Video Transcript: Healing Breast Cancer Essential #1 with Dr. V & Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield: Hi. Jack Canfield here with another segment of Talking About Success. And I am here with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers who has written a wonderful book, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 Essential Steps™ for Beating Breast Cancer.
You have been a bio-energetic chiropractor and doing holistic health and being in this medical world for 35 years. But I know that 25 years into it, something dramatic happened that changed your life. And the result of it is this wonderful book. Talk about that. What happened?
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Well, I was Dr. V, helping my patients heal cancer, heal MS, go through all kinds of changes in their life. I had a great life, great kids. I was headed to the office, typical day. I jumped in the shower and felt that fateful lump that changed the course of my life and my career.
It was one of those life-changing moments where I knew that if I continued to do the things I had always done, then I would get the same results. So I had to do a lot of research, a lot of soul-searching, because I was the one who was healing and helping other people get well. So why would somebody like me develop cancer? And that is when I went through a lot of soul searching and came to realize that there were pieces of the puzzle that I was missing.
And that’s how I came to develop the 7 Essential Steps™. Some basic steps that if you follow, you never have to fear cancer again.
[The Steps] are very basic and they are things people can apply in their everyday life. Essential number 1 is to Let Food Be Your Medicine. We know now with the science of epigenetics that just eating curcumin or broccoli sprouts or vitamin C can actually change your gene expression. They are very, very powerful. So we have a measure of control of what we eat and how it affects our health.
Jack Canfield: I know a lot of us know what epigenetics means and a lot of people [may] think, well, my DNA is what it is. We now know that with gene expression and certain things can be turned on or off. Talk about that for a moment.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: That is right. Your DNA is not your destiny, like we used to think. We now know that there are little switches in our genes that came be turned on or turned off by our lifestyle changes. If, for example, we do not get enough sleep, that can turn off our cancer-protective genes. If we eat the proper foods, that can turn on our cancer-protective genes.
Jack Canfield: So we really are playing with the major switched by what we eat. That was Essential Number One.
Frustrated heard the first step only. 🙁 Video the stopped.
We loved hearing about her 7 Steps in Part of the Global Quest.
I am looking forward to reading your book!
just buy your book online. excited to read it!!
Ahhhh, u have to purchase to get all 7! Always a hook!