Lack of adequate nutrition can lead to cancer growth – on the other hand, the right nutrients can inhibit cancerous cells from multiplying.
Scientists have known for decades that cancer cells have the ability to repair themselves, multiply, differentiate, and escape normal cellular processes such as apoptosis or “cell suicide.” Only recently researchers have learned that cancer cells originate from stem cells. Stem cells are unspecialized cells in our body that can, given the right “signal,” be transformed into any “specialized” cell.

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that, when given the right signal, can become any type of specialized cell
Stem cells found in adults are known as adult stem cells, which normally act as a repair system for the body, constantly replenishing our body’s tissues.
Researchers are also beginning to understand that our diet is perhaps the greatest tool in preventing and treating cancer. Specifically, regular consumption of freshly available, non-irradiated fruits and vegetables is associated with lowered risk of many chronic diseases, including cancer.
Cancer Cells Originate from Stem Cells
What is known as a pro-survival technique enables cancer cells to develop into the invasive and relentless disease that can wreak havoc on any tissue in our bodies. Unlike typical stem cells, cancer stem cells are self-sufficient, resistant to chemotherapeutic drugs and treatments, have the ability to self-renew, increase inflammation, and are not influenced by contact with other stem cells or anti-growth signals.
Cancer stem cells are also sustained by angiogenesis (the physiological process by which new blood vessels are formed, which cancer tumors use to feed themselves nutrients and grow), flawed cellular energy mechanisms, and their ability to evade normal cellular functions such as apoptosis or cell suicide.
Phytochemicals that Fight Cancer
Nutrient-rich plant foods typically contain phytochemicals, which have anti-cancer properties. Phytochemicals are chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants. Some are responsible for color such as the deep purple of blueberries, while others are responsible for smell. For example, the pungent fragrance of freshly squeezed garlic.
Phytochemicals can have specific actions on our body when we consume the plants containing them. It is estimated that there may be as many as 4,000 different phytochemicals in the plant world. Some of these phytochemicals not only target and kill cancer stem cells, but they also reverse the mechanical flaws in our body which cancer cells thrive on.
12 Nutrients to Consume Daily
Consume the following 12 nutrients daily to equip your body with the cancer-fighting tools it requires to prevent and treat cancerous growth.
#1 – Ursolic Acid
A dietary compound found in herbal medicines such as holy basil, as well as in the natural waxy coating of fruits like apples, ursolic acid has extraordinary anti-cancer potential. Ursolic acid has been shown to treat cancers of the skin, colon, breast, lung, cervix, prostate, esophagus, and pancreas.

Holy basil is a good source of ursolic acid, along with other common herbs such as lavender, peppermint, oregano, and thyme.
Specifically, ursolic acid reduced tumor size and distant organ metastasis of colorectal cancer cells, likely by blocking the expression of proteins needed for their survival, proliferation, and metastasis.
Researchers are aware of ursolic acid’s ability to reduce inflammation-promoting enzymes despite not having a full understanding of all biological functions which ursolic acid affects. Reducing the levels of these enzymes is critical to blocking abnormal cell cycles and preventing the expression of genes which turn off cellular apoptosis.
In other words, ursolic acid increases cancer cell apoptosis and prevents DNA replication, a typical characteristic of cancerous growth that would otherwise lead to metastasis.
Increasing the ursolic acid content of your daily nutrient intake can inhibit tumors from forming in your body. Many health practitioners supplement with a dose of 150-300 mg ursolic acid 3 times daily for optimal benefits. This is much more than you could get from using apple peels and holy basil which have between 5-10 mg of ursolic acid per serving. Waxy apple peels and holy basil do have other phytonutrients that are beneficial for the body’s immune system, however, and shouldn’t be discarded.
#2 – Piperine

Piperine is found in black pepper and is responsible for its pungent flavor
Every year colorectal cancer kills more than 639,000 individuals worldwide. One of the major causes likely to blame for such a high statistic is a bacterium known as H. pylori, which invades the gastrointestinal lining of more than half of the world’s population and is carcinogenic. Known as the “King of Spices,” piperine – a compound found in black pepper – helps reduce the incidence of cancers relating to the stomach and breast. Piperine has traditionally been used to treat symptoms of cold and fever. Most recently it has gained attention for its cancer fighting properties.
Direct research suggests that piperine has anti-inflammatory effects on H. pylori-induced gastritis and may potentially be useful in prevention of H. pylori-associated gastric carcinogenesis. Piperine appears to prevent H. pylori growth by preventing it from adhering to the gastrointestinal surface.
Piperine has also been shown to target cancer stem cells of breast tumors in testing. As a result of piperine’s actions, the H. pylori bacterium cannot release toxins, cause stress, raise inflammation levels, and promote cancer growth. The antimutagenic factors which piperine induces may be due to its ability to prevent proteins from binding which would normally stimulate cancer formation. Add piperine to your daily diet by including freshly ground high quality black pepper in marinades, salad dressings, sauces, dips, and soups.
#3 – Lycopene

Lycopene is found in fruits and vegetables with red flesh such as blood oranges and pink watermelon
Lycopene is a bioactive compound that destroys cancer cell activity. Foods rich in lycopene include red-fleshed colored fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, watermelons, pink grapefruit, and even so-called “blood” oranges. In fact, red-fleshed sweet orange juice that contains high levels of beta-carotene and lycopene has been shown to have potential chemopreventive effects on leukemia cells in laboratory experiments.
Consuming a lycopene-rich diet is as easy as snacking on watermelon on hot summer days, or adding a bowl of grapefruit to your yogurt in the winter. Add pulp back into your beverage when juicing citrus foods containing lycopene. Increase the bioavailability of lycopene in foods by simmering tomato skins before consumption and enjoy homemade pasta sauce and salsa.
Lycopene’s anti-cancer properties stem from its ability to increase cytotoxicity and apoptosis in cancer cells. This nutrient disrupts cancer stem cells’ communication signals which help a cancer cell to flourish – and instead increases its risk of dying. Cancers which lycopene may be effective at preventing include cervix, colon, lung, and prostate cancer.
If you are looking to avoid carbohydrates and stay on a ketogenic diet, you may want to consider supplementing with 30-50 mg of lycopene, 1-2 times daily. This is about the same amount you would get from eating 2 servings of organic tomato sauce.
#4 – Isothiocyanates

Three-day-old broccoli sprouts contain 10-100 times higher levels of sulforaphane than a mature head of broccoli
Isothiocyanates are derived from naturally occurring sulfur-containing compounds called glucosinolates. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, wasabi, horseradish, mustard, radish, and watercress contain many types of glucosinolates, each of which forms a different isothiocyanate when hydrolyzed in our body.
Isothiocyanates such as sulforaphane may help to prevent cancer by eliminating potential carcinogens and by enhancing production of so-called “tumor suppressor proteins.” In other words, consuming isothiocyanates through cruciferous vegetable consumption may decrease cancer risk – although boiling and microwaving cruciferous vegetables is known to reduce the bioavailability of isothiocyanates. Depending on the particular vegetable, either consume raw (eg. broccoli sprouts and watercress) or lightly steam (eg. Brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower) to retain the most nutrients.
Isothiocyanates promote detoxification, enhance immunity, activate cancer inhibiting agents, and prevent against tumor growth related to the breast, stomach, spleen, prostate, and colon. Isothiocyanates inhibit cancer in many ways. They:
- Prevent toxins from accumulating
- Prevent inflammation
- Stimulate antioxidant potential
- Increase healthy gut microflora and remove carcinogenic bacteria linked to stomach cancer
- Promote phase 2 enzymes which stimulate antioxidant powerhouses such as glutathione
- Increase Nrf2 signaling pathways known to block tumor formation
You too can benefit from the many health benefits of isothiocyanates by adding them to your diet. Although cruciferous vegetables are excellent sources of these powerful compounds, it turns out their sprouts are far more powerful cancer fighting foods. For instance, did you know that cruciferous sprouts can contain up to 100 times more of the glucosinolate compounds needed for the body to produce isothiocyanates than an entire head of broccoli can provide?!
If choosing to supplement with sulforophane, many health practitioners advise taking 300-600 mg, 1-2 times daily. This is especially useful for complementing treatment against hormone-sensitive cancers, as isothiocyanates are very good estrogen detoxifiers.
#5 – Curcumin

Turmeric is a member of the ginger family that has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine
Turmeric is a herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family. The rhizomes of this plant are boiled, dried, and ground into a deep-orange-yellow powder that is used as a spice in Indian cuisine, for dyeing, and to impart color to mustard condiments. One active ingredient of this turmeric powder is curcumin.
Curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. Curcumin prevents chronic inflammation and can also decrease risk of cancer development. Curcumin regulates various factors and substances involved with cancer stem cells and manipulates multiple signaling pathways that are necessary for cancer formation.
Curcumin has shown to target cancer cells by turning off factors which normally would suppress apoptosis, preventing angiogenesis which supplies nutrients and blood flow to cancer cells, and inhibiting tumor invasion and metastasis.
The following types of cancers have been shown to be suppressed by curcumin:
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Leukemia
- Kidney
- Renal
- Bladder
- Brain
- Ovarian
- Liver
- Lung
- Colorectal
- Cervical
- Breast
- Prostate
Many health practitioners recommend taking 500-1000 mg doses, 3-4 times daily with food. Curcumin should also be mixed with piperine from black pepper and taken with a fat-based meal for optimal absorption.
#6 – EGCG

EGCG and other green tea antioxidants have been found to stop cancer cells from growing, kill cancer cells, and prevent the formation and growth of new blood vessels in tumors
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, also referred to as EGCG, is a polyphenol found in green tea. EGCG is linked to numerous health benefits including its ability to treat cancer.
Did you know that sipping on green tea regularly can reduce your risk of breast, colon, prostate, and lung cancer? You could also make a green tea base instead of water to add to your smoothies.
EGCG prevents cancer cells from multiplying, causing inflammation, and invading new tissue – and it also interrupts cancer stem cells communication pathways. Researchers have found that EGCG inhibits critical proteins required for cancer cell survival from binding and shuts off mechanisms which induce cancerous cell growth.
Matcha green tea is the most potent form of EGCG. One glass of Matcha is equivalent to 10 glasses of a commercial green tea in terms of its nutritional value and antioxidant content. One could also supplement with 400-800 mg of EGCG, 1-2 times daily. Always use this earlier in the day as it can be stimulating.
One caveat is that green tea does reduce folate absorption. If using green tea daily, it is advisable to consume extra raw green vegetables (that are rich in folate) in salads or juices or to supplement with an extra 500 mcg of methylfolate or calcium folinate.
#7 – Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)

Vitamin D3 deficiency is one of the most common factors associated with the development of cancer
Did you know that approximately 10,000 cancer cells are produced daily in your body and have the ability to invade, multiply, and spread to other areas? Vitamin D3 deficiency is one of the most common factors associated with the pathogenesis development) of cancer. Unfortunately, our lack of time spent outdoors in natural sunlight and the increase in use of synthetic drugs has lowered our body’s ability to absorb nutrients from the sun and vitamin D sources from food. Needless to say, proper intake of vitamin D3 daily is required for the prevention of cancer.
Vitamin D3 has been shown in doses of 20,000 IU to act as an effective therapy in delaying the onset of cancer and alleviating systemic inflammation. Perhaps most vital for D3 daily intake is the production of GcMAF, a protein which inhibits cancer cells and boosts the immune system’s natural response to invasive agents such as cancer. GcMAF can eradicate tumors completely but requires adequate vitamin D3 levels for its activity.
Ideal levels for vitamin D3 (25-hydoxy vitamin D) are between 60-100 ng/ml with the ideal range between 80-100 ng/ml for individuals looking to prevent or slow cancer growth. As a general rule, take 1,000 IUs per 25 pounds (11.3 kg) of body weight to slowly raise your vitamin D levels into range or take 2,000 IUs per 25 pounds of body weight to quickly raise your vitamin D levels.
Because vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient, it is important to take the supplement with a fat-based meal for optimal absorption.
#8 – Resveratrol

While grape skins are one of the highest sources of resveratrol, it’s nearly impossible to get enough of this nutrient through diet alone
Resveratrol is a natural phenol produced naturally by several plants in response to injury or when under attack by bacteria or fungi. Food sources of resveratrol include the skins of grapes (as well as wine made from grape skins), blueberries, raspberries, and mulberries.
This phenolic compound has a profound ability to prevent and heal metabolic conditions such as cancer. It is designed to protect our cells from damage and assist in extending their lifespan and improving normal cell’s processes which cause repair. The cancer-protective properties of resveratrol have been shown to prevent and heal cancers related to the prostate, liver, colon, pancreas, skin, and various other organs.
Adding a resveratrol supplement to your daily diet may be needed as getting enough of this cancer fighting nutrient solely from your diet is not possible given its low concentrations in foods and beverages. Patients combating cancer can take more than 200 mg of resveratrol daily. Non-cancer patients can take 20-100 mg of resveratrol every day to reap optimal anti-cancer benefits.
#9 – 6-Gingerol

The unique fragrance and flavor of ginger come from its natural oils – the most important of which is gingerol – which has been studied for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects
Ginger is an excellent source of the phytonutrient 6-gingerol, which reduces nitric oxide production associated with inflammation and other cellular disturbances. 6-Gingerol protects against free radical damage and possesses powerful neuroprotective capabilities. Studies show that 6-gingerol stimulates antioxidant defenses and pharmacological pathways for healing.
To get the benefits of 6-gingerol, try sipping on ginger in your tea, add it to meat marinades, shave on vegetable dishes and include in your recipes for coleslaw and salad dressings to improve the chemoprotective properties of your meals. It is also advisable to consume fermented ginger, which is commonly used in Asian dishes such as sushi and in the Korean dish kimchi.
#10 – Silymarin

Silymarin is the main active ingredient in milk thistle. Silymarin is both an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and is commonly used as a natural treatment for liver problems
Also known as milk thistle, Silymarin is a flavonoid which protects against skin and colon cancer. This healing nutrient acts as a strong detoxifying substance able to promote the function of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Silymarin has shown therapeutic potential in preventing and treating cancers of the skin, prostate, cervix, and breast.
The ability of Silymarin to promote oxygenation to blood cells and increase enzymatic activity of antioxidants like glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD) are believed to contribute to its chemotherapeutic effects. Silymarin inhibits carcinogens from accumulating in organs of the body, which assists in detoxification processes and decreases the risk of cancerous cell growth.
Lower your risk of developing cancer by supplementing your diet with 200-600 mg of milk thistle daily to prevent against toxic waste build up and inflammation.
#11 – Quercetin

Primary dietary sources of the antioxidant quercetin include citrus fruits, apples, onions, parsley, sage, tea, and red wine
Quercetin is a dietary antioxidant found in fruits, vegetables, teas, and wine. Quercetin has been shown to specifically interfere with cancer stem cells by blocking communication to processes which stimulate free radical production. As a result, hazardous and cancer-stimulating free radicals such as reactive oxygen species are drastically reduced.
Quercetin exhibits anti-cancer properties which improve the production of other antioxidant levels such as glutathione and SOD, thereby further preventing free radical damage and cancer growth. High doses of quercetin may be used to impair the expression of cancer stem cell-activating genes linked to leukemia. Quercetin can relieve inflammation and acts as an antihistamine due to its impact on lowering immune cell responses.
Consuming organic apples (including the skin), red onions, green tea, raspberries, and dark colored tomatoes are great ways to increase quercetin in your diet and lower your risk of cancer. If choosing to supplement with quercetin, it is recommended to take 400-500 mg, 2-3 times per day.
#12 – Anthocyanins

The name anthocyanin is derived from “cyan” in Greek which means dark blue. The deep blue and purple colors of anthocyanins are created at the cellular level and provide sun protection for plants and us when we consume them
Over 600 types of anthocyanins are found naturally in plants such as berries (especially bilberries), grapes, red cabbage, red onions, eggplant, tea, and specific varieties of oranges. Anthocyanins increase the function of genes which act to inhibit tumor growth pathways in cancer stem cells. Anthocyanins are also equipped to trigger apoptosis by manipulating cell signaling between cancer stem cells and tumors.
Anthocyanins enable the body to naturally heal – making them potentially useful in treating colorectal cancer, reducing breast cancer tumors, and limiting leukemia cells from spreading. These dietary components have the ability to control cancer stem cells which otherwise are uncontrollable. Anthocyanins enhance the productivity of genes which suppress tumors, induce apoptosis in colon cancer cells, and create dysfunction in leukemia cells.
Consuming nutrient-dense, anthocyanin-rich foods can help to protect your body from developing cancer and fight already present tumors. Having a handful of organic blueberries or blackberries each day is a fantastic way to get more of these nutrients into your system.
One of the best ways to get anthocyanins is to make fermented sauerkraut with red cabbage and red onions. The final product is rich in isothiocyanates, anthocyanins, and other sulfur compounds that boost glutathione and cancer stem cell-killing compounds.
Committing to an Anti-Cancer Diet
The solution to killing cancer stem cells is found in our diets. This is a resolution which must be committed to for the long-term. Plant-based diets rich in nutrients which fight chronic inflammation, slow cellular aging, stimulate normal cellular functioning – and most importantly, target and destroy cancer stem cells – is vital to living a cancer-free life.
Shutting down the signaling pathways which stimulate pro-survival mechanisms in cancer stem cells is necessary to living a cancer-free life and can be accomplished with the 12 nutrients discussed in this article.
So… how do you plan to implement these nutrients into your lifestyle on a regular basis to give you and your family the best cancer protection?
Editor’s Note: This article was first published in 2018 and has been updated in 2023.
Article Summary
Lack of adequate nutrition can lead to cancer growth.
Nutrient-rich plant foods typically contain phytochemicals, which have anti-cancer properties.
12 nutrients to consume daily:
- Ursolic Acid
- Piperine
- Lycopene
- Isothiocyanates
- Curcumin
- Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)
- Resveratrol
- 6-Gingerol
- Silymarin
- Quercetin
- Anthocyanins
Have melanoma on midleg-had one exploratory surgery-not a lot of tissue-need to go back to
follow margin protocol-surgeon wants to extract potentially healthy nodes-I do not want lymphectomy–help me out
Check out. .,one answer to cancer .
Black salve works a treat
I’ve seen it work it’s amazing !
And fast ,
I’m interested in learning more about black salve for skin cancer. Where can I get information about it?
I’m interested in learning more about black salve for skin cancer. Where can I get information about it?
The black salve is called Cancema. You can purchase it on line at Alpha Omega Labs. I used it to remove a basal cell carcinoma from the back of my calf. It left no scar. Print and read the directions and follow them closely. My husband used it on his forearm and it removed the skin cancer within a few weeks. It’s worth a try but only works on skin cancers not warts or moles. Please read the information on the website before using. I am not a medical doctor and am not advocating this treatment as a remedy just information for you to follow up on. Good luck.
Please, before you use this Black Salve talk to your doctor. We seen a show called Botched and patient used this medicine. It disfigured her face. It ate a lot of her face. Please be careful! Her face had holes and missing flesh.
Hi, I live in Australia, and was diagnosed with Level 4 nodular melanoma in 2009. It metastasised to axillary nodes in 2014. My Dr wanted to do a full clearance which I did not want. PET scan showed only one node involved.
No Dr in my city would perform a single node excision.
So with node in situ, I flew to Mexico to the Biomedical center, and had IV Vit C and IV Laetrile. And started on full Hoxsey treatment. They recommended I have the node removed.
I also went to Hope 4 Cancer clinic and started on IM Rigvir injections.
When I returned home to Australia, I found a surgeon in another state who, reluctantly, would remove only that node. Which he did. And found another black node as well, which, as he had said he would only take out the one node, he left in my axila.
2 months later I returned to have the other node removed, and much to the surgeons surprise, it was no longer there. The only explanation he could think of, was that the treatments I was on from Mexico had had time to work and had eliminated my metastatic melanoma node. He did take out half my nodes, though, and they were all clear.
My last PET scan was 12 months ago, and still all clear.
I wish you well in your journey, and hope my experience might be of some help or encouragement to you. I am also well aware that every persons body and melanoma are different, as are our choices and lifestyle.
All the best.
A PET scan only see tumors 5 mm or larger, that is equivalent to over 5 million melanoma cancer cells so a PET scan does not mean you are free of cancer, they just are not large enough to see yet. My 4.4 mm tumor would not show in a pet scan but did show on my skin. It was removed along with a sentinel lymph node which has a 1.2 tumor in it. I refused removing more nodes since they are my defense system and went to herbs, diet change (ketogenic) and exercise. Feel great, 2 years now and going strong…..but you never know.
We are glad to hear that you are doing well L. Stenger! Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Today I was just diagnosed with Breast invasive inductive insitu cancer.
I am not sure where to start. I am very overwhelmed.
Do you have a particular doctor I could speak to? Is there anyone In Hawaii? Maui?
I have listened to many of your webinars and have purchased the recordings.
Susan Hoover
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Hello Please research this a little bit more but I have recently read some documentation that DCI ass ductile carcinoma in situ is no longer considered a cancer please investigate this… research …..have you heard of sayer ji and Mike Adams… Also please introduce yourself to seven essentials Dr. V Google it she’s a woman who had breast cancer did not do any of the convention always treated her self and she still alive today I am Jackie I live in Canada Edmonton Alberta and I to have breast cancer I’ve been healing myself now for 19 months using these peoples information and the documentation that they provide for you all the information is out there educate yourself like I did all the best sending love and hugs you can do this. Also consider this
Cut sugar and carbohydrates completely for 1 day out of each week. Cancer cannot live without glucose (sugar). Read the article above about the 12 nutrients that target and destroy cancer stem cells.
Susan.. Iam inthe same situation…can we keep in toch
Keto but don’t stop there. Important to reach ketosis. John Bergman youtube.
thank you so much for this wonderful informations,, i am 29 yrs old and i have breast cancer stage 2B, diagnosed this Sept and got surgery already, 4/14 lymph nodes taken was positive in cancer,, now i didint do any cemo or therapies, just searching for alternative healthy way to be cancer free and have a longer life for my family specially for my two boys (4yrs old and 2 yrs old,)
I was diagnosd with stage0 DCIS , Ductal Carcinoma in Situ January 2018, through Biopsy, MRI mammogram, Ultrasound. however refused to take conventional treatment of (Lumpectomy, Radiation and hormone therapy for 5 years based on the many months research that I had done about DCIS. I was very confident about my health and mentality. because I had had a very healthy plant base diet for 3 years until my diagnose surviving on whole food plant based diet. never drank Alcohol, never smoked very fit healthy . just wanted to be monitored .Although the surgeon and oncologist dropped me as a patient due to my refusal for treatment, my family doctor ordered me MRI every 6 month. last MRI on June 2019 that showed not significant changes 5 month later , on November 2019 I was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer metastasized to my spine. incurable with the prognosis of 2 to 5 years to live.
Oh, that is terrible. How are you doing today? I hope you are still successful at fighting.
Does Organixx have a supplement that would include all these wonderful cancer fighting nutrients?
They do not have a product that includes all of these at this time.
I’m hearing the flu vaccine causes cancer any feedback ?
You could try multi vitamaxx or turmeric 3D.
I wondered if its safe to take all these supplements while on blood thinner
As long as there is no vitamin K in them. Do an internet search “Does turmeric have vitamin K in it”. Do the same for each supplement to find your answer. The computer is great for finding out any info that you need to find. All you have to do is type and search.
It’s not just vit k you have to worry about. Many of these supplements are naturally blood thinning… Which puts you at risk for bleeding. I would always discuss any over the counter meds/supplements with your doctor’s.
Speak with your Dr sand regulate your blood tests for blood thinner drug you are on might need to adjust the dosage . Weekly when going on new suppliments . Foods also. Fish oils are one .
Dear Susan,
I was diagnosed with this same cancer and told it was stage zero because the sentinel node was clean. Two months later I found cancer in my liver due to abdominal pain I went to get a ct scan. So I had metastasized estrogen positive her two negative cancer that hit the bloodstream. Work with an oncologist before any organ specialist or surgeon, you will need some kind of full body scan to determine if your cancer is just in the breast or if it has spread. Aromatase inhibitors work for years if the cancer is a low stage cancer. You need these to keep the tumor from spreading despite what the truth about cancer series tells you. I am as natural as they come and I did not take them and voila. The cancer spread quickly.
I was misdiagnosed when cancer hit the liver ( the lab said I had primary liver cancer) and for a year and a half I ate very healthy but the cancer still spread to my bones despite following the nutritional protocols because I was not taking aromatase inhibitors. Cancer is tricky for everyone involved and each person has to decide what works. here are many good nurses, doctors , and naturopaths who will love you as you go along in the journey. I agree that the pharmaceutical companies control the doctors but there are many drugs keeping people alive much longer. My tumor keeps growing despite the fact that I am extremely disciplined in how I eat and no sugar no dairy, low fat, omega threes and all of the supplements and then some. So, my immune system is off due to menopause causing me no sleep for four years and I have to rely on drugs unfortunately because I almost died three years ago when I was not taking them. The aromatase inhibitor saved my life while I endured six bone surgeries due to negligence by a lab. That is unfortunate because my doctors relied on the lab but my doctors are beautiful people who figured out the mistake and came to my side to raise me up. I am still here and living with a positive attitude. Do not let anyone tell you what to do. Be strong and do your research and find the balance. Good luck and stay strong in spirit. I am five plus years stage four metastasized and appearing ten years younger than my age. My luck may run out in time but I am going to make the best of what I am being told. The truth about cancer series certainly is a great resource. Thank you and best wishes.
Hi Susan.
Have you heard of the company immunotec?
It has a product immunocal which is a natural food for your glutathione which is your master antioxidant.
Dr Jimmy Gutman has a book on glutathione.
I encourage you to check it out.
Which aromatase inhibitors did you use please?
My naturopath advised me to take Melatonin 20mg at night to help lower my estrogen level.
I’ve had trouble sleeping for ages and it helps a lot. (I had tried the lower doses with no effect)
Cannabinoid oils with THC and CBD, as in a 1:1 ratio help breast cancer, some folks take Phoenix tears which is all THC.
Recently I read about Salicinium which helps even Stage 4, which I currently am. There is a document on line by Frank Costineau that outlines several successful alternative cancer centers in the US, some of them give it. Now also, Dr. Munoz at the San Diego Clinic gives it as well.
Best, Lin
So beautiful said . Wish you all the best dear people .
Saludos, pinterest no deja guardar este trabajo como un pin porque supuestamente todas las fotos de este articulo conducen a ESPAM me gustaria guardarlo ,pero pinterest bloquea la accion.
Thank you for letting us know Raudo!
Is there supplemts to take?
Missed out Laetrile in fruit pips. Pakistan hill people virtually never get cancer because this is included in their diet.
I use all those nutrients , but my PSA is still rising. Nobody knows so far how much and when you have to take nutrients or you have to combine some of them
A rising PSA does not necessarily suggest cancer. Initially it is an indication of enlargement of the prostate, which ocurrs naturally as we get older. I had prostate cancer – but then so did my grandfather, father, and both his brothers. So I was fairly sure that my rising PSA was due to cancer. I had a biopsy which confirmed that to be the case. I used medicinal cannabis for a few months but with a Gleeson score of 8 and multiple tumours, one with a core sample of 17mm (huge), it was going to take forever to win. So we changed plans and used the CBD to support the surgery, and it was very effective. I went from 4 hours in surgery to my ward in 4 hours – it normally takes 24 to 36 hours, and sometimes longer, to get from the table to the ward.
If you are concerned that you have prostate cancer then you need to have an MRI or similar, and a biopsy if necessary. Otherwise you are probably worrying about nothing. That said, medicinal cannabis – CBD – is a powerful anti-inflammatory and can slow if not regress the enlargement of your prostate, and it will contain any cancer if it is there. If you find that there is cancer, then you need to take THC in order to kill the cancer stem cell. Hope this helps.
Please where did you purchase your cbd and THC? I will appreciate your help
Psa no a good marker look at sayerji website look after your cells consider
I was surprised not to see VitB17 not on the list found in apricot kernels? Thanks
Can my Father in Law take these supplements while taking Chemotherapy?
Unfortunately, he is very reluctant to try anything if his doctor isn’t the one to tell him.
We would suggest speaking with a trusted medical professional before taking any new supplements.
I’ve been diagnosed with stage 3a breast cancer. I am 37 years old. I’ve had all the tests and meetings with the doctors….all overwhelming. I refuse to be a lab rat. Im doing everything i can to heal naturally. I followed your videos and took notes. I’ve been eating and juicing all organic fruits and vegetables. Taking essential oils, herbs, spices, etc. Ive bought living greens supplements, organixx detox and multi mineral vitamins. I do not eat meat, dairy, sugar, processed foods or bread. I’ve been doing this for 2 1/2 months. I pray this works
First of all, I love the news that you are spreading! I did want to make one suggestion for this article. You guys should include a picture of holy basil instead of sweet basil in referencing ursolic acid. The average person probably doesn’t realize what holy (tulsi) basil looks like, so showing a picture of sweet basil might be misleading for people.
~ Stephanie Oaks, an organic medicinal and culinary herb farmer
Can large dogs take these supplements or foods?
My dog has a large sarcoma on his leg. We don’t want to amputate. They say it’s to difficult to remove because it winds around the tendons and muscles.
Elena – I just read a Testimony on the Poly MVA Site – I ordered mine from Healthy Global Living in Austin, TX … for people but also they have 1 for Pets.
I am joining this conversation because I have also a blog where I write about cancer-fighting food, recipes. On your article, I feel very interested to read about Ginger powerfulness for fighting cancer.
My 33 yrs old son is diagnosed with Mycosis Fungoides – mile form of t cell lymphoma, he is
going for light treatments three times a week. He is using Betaderm CRM 0.7% cream for his skin now.
I need help to find out if there is any other better alternative treatments that
will help my son. I raised him all by myself at 23 months old as my husband passed away that month.
Thank you.
Thank you for sharing this information. I understand that many of the natural, healthy alternative treatments for cancer do wonders at reducing or eliminating tumorous cancers. I have been diagnosed with smoldering myeloma (Stage 0). Unfortunately, I also have a rare condition that only about 10% of myeloma patients develop–amyloidosis. I am seeing an oncologist for regular blood monitoring, but have opted not to pursue conventional medical treatment. As you know, myeloma is not a tumorous cancer. It is due to malfunctioning plasma cells in the bone marrow. So I am wondering what natural treatments, other than diet, would be most helpful to me at this stage in my journey with cancer? I see little or nothing written about myeloma and nothing at all about amyloidosis.
Hi Alexandra,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Best wishes!
I am in remission from acute Myeloid Leukemia. Please advice what vitamins, herbs, what food/fruits/vegetables are going to keep in in remission from leukemia thank you
Hi Kalina,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Wishing you all the best!
Hi Kalina. My husband is battling AML also. Considering a bone marrow transplant as the chemo hasn’t worked ..did you have one and if so , what was your experience ? I also have him try ing clean eating , juicing , supplements and meditation.
Look up black salve on the internet (the one with Blood Root included works best)
This is very helpful information! My husband has stage 4 prostate cancer it has mestitse to his spine. He had been receiving lupron injections till it made him very weak, no appetite, then in icu where he’d become septic & unfortunately still recovering from this all. Can lupron injections cause all these problems? How & where can we find these suppliments? I’d rather get them in pill format because he’s still has aversion to many foods. The doctor has put a peg in his stomach as well. Are we fighting a losing battle? I’m scared & I can’t imagine my life without him. We’ll take any advise to slow or irradicade the cancer? If his body holds up, he scheduled to take Xtandti. Is that the best way?
Hi Nancy,
We are sorry to hear about what you and your husband are going through. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Sending healing vibes your way!
All disease starts in the gut. Chris Woollams a biochemist from the UK wrote a book by the name of Heal Your gut Heal Your Body. A must read for anyone having or had cancer. Also he wrote The Rainbow Diet and how it can help you beat cancer. Only buy the books from his web page, they are not expensive but anywhere else they are. Basically you need a good Probiotic and to eat Prebiotics food like an apple everyday and a good Probiotic like he mentions in the book and to drink Kefer and eat home made sauerkraut, or tempeh or Kombucha. He has a web page This is the best advice I can give someone along with taking Turkey Tail Mushroom supplements by Host Defense which you can buy from iherb or most health food stores. Watch Paul Stamets videos and how Turkey Tail Mushroom can raise your immune system and your killer T cells. I too am on this journey. Blessings.
Howdy!! My husband (64) has stage 4 metastic prostate cancer. He’s had chemotherapy & lupron injections. Since his last lupron injection he became very sick. He became incontenate, weak, confused, & had no appitite & nothing tasted good at all. I finally after his decent over 3 weeks, I had him rushed to the hospital. He was in ICU for about a week & became septic, then sent to a Post Acute Medical Hospital. He had pick lines that eventually became infected, so what he has now for feeding is a PEG in his stomach. He’s going to start Xanti while in skilled nursing, I think. Is it safe to introduce the vitamins you’ve pointed out at this juncture? I’m sure the medical team would have to know about the alternative supplements. Do I talk to the Doctors to bring them to the same page to help slow down the cancer? Would they be convinced, because they don’t always agree to alternative medicine. Are we fighting a losing battle? Because we’re not willing to give up! My husband has endured so much & I hate to bring false hopes. We’re both scared & I’m afraid he’ll give up his hopes for a longer life.
God Bless!! We pray every day.
I would be careful using pepper because it is highly acidic and can be inflammatory.
Hello. 2 thoughts… First, I love your products and videos. I follow them closely to hopefully prevent cancer for me and my family. Second, (and sorry if this is a repeat of anyone else’s comment) but could you not take the 12 cancer preventing items (or at least many of them) and put them in an easy to take pill like you do with so many other wonderful things at Organixx? Just a thought but I’d be all over that ☺️👏🏼
One professor said to me if your immune system is functioning correctly and your body is running on form cancer is not an issue, I am studying naturopathy and in my journey i have learnt you can not cure cancer you can only maintain it, chemotherapy doesn’t work on its own you may have remission within the 5 year window but only 3 % will survive after chemotherapy damages your existing immune system and as it doesn’t kill the stem cells so you have little ability to fight hence the cancer will generally return more invasive, however studies have been made that if you do choose the orthodox route and have surgery and chemotherapy if you change your diet through the process and after not only will it help you through the toxic process with greater strength but survival rates are higher . With that knowledge ask your self did the chemotherapy really play any part in fighting the cancer or was it the diet?
I decided to study natruopathy when my partner was diagnosed with stage 3 nill defined colorectal cancer and an operation was not an option neither was chemotherapy he has been taking B17 30 a day (amygdalin) which are apricot kernels/ 3000iu D3/K2 high levels of vitamin C, turmeric with black pepper and eating kale, spinach, tomatoes vegan products ie dairy and gluten free and his makers are static so we keep our fingers crossed x
How are the apricot kernels working i take them for my brain tumour its only stage 2 im
Thinking about taking vit c intravenous to shrink tumour and vitamin D hoping it shrinks or the cancer atleast slows