(Natural News) Thirty-five nuns from the Benedictine Sisters of St. Walburg in Kentucky were vaccinated earlier this month for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), and just two days later two of them died and 26 others tested positive.
According to Sister Aileen Bankemper, the convent’s prioress, the monastery was completely locked down during this entire time, and there was no movement of people in or out of the premises.
“We [the Benedictine community] were shocked to have so many [Covid-19] cases since we were being extremely careful, not going out, and not having visitors since the beginning of the pandemic,” Bankemper is quoted as saying.
Sisters at the facility were so careful, she added, that they “redoubled” their efforts “after the [Christmas] holiday surge,” only to still see a surge in new cases and a few deaths.
“Twenty-eight sisters tested positive for COVID-19,” Bankemper wrote in a Facebook post about what happened after the women were vaccinated with messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines from Big Pharma.
“The majority of them were able to get the monoclonal antibodies [antibody infusions] through St. Elizabeth’s Senior Services. Their symptoms are being managed pretty well.”
Sisters Charles Wolking and Rita Biltz, on the other hand, did not fare as well. They both died on Feb. 3, two days after getting jabbed. Neither showed any symptoms prior to their deaths, nor did they test positive for the novel virus before being injected.
“Both of them were elderly and had some health issues and were not able to compete with Covid,” said sub-prioress Nancy Kordenbrok to a local media outlet.
Third nun dies after getting stabbed with coronavirus vaccine
A third sister, Margaret Mary Gough, was admitted to the ICU at St. Elizabeth Fort Thomas Hospital with respiratory problems upon testing positive for the Chinese virus immediately following her first dose of the vaccine.
Early on, it was believed that this sister would recover. However, she took a turn for the worse and died on Feb. 10 “from complications of the Covid virus,” according to the hospital.
This translates to a nearly 10 percent death rate among those vaccinated at Benedictine Sisters of St. Walburg. Should more sisters develop complications or die – God forbid – in the days and weeks to come, that rate will climb even higher.
To help quell fears about the jab killing people, Dr. Steven Feagins, the public health director for the region, announced that side effects such as death are “actually way more common than you might think.”
He added that in cases where patients suffer serious side effects after the first injection, the simply solution is to delay the second one for a while longer.
“Whenever you get it, you get it, so we consider the 21 days [between jabs] minimum,” he is quoted as saying.
Those sisters that still remain at Benedictine Sisters of St. Walburg are set to receive their second dose of the vaccine in May. That they need to get a second dose at all says they are on the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine track rather than the Moderna track.
The latest reports suggest that around 66.5 million doses of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines have so far been administered in the United States. These vaccines come with zero liability for their manufacturers and have not been fully safety tested, hence why they only have emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
“The only real vaccine against ‘Covid-19’ is the truth, and turning off the TV,” wrote one commenter at LifeSiteNews about the situation.
More of the latest news about people dying from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines can be found at Pandemic.news.
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It amazes me that the nuns should want to get a second dose? The BLIND faith we have in experimental science is so great, I expect that God wishes we had as much faith in HIM.
Totally yes. The people are like lbs to the slaughter, innocent and ignorant! The only way to stop the vaccine is if we all come together and stand United together.
This isn’t the first vaccine that killed people. Many years ago they gave contaminated vaccines to Alaska Natives. They wouldn’t let the nurses take the same vaccine they were giving to the natives. They said Alaska was the perfect testing ground to benefit other populations. And my friend told me about her brother who was changing the diaper on his baby who had received the Polio vaccine. She said he died of Polio soon after and, if I remember right, the baby died too. The Dena’ina ladies researched the contaminated vaccines and found they were given when the disease was on the natural decline to make if look like the vaccines worked. And there were other unreported deaths soon after vaccination.
The curse of God is upon many nations and the U.S. in particular. Why? Because so many have forgotten Him and abominations abounds in America. Oh, lots still go to church, but their religion is NOT the religion of Christ and his apostles, but the denomination they were raised in. Most of them turned apostate long ago as they follow their seminaries into unbelief and heresy.
But let’s not forget the abominations: casting Christ from our public schools was an act of blasphemy by our high Court as they effectively made this an antiChrist nation, separating God from schools and government and law. They have since offended multiple millions of children to turn away from God into atheism and immorality. Then came the abomination of the slaughter of the innocents. Over 62 millions have now been burned or butchered by the abortionist as nearly 6 in 10 women in the U.S. are now murderers. Then came gay rights and gay marriage from the same wicked, antiChrist court and the nation acquiesced to the evil with little push back, having thrown their God under the bus.
The judgment has come upon us starting with this plague of covid, but it is only the start. Then came the lock downs, the crash in the economy, the riots, the stolen election, and much worse is yet to come.
Our only hope is for a great awakening in this nation and true repentance and turning back to the God of our fathers and making this nation Christian again with Christian laws, throwing out code law and bringing into judgment all the reps, senators, state and federal, governors and presidents and all the judges who have refused to stop this slaughter and the corruption of our children.
I hate to sound like a pessimist. If you can’t get folks to listen to the truth about other viruses and diseases. It should surprise no one that people will believe every lie about covid19 and the truths about treating it. The frontline doctors were trying to warn Americans last year of their successes in treating covid19 cases and half the world rejected their testimony.
I am learning and doing as much as I can for my own health. There are very few people alive that I would trust enough to even give me a blood pressure reading.
1 corin 2:5. Your faith should not be in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God. We should all remember that.
How can religious people be okay being injected with aborted fetus cells?
Absolutely nothing surprises me anymore!
Some socalled religious people might not really know what faith means, I think.
I am a buddhist Christian and have consciously/willingly placed my health and life in Jesus and the protecting forces of the Universe and, thus, NOT in the hands of people who have interest in and earn money only if I am ill… I have seen people healing from cancer simply by detoxifying, eating raw vegetables and drinking herb teas (as well as reducing stress and sleeping early etc.), so I KNOW our body is able to heal if we help and nurture him well. Vaccines introduce heavy metals (aluminium, mercury) in the body which will disturb these selfhealing mechanisms, so I see no rason at all, EVEN LESS for persons already at risk, to get higher risks through the shot(s).
Your right Micheline to have faith , God made us in his image. Google Dr. Stephen Lanka exposes the viral fraud .He is a virologist and molecular biologist who discovered there was no proof of the HIV virus , Fauci’s original fraud. He started to look into all the other viruses -polio , measles and smallpox etc and was astonished there was no proof of their existence either. . He offered a 100,000 reward for anyone who could prove the measles virus existed. One doctor tried to collect with 6 studies and the case went to the German Fed. Supreme Court and Lanka won and on Feb . Of 2016 the court made a historic ruling “there is no proof of the existence of the measles virus .There is no SARS-CoV2 . The poisons are in the vaccines. If anyone wants to understand this and put all of the pieces of the puzzle together I suggest they read The Contagion Myth by Dr. Thomas Cowan . It was banned on Amazon but you can get it on Barnes & Noble or his website DrTomcowan.com
Your right to have faith Micheline .God made us in his image. Google Dr Stephan Lanka exposes the viral fraud .He is a virologist and molecular biologist who discovered there was no proof of the HIV virus and was astonished to learn there is no proof of any viruses – polio,
measles, smallpox etc .He realized the poisons are in the vaccines. He offered a 100,00 reward to anyone who could prove the measles virus. One doctor tried to collect and the case went to the German Fed. Supreme Court and Lanka won . In Feb 2016 the court made a ruling that there is no proof of the existence of the measles virus.. To understand this and put the pieces of the puzzle together read The Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan
They probably have not researched what is in the virus and the nuns follow the orders of their Abess and those in their hierarchy, believing they know what is best.
I went to the Center for Countering Digital Hate website and it’s a joke! Just one more leftist attempt to try and silence those of us who know the truth and are awake. I don’t worry about these trolls, as I believe that our creator is in the mists of taking down all of these corrupt players and we will see brighter days in the near future. Have faith and hold the line. The Best is Yet to Come!
Ty and Charlene Bollinger are my heroes. The audacity of blacklisting these incredible people who have paid the price to devote their lives to educating and exposing the corruption of the Medical Mafia. Keep up the good work, and rest under the shadow of His wings
Psalm 91
Warriors for Truth!
I pray for Ty and Charlene daily. Keep fighting for us🙏👏
Your right Micheline to have faith , God made us in his image. Google Dr. Stephen Lanka exposes the viral fraud .He is a virologist and molecular biologist who discovered there was no proof of the HIV virus , Fauci’s original fraud. He started to look into all the other viruses -polio , measles and smallpox etc and was astonished there was no proof of their existence either. . He offered a 100,000 reward for anyone who could prove the measles virus existed. One doctor tried to collect with 6 studies and the case went to the German Fed. Supreme Court and Lanka won and on Feb . Of 2016 the court made a historic ruling “there is no proof of the existence of the measles virus .There is no SARS-CoV2 . The poisons are in the vaccines. If anyone wants to understand this and put all of the pieces of the puzzle together I suggest they read The Contagion Myth by Dr. Thomas Cowan . It was banned on Amazon but you can get it on Barnes & Noble or his website DrTomcowan.com
Hi there, I remember reading an article on your site about getting Mrna Vaccines out of your blood and body after injection. (I’ refused my vaccine, I live in Belgium, until now the vaccines are not mandatory but that might change in the future, unfortunately). Can you help me please and send a link to this article? Thank you so much!!!!!