Remember back in high school chemistry when you learned about acid/alkaline balance, also referred to as the body’s pH (“potential Hydrogen” or “powers of Hydrogen”)? Our pH is measured on a scale from 0 to 14, with 7.35 being neutral (normal), below 7.35 is acidic (with 0 being the most acidic) and above 7.35 is alkaline (with 14 being the most alkaline.
Hydrogen is both a proton and an electron. If the electron is stripped off, then the resulting positive ion is a proton. In short, it is important to note that alkaline substances (also called “bases”) are proton “acceptors” (“+” charge) while acids are proton “donors” (“-” charge). Since bases have a higher pH, they have a greater potential to absorb hydrogen ions and vice versa for acids.
In chemistry, we know that water (H2O) decomposes into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxyl ions (OH-). When a solution contains more hydrogen ions than hydroxyl ions, then it is said to be acid. When it contains more hydroxyl ions than hydrogen ions, then it is said to be alkaline. As you may have guessed, a pH of 7.35 is neutral because it contains equal amounts of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions.
Over 70% of our bodies are water. When cells create energy via aerobic respiration, they burn oxygen and glucose. In simple terms, in order for the body to create energy it requires massive amounts of hydrogen. As a matter of fact, each day your body uses about ½ pound of pure hydrogen. Even our DNA is held together by hydrogen bonds and since the pH of bases is higher, they have a greater potential to absorb hydrogen, which results in more oxygen delivered to the cells.
The hydrogen ion concentration varies over 14 powers of 10, thus a change of one pH unit changes the hydrogen ion concentration by a factor of 10. The pH scale is a common logarithmic scale. For those of you who never liked math, what this means is that a substance which has a pH of 5.2 is 10 times more acidic than a substance with a pH of 6.2, while it is 100 (10 squared) times more acidic than a substance with a pH of 7.2, and it is 1,000 (10 cubed) times more acidic than a substance with a pH of 8.2, etc…
Our blood must always maintain a pH of approximately 7.35 so that it can continue to transport oxygen. Thus, God has made our bodies resilient with the ability to self-correct in the event of an imbalanced pH level through a mechanism called the buffer system. In chemistry, a buffer is a substance which neutralizes acids, thus keeping the pH of a solution relatively constant despite the addition of considerable amounts of acids or bases. However, the American diet (United States) being full of junk foods, fast foods, processed foods, and sodas, puts the body through “the wringer” in order to maintain the proper pH in the blood. Although our bodies typically maintain alkaline reserves which are utilized to buffer acids in these situations, it is safe to say that many of us have depleted our reserves.
When our buffering system reaches overload and we are depleted of reserves, the excess acids are dumped into the tissues. As more and more acid is accumulated, our tissues begin to deteriorate. The acid wastes oxidize (“rust”) the veins and arteries and begin to destroy cell walls and organs. Having an acidic pH is like driving your car with the “check engine” light on. It’s a sign that something is wrong with the engine and if we don’t get it fixed, then eventually the car will break down.
According to Keiichi Morishita in his book, Hidden Truth of Cancer, as the blood becomes acidic, the body deposits acidic substances into cells to remove them from the blood. This allows the blood to remain slightly alkaline. However, it causes the cells to become acidic and toxic. Over time, many of these cells increase in acidity and some die. However, some of these acidified cells adapt to the new environment. In other words, instead of dying (as normal cells do in an acidic environment) some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called “malignant” cells, and they do not correspond with brain function or the DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer.
Putting too much acid in your body is like putting poison in your fish tank. Several years ago, we purchased a fish tank and a couple of goldfish for our children. After killing both goldfish, we quickly learned that the key factor in keeping fish alive is the condition of the water. If their water isn’t balanced, then they die quickly. We also learned that you can kill a fish rapidly if you feed it the wrong foods! Now, compare this to the condition of our internal “fish tank.” Many of us are filling our fish tanks with chemicals, toxins, and the wrong foods which lower our pH balance, and an acidic pH results in oxygen deprivation at the cellular level.
So, what other things can we do to keep our tissue pH in the proper range? The easiest thing is to eat mostly alkaline foods. The general rule of thumb is to eat 20% acid foods and 80% alkaline foods. Fresh fruit juice also supplies your body with a plethora of alkaline substances. You can take supplements, such as potassium, cesium, magnesium, calcium, and rubidium, which are all highly alkaline.
Some excellent alkaline-forming foods are as follows: most raw vegetables and fruits, figs, lima beans, olive oil, honey, molasses, apple cider vinegar, miso, tempeh, raw milk, raw cheese, stevia, green tea, most herbs, sprouted grains, sprouts, wheat grass, and barley grass.
Foods such as yogurt, kefir, and butter are basically neutral. Several acid-forming foods are as follows: sodas, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, tobacco, aspartame, meats, oysters, fish, eggs, chicken, pasteurized milk, processed grains, sugar, peanut butter, beans, and pasta.
What are your thoughts on drinking alkaline 10 water?
Thank you for all your hard work.
Dear Kimberly, you can not start drinking 10 pH because it is 1000 times stronger than your tap water 7 pH and it can cause head aches, diarrhea, tired feelings uNess you areally an athelete in top shape body. You need to start with 8.5 pH. My family and I have been drinking Anti-oxidant, Alkaline, Ionized, Medical Grade Water for 7 years with great health improvements and reversing health issues.
I bought an expensive wáter system that adjusts wáter to a very high alkaline level. I am enjoying the wáter for the past months and beleive it has health benefits. Many people are sending me conflicting info saying that the body automatically adjusts everything we consume to our body’s PH level and this machine is useless. Any advice there?
Hi Chris. Keep using the machine. It is not correct what they say. The PH of your blood is ALWAYS 7.35. If not, you would be dead. But the mechanism of buffering makes that the rest of your body stays alkaline when you drink water with a high PH. And that is the objective. Regards Loek
I completely disagree with the feedback your getting from people telling you our bodies just adjust for all the acidic food and drink we consume…I believe for a while our bodies compensate but at some point the body’s ability to re-right itself breaks down…how else can we explain all of the chronic diseases out there (cancer, obesity, diabetes, etc….to name a few). All water is NOT created equal and the water that is made from your machine is giving you the best water, which can help your body get back into homeostasis. It’s not a miracle cure…but rather it gives your body the necessary tools to get itself back on track. The investment you made was wise…the benefits for you and your family are beyond a dollar value!!!
why is whole wheat pasta, beans, and fish acidic when we are supposed to get omega3s for our hearts? do these foods cause cancer if one eats mostly alkaline foods? ex, I eat pasta twice a week in small portions and canned fish or salmon or oysters daily with lots of fruits, veggies, and soy proteins. i also exercise and stay active. i am a professor so im not near any toxins that I know of other than chalk
Hi Edith. Should not be a problem to eat fish and beans (for protein and omega 3 fatty acids) as long as you eat lots of fresh veggies and fruits. The soy I would take out as this most of the time is GMO-soy (not good). Just keep the 20-80% rule in mind. I would limit the canned foods as much as possible, and lower your oyster intake. Fat fish is very healthy. If you do want to increase your PH, either mix some baking powder (sodium bicarbonate) in water and drink it before you go to bed. A mixture of the juice of 3 to 5 limes plus 1/4 teaspoon of Sodium bicarbonate mixed in water (2 glasses) on an empty stomach will also help you big time. Regards Loek
According to my point of view, it doesn’t matter what pH the food you eat or drink has, if we consider the fact that every food have to pass from the highly acid gastric fluids. The only thing that does matter in blood pH is that the food must be real unprocessed high quality food. Our bodies always can tell the difference between natural and unnatural.
Hi Ty. Just wanted to point out that one of the ways that the body helps keep the blood at the correct ph is to use up existing calcium supplies. Eg, bones; thus promoting skeletal illnesses and diseases such as degenerative bone loss, asterioporisoes etc. And of course many other indicators of calcium deficiency that are obvious to anyone that really looks. Learning to eat real food will reduce or eliminate 90% of illness and disease. Want to do yourself a real favor????? learn “wild harvesting” or “wild crafting”,, eat straight from Mom!!
I hope you meant “osteoporosis”.
Your term “asterioporisoes” could be wildly confusing for someone not familiar with medical terminology, as no such word exists.
Thank you for the feedback, York! We will certainly pass it along.
Hi Kimberly,
Alex is right you need to start at an 8.5 pH. Ionized, alkaline, micro-clustered water is the best water to drink. My family had been drinking for the last few months and we all feel the difference. We also have a medical grade water ionizing machine…which uses our own tap water to make the ionized alkaline water. Let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer ☺️
Hi Heather! Can you share with me the water system you use? I’ve been researching water purifiers and was most concerned with removing fluoride and all the other bad stuff, but didn’t think about the alkaline part. Thank you!
Which brand and model do you recommend for a water ionizing machine
I have slightly hard well water. What does this mean and how do I know if it is near the 8.5 ph u say we must have our water?
As a cancer survivor myself, I’m frustrated to constantly hear this acid/alkaline debate in regards to cancer. I’m surprised you didn’t quote Dr. Warburg here, but happy you didn’t, as his research has been wildly misquoted or disproven since then. I’ve heard other alternative doctors talking about this, and we know now that tumors have an ALKALINE core. In fact, they shuttle acids out of themselves so it won’t kill the tumors. Also, there are many tissues and organs in the body that need to be acidic, such as the digestive tract. And for people who want to drink alkaline water, and constantly neutralize their stomach acid, it’s going to create a whole host of other problems.
Sure is funny. I have been drinking alkaline water for over a year along with paleo diet and I don’t have stomach issues anymore. I used to have all kinds of stomach issues. Ulcers,IBS, heartburn. I took some non traditional allergy treatments for food allergies , gave up gluten and use 9.5 water. My stomach issues are all gone. I don’t use the 9.5 when I take my meals because I thought it might keep my stomach alkaline. But I haven’t done this good in years. It works. ????
God is amazing. In his infinite wisdom, he created acidic foods that metabolize by alkalizing our body. Lemon for example. I don’t know what Jason is getting at above but my extensive research is that disease does, in fact, live in an acidic body. An alkaline (yes acidic fruits assist) salivary reading, consistently held slightly alkaline means inner-cellular as well as extra-cellular pH will disturb cancerous cells… Because, again, cancer (illness) cannot live in that environment.
Tina…eliminating gluten alone could have improved your stomach issues. In fact sometimes that is all that is needed for improvement..
“How you Rot & Rust” by Best book I’ve ever read (20 years ago) and it’s still valid…. Some great info here. T
Your body is going to do what it has to to achieve the desired pH. Raising the pH of the stomach and digestive tract may happen with alkaline water, but the blood and organs adjust.
Blood chemistry is almost always 7.35 to 7.45 unless you actually have a disease. Acidic food generally cannot change that at all. However, an alkaline forming diet is important for health for many other reasons.
Where did you pull that information from Robert. You are totally incorrect.
I think there is a problem in water at my house.I have seen that when I boil water there is some white salt type which settles at the bottom?? What it is?? Is the water acidic?? No clue ?? please advise…thanks
Bhawana .. White layer on water after boiling are calcium and other minerals. In excess those are not good for health specially our internal organs like liver. Check the TDS of water and Please switch any ro+uv water filter.
Helllo… My name is Marilynn,
I have been sick for a while now. Every morning that I test my pH… it is 5.5! It will reach higher balances during the day, but keeps going back to this acidic level… what am I doing wrong? I do drink bottled purified water…
Hi Marilynn,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Marilynn, eat more alkaline foods
Marilynn, you may have a medal toxicity. My pH did the same thing, had Mercury poisoning.I would take baking soda in water which would get my reading within normal range within an hour. You can order a test kit on line. There was a gag order as the cause was silver fillings that are fifty percent mercury and as they age they put off a poisoning gas.
Great conversations and debates
When checking ph levels, what factors contribute to ph level differences, when testing either saliva or urine?
Author please note: the term’s spelling is “wringer”, not “ringer”. A “ringer” is something that rings a bell. A “wringer” is something that wrings water from clothes, like the old style clothes washers… things put “through the wringer” were squeezed tightly between rollers to drain out the water. That’s where the sense of things being pressured and tested comes from.
And try to avoid using the divisive term “God” (which insults people who are NOT of your religion and specific belief system, of which there are thousands) where the word “evolution” will fill nicely.
Thanks for your feedback York!
York if you are insulted by the word God just let it go, it’s not your website and there are millions of us who have chosen a relationship with God, our creator and refuse to let people like you try to mock, minimize or erase God because you choose not to.
Dearest York….any author has the right to use a reference to God if that is their belief. There is such a thing as freedom of speech in this country. I am tired of non-Christians being told we have no rights to express ourselves and speak of our faith. If it offends you then you might consider not following this sight. I am sure Mr Bollinger would not mind. Telling him what to write is not your job. He does not need your approval. The word wringer was used in the correct context above. . Again it is not your job to be the spelling Nazi. Maybe if you had some faith you would change your attitude and not try to tell others how to run their lives. I am a writer and if someone tried to tell me not to talk about God, I would prefer they not support my writings. Anyone who follows Mr Bollinger knows he is a Christian. He has had more than 60,000 shares and you are probably the only one who has made such a remark. Blessings to you and yours on your journey in this life and healing for you or your loved one that has cancer.
Okaybso a lot of info here and conflicting info as well.
1 Tumars have alkaline core and so can live in an acidic environments they balance each other out.
2. But alkaline core and alkaline environment will overload the cancer and kill is since cell need balance.
Disclaimer we are just thinking here no advice either way just think, life needs balance to live and to kill cancer you have to know what it is alkaline since body is acidic so to make it out of balance easier to make body more alkaline to kill it right….
There is too much conflicting info on this web site. I just want a standardized set of all foods that kill cancer. Enough about water. I just bought an expensive RO system and am not going to now go out and lug water again like I did before diagnosed w cancer. I’m able to keep my PH up after overhaul of my diet which has been a year long process. Please enough w disputes. There’s enough conflict in cancer battle as it is. That’s my biggest complaint, lack of info from the medical community who we pay to serve us. What a disappointment. It’s all about money and reputations. The doctors whether surgeons or plain oncologists are concerned about themselves, at least, maaaany of them. I have had 4 cancer doctors and only one I felt was appropriate. I’ve been told I’m going to die by a 5th one who didn’t see the need for a port placement . This lack of effective communication is ramped.
I have been watching with interest about hydroxide water, and note that many sites give good info about it. I just bought an alkaline filter last week and now am returning it because of the info on hydroxide water. However, for me to buy your filter, it will cost me $2740 Australian, so I am still thinking. What if I get the travel one to start with and try it out. If it works and helps me with my problems I can get the filter. What are your thoughts? How much is the travel one? And how long does it last? Obviously that depends on how much I drink, but how many glasses will it make?
To get you to think about something different. Acidicnes in blood ulcerates artery walls causing plaque and cholesterol to stick to it acting as a bandaid. Acidic bonemarro causes bonemarro to draw calcium from bones thining bones causing osteoporosis.
Alkaline foods and drinks can actually reverse any diseases including cancer. Look up Dr. Sebi on youtube. He healed many including aids, tumours, herpes. etc. That’s why they killed him.