Last weekend, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued an updated National Terrorism Advisory Syestem (NTAS) bulletin. This system was created to “more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the American public.”
According to DHS, the bulletin system “recognizes that Americans all share responsibility for the nation’s security, and should always be aware of the heightened risk of terrorist attack in the United States and what they should do.”
But you may be surprised to learn that YOU likely fall into the realm of a terrorist threat. According to the latest bulletin, here are some things that could indicate a risk for domestic terrorism:
- Opposition to COVID-related restrictions
- Questions about the integrity of U.S. elections
- “Conspiracy theories” that question the integrity of government, pharmaceutical, and tech industries
DHS says that these people, fueled by “personal grievances and extremist ideological beliefs” are “exploiting online forums to influence and spread violent extremist narratives and promote violent activity.” They say that these “anti-government violent extremists” are the priority when it comes to protecting the United States.
We’ll discuss how dangerous this rhetoric truly is shortly, but first, it’s important to understand the history behind it. It’s happened before. It never ends well.
Labeling Citizens As Terrorists Isn’t New
The current NTAS bulletin is alarming, but it doesn’t mark a major change from the last bulletin (released in January 2021). That warning also included anyone concerned with COVID-19 restrictions, the 2020 election results, or police use of force.
The January bulletin – just like the one released this weekend – also cites “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories” as potential indicators of a terrorist threat. And while these terms aren’t specifically defined by DHS, we’ve witnessed over and over again how critically-thinking Americans who question the “official” narrative are immediately accused of spreading misinformation or of being conspiracy theorists.
We’ve been personally targeted for years (including death threats against our children) for speaking out against the traditional western approach to cancer treatment. They say we’re crazy, but we know for a fact that chemotherapy and radiation are toxic, that doctors get paid for prescribing chemo, that the drug companies largely control medical schools and FDA regulation, and that weakening the immune system is the WORST thing you can do when battling cancer.
Many of our employees have been permanently banned from social media platforms for sharing expert research suggesting that COVID-19 is the result of contamination from the Wuhan Institute of Virology or published scientific studies suggesting the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine for treating the virus.
All of these “conspiracy theories” are backed by science and expert testimony. Some of them have since been confirmed by the U.S. Intelligence Service. But that doesn’t seem to matter.
Meanwhile, the Taliban (newly armed with tens of millions of dollars of U.S. weapons and aircraft – purchased with your tax dollars) still has a substantial presence on virtually all major media platforms.
But, according to DHS, you and I are the biggest terrorist threat. If you question the U.S. government (or, more specifically, the party majority that happens to be in office), you are a “top priority” threat against the nation.
Name-calling, unfortunately, is not new when it comes to different points of view. From politics and religion to sports and pizza (the Steelers are the greatest franchise in the NFL and pineapple does NOT belong on pizza), conflicting opinions and open debate are the lifeblood of democracy.
But the implications of the latest NTAS bulletin are significantly more worrisome than simple words. The greatest sports rivalries and political debates will pale in comparison to the forthcoming era ushered in by the new DHS rhetoric.
What’s Coming?
Every organism has the biological drive to survive and reproduce. The same could be said for our government. For far too long, elite minorities have had the ability to dictate the law to a majority of the population. Through gerrymandering, the electoral college, and targeted pressure on elected officials, democracy has been eroded.
And while we could talk about the unfair and unconstitutional power our government now wields, there’s a bigger issue:
America is currently laying the infrastructure for hate and dehumanization that weaponizes their agenda to “fact-check” and “debunk” any dissenting voices or free speech by tying it to terrorist threats or potential acts of violence. As we’ve seen in historical and recent events, this is the first step to committing genocide on a massive portion of the American public.
When propaganda, bribes, coercion, and extortion no longer work to introduce compulsory medical experimentation on the public (in direct violation of the Nuremberg code of medical ethics), threats and violence remain as the most effective tactic. But how does one justify such measures facing a growing resistance among those who understand their basic human, civil, medical, and religious rights are being violated by the global vaccine agenda, and the two-tiered society being ushered in through vaccine passports and what will become a new system of medical apartheid?
The most effective tactic is to accuse those being targeted with what are fundamentally criminal and inhumane acts as being guilty of them. This is typical psychological shadow projection and scapegoating which repeats societal and historical patterns that often precede genocidal acts.
When comparing the current political climate to Nazi Germany, we are repeatedly reminded that mask mandates and capacity limits are not remotely the same as rounding up an entire population and shipping them off to concentration camps.
But none of the atrocities committed during WW2 would have been possible without extreme and aggressive social conditioning. The first step is to divide the population into “us” and “them.” And that’s already happening.
Those who have chosen to receive the COVID-19 shots, complied with mask mandates, and practiced social distancing see others as an existential threat to national health. You either care about those around you by following the rules, or you’re willfully murdering those around you.
The next step is identification. Forcing those who dissent to identify themselves further divides the population, making it easier to enforce new, tyrannical force upon them. We’re seeing that right now with new mask mandates, vaccine verification, and the existing and potential travel bans.
This results in discrimination. Did you know that only 27% of black New Yorkers are fully vaccinated? Nevertheless, New York City mayor Bill DeBlasio (infamous for his antisemitic, pro-vaccine tyranny) recently announced a requirement that all employees and customers of dining, fitness, and entertainment businesses display proof of vaccination. Not only is this a modern day Jim Crow law, but it further ostracizes those who dare to question the COVID-19 shots or the policies surrounding them.
(Remember: the safety studies for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine won’t be complete until January 31st 2023. Any claim that these jabs are “safe and effective” are patently erroneous. Vaccine mandates are a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code.)
The government and their financiers in tech and media have launched a massive propaganda campaign to convince the masses that vaccines and associated mandates are necessary to save lives – and that anyone defying them is a threat to America.
This is precisely what happened in Nazi Germany to prepare the population for the persecution of Jews and other “undesirables.” Even board-certified doctors and academic experts have been silenced and banned from the public discourse if they contradict the official narrative.
The next phase will be preparation to remove dissidents. We’re already witnessing military lock-downs and roadblocks in places like Australia (although it helps that the Australian population has been mostly disarmed and has no way to fight back against military incursion).
Once the government has adequately classified anyone who disagrees with them as rebels and terrorists, they can begin the detention of those citizens. When the majority of a population sees others as non-human threats to the nation, they’ll support any means necessary to remove them from society.
Recent polls show that 62% of Americans support a vaccine mandate. Is it that far of a stretch to imagine that they’ll support fines, arrests, and imprisonment to enforce that mandate? This is what we saw with the black sites during the “war on terror” following 9/11.
Because the American people viewed Muslim extremists as less than human, these prisoners were subjected to sleep deprivation, starvation, psychological torture, and even rape in the name of “national security.”
These were human beings who were photographed on leashes held by American operatives naked, starved, and covered in their own excrement. Is this how we should treat our fellow man?
When we classify a group of people – whether by religion, race, age, or belief – as sub-human, we open the door to unspeakable acts of violence. I would argue that those who would imprison and disenfranchise the unvaccinated are committing far worse acts of violence than those who defend their sacred right to freedom and autonomy.
And yet, WE are now considered the priority risk for domestic terrorism.
When speaking out against the government is labeled as an act of violence, tyranny has won.
What Can We Do?
The answer depends on how far our radicalized government is willing to go. At the most basic level, you can decline vaccination, decline masking, and continue to earn a living despite “mandates” from the government.
But what happens when it costs you your job? What happens when you can’t go to the grocery store? What happens when your children are turned away from school for not complying with unlawful (and unscientific) rules?
We need to prepare for the world that our government is currently creating – and it won’t be easy.
Some states are considering vouchers so that unmasked children can use their parents’ tax dollars to attend unmasked private schools. And that’s AWESOME. But many have been forced to quit their jobs to start new careers with companies who won’t meddle in their personal healthcare. Many have abandoned their home states for those that support freedom of choice and bodily autonomy.
The government thinks that people like us are a terrorist threat. They claim that we’re obtaining “operational guidance through the consumption of information shared in certain online communities.”
They’re absolutely right. We’re under attack. The government, along with an indoctrinated section of the populace, are already committing violent acts against us. Our crime? Critical thought and exercise of our constitutional rights.
We don’t support violence. In fact, we started this company to stop the violent treatment that our family members suffered under the current pharmaceutical monopoly on western cancer treatment. We want you to be healthy and free.
Lock-downs, masks, experimental drugs, and economic collapse are not healthy. Social division and ostracization are not healthy. Pitting one neighbor against the other 24/7 in the media is NOT HEALTHY.
However, we support your right to protect yourself and your family. In an extreme future, that may mean learning to grow a sustainable farm to feed your family. It may mean learning the basic medical skills necessary to treat injuries without the help of modern hospitals. It may mean fostering a community of like-minded, freedom-loving individuals who will help your family (and their own) survive and thrive without the benefits of modern society.
And it might mean fighting back. From the Guatemala experiments, to Tuskegee and the Japanese internment camps, to Ruby Ridge, the government (and its allies in the pharmaceutical industry) have displayed time and again their willingness to put people in harm’s way to gain more control and earn more money.
It’s no coincidence that our elected officials bought and sold stock in advance of the pandemic that increased their wealth and limited their financial liability. They’re willing to harm and even kill us. They’re willing to conduct medical experiments on us. They’re willing to destroy our economy while profiting themselves.
If they’re willing to use propaganda and the threat of armed force to enslave us, we should be able to use those same tools to defend ourselves. We all know about the rights endowed by our Creator to life, liberty, and happiness. But the next line in the Declaration of Independence is equally important:
…it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”
We wish violence on no one. But whereas violence is threatened upon you or your family, you have the absolute right to defend yourself and your family.
We don’t condone acts of violence; We support the defense of freedom.
We aren’t a hate group; We love liberty.
We aren’t anti-government; We’re anti-tyranny and anti-corruption.
We aren’t conspiracy theorists; We’re critical-thinkers.
Our government has outlined the biggest threats of terrorism…
…If you want to see these terrorists, just look in the mirror.
Nice thanks for this information
Critical, essential information, expertly written! May God bless you & keep you safe! Thank you for your courage and your character!!!
Very sorry you don’t give more options to share this! (like email, for heaven’s sake). What’s the point of the Facebook option??? It won’t last a NY minute there!
You can send a link to this page in email or text:)
You can copy the link and go to your email, compose email to who you wish and then
paste the link, hit send.
I remember when Ron Paul supporters were put on a government list.
I can’t do anything but agree with all you said. I thought I was reading my mind.
I am sorry I cannot go in the trip but I wish you luck in all you do. Thanks.
Outstanding article! I have learned so much from you. 🙂
Thank you both for all you do!