydrotherapy treatments to induce a fever, plus an excellent nutrition program, at the Weimar Institute plus their excellent nutrition program! It’s a 3 week in residence program, & made all the difference in my recovery from breast
cancer after a lumpectemy!
Ty, please do more research: hyperthermia absolutely DOES boost the immune system when given to the whole body at lower temperature (39 to 40 degrees Centigrade) for longer duration (2-6h), particularly when primed by a low dose of chemo or radiation though the mechanism is still not well understood. That attribute is much more important than direct cell killing at higher temperatures and has resulted in complete cures in animals and substantial responses in patients. Also, the opening of tumor microvasculature improves drug delivery so lower doses can be effective. Check out the work by Drs. Joan Bull at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston (has several ongoing clinical trials), Elizabeth Repasky at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (much careful research), and Rolf Issels in Vienna (clinical protocol). The Heckel machine (made in Germany) is most commonly used for this kind of hyperthermia. You are right that there are many more opportunities for hyperthermia treatment in Europe and, more recently, Asia than in the USA.
In the text, the cancer killing hyperthermia limit is stated as 108 F for one hour, but in the graphic it is stated as 104 F for one hour. Which temperature is correct?
Thanks Tracy, I have the same question. Which is it. It’s extremely difficult to sustain 108 degrees for an hour, it’s extremely hard to get to 108 degrees in the first place. 104 degrees is much more achievable and easier to maintain for an hour. Hummm
Onco-Thermia has a lomng history of effective use in many cancers, it is available in Germany, other EU states the US and Western Canada.
You are doing a great work in getting your message to the world. I just want you to know that many people are grateful for the information you have worked so hard to put together for all of us. May your message of TRUTH be known to all those in need so they can make wise choices in the care the seek.
Thank you so much!
Dan Shea
I placed an order, clicked the SUBMIT button and waited for 15 minutes. There was no confirmation email. So I clicked the SUBMIT button again.
Hi Jeanette,
Please contact our customer support department: findings like the cancer cells can die at a temperature of 108 degrees.tat too artificially induced fever.but won’t d patient gets fits or doe?
I meant die
I quit going any indoor places in the summer years ago-I just got too sick from the cold! Over refrigeration! I do not tolerate cold well. I have done well w/ soaking in heat. I have bad reactions to high EMFs and most infrared saunas are high-that is what make tanning beds so dangerous-the EMFs. I get pretty sick from microwave radiation as also another high EMF problem. See “The Bio-Initiative Report” , a series of papers on the effects. NO wireless allowed in my house, NO microwave. NO utility or their stinky meter. I do hear there are some lower EMF saunas that are safer. I get an intuition that the old fashioned Swedish saunas may be the best overall.
I think people are too ready to freeze themselves out.
Is it only infrared saunas that help or the old steam saunas as well?
Good for you – I am going to look up the Bio Initiative Report. I do want to rid of that Smart Meter, but use the Alterra products to neutralize, and my wellness center has no wireless – which can frustrate my clients. I tell them the may as well put their phones in sleep modes…they are there to care for their bodies, not harm it. (LOL) I sleep on a BioMat at the lowest heat settings, three seasons of the year, and in summer no heat, and get the benefits of negative ions only. If I have cold feet in the winter I just cannot sleep. No worries about EMFs either.
Australia had a doctor who used the microwave therapy and was getting amazing results his name is Dr John Holt, he was interviewed by 60 minutes over here and had records of patients that were cured when given no hope from medical practioners, he was ridiculed by them, just like anyone else who claimed they had had any success with other options of treatment, such a shame.
This book should be made into d.v.d. format
WHEN is the book being shipped. My Dad is going in for a biopsy tomorrow and I would like to get him the book before he makes any decisions.
It says when you order that the book is coming out Oct 25 I believe it was. But, if you order now from the TTAC site you can immediately receive the download for the audiobook version so you can start listening right away, and that’s at no extra cost. That would be the easiest and fastest way I think for you to get the information quickly.
TY – I tried to tell you about WBHT after your first book … Dr Fredrick Douwes, as I understand it has done the most research and likely treated more patients than anyone else. He is at St Georg Klinik in Bad Aibling GR … again I understand that he has trained about 80% of the doctors in Germany on WBHT and was instrumentalist in the other over 6 countries that actively use this therapy.
I mentioned to you that I returned from my last treatment there Jul 3rd 2010 now over SIX years ago.
I hope you will investigate Dr Douwes fine work and perhaps feature him in one of your future updates.
God Bless
Bill Moser
The Vida Linda Foundation
Greensboro NC
Good information, but a shame that TTAC’s customer service is lacking. Ty should know about my experience but his CS agents won’t pass along what happened.
Hi Steve,
Thank you for your comment.
We have been extremely busy with the launch of Ty’s new book. I can assure you that you will receive a response to your message. It just make take a few extra days. We thank you for your patience and understanding!
Great info! Is there any difference in effectiveness between heat produced by the body, aka a fever, and an external heat source? You mention 108 degrees. That seems really high and hard to achieve from a fever.
I was always told that fevers over 104 require immediate medical attention as ceasures and damage to your glands can occur. So wondering how inducing a tempature of 108 can be safe?
108ºF is pretty hot; I was ‘cooked’ at 107 but it was very closely monitored to keep my brain cool. Further, I was under general anesthesia and had tubes going in and out for the duration. I woke up after six hours and was wheeled to my room covered with perspiration. I slept for the remainder of the day, but then woke up and was hungry for supper. What a ride!
this book should be put into d.v.d. format ( even a box set ) so millions more people can get this very important message,raising millions more money for these charities prevention is better than cure
When you send these emails , why are they in a form that is not printable….very frustrating
Would carry them around & share them with many if they were printable
hello. ty is trying to sell the book for two reasons, 1- to help to reduce the number of cancer cases in the world. 2- raise funds for various charities, i think he should produce the book into d.v.d. format ( even a box set ) and raise even more money.
we should all try to encourage our family & friends to try these poss. cures / prevention’s
It’s slightly less convenient, but when I want to print anything from online I just copy and paste the sections I want into a blank email or open office document page and print from there. Maybe there’s a reason you don’t want to do that but it works for me. I also then email to myself for future reference should I need it.
What is the difference in this new book and the one already out-Cancer-Step Outside the Box?
Excellent article Ty. I brought up three children without ever bringing down fevers and people would try to convince me that they were going to convulse. I always told my children it is like washing the dishes with cold water or hot water and the body can clean itself much easier when it heats up. I know a lady who helps people to heal from cancer and the main thing she teaches is a particular hydrotherapy where the body is heated to an exact temperature for an exact amount of time and she has been very successful.
I asked my (former) oncologist about that and said it’s a crazy idea. He said that the cancer would spread like crazy because of the oxygen. Of course, he’s totally wrong and woefully uninformed. Or possibly, he knows it works but there’s not enough money in it! (We wouldn’t want a cure now, would we?)
lots of people dont have broadband, so the book should be put on d.c.d. format
I find your book very very important and I am interested in translating it. For more details, please contact me.
As a person fighting stage 4 triple negative breast cancer, Im almost willing to try anything. However, hearing so many different stories about things that can cure cancer, it scares the living daylights out of me!! I dont know what to believe anymore because there are too many different stories!!
I can understand your hesitation, but compare the risks involved (side effects, long term effects, costs, etc) of all or any of the treatment protocols presented by Ty and the many, many practitioners that have had very positive results using these protocols, with the very probable benefits. When you compare risk to benefit of any of these treatments, one can’t help but believe that it’s worth trying. Conversely, when the risk/benefit ratio is honestly looked at with all of the traditional treatments, that’s what would scare the living daylights out of most! For yourself and any other loved ones that might possibly be in your position at some point, please take a real honest look at the results of these more natural and reasonable protocols and make a fully informed decision, not one based on fear, but rather one based on logic, reason, and intuition. All the best to you in your journey.
i think you should have a new logo saying PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE, we must start to educate all the people in the world all about the ‘natural’ products that PREVENT rather than depend on ‘CURES”
Can you please tell me how to contact this German cancer clinic as we have a friend with advanced triple negative cancer of brain, liver and hip needing to have advanced cancer treatment. She has previously had a double mastectomy. Would this clinic be able to help her? What is the process required for admission and how quickly can they admit a patient?
Dawn, contact Klinik St. Georg in Bad Aibling, Bavaria, Germany —
They will send you an information packet containing everything you’ll need to know. Munich is the closest airport, however it is much more expensive to fly there. If your friend is physically able to travel a little further by train, fly into Frankfurt. The trains are fast with few transfers. In any event, plan to have an able-bodied person go with her and stay for the duration of her treatment.