Video Transcript:
ZACH VORHIES: I’m just going to take some Q and As, if anyone wants to ask any of your censorship questions that have been burning in your mind. You sir.
AUDIENCE: What alternative search engine would you recommend other than Google? Because that’s the only one I’ve ever used.
ZACH VORHIES: Right? So what’s the great search engine that’s an alternative to Google? So right now the best one that I recommend is DuckDuckGo. But in the last month there’s been some controversy because their HR department is going a little nuts. There was this… So here’s the story, this guy posted, and he did this post, and what he said is, “Look, I’ve been a mobile developer for 10 years. I’m highly qualified. I’ve got a bulletproof resume, should be the darling of Silicon valley.”
He sent his resume to DuckDuckGo and they rejected it. And so he resubmitted it as a black lesbian with a bunch of spelling mistakes and wrong answers on the resume and they sent back, “You’re hired and here’s $160 a year salary.” And when that information got out, Twitter and a bunch of other sites actively suppressed that post, revealing that DuckDuckGo had this policy of basically excluding white males from the industry that were very competent.
And so the question is, what is going to happen to DuckDuckGo? So where do we go if DuckDuckGo falls to the dark side? And the answer to that is the is an excellent search engine. It’s now going to be the default on the Brave Search browser. And by the way, if you guys are still using Chrome, switch out of Chrome, go to Brave.
It’s actually a fork of Chrome from the earlier days, but they removed all of the adware and the spying off of it. So whenever you like using Chrome, you can use Brave instead. It’s available for Android, it’s available for iOS and it’s available for the desktop. I use it wherever I go. It’s faster than Chrome, it works better than Chrome and it’s just absolutely fantastic.
It’s called the Brave Browser. Brave Browser. It’s got a picture of a lion on it, so that’s the icon. and DuckDuckGo, there’s also qwant, and there’s some other ones. There’s also conservative one, but I can’t remember the name of it. But if you look and search on my Twitter handle, you’ll be able to find it, that’s, that’s my gamer tag. It just… Whatever. I’m sorry. But it’s perpetualmaniac, is my ID.
Thank you for sharing the google “whistleblower!”
I’m searching for an email server for our small business to use other than Google. Any suggestions?
Thank you for all that you have done and are continuing to do for fighting for our freedom!