Have you ever pondered the fact that the current COVID lockdown, masks, and fear may be a result of official “facts” that are not facts at all but are, well, actually lies?
In our opinion, the propaganda campaign surrounding this so-called “pandemic” has achieved its goal. Inundated with voluminous amounts of contradictory information coming from all angles, people in general have succumbed to “analysis paralysis,” confusion and fear.
Many have given up trying to actually understand the situation and apparently have decided that, regardless of how insane or illogical the directives may be, it’s just easier to act like “robotic sheeple” and obey … even if it means giving up freedom and liberty.
We constantly hear about the “new normal” which includes COVID testing, contact tracing, monitoring, surveillance, mask-wearing, social distancing, quarantine and isolation, with the possibility of mandatory vaccinations and microchipping coming soon.
But cognitive dissonance has taken over. For instance, multiple studies have confirmed that sunlight kills COVID in a matter of minutes, as reported in a recent New York Post article.
In light of this fact, why did Gavin “the Dictator” Newsom recently go full totalitarian and ban activity on the beaches in California? And although multiple studies have shown that COVID fatality rates are rapidly decreasing, the California “dictator” has arbitrarily (and capriciously) proclaimed that indoor activities (including churches, gyms, and bars) in over two dozen counties must be stopped … except for his winery, of course.
This is the stuff of tortured logic, and it’s a primary reason why many “thinking” Americans are suspicious of government’s COVID guidance, and frustrated with private business response to the guidance.
There are several official “facts” which have led to this insane state of fear and irrational and illogical recommendations about COVID, and in this article, we’re going to prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that they are lies.
OFFICIAL “FACT” #1: If a mayor or governor or other “official” issues a COVID directive, it’s the same thing as a law.
For instance, signs like the one below, seen in store windows across the USA, are lies.
There is no national law in America requiring citizens to wear face masks.
There are no state laws in America requiring citizens to wear face masks.
There are “executive orders” … which are not laws.
There are “government recommendations” … which are not laws.
There are “health and safety guidelines” … which are not laws.
OFFICIAL “FACT” #2: The COVID “Virus” Has Been Identified & Isolated
The international lockdown is based upon the idea that there is a new distinct virus SARS-CoV2 which is spreading, infecting and causing the disease known as “COVID-19.” However, the virus itself has never been isolated nor thoroughly proven to be causing the disease.
The fact is that the coronavirus fails Koch’s postulates.
“What are Koch’s postulates?”
Robert Koch (1843-1910) was a German scientist who identified the specific causative agents of tuberculosis, cholera and anthrax. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1905. Before he died, Koch established 4 criteria to identify the causative agent of a disease. These criteria (“Koch’s postulates”) have become a “gold standard” for determining the existence of an infectious agent and for isolating and verifying what is causing a disease.
They are as follows:
- The microorganism must be identified in all individuals affected by the disease, but not in healthy individuals.
- The microorganism can be isolated from the diseased individual and grown in culture.
- When introduced into a healthy individual, the cultured microorganism must cause disease.
- The microorganism must then be re-isolated from the experimental host, and found to be identical to the original microorganism.
Firstly, SARS-CoV2 (allegedly causing the disease COVID-19) has not been shown to be present only in sick people and not in healthy ones. There are countless cases of people having this virus with absolutely no symptoms. So it FAILS postulate #1. And since it fails postulate #1, it also FAILS postulate #3.
Secondly, SARS-CoV2 has never been isolated. Proper isolation must be done with equipment such as electron microscopes and cannot be achieved through CT scans (which the Chinese were using) or the PCR test (more on this in Assumption 3 below). So it FAILS postulate #2. And since it fails postulate #2, it also FAILS postulate #4, since re-isolation cannot take place if isolation has never occurred.
Heck, even a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine admitted that the coronavirus failed Koch’s postulates.
OFFICIAL “FACT” #3: COVID-19 “PCR” Testing is Accurate
The most common test for COVID-19 is the “Polymerase Chain Reaction” (PCR) test, which is able to replicate DNA sequences billions of times. This test has SERIOUS problems.
The PCR test was developed as a manufacturing technique, not as a diagnostic tool, and it is qualitative not quantitative.
“What exactly does that mean?”
This means that the PCR test can only tell you if a virus is present or not, but it cannot tell you in what quantities. Most importantly it cannot make any accurate assessment about whether the virus is actually causing the disease.
Even the CDC itself admits that a positive PCR test does not mean the virus is causing the symptoms you may have!
These are the actual words of the CDC:
“Positive [test] results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease. … Negative results do not preclude 2019-nCoV infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or other patient management decisions. Negative results must be combined with clinical observations, patient history, and epidemiological information.”
What? Huh?
If the scientific “gold standard” COVID-19 test (the PCR) doesn’t even provide proof that the virus causes the disease, why is everyone rushing around like a headless chicken?
The PCR test doesn’t identify or isolate viruses, doesn’t provide RNA sequences of pathogens, offers no baseline for comparison with patient samples, and cannot determine an infected from an uninfected sample. That is staggeringly useless and scientifically meaningless!
The reality is that we have no idea how many people actually have COVID-19. The CDC cannot “confirm” something for which there is no accurate test.
OFFICIAL “FACT” #4: The COVID-19 Official “Death Count” is Accurate
When it comes to the COVID-19 “death count,” authorities worldwide are counting the deaths in a way that makes no sense, whatsoever.
Here’s why:
If someone dies after testing positive for parasitic infection, they are not listed as a “PARASITE-19” death…
If someone dies after testing positive for fungal infection, they are not listed as a “FUNGAL-19” death…
If someone dies after testing positive for herpes virus, they are not listed as a “HERPES-19” death…
But if someone dies after testing positive for Coronavirus, they ARE listed as a “COVID-19” death…
Does anyone see a problem here?
The sleight of hand is achieved by counting those who died with the Coronavirus as dying from the Coronavirus, even though the CDC admits that a positive PCR test does not necessarily mean it’s the cause of the symptoms or death.
This one trick alone is responsible for vastly skewing the numbers and turning the “official” death count into a meaningless charade bereft of any practical value.
OFFICIAL “FACT” #5: COVID-19 is Exploding in the USA!
“Then why do the COVID-19 cases continue to increase?”
The answer is simple: because there is more testing.
Since the Coronavirus is really nothing more than an RNA sequence, it’s far more pervasive than we have been told, and there are far more asymptomatic people than we have been told.
The more we test, the more cases we will find. It’s basic mathematics.
OFFICIAL “FACT” #6: Global “Social Distancing” Directives are Scientific
It’s interesting, depending upon the country, the Coronavirus is able to “travel” different distances. For instance, in China, Denmark, and France, the “social distance” rule is 1 meter. In South Korea, it’s 1.4 meters. In Australia, Belgium, Germany and Spain, it’s 1.5 meters. In the USA it’s 6 feet (1.8 meters), while in Canada and the UK, it’s 2 meters.
Hmmm. That’s not exactly “scientific” is it?
Over long periods of time, social isolation can increase the risk of a variety of health problems, including heart disease, depression, dementia, and even death. A 2015 meta-analysis determined that chronic social isolation increases the risk of mortality by 29%.
OFFICIAL “FACT” #7: The COVID-19 “Mortality Rate” is VERY HIGH
Most people are more likely to wind up “6 feet under” due to almost anything else under the sun other than COVID-19.
According to Daniel Horowitz:
For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19 and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% — almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago.”
Four infectious disease doctors in Canada estimate that the individual rate of death from COVID-19 for people under 65 years of age is six per million people, or 0.0006% (i.e., 1 in 166,666) which is about the same chance you have of dying in a car accident or getting struck by lightning. COVID-19 is not even as bad as the seasonal flu.
OFFICIAL “FACT” #8: Everyone Should Wear a Mask, Even Healthy People
No studies have been done to demonstrate that either a cloth mask or the N95 mask has any effect on transmission of COVID-19.
The fact is that masks are designed for surgeons or people who are already sick, not for healthy people, according to the WHO.
Plus, the “masks” many people are wearing (bandanas, handkerchiefs, crochet, and yes, even lettuce) are a joke if you think they will stop a virus which is measured in nanometers. They won’t stop a virus.
Wearing a mask is like installing a screen door in a submarine. Those who wear them might as well wear their pants backwards as well. It’s like putting up a chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes.
It is a “psy-op” faux security measure. And due to the COVID-19 fearmongering from the mainstream media liars, the lemmings are all wearing masks, despite the fact that on the box, it says that the mask does NOT protect you from COVID-19.
Just say “NO” to the “new normal” of wearing masks in public, and don’t let people get away with calling you “selfish” for not wearing a mask! Educate them! Read our articles on masks. Let them know the truth. For those who have ears to hear, it will resonate.
If we allow “mask shaming” to occur, then according to Dr. Joseph Mercola;
The same strategy will be used to label you a “selfish threat” to the public health if you don’t agree to be electronically tagged, tested and tracked by health officials when thousands of COVID-19 “contact tracers” fan out across America to test for COVID-19 infections. It is the same strategy that will be used when you are told you must get an antibody test and obtain an “immunity passport” before you are given back your freedom to participate in society — that is until a fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine is licensed and your passport to life and liberty becomes proof you have received a COVID-19 vaccine — perhaps simultaneously delivered and tracked via a microneedle quantum dot tattoo on your skin.”
The decision to wear a mask is a highly personal one and should not be universally mandated; measures that are meant to protect the community as a whole are ineffective if they hurt individuals in that community.
So, it’s a slippery slope. Stand up for freedom, before it’s gone.
Let me explain where this is going.
In 2020 – a face mask is required
In 2021 – a vaccine is required
In 2022 – a microchip is required
Is this beyond the realm of possibility?
It’s clear that “Operation COVID-19” is not only a “scam-demic,” but also a colossal and unprecedented worldwide “psy-op.”
All the “Executive Orders” and other types of power grabs are based on lies.
We are not looking at 1 virus.
We are not looking at 1 cause.
We are not looking at 1 disease.
We are looking at multiple Coronaviruses, a group of related symptoms and diseases, with multiple causes, inadequate testing, with everything being swept under the COVID-19 “umbrella” to fuel the fake pandemic narrative.
In the words of our friend and investigative journalist, Jon Rappoport:
The stage magic trick is easy to see, once you grasp the tactics: Claim to have discovered a new virus. Say it is spreading and needs to be contained. Invent an umbrella label for the epidemic: COVID-19. Start pulling all sorts of people with all sorts of different conditions under the umbrella and say they’re all “cases.” Use a diagnostic test that will automatically turn out many verdicts of “infected.” And you have the illusion of a pandemic.”
The world did not “lock down” during centuries of epidemics of smallpox, and we didn’t stop working to prevent epidemics of diphtheria or pertussis or measles.
Societies have not closed businesses and schools to prevent TB or even the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918.
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Tomorrow, the “new normal” in America may well include the order to “show me your vaccine papers” before you can enter a store or restaurant, go to school, attend a football game, get on a plane, train or subway, obtain a driver’s license, be admitted to a hospital or nursing home, get a room at a hotel or walk on a public beach, if health policy and lawmakers do not use common sense to adopt a more balanced approach to dealing with a virus that, so far, has changed everything.”
Why don’t we follow the footsteps of Sweden?
As more and more politicians demand that American continue to shut down and lockdown, the results of Sweden’s “herd immunity” strategy seems to have worked in amazing ways.
In fact, after 6 months WITHOUT lockdowns and WITHOUT school closures or ridiculous mask mandates, Sweden’s fatality and infection rate have dropped to nearly zero. Unlike America, the Swedish government engaged in minimal interventions and imposed relatively few restrictions upon its citizenry for the duration of the pandemic.
When are the states going to reopen?
The USA is teetering on a precipice. Are we going to continue to act like “sheeple” ruled by fear? Or are we brave men and women standing up for freedom and liberty?
Thank you for always spreading the truth. Everything that comes from you guys is excellent and I appreciate time and effort you guys pick to bring us this information. Thank you
Are you the Rosie Wells that lived in the Virgin islands? You did my makeup tattoos and they lasted for 10 years. Are you still in the VIRGIN ISLANDS? Hope you are well and happy.
Thank you for this and all your pioneering work to help people everywhere. In UK too we are suffering from ludicrous, harmful government decisions. They come up with one stupid idea after another, and quite frankly it’s obvious had they set out to deliberately help spread a virus through care homes and society in general they couldn’t have done a better job. Our government directives are coming from a group of idiots and scoundrels claiming to be ‘scientists’, ‘epidemiologists’ etc who appear to understand less about the way a virus would spread than your average man in the street. Of course the whole virus concept is highly dubious. They are now considering making all people over 50 shield at home (even as their ‘official’ deaths from Covid-19 figures are falling rapidly).
Am tired of being a victim of this sick plot.
Thank you for continuing your work. It is so needed now.
Great article! I’ll do my best to spread the word.
When looking for the true facts “follow the money”. It’s like turning on the light and watching the cockroaches flee.
I enjoy your articles very much and look forward to the next one. It would be nice if you could darken the text a little bit more. I have a little difficulty reading it for any length of time. Old age I guess.
I’m in the UK and from next Friday you have to wear a face mask to go into a store or be fined £100 (£50 if you pay within a certain amount of days). I’m a student nurse and don’t want to jeopardise my career and will have to wear one. I work in a care home which so far hasn’t had a single case even though we’ve had people die and admitted from other care facilities and hospitals. I’m also a committed Christian and deeply concerned that I haven’t been able to come together with my brothers and sisters to worship since Feb. I’ve had to homeschool my son and all my university studies are online.
The UK government handling of this has been a joke to say the least full of rhetoric and twisting facts and now mandating the wearing of masks when the C19 figures are the lowest they’ve been!!!
I have followed you guys through the TTAC and the whole vaccine debate and thank you for bringing the truth. I fear that my days of visiting the US might be over as I don’t wish to have a vaccine or a microchip to prove my immunity and pray that God takes control of this situation. Thanks for all your work you are heaven sent xx
Yes it is awful Louise and so much mask shaming going on already here in the UK and it is not law until Friday. Like you say there is very little you can do but ‘toe the line’ as your career is at stake. Unfortunately the debt many people in our country have due to mortgages, high rents, low interest loans etc mean they are under control for most the rest of their lives. The scientists baffle God and ultimately God will baffle the scientists! Watch out for the signs as it’s a spiritual war. Thank you TTAC for all you are doing to spread the word worldwide and fabulous articles x
Love a lot of your work but for me my 1st human right is not to catch any disease and covid-19 has killed many thousands and no matter which statistics one conflates with this fact it does not negate this reality. Cars you can see etc, air born diseases which in the main seem to be man made we sometimes see, but for the most part do not. We are the virus and no matter which path we take unless we clean up our act the planet will continue into the gates of insanity. Use common sense and study which areas of the world have been the most successful and it clearly is not the USA or Brazil.
I agree. Why wouldn’t people do everything possible to stay safe? Even if a mask gives 10% protection , I’m in. It’s about respect for others people! It’s not like they’re asking you to go to war. A siole mask for Pete’s sake!
I agree. Just look at how it affected Italy and New York…. we don’t know enough yet about the virus but it has taken out medical staff and overwhelmed mortuaries. We should learn from history rather than repeating it. By the way the sun thing…. I was hopeful the virus wouldn’t get to us in the Arizona desert come summer. But it clearly has not stopped it.
I won’t be getting first vaccines until they have been out for a while and won’t ever get microchipped.
Stay safe all.
The microchip will be in the vaccine and you will get it without your permission. The technology is already in use in animals they will also get your DNA and medical information from that chip. Wake up and smell the coffee it is brewing
You’d do well to stay away from vaccines all together. Vaccine science has been called a fraud since the days of Pasteur. That sentiment should do nothing short of increase, when mandated vaccines make the scene; in short order; and people start dying. Every door of the UN, the CDC, the WHO, Agenda 21, Big Parma and more are opening to reveal only one face…that of Bill Gates III. Every vaccine being produced today by every vaccine company (including HIS pharma company) is funded by Gates. Mark my words, these companies are NOT producing billions of doses so you can REFUSE TO GET ONE…but refuse it you must, for its purpose can only be speculated. It will be the first vaccine ever to GENETICALLY MODIFY YOU (think human GMO’s). It has produced 80-100% side effects in EVERY TRIAL. It is touting 90+% effectiveness, but no vaccine to date has gotten higher than 50%…and even that is questionable. It will be administered as a DIGITAL TATTOO…use your heads people…this can only be THE MARK OF THE BEAST.
I have been reading Ty & Charlene’s articles and watching their videos and I am grateful for their hard work.
I would like to say that before I was introduced to this website I was already convinced that Covid 19 and the reaction that followed was far from normality. It’s comforting to know that I am not the only “nut” after all.
Please read Ty’s & Charlene’s article again. I will repeat just a few words from their article…
In 2020 – a face mask is required
In 2021 – a vaccine is required
In 2022 – a microchip is required
and so I ask “What next”?
We are gradually being led away from any freedom that we may still have. Bullying tactics are being imposed with huge fines attached, e.g.for not wearing a mask.
What happens when you or I refuse to be vaccinated?
And to top it up, the micro-chipping will follow.
All this for “Covid 19”, which is milder than a common flu!
The behavior of the mainstream media is nothing less than appalling. If I had a choice who to believe … the mainstream media or that “nut”! Well, one thing I am certain of, the mainstream media lies to us many a time. As Ty often says, “that’s okay, just go back to your box and believe everything they say”.
Yes, people are dying but the figures are being twisted. People were dying last year as well, and the year before that but we never over emphasized but accepted as part of everyday life … or death.
What you have to see is where this fear mongering is leading to.
Some readers are offended by being addressed as “sheeple”. Why? It’s perfect. We are willingly walking to the slaughter house.
Please do not think of me as being selfish for not wearing a mask, I have five grandchildren and soon to have a great grandchild. Their every move will be controlled and monitored. For them it will be the norm for they will not know any different.
So I say NO to masks, NO to vaccines and NO to micro-chips.
Think again!
Very well said! Thank you.
Hear hear! Amen!
So..We all need Jesus and His word of truth, life, freedom, peace and justice and hold on to.faith and hope that He will take us up and out of this now decrepid fallen world before it gets to the worst. Gods word shows us what the signs of the times are and what will happen in the last days. Were in them and others need to know that only Jesus can set us free from death, corruption, oppression and fear! I.choosr power in the name of Jesus rather than covid!! God pour out your spirit and awaken souls worldwide to.you and truth! Amen.
Yes! I agree! Very well stated!
what if it’s being dropped from the sky?
Have you heard of the oxygen supply being cut off by the wearing of a mask? You are more likely to get COVID19 through lack of oxygen. Always there will be the naysayers. It will not protect others at all. Understand completely that some will just have to wear them. So far I don’t and I don’t intend to. Thanks Ty and Charlene for all your wonderful work.
There are definite and serious RISKS to wearing a mask, especially for extended periods of time. Studies have shown that severity of migraines goes up proportionally to the “effectiveness” of face masks. And facemaks increase the likelihood that any covid infection you may have in your mouth or nose (where it’s relatively harmless) could be aspirated into your lungs (where it becomes deadly). Why risk all that by wearing a facemask just to make others feel good about being around you?
Wow. You can’t even see the truth when it’s plainly laid out, multiple times in multiple ways from multiple sources. This is EXACTLY what the article addresses! YOUR right is to stay home if you wish. YOUR right is to wear a mask if you wish. You do NOT have the right to control anyone else’s life with foolish demands because of your unfounded fears. I have no idea why people that think like you even bother to read truthful articles since you refuse to question yourself and learn. Apparently no one remembers (or learned?) history and the Constitution, either. Adults need to behave like adults, yet there are few now that are capable it seems.
Yes, and those here in Australia who have not followed the ruls are the people who have caused bordet closures of state of Victoria And we in NSW are now at risk because Bum arse Gladys did not close the border straight away FINES finess are being issued to those who flaunt the rules With great benefits come great responsibilities AUSTRALIA
Like Sweden? No masks, no lockdowns, virus essentially over. Ever think that it is BECAUSE of masks and lockdowns that this thing is dragging on here?
Dear Ty and Charlene, I appreciate your work on healing. I have watched a lot of your cancer information. I appreciate the points you make about the misconceptions about Covid 19, but I can’t send it to friends because of the derogatory comments you make: for example the judgments about Gov. Newsom being a dictator and also the use of the word “sheeple.” Please respect people everywhere. Then your ideas can be spread more easily.
CAUTION: ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ I did not have a mask on while replying to your comment. Just thought I should be considerate to let you know before you proceed.
Extremely dangerous you say… maybe it’s time you do your own research like Ty and Charlene and the many hundreds of thousands who are 100% spot on with this article. If you’re worried about offending your friends then maybe time to make new ones? What is Extremely dangerous are the dictators who are trying very hard to turn the United States into a Socialist Country. We the people must take back our Country before it is too late.
Sorry sheep if I offended you. Baaaa🐑
Way to go Shanti. I’m with you. I am all about respect. And I see what is going on right now as a bad leadership. I’m all for healthy and I’m all for faith. I will do my part to keep others safe, wearing a bandana does not make me a sheep. Following my Shepherd makes me His sheep. In fact my name RAQUEL means sheep of God. You can’t shame me. I have been called worst things by current leadership. Name calling is not for me! Maranatha!!
Shanti, Newsome is a tyrant and a criminal. He is destroying California and the people who live there. Why should he not be described as such? We are in a very dangerous situation right now where all of our freedoms are at stake. A soft manner equals weakness.
I live in California, and I can’t find a more appropriate name for Newsom than tyrant. He has excluded himself, his aunt-by-marriage Pelosi, assembly members, and “television personalities” from his draconian haircut mandates. I guess the “virus” doesn’t affect the nobility–lol. His hair has remained well-coiffed while the rest of us are supposed to suffer. Fortunately, some hair stylists have begun disobeying this tyrant and have started cutting hair regardless. Remember that Newsom has been getting paid while he tells others they cannot.
I love you guys, but your information in this case didn’t convince me at all. I think that can be extremely dangerous what you are saying. What about the people that are dying form coronavirus in the hospitals. I know a few. What about the elderly people in nursing homes? Do you think that this information would convince them? There have been a lot of deaths there in all countries. So, from your perspective what should we do??? Just spread the virus… like the british tried to do and they realized that that was not the best idea?
You didn’t read the article did you or you’re just choosing to ignore all the scientific facts and just believe what the doctors tell people. Doctors can be just as ignorant or dishonest as anyone else.
Did you even read the article?
You cannot catch a virus, moron! A virus is not alive,therefore its not contagious!
Do you not have any understanding of microbiology whatsoever?
Community is Immunity. We do not live in a completely sterile environment. People who have died have, who showed positive for Covid19, for the most part had very compromised health situations. It is interesting that young children are not becoming sick from CoVid19 nor can they pass the virus on to adults. There are some very suspicious circumstances going on with this virus, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was created by evil men. Follow the money: when a hospital reports a death blaming Covid, they receive $13,000 from what I understand, and $34,000 if they use a ventilator from what I understand.
I think you should quickly put your mask on and do everything you are told. Have faith in your Government LOL Baaa to you.
Thank-you both & your team for all the work you do! I’ve purchased some stuff & am spreading the word myself to “those with ears to hear”.
Thank you for the article.
Here in Canada, there have been about 9000 deaths reportedly due the COVID-19.
However, 81% of deaths have resulted in long term care facilities.
So, outside of these facilities, Canada with a population of 37,600,000 people has lost about 1800 souls to the virus, some of whom had pre existing health conditions.
Condolences to those who have lost loved ones; however, this does not look like a pandemic.
I have not been wearing a mask up this point. Effective today my governor ( of CO) has issued an executive order for a state-wide mask mandate. in indoor public specs (exception are for those with medical conditions who cannot wear a mask and they have to show proof ). Violating this order you will be issued a trespassing violation, which I’m sure involves a steep fine. As of today, I don’t have a choice or I stay at home. This is Communist tyranny.
I live in Michigan and they did the same thing. I have never worn a mask since day one of this. I walk into the stores and if they tell me I have to have a mask, I say, ” I fall under the exceptions” and keep walking. So far no one has chased me down or called the police. If they do chase me down, I will just leave the store and do my shopping elsewhere bcuz the places I frequently go don’t hassle me.
Thank you both so much for all you do and for getting the much-needed truth out to the world. It is tough trying to convince people of the truth when so many have been deceived and live in fear. It is heartbreaking watching 1984 unfold before our eyes. Indeed, it is a slippery slope; one thing leads to another. That’s how the process works, eroding freedom little by little. I’ve experienced it myself trying to wake people up that don’t want to be awakened or helped but for those who want to live in a world of true freedom, we must become lions, not sheep and say enough is enough. We must create the world we want to live in.
I agree with you 100%. I am amazed at how many people are so afraid to be around others and believe that mask wearing is the new norm. It makes me sick that they have no clue what is really happening!! If all of us realize that we are being controlled, then maybe all of us can resist this, divide and conquer plan that they are doing to us. I never thought this would have gotten to this point.
Ty and Charlene, a small word of thanks. In October 2015 I was diagnosed with an aggressive and rare form of brain cancer. Research said I likely had about 3 months left. Long story short, I saw the TTAC video while awaiting a consultation on stem cell translplants.
You will enjoy knowing that my wife and I had been missionaries to Chinese government official earlier. Sitting in a Seattle waiting room we got this note from one of our “alumni” in China: “Hey! Heard you have cancer. I did too. I saw this video and it saved my life. Watch it!”
Well, we did. We left the Seattle place immediately. And here I am having had a cancer that’s known to return within 2 years and finish off its survivors. I am half way through Year 5 being cancer free.
I do a number of things in the video. Judy and I readily tell folks about TTAC.
May God continue blessing you both richly! And thank you again. BTW I actually have a photo of Ty and me from when TTAC gave a seminar in Orlando a number of years ago!
Thank you SO MUCH again,
Jim Hinners
Hi Jim!
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story! I’ll pass it along to Ty and Charlene. It’s for you that they do what they do. They’re always very touched, humbled, and blessed by stories like yours. You are a real hero, Jim. May you continue in the truth and light!
Blessings, Brianna
I had a major stroke 3 1/2 years ago. I am on no medications now; been on Linus Pauling therapy for plaque in arteries (High Volume Vitamin C) that cleared the plaque out. Been with American Airlines for 32 years…and been approved to go back to work in 4 months. What they are doing with masks is is outrageous and will cause you to get the virus quicker. Most of all, the immune system has to be build up. Exercise, lots of sun, and strict healthy diet is all you need. You can’t improve on God! The stupidity that is going on today with government, medical, and so forth, is just about money or political agendas. America needs to wake up and just say no TOGETHER!
spot on !! complete coverage, excellent references, have joined C.A.P will spread the word !! Bill
Hi, I keep posting the truth every chance I get and I have been beat up real bad over it. Ive put info on our local town unofficial site, called Rockport stuff ( facebook page where we keep up on local happenings with the towns people) and Ive been called all kinds of names including selfish. Now the moderator is sensoring my posts and wont put any more of my posts up, with no explanation.Its like beating a dead horse and very tiring.I am afraid that the ” Mark of the Beast ” REV.13:16-18 is probably coming because God has predicted it and God doesnt lie! The devil is in his last days and is having a field day. He has blinded the minds of the unbelievers! But keep up your good work, I like and need to know the truth even though most dont or want to hear it.
This absolutely awesome! Thanks
Matthew 11:15 KJV
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
God bless you as you keep giving voice to truth! May He give grace for strength to your ministry, our nation, and this world He loved so much that He gave His Son Jesus to save all who believe.
Thanks for this. I live in the UK and have refused to wear a mask throughout the lockdown. Next week our government are enforcing a law to make it mandatory to wear masks in shops even though our COVID figures are the lowest recorded and we can now visit restaurants, coffee shops and cinemas without masks. They say it helps to reduce the possible chance of contamination but I instinctively know that wearing a mask when you are well is a waste of time for protection purposes, it is restrictive and damaging to your health in other ways. I am successfully healing cancer naturally and need all the oxygen I can get so I will be carrying on as I have been, mask free, while shopping with my strengthened immune system and common sense being the only mask I need, ready to explain my own health needs to anyone who interferes. Much love and thanks to you all and the important work you do.
Would somebody please tell me how to drink coffee whilst wearing a mask????
I agree with your position on the increasing or ‘creeping’ power of Government to take control within aspects of our private lives ultimately leading to total surveillance. The approach used is to instil fear and use broad statistics which are almost of no use other than to alarm people. Whether the virus exists in the form propounded by medics and virologists there is undoubtedly a virus which kills people who are ‘vulnerable.’ Of course Governments do not drill down into the statistics to explain/identify clearly who is most at risk.
I caught this disease at the end of March and it is not like a cold or the flu. It also damages organs and lung tissue. It took me five weeks to recover normal breathing when carrying shopping bags.
What should have happened is the protection of the most vulnerable, which became obvious as the number of sick increased. The young and under 30’s needed no protection if healthy. The economy could have carried on as near normal with a lot of over 30’s deciding to work from home or take Government financial aid if unable to work.
The complete failure has been the self protection of everyone. There was time to boost/activate everyone’s immune systems with vitamins and zinc. I was aware of what was coming from China from January this year. I did the research and took vitamins C and D3 and the daily dose for Zinc. I ensured the whole family took this and we all survived the disease.
Yes, wearing a mask is of little or no benefit and a person may inhale orally a pathogen currently held in stasis in their nose and that will make them ill. Masks also reduce blood oxygen levels which is perfect for the disease. It is however a likely reducer of the spread of the disease so in shops for example why not accept limited wearing them to help protect the vulnerable?
The problem is that the science and social control by Government has become a tangled mess. To keep the myth of Government being ‘good’ for people the promise of a vaccine is help up as the way to release us from all of this fear. No press outlet is asking, what’s the point? If successful (which seems unlikely as 15 years have passed without a corona vaccine) it will only give time limited protection. So in the process we have poisoned all of our young healthy people for an ineffective solution.
The argument I am putting to you is that people are fighting the issues of masks, social distancing, lockdown and unprecedented police interference in our lives. What needs to at the top of your ‘Facts’ list is the search for real facts and a proper analysis of these. The disease is not a myth it exists but not in the way Governments are presenting to us. They are promoting self care and healthy options to survive the disease.
The future of liberal western democracy is at stake. Without the sharing of true facts and ‘full on’ open discussions democratic states will always fail to match or out perform dictatorial states where social control is unacceptably high for democratic people. The real risk is that large sections of society will not trust their own Government to tell the truth or properly protect its citizens. The disease it not the issue any more. It is how it is being used to control people’s lives and the only real solution, as I see it, is to challenge assumptions using proper data and open debate.
Have you seen the video that was circulating with Dr. Judy Mikovits?
Very wise words
I come from NZ but now live in Melbourne Australia and what’s happening in America is now happening here. Lies upon more lies. Ty and Charline I’ve followed your work for a number of years now and I’m always passing on your “truths” so please keep up your amazing work and may Allah bless you both 🙏
Yes I’m Muslim, but I’m also a human being just like all of you alhamdililah
This is and I Believe always will be about good verses evil
The devil is real and his minions are real and they are having a field day but soon insha Allah Jesus will return to destroy them all
This is God’s plan and he makes the best plans
This takes away any credibility of statements & actions made by the FDA, CDC & WHO, on the subject of Covid 19…
Mike Adams says “Wear a Mask”. I don’t know who to believe.
Mike Adams is a traitor and fraud who predicted millions of deaths from COVID-19 and demanded that President Trump completely lock down the country. He’s a profiteer disaster capitalist who loves to profit from manufactured crises.
Ty and Charlene; You are my “heroes for TRUTH IN HEALTH” I’m grateful to you always, and pray for your inspired motivation to help all of us to never fade. I pray that the Lord will always guide you to the TRUTHS that need to be exposed. Most of all I pray for God’s blessings and protection over you.
The only thing I can say about the different mandates not being law is that some governors in some states threaten “their mandate” with heavy fines. As individuals that really places us in a place we can’t “get out of” Who can afford to be fined.??? It is really sad. Our state of Arkansas is not “ruled” in that way but our Governor still has to show some responsibility in his leadership. Are we going to win??? That is the question. Maybe we are in the beginnings of “DEATH OF A NATION” ??? Thank you for everything, Ty and Charlene
So far I have avoided the panic they are attempting to install.
I am healthy and they keep saying you are only asymptomatic BUT you have the virus.
I will mask on the bus since they require it. That is about 15-20 minutes each time twice a day or so.
At home, NO MASK and doubt if I ever will. Masks keep me inhaling whatever my body is attempting to remove by breathing out.
I’ve lost one family member and one acquaintance to Covid. My ex-boss is currently in the hospital with it and may not recover. Wearing a mask is not too much to ask. Lost all respect for you guys. Don’t you realize there are “sheeple” on both sides? Your side (can’t believe there is even a side with this) are just as “sheeped” by not wearing masks, etc. I would rather err on the side of maybe not dying and not killing someone.
But I’ll let my cousin and former co-worker know it’s a hoax and I’m sure they’ll be elated and jump right out of their graves.
Matt, so sorry for your loss. I made it thru my experience with it (as a senior), as did a number of my even-much-older and compromised friends. I have researched as much as possible. What I am seeing is that those who do not make it thru seem to mostly be those that placed their trust in conventional medicine. (Which kills over 500,000/yr.) I am seeing that doctors with amazing track records for guiding covid patients to fully recovery have been shut down, websites scrubbed. What do you think might be up with that, Matt?
Whatever the ‘virus’ actually is, it is real, and many medical professionals believe it has been weaponized. It is not a hoax. However, what it being done with it by gov agencies, etc IS a hoax. It’s being used to manipulate the masses into compliance with extreme and growing gov’t overreach.
Those testing positive, who have followed my urging to use Doris Loh’s research (see dosage at the end) https://www.evolutamente.it/covid-19-pneumonia-inflammasomes-the-melatonin-connection/ have cleared up their symptoms right away.
There is plenty of scientific evidence to back up the claims made in Ty and Charlene’s article. We need to share the truth about masks and allow folk to choose how to handle their own health situation.
Healing blessings!
AGAINST WEARING MASKS: First of all, viruses and bacteria flow through a mask like water through a sieve. Secondly the wearing of masks creates hypoxia whereby the oxygen in your system falls from 98% to 99% down to 82% or lower which amounts to slow suffocation which in turn radically weakens your immune system against disease.
To mandate people wear masks or face stiff fines or even jail is a crime against humanity itself and could be considered to be GENOCIDE. Much better to let people breathe free and take measures to enhance their immune systems like vitamin C and other supplements.
Therefore we the people are collectively suing the government for $100,000 per person against this injury to our health and well-being and the same for our children, who are innocent victims of this tyranny, insanity and quackery.
THE New Hampshire state motto is “live free or die,” our motto is BREATHE FREE OR DIE. Therefore, we the people demand a compensation settlement from government and the medical establishment for this assault against our health and freedom.
Michael Silverhawk, a health warrior
Hi Michael!
I applaud you for what you are saying and share your thoughts on “Crime Against Humanity”. I said that all along when lock down started. I refused to be locked down and was continuing to do my pet sitting business!!! I have been printing, giving away, share,, sending information about all this horrible cover up and distortion of truth to many people without success. Many times I think they deserve what’s coming to them being so ignorant, but then I am thinking I am part of the puzzle and will affect me the same way, so I have to keep fighting!!!!
Do we have some sane lawyers who will stand against CDC/criminal Fauci and WHO Mafia, not mention Real evil Bill Gates, who is waiting like a vulture that his bought and bribed accomplices make way to a vaccine. They are many evidences about wrong doing and covering up this Scamdemic and yet people are like in trans believing!!!! How is this possible. Every day thousands of people are dying from hospital neglect and mistakes , heart attacks, stroke, respiratory infections, fly, drug overdose, etc. and yet they made Covid worst than Plague. People avoid me on a street if I don’t have a mask, I can’t believe it!!! INSENITY
Thank you so much for these common sense truths!!
Thank you, Ty and Charlene! Thank you for bringing truth to our lives. Our gut feelings that there is more to this “pandemic” have been confirmed with this article. We have to share this information.
May God Bless you as you continue with helping and putting the truth out there, for all people to read and May God bless each one that reads it so that they too will believe and find true understanding with through our Lord Jesus Christ !!
May God Bless you as you continue with helping and putting the truth out there, for all people to read and May God bless each one that reads it so that they too will believe and find true understanding with through our Lord Jesus Christ !!
I am glad someone is getting the truth out there to everyone who will listen.
As recently as May 21, the New England Journal of Medicine says that masks do not work… why is this not being publicized?
“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.”
Lead epidemiologist a couple days ago on democracy now said we dont need a vaccine, and its already too late cuz plenty are dying. The basics of masks n distancing are sufficient to not need a vaccine. Other countries have progressed and succeeeded and did not need a vaccine. I am definitely not a sheeple. I have followed your truth about cancer series. I have a fren whos a nurse in nyc , she took a pic of the trucks with her own phone, and whatever u want to call or how you want to count it something is filling up hospitals and leading to needing large refridgerated trucks and mass graves. I am sorry but I think you have lost a follower.
Go get your vaccine, then Leslie. Please let us know how it works for you.
I believe you Leslie!!! I don’t know how Ty And Charlene can say that this is all a myth when there are mass graves from people getting sick and dying!!!
I agree with you that if everyone was wearing masks in public, especially indoors, in stores, stayed home in the beginning, we wouldn’t necessarily need a vaccine. Some people will want it, like they get the flu vaccine, I never have or will.
They have lost me as well and I was very happy to get the cancer info. They did not put in my comment from yesterday, we’ll see if this goes in today.
The only thing that boggles my mind regarding Covid 19, when it comes to Theories , there are so many theories and some of them seem to make some sense, but the fact is that I have never seen so may people die back to back in my hometown of Brooklyn NY from any other illness, Virus, disease or from anything else. Unless all those bodys were fake, then I will continue to not act Macho or ignorant and take all precautions to try and stay healthy, and not catch this Virus or whatever it is.
great article
Thank you!
Thank you for your excellent articles.
When I have said anything about sunlight killing the virus, the immediate response is, “then why does it spread so much in hot countries?” What is the accurate reply to this?
How would you know that it spreading anywhere when the test which is being used doesn’t show anything meaningful?
Thank you for speaking the truth in love. We pray for you all and pray others will see the truth
i believe this is true, but we all need someone to really tell us the truth. we aren’t getting it from the media. i wish our president would stand up and say ENOUGH of the bs. Jack
Jack, YOU are the president. WE are called upon to do the work. Greetings from New Zealand sir…..and God speed…..
I’ve been wanting to say for some time that I really appreciated your documentary on Vaccines. It contained a lot of good information and a reasoned analysis that I, as a parent, needed. Since then with the coronavirus, I’ve heard from you a lot of good information that needs to be heard interspersed with a lot of dramatic, extreme claims that seem intended to inflame rather than to inform. It makes the info confusing, and I really can’t use it in my discussions with people. I don’t doubt that there is a sinister plan to all of this, but I’d find it more helpful to read rational analysis than dramatic opinion. There’s just too much drama flying around right now. I do appreciate hearing what you have to say, thank you for giving it voice. It’s a relief to hear corruption exposed.
Thank you for the good rebuffs and for posting the truth! I hope to you many of these, keep the faith and keep going!
We love e you guys. Truth tellers.
Good stuff, right on, open the country now!!!!!!!!
Hi, came across your site and the 8 “Facts” About Coronavirus That Are Actually Lies.
I am not sure whether its ignorance on your side or intention to manipulate people. Koch’s Postulate cannot be applied to viral diseases. Viruses are very different to bacteria. When Robert Koch wrote down the postlates people didn’t know that viruses existed because the electron microscope has not been invented. To
1) Viruses can be found in healthy people.
2) Viruses cannot be grown in cultures, in order to replicate they need RNA or DNA of cells
3) Viruses do not neccessarily cause disease (only in people with compromised immune systems)
I am not sure about postulate no 4. The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent???
By the way I oppose vaccinations and strongly believe that the safest way to stay healthy is to be exposed to microorganisms to build a strong immune system.
You cannot catch a virus
The Virus catches yYou.
And takes over the manufacture of DNA / RNA to replicate more of its own kind within Your body’s cells.
And the manufactured Viruses go on to infect more of your cells.
How bad it gets is down to diet, exercise, and age.
Hi, I purchased your Myths book that was bundled with a e-book. I never received my e book. Could you email me about that please? The Myth book is great!
Hi Tonni!
Please feel free to reach out to our customer service hotline here: https://support.thetruthaboutcancer.com/791726-Contact-Us They’ll be more than happy to assist you!
Nice summation; not too much and not too little. I’m printing this and adding it to the folder I carry when I go unmasked into a store so I’m further ready to hand out materials to the unlearned.
Thanks for the clear summary of what I have been trying to tell people since this whole “pandemic” started. I have downloaded volumes of information contradicting the official narrative, but we are being bombarded by false claims from the “experts”. It seems that most people hear only what they want to hear, and many will verbally attack anyone presenting an alternate viewpoint, without even attempting to listen.
I do have one issue with this article though. I have seen people wearing bandannas and handkerchiefs, but the lettuce leaf and crocheted mask are obviously intended to be humorous. Saying that anyone actually wears such things to stop the spread of the virus will only hurt the credibility of your other valid points.
As usual, a great job. Heartening to read. Liked it and loved it.
In everything that I have read or heard here in Maine, because of the Governor’s Executive Order, the face mask requirement is enforceable, although it is a misdemeanor.
A misdemeanor in VA too…but it is an executive mandate and it has quite a few exemptions including a medical exemption in which you are not required to say what the condition is or have any proof.
I actually carry a copy of the mandate with exemptions in my purse. It’s only in the last week that I’ve been stopped in stores and asked to wear one. I say I have a medical exemption and they say ok. Lots of dirty looks though and one very rude sales clerk. I can deal with the discrimination over bending to the freedom overreach.
Thank you both for your wonderful work! I have written the first anthem for our movement. Where common sense and facts don’t get through to people, a song can reach hearts. You’re welcome to use it if you like it: http://matthewslevine.bandcamp.com/track/chosen
As a healthcare worker (although its mental health), I’ve been saying since March to family members and co-workers that this is another psyop just like 9/11. So much so that I’ve alienated some of them. I’m still telling it to whoever will listen though. So I’m on board with everything this article says. Question is how do we “rise up?” Where do we start with a resistance to mainstream media narrative? I’m ready, just need a direction and some guidance.
Thank you so very much for this article…I have plastered FB with it…hope it is going to do some good…personally I do not wear a mask…lately I have heard that Wal-Mart and Kroger will not let you in if you do not wear a mask…I will not cover my nose, I need all the oxygen I can get. We will see…
I have been following you for years. My concern: how to organize the masses to stop vaccines, chipping, etc and loss of freedom? My question: why is President Trump not ending this madness? He seems to be an ignorant lame duck concerning COVID-19. This is alarming me!!!!!!! I have no idea if you will have time for my two concerns but I will be very grateful if you can help me with this.
I have been a fan of yours and bought The Truth About Cancer DVD/transcripts years ago.
I live in Canada and we have been able to “open up” because we individually have gone
along with Authority. Masks do save lives. When you are in a Market wearing a mask and
the Mother next to you is sneezing you are thankful you are both wearing Masks.
I know of folks…more than four who have died from this Virus. My Mother and Father lived through the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. They told me of streetcars acting as morgues
as they picked up thousands of bodies in Toronto.
We will see if History proves your guidance on this is accurate. You won’t think of Liberty and Freedom when you are sick.
I might also add that I am an anti-Vaxxer and have spent years (since 1960) studying this question. I will therefore choose to live out of society rather than submit myself and my family to any Vaccine.
to sick to care.
Fear is a HUGE obstacle to common sense! With the shear mass of false reports, irrational people “lock up” and think they are playing “safe”. When offices and merchants demand compliance, especially if they are the property owners/managers, even a signed document from a medical doctor excusing the use of a mask, will be totally ignored if not ridiculed. Most people don’t want to make a “scene” and just fall into compliance to keep the peace. So it becomes a numbers game. And I think we are becoming outnumbered. 🙁
Good article except for one thing……nobody ever said a mask prevents one from contracting covid19, it’s supposed to slow the spread in case a person has it. The idea is to contain some of it when breathing/coughing/sneezing. And no, it isn’t 100%. If you sneeze, a majority of the crud stays contained if you’re wearing a mask so it doesn’t spray all over everyone else. Slow the spread. It’s pretty obvious this whole thing is a mess, and information is all over the charts, it’s being handled horribly all over the globe. But how do we know that someone who tests positive with no symptoms just has a better immune system? That’s another question I’ve had all along. Some are hit harder than others, is it blood type? Existing health issues? There is so much that isn’t known, and our understanding is still in it’s infancy, what is the harm in even making a motion to be cautious and considerate of others? Personally, I don’t live in fear, I’m not a sheep, but at the same time wearing a mask to a store once a week for 20 minutes really ain’t a big thing to me. I’m from a manufacturing background where masks are manditory for safety in certain environments. Until they figure it out, I really have no issues wearing a mask once a week when I’m around the general public. To me it is a demonstration that I’m making an attempt to be considerate of my fellow human during a confusing and frustrating time.
**off my soap box**
Thanks for a good article.
To Shasta Michaels: “Yep! I’m pretty selfish myself, thinking only of my consequences of wearing the illegal mask. But what about personnel of the stores? It’s not a 20-minute wear for them. For personnel required to wear the mask all day it is 8 hours minus breaks. In the hardware last night I saw a salesperson sneak to a less-visible place, strip off his mask and gasp for air. He appeared about to faint. No, as a believer in masks at the beginning when no one else cared, now, faced with facts, I’m the opposite.
AND AMERICA SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Corona covid19
Recent guidelines from south korea and china report that chloroquine is an effective treatment
A well controlled recent study in france by Didier Raoult md/PhD has shown that 100% of patients
that received a combination of HCQ (hydroxychloroquine ) and Azithromycin tested negative and were virologically cured after 6 days of treatment
the addition of Azithromycin resulted in a marked improvement
PREVENTION: HOCL ( briotech ) nose and throat spray and propolis spray for mouth and throat
several times a day
VITAMIN C – super high dose and D3 help
Go outside and get as much sun as possible
I am requesting that you no longer post to my email address.
You are spreading lies.
Hi Barbara! At the bottom of all our emails, there is a user-friendly ‘unsubscribe’ button. Feel free to click it! If you continue having trouble, our wonderful customer service team is always here to help: https://support.thetruthaboutcancer.com/791726-Contact-Us
Blessings, Brianna
They are not spreading lies, Barbara. They are sharing facts that do not happen to line up with what you believe.
Hello Barbara Thomson,
Before you “accuse’ the wonderful ppl Ty and Charlene of spreading lies, you should read the facts they always post which backs up whatever they say.
They don’t say anything to hurt anyone, they help save lives! Remember that.
You just go ahead and wear a mask which will eventually spread your own bacteria and toxins back into your body including breathing your own carbon dioxide, then get a vaccine from which you will either die or become a patient for pharma companies for the rest of your life. You decide what is best for you rather than ruining the hard work Bollingers are dedicated to
Because of ignorant people like you, criminals like Fauci, WHO, DCD are having a blast and accomplishing their agenda!!!!!
Educate yourself till you still can, because Facebook, Google, YouTube are censoring and punishing doctors, scientist and nurses who are speaking truth!!!!!
Do a little research on NIH and Fauci who provided 3.7 million to Wuhan lab in China to experiment make more potent/contagious SARS viruses to humans for years when they couldn’t do it in USA because for a moratorium that USA government put in place on labs level 3 and 4 to do such a dangerous experiments, or incompetence of CDC for many years with Tax Payer money, or WHO harming a lot of kids in Africa and India with Gates/GABA organization, or Italian parliament calling for arrest of Bill Gates for crime against humanity, “It’s all public record!!!”
Then, and only then you can call somebody liar!!!!!!
Thank you so much for this article. I really appreciate the way you put it all together. Can’t say that any of my FB friends will read it. But I put it out there. YOU ARE THE BOMB. Bless you, bless you.
I am fearful and frustrated. What’s a small-town individual like myself to do?
I read the article with interest and was taken back by your approach to the subject and the tenor of you discourse. I am a 8 year cancer survivor who had success with high dose vitamin C after the failure of chemo and a stem cell transplant. I found your videos on cancer treatment alternatives, done with in person interviews of practitioners, compelling and of Great value. I shared them with a number of interested individuals.
By taking a biased position here, couched in terms of mockery of other views surprises and disappoints me. The truth about anything is what a person feels in their own mind and heart. The bottom line here is there are a large number of sick people under acute care; some of whom will die from a disease we know little about.
Can you get these 8 “Facts” to Pres. Trump?!
Yes, President Teump needscto see these!!!
Just to help clarify #1: https://masks4all.co/what-states-require-masks/
Also, COVID has been identified. The argument about Koch’s postulate is not quite true in that as another example, poliovirus, which causes paralytic disease in about 1% of those infected. Further compromising postulate #1 is the fact that infection with the same virus may lead to markedly different diseases, while different viruses may cause the same disease. Postulates #2 and #3 cannot be fulfilled for viruses that do not replicate in cell culture, or for which a suitable animal model has not been identified
And the whole Mircochip theory, that is a pretty dangerous and slight delusional concern. Not sure where that is coming from.
Just thought I would share.
I’d be most interested in seeing the study you refer to regarding the identification of COVID, so if you could lead us in the direction of it, I’d be most grateful.
It’s very refreshing to listen to facts and not propaganda. I have been part of your message for years and was always wondering how they were going to put forward there agenda and it was the first thing I thought of, when covid came out!
The mandatory inoculations!
Keep up the fight!✌️
Thank you for sharing this information and scientific evidence of the falsehood that people are being led to believe. . I live in Northern Ontario, in Canada and we have had less than 70 cases here and now they are making masks mandatory . The curve that the public health people wanted to flatten has been a pancake for some time. I agree that this is only the first step
Thanks once again for all the information that you both have acquired for all of us to confirm. Many are still living in fear and i will get this out to ones that are so fearful and confused. Well done
Dear Friends, Ty and… Charlene: RE; COVID-19. I Love you both dearly, but …
you’re quite wrong on COVID-19. HOWEVER, You ARE CORRECT on SUNLIGHT interventions and ALTERNATIVEmeds, but your recent statement is way off. Here’s how in detail:
1) Yes, the RNA genome has been replicated in Europe and Japan by several other researchers Luc Montagnier, MD Nobel laueate for discovery of HIV AIDs examined it and said on French tv 4/17 that it “may have come from animals, but it had to have been maniipulated in a bio-weapon research lab,” …”probably escaped by accident,” and this “may have been during research for HIV vaccine.” Note : US has many of these labs, and accidents have occurred that received very little media coverage. Gov’ts have been trying to cover this up, because tons of $$ have been funding these labs since “9-11” via George W. and Congress. Montagnier said he can speak freely because (btw he’s 88) he is not beholden to any “higher ups;” he also said he is not discussing culpability right now. Well…. Frankly, if you learn about our NIH history and US bio weapon industry history, you may modify your understanding on covid-19 lethality. Labs should be de-funded ? Gain of function actions are against the agreements signed by countries, so Yes.But… A Plandemic? NO Just opportunistic folks like Gates. Some Scientists now calling Montagnier “whimsical,” but other MDs in Europe support his assessment.
2) Yes, the coronavirus 19′ RNA is a VERY dangerous retrovirus. Masking needed! Separation needed! Maybe… out in lovely suburban Texas homes and schools, things looks safe for (isolated) rich folks but the rest of us live in urban congestion apartments where people shop on top of each other, and public spaces compress folks! CEO of the United Nations said it is a “humanitarian disaster” as deaths mount all over the globe. You can contact me for sources of info, if you wish. I am a friend.
Thank you guys ..
Covid-19 has proved that people only believe what they want to believe, so ignorance could be why we can not rid the world of Covid-19 so quickly. It has been said the virus spreads more likely in the big citys, they claim it is because of the “dirty air” I do not doubt for a moment dirty air is not good for your health. But in the big citys they have lots of high rise living apartments . I have seen lots of people squeeze into a lift (or elevator) during New Zealand maximum lock-down period (level 4, when the building had a false fire alarm) ignoring “social distance” HOW STRANGE?
Since I wrote that and passed it on to friends I got the “Oh but but…….” comment. Some days ago I heard on television “they” are changing the theory on how covid-19 spreads, they used to think Covid-19 was big droplets, Now they think Covid-19 is much finer particles, and spreads easier if there is not any fresh air circulation. If that is so maybe as soon as a covid-19 victim uses a elevator, the elevator should be put out of service until the whole elevator lift well has been replaced with fresh clean air.
Once more, can we blame household cleaning products for Covid-19 nail in the coffin? it has been said only 0.01% of germs is bad for us (that is 1 in 10 thousand) the other germs help out with our good health, yet when I walk around the supermarket every cleaning product wants to kill 99% of germs, I think why does everybody want to let off a “germ nuke” in their home everyday? we need good germs to help our immune system, we should be more focused on exterminating mold around the home.
Covid-19 has proved that people only believe what they want to believe, so ignorance could be why we can not rid the world of Covid-19 so quickly. It has been said the virus spreads more likely in the big citys, they claim it is because of the “dirty air” I do not doubt for a moment dirty air is not good for your health. But in the big citys they have lots of high rise living apartments . I have seen lots of people squeeze into a lift (or elevator) during New Zealand maximum lock-down period (level 4, when the building had a false fire alarm) ignoring “social distance” HOW STRANGE?
Since I wrote that and passed it on to friends I got the “Oh but but…….” comment. Some days go I heard on television “they” are changing the theory on how covid-19 spreads, they used to think Covid-19 was big droplets, Now they think Covid-19 is much finer particles, and spreads easier if there is not any fresh air circulation. If that is so maybe as soon as a covid-19 victim uses a elevator the elevator should be put out of service until the whole elevator lift well has been replaced with fresh clean air.
Once more, can we blame household cleaning products for Covid-19 nail in the coffin? it has been said only 0.01% of germs is bad for us (that is 1 in 10 thousand) the other germs help out with our good health, yet when I walk around the supermarket every cleaning product wants to kill 99% of germs, I think why does everybody want to let off a “germ nuke” in their home everyday? we need good germs to help our immune system, we should be more focused on exterminating mold around the home.
Ty & Charlene,
A group of 10 U.S. critical care emergency room doctors around the country are successfully treating and saving the lives of ICU covid-19 patients by thinking outside the box. Their protocol involves vitamin C intravenous as well as other commonly found inexpensive medications and some other vitiamins and minerals. Their exact protocol is published on their website – covid19criticalcare.com.
When interviewed, they will tell you that this is much more serious than the common flu – it can damage many organs even in healthy people. Please interview one of these doctors who’s actually treating these ICU patients.
Their website – covid19criticalcare.com – has interviews, videos, their exact protocol and a wealth of good information not being covered by the media. We all know why – big pharma – who sponsors many news programs and university clinical trials, will not make any money on their inexpensive treatment protocol. Same old sad story….
Regarding Governor Newsom, if people had listened to him in the first place and stopped hanging out in close groups and rapidly spreading the virus, he wouldn’t have had to shut things down – again! As you know, the reason for shutting down is to slow the spread so that hospital emergency rooms do not run out of space like they did in New York. That’s why it’s totally irresponsible to just do nothing!
Thank you for that information!!!!
As Wal-Mart, Target, CVS, Kohls and others require that customers wear masks, even in locations where are are no executive orders, city/county ‘mandates’, etc., and short of boycotting all these stores, what do you suggest?
Thank you for this most accurate article. The sheep just keep falling in line with the lies. Why are more people not coming out against these masks? Now Walmart and a bunch of other big box stores are deciding they are doctors. This should be illegal. I do believe it is illegal to practice medicine without a license. And this is exactly what they are doing. We now are supposed to deprive our lungs of necessary oxygen levels just to enter their stores? No wonder they are driving small businesses out. Small businesses would never ruin their businesses to mandate this kind of insanity. So the whole scam intends to eliminate them. Someone needs to go after all these entities practicing medicine without a license. ie governors, mayors, government, retailers. Etc.
I totally agree with you! Would like to add a currency is also on the list of things to go extinct!
You Are doing a disservice, especially to immune compromised folks with your alleged “facts” about the lies you say are being perpetrated re Covid 19.
I have great respect for all your research and help with cancer, but you have bought a lot of lies yourself… Testing does not cause the emergenc yrooms and hospitals to be overflowing with covid positive people. Not having tested a pregant woman to prove she is pregnant, does not mean she is not pregnant! Testing has little to do with the explosiion of cases . Get real. It is sn ignorant argument about how these things are calculated with positiviity rates, etc.
Of course there are problems with data…but from both ends of the spectrum.
I propose that there is an UNDERestimate of cases of this illness. Most of us are not tested after all. Many end up in the ER with having never been tested…but there they are..and many are dying.
Please stop drinking the coolaid about all this. Therer is some science that is valid. And there is some that is not. Dont make it all one-sided and paranoid.
If you want to be paranoid, I suspect you might want to be paranoid that we are not getting all the facts for sure….like it may be WORSE than you are hearing.
What is the big deal of wearing a mask? Cancer patients do it all the time..to protect themselves a bit.
You sound like a trump advertisement. Not good.
Alnalternative cancer treated patient and survivor.
Stay home if you are afraid and do online shopping. Healthy people do not need to wear mask! Everyone should be able to decide if they want to wear a mask or not.
They are not do any disservice.
why wont you accept a comment ?
Some years ago I read, in the magazine ‘Nexus’ , of the unknown whereabouts of a large batch of tracking nano-chips.
These could be incorporated into a vaccine and we would experience the joy of never being lost.
Tracked & Traced automatically for our own and society’s safety and benefit…ahaha
This is all politically motivated. The mainstream media should stop the lies . They , the mainstream media, should stop wreaking havoc and fear among the public. If we wear masks, we are protected from the lead, smog that vehicles emit or dusts that can cause allergies, But not from viruses. Masks were made especially for the medical and health field to prevent spread of bacterial infection. Particularly surgical masks were not meant to be used in prolonged period of time , that goes with cloth masks.
I hope the greater good will prevail . I pray to the Almighty that we are all protected from the evil and healing and hope is here in our hearts.
Hi Charlene & Ty,
There’s one point in your article that I wonder if you can shed some light on. We’ve been reading articles from newspapers & elsewhere on the Spanish Flu (which I happen to believe Rudolf Steiner about, that it was the introduction of radio waves. He was there, after all!). These articles say that many businesses were shut down in US cities in response to the “Spanish Flu”. Movie theaters, schools, stores – we even found a reference that said kissing was not allowed!!!! What do you make of this?
Your article was fantastic! Well done.
I looked into the PCR testing article you referenced, & saw that it’s purpose is to harvest (my word) DNA!! And that they used a mummy’s DNA to clone it!
Yours, from a fellow lover of truth,
Thank you both so much for standing up for truth and trying to wake up more sheeple from their hypnosis by the lies of the mainstream media and those who are pushing this horrific agenda on the world. I pray for your safety always and please keep spreading the truth. Namaste🙏🏽❤️
Wow!!! I am awed by your bravery! I am also broken hearted it has come to this and terrified of the future for us all
Thank you for your article. It is much appreciated. I have searched for information during this whole crisis to figure out all the confusing information out there, and much of it not making sense. However, it doesn’t help much knowing fake information when nothing is explained about what is real. If you think it is not Covid19, then what is making people sick? It doesn’t really help much to know how many get sick, but seeing people on respirators and many dying, is real. What we need to know is what is actually causing it then, and what we can do to protect ourselves. This information only adds to the confusion and fear. We need to know what is helpful to protect ourselves, Can anyone give an answer to that? Back in the 1800s the author and playwright Henrik Ibsen was wise enough to write about this dilemma. He said that telling someone the truth can destroy a person, unless you also have something to replace it with. Loosing faith in everything makes us loose hope, and we succumb to doom instead of faith to fight and win.
Is there at least one wise person with an answer?
I would like to recommend for anyone interested in how we got to where we are today a great website “gemstone university website”… Learn how we have become the “Bonded Indentured servants” to a bankrupt corporation, videos 1 through 21 The Nature Of Bondage a real eye opener share with all…Thank you for all you do in regards to the truth very much appreciated…
This is a misleading article, in my average, everyday, human opinion.
Then you yourself have been mislead by the lamestream media, the marxist left, and the corrupted network of educatiors!
It’s all very interesting and quite literally mind boggling to read what others.opinios really are without actual proof.
Republicans lie bigger than everyone else. 🙂
and demoncrats murder innocents, are for defunding our right to be safe, riots and violence, open and unprotected borders, illegal immigration, higher taxes, more regulation, weak military, over-regulation, let anyone vote-even the dead, welfare state, poverty, big government, more control, socialism, liberalism, suppression, defiance …….wow
This is funny…Democrats never ever said open borders. They want immigration reform-laws that will work for LEGAL immigration.
We will never have a “weak” military as we currently have the largest most expensive military on the planet.
Defunding the police means to cut the fat. We need police. They do not need to be out pushing homeless into shelters for instance…they need to be arresting criminals.
The riots were caused by republican white supremacy groups such as Boogaloo Bios. This comes from FBI investigations
This is as bad as the conspiracy theories about Bill Gates and injecting chips using a vaccine…
Stop believing propaganda that spreads like covid
Thank you very much for writing this. I’ve read a lot of these truths however putting them in a simple format not only makes for easier reading, it also simplifies it and enables me to show others who are doing exactly as you said in your opening statements. I will share this far and wide(more in person as fb doesn’t allow my posts most times as I’m considered a ‘conspiracy theorist and spread false facts’….lol).
I’ll just continue praying and doing my part and once again, thank you for doing yours. 🙏
Thank you for all your love and energy that your team is placing on this Scam-demic. I felt it was part of an agenda right from the get go. There are so many signs and actions out there that shows this is not about our health. If it was, all businesses that force you to line up out side,would have shelter in place to keep you safe from the elements. If this is so contagious, why are there no Biohazard bins to place the used masks and gloves? Also, if this is about our health, why hasn’t major advertising on nutrition, sleep, exercise and vitamins not being explained. Shocks me how so many lost trust in their own immune system. Bless all that are fighting for our medical freedoms!
Excellent article. I appreciate you both so very much. I believe Ty, you spoke to my daughter Criscilla a while back as she battles and kills stage 4 colon cancer. She is in Colorado now in a 2 wk complimentary program with Eden Valley with her friend Julie who joined her at Dr Hilu’s facility in February as Julie fights and is winning breast cancer as a young female pastor.
When is your Social media platform going to be available? I tried multiple times to access it but the site was down for maintenance.
Cheers !
I believe you have a typo on # 7. And thank you for all you do! I really appreciate the face that you list that you are devoted Christians first.
Ty and Charlene, I love your book. My jaw drops with each chapter. I wonder if you would consider doing an interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman. He would be a fantastic reinforcement and supplement to your information dissemination.
Thankyou for all you do.
Thank you Ty & Charlene. You are doing the greatest work. Sending all I know to join in medical freedom pac. This is work of perfection. I was trying to write such, and simplify it as you did. Sad, though, it does not take a brain surgeon to see through this plandemic. Most are suspicious. But they do not know the entities, and the big cabal, which is behind this.That is the message which I have been having a hard time trying to explain in a simple few words to people: The sorceries by which Satans; tentacles pervade the human population, and especially those in power over us, and the cabal of so many submitting and participating in the plan, in government, in our so called heath profession, media, and yes, your doctor. It’s all too much to try to relate to people.
However, at this time we are living in, it has never been more obvious that a great evil is pulling our strings.
WAKE UP PEOPLE! And come out from amongst them.
6,000 plus are alleged to have died because of the COVID 19 group. (New York comes to mind)
Question – Then what has killed thousands of people in New York nursing homes etc?
Question – Are you willing to file the appropriate criminal compliant against those who are in your opinion acting in violation of the US Constitution?
Question – Are the governors and mayors of certain States and Cities committing treason and seduction?
ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE that believes ANYTHING the government, the MSM, Big Pharma or Big Agra says, is a SPECIAL KIND OF STUPID!
Hahahaha, Yes, you cant be more right!!!!
I really appreciate all the hard work you both put into getting this information out.
I love listening to your videos and reading your articles.
On a side note. I just have to close my eyes sometimes at Charlenes immodesty when the dress or shirt is too low. So I don’t let my boys see some of the videos. As a Christian I don’t think we need to see that kind of stuff from other Christians. There is enough out there. I don’t mean this in a bad way just a concern. And I don’t judge you for it at all. We are all raised different.
Thanks again for everything you do. All the hard work you put into this. I really appreciate it.
Keep up the great work on sharing the facts, and truths.
I am not located in the US, but fear what gets implemented in the US will also be forced world wide.
Thank you.
Thank you for the information. I have the same thoughts that you have confirmed. My only concern with the information is the comment toward the end regarding the 1918 spanish flu pandemic. Everything thing I’ve read about it said businesses & churches & schools were closed down. Your article states that closures didnt happen. I want to share your article because I really think we’re being played but know I will get negative comments regarding the statement I mentioned. Can I ask where you got the info regarding the Spanish flu?
This article is the absolute real truth! Thanks so much for writing and publishing it! It really clears the air for me! Keep up the great work, and keep on trucking!
Your article made interesting reading and I will pass it on to a few people and perhaps they will respond. I agree, the bulk of the people take the path of least resistance and don’t ask the “difficult questions”. Another approach might be to put all the “fast tracked vaccines” into one giant cauldron and let it stew for a century. We might produce a new form of life! One tries to see the humorous side of this “pandemic”.
Thank You . This country needs leaders of Integrity and Courage.We are being taken for a Ride Here. None of These Genius Speak of Nutrition. It all About their Damn Vaccine.. America needs a Wake up Call and Damn Quick
This is not about freedom. This is about lives- my life and many others. Be considerate, wear a mask, stay 6 feet apart, stay home if you’re sick, work from home if you are able, keep your family safe.
Please do the research about ozone and COVID 19. Mercola wrote an excellent article about this topic but not enough people know about it. Ozone is an excellent remedy for viruses.
Thank you for shinning the light of truth on these lies that apparently have created a “Covid-19 Personality Disorder”! Like any “disease” identifying the root-cause can be the start of a healing resolution.
However, the people need additional light pointing the way toward recovering our original self-government as the Law-full basis for pulling the charters on all the corporate entities that have participated in perpetuating the lies. Corporations (including these that operate under color-of-law as government service contractors) are granted their charters for Lawful purposes only. When they cause any harm to the people these corporations can be liquidated. For more information on this see: https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/
its hard not to give in when businesses won’t allow you in without a mask. whole communities are like that.
Very interesting article. I find it hard to believe that people I would have thought of as sensible are so paranoid about Covid 19, like it is going to reach out and get them. Loved the “Truth about Vaccines”, as a person who opts not to have these vaccines on advice from a doctor who also works in alternatives, because of previous mercury poisoning, I am not allowed in an aged care facility, where they have vaccinated everyone, because I am a threat. Sometimes you wonder about the mentality of people. (robotic sheeples)
I wish more people would wake up! They are not opening the schools as schools but they’ll be opening them as childcare facilities where we can take the kids so they can have supervision while attending online school while at school under childcare…no matter how hard I try to understand this still doesn’t make any sense but I might just be slow to understand…
Some of your comments may well be true. However, mask wearing is because the virus has the ability to latch itself onto larger, denser droplets of water vapor and therefore, from modelling of human breath scenarios has proven to be effective in reducing transmission of air-borne water droplets from one person to another.
In general, your criticisms would be more valid if you had some constructive solutions or actions for people to take, apart from wilfully disregarding local ordinances on health and safety grounds and in pursuit of the ‘right to self-determination’ regardless of the perceived selfishness of your actions as seen by those law-abiding citizens.
Finally, how is it that only you, a non-scientist, with little in the way of academic credentials that might legitimise your argument are in the vast minority of naysayers, consipiracy theorists and other so-called pseudo-scientists speaking out about this?
I do my best to remain open-minded, but I have much skepticism about your claims.
You make some good points Will, but you should check your chemistry. Water vapor is molecules, not droplets. Water vapor (molecules) is airborne and can get through any mask available to the general public, as can any virus-size particles. Droplets can be stopped by a mask, but without that barrier they will drop to the ground fairly quickly, which is the basis for the distancing recommendations.
There are quite a few others who are questioning both the “containment” measures against COVID19, and also the theories behind them, including germ theory itself, the theoretical basis for all of what we know as “modern medicine.” Many are finding that this supposedly scientific understanding of the human body, health and illness, is not really so scientific after all, as it neglects to really study the phenomena in favor of focusing on finding chemical medicines that can be sold as treatments for whatever illness you may have. A big example of this neglect of serious study is the paucity of autopsies of those who have died during this pandemic.
Right on, I sorted this out all by myself the first month.
Keep up the great work
Ephesians 3:20
Jer 29:11
Zeph 3:17
GOD IS reJOYsing over You
I like these types of articles since they did get my attention and they allow me to see both sides. One can always make an argument for both sides of the equation. Sensationalism certainly gets attention and attention is what journalists and speakers seek. Without attention, nothing happens. In reality, no one knows what to believe is the truth unless they personally experience it. The truth is a personal decision based on many factors and swayed by belief systems that have been programmed since the beginning of time. Science and reality are ever so fleeting as are all aspects of the universe. Everyone has an agenda that I respect, although we all need to make our own choices given the knowledge and common sense that we accumulate. Nearly 99.9% of the information on the web is contaminated with lies so it becomes our task to discover our truths and enjoy living life with the goal to be alive. Good luck with your cause and let me know if I can be of assistance. What all these online webinars have in common, which is the major detriment, is the lack of interactive comments with the viewers. They feel too scripted with a message that does not allow for opposing views. One day this will change and like Buddha find out way to the middle path.
Thanks So Much For Giving Us The Truth…Jesus Is Coming
You must know that all of this is about control of the “masses” of course. Whete there is Koas thete will be control that leads to the New World Order plan, formerly called Agenda 21.Please also note that this is part of Christian prophecy and the following texts will prove interesting. The beast (man of Sin)will be asked to give blessings converging church ideals with state political agends forcing Sunday worship. Read: Rev 13:11/Rev16:13/14 Protestants raise their arms to hold hands with Roman $$ for peace. Forbidden to buy or sell Rev13:17/14:6-10 Thus Commandment keeping people will be put to death.Ez 20: 12 &20 will be Matt 24:24. Be prepared, see the truth of the Dark Ages & the history of the Waldensians. GOD Bless you.
i believe much of what is said here is accurate. my concern is the deaths of people who got sick during this pandemic and thus passed away. At first it was mostly elderly or over 50 yrs of age.. then i learned that people in their mid 30’s contracted and then died. so I dont know what is the actual reason or cause but I also loathe the face masks. I cannot breathe right. I am constantly washing my hands and disinfecting surfaces however the clorox disinfectant wipes have not returned on the shelves like the much awaited toilet paper seems to have resurfaced. what is the reason we cannot get wipes ? nobody is talking about that . cant find any and price goughing is evident online when I go to buy the disinfectant wipes. those people inflating the prices should be held accountable and yeah i will make a complaint filed with the authorities you bet your sweet buns I will. !
#4. In Sweden and many other countries, ‘with’ and ‘from’ are not separated in statistics. From a medical point of view, there is a destinct difference. From that point of view, it doesn’t differ that much from the statistics of the regular seasonal flu, as it isn’t separated there either. In the Swedish health care statistics, seasonal flu, pneumonia etc. are basically none existing this year … (Why is not COVID-19 compared with the seasonal flu of the winter ’17/’18? A lot of people died from that too. Only in Sweden, 3-4 time more than today and nobody bothered, except regarding the hand sanitisers, that didn’t work in several cases other than enrich the producers …)
#6. In Sweden, the recommended distance are 1.5 and 2 meters … In Greece (2m), some grocery shops have marked a [stop] line where only costumer are allowed to cross one at the time infront of each cash register. Behind the line, it’s often crowded …
#7. In Sweden, there has been a couple of MD’s reporting that the digital journal system has been tampered. The last post in the journals of concern, which is the Swedish ‘death certificate’, has the cause of death been changed to COVID-19, despite the patients died due to other reasons. This has been done by someone(s) in cognito, despite it is illigal. Any and every type of entery, change or deletion in the system, must be [automatically] logged and by whom.
#8. After being at four different airports recently, I have noticed that far to many travelers and staff don’t grasp the concept of protective masks. Some were using industrial types with outbound vents, which only protects the user, but not the surrounding people. Others was using visors, either industrial or medical. In this case, they are only for show and protecrs nobody … In one case, a Palestinian type scarf was used … Some masks don’t seal the mouth-nose area properly. Some covered only the mouth and some only the [double] chin … Men with large beards was constantly adjusting their masks. (They should go diving and try out how ‘well’ full face masks and cyclops work …)
Interestingly enough, airport staff incl. executives don’t respond to failed usage, as many of them didn’t have proper masks themselves.
And yes, I see how it relates to UN Agenda 21/30 …
I love your articles and videos and always want to send them on to my friends and family, but the only way I can is email – I don’t have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Why don’t you have an email icon that I can use to spread the word?
Ty and Charlene,
I have been following you and your Truth About Cancer for a long time. Have just purchased your recent book. But sadly this may be the end. This post, trying to speak the truth, is much too emotionally charged. It is reactionary. Speaking about freedom of choice while speaking of masks is really too much.
I am basically disappointed by your conspiracy theories…even if I agree with being wary of big pharma, other people’s agendas…and more…yours sounds too much like a personal agenda…
Sadly Julie
Really true, very good ideas for people who want to be safe and healthy. thank you
Thank you for the work and effort you are putting into your work, so that we as your followers can find this useful information <3
Lots of love from Norway <3
Please correct your information about masks. Covid-19 virus is spread through the air in droplets that are big enough to be blocked by a mask. It’s been proven that masks help to prevent these virus-laden droplets coming out of me from infecting others and other people’s droplets from entering through my nose and mouth and infecting me. So even though each viral particle is too tiny to be caught by a mask, masks work to prevent transmission of the virus from one person to another! PS, I really appreciate the work you guys are doing to help cancer victims find natural cures!
Hi. I’m In UK. My stance is that I must have a written declaration that a mask or jab is 100% safe and will not damage me or a child physically, emotionally, mentally in any way and I am free to sue manufacturer .
I hate how we’re all being tricked into this so called “New Normal”. In England on Friday 24th you could be fined up to a £100 if you do not wear a mask when inside a shop or supermarket. Yet you can go into a pub with up to six people in your group and sit 1.5 metres away from other groups of 6.
It’s absolutely ridiculous!
I have friends that won’t go out, so scared are they, that they’re going to catch this so called virus and give it to their children. Yet their children are going to school in “bubbles” but who knows where and who the other children have been mixing with outside of school.
We are not going to experience the same sort of freedom as we have in the past and the media has certainly played their part in this ridiculous charade, frightening people with the lies.
I started taking my mother shopping with me 6 weeks ago, so bad was her mental state becoming because of her isolation. She broke down in tears when we first returned from the shops, thanking me so much for taking her out.
I embraced her for the first time in months and it was then that I decided I wouldn’t let this charade dictate how I live my life and who I see. Thankfully I have some like minded friends who I’ve met up with several times and I’m not surprised to say we’re all still fine and dandy.
Make the most of what you have before it’s taken away from you!!!
Thankyou Ty and Charlene for trying to right a wrong. God Bless!
Thank you Ty and Charlene for keeping us informed and God bless.
Thank you both for your impartial information I have followed you through the years ,although I live in the uk the information has been 1st class.
We will return to a better life without fear and intimidation.
God bless🙏🙏
Im with you on this. I cannot stand what we get told and people just soak it up and dont think for themselves.
I just love your information and it has established what my husband and I felt from the beginning. It hurts our hearts to see friends of ours who are living in crippling fear, even those who trust in Jesus. Here in Canada, if we don’t wear a mask shopping we get a fine of 8oo.oo dollars. can you imagine that. Our prime minister has been lobbying with the communist chinese for quite a few years now, and it is pretty frightening for us. We watch and pray and keep on reading what you send as encouragement. God has it all, also. Keep up the good work.
$ 800.- may be the case in your province only, it certainly is NOT the case in all Canada.
Some stores require wearing masks, also public transit and public buildings.
There are a few key elements that the media and Public are not getting clearly:
1. Your eyes, nose and mouth (T Zone) ARE the ONLY portals of entry for COVID-19
2. Most people have the “unconscious habit” of putting their finger in the (T Zone)
3. humans are the petri-dish that grow and spread COVID-19.
4. Health Shields (full face shields) protect you from their droplets, them from your droplets and you from the 10 most deadly weapons (yes your fingers, the primary transmitter).
5. Masks,when worn correctly and of specific filtration design, limit droplet spread but very little aerosols and they leave your eyes (perfect petri-dish) exposed for your own fingers after touching contaminated surfaces to adjust your mask (and habit). Then your fingers contaminate the mask when adjusting and you then inhale other aerosols/potential organisms. So there is concern that masks potentially perpetuate the incidence as humans inhale through their mask.
So Health Shields to protect yourself and others and BREAK your unconscious habit to STOP this Pandemic!
Hi there…my name is mike Stevens. and I live in prescott valley, arizona.
I really appreciate all you do to bring out the truth about this crap sandwich they are feeding us..
Thank you for telling the truth about this fakery. On another note, would you please consider doing a story about benzodiazepines? These are deadly mind-altering drugs that are taking a huge toll on unsuspecting people around the world.
Thank you for telling the truth!!
Excellent read
Good information. All health departments and government officials need to read this and stop the scamdemic tyranical oppression.
I can’t even buy groceries in Alabama without a mask. You can’t even get into a store to buy a mask. Ridiculous!!!!
Thank you! May our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon and save our world!
Wonderful and truthful article.
I work in a microbiology hospital lab. In fact, I test for the COVID-19 virus using a PCR test. The positive and negative controls we use, to test the kit before use, even mentions, “This is for experimental use only.”
Thank you….and will send to others
It’s very scary to see how easily people are excepting the lies, fake news, fake statistics etc. and not using their common sense.
The much used term “new normal” is in reality the “old old normal” brought to you by Chairman Mao, Uncle Joe Stalin, Der Fuerhrer Adolf Hitler, Il Duce Benito Mussolini, and the British Empire at its peak when it invaded many countries, starved and enslaved the populations. Welcome to the “old old normal”.
Yes this article is right in almost all the comments , i can say 99% of what its stated is knocking the nail on the head, and i commend and applaud you or all who made this article possible.
However wearing a mask doesn’t hurt unles you wearing it with out changing it often, or if its to tight that the carbon dioxide that we brethe out can’t come out and it goes back into the lungs, and fresh oxygen can’t be breathe in. Because yes we have to accept that when we talk particles fly out and the louder we talk or sing the further the particles fly, it has been proven more now that we have been wearing mask especially when that mask is close. Also we know that we get cotiminated when we are around people even if its the ordinary flu when they are coming down with it, however we know its has its period to pass on the contimination. Also we know how we could contact TV, and how deadly it is if we contract it.
I must say the first time they show us the coronavirus , and give us all the information about all its behaviour , i saw two diseases combine together immediately, TV/ HIV of the knowledge i have in fast observations. Which could be more diseases combine together. Yes we must be allert not to be submitted to an oppressive setuation, but we can’t be to nieve also, wearing a mask wouldn’t hurt if it not to close,or wear one mask to long, because of the evident we have to contract viruses ,its does not hurt especially after lock downs, there’s no money, it will take a while to do catching up, and if our leaders really want to hurt us, they can at this moment just by taking away health Care.
“i saw two diseases combine together immediately, TV/ HIV ”
Yes TV is a disease!, I find if I switch the TV off Covid disappears. x 🙂
I am and have been aware of most of what you write here. And I have been following you for sometime. I want to thank you for all your work and the enlightenment you bring to our world. There are many others who know what you know and are working diligently to help mankind. To name my group, might be too fantastic at this time for you to understand and acknowledge, but I hope that in the future, you find us and realize that we, too, are here to help and free man.
Did you see america can we talk news from texas? Check out july 2nd and more.
So the media who is to be trusted has also been bought and paid for ? Such as MSNBC ?
Ty and Charlene,
You two are godsends. The truth you bring to light is more truthful then anything being plastered every five seconds on msm and leftwing browsers. The saying where if they tell the same wrong thing over and over some will believe it.
I follow you, RSB and many others who can see through the BS constantly being shoved down our throats. That is the thing, it is all BS that the left are expecting us to swallow.
Thanks to you two you are more proof that we as a people, with more then our own voice, in bringing down the social steering America is headed to.
Thanks again and keep up the fight.
Kerry from Alaska
Very good article .I agree entirely.
1. Executive orders are not laws
This is correct, thus why they are two different words. Executive orders that do have to be obeyed otherwise you face arrest, fines, shutdown of a business or imprisonment.
2. COVID has not been identified and isolated.
Koch’s postulates apply for microbial disease, not viral. COVID is the issue caused by the presence of SARS-CoV2. Much in the same way AIDS merely the syndrome (syndrome is a collection of symptoms) caused by the presence of HIV. The problem of course is, you can have the virus and not be sick. I have varicella-zoster virus, a form of herpes, in me right now. I’m not sick. Once you get Chicken pox (the common name for varicella-zoster virus), you never get it again.
3. PCR Testing is inaccurate.
This is sorta correct, but sort of misleading. Viruses are *very* small. MUCH smaller than even bacteria. It is nigh impossible to get a PPM of viruses in someone. PCR returns a boolean value, not a indication of how many you have, nor (and more importantly) how effective it is at getting you sick.
4. Covid-19 death count is not accurate
Oh I fully agree with this one, but not for reasons listed. Many of the people who recover go straight home to sit on a organ transplant list to get a new lung, kidney, liver that the virus has destroyed. Furthermore, as this disease essentially turns your blood into molasses, they’re having 20 somethings showing up in the morgue due to stroke a few weeks after being released.
5. COVID-19 is Exploding in the USA due to more testing.
This is slightly true. We’re having a much higher rate of positive tests returning. If I test 10 people and 4 come back positive that’s bad. If I test 100 people and 70 come back positive… that’s worse. Not because 70>4, but because 70% > 40%. This talking point is straight from Trump’s anti-corona speeches.
6. Social distancing isn’t scientific.
This is also sort of right, but also misleading. The further you are away from someone, the less likely you are to contract something they have. That’s simple germ theory 101. As far as the exact distance goes, you also have to “sell it”. Telling an American “Stand precisely no closer than 0.86 meters outside, 1.35 meters in a shopping center, and 2 meters in a bar/pub” would never fly. You need simple to sell it. “Keep 6 feet away” is a much better message.
7. The mortality rate isn’t as high as everyone says it is.
This is also partially true, folks were doing some bad math initially. That said however, most experts agree it’s around 2%, save for a few outliers. The bigger problem is how much more infectious it is verses things like the flu. Putting it another way a cannon ball is much more dangerous than a bullet. But a m-16 will kill far more people than a cannon.
8. Masks don’t help.
(admittedly they lie they list is “Everyone Should Wear a Mask, Even Healthy People” and I can’t think of anyone saying that). Masks do help. Despite this website’s claims there have been no scientific studies to demonstrate that the masks have any effect on transmission, here’s three.
If you wonder why coagulation issues are arising in even young people, do some research on EMFs. They cause coagulation, strokes, clots. That is a fact. It’s very easy to find this information. Much research on this for decades. As someone who has Electrical Hypersensitivity EHS, I feel the effects in the form of ovary pain, runny nose, difficulty breathing, throat closing if exposed to WiFi continuously (disappears overnight when not exposed), skin itching, headaches, IBS and extreme fatigue. It is simple biology – the physiology of the body interacting with electromagnetic fields. With the introduction of 5G this year around the world this effect is now being felt by people who are not as sensitive. It causes DNA damage, melatonin decrease (important for killing cancer cells among many other important functions), infertility and cancer.
Keeping a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) device on my body is the only way I can go out in public. It creates the Schuman Resonance that the earth emits for our bodies to be healthy, 7.83 Hz the same frequency that the brain works on.
As a Regulated Health Professional in Canada I research daily for years on many health topics.
And a commenter her says “ I work in a microbiology hospital lab. In fact, I test for the COVID-19 virus using a PCR test. The positive and negative controls we use, to test the kit before use, even mentions, “This is for experimental use only.”
Health Shields (full face shield) will help you change your unconscious habit of touching your eyes, nose or mouth (T Zone) which is the primary method of transmission. It also protect ALL portals of entry if someone happens to cough or sneeze in your face.
There are a few key elements that the media and Public are not getting clearly:
1. Your eyes, nose and mouth (T Zone) ARE the ONLY portals of entry for COVID-19
2. Most people have the “unconscious habit” of putting their finger in the (T Zone)
3. humans are the petri-dish that grow and spread COVID-19.
4. Health Shields (full face shields) protect you from their droplets, them from your droplets and you from the 10 most deadly weapons (yes your fingers, the primary transmitter).
5. Masks,when worn correctly and of specific filtration design, limit droplet spread but very little aerosols and they leave your eyes (perfect petri-dish) exposed for your own fingers after touching contaminated surfaces to adjust your mask (and habit). Then your fingers contaminate the mask when adjusting and you then inhale other aerosols/potential organisms. So there is concern that masks potentially perpetuate the incidence as humans inhale through their mask.
So Health Shields to protect yourself and others and BREAK your unconscious habit to STOP this Pandemic!
Ty & Charlene,
It’s becoming a real problem. Yesterday I received an email from our local supplier of CDO stating that they have been raided by Police and health officials and lost their supplies of “water purifier” . As you probably know Andreas Kalker has a 100% cure cheap protocol with fast results & no side effects, also there’s no need for ventilators as it donates 46% of bodily oxygen requirement as a by product rapidly intracellularly. No pathogen can survive it . I’m getting blocked , errored, timed out etc. on some of the natural health websites too :-). Wonder why. gremlins?
Even in Canada people have to wear masks to enter public buildings and social distance 2 metres away.
I agree , but 50 million died of the 1918 flu and maybe if they had isolated the deaths would’ve been less ?
Everybody’s hugging their Fauci
मैं वैक्सिन के खिलाफ हूँ
Very difficult to believe any thing you read or hear today. So many lies and cover ups going on. Keep up the good work you are doing & perhaps we may come out on top of this whole mess.
I have followed your advice and I find it fascinating.One day I hope to meet you face to face. Until then keep on telling the truth. God Bless you and your family, Respectfully Yours Greg Scapellati
Yea! Excellent & well researched article: Reports from Florida already reporting statistics being reported by officials are multiplied by a minimum of X 10. Not only that but all spikes of Covid 19 are based on testing + on tests said to be faulty from the first day they were used & none of them based on patients with symptoms. Hospital census being down should tell you the statikstics you are being fed are doctored & skewed to get the result they want of mass covid vaccination & mandated vaccines & more loss of freedom than ever before.
However I do question the theory that covid 19 is possibly total hoax since expert Dr. Fauci can be seen stating in a lecture TO A PROFESSIONAL GROUP that a pandemic would occur under this administration in 2017. How did he know this if it wasn’t his brainchild? It smells even more fishy when you also add the allegation that Fauci was studying coronavirus #2 in a Texas Lab. of Allergy & Infectious disease & was told to shut it down, but instead illegally signed it out & shipped it to Wuhan labs, along wth $3.7 million dollars to continue the study there. There are also allegations that those billions were just a drop in the bucket compared to what Fauci has paid those labs in the past. Dr. Fauci also stands accused of covering up the study finding particles of mice RNA in the vacines in 1993 & with his connection as chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation & his 40 years on the federal payroll, did he also cover up the CDC knowing the connection between the vaccines and autism & destroying all the evidence & a few careers to cover it up? One also wonder if this expert Dr. has been using his connections to make sure the vaccine program is harmful instead of helpful.
I have no way to prove my theory, but considering that the 1918 flu, flesh eating organism, HIV+ and Zika, West Nile disease, Swine flu, etc. mostly dying out on their own, my conjecture is that
God in his wisdom, has a universal law that limits a mutation from being able to reproduce itself beyond a generation or so, and also perhaps a second safety rule that says “herd immunity” does set in after the first round of the pathogens.
Fellow Americans – as stated before this covid 19 has been produced for multiple purposes of killing off as many as possible, fear mongering to push to mandate vaccines for all, to crash our economy & most of all an effort to defeat OUTSIDER Trump and put another INSIDER back in the White House so the central hub of the new world order’s shadow government can regain control of the federal government & close down all investigations against their TREASON &
Before you submit to any vaccination of any kind, look up the report that 36% or our military troops who got the 2009 swine flu (H1N1) vaccine, ALSO GOT THE SWINE FLU, That one was also a plan-demic man-manipulated GMO pathogen
BTW – look up Drs. Bradstreet & Nichols Gonzales and their study on nagalase & their curing 100%various types of cancer and 85% of autistic patients, by givng them GcMaf mssenger which the immune system had been disbled from sending to trigger the production of macriophages. That was before the FDA raided them for curing the patients & and the warrant for the raid was based on their using an unapproved mediccine. IMO, they were raided to stop them from publishing their study, the results and their theiory that the nagalase got into the patients blood via vaccines.
If it doesn’t do anything else, it should make you appreciare the fact that anyone who dares speak out against these criminals are vittually laying their personal destruction & most likely their own lives to try and save yours.
My mother died from COVID-19. She caught it at a nursing home. She was 68 years old. She was a stroke survivor and had multiple other comorbidities. I feel like I am trapped in this world of confusion and uncertainty. My family and friends have been saying for months that we have to stay distant, I can’t even visit my family members house without staying socially distant and I’m not allowed to use their bathroom. My husband, best friends, cousins and so on talk about their fear and panic. People who live healthy lifestyles. People who are vegans and yoga instructors won’t let me use their bathroom! And yet, even though I lost my mother to this virus or whatever I am still alone in my feelings. I believe all of it is one big lie in so many different ways. From the numbers, to the research, stuff we hear on TV and I honestly believe it’s bigger than anyone in our government but I do believe that certain people in our government are playing along with it for their own reasons. Let me add, in no way am I a Trump supporter. I personally think he is a horrible man and the worst president ever, that being said, I also think everyone in government are a bunch of liars. I just don’t trust anyone and since this pandemic has started I’m more confused than ever because the people that are closest to me are completely on a different page than I am. I want my kids to go play and have fun. I want to go to a concert again,I want to be able to go have dinner in a restaurant. I want to go shopping at the supermarket and not have people look at me with these shady eyes. I want to be able to cough without feeling like I’m diseased. I feel like I’m all alone because again, it’s all politicized and it seems that if you are against Trump, you have to be on board with all of the guidelines, regulations and be consumed with panic and fear and I’m not. I wasn’t in January I wasn’t when my mother was dying and I’m still not. If I say that out loud to people I know, they think I’m crazy. I just don’t know anymore. I’ve told everyone that I know that I will not be getting a vaccine and neither will my children. Again, they look at me like I’m crazy for that. I feel like something else is going on out there and everyone is just so scared they’re following along. If I hear one more person asked me “ What, you don’t believe scientists“ I think I might scream! Because no I don’t trust scientists. Scientists and their studies change all the time. Anyway, I needed to vent this and get this off my chest because there’s no one I can talk to so I’m commenting on this article because it’s the only place I can turn at the moment.
Michelle, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. Many days it seems common decency and consideration for other’s has flown the coop. I pray you have faith to bring you and your children through the rough days. I know mine keeps me grounded.. even singing songs of praise can bring my spirits up after a hurtful interchange with others. Step outside, breath (truly, Hand resting on your diaphragm-feel that upper tummy expand as your entire lungs fill with fresh air) know You are here for a purpose. May a peace wash over you and bring new strength each and every day. Sending you hugs, love and prayers ~💗 Blessings, always ~💗
Great article, HOWEVER it really does not clarify WHAT is attacking people. We have a 48 year old cousin in the hospital that is intubated “with COVID-19″…what is it? What do we do? It’s all so confusing. And we cannot say that it is nothing…it’s SOMEthing and we have dismissed it until now that it has hit real close to home. Ideas? Solutions…any kind of answer. We all know the agenda for vaccines and microchipping, without sounding like a consipiracy theorist. I had not worn a mask until a week ago, because I didn’t believe the hype, but now I’m so confused that I don’t know what to do next.
People aren’t dying from COVID-19 but they are dying from pre-existing chronic diseases caused by a combination of other pathogens and toxins. There is no pandemic but there is an epidemic of chronic diseases all over the world. Also sometimes people with flu viruses can develop pneumonia which is caused by pathogenic bacteria that can develop from the production of mucus. People eating foods that feed pathogens such as eggs, dairy products, pork, gluten, corn, soy, processed foods all make people more susceptible to illnesses and diseases. Those foods not only feed pathogens but weaken the immune system as well. All genetically engineered foods also feed pathogens and are unusable by the body. Most people eat high fat diets too which also weakens immunity and makes it impossible to eliminate toxins from the body. High fat diets cause people to become chronically dehydrated and cause people to develop thick blood and lower levels of oxygen in the blood.
What can we do? I know this is a huge scam!
So did CCP made this virus in the lab? Or it is a natural existing one. Is the pandemic real? https://gnews.org/264812/
This all very interesting. But…..It doesn’t explain the increase in deaths due to whatever this is. The hospitals are inundated with patients that need help beyond what is normal. People are dying at a higher rate than normal. Its great that you are fact checking and revealing lies, but you don’t answer the basic question: Why are all these people filling the hospitals and many dying? When you can answer that with facts, your claims may become legit. I refuse to believe that every health care worker is in on this conspiracy. That’s statistically impossible.
I do not understand why more doctors are not stressing the usage of homeopathy
during the COVID 19 outbreak. It’s so tiring hearing about masks gloves and social
distancing. Just look at the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak and how homeopathy
was utilized with great success.
It actually does NOT spread much in hot countries, e.g. Thailand had few cases and 58 deaths. Deaths figures due to Covid-19 in India are actually unknown. Many hundreds of thousands of the poor are dying from starvation with livelihoods taken away, plus exhaustion from walking hundreds of kms back to their home provinces with no food or water, sometimes committing suicide on the way.
One reason for the recent flare-up of cases in Australia’s Victoria state is that it is now winter and that state has particularly cold winters.
The virus thrives best in cold conditions.
Thank you Ty and Charlene. There is so much “stuff” on msm LIES for sure. And when I’ve gone out to the store to get groceries I just cannot act normal, it is interesting how many people are so AFRAID. I saw a rocking video of a young feisty and so truthful black american girl – knowing her rights NOT to wear a mask just to get through an airport. She was one young person who refuses to wear a mask – she was trying to travel from New Jersey. I hope this goes viral. Thank you.
I have always respected most of the work you have done on cancer. Thank you for that. However, I fear this article is ill advised and may be leading people down the wrong path. You advise people to ignore suggestions for masks and social distancing without giving any other solutions. Please consider your motivations for writing this article in your quiet moments. After all, we are all human and have biases that may be wrong.
Kudos, Mr. & Mrs. Bollinger & the TTAC team. ‘more grease go to your elbows, comfort & reward for the great work in health research & the enlightenment campaign you’ve been doing for some years now.
My heart went out to Dr. Judy Mikovitz when I listened to her story & then followed all the negative backlash, flak & seeming ostracism she got from detractors & her biological science community… & then waa discredited & had her documentary banned by a certain media property owner. It’s heartwarming to know that folks like you have filled the stand-up-guy role for people like the good doc who are often alone up against the establishment in their fight for the liberation of world citizens from lying government propaganda, subversion & oppression.
1 critical, though little, flaw in your debunking of the mask-protects-“fact” which I must point out is that the “experts” recommendation isn’t on the basis of it being full proof neither have they claimed that mask porosity screens out the virus; rather, they are saying that the virus’s propellant – buccal or nasal discharge (sprayed droplets) – can at least be retarded by a mask & reduce the chances of an infested droplet reaching a vulnerable, nearby bystander & infecting the person.
Thanks again for this, because I am totally dumfounded to see how many mini gestepo are emerging from this SCAM. Even the so-called by-laws the cities have invoked have exceptions yet these minoins are standing gaurd not recognizing the letter of said by-laws. Hey Ty and Charlelne there is a group in Ontario Canada who’s taking the provincial government to court about the unwarranted measure related to COVID-19. Please you guys need to collaborated to form a united voice of reason. I could send you the link let me know.
It’s come to the point in my life I don’t believe anything in government and the media.
This is very sad because we have no direction. I do believe there is an underlying agenda taking place which will ruin this country. It’s already happening with all these progressives getting in office. Citizens need to wake up because soon our country’s freedom will be lost!!
Thank you for the info… All the more reason why we must all vote for VP Mr. Joe Biden, a true Christian, a nice Catholic man.
Four more years of the current evil beast, “Donald (6) Johnny (6) Trumpf (6)” (Trumpf: The original spelling of the evil family’s last name), must not be tolerated!
Praise Jesus!
I have enormous respect for Ty and Charlene. I read everything they write but….i choose my battles and that doesnt make a sheep. Getting my groceries, my needs met is more important to me than fighting with the police for not wanting to wear a mask. They made it mandotary in my province. I know there is no law but i dont fight it. I wear a mask for about 40 min to get what i need and im out. Dont really care. I dont want to be obligated to get the vaccine though. Thats another story when we’ll get there. The virus is real. I know a few that had ithe virus and one that almost didnt make it. Both my nieces, 12 and 9 got really bad pneumonia while in lockdown. I still think they dont know much about this virus and thats what makes it dangerous. I choose to protect myself as much as i can without being scared. Also about the 5G. I have been working for a telephone company for 32 years and although emf is real, the 4G is more “dangerous” than the 5G. It takes a lot more energy to run than the 5G. I think its important to get all kinds of information but take what is good FOR YOU. Stay safe!
Took the words right out of my mouth I can not believe that there are so many stupid people in this country that actually believe all this BS. Sheeple reading that I laughed that is exactly what I call them. I don’t care if Mr. Trump’s mother had Covid-19, he would never shut down. I knew from the start it was bull. I first noticed all the post online with pictures. Well all the people in the pictures were Asian. I started pulling it apart. Come on folks “The City That Never Sleeps” Went to sleep. Then the government the same government that goes after you if you owe taxes or your state officials who fight your unemployment or disability. They turn around let you stay home and pay you, plus give you a little bit more and still.more to come. I live in Las Vegas it’s hot! Viruses do not do well in the heat. Here’s one for the books: I walk 1.9 miles with nothing to drink. (I don’t advise this) always take water!! I walk 1.9 miles it is 104 degrees out. I get to a casino called Boulder Station I am 5.2″ 100lbs I was sweating profusely, and dying of thirst. I walk in they have you go threw a maze and at the end stand on a dot for maybe a second that is supposedly taking your temperature… I was 96.7. The guard said your good.. I took the deepest breath I could sucked it up and held strong not to faint, and replied. “I know I am”. Are you kidding me what do you think my temp was? My body core 104, 6 but I was 96.7. and. Non medically trained person takes it and then against all HIPPA, screams violation!! Blurts it out for all to hear now I ask if I had a temp would sirens go off and balloons fall. I’m just saying. To be honest I am impressed and extremely honored to have came across this article. Thank goodness we are not all Sheepels! Great job!
You Have a very good article and true. I am also a health researcher and and would like to share links.
Please reply,
Like many of the commenters above, I have followed and respect your work on Cancer and alternative health. I am saddened by the increasing politicization of your emails and site, and this kind of article which I believe is adding to the difficulty of getting this virus under control so we can reopen the economy, which universal mask wearing would allow in just a few weeks. Sowing mistrust of the government and media is a cornerstone of those looking to overthrow democracy, and you have joined those perpetrating dangerous myths. After over a decade of support and purchase, I can not continue to receive in my email this much hate spewed about our system, however imperfect, without sharing responsibility for the destruction of our problematic but democratic world.
I want to know the answer to the question that few people are asking. What is the correlation between the flu vaccine and COVID-19? How many people diagnosed with COVID-19 were vaccinated with the flu vaccine in the last year? I know that nearly 100% of nursing home residents receive the flu vaccine annually. What is in that flu vaccine? It is all suspicious to me.
Dear Ty and Charlene, I have been advocating for the environmentally injured in the US for sixteen years. While I applaud your efforts to bring non-surgical, etc., interventions into the equation as parts of the solution. I strongly disagree with your understanding of the mask debate. It is the exact opposite of what you are promoting. I.e. if you don’t what the problem addressed by vaccines, then help to promote the non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) of masks to help stop the spread. I blogged about it. “Anti-Maskers are Misguided Anti-Vaxxers” https://katysexposure.com/2020/07/20/anti-maskers-are-misguided-anti-vaxxers/
CDC = Center for Disease Creation and Proliferation
I believe COVID-19 is as dangerous as they say. I try to boost my immune system daily.
I believe wearing a mask helps but is not fool proof. I wear a mask.
I believe they are using it to push vaccines. I will NOT succumb to getting a vaccine.
I believe they are using it to control the masses. I will NOT be controlled.
I am still able to make my own decisions, and the fact that even this site is politicizing this issue, is disappointing. I’d prefer the information without the opinion.
First of all, I would like to say that I appreciate and am a huge supporter of your Truth About Cancer series and own both the one from 2015 and the one highlighting Asian countries. I have shared this information with loved ones and find it very valuable.
I’m not a fan of big pharma but I’m certainly not against all allopathic medicine either.
Over the past decade, I have successfully treated and continue to treat multiple health challenges with alternative medicine only.
I have read this article but am very saddened and disappointed with how politicized your posts have recently become. We all certainly have a right to our opinions, but reading this article I feel as if I’m reading right-wing conspiracy theories and a Trump endorsement. Total turn-off.
What’s so scary about the time we live in is that there is so much misinformation floating around and anyone can find “proof” and “facts” (or “alternative facts”) for just about anything they believe. I think we all have our biases.
Honestly, I don’t understand what the big deal is about wearing a mask. I don’t mind doing so to protect my 98-year-grandmother. I don’t believe in living with paralyzed fear but I do believe in doing simple, common-sense things like wearing a mask. Even if it’s only minimally helpful to prevent the spread of the virus, I believe it’s worth it and I certainly don’t feel less free doing so.
My best friend is a nurse who worked with COVID-19 patients for several months in the hospital where the first U.S. COVID-19 patient was treated. She’s told me about the patients who recovered and those who didn’t. My other best friend’s husband currently works building ventilators. I support them, along with other healthcare workers who, I believe, are doing their best with the knowledge they have. I definitely agree that more natural remedies should be explored, and everyone should definitely steer clear of idiotic, dangerous ideas like ingesting lethal disinfectants.
I do believe the pandemic around the world is very real. Whether the government or media is being dishonest about some details, time will tell. I don’t trust the U.S. government implicitly or believe everything the media or politicians say (Republicans or Democrats). One thing I do believe, though I pray I’m wrong, is that if the dictator in the White House gets re-elected or refuses to leave, we can kiss all our precious freedoms and democracy goodbye. Right now I’m more concerned about that than wearing a mask.
Hi Ronnie!
We’re glad that you feel this is safe place to share your thoughts. Although we have our own personal fact-based beliefs regarding mask wearing, we believe, above all, that it’s of paramount importance that every person be empowered to make their own choices. We want to share knowledge in order to help people make these decisions, but we absolutely support you in any conclusion at which you arrive. That’s our message – freedom of choice. Any choice. We believe that no human should ever be forced to take a vaccine, treatment, wear as mask, etc, against their own belief. We also believe that no human should ever be stopped from taking a certain treatment, mask wearing, etc by force, corrosion, or other means. Thank you for your continued support!
Blessings, Brianna
I believe that being forced to have a vaccine and wearing facial coverings are two ends of the spectrum. Comparing them is misleading. It is important to educate the public about how to wear a mask healthily and when they should physically distance and take their masks off.
Ronnie, I agree with you completely.
Love the “Truth about Cancer,” and found it incredibly useful when dealing with breast cancer in 2016 and chose post-surgery to follow an intensive herbal protocol and plant-based diet. Yet, I can’t relate to this COVID-19 stuff you’re writing and want to unsubscribe. I do not see an “unsubscribe” option below. Thanks.
Hi Jane!
At the bottom of all our emails, there is a user-friendly ‘unsubscribe’ button. Feel free to click it! If you continue having trouble, our wonderful customer service team is always here to help: https://support.thetruthaboutcancer.com/791726-Contact-Us
The fact that almost every death in the country is being counted under COVID-19, even if it’s clear it was not, very wrong. CDC needs to be overhauled. They need to stop driving fear. The mental stress they are putting the American people through his monstrous. The news channels making up information to make a juicer story. People could deal with it better and make better decisions if there was more honesty.
It is like climate change in the sense that the problem and the solution are arbitrarily selected. They get to decide if its a problem, what the cure should be and regardless of what happens they can say it would have been worse without the measures undertaken. In other words, it is a manufactured crisis. None of this had to happen.
Lots of truth coming out too of the article of http://www.humansarefree.com. I’m recommending for all of you here. 5G cause flu like symptom( interesting) and already they talk about 6G . The website talks about Bill Gates and all important real news, they talk about to drawing the attention away from much more serious things with the virus. And the news full of virus and not about how the elite raping underage girls on a Island. Hiding doctor’s videos about the solutions of covid. Whatever happening in China, USA will copy. Soon everyone have to wear full protective clothes, eye shield, etc as in China.
The media not talking about Iran got undetectable ballistic missile firing out from the desert underground, the missile drilling out itself.
An military investigator telling about the dark future, preparation, John Moore in Israeli News Live on youtube. I’m recommending for all who wants to prepare for emergency. They’re christian Jew couple/family.
I’m happy, I can find here natural solutions to prepare for my family.
Masks must worn by all VACCINATED persons for fourteen days, around others, including their own family for two weeks or more, and if the vaccinated can’t wear a mask the must be isolated for fouteen days or more.. Why?
Their body is fighting an injected disease or a disease taken in tablet form and they will be exhaling or do skin and pour shedding and are therefore spreading a DNA specific vaccine disease to those not being vaccinated. Those may be those on cancer treatments, the elderly, and babies and children are under tnreat of “all those vsccinated” if they are allowed to do herd shedding a disease they had accepted and with all true informed consent and risk factors, and had a kegal right to decline the vaccibation/s.
There is not one negative comment above. Why? Because they have all been deleted. There is no way there would not be one person who would not agree with the above. So that makes this entire page as dishonest as the faulty arguments. For example. Masks are not designed to block a single virus. They are designed to block the water droplets that contain millions of viruses and this they do well. Most are smart enough to know if an infected person sneezes on you that all those virus containing water droplets will infect you. A mask will block that most of the time. I could easily show the bias and faults in every argument. But no point as this will be deleted.
I always shared the Truth about cancer and health articles from Ty. But I have now lost all respect for him and will never share anything from him again. I am sure there will be others that feel the same. Good job in losing support from good people.
Perhaps it was the “Revised and Updated” Koch’s Postulates (Fredricks and Relman) to which the Authors of the New England Journal of Medicine study referred.
Welcome to the 21st century.
1. A nucleic acid sequence belonging to a putative pathogen should be present in most cases of an infectious disease. Microbial nucleic acids should be found preferentially in those organs or gross anatomic sites known to be diseased, and not in those organs that lack pathology.
2. Fewer, or no, copy numbers of pathogen-associated nucleic acid sequences should occur in hosts or tissues without disease.
3. With resolution of disease, the copy number of pathogen-associated nucleic acid sequences should decrease or become undetectable. With clinical relapse, the opposite should occur.
4. When sequence detection predates disease, or sequence copy number correlates with severity of disease or pathology, the sequence-disease association is more likely to be a causal relationship.
5. The nature of the microorganism inferred from the available sequence should be consistent with the known biological characteristics of that group of organisms.
6. Tissue-sequence correlates should be sought at the cellular level: efforts should be made to demonstrate specific in situ hybridization of microbial sequence to areas of tissue pathology and to visible microorganisms or to areas where microorganisms are presumed to be located.
7. These sequence-based forms of evidence for microbial causation should be reproducible.
Fredericks DN, & Relman DA (1996). Sequence-based identification of microbial pathogens: a reconsideration of Koch’s postulates. Clinical microbiology reviews, 9 (1), 18-33 PMID: 8665474
#1: DOES IT MATTER? If a mayor or governor or other “official” issues a COVID directive, it’s the same thing as a law.
You are obliged to obey Laws – or else!
You are obliged to obey Executive Orders – or else!
“Strange! that such high dispute should be
‘Twixt Tweedledum and Tweedledee.”
And I doubt that you could find an Official Notice with the wording of Joe Blogg’s handcrafted Notice.
It is succinct, and readily understood.
#2: TRUE: The COVID “Virus” Has Been Identified & Isolated
Let’s get the “Gold Standard” Postulates out of the way.
“Before he died”, Koch himself had abandoned the four Postulates as being applicable in all cases.
From “The Evolution of Koch’s Postulates”, Jonathan Cohen, “Infectious Diseases (Fourth Edition), 2017”:
“In a world in which viruses cause cancer and noncultivable bacteria can be demonstrated by molecular probes, Koch’s postulates are no longer fit for purpose.
What is more, used uncritically they have the potential to mislead.”
Indeed they do!
Possibly the Authors of your linked study:
“A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019”
“The New England Journal of Medicine”
were referring to a revised version, applicable to Virology, such as:
“Sequence-based identification of microbial pathogens: a reconsideration of Koch’s postulates.
Fredericks DN, & Relman DA (1996)
Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 9 (1), 18-33.”
As indicated by their drawing attention to further urgent studies which needed to be made:
“Of critical importance are epidemiologic investigations to characterize transmission modes, reproduction interval, and clinical spectrum resulting from infection to inform and refine strategies that can prevent, control, and stop the spread of 2019-nCoV.”
***Firstly, SARS-CoV2 … has not been shown to be present only in sick people and not in healthy ones. There are countless [numerous?] cases of people having this virus with absolutely no symptoms.
FS: There are numerous cases of people having an Influenza virus with absolutely no symptoms.
***Secondly, SARS-CoV2 has never been isolated.
Proper isolation must be done with equipment such as electron microscopes and cannot be achieved through CT scans (which the Chinese were using) or the PCR test.
FS: According to the Authors of your linked study, Transmission Electron Microscopy was utilized.
Nowhere do they use CT scans to IDENTIFY the virus.
RT-PCR merely provides a “bulked up” (up to 35 billion copies per viral RNA string) Transcribed Viral DNA sample for ease of matching.
The Diagnostic Test was used to compare that sample viral DNA against that of each known Corona Virus.
No matches!
New Virus!
Hello SARS-CoV-2!
#3: TRUE: COVID-19 “PCR” Testing is Accurate
*** The most common test for COVID-19 is the “Polymerase Chain Reaction” (PCR) test, which is able to replicate DNA sequences billions of times. This test has SERIOUS problems.
As it has been, and currently is being, used successfully to identify many other infectious diseases, it is unlikely to have any serious problems.
*** The PCR test was developed as a manufacturing technique, not as a diagnostic tool, and it is qualitative not quantitative.
“What exactly does that mean?” Nothing.
The RT-PCR phase merely provides a “bulked up” (up to 35 billion copies per viral RNA string) Transcribed Viral DNA sample from an Upper Respiratory Swab or a Lower Respiratory Sample.
The Diagnostic Test phase compares that sample of Transcribed Viral DNA against that of SARS-CoV-2.
*** This means that the PCR test can only tell you if a virus is present or not,
FS: Yep, that is what we are testing for, whether the targeted SARS-CoV-2 is present or not.
So that the infected may be quarantined.
*** Most importantly it cannot make any accurate assessment about whether the virus is actually causing the disease.
FS: Even “mostest” importantly, it doesn’t have to.
The point of the test is to determine whether the patient is carrying SARS-CoV-2, and that is all.
So that they may be quarantined.
*** If the scientific “gold standard” COVID-19 test (the PCR) doesn’t even provide proof that the virus causes the disease, why is everyone rushing around like a headless chicken?
FS: Because SARS-CoV-2 can be a severely debilitating, even fatal, infection.
The knock-on effects on those who are asymptomatic, or who have survived the infection, are unknown.
Yet again, the test is merely to determine whether the patient is carrying SARS-CoV-2.
So that they may be quarantined.
Whether the virus is actually causing the observed disease, or not, is a Clinical Decision made by Healthcare Professionals. They have CT Scanners, Electron Microscopes, et al, with which to further examine the patient.
*** The PCR test doesn’t: identify or isolate viruses
FS: The RT-PCR phase provides a “bulked up” (up to 35 billion copies per viral RNA string) Transcribed Viral DNA sample from an Upper Respiratory Tract Swab or a Lower Respiratory Tract sample.
That is how the patient’s virus is isolated.
*** The PCR test … doesn’t provide RNA sequences of pathogens, offers no baseline for comparison with patient samples, and cannot determine an infected from an uninfected sample
FS: The Diagnostic Test phase compares the ‘bulked up” sample of Transcribed Viral DNA from the patient’s isolated virus with that of SARS-CoV-2..
If the Viral DNA matches SARS-CoV-2,, Bob’s your Uncle.
The Healthcare Professionals can the test and adopt the appropriate procedures.
As it is possible to have your Lungs infected with SARS-CoV-2 and yet have your Upper Respiratory Tract show an Influenza Virus infection, my preferred testing procedure would be:
Test 1: Upper Respiratory Tract Swab.
Negative? – Test 3 (preferably) else Test 2.
Test 2: Upper Respiratory Tract Swab.
Negative? – Test 3.
Test 3: Lower Respiratory Tract Sample..
Negative? – Go home.
Else Quarantine.
Easy to say all of this when the person’s giving this narrative has not felt any personal loss due to Covid19 besides freedoms and finances. If Bollinger’s mother, father or any other immediate family would have been lost due to this virus. This blog would be spinning a whole different narrative guaranteed.
Hi Angel!
Ty and Charlene’s journey to bring you health and life began with the loss of 7 of Ty’s closest family members to cancer, including his mother and father. They were driven by this needless death to bring you truth which they didn’t have. Every life is precious to them, and it’s for the dying and suffering that they do what they do. They don’t attempt to ‘spin a narrative’; they only want to save lives and help people find the truth.
O.K…let’s talk about your loss…
1. Did you know that the death rate in this country is exactly the same, maybe .1 or .2 percent higher, most likely due to an increase in population, as it was last year? The only difference is, flu cases have all but disappeared, and people dying from other things has diminished massively. Funny that.
2. How old was this loss? 60-80 plus, I’m betting. More than likely had a foot in the grave already.
3. Did you know that hospitals and doctors are paid as much as $7000 to put “COVID” on their death certificates…PER certificate??
4. That in 2019 they ran a simulation for “CLADE-X”, a worldwide pandemic sim, FOR 5 DAYS, that EXACTLY mirrored everything we’re seeing now?
5. That Bill Gates predicted this pandemic to occur in 6 months to a year, 6 months to a year before COVID, then dumped 44 billion into the stock of all the major vaccine companies a month later?
That Fauci told us Trump would have to deal with a major challenge in “The realm of infectious disease” during his administration, back in 2017?
That should be more than enough, but if not, I have tons more.
Semantics. Whether it’s technically a “law” or an “executive order” doesn’t really matter when you get denied access, forcibly removed from places, and fined big $$$ for not complying.