Since Election Day (November 3, 2020) we have been witnessing the most blatant instance of election fraud in the history of the USA!
As we watched the election results unfold and we were going back and forth between Fox News and CNN, they all started to panic as President Trump’s numbers were looking great. By 10pm, President Trump had a 70% chance of winning the election, according to the initial statistical calculations.
Around midnight on November 3rd, as TGP reports:
In Pennsylvania Trump was ahead by nearly 700,000 votes.
In Michigan Trump was ahead by over 300,000 votes.
In Wisconsin Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes.
After we went to bed, in the early morning hours of Wednesday November 4th, the “deep state” went to work in their attempt to steal the election. Around 3:30 am, “magically” out of nowhere, Joe Biden’s Wisconsin tally jumped up almost 200,000 votes without a single vote for President Donald Trump. You don’t have to be a math genius to realize that this is mathematically impossible!
And we’re supposed to believe that Wisconsin had a nearly 90% turnout? A turnout that has never been seen before? We’re supposed to believe that Joe Biden, who had about 3 dozen people at his Wisconsin “rally,” got more votes than Barack Obama? And how is it possible that SEVEN Milwaukee wards received more Presidential votes than registered voters?
In Michigan, the vote “inexplicably” jumped up over 130,000 votes for Biden in the middle of the night, without a single new vote for Trump. In this Facebook video, one of the Detroit ballot counters says that they were ready to go home when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler, and a Ferrari, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots. In her own words, “Every single ballot, literally 100% of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time.”
She indicated that GOP “poll watchers” were cursed at and intimidated by Democratic election officials, and they refused to let legal GOP counters/observers into the ballot room where the 130,000 “magical ballots” were counted. Apparently, the Michigan governor (Gretchen Whitmer) and DHHS claimed that the room was over capacity, and that is why they weren’t allowing the proper number of Republican watchers to view the ballot count, which is actually a violation of Michigan election law.
President Trump tweeted about these statistical impossibilities, and (surprise…surprise) Jack Dorsey and his Twitter Tyrants CENSORED the President’s tweet!
President Trump has been censored by Facebook and Twitter 65 times since May 2018, while Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has gone completely unchecked by the social media giants, according to a new study by the Media Research Center.
In a Senate hearing last week, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey outright lied to Congress and claimed that Twitter has never censored President Trump, despite many examples that the company had.
Let’s take a look at some of the other “anomalies” that have occurred since Election Day…
Apparently, there were over 3,000 people who cast ballots that no longer live in Nevada. And several reports of dead people voting. Here is a video of a voter fraud expert in Clark County, Nevada (Las Vegas) detailing how dead people are being registered and allowed to vote. There’s tons of proof that these fake people had their ballots officially counted towards the election.
In Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots don’t even have to be signed! And in multiple “blue” counties (including Philadelphia) the Republican “ballot count observers” have been PREVENTED from watching the vote count, which is a clear violation of Pennsylvania election law. Watch as a polite, articulate, well-informed man explains how Republican observers are being denied access to watch the votes being counted.
Registered Democrat (Brian McCaffery) filmed this brief video below from the Philadelphia Convention Center. In his own words, “This is a coup against the President of the USA … There is corruption at the highest level in the city of Philadelphia.”
Here’s a video from Delaware County, PA where a vote counter is caught filling out ballots!
James O’Keefe with Project Veritas has been busy uncovering LOTS of vote fraud and corruption within the USPS!
* USPS whistleblower in Erie, PA says Postmaster (Robert Weisenbach Jr) ordered ballots to be “back-dated.”
* Nevada USPS postal carrier caught pledging voter fraud to remove President Donald J. Trump from office. In his own words, “I’m gonna see if I can get you some(ballots), like a nice little handful… What’s your unit number? Let me see what I can do…”
* Michigan whistleblower details directive from USPS superiors to back-date mail-in-ballots. According to the postal worker, the supervisor instructed workers to “separate them from standard letter mail so they can hand stamp them with yesterday’s date & put them through.”
What else is happening in Michigan?
* Votes being delivered in Wayne County, Michigan (Detroit) in the middle of the night with NO OVERSIGHT!
* Despite Michigan law which allows public observation of the vote count, in Detroit, they were covering up the windows.
What are they trying to hide?
* In Detroit, a poll watcher explains the lack of transparency and illegal actions during the vote count…
* An oblivious ballot-handler caught changing a vote on live TV…
* In Detroit, a Republican attorney gets kicked out by Democratic ballot-handlers just for asking “What’s the count?”
Other “Anomalies” in Battleground States
In Atlanta, an ignorant and angry ballot-handler caught crumbling up votes for Trump.
Poll watcher describes witnessing ballots with no names being counted and added to Biden’s total.
A team of dishonest ballot-handlers changing votes as soon as voters leave the room and stuffing the ballot box.
Election workers in Arizona collecting ballots on Wednesday (the day after the election) after Fox News called Arizona for Biden.
On November 4th, a Facebook group called “Stop the Steal” was created & quickly garnered almost 300K members in less than 24 hours! According the founder, Kylie Jane Kremer: “We’re not going to stop until every legal ballot is cast and every illegal ballot that was cast is thrown out.” Learn more here.
Facebook has now banned and suspended the page.
We are witnessing REAL Stalinism in America.. This is unbelievable..
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, here’s a video of a ballot thief who says “F**k Trump, you gotta do what you gotta do. I’ve got around 80 [stolen ballots]” and then he lights them on fire!!
And in demonstration of what a “classy” person this creep really is, he flips the bird at the end of the video. What a piece of filth!
Additional Videos & Articles (added Nov 7)
(updated Nov 7, 2020) Rudy Giuliani shows that over 21,000 dead people are on PA voter rolls!
(updated Nov 7, 2020) James O’Keefe with Project Veritas has been providing undeniable video proof of voter fraud for years. Voter fraud is very real and it can seriously impact elections.
(updated Nov 7, 2020) UPDATE to Project Veritas video above. In Pennsylvania, USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins has gone public and confirmed that Federal Investigators have spoken with him about Postmaster Rob Weisenbach’s order to backdate ballots to November 3rd, 2020.
(updated Nov 7, 2020) In Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin there are precincts where the total vote count exceeds the number of people registered to vote.
(updated Nov 7, 2020) Michigan “Software Error” that switched 6K votes from Trump to Biden (and the same software is used in 46 other Michigan counties!)
(updated Nov 7, 2020) Evidence of more voter fraud in Nevada. Jill Stokely says her vote was stolen.
(updated Nov 7, 2020) The Joe Biden campaign’s Texas Political Director has been formally accused of helping to run an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits filed Monday at the Texas Supreme Court. Phony drivers licenses pumped into USA by Chinese Communist party – sworn affidavits have been filed with TX Supreme Court linking Biden to this activity.
Additional Videos & Articles (added Nov 9)
(updated Nov 9, 2020) Human rights attorney Leigh Dundas discusses important topics on the the election, including multiple examples of mathematical and statistical evidence of voting fraud, indicating that the odds of 1 in 52 million! In other words, a “statistical impossibility” for the votes to have been cast in the way the mainstream media is telling us.
(updated Nov 9, 2020) Sidney Powell is a former federal prosecutor who was lead counsel in more than 500 appeals and is representing President Donald J. Trump in his fight against election fraud. She said Democrats manufactured 450,000 votes in battleground states that miraculously have only one vote on them, and it is for Biden. She also discusses how votes have been manipulated with Dominion software (HAMMER – Scorecard).
(updated Nov 9, 2020) Here’s Lou Dobbs interviewing Tom Fitton and Sidney Powell as they further discuss the HAMMER – Scorecard allegedly used to cheat in the election.
(updated Nov 9, 2020) Here is a video from 2018 where the HAMMER – Scorecard vote “switch” is caught on live TV!
(updated Nov 9, 2020) In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania polling center “volunteers” are handling absentee ballots in the basement lunchroom of the counting center. The “election supervisor” had left the counters alone … and they don’t know his name? Are you kidding me?
(updated Nov 9, 2020) A Detroit poll watcher discusses the disparity in how many ballots were counted on Election Night while GOP watchers were observing.
(updated Nov 9, 2020) Poll workers in Pennsylvania discuss how they were not allowed to watch the vote count, even after the courts ordered them to be able to observe.
(updated Nov 9, 2020) Unfortunately Fox News is now FAUX News. In the video below, Neil Cavuto cuts off the RNC/White House press conference as press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was making a speech outlining the potential election fraud…
(ARTICLE) Poll workers in Wisconsin may have unlawfully altered thousands of mail-in ballots due to unlawful guidance from the state’s election commission, according to a report.
(ARTICLE) In Texas, a social worker in the Mexia State Supported Living Center has been charged with 134 felony counts in an election fraud investigation.
(11/10/2020) Georgia investigation begins after Fulton County has disclosed a “ballot reporting issue” that may significantly affect the election results.
(11/10/2020) More “glitches” reported in Pennsylvania, as votes for Trump drop in 3 counties SIMULTANEOUSLY.
We have now reported on several “glitches” in the ballot counting this year. Every single “glitch” resulted in Donald Trump losing votes and Joe Biden gaining votes. We have now witnessed these “glitches” in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Michigan and Wisconsin.
Additional Videos & Articles (added Nov 13)
(updated Nov 13, 2020) NaturalNews Article – BOMBSHELL: Dominion software deleted over 2.7 million votes nationwide, switched over 500,000 from Trump to Biden. The data are now public, with Python language data analysis tools and full transaction data released by numerous analysts, including the “Centipede” user at TheDonald.win. (See this page.) Here’s the spreadsheet showing the deleted and switched votes. Not that votes were only deleted from Trump, never from Biden:
(updated Nov 13, 2020) From Australia, Alan Jones nails it! One of the best overall summaries of the election fraud that we’ve seen.
(updated Nov 13, 2020) A clear instance of HAMMER-Scorecard being used in 2020 Presidential Election!
Nearly 20,000 votes were subtracted from President Trump and added to Joe Biden, a nearly 40,000 vote swing, live on CNN.
@ 10:22pm … Trump 1,690,589 & Biden 1,252,537
@ 10:23pm … Trump 1,670,631 (he LOST 19,958 votes) & Biden 1,272,495 (he GAINED 19,958 votes)
(updated Nov 13, 2020) — Project Veritas — James O’Keefe interviews the USPS worker (Richard Hopkins) who was “interrogated” and “intimidated” by an agent from the Inspector General’s office. Hopkins became a whistleblower when he overheard a conversation in which Robert Wisenbach, the Erie Postmaster, advised another postal worker to backdate ballots on November 4th to appear as though they were received on November 3rd, which was Election Day, so that the ballots could be added to the vote count. After he signed an affidavit affirming his statements, he met with a federal agent, Russell Strasser, who said, “I am not scaring you. But I am scaring you.” Hopkins recorded the conversation. Yesterday, the mainstream media reported that Mr. Hopkins recanted his story, but he denies recanting his statements.
(updated November 13, 2020) Steve Cortes wrote an excellent article and also posted 4 videos on Twitter explaining how the statistical analysis casts real doubt on the probability of a President Trump loss in the election. The statistical case provides more than enough reasonable suspicion to require hand recounts and immediate investigation into fraudulent activities, including the new damning revelations of on-the-record whistleblowers. There are four key elements to the numerical thesis: 1. Turnout 2. Out-performance vs. Obama 3. Biden-only Ballots and 4. Absence of Mail-in Voting
EXCELLENT VIDEOS! Watch them below.
In Conclusion:
So our President, who had a 96 mile car rally in Arizona and a 30 mile car parade in Michigan got beat by the guy that can hardly speak full sentences, rarely left his basement, and had a few dozen people show up at his “rallies”? And Biden got more Democratic voters than charismatic Barack Obama in his 2008 landslide?
Think about it!
Joe Biden, a man whose largest pre-election “rally” had about 250 people, has now received more votes for a President than anyone in US election history! And he publicly said that the Democrats have “the most extensive voter fraud organization” in the history of American politics.
Was this a “slip of the tongue” and admission of guilt or his dementia kicking in? You decide…
We cannot sit back and allow deliberate, illegal, coordinated vote fraud to steal this nation.
Whether you are Republican or Democrat, the long list of “voting anomalies” should concern you. America may not be a “banana republic” just yet, but it is doing a very good impression of one. On social media, the Russians are chuckling. So are the Chinese.
The best thing for America’s future is for President Donald J. Trump to expose all the cheating, fraud, dead voters, and other dishonest chicanery that’s been going on far too long.
If we don’t stop this election fraud NOW, and arrest the guilty, we will NEVER have fair elections again.
We must punish the criminals or we lose the Republic.
We want to end this article with some hope…
God sees and hears our prayers and knows exactly what is happening. Let us petition the One who created all things, our King Jesus – King of kings, and Lord of lords. He is able to do exceedingly above and beyond all that we can ask or even think!
The Truth remains. And He, Who IS the Truth, can reveal it all to the world in a moment. He stands in heaven and laughs at these world leaders and one day He will blow them away. We are praying that day comes soon!
Do not lose hope. And please keep spreading hope and love to all your family and friends. They need you now more than ever!
Watch this encouraging video of Charlene and don’t give up hope. 🙂
WE THE PEOPLE believe that massive voter fraud has been perpetrated against the American public and that our election process has been corrupted and our voices SILENCED. Judicial Watch reported in October that a comparison study of Census Bureau population statistics and state voter registration data to reveals that 352 U.S. counties in 29 states managed to have 1.8 million MORE REGISTERED VOTERS THAN ELIGIBLE VOTERS! In other words the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. Texas had some registrations as high as 187%!!! We DEMAND not only a recount, but ALSO verification of every vote received in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada. We further DEMAND that if fraud is discovered an immediate investigation should be conducted.
The Future of Our Republic depends on us!
God bless you, and God bless the USA.
the trump supporters went to vote to the buts cause not virus not mask safe to vote ,the biden supporters mostly voted by mail so that’s why the votes for biden jumped up .
No – many Trump voters delivered their ballots early to ballot boxes because they did did not trust the mail. I believe the dems stopped counting the vote in the battleground states because they needed time to destroy incoming Trump ballots (since he was ahead) and forge Biden ballots. It’s statistically impossible to have 130,000 Biden ballots come in late and not have 1 Trump ballot among them. Also voters in California, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia have reported poll workers providing sharpie pens to in person poll site voters knowing the vote scanning machines would kick out these votes. We’re not gullible !
They did it in Illinois too. I know we’re not a “battleground state” but fraud is fraud.
check with your county and see if you voted and who you voted for.
Judging from everything going–boh alleged and proved–Walter has a pretty good story….
In God We Trust
I agree with you 100%, as do all the rest of President Trump’s supporters. This is the biggest case of voter fraud in our history! God willing, the Supreme Court will see things our way. Read on, Hoover. The evidence is blatantly laid out for all the World to see!!!l
(Thank you, Alan. Thank you as well, Vince, for your positive replies.)
In God We Trust
Oh Walter ,cannot wait till your buddies Joe and Kamala tax you to complete poverty, take your home, give you no health care over the age of 62 like Obama Health Care did to ;me, And don’t forget to kiss your Social Security goodbye.
Be happy Walter, communism has always brought happiness to people across the world. You need to go on line and investigate how much happiness communism brought to the people of Venezuela..
Well, I’m very disappointed in our system in many regards, but for our young people who voted for the first time, this is heart breaking to see the amount of discord between our nations leaders, and our respected system.
Did you watch these videos. Our young people should be disappointed in the fact that one party can pay so many corrupt people off to win. They should be angry that their vote was not counted if they voted for the party that was trusting in the system that is obviously corrupt and has been for a long long time. If there isn’t corruption going on then why do they hide what is supposed to be a open transparent system. Why would you not want to have an equal representation of all parties. You are obviously doing something nefarious
So far Courts have been in on the Steal! I don’t hold out much hope for Amy. I think all the powers of the world have united to get rid of President Trump despite all the Americans that know he has been and will continue to be the best President in American history. It’s the story of the end for this nation. If the STEAL is successful I’m not sure the Silent Majority stays silent.
Passing this on to all I know . I am from Liverpool England .
Are country is also divided , We also need President Donald Trump .
GOD bless you , The United States of America , and your great inspirational President , Donald J Trump . 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Michael, I’m from Midlands UK and I’m with you on this. It was obvious that they were out to get Trump out. They can’t have a president that’s not a yes man or can’t be bought. If the Biden brigade get away with this the American people will be so worse off by losing him.
This article is fantastic. Seems like a lot of evidence. Have you tried to send this to Donald Trump Jr. Or whoever? Really good work. Its refreshing to see that alot of other people really care and love our President. Thank you!!!
On another note, have you thought about reaching out to Rush Limbaugh.? I know he can use your help . America needs his voice and he is so sick with Lung Cancer.
Thank you again
Also Dan Bongino with some form of Cancer. The conservatives need more exposure to the truth about the corruption of big pharma. Even trump believes that vaccines are the answer. We need to be delivered from the media and big Pharma. Big pharma are the largest political lobby in Washington and the largest advertising client of the media.
Tim you’re right, this is the true problem. Fascism has taken over in this country, and that lobby, which I call the “chemical lobby”, which is the “ruling party” now, uses both sides. Whether you’re liberal or conservative doesn’t matter. Pharma has used both sides for years, and right now they’re banking on pushing their agenda (probably involving an injectable chip) through the liberal side. Here’s a brief timeline of vaccine policy:
1980s – (Reagan-style deregulation)- Vaccine makers given no liability, ability for pharma to advertise on TV. This paved the way for a lot of the ills we are dealing with now.
1990s – proliferation of GMOs under both Bush and Clinton (Hillary was in and out of the Monsanto revolving door)
2010s – vaccine policy moving in concerning directions in both all-red and all-blue states. The worst states for vaccine exemptions used to be California, New York, Mississipi and West Virginia–in other words, the bluest and the reddest.
Campaign finance made unlimited and opaque (thanks to conservatives.)
2016- California eliminated religious exemption via Democratic supermajority in the state
2018 – California eliminated even the medical exemption via Democratic supermajority in the state. Democrats made it a matter of party platform to enforce “vaccine compliance” against all reasonable science. Note: Hillary and Biden made just as much use of opaque campaign finance as conservatives.
All throughout this timeframe, the chemical lobby has been making its way deeper and deeper into control of our govt agencies: the FDA, the CDC, the EPA and etc.
Now, weirdly, Democrats are taking up the cause of the biggest of corrupt businesses, trying to mandate Nazi-style that everyone must get a shot…in the name of the “greater good.” It’s gone 180. As a lifelong proud liberal, I was floored at the amount of left-side corruption I saw in Sacramento while protesting there in 2018. It was Republicans standing up for the “little people” and Democrats trying to force a corporate agenda. Oh, my, how things have flipped.
Regardless of who wins this presidential election, it’s CRUCIAL to stop corruption. If Democrats are happy with a compromised outcome this year, they may not be happy with the same tactics in the future. History has shown us that corrupt corporate agendas, and all kinds of corruption tactics, cut both ways.
It’s important to have election integrity regardless of who legitimately wins. Let’s let the courts decide on the evidence.
Thank you for your response. With the complicity of both sides we are left to raise the standards and get a complete alternative party who is not beyond repair.
Tim you wrote ” Also Dan Bongino with some form of Cancer. The conservatives need more exposure to the truth about the corruption of big pharma. Even trump believes that vaccines are the answer. We need to be delivered from the media and big Pharma. Big pharma are the largest political lobby in Washington and the largest advertising client of the media.”
you might find this BMJ (British medical journal) peer reviiewed article it has just published of interest, because it is talking global, not just UK. I have copied a particular section of the published paper, that particularly highlights these issues, you mention and more.
“Globally, people, policies, and procurement are being corrupted by political and commercial agendas.16
The UK’s pandemic response relies too heavily on scientists and other government appointees with worrying competing interests, including shareholdings in companies that manufacture covid-19 diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines.17 Government appointees are able to ignore or cherry pick science—another form of misuse—and indulge in anti-competitive practices that favour their own products and those of friends and associates.18 How might science be safeguarded in these exceptional times? The first step is full disclosure of competing interests from government, politicians, scientific advisers, and appointees, such as the heads of test and trace, diagnostic test procurement, and vaccine delivery. The next step is full transparency about decision making systems, processes, and knowing who is accountable for what.
Once transparency and accountability are established as norms, individuals employed by government should ideally only work in areas unrelated to their competing interests. Expertise is possible without competing interests. If such a strict rule becomes impractical, minimum good practice is that people with competing interests must not be involved in decisions on products and policies in which they have a financial interest.”
I really appreciate this article and your attempt to expose the anomalies and educate the public on this fraud. We are all Americans who thought we were living in a democracy. It is despicable that our society has come to this. However, when you end your article with a prayer asking for the help of Jesus, you are alienating any and all non-Christian Americans.
Voting is something that should be available and accessible to ALL American adult citizens, but ending with a prayer to Jesus is sending a message that you only care to speak to the Christian Americans.
America has turned into a very polarized country these past few years. Please don’t try to divide us any more by only attempting to appeal to a certain group. This country needs more unity, not division.
If you asked people to pray on their own for a fair and just outcome to this election fraud, that would be much more sensitive and inclusive than assuming that your whole audience prays to Jesus.
You must not be familiar with The truth about cancer family. It is a JESUS centered health ministry. We also have freedom of speech. There are many other platforms that perhaps would make you more comfortable. Feel FREE to go there.
I’m sorry, but that comment was sort of rude.. Her comment was completely civil and she was clearly trying to be helpful. You, on the other hand, are being divisive. I have supported the truth about cancer for years. I don’t pray to Jesus, but I think Ty and Charlene are incredible. And they every right to be praying to whoever they want to pray to. But that does not mean that has to separate them from those that may not pray to Jesus. I noticed at the health freedom rally in Tennessee almost every person brought Jesus into the narrative; which is fine – but just be inclusive! Say you are praying to Jesus and other people should pray to whoever they want to pray to! You really want people who don’t pray to Jesus to go to another platform? Are’n’t we all in this together? Please rethink this. And I’d love to see a response from Ty and/or Charlene. And I am wondering: aren’t they doing all that they do for the whole of mankind not just Christians?
I agree wholeheartedly – and would also like to add that there have long been unjust issues in our country’s Presidential elections. While I understand that the things reported on in this article are tprobably true, so is it true that there is more to it than this polarizing view that only one group of people (Democratic party) is knowingly acting against what a fair election should be. Meaning that there are some folks of every political viewpoint that do not behave in a mature way which respects what our elections should be. I do not doubt that there are definitely also some Republicans that are tampering with votes in one way or another. We are too polarized and shocked with one another and we need to learn to lead with courtesy, respect and dignity. I personally feel that our current president has NOT represented those qualities at all, and that it has brought to light the fact that too too many adult Americans are emotionally immature. It doesn’t matter WHAT party, religion, etc that they ‘belong’ to; we are all humans and we all need to grow up and fix the broken system that has given way to the situation we currently find ourselves in.
Hear hear, love to you and all people .
Hear Hear, Jess…you’re right! Thanks for putting it out there.
I am Jewish and fo not feel alienated. These are good Christian people who are very devout . I respect them as I may not believe in Jesus but I believe in the almighty God. We are on the same page when it comes to honesty and voting integrity and the God.
NICE Alan!!!! i am so sick of these thin skinned sissies getting offended and then having to publicize their “feelings”. like THAT’S the issue here! get lost ya big baby!! Good for you Alan God bless this planet, the war is real and it’s on!!
“Get lost, you big baby!!”?
shame on you
Try listening thoughtfully to other peoples opinions, rather than bullying
I’m an atheist and the prayer didn’t bother me at all. I just chose not to read.it. You really should quit making a big deal out of nothing. Show some tolerance to others beliefs. Especially to people that have done a lot to try and better society..
Well I’m a Hindu, and I love the prayer part. Jesus is great. But…there IS the issue that medical freedom is a crucial nonpartisan issue. Many far-left liberals (like myself) and far-right conservatives, many Christian, are now in the same camp. It seems we all meet on the opposite side of the circular spectrum from the “centrist” country we’re in. Right now I find myself reading news from TTAV, Epoch Times and LifeSite, because mainstream media is guilty of promoting a corporate agenda. The ISSUE here is that it’s hard to share some of these articles with my similar-minded friends, because many are put off by the Christian and Pro-conservative bent. Many liberals didn’t go to Sacramento and witness the left-side corruption first hand over SB276, and they still believe in “the party.” Does anyone know of a site out there that tries very hard to be “neutral” and attract Medical Freedom Fighters from all persuasions? Thank you in advance for sharing.
Please note: I truly appreciate Ty, Charlene, their team and all the work they do. This isn’t a complaint. It’s just a question – how can we make Medical Freedom Fighting way more attractive to the “mainstream?”
America is a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Our prayer–and our goal–is to hold on to, and return to, those values. Good for you both, Alan and Vince! Our Judeo-Christian foundation has stood us in good stead for 244 years. God willing, He will grant us at least 244 more. That is, if we keep Him in our culture. We have to bring Him back to our institutions and our very way of life.
Remember, we are “One Nation, “UNDER GOD.”
In God WeTrust’
Jesus is the solution the this division we are seeing.
Please forward the above voter fraud video clips to the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) and Jay Sekulow, one of the president’s lawyers. Surely they’re aware of some of this, but the more evidence the better!
https://fastly.cloudinary.com/wvw/video/upload/v1591934042/kgtefrv3nicl6i0hxbgu.mp3 (55min with 3-star general Thomas McInerney speaking with researcher Mary Fanning) – it exposes how the democrats stole the “hammer” from the government including the “scorecard” software that changes the votes in an election
these sites are mentioned:
http://www.worldviewweekend.com (Brannon Howse host of the radio show has this recording on his site now)
Yes! I just listened to the Mary Fanning radio program, it is totally revealing…Please send out far and wide…the evidence we need
As a Canadian, I’ve been “following” the news about the corruption within the Democrat Party, specifically those individuals in “high” positions. From the beginning, the president has been attacked by the left ever since he assumed office. And now with so many examples of fraud being shown, it is the ultimate in contempt of the voting system and disrespect for the American people. This is an injustice, so big, it cannot be denied and I believe President Trump will be vindicated. He will have his day and be certified as the rightful winner of this election. RM
The Democrats has since 2016 conducted themselves as criminals. They have attacked,murdered,burnt down businesses threatened destroyed cities yet no one and i mean no one tried to stop them. Now they will drive Trump from the white house and still no one will do anything. America is and has fallen a lack of public intervention. The great Americsn Patriot nothing more than grown men playing childs make believe war games. America soon to be controlled by communist china and even the Democats will suffer the pain. New Yorks statue of liberty soon to fall.
Yes, it was well known long before the election that mail in votes were going to be manipulated, and now it has been proven. Since mail in voting was a democrat creation, it looks like that was the real reason for them.
Hopefully this fraud will be exposed, and those states that were involved in it will have their votes corrected.
If not, then few voters will have the confidence and trust in voting in the future.
Superb work by everyone concerned in exposing this mass fraud, thanks for sharing. Let`s hope the truth is soon reinstated and those responsible for fraud are brought to justice, we don`t want to see the Californication of the US of A.
Here today in the UK, Sly(sic) News has been blatantly, falsely and against the supposed non-biased position of the Press, been “fact”-checking Donald Trump`s statements. I have never seen such disgusting behaviour by our Press.
Sky News in Australia is a totally different animal, which puzzles me. They have a real honest vibe to them. I hear that many Americans have to go to them for the truth about their own country. Has the USA been sold to another global power/entity?
Americans have also been logging into the UK Daily mail website, but I haven`t followed that outlet, so cannot comment on where it`s at.
Yes, the Democrats are selling the U.S.A. to the Chinese Communist Country!
I watched a video on NaturalNews.com that the Chinese army is in Victoria B.C. Ready to invade America. They were firing missiles in the air that were filmed from Bellingham Wa. Only 40 miles away.
We ALL need to wake up to what’s happening! We have been brainwashed by the Mainstream Media for far to long!
A patriot New Zealander is with you!
This impacts not only the US but all freedom loving people worldwide. If the US falls to these satanic criminals, we all fall. They have already captured NZ.
Evil will not win this spiritual battle, Good will prevail.
God bless you all.
In MI my nephews have never voted or registered and both in their thirty’s. When they went to register they were informed they were already registered. so they went and voted. They heard others say They wondered how they got registered. So if they know who isn’t voting ,they can use those names to vote for their candidate. false registration and votes.
ok, let me give you some information. I tried telling all my friends after watching the video on the Yahoo news live feed with the white and black guy opening the VBM ballots and marking them. But all the ones you see marking the VBM ballots. All they have to do is mark a second candidate on any race and it will VOID that race. It won’t void your ballot, just any over votes. So if you marked Trump, then all they have to do is mark another candidate and that race if voided. That is why I told people to take their VBM ballots and surrender them at the voting polls and vote in person. I know here in Los Angeles, CA we have a new fancy voting machine and this year, they didn’t call back any of the regular poll workers, I’ve worked the voting polls for 20 years, and no call. So sure after the polls close they could go and hand mark these ballots, I don’t know if they would need to with all the other ways to cheat. All I know is the new fancy machines, when they print your ballot and it is blank for you to put in the voting machine, it prints your party affiliation and a QR code and if you look real close, under that QR code is the signature you just signed on the iPad. So they know exactly who voted for what. You have no secrecy.
How can I post this on wimkin? Can you guys join wimkin? Conservative free speech platform…
You need to check your sources on the video captioned “Election workers in Arizona collecting ballots on Wednesday (the day after the election) after Fox News called Arizona for Biden” I believe that happened in CA, Los Angeles area and NOT in AZ. Please check and correct if necessary.
Throw out the old obsolete voting system and introduce a verifiable one vote per person system on an official electoral roll. voting would be mandatory on the rolling day with fines issued for defaulters except where exceptions such as illness apply. Void the poll and start again for a new election. The problem would be having to have the incumbent president for another four years while you install the fairer system, Would the outraged citizens remain calm while it happens or start World War 3 on USA soil?
Voting would be “mandatory”? Sounds like Communist China, or Korea!
Well said! There is also much mistrust and misinformation perpetrated across all internet channels and print media. It is best to ‘wait and see’, Whoever is the next president has a Herculean task ahead of them.
I believe in Jesus Chris! I have faith, No matter what God already spoken for the servant of God 2020 president of united state of America Donald J. Trump ! God chose him . Brothers and sisters please please don’t stop pray until January 20 2021 ! I have faith president Donald J Trump until he set ! May God bless you all !
The Democrats has since 2016 conducted themselves as criminals. They have attacked,murdered,burnt down businesses threatened destroyed cities yet no one and i mean no one tried to stop them. Now they will drive Trump from the white house and still no one will do anything. America is and has fallen a lack of public intervention. The great Americsn Patriot nothing more than grown men playing childs make believe war games. America soon to be controlled by communist china and even the Democats will suffer the pain. New Yorks statue of liberty soon to fall.
Thanks you, most of us love him!!!!!
I think since the dems have gone to such trouble to rig the vote, they should be eliminated from the vote and Trump automatically wins!!!!!!! ………………
I totally agree with you, Peggy. President Trump should be declared the winner by DEFAULT!!
In God We Trust
First, thanks to Ty and Charlene for everything you do. As far as corruption is concerned where do you begin and when will it end. Since voter turnout is an issue why not make it mandatory that people who are eligible to vote to vote that would be an approximately 250 million.person potential. Those who need help would request and get help to vote accounted for and done first. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to collect and count all alternative ballots(mail in,etc) first then enter into polls to finalize and finish up in one day. Maybe 2020 is the year of corruption. It seems everywhere you turn there’s something or someone being corrupted. Either way 70 million people will be disappointed. One thing for sure no matter the results and political side we need to come together and do, think, act, positive and work towards everyone’s well being and freedom.
This is so massive! Sure shows us that we that are respectful and honest are a minority in this country. We have fallen to satan in a very high percentage.
God help you with RECOURSE to the LAW!
Thank you for standing up for the GOOD in the world.
God bless and protect you..
All on film and committing a crime must be indicted and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, PLUS those that are knowingly behind these criminal acts all the way to Biden and Harris! Biden admitted to having a fool-proof system in place that was going to guarantee his victory! “Come on man!” He admitted to it along with the Barisma admission of extortion!
I’m praying for all of you and all of us
ACT for America sent out an email today with an official site for reporting voter fraud that will be investigated by their legal teams. I believe they would be very interested in the videos and stories submitted so far. If interested, here’s an excerpt from that email and link to reporting site:
ACT for America: A Safer America Starts with YOU.
As the election continues and the legal battles begin, please encourage anyone that has evidence or a firsthand account of suspicious activity to submit their account here: https://defendyourballot.formstack.com/forms/voter_fraud
Whether it’s ballots cast by the deceased, incorrect online voter status, or illicit ballot harvesting, we have a legal team investigating every rumor and testimonial.
Do what’s right!
This election is a fraud that was set up by the democrats who insisted on mail in voting. They used the covid as an excuse to mail in ballots. There is no way Biden got all the votes they are claiming it’s corruption and it needs to be exposed. Our Country has been torn apart by all the lies and deceptive practices of the Democratic Party who are owned by the pharmaceutical and tech companies. God Help Us -Hear Our Prayers to expose the corruption.
I am so upset with the fraud that has been perpetrated against the Pres and the American people. There is no end how the media, Hollywood, silicone valley, and the dems have colluded together to get him out of office. Oh and the post office is included. This is a blight on America and why has not silicone valley concentrated on making a computerized voting system instead of fact checking and censoring us, even the Pres of the USA. Zuckerberg has become our Pres and the Vise Pres is Dorsey. We have allowed them to take over. Our trust in the American voting system has been decimated. Hopefully God and the good honest people will not allow this fraud to continue
Everyone should forward this not just to friends but to every honest local politician they know, the secretaries of state, attorney generals, governors, honest reporters, and anyone they can think of. Already there are republicans in congress and elsewhere stating “show me the proof” and they’re wanting to put this behind them and move on. Let’s all forward this to all news anchors (local and national), local lawyers and prominent people in our counties and states who have shown they are interested in the truth. If it just circulates in “we proud deplorables” circles, it’ll be labelled “just another right wing conspiracy” and will die.
Did we expect anything less from the corrupt left!!!! TRUMP warned of this months ago, and once again HE was RIGHT!!!! It’s time for the right to get DAMN angry!!!! LEFT LIARS!!!
i know damn well the demacraps were cheating i knew it was gonna be when they wanted mail in votes
i know damn well the demacraps were cheating i knew it was gonna be when they wanted mail in votes it dont want to let me do this it says i already did it and i haven’t
Everyone that has committed massive voter fraud should be sent to Gitmo. Perfect place for those that want to do a coup and install communism. They be real close to commies at Gitmo.
This whole thing is designed to create such vulnerability that we are scheduled to be an easy-take for the communists and/or cabal. New World Order agenda, at the very least. Playing right into the enemy’s hands! Our hope is is G d alone! A MAGNIFICENT hope! Humility, Repentance, Supplications, Intercessions are desperately needed! DO IT! For you and your FAMILY!
Check Michigan S.O.S., above Dominion Voting System is also used in 64 other counties across the state, uses this same software in the same capacity. They must check every one of those machines tallies! good grounds to examine the rest of the MI vote! The FBI is investigating allegations of election fraud in Detroit after a city worker stepped forward and claimed election workers were asked to backdate ballots that had come in after the election deadline had passed, multiple officials said. A senior law enforcement official in Washington confirmed that an investigation was opened after the whistleblower’s concerns were forwarded from the Michigan Republican Party. “The FBI is investigating,” the official said.”The MIGOP has referred a whistleblower case to the U.S. Attorney in which a city of Detroit employee was directed to change the date of receipt, in the official election record on ballots which had been received after the deadline,” Cox said. “This directive allegedly came from both City and State employees who were working at the TCF center. These allegations are highlighted by the city of Detroit’s attempt to block Republican poll challengers from supervising this process.” This is just Michigan. When in history did the counting of votes stopped (so they knew how many votes to manufacture) In Michigan well over a 339,000 vote lead then magically when the counting resumes the dems lead. (also photos of ballots being brought in at aprox 3 to 4 in the Morning). This is just the tip of the ice burg. Did the commie left actually think President Trump would lay down when all he has been through for the Love of the American people and America. Bogus Russian collusion, Mueller bogus investigation that was a coup, impeachment without due process in the House that violated their own oath of office. God Bless President Trump and thank you for putting your heart into all you do for America and the people even for those that don’t even pay attention and have a clue what is actually going on. We knew how corrupt government was in 2016 when we voted for the President and he has fought for us no matter what obstacle put in his path for Gods plan for the Constitution and the United States. Please pray this prayer at https://theprayerfulpatriot.com/correct-election-results-stop-the-fraud/
Also Thank you Ty & Charlene for spreading the truth for people to get health with their own immunity to kill cancer cells, …Mark
In Australia taking photos of or videoing election materials, inside polling places and counting centres is strictly prohibited and mobile phones are not allowed in areas where there are ballot papers present.
All ballot papers, used, unused, spoilt and discarded have to be accounted for and counted in the first scrutiny that takes place at the polling place. The ballot papers are then sent to out posting centres where they are checked for errors and recounted at least twice. All up ballot papers are counted at least three times.
Postal votes have to be verified to ensure that the vote is legal and that the voter didn’t vote on the day as well. This process is undertaken by a different team to those doing the counting and the votes aren’t ready for counting until days after close of polls.
Polling staff cannot be affiliated with a political party and cannot be seen publicly e.g. on social media, favouring one party over another even if it’s just liking or sharing a comment.
The process is run by the same government department and is the same in each state. If there are any major anomalies votes for an entire electorate are recounted and in some instances the vote has to be taken again.
Fellow American brothers, this is battle for all humanity, for freedom and dignity, for everything that our ancestors have built. All the world is watching with great agony. I wish you strength and i pray for you.
please cancel my comment from a minute ago. Early morning and reading too fast.
thank you
I left this page on a non profit archive site. Hopefully its not taken down a
It’s a shame,that this has happened in America which has been at the forefront of spreading what they call democracy to other parts of the world and sometimes waging war,kill hundreds of people,causing enormous suffering and sometimes destroying entire countries in the name of spreading democracy.After that fiasco in these elections,will America be able to preach/spread it as it has always done? And who will do that? A fraudulently elected president? Most importantly,is democracy still alive after that onslaught? To me,democracy dead unless otherwise. And America or U.S GOD forbid,is on death bed.
Have you watched and listened to Joe Bidens magnificent speech at 8 pm on Fri the 6th? The speech was produced by the best of the Hollywood writing teams and was delivered with such beautiful force and persuasion. WHAT? oh excuse me he never did show up to give that highly touted speech. Every action of the democrats is 180 degrees out from the truth. HOW COME?
The drumbeat for the democrat is islam! islam is the high master of deception, deceit and treachery and has duped the minority populations into carrying out their conquering of America just as they have conquered so many nations in Africa..
Here is some more information.
November 3, 202022,269 views
Hammer & Scorecard Video
19 hours ago
Government programs Hammer & Scorecard used to change votes for Biden #fraud #election2020
134 views•Nov 6, 2020
Please watch Amir’s video on election fraud. Excellent explanation of “modus operandi” and how it all was meticulously planned in high levels of government months in advance. May want to watch before it is censored and pulled down:
I can’t speak for anywhere else, but in my city in WI, in suburban Madison, there was indeed greater than 90% of registered voters, with at least dozens of those registrations on Nov. 3. I worked at the polling station, and watched it unfold in real time. Biden did indeed get way more votes than Trump. The machines actually count the votes, but after polls close us workers have to count the BALLOTS to make sure we have the same number of ballots as went thru the machines. I don’t know what the count was, but I definitely saw just a few Trump votes and one or two third party candidates; most were for Biden.
Yes, 90%+ turn-out is totally unusual for an election in the US, but to say it’s fraudulent based on unusual turn-out is not valid.
Now you know why the idiot didn’t have to leave his bunker. Every thing
was already set up to steal the votes from Trump. Trump people must
continue to investigate . You are seeing the worst of America in play!!
Please report all these cases to trumps lawyers. There is major fraud going on. Americans see what is going on and we want a fair election. Not a rigged one.
The question is what do we do about it. I don’t want to live in a country that is no longer a democracy, and the laws no longer matter. I also don’t want a civil war. The only thing I can think of is to form 2 separate countries under 2 separate leaders. Not sure how this could happen, but I think the ruling elite is only going to get more powerful now. Under the guise of covid we have lost our God given rights of worship, speech, assembly, make a living, etc. For a long time censorship has been blatant. I don’t want to leave America but I don’t want to live under those conditions which will most likely get much worse. Splitting the country is the only thing short of war that I know of. Where I live, the governor and most of the courts are all corrupt.
Hear hear, love to you and all people .
Good is stronger than evil and eventually, TRUTH will triumph. I salute the courage of TY and Charlene and many other patriots. My sincere prayer is that Americans fight for justice so that the needed restitution be made as soon as possible. Electoral fraud is evil and nothing built on such corrupt foundation can stand the test of time and will displease God terribly. It will be to the detriment of future generations of Americans and to the rest of the world. I know God will help in the struggle for integrity for the US elections to be actualized.
This is open insurrection against our Constitutional Republic. We can’t let that happen.
The United States is turning into another Sodom and Gomorrah, it needs to repent and turn back to Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Psalms 37:17-18
For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the Lord upholdeth the righteous.
The Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever.
this is what a communist takeover of the country looks like. we don’t have a republican govt for the people- us. so obviously this is a foreign power that has taken over. this is what has been going on forever in this country now this same foreign power –
they own the all media, the money system, hollywood, all industry, everything. since they own everything and including you, if you go along, like wearing the masks, 6 feet stay away from people – this is about controlling you. the communist are now in control. good luck everyone!
Thank you, Alma; thank you, Alan; thank you, Vince; thank you, Walter. Thank every one of you who wrote a positive comment. You all know, as well as I, Our Country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.
We are “One Nation Under God.” We have been blessed for 244 years. But, slowly, we have allowed God to be taken out of the equation. We need to bring Him back! He is our only hope.
In God We Trust
If anyone’s interested, there’s are website (stopthesteal.us) where you can sign up to attend the many rallies in all the state capitals. I missed the ones scheduled for today, but it looks like he’ll be organizing more.
I sure needed to see this today. I’ve spent most of the day crying. I had heard of much of this going on and thought it was not going to be allowed to be brought out so that Biden could win. It must have been the devil whispering in my ear that it was over. But I’m thankful to be reminded that it’s NOT over until it’s over! God is still on the throne. He has promised us that corruption will not triumph, and he has prophesied through many people that Trump will win. I don’t know how He’s going to do it, but I don’t have to. God’s ways are higher than my ways (or anyone’s), and when He promises that something will happen, He knows how to make it happen. Thank you Lord!
Yes! I just listened to the Mary Fanning radio program, it is totally revealing…Please send out far and wide…the evidence we need
I have heard that readability with sharpies depends on the tip, fine yes, fat no.
Thank you for the additional information. Let’s stand behind Donald Trump, an honest man, looking to be our 2nd term President.
David Tanner 10-8-2020
This is surely the beginning of the end. If your election process can be so badly entirely hacked like this, how will the GOP ever be re-instated? This corrupt DEM initiated process will just happen every time!
I think we are about to start watching USA fall apart internally, which will result in the Anti-Israel forces rising up un-obstructed (which is probably the dream of some of the DEMS), China will have an unchallenged walkover in the south china sea, the wars and rumors of wars are happening, and the global setting is in the last stages for the time of the Rapture.
Mathew 13 vs 29. The Darnel has been sown, and the harvest is near.
As much as I recoil from the thought of the biden-harris presidency, I’m sure it has to happen to set the scene for this dispensation to finish. Bring on Rev 19 vs 11.
If you enjoy bible prophecy about the destonybof America, check out the prophecy known as Ezras Eagle on http://www.lost10tribes.com – its mind blowing
It is ALL about Jesus. Jesus was not politically correct.
Our President has not let’s us down once with all that the Evil Left, Fake Media, and Anarchist have put in his path.
He has fought for our Freedom, Democracy, and Independence laid forth by our Founding Fathers.
If not for the collusion, by the Big Tech Moguls, The Socialist’s Soros Money, The Biden Family Payoffs, organizations like ANTIFA and the start of a Chinese Invasion with their Pandemic unleashed on the world, President Trump would be ramping up the next four years to be making America Greater than ever.
Having Faith in God’s plan and Prayers for America by We The People………
very discouraging; this is not what our founding fathers envisioned
I live in Australia, but this is traumatic to watch. All I keep asking myself is “why aren’t they simply calling another election, without mail in votes, and all above board?” Clearly there is corruption, and clearly the US of A do not trust the voting – at least all of the Republicans, which is enough to call another vote. I don’t see many people in the US suggesting this. Is there just no way that this can happen?
All the Dems. should be in jail for fraud and treason. Clinton ,Biden his son ,Pelosi Bill Clinton, Harris and asshole Obamah They are all communist. They hate America. They should either go back where they came from or go live in another country and live. President Trump has done so much for our Country The want us to fail so that we live in the streets like California, and can not do anything unless they say so, not going to happen they all eat shit.
Keep drinking your flavored water.
Sorry to tell you but Trump is involved in all of this also. It is all about dividing the nation. Divide and conquer. Get ready for the NWO and then – the good news – The second coming of Jesus. But before that happens the Papal power and apostate protestants push for a national Sunday law to fix the problem. It will be enacted. It is against the constitution of the U.S. Jesus never forced anyone to do anything. Sunday is not the Sabbath. The 7th day is the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the Seal of God.