What is Homeopathy? (video)
Ty Bollinger: Talk a little bit about homeopathy. I know you’re a homeopath.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby: Indeed, and I’m on a homeopathic advisory board back in Europe. The only thing is I can’t talk a “little bit” about homopathy. I can run out the camera batteries…
Ty Bollinger: I’m sure you could.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby: No, seriously, I’ll try hack it down. Okay, first of all it’s important to understand the model because a lot of people have probably heard the word and they’re probably seeing all the scoffing and derision, and there’s nothing in it. You know we proved there are no chemicals in it, therefore it’s a fraud and think well it must be a fraud when, in fact, it’s one of the most healing, restorative modalities I know.
The thing is it’s not based on the amount of stuff. It’s based on an energetic signal; an information signal, if you like. So this is homeopathy in two or three sentences. You pick a substance that copies the illness. Not one that opposes it, but one that copies it. For example, if someone has scarlet fever you chose belladonna, because if you take belladonna your face goes all bright red and your throat’s sore, hectic temperature, you feel ghastly. Taking belladonna is like having scarlet fever, so it’s a good remedy for scarlet fever.
It’s called “like cures like.” So you’re looking for a mimic of the disease. A conventional doctor would take an antagonist, so you take your aspirin to lower temperature. Different kinds of opposing ideas.
This is, first of all, identify something that copies your illness. Then you dilute it. Now this is the weird part that doctors and scientists can’t get a hold of. It’s called potentization. And you can dilute it one in ten, one in ten, one in ten, one in ten, one in ten. And after 12 dilutions you’ve passed the Avogadro number so we know there is no belladonna left.
Well, interestingly, if you hitch it up to a spectrographic transmitter you find that the more you dilute it the more it starts transmitting energies. And now you can’t argue with a spectrograph. It’s the most exquisitely sensitive scientific instrument we have. That’s what tells you there’s manganese on a star that’s a thousand billion light years away. You can’t argue with a spectrograph. And yet the homeopathic remedies actually start to broadcast the more you dilute them.
There’s another series that goes a hundred by a hundred, by a hundred, by a hundred. That’s called a C series. So you’ve got the D or ten series, or the C/100 series. So get rid of any concern that you’ve removed the substance. That’s true, you have. But, of course, what’s happened is that you’ve imprinted the signal in each dilution and it gets re-imprinted on the water.
That’s the third point of homeopathy. It’s “like cures like,” then the dilutions, and then what we call “succussion.” In making the dilutions the homeopath will bang it on his hand like that a few times. Then do the next dilution into plain water, bang it on his hand. That’s called succussion and it enhances the transmission of the signal from each substance.
And although you’ll read all over the place that homeopathy has been proven not to work… First of all, you can’t prove anything doesn’t work. You can only fail to prove it does work. There are a thousand studies showing it’s highly effective. In fact there’s a very good one that was published in The Lancet in 1994. They did it three times because they couldn’t believe it was working. Three times it performed better than placebo.
I have been taking homeopathic remedies for 21 years, as long as I have been seeing my holistic MD. I went to see him due to multi chemical sensitivities as well as numerous allergies and candida. At the time, I was an RN who was very skeptical at first, but that went out the window as time went on. No harmful side effects, does not affect the liver. Wonderful stuff! I am almost 70 and will continue on this path. My doctor balked when his wife said she was going to take their daughter to a homeopath, but he too saw the change in her health and was won over.
Looks like there’ s a lot more to the story than what this post would lead us to believe. If “performed better than placebos” ! is the best claim this expert can make, then I find the entire subject dubious and subject to increased scrutiny. I would certainly hope that a treatment that claims to be effaceable performs better than a placebo! That’s like saying that going 1mph is faster than 0mph–oh boy!
– Jeremy Bauman // critical thinker and life long learner.
Hi Jeremy,
Let me give you an example of homeopathy at work. I’d cracked my teeth and jaw in a fall when I was 52 . I was x-rayed to prove it. I took a homeopathic regime, within a week, X-ray showed no crack.
Then I got a bridge. When the posts were put in, I took homeopathics, I went back a week later and the surgeon took 2xrays that showed I was completely healed. Two more friends 45 years old and 70 years old) who took homeopathics also went to the same surgeon for new teeth. A week later their posts too were completely healed. He couldn’t believe it and said that the three of us must have been drinking magic water.
As a self proclaimed “critical thinker” you might want to ask the question, “How much better?” before ridiculing the statement.
In Scotland we have a really wonderful facility called the NHS Centre for Integrative Care (NHS CIC) based in Gartnavel Hospital complex in Glasgow and formerly called the Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital. The hospital offers homoeopathy along with other many holistic methods by fully conventional qualified clinical staff who have also qualified in many other in other holistic approaches. The hospital is accessed on the NHS and is an excellent example of a pioneering, and innovative approach to health care and also uniquely in the UK has in-patient integrative care unit and also offers access to out-patient facilities and a range of holistic services as well as various self-management courses.
This approach is certainly appreciated by patients and has 100% patient satisfaction ratings in some studies and many positive success stories and is considered a vital lifeline for patients who depend on the many services that are provided that are not widely available elsewhere on the NHS. They also offer mistletoe therapy free through the NHS for patients with cancer and access to other holistic methods to palliatively help the patient to improve their quality of life and self-care with the aim to also help to increase their capacity and resilience by teaching self-management skills, as well as also supporting many other patients with complex long-term chronic conditions who are particular cohort of patients who previously have for various reasons been difficult to treat or who have exhausted all other NHS conventional treatment options.
Further details about the hospital and the many services available at the NHS Centre for Integrative Care can be found on the Health Board website nhsggc.org.uk and a virtual tour of the hospital can be taken via the website developed when the new hospital was created ghh.info that demonstrates the creative processes that helped to build this special innovative healing environment.
“Better than placebo” is the same standard required for most drugs. The placebo is a very powerful effect acknowledged by even the best medical schools without an explanation by orthodox science. The double blind placebo trial is often the nemisis for big pharma, often dooming phase 3 trials because the effect may be real, but no better than placebo. Most studies will report an effect size to explain the magnitude of the effect (eg “1 mph”). Bottom line is that there are many peer reviewed pubs that demonstrate homeopathy works better than even the powerful placebo using similar standards applied to unapproved (or later approved) drugs in the same category.
Don’t knock it unless you’ve tried it – otherwise you’ll never achieve your ambition of becoming a life long learner! I too was a sceptic when it came to Homeopathy – having said that and now into my sixth year of using and still not fully understanding its complexity. I can only say its an absolutely incredible healing tool. Keith Scott-Mumby – carries a lot of credentials – I have been reading his articles for many years – you could try doing the same. You never know – maybe – just maybe, you’ll learn something new! That said, I believe he was saying a study published in the Lancet reported the effect better than placebo. Wakey wakey !!
Jeremy, “performed better than placebo” is exactly what the FDA requires before giving the okay to new medications. The placebo effect is so consistant and well documented that “performed better than” is the gold standard.
Addendum: *how, exactly (in terms of biology and science) does consuming Hyper-Diluted sugar pills work*
My previous comment was not approved, so I’ll try this one. If the doctor in the video can state that The Lancet published a single study in 1994, then it should also be known that The Lancet published an article in 2007 looking at 220 studies. I’ll let you guess why he chose to reference the twenty year older, smaller article and not the larger, more recent, more thorough, meta-analysis one. Hint: It’s not because the eight authors found homeopathy works… If you have cancer, please read from as many different sources as you can.
Congratulations! Every single article and interview is utterly compelling and the information imparted is life-saving. Then why, oh why ruin it all with that simply awful, intrusive and needless music?
So, what a wonderful opportunity as a learner, to taste and see, Jeremy. The variation I have experienced is called anthroposophical. Same principals, but easier labelling for the lay person. My 18 month old had a bee sting on his finger, whilst on our summer holiday. He was offered a tablet crushed on a spoon and mixed with a tiny bit of honey. Immediately the telltale sequence of reactions to a bee sting dissipated and all there was to show was the tiny red mark where the sting had been. No swelling, no pain. And therefor no itching as the usual reactions of a bee sting would have played out. Remarkable. So I used remedies in my house as a “go to ” for ailments, and subsequent childbirth experiences were a breeze compared with my first, intrusive, invasive delivery. Exciting to see a child’s fever dissipate, or my own sore throat go away. I saw it as a way to keep my family healthy, but always had the back up of allopathic medicine from family doctor. Friends would come with children to “borrow” some lotion for children’s cuts /woundsetc. No side effects. Our chemist who has now retired said “those treatments were all available before the 2nd world war.” They work.
Convert here. Ive cured 2 babies with viral Pneumonia over night,… piles overnight for a friend that was about to have them operated on, (+ he didnt believe in it, was a staunch Christian)… cured 10 calves that had lain paralyzed/stiff for 3 days, till I found out they had food poisoning, 2 -5 minutes later they jumped up + ran to have a feed, (my friend with me said “if I hadn’t seen it I wouldn’t have believed it”. ) …Babies + animals love it, so that debunks the theory that it’s ALL IN THE MIND. …Daughter jammed her finger in car door, it went instantly black, gave her the remedy for jammed extremities, the bruising went in 5 minutes, the pain was gone, the nail didn’t fall off, but grew out with a huge dent in it….I have used it for 30 yrs. If it didn’t work, people wouldn’t use it.
If you really want to know the TRUTH about homeopathy you could read a book by someone who knows the meaning of the word research .
Bad Science by Ben Goldacre 2008
Homeopathy was practiced openly by many physicians prior to WW !!, I think one in 5 physicians used homeopathy in their tool kit of training. I think it has proven particularly useful for children and seniors. Homeopathy is much more accepted by the general public in Europe. As with all medical training, it requires time and skill to learn how to use the remedies. It has been said by some homeopathic schools that you need to have ten years of clinical training in homeopathy before you are able to use the methods effectively. Post WW!!, physicians had this training. With the advent of Big Pharma, our drug culture has taken over here in the US particularly, and homeopathy was squeezed out. Fortunately, it is being re-discovered by some of the younger physicians who are more open to the alternative holistic modalities of healing and in time, I am sure homeopathy will claim again its rightful place in healing. Already, you are seeing homeopathic remedies sold at Walgreen’s and other pharmacies. Why? Because the public is discovering that the remedies work for their children and families. Big Pharma will not support this, and we all know why! But quietly it is regaining popularity in our culture. If your child is cured of a series of symptoms you will tell your neighbors about it. The $10.00 dollar cost is worth a try and many are astonished at the results. Try it before you knock it !
Keith Boericke
Jeremy Bauman does not contribute to this article at all. It’s about oneself only. If you would test it on yourself then you can be an expert.
It really does not matter if millions of people understand this, use it and are blessed by this if critical thinking stops healing yourself.
Homeopathy may only be good for those who transcend the ego and humbly connect to the Source.
A book called Bad Science by Ben Goldacre 2008 ISBN 978-0-00-724019-7 will explain Homeopathy for anyone who had doubts.
The real facts for anyone interested.
Hey Jeremy…..You sound like you’re really up yourself mate.
Critical thinker???………
Did you even understand what you read?
He wasn’t making a claim. He was pointing out what someone else had discovered in their study.
I suggest you use some real critical thinking and do some more research. Have you read studies on cancer survival using placebos??
The statistics are nothing short of amazing. And Homeopathy is even better…..
Hope you have a lot more life left Jeremy……Cause you’ve got a lot more learning to do.
Mark J
My mother was into homeopathic remedies many years ago. She could heal broken bones etc to the amazement of doctors. I was skeptical until I saw the results. She was really an amazing healer.
Does homeopathy remedies cure hepatitis-c???
Geana Australia
`Critical’. Enough said.
I confess I could not follow the explanation. Maybe I need some dumb stuff to help me get rid of my stupidity.
Honestly speaking I did not understand anything about it. It looks like this interview was made for somebody who works in this area unfortunately.
Is there a homeopathic remedy for a hip that is past its sell by date…..causing all kinds of hell on earth? Ruth hoyles
Does homeopathic medicine really cure all diseases such as cancer? I do not believe what comes from the Internet, because there is no proof whether homeopathic medicine works on very ill people. My father told me, if I ever get cancer, I should do conventional treatments instead of natural ones.
@jeremy bauman
“The use of placebos is a standard control component of most clinical trials, which attempt to make some sort of quantitative assessment of the efficacy of medicinal drugs or treatments. Such a test or clinical trial is called a placebo-controlled study, and its control is of the negative type. A study whose control is a previously tested treatment, rather than no treatment, is called a positive-control study, because its control is of the positive type. Government regulatory agencies approve new drugs only after tests establish not only that patients respond to them, but also that their effect is greater than that of a placebo (by way of affecting more patients, by affecting responders more strongly, or both).”
There is an exception for new cancer drugs. Since a negative placebo.control for cancer is considered inhumane, new drugs are usually only tested against approved oncologic drugs.
a quick mention about the greater history of these ideas/practices that we were not taught in today’s society
as recently as a century ago in north america , homeopathy was just 1 of the many different healing practices that were all available that everyone had the freedom to choose what they thought would work best , but then rockefeller interests paid to have the poisoning the body to cure it method (i forget the name for that practice) be legislated into the only practice that people can use to try and treat themselves
they have their own people on the boards of the institutions that decide this , and they did their best to eradicate all the other practices people were using to heal themselves from existence , this is where the term ‘quack’ came from as it was used as a slur to publically degrade and discredit the doctors who were working in the other disciplines of medicine
and they succeeded in doing so , not completely , but so well that it’s taken we the people this long to re-remember these facts and see what’s really going on here
it’s also exciting to hear that these people who are still perusing these better healing practices are finding hard scientific data now to further validate their legitimacy , hope for more….
At least, cancer patients who try homeopathic medicine, hair will not fall off unlike chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy does more harm to a person with terminal cancer than good. Many of them died with the treatments than the disease itself. Immunotherapy and viral therapy are not suppose to be damaging to the healthy cells. Have you ever heard of the CMN clinic in Mexico? Many people who had terminal cancer and there were no other options for them to be treated or they refused chemotherapy and radiation therapy went to the clinic in Mexico and they fully recovered from this dreadful disease, even if it was stage 4 cancer. Afterwards, their cancer never returned again.
nice story thanks
Is there any MD’s or clinic practicing/teaching this Homeopathy here in the Philippines?
Which remedies did you take I have a cracked tooth right now that I’m trying to save
Here’s the complete regime for bone healing:
Day 1-2 Arnica 30x 3 times/day
Day 3-4 Ruta Graveloens 30x 3 times/day
Day 5-6 Symphytum Officianalis 30x 3 times/day
Day 7-12 Calcium Carbonica 30X 3 times/day
Day 13-18 No remedies
Day 19-24 Calcium Carbonica 30X 3 times/day
Not sure it will save the tooth, but it will help heal the bone socket and nerves. Good luck.
Any discussion of cancer or homeopathy warrants a mention of the illustrious work of Drs. Prasanta and Pratip Banerji. The Banerji’s represent three generations of experience and data. The Banerji Clinic in Calcutta is THE largest in the world, treating 1,000 patients a day using homeopathy. The Banerji Protocols are particularly noteworthy in resolving some of the most difficult and feared cancers, including brain cancer. Truly amazing, groundbreaking work.
I was curious as to what remedy & dosage you used to cure piles overnight for your friend, thanks!