It has been 26 years since Ty and I lost dad to a botched surgery due to stomach cancer. That was our first introduction to cancer. And what a blow that was for us. At the time, we were newlyweds, married for a mere 6 months. We were in the clouds, so happy and in love.
Twenty-six years ago, I went to the movies and watched Braveheart with friends. As I left that movie theater, I knew that God had a “Braveheart” in this world for me that would slay all my dragons and fight all evil. And as he fought evil, I would be his forever Princess helping him, by his side, to fight the forces of darkness, together forever.
Just weeks later, after seeing Braveheart for the very first time, I met Ty. On our first date, he said he loved me. Based on the many frogs and toads I met before him, I didn’t know what to think. But 3 days later, after seeing heaven in his eyes, I said, “I love you, too.” He was instantly my Braveheart, and I was his Princess. We were a match made in heaven beginning our fairy-tale journey together.
Six months after our first date, we were married. We were the happiest two people to ever live. We had no idea what lay ahead for us, but we had a solid foundation of love for God and for one another, so we were certain that no matter what was ahead, we would weather any storm together.
But we never guessed that only 6 months after we were married, we would learn that his dad had stomach cancer. I vividly remember the doctors coming out from the emergency room to update us on their progress with dad in the middle of exploratory surgery they were performing to find what they thought were gallstones. They found cancer, and it was so advanced, and he was so young. They looked so troubled and without any hope. I vividly remember the “punch to the gut” feeling, leaving all of us feeling hopeless.
We didn’t have the “outside the box” information back then readily available to us that we have today. We didn’t even have the internet. We actually had to go to the library to check out books to learn the truth about cancer. But it was too late for dad. He came out of the surgery without a stomach. They cut it out. Twenty-five days later, dad died. We thought back then that it was the cancer. That’s what the doctors told us. And we believed them, out of sheer ignorance. We thought they were the experts and that they knew everything.
Now, after 26 years of research on cancer and cancer treatments, we know it wasn’t the cancer that took dad’s life, it was the treatment. The doctors basically botched that surgery. They didn’t stitch him back together properly and dad bled to death.
After losing dad, we lost Ty’s dad’s father six months later. We lost his father’s brother six months after that, and then lost his cousin, Glen, during that period of time, too. A few years later we lost his mother’s mother, then mom’s dad, and finally Ty’s mom, my mother-in-love and best friend. All of them died with cancer, mostly due to the conventional cancer treatments.
Losing mom was the straw that broke the camel’s back. We knew we had to work to save the world from this system that had killed our family. We had to save other families from being plundered by cancer treatments for a lack of knowledge.
Through our many years of research, we learned that there was a better way. Many amazing, advanced cancer treatments and protocols are available readily to just anyone around the world. You just have to dig a little to find them. And we were determined to bring those many amazing protocols and treatments and nutritional information to the world. We were determined to get the lifesaving information we uncovered in an easy-to-understand format so that everyone around the world and back again could access it and LIVE.
So now, after traveling together on this amazing journey for a quarter century, the number one question we are asked is something like this:
“I was just diagnosed with cancer. Where do I start and what do I do first?”
That is the one question everyone asks us across the board.
So here they are: My top 12 tips for someone recently diagnosed with cancer. I truly hope some of these bring a bright light and peace to your life during this time.
My Top 12 Health Tips for the Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patient
1 | Proper Mental Attitude. Replace Fear with Faith. “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22. It is our goal to take the fear out of cancer by providing solid education and information about viable lifesaving options outside of the Big 3 standard of care: Chemo, Surgery, and Radiation. Your belief system is the biggest key to recovering and getting well. Hope will take you a long way. And as long as there’s breath, there IS hope!
2 | Proper Hydration. Read the book You’re Not Sick, you’re Thirsty, by Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj. He treated many sick people in prison with only water, having them drink enough water to be sufficiently hydrated. And most of them recovered from very grave illnesses. The prison water they had to drink was dirty. So even dirty water is better than a lack of clean water. Of course, if you have access to clean water, drink it in abundance!
3 | Proper Detox… Sweat, Sweat, Sweat!! We have a great docu-series called The Truth About Detox. I highly recommend you watch it, if you haven’t already. The bottom line, we should all be detoxing regularly. This world is a toxic place, so if nothing else, find an infrared sauna if you can, and sweat regularly. Some toxins clinging to your fat cells will only be released and expelled upon exposure to very high temperatures through your sweat. So do everything you can to sweat regularly!
4 | Ditch All Sugar! Sugar feeds cancer. If you want to rid your body of cancer, starve the cancer! Don’t feed it.
5 | Ditch Conventional Beauty and Bath Products for Organic Versions. Make sure that your personal care items (things like makeup, shampoo, and toothpaste) are free of toxins. [This is why I created the CHARLÍS line of luxury skin care products. on a mission to provide you with toxic-free products made in the USA that nourish and cleanse your skin. Our manufacturing standards are unsurpassed, and all our products are formulated using efficacious, toxic-free, non-GMO ingredients.]
6 | Get Plenty of Sunlight and Vitamin D. It has been proven that sufficient levels of vitamin D3 and sunlight (which is abundant in natural vitamin D3) helps keep cancer, depression, and sickness at bay.
7 | Juice!! Juice!! Juice!! There are many people we know who juiced there way from cancer to complete recovery and total health. One of the many people who have experienced healing through juicing is one of my best friends, Cherie Calbom, known as “The Juice Lady.” She is fantastic, beautiful, and quite motivational. And when you hear her speak, you will want to juice your way back to health, too!
8 | Overdose on Nutrition. The absolute best way to prevent, treat, and beat cancer is through nutrition. Unfortunately, finding the right information can be hard. The agricultural industry is doing its best to confuse us with tricky labels and misleading science. That’s why we put together hundreds of articles exclusively dedicated to nutrition.
9 | Exercise: Rebound, Rebound, Rebound!! We have to move our lymph system by jumping and moving to optimize the amazing drainage system in our body to facilitate our toxins to move through and out of our bodies. Our good friend, Dr. Wolfe, known as the “Doc of Detox,” tells all his cancer patients to rebound for at least 20 minutes every single day. Rebounding is by far the very best exercise the cancer patient can do to help regain their health.
10 | Fix dental issues. Since cancer has been shown to be directly linked to poor dental health, it is imperative for you to take care of your mouth. Visit your local biological dentist for assistance in this critical part of your overall health and wellness program.
11 | Eat Organic and Non-GMO. This seems to be very basic and simple. But you may be surprised to know that there are still many people I meet that do not even know what a GMO food is. Let’s keep what we put into our bodies as close to the state in which it was created as possible.
12 | Healing Sound and Light: There have been many studies that have shown the healing effects of the right sound and light have on the body to help facilitate healing. Our good friend Michael Tyrrell has an amazing company called Wholetones, which has beautiful, calming, peaceful, healing music. If you haven’t yet heard of him, look him up. He is amazing. We love Wholetones!
Of course, there are always more ways you can build up your body and prevent and fight cancer, but this is a great start. It is my hope that this information will help motivate and inspire you to do all that you can to get healthy and stay healthy, and to help those around you to do the same. And remember, even if you have loved ones who think you are totally off your rocker crazy, they still need you to love them enough to share the truth in love.
And as always, please remember that cancer is NOT a death sentence. As long as there’s breath, there’s hope! Until next time, keep loving, laughing, and do all that you can to stay healthy, happy, and strong.
My 4 year old daughter was just diagnosed with B cell
Leukemia. Is there anything in particular I should know about how to help make sure we get rid of this and keep it gone?
Consider fenbendazole, a cheap antifungal that has cured even late stage cancers. Find more by searching cancer dot rocks. It is known as the Joe Tippen protocol. Bless you and your child!
Fid some red clover extract
I will not submit to chemo. or cutting surgery unless absolutely necessary. I am an advocate of the latest state of the art radiation….radiotherapy…..proton beam….precisely targeted and does not damage healthy tissue. Apparently very successful.. All the other protocalls such as good nutrition are good too!
Number 4 on the list is “ditch all sugar”. Does that include the sugar found in fruits and other whole foods? I have heard numerous conflicting things about the fructose in fruits. Some day to ditch fruit all together while healing from cancer. Others say the anti-oxident properties of fruit far outweigh the fructose feeding the cancer. Some say that it depends on the type of cancer you have because some cancers don’t feed on sugar or don’t rely on sugar as much to grow. I would like some straight answers on this.
My family member ditched all breads, basically anything that turned into sugar in the body including all fruit at first. However, they then slowly introduced minimal amount of fruit considered low in sugar, such as blueberries and some lemon, for example. Bananas, on the other hand, are considered high in sugar.
I too would like the truth about sugars. I have heard the conflicting information as well. Also conflicting information on eating grains. Please help us get this straightened out so that we know what is able to be eaten and not. If you have a link to an article or book that addresses that, I would be most grateful! Thank you!