This is truly amazing! Dan Stock, MD, a family-practice physician in Noblesville, Indiana, testified on August 7, 2021, before the local Mt. Vernon School Board.
His presentation immediately went viral – and not surprisingly, the “censor Nazis” (like Youtube and Instagram) took down the video from their propaganda platforms.
In slightly less than seven minutes, Dr. Stock explained why everything advocated by the CDC and NIH is contrary to known science.
We will not attempt to summarize his presentation, because it is like a fast-moving freight train with a hundred box cars of information rolling by! The amount of information packed into his short presentation is phenomenal.
Expect the vaccine pushing maniacs to go ballistic over the fact that this has gone viral and do everything in their power to discredit and lie about this courageous doctor.
Magnificent presentation. Thanks for making it public. I am sharing widely with my contacts.
how do i get that flashdrive????PLEASE!!!!
Happy Birthday Tabitha! May your day be a special one. The above video sheds light on what is happening in our Country and the World. We have fallen as victims of a sickness called menticide. There is a viral video from After Skool on YouTube called Mass Psychosis that I think gets o the bottom of why so many people are blinded by are medical leaders. I believe people are waking up, I just have hope that we all can get the message out in time. T.L.P.
Thank you, Dr Stock for speaking the truth! May God be with you and protect you.
This was remarkable and truly believe what he said to be true. There are cures for this besides the bio weapon vaccine that does not work. I do pray for God to watch over him. God Bless and Thank you!
What a great video. Thank you Dr. Stock for being brave enough to speak up for us. Here in California it’s getting hard to leave the house and go places even to my drs appts without being faxed. I have a cardiologist at UCLA who won’t see me in person until I get the shot. Another cardiologist yelled at me and my son who is my caregiver because we are not vaxxed. He told us we were going to die. As a permanently disabled person who is immune compromised I have never even had a flu shot in my life. I’m 43. Your video will help me fight for my family to stay unvaxxed and healthy. Thank You very much and may you and your loved ones all stay healthy.
Happy Birthday Tabitha from Hamilton in New Zealand.
People have and are being told false information by “authorities” repeatedly. If something false is told enough times, it seems to become the “truth.” Some sayings concerning truth:
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” ~ George Orwell
“The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.” — Ayn Rand
“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” ~ Albert Einstein
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860)
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” ~ Soren Kierkegaard
Truth is truth even if no one believes it. A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it.
“It’s easier to fool people . . . Than to convince them they have been fooled” ~ Mark Twain
The media and “authorities” follows THIS quote: ” A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told 1000 times becomes the truth”– Joseph Goebbels
Here is another one – “Any big lie will be believed” – Adolf Hitler
This video is exactly what all AUSTRALIANS need to see.the current crop of lollies are the spoilt baby boomers wholehearted from there fathers sacrifice to protect our freedoms in ww2.the corruption of the medical profession in tow with big pharma knows no bounds cheif health officer are tax payer funded power freaks just look at Dr Fauchi in the US openly lying to the Senate.
Thank you for using your hippocratic oath to PROTECT human beings rather than hiding behind governmental fear. God bless you to push further and grant others the same courage and strength to follow suit.
Thank you for helping us all find the Covid information we need to stand up against the mandates. What a blessing to have you looking out for us all!
How can I get the “flash drive” that the doctor referenced?
His can we access the data drive referenced in his presentation?
Thanks to Dr. Stock who has given me and those like me the courage to resist until this crises of democracy andin medical science and practice has finished.
Since my English language understanding is not so good when it happens to listen to people who speak fastly, I would like to read a transcript of his speech in order to become fully aware of the content. Can anyone help in this and let me now? Would be useful to make the data circulate also in the written form.
Greetings and enlightment for all people
It would be a blessing to be able to purchase a copy of that thumb-drive..
How can we get one of those flash drives he spoke of? Maybe make them available in Nashville?
This presentation was excellent, yet still most won’t be convinced…
I work for the 5th largest school district in the country. They are aggresively pushing the covid jab to staff and students of age. They are even setting up jab centers on High School campuses of schools in low income areas. Disgusting.
I would love to be able to share his flash drive with my school district. Is there any way to get a copy? I will be sending a link to Dr. Stock’s video to each board member and our Superintendent.
Thank you so much!
Does anyone know if there is a list of links to the studies he referenced anywhere?
PLEASE!!! HOW CAN WE GET A TRANSCRIPT OF THIS VIDEO!!! So important for us to have this information at our finger tips! Please do what it takes to get permission and transcript of this video and publically make it available!!!
chlorine dioxide solution is the safest most effective affordable treatment !
Holy cow!
That was the most powerful speech I’ve heard in years!
Wish there was some way to get a transcript of it.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is what we have just heard!! May his god protect him and his family for his honest courage.
The video does not seem to play on my computer from this website.
Is there any other way I can access the video please.
OR Is there a possibility of getting a transcript of the Testimony presentation by Dr Dan Stock.
I would be interested to spread the word around.
Thank you so much for posting this video of Dr. Dan Stock, MD. A friend sent me the link & I have been listening to it over & over. I would like to send it to our State Governor & my County Executive (especially him) as they are promoting lies as truths about these vaccines & this coronavirus. Many have died & many have been left with severe adverse effects such as heart inflammation, internal bleeding, blood clots, tremors, etc. I have felt since these vaccines (not just one, but 3?) were being pushed as effective against this virus, that they haven’t even been tested for the 7-10 yrs other vaccines usually take to make sure they are effective. Furthermore, they were only approved for emergency use. They are experimental & now our federal government has pushed these vaccines as safe & effective. How can they do that when there is increasing evidence against that.
How can we get a copy of his flash drive information so that we can use this presentation everywhere?