Video Transcript: How Does BEC5 Cream Heal Skin Cancer?
Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat: So BEC5 went through a very interesting development phase with using it on skin cancers. Actually, it’s still being used on skin cancer. This is a cream that’s over-the-counter in those jurisdictions where it’s legal. It can be bought over the counter. You apply the cream and it starts killing, layer by layer, the cancer cells of the skin cancer. You know, skin cancer is the most common cancer. And it just eliminates the cancer.
Ty Bollinger: But just the cancer.
Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat: At the beginning it’s very impressive because the characteristic with this early cancer is that the cancer cells are quite a bit more spread than what is evident. So you start applying it and suddenly redness starts spreading out. There is a rough reaction. There is a little bit of an open wound in the first week or two that is a lot bigger and scary because it’s bigger than what you thought it was.
After the second or third week, then you start seeing normal skin coming in, coming in, coming in, and covering it up. The majority of times there’s not even a scar left because there’s no destruction of the tissue structures. If the cancer did not alter the skin layers and it was only superficial, all the cancer cells are kicked out and the normal cells go back into place.
Ty Bollinger: Wow.
Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat: You can react to the vehicles used in the cream which is salicylate and urea, I believe. Which are the carriers for the medication. You may be allergic to the glycoalkaloids and may have a reaction to the glycoalkaloids. But per se, it has almost no toxicity.
I say “almost” because at some point there was one clinical trial, a phase one clinical trial that was run on very advanced stage three and stage four cancers, renal carcinoma and another one, where intravenous BEC5 was used. What was found out is that at high dose intravenously, it can increase the liver enzymes. So there’s a suggestion that it produces some kind of liver toxicity.
When that happened the drug was immediately stopped. The medication was stopped and the liver was normalized.
Ty Bollinger: The liver enzyme count went back to normal.
Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat: Went back to normal. So other than that, there are no known side effects or toxicity from this medication. So it’s a fantastic cure for an estimation which is like three million Americans right now with some form of skin cancer. This is an easy over-the-counter solution for them. They just have to apply a cream for a few weeks until all the cancer is gone. What I’ve seen is it works consistently every time.
Of course, if you have a very advanced cancer and you have a rate—the cream is limited. So if it’s growing really fast, the cream can kill so many layers, but underneath it’s growing a lot faster. Then you may get into a negative equation there. But otherwise it works, systematically, every time I’ve seen it in action.
Ty Bollinger: That’s pretty fascinating. So it is selectively toxic to just cancer cells and doesn’t really have side effects – comparatively – to the standards.
Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat: To the standards that we were discussing, yes very minimal. Nothing.
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Can BEC5 be effective for Cutaneous t-cell non Hodkin Lymphoma ? Thank you!
Hi Evelyn.
Have you heard about the positive effects of NRf2 activation for cancer?
Evelyn I have the same Cancer and looking for someone to talk with about this specific kind of cancer would you be able to contact me about it ?
Hello! I was wondering if this cream would work on thyroid nodule cancer/tumours? Or is on selective only on skin?
Where can I get the BEC5 cream in Canada oe Seattle wa ?
The Tahoma Clinic
Search curaderm on ebay
Several have it.
Call Vita Stream 888-472-7771 and ask for Curaderm BEC-5. I used it and it worked for me. However, it took 3 months to heal the cancer in my face.
Where can I get the BEC5 cream in the US?
I have a couple of spot’s on my face. I already had one removed from my nose. They called it amose. It left a bad scar. Can you help me with the other two.
I have a couple of spots on my face which don’t go away. I have tried all kinds of natural things to alleviate it. I don’t know that it is skin cancer. Wondered if this cream would be effective? And, where can you obtain it in the U.S. over the counter?
You can try Curaderm BEC-5 developed by Dr. William Cham in Australia. BEC stands for Bill E. Cham). Vita Stream sells it and it helped me. Call 888-472-7771 to order it in the US.
Where to get cream.
Ebay curaderm
Where can I buy this BEC5 skin cancer treatment cream in the USA? Thanks……Paul
check out the book “Egg Plant cure”. just grind up a eggplant and put in mason jar with apple cider vineger. let it sit several days and apply to affected area. Eggplant has some of of the same medicinal properties as BEC5 at fraction of cost.
Can this be purchased in Australia?
It comes from Australia! I bought it from the U.K. years ago before it was available in the U.S.
It was imported into the U.K. from Australia, where it was made and I imported it from the U.K
So, you have to be able to buy it in Australia. Why don’t you Google it? Best of luck.
thank you for that lead
I ordered it from Australia, for use in Canada. But it does hurt. I found that as fast as one lesion healed, another popped up on my leg and so I’ve been 4 months now. It takes weeks for each lesion to heal, but there’s no doubt that it works. It isn’t pretty either. In future, I may just cut the time and have the surgery.
Can BEC5 be purchased in Arizona? If so, where?
Ebay curaderm
On a friend’s suggestion I asked my dermatologist about a cream that skin cancer patients, or maybe especially those with pre-cancer or early stage skin cancer conditions like I had on my forehead and face, and he wrote me a prescrip for something called Fluorouracil. It worked great. I got leopard spots on my forehead and around my face for few days but when they went away, no rough pre-cancer spots at all.
I’ll do it again in another month or two to get it all
I got the distinct impression that my dermatologist didn’t like the idea of me using the cream since they can’t make any money until they start cutting on you
Hi Graham,
Thanks for sharing what you have done. How are you doing now?
My doctor prescribed Fluorouracil also. It’s a chemotherapy cream. I’m concerned that it will be absorbed and than I have what amounts to a poison in my body. I try to keep all toxins out.
Concern with BEC5 is the length of time some people are saying it takes.
I tried it. It didn’t work for me.
What kind of skin cancer did you have Gabe? And if I can ask how long did you have the skin cancer before you started treating it with BEC5 and how long did you use it? The reason I ask is because I have a squamous cell carcinoma on my arm which popped up on June 11th and grew to the size of a dime in a matter of weeks. I’ve been treating it with BiCarb Soda every day and it has reduced a little and is a little less red but I’d like to try the BEC5 if I can source it.
Vicki–I haven’t tried the BEC5 yet. But I did use black salve for 2 years for BCC. It is cell selective, and takes care not only of skin cancers, but other anomylous/pathogenic cells. I salved almost every square inch of skin on my arms and legs. This started with a little pencil point spot on my left arm. Thought I’d be done in a week, but in my case, I didn’t know what was brewing underneath 🙂 I had quite a fungal infection going on inside (candida, but also other stuff I didn’t know about at that point). It pulls out quite a bit of that as well. There’s a group on FB, and you can order it from Australia. (Sounds like that is where you are?)
There’s also a couple of 100% natural ways to treat it from the inside. Bloodroot casules and Gumby Gumby capsules. Basically they scavange from the inside and do what the salve does from the outside–with less pain and of course no scarring. Really most people don’t have scarring–unless it’s breast cancer or a very large tumor. Depending on your history, how deep the roots are, which you probably won’t know until you salve one or do a thermography scan (healthy–not at hospital). There’s also a Gumby Gumby group on faceboook run by Ken Murray. Excellent product. He is in Australia, so if you do live there it’s much cheaper. That international postage is steep! I just buy a bigger supply at once. Will stay on it for maintenance purposes. That’s what Ken does as well. Start with smaller dosage and work up. Depending on how toxic you are or are not, nausea can be a result. So you’ll find out by starting with one a day and working up until you reach nausea level. Then hold there until you can move up without nausea. Ken had an aggressive BCC case. (Which is odd. But I saw his pictures–many more than are on the GG page). Anyway, it was growing faster than the salve could handle it. He’d been at the salving thing for 10 years. I think it might have helped if he modified his diet. I’m not sure he did that. Anyway, he said if he had it to do over, he’d probably just use the Gumby Gumby. It was gone within 7 weeks. He worked up to 7/7 per day. He maintains at 2/2 per day.
I don’t know if anyone in the groups knows about BEC5. It’s new to me. I will probably ask our admin if she’s seen this yet. Curious if it’s the same product or same active ingredient. Bloodroot is the active herb. There are 4 salve groups. The one that is my favorite is secret with 10,000 members. If you join the one called Black Salve and Blood Root, and then find me or find Suzie (admin), you can request to be added to the secret group. I just prefer since it has a lot more information since it is larger. If you post a picture of the SCC you’re getting rid of it, that is always helpful to us in helping you.
Also, just so you know, biopsies spread cancer. Don’t worry or freak out 🙂 But you’ll just want to address that. And the members who have done biopsies bc they didn’t know, can tell you what to do. I think you just salve the biopsy site, but seems to me in this case, you’d be salving that anyway. All cancer and tumors are encapsulated so they don’t spread to the rest of the body. As soon as you poke it, the protective film is broken, and the cancer can now spread. That would be another good reason to take something internally like the Gumby Gumby and/or Bloodroot capsules.
And finally :), I had a biopsy done on upper left arm about 15 years ago. It was BCC. The spot that showed up and I decided to salve didn’t look like the other spot. But it was just below it. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect that that biopsy sent stuff through my body, under the skin, so I didn’t know what was brewing until I started salving. My pictures are quite shocking because everything spread laterally. It wasn’t deep-rooted so it wasn’t painful. That was nice. Very itchy though. The other thing that spreads cancer is mammograms. It’s the same idea of breaking the encapsulation of the tumor. Squash the boob flat and if there is a tumor, it may have just gotten blown open. Green Smoothie Girl . com has lots of articles she wrote about breast cancer how it is monetized, and shares all of her research on her site. I saved her breast cancer articles on my pinterest page. They’re really good, for all cancer in general too.
If you have done a biopsy, what do you need to do? I am freaking out after reading your post.
Where did you buy the cream?
You can try Curaderm BEC-5 developed by Dr. William Cham in Australia. BEC stands for Bill E. Cham). Vita Stream sells it and it helped me. Call 888-472-7771 to order it in the US.
The article above says apply BEC5 for “a few weeks.” The instruction book that comes with Curaderm BEC5 recommends at least 8 weeks for treating an actual cancer spot. I used it for 9 weeks almost two years ago an a spot above my lip. I had LOTS of irritation, burning, and stinging. When I quit the cancer spot re-appeared in about a week. I also tried CBD oil (it was thick like tar and came in a syringe) for about 2 months, quit, and cancer spot was back in a few days. Then I tried Cansema Black Salve. I applied it for 2 days with absolutely no pain (although the instructions say that you can have some severe pain), it scabbed over for almost 2 weeks, then after the scab fell off there has been absolutely no sign of the spot for about 11 months as of right now. I was thrilled with the Cansema Black Salve.
I had the same experience. It vas somewhat, but very, very slowly efectiv for about 2 months, after that followed a stagnation for about 2 months, while up to 5 months it became worse and worse once again.
Where do you purchase this cream? And which jurisdictions is it legal?
Thank you!
Hi Beth,
We appreciate your interest in our article about BEC5 cream and skin cancer.
To learn even more about BEC5 cream and to purchase it from a reliable source, please visit
is this the same as efudix ?
Hi Richard,
We don’t have information about efudix at this time, but if you want to learn even more about BEC5 cream and to purchase it from a reliable source, please visit
Has anyone found this in the United States?
Hi Sandra,
To learn even more about BEC5 cream and to purchase it from a reliable source, please visit
A am surprised that TTAC published this article. This is not a natural treatment and comes with side effects. As I stated above look at NRf2 activation from the little yellow pill! This will help clean out the garbage out your cells and allow them to function as they were meant to do.
I am a Registered Nurse and fortunate to educated many people about this all natural new health technology!!
I had great success with this! The healing was so complete that the Doc couldn’t find the place where he had done the biopsy.
Thank you for sharing, Judy!
Where can we buy this cream???
I cured my melanoma by applying fresh sap from live radium weed (euphoria peplus) to the spot. No pain, no scar, no doctor. Kept it covered with clean gauze when red wound appeared at site of former melanoma; healed fine. For information, search YouTube for “Don Porta radium weed”.
Thanks for sharing what you have done! We are glad to hear you are doing well now Louise.
My husband and I have cleared up several skin cancer spots with Curaderm (BEC5). My first one was monitored by my doctor. He wanted to do surgery, but it was in the corner of my eye and I was concerned about that. I started the Curaderm (available at Vita-Stream) and had to do it three times, but finally got it all, confirmed by biopsy. This process is not for everyone. It can be very painful and can take a long time. There are lots of videos on YouTube. Type in Curaderm and you will get a good idea of how it works. I will never get surgery for basal cell or squamous cell. Curaderm works.
Where can I get it in the USA?
I bought the cream at:
In the Truth about cancer I remember you said a 7% Iodine applied to skin cancer would do the same thing. Am I recalling that correctly?
Is BEC5 available in Arizona?
Where can I buy the BEC5 skin cancer cream in the US, and what are its contents?
Please advise,
Where can I get the cream?
Where is this cream Curaderm BEC5 can be bought?
Hi Charles,
We appreciate your interest in our article about BEC5 cream and skin cancer.
To learn even more about BEC5 cream and to purchase it from a reliable source, please visit
My dermatologist just put me through a 3 week course of Tolak cream, that is a chemo cream and very very expensive. It provided the same reaction as is described here, and I encountered major lesions because of it. My dermatologist put me on it because I keep having squamous cells pop up, especially on my shoulders, chest and neck. They should be history now. I wish I knew about this BEC5 to try it first. I am in the US however, and wonder if we can get it legally. I see that others have asked with no replies.
Hi Karyl,
We appreciate your interest in our article about BEC5 cream and skin cancer.
Thanks for sharing your personal experience with us. To learn even more about BEC5 cream and to purchase it from a reliable source, please visit
Sending healing vibes your way!
I dissolved benign skin cancer growths with Apple Cider Vinegar.Ill save my money, thanks.
Thanks for sharing your success story with us Cynthia!
Where can you purchase this in the United States?
Renal Carcinoma was mentioned?? I have stage 4 renal cell carcinoma and would love to know more about it.
I have cured several BCCs (pale freckled skin, sunburnt many times in childhood) over the last few years with regularl frequent applications of paste of VitC powder and coconut oil. It kills the cancer cells and leaves the normal cells completely untouched. Or for small BCCs, Frankincense oil works well. Never had squamous cell carcinoma so can’t comment on effectiveness for this.
I tried BEC-5 on my brother, it did not work on him either. It started to make some improvement but after a few weeks it lost all its effects.
BEC5 cream is not on the Walmart website. Do you know where it is available?
Thank you very much.
You can buy it on Amazon.
yes it is:
Can it be purchased in the US or Canada ?
I have been using Curaderm BEC5 over the past year approximately. I dealt with Basal Cell Carcinoma. After application, it took me, on average, about 3 weeks to get rid of it. I wanted to know if Dr. Coru-Labat includes Melanoma as a skin Cancer and whether BEC5 works with this? I didn’t see anything about specific skin cancers in this ad.
It’s for basal cell and squamous cell. But they don’t recommend it for melanoma because it can be a much deeper cancer unlike the other 2 kinds which are usually closer to the surface of your skin.
Curaderm Bec5 is made from the aubergine. When I used it successfully in 2013 for a basal cell carcinoma in definitely was not recommended for treating melanoma.
Search criteria : BEC5 Cream. Many many links. Does not look like a problem in acquiring.
Frankincense and Myhrr worked on a tiny spot. Not sure if both did or one over the other. Maybe others have tried them seperately. Purely anecdotal. I have no proof.
Frankincense works 100% of the time alone or in conjunction with Myrrh which makes for a potent pair. Thanks to Ty Bollinger for steering me towards essential oil CURES. My wife had 5 skin cancer(basil cell) on her face & one on her chest. We had the chest one surgically removed but then discovered the power of pure Frankincence as a cancer killer. Applying 1 drop 5 times a day, 3 of them were totally gone in 5-7 days and the others took less than 2 weeks total time. I killed a large one growing exponentially on my arm from a large mole and it was gone in 4-5 days. We also take Boswella (powdered form of Frankincense) & CBD OIL without THC by mouth and apricot seed kernels daily (full of B17 which has all but been eradicated from the average American diet due to all of the processed foods. Cured my mothers lung cancer with this same regimen in spite of the oncologist scolding her every visit to start radiation immediately UNTIL even he couldn’t argue with the tumor shrinking noticeably more with each 3 week visit.
Thank God for Ty Bollinger stepping out and starting the push-back against the “standard” which is nothing more than setting one up for future cancer and/or an early death.
Hello, Andrew!
Thank you for watching the video and sharing these amazing testimonials with us!
Feel free to help us spread the truth by sharing the video with the Share button above.
Have a blessed and healthy day.
What brand of Frankincense oil did you and your wife use?
Was the cancer ever confirmed. I believe I have BCC and just got bec5 to start tomorrow. However I also read in an essential oils books about frankensince and I started applying today. Wondering if I could use both in tantum or if I should just got with one. Also is there a way to know the cancer is gone for sure if the growth goes away?
I ordered it online as it was from Australia. I’ve used it twice. Once on a large basal cell carcinoma on the top of my head, and then on a small basal cell on my forehead. Both times the cancer disappeared, and there was no scar! My hairdresser couldn”t even find where it had been! It is a bit pricy, but worth every cent! You have to apply it at least twice a day until the new skin is completely formed over it. Keep it refrigerated.
Hi Kim,
Thanks for sharing your experience with this cream! We love hearing from you!
By the way, it is called Curaderm when you order online, but it’s Bec-5.
Are there a few brands that work better than others? Like other holistic medicine, does this have to be prepared a certain way to make it most effective? I know you don’t like to give out brand information but, it would make it easier to find if we knew what to look for.
Try Frankincense and Rosemary. Add a little argan oil or Lavender for your possible skin irritation.
It comes out of Vanuatu and is available online. I am in Australia and I think I’ve bought it through vita stream It worked on 2 BCCs for me, but it did scar. I think I am sensitive to the other harsh ingredients in the Curaderm. There is a Facebook page that is amazing. Lots of success stories and support from people going through the same process. Have a search. There are even drs. And med students on this page. I don’t mind a couple of small white scars to be rid of cancer. Better than surgery.
If anyone has any information on a Dr. in the Dallas/Ft Worth,TX area who will be willing to just monitor the Curaderm treatment I will use on ‘biopsied positive BCC, 3 spots on my nose , not in the same planes, 2 nodual and 1 sclerrotic” during my treatment of the areas. ” PLEASE” let me know so that I may have a Dr. willing to treat any infection or possible deep tissue ( not anticipated) be involved, should that occur during my treatment of these 3 small spots with BEC5 Curaderm .
I’d feel more at ease having a knowledgeable professional aware periodically in case anything arises .
I’ve been using Curaderm for two spots on my back for over four weeks now, and it is healing them. They were biopsied as BCC. Just like the pictures on the internet, the spots got bigger but are beginning to decline in size. It still stings when applied. If I were you, I would feel comfortable using it without a doctor watching; it can’t hurt anything. Just keep it out of your eyes. On the internet are plenty of cases of use on the nose, along with pictures. Also, the book that comes along with the Curaderm cream also has pictures of nose cancer before, during, and after use. You just can’t get freaked out when it appears to be an open wound on your nose! Just clean the wound, disinfect it using a disinfectant (as recommended in the book), rinse, dry, and apply the cream, and cover with paper tape. You can buy flesh colored paper tape; won’t be as visible. But if you are a model, might be best to take a vacation for 4 weeks! But surgery won’t look any better and will leave a scar.
Sincerely, (and not a doctor, so only recommendations)
I used this a year ago on three spots on my face. It took 8 months for one of the spots but I had had it for years and did not realize it was BCC. Anyway, I took pics every day while using the cream. My doc told me not to use the cream AFTER I already had the healed results and AFTER he tested again for cancer and the cancer was gone! So use it and call them if you have any questions. They were very helpful for me.
I had a biopsy , it was basil cell … it was recommended to do the Mose surgery to be sure and get the rest … it seems the cream would be a better idea to me. does it matter that is had been cut off? how would you know if the cream got it all?
I hope you didnt have Moh’s surgery! It caused mine to spread…..for 1 tiny BCC they cut into my lip, and 1,5 inches upward, to my nose. The moh’s surgery is only to see if it has spread, it has nothing to do with removing cancer, it’s just a precautionary measure.
Ive done much better using curaderm and black salve.
Does BEC5 work on actinic keratosis
Yes; I’ve just used it on my arm and it is healing now. You apply it for three days, twice a day, and then stop. But it continues to heal over the next four or so weeks. When you buy the cream, there is a section in the book that comes along with the cream. Read that, and be sure that when you buy the cream you get the book as well. I didn’t quite understand the book with regard to actinic keratosis, and so applied the cream for two weeks straight and the cream was irritating the skin around the AK. I re-read the book, finally grasped what to do, and quit applying it. The rash has gone away and everything looks great so far.
I have used this cream for basil cell carcinoma on my nose rather than have the MOHS surgery the dermatologist wanted me to have. It took about 60 days to completely removed the cancer and heal up, but it really does work.
I used it for 70 days on the side of my nose…looked like it worked however the roots where still there (I had another biopsy)… I liked curaderm…. I have used many different methods (radium weed, black salve, Aldara, surgery), and would use again on superficial bcc’s, however, only way to see what type of bcc it is or if it’s gone is having another biopsy. I ended up having Moh’s…fortunately a very positive experience with a fabulous, kind Moh’s surgeon and it is now all gone (all deep roots gone, without any scar and the biopsy mark has gone too)… very happy. Good luck.
There are some interesting posts here. In Australia where I live, we use Black Salve or what used to be known as Cancema. (Highly illegal to buy!) Unfortunately the T.G.A or Therapeutic Goods Administration which is similar to the FDA in the States have outlawed the sale and use of Black Salve and the medical profession mostly also disapprove some doctors more than others!
HOWEVER, we have used Black Salve as have many friends and relatives most successfully. A point to note is that if it doesn’t work it’s NOT cancer! We’ve treated skin cancers many times MOST successfully and the end results are just great and leave no scarring – especially when used around the face and neck. One doctor – well respected in Cairns – said to me that if something which is used outside the recognized medical circles, he would not disapprove if one of his patients told him about the product’s success on the patient! His personal opinion was if it works successfully without ill-effects – keep using it! But it’s well recognized that alternative treatments are frowned on by Big Pharma because they are a threat to their trillion $ income…and they can’t patent a “natural” product or Vitamin evidently. So they try to emulate it artificially.
Whether this is true or not but I’m told that one of Cancema or Black Salve’s main ingredient is produced from the leaves of the Sour sop tree…the fruit of which is quite edible too.
I used black salve about 10 years ago…it looks like it has worked however I do have a scar worse than if I had had it removed by Mohs (they only take what they need to take slice by slice and look under the microscope). It is starting to look like it may be coming back..(under the scarring).. if you leave the roots it will still be there and unless biopsied you wont know what kind of bcc it is…. some are subtypes that have burrowing roots….Also black salve is not for the faint hearted…big holes in your face and took months to heal…… anyway, no doubt it went deep (deeper than curaderm), however, not as deep as the Moh’s surgery I just had for a nasty burrowing bcc. I used the curaderm for 70days first…thought I had got it all as it all healed up nicely… unfortunately the roots were still there. They have now been removed (Moh’s) and I am very happy again… It is a very depressing disease as it can be very disfiguring if you dont get it all. Good luck.
Hi Annette –
Thank you for sharing your journey and experiences. We appreciate this.
Understandably, the removal of a disease can be a very emotionally-exhausting journey. It does help, though, to have the support and positive encouragement of a community which has been through similar experiences.
People’s experiences of a disease can vary based on body type. But we appreciate your story nonetheless.
Thank you for being here with us.
We’ll be sure to keep you in our prayers and send wishes of positive results and quick healing, Rickytree!
Blessings and love to you both!
You can buy this online. Just google Curaderm and you will find several places to order it. It costs $144, which seems like a lot for the small tube you will receive, but it goes a long way. I have used this several times for spots on my face and it worked great. Watch YouTube videos to see how it works.
for skin cancer use chaga mushroom extract Biochaga
Where can I find this?
Vitamin Shoppe nor Amazon has it~
Thank you so much!
Where do I find BEC5 or Curadetrm in South Africa?
I had already one comment showing the inadequacy of BEC-5, but it looks like you did not like it and with the pretext of moderation deleted it.
BEC-5 simply did not work for me using it for 5 months. Du not buy it!!! It is exorbitantly expensive and it is something like a scam.
I am sure el moderator will delet this comment as well as my anterior one. This article seems to be something like a business propaganda and the participants of this fake news do not like negativ comments.
I successfully used Curaderm Bec5 in 2013 for a basal cell carcinoma on the end of my nose. It took a total of 10 weeks with three applications daily and keeping the wound covered 24/7 for at least 6 weeks. The only scarring was from the initial biopsy which was 2.3mm deep and the actual cancer was 2.2mm deep. This alternative to surgery ( including skin graft ) was nothing short of miraculous. However, it does require a time commitment which may not suit everybody. But having said that I wouldn’t hesitate to use it again if necessary. Thank you to the biochemist Bill Cham for this amazing cream!
I had a spot on my upper arm for 3 years and it would not heal or go away The same place I received all the childhood vaccines. I went to the Dermatologist and he cut out a sample and sent it in. It was verified to be a skin cancer which I knew it was before I went. He wanted to set an appointment to cut it out and stitch it up for $800 to $1000. I went to Good Life Nutrition Health and Wellness Center in Kansas City Missouri and bought what I was told was a Native American remedy. Black Salve to draw the cancer out and Golden Salve to heal it up. The cancer was drawn out, fell off and my skin is healing. All in a few weeks. Thanks to Ron’s Great knowledge and advice.
Were those salves Nature’s Sunshine products?
Can you buy this cream in Canada at Walmart
Hi Eve,
We appreciate your interest in our article about BEC5 cream and skin cancer.
To learn even more about BEC5 cream and to purchase it from a reliable source, please visit
So sorry it did not work for me even putting it on 5 times per day for at least six weeks. I’m still putting it on in the morning and at night but it does not seem to help much. When it seems like it was healing somewhat-it would have a bout of getting worse then.
I have had two spots of BSC surgically removed from my face. Could or should BEC5 be used as a preventative for possible future BSC?
Any type of cancer? what about Basical Cell Carcinoma?
I have what looks like a penile cancer on the tip (squamous cell) I have tried everything over a period of 1 year but I’m now booked in for another biopsy (had one 3 years ago) getting a lot of pain in adjacent lymph node and severe fatigue. Would this work on such a sensitive area? (This is not a joke)
Gary, look into getting this cream , Astridian CZ50 . I know a doctor in Mexico is using it on his cancer patients, any cancer before stage 4. It brings stuff to the surface he said like nothing else he’s ever seen before. It’s expensive, but it works.
Hi Garry, I just came across your post. I too was diagnosed with SCC in Situ (shaft and base) 6 months ago and had Mohs surgery to remove it. However, I do have a few other spots that were not biopsied and my guess is that it is related. I will be trying Curaderm in a few weeks to treat. Can you please share any updates on your treatment?
Has anyone used BEC5 on lichen sclerosis? I have had this condition many years and it seems to be worsening now. My doctors keep suggesting steroidal creams but I have not seen any improvement.
I wonder if this could possibly work on granuloma annulare? The Triamcinolone cream helped, but it doesn’t rid it completely as I let it go too long without treatment.
Hi Janean –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of individualized medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Blessings and love!
I have nasal basal carcinoma inside my nostril.. My surgeon has no idea how I got it there. He removed part of my nostril 1 year ago and now I have more cancer cells inside the same area.
Will curaderm cream help inside the nose since I cannot put tape over it?
Please help.
Hi Helen –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about this – I’ll be sure to pray for you.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series so they can guide you towards the best solution in your condition.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life-saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer-killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
Does anyone know if you can use this product for Paget’s of the nipple? I don’t see any way to contact the maker of the product to ask. There is so little information about alternative treatments for this rare cancer. I’ve never seen it addressed at TTAC either. 🙁 At this point, my cancer seems to be external only, no spread. Any information helps.
I have a lot, and mean a lot of freckles and moles. Has anyone used this cream for spots that have not been diagnosed as cancer. I’d like to use it specifically on spots that are on my face just to be proactive.
I have had 6 basal cell surgeries – but when it came to the cancer on my nose I opted for radiation and received 30 rounds of it in 2016. The cancer has come back and now they say I need mohs surgery and then plastic surgery to rebuild my nose. Is there a way to be healed without surgery? The surgeon says the cancer has been growing a long time and goes deep and the surgery will be more extensive than had I done it originally. I know your DNA changes when you receive radiation/ any help for me?