Epsom salts have been used to treat a variety of health ailments by numerous cultures for centuries. Epsom salt baths have astounding health benefits and are an excellent way to destress and detoxify the whole body.
However, these salts are not just beneficial for healing the human body. They are are useful as household cleaners and can even nourish the garden. You can find bulk Epsom salts at gardening stores almost everywhere, making them a real health bargain.
The name Epsom salts comes from its origination of a bitter saline spring found at Epsom in Surrey, England. Unlike other naturally occurring salts, Epsom salts are formed from a pure mineral compound containing magnesium and sulfate. Both magnesium and sulfate stimulate detoxification pathways in the body.
Epsom Salt Baths Help Prevent Magnesium Deficiency
More than 325 enzymes in our bodies require magnesium to properly function. Magnesium stimulates nerve and muscle function, limits inflammation, and improves oxygenation and blood flow through the body. Deficiencies in magnesium can cause significant damage to nerves which manifest in symptoms associated with depression.
Magnesium and sulfate are both fine consistency minerals that can be absorbed through our skin and taken up into the bloodstream. Just as your skin perspires to remove toxins through your pores, these same pores also allow minerals in.
Recall the process of reverse osmosis to understand the process which moves toxins out of the body and pulls magnesium and sulfate inward. When you soak in bathwater containing epsom salts, reverse osmosis occurs to help cleanse your body.
How Epsom Salt Baths Help Cancer Patients
Magnesium can also improve cancer patients overall wellbeing. Both the struggles of being a cancer patient as well as a lack of magnesium in the body are associated with symptoms of depression. Taking Epsom salt baths daily can help relieve symptoms of the illness and also reduce anxiety and irritability and improve sleep patterns.
Other symptoms such as constipation (a common side effect of chemotherapeutic drugs) can also be relieved by taking Epsom salt baths. Magnesium salt promotes gastric activity in the intestines which provides a laxative effect. The stimulation of movement in the gut and colon further promotes detoxification processes.
Sulfates are essential for the optimal health of joints, skin, and nervous tissue. When absorbed through the skin, sulfates can promote the health of these tissues. Sulfates also bind toxic impurities in the liver to render them less hazardous. Specifically, the sulfur component of sulfate salts is what binds to toxins, ensuring their elimination from the body.
The once fat-soluble toxin stored in the liver tissue is metabolized, becoming water soluble. It can then be effectively excreted as waste in urine. This detoxification pathway is referred to as Phase 2 liver detoxification, also known as the conjugation pathway. It is especially critical in cancer patients who have been overloaded with toxic chemotherapy drugs.
Phase 2 liver detoxification is dependent on co-factors such as sulfur to be absorbed by the body. In other words, without sulfur or other substances which bind to impurities, toxins from drugs and the environment accumulate and remain stored in the liver, causing dysfunction. When Phase 2 detoxification pathways are impaired, individuals may have symptoms of nausea, headaches and migraines, chronic fatigue, infections, chemical sensitivities, and bloating.
Cancer patients are particularly susceptible to these health concerns because of the high dose chemotherapeutic drugs used in treatment. Phase 2 detoxification pathways are involved in breaking down drugs and removing them from the body.
Epsom Salt Baths Reduce Inflammation
Epsom salts have been shown to improve many conditions associated with inflammation. Daily Epsom salt baths can treat gout, athlete’s foot, toenail fungus, bruises, sprains, and relax sore muscles. Individuals struggling with a chronic illness can also find pain relief from Epsom salt baths. This is due to the natural ability of the salts to pull out harmful toxins, improving both mineral and sulfur balance in the body.
However, you should not take Epsom salt baths if you are pregnant, have exposed cuts or burns on your skin, or are severely dehydrated. People who suffer from cardiovascular disease should first consult their doctor to see if it is safe to begin an Epsom salt bath regimen.
How to Take Epsom Salt Baths
Turn your Epsom salt bath treatment into a relaxing period as you will need at least 40 minutes to soak in the tub. Within the first 20 minutes of treatment the salts pull toxins out of your body through the skin. The second 20 minutes allows for the absorption of minerals to occur.
First you will need to fill up the bath with pure, warm water. A water filtration system in your home will improve your water’s quality ensuring that you do not soak in hazardous compounds such as chlorine, heavy metals, dioxins, or fluoride. Next, add the Epsom salts to the water as suggested below for standard sized bathtubs.
Children weighing under 60 lbs:
Pour 1⁄2 cup Epsom salts into water
Individuals weighing between 60-100 lbs:
Pour 1 cup of Epsom salts into water
Individuals weighing between 100-150 lbs:
Pour 1 1⁄2 cups of Epsom salts into water
Individuals weighing between 150-200 lbs:
Pour 2 cups of Epsom salts into water
Individuals weighing over 200 lbs:
Use 1⁄2 cup of Epsom salts for every 50 lb interval range
Tips for Getting Maximum Benefit From Your Epsom Salts Bath
- Add olive oil to your bath − Try adding 1⁄2 cup of olive to your bath water. Polyphenols found in olive oil contain antioxidant benefits which are easily absorbed into the skin. (Note: if using oil in the tub, take extra precaution to avoid slips and falls.)
- Add herbs & spices − The addition of cayenne pepper or a piece of ginger into the bath water can raise your heat levels promoting your body to sweat and draw out more toxins. Adding these herbs can stimulate the detoxification pathways with as little as 1 tablespoon up to as much as 1⁄2 cup.
- Don’t use soap − Avoid using soap when taking an Epsom salt bath to ensure the ingredients of the soap do not interact with or prevent the detoxification process from occurring.
- Take it easy afterwards − Taking an Epsom salt bath at night may be most feasible to ensure that you can rest for at least one hour after afterwards. However, if you have arthritic joints, you may choose to have treatment in the morning. This will help ensure that you can stay as active as possible following the bath in order to limit fatigued and achy joints.
- Add essential oils − Turn your Epsom salts bath into a luxurious spa treatment by adding several drops of essential oils to the water. Therapeutic oils such as lavender essential oil and frankincense can promote relaxation and stimulate healing and/or just use any essential oil(s) that you enjoy.
- Try a combination bath − Many people enjoy a combination of epsom salts and baking soda after cancer treatments for helping to detoxify the body (i.e. add 1 cup baking soda to your bath along with the epsom salts.) Another good detoxifying combination is two cups of sea salt, two cups of baking soda, and two cups of Epsom salt.
Are you a fan of Epsom salt baths? Please share your experience or additional tips below in the comments section below.
Editor’s note: This post was originally published in June 2016. It has been updated and republished in December 2019.
Article Summary
Epsom salt baths are an excellent way to destress and detoxify the whole body.
Unlike other naturally occurring salts, Epsom salts are formed from a pure mineral compound containing magnesium and sulfate.
More than 325 enzymes in the body require magnesium to function properly.
Epsom salts have been shown to improve many conditions associated with inflammation and to provide pain relief by pulling out harmful toxins.
You should not take Epsom salt baths if you are pregnant, have exposed cuts or burns on your skin, or are severely dehydrated.
Plan on 40 minutes in the tub for an effective Epsom salts bath.
Use approximately 1/2 cup of Epsom salts for every 50 pounds of weight.
After receiving radiation for my breast cancer in 1998, I used to take a warm bath with 1 cup of Epson salts and 1 cup of baking soda – this took out the radiation from my body and I credit this as part of my survival from cancer.
Gail, in 1998 when you soaked in a warm bath with 1 cup of Epson salts and 1 cup of baking soda, did all your cancer disappear and never came back? Did you do chemotherapy? Where do you live and in what store did you buy Epson salts? I live in Ottawa, Canada and I do not know what store that I can get it in.
Silvia, you can purchase Epsom salts at shoppers drug mart or any other pharmacy, however, I found the best-priced was at Costco.
I purchase a 50 pound bag of epsom salts for around $20.00 (I’m in Canada) from a near-by farm co-op. That is the most economical price I have found.
If Ottawa has Dollarama Stores – they carry ltlb bags for $1.00. Don’t get the lavender scented though – just buy the plain – nothing artificial added.
Save the life of a tired led acid battery.Just empty battery of acid, replace with distilled water add 1tbl spoon epsom salt per, cell.Charge battery, good for go.Works best to heat water. The Car Doctor “Ray Smith” Waldron AR,
uh. no.
you need sulfuric acid in lead-acid battery cells.
Walmart sells big jugs of Epsom Salt fpr approx $8.
Silvia: tgey also sell large bixes of baking soda…good luck.
Silvia, you can buy both Epsom salts and baking soda in large containers from Walmart in Ottawa. The big jug of Epsom Salts is approx $8 . They also sell large boxes of baking soda (though its not aluminum free). Good luck.
No baking soda has aluminum in it. One or two companies have started to put that on their label, and it has led to a lot of confusion.
Silvia, Epsom salts should be able to be found in your health food store or drugstore. In a drugstore, they are found by the laxatives.
Try Amazon. I purchased a pound bag from my local dollar store which was already infused with lavender. You may not have our dollar stores, but Amazon ships everywhere. My local grocer also sells Epsom salts plain. Ask your store manager.
You can buy Epson salt’s been any drugstore I live in Canada also
Hi Silvia, Epsom Salts can be found in Walmart, Whole Foods, CVS, Costco, and many other stores. Its fairly inexpensive…. I buy mine at Costco and I think I pay $10 for 2 7 pound bags. Good luck to you!! 🙂
Gail you can find Epsom Salts in any Pharmacy and Walmart. I haven’t looked at a garden center as he suggests but I will since it might be cheaper.
In 1998, I was only treated with 3 weeks of radiation therapy – not chemotherapy. My cancer did not return until 2013 after I had been in a very stressful work situation and recently my cancer returned due to 3 leaked dental fillings which I had a lady use a cold wave laser to remove the mercury from my system. I also took a course in German New Medicine which lead me to the root cause of my cancer. No special store to buy Epson salts but I would never buy it from the “dollar store” due to the source of their products!! The Truth About Cancer series gives very good information about alternative treatments for cancer along with Dr Sircus with his information on how to change your body from acidic to alkaline and other holistic information. I am blessed to live in Regina, Sk. with family and friends. Good luck with your journey and keep the faith as there is life after a cancer diagnosis.
Hi Gail, do you mind me asking what was the root cause of your cancer?
Gail, do you still have the cancer from 2013 or has it disappeared completely? What did you use to treat you cancer in 2013? I have a lump in my left breast, but it is not a malignant tumor. It is just benign. I have a fibroadenoma. This benign lump does not become malignant. I feel no symptoms with a benign lump and there is no treatment for it.
Hi Silvia – In 2013, my Stage 4 cancer spread to my lymph, lungs and bones and I was given hormone treatments. After 6 months, the pills cause hair loss I stopped taking them because the oncologist said I had alopecia rather than believe it was the meds! In April, 2015, my CT scan showed the cancer only in the right hip and it had not progressed since the original diagnosis. In May, 2015 my blood markers started to increase and my next CT scan showed bone cancer had spread to the left hip. I started on the hormone pills again but also went holistic with cold wave laser which took 3 treatments to clear. After 6 months, the hormone pills again cause bald spots in my hair and I stopped the pills as I had no symptoms of cancer. I mean – no pain, no cough, lots of energy. My oncologist said I can now be monitored by my family doctor however, I still do nutritional and other holistic things to keep my body in check. “C” is a journey but you need to stop and smell the roses! You also are the person in charge of your body as the medical system can only prescribe meds or they will lose their license. Having Epson salt baths are a good way to get magnesium into your body.
Silvia, for benign lump in breast do research for lugol’s iodine. I use it. It is great for breast issues!
Sylvia. Use castor oil on a cloth then put hot water bottle on top place on top of area where your lump is. Great way to draw toxins out of the breast. I am a breat cancer survivor from 2007. My naturopathic doctor had me do this.
I live in BC. Go to any good drug store and they sell Epsons Salt. I agree do not buy from a dollar type store.
Hi, you might want to go to otter co-op the feed lot department and u can get a 50lbs bag of Epson salts and baking soda(sodium bicarbonate) 50lbs bag including taxes $50 it’s the best way to purchase it
Silvia, You should be able to find Epsom salts in any pharmacy or health store
You can buy epsom salts in any department store in the pharmacy section.
Silvia, I am in Montreal and I got Epsom salts at Walmart in the pharmacy section. I would think that most pharmacies also have Epsom salts. Good luck!
Look up seasalt.com and then look under bath salts/epsom salts. Link is: \seasalt.com/bath-salts/epsom-salt.html . They will ship direct to you. Occasionally they do offer free shipping> This is a great resource for epsom salts and other salts.
You can also buy Epsom salts at Bulk Barn.
You can buy it on Ebay in any qty. that you desire. If you are really going for it, you can get 25lbs for $35.00US.
Sanfranciso salt company has large quantities of Epson salts and all kinds of salts.
I was badly burned after my radiation and the creams did not help. I used 1 and half cups SEA SALT, not regular table salt and I healed very quickly that my surgeon could not believe how it looked 2 months later.
How often do u detox w the Epsom,
every nite ? I soaked the other nite..
I couldn’t sleep.. Magnesium shouldn’t have that effect…. Maybe for some other reason ..
I too was burned terribly with radiation on breast cancer. Six years later I developed lung cancer. I had surgery for it 7 months ago & so far, so good. I truly believe the radiation is what caused my lung cancer. My oncologist agrees that it contributed. Be careful you folks that have had radiation.
Dr. Jockers, thanks for sharing this article! It was very interesting. Can Epson salts be sold at ‘Whole Foods’? Dr. Jockers, if a person with stage 4 cancer soaks in a warm bath with Epson salts every day, will their cancer disappear and never come back? Will it prevent them from dying from this awful disease?
Hi Sylvia,
No, the procedure is a detox add-on, not a stand alone procedure. The bath helps detox the body, aids in healing. It is does not cure, for complete cure you need to follow a complete protocol. Read Ty Bollinger’s book, Cancer Step Outside the Box, he enlists many practitioners and their protocols. You can also watch his list of experts (many medical doctors amongst them) for his documentary, truth about cancer.
And epsom salts can be obtained from any regular pharmacy in sizes as big as 4kg.
Best of luck for your healing.
Know that Cancer is not a death sentences and there are many cures out there. Must read Ty’s book.
Epsom salt is sold everywhere–drug store, walmart, any box store even Lowes carries it because it has so many uses. I use it on tomatoes to stop blossom end rot.
Sylvia you can buy epsom salt in a drug store, grocery store
Epsom Salts can be bought from a Plant Nursery as well.
Did you see the link above Dr. Jocker’s information to The Truth About Cancer? They have AMAZING information and a great docu series. He had numerous conversations with cancer survivors. At least one of them was stage 4. Watch it and be encouraged. You can win this battle.
You can purchase bags of Epsom salts at target or Walmart. It is by the peroxide and alcohol in first aid section of store.
If we are to use a half a cup for every 50 pounds why isn’t 200 pounds to cups ? Is there a reason the article states one and a half cups?
My Integrative, MD, doctor says to use magnesium chloride, not sulfate. This one is difficult to find and expensive. I have found some on sale at Big Lots and TJ Maxx sometime, for $10.00, but this article does not mention magnesium chloride at all. Has anyone else heard this? Would love for an authority to reply to this from “Truth.” This article leaves me in a confused state for sure. Thanks for all replies!
BTW, magnesium sulfate is always at Walmart and even your grocery. I even use it in my garden! Check it out online. It comes plain or with lavender scent and is cheap compared to magnesium chloride.
NOT an expert here, Sharon, but from my reading and personal experience Epsom Salts (MS) are fine for a soak in the bath and I always use that form for that purpose. To make Magnesium ‘Oil’, Magnesium Chloride flakes are a better choice as the resulting mix is less drying/irritating to the skin for daily use.
Magnesium chloride is best. It goes right into the body quicker than sulfate and is absorbed better. There are some people who have health problems that do better with the chloride. Google– What is the difference between magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate? It explains why the difference and how it is used by the body.
You are absolutely correct, Gloria, there are people with CBS gene mutations who cannot tolerate sulfur, my daughter, being one. When she would attempt to soak in mag sulfate (epsom salts) she would emerge from the tub very weak and shaky, and could barely make it from the bath to the bed. Come to find out later, she has methylation problems and problems with the sulfur pathways in her body, and cannot tolerate epsom salts, or sulfa drugs, for that matter. She does MUCH better with mag chloride.
I have MgCl, I make an oil and spray it on my belly at night. I think that it stays in the body for longer so, it’s better for supplementation but, Epsom Salt baths just feel like they are More Detoxifying!
Don’t get me wrong, the MgCl oil is great for relaxing and sleeping well and all of the other things that it does!!!!
Pamela, that’s a mistake in the summary. Read the main article and see that two cups is correct for 200 lbs.
I think it’s just a typing error, Pamela. I’m not good at maths, lol, but 4 x 50 = 200, so 4 x 1/2 a cup means 2 cups of ES’s. 🙂
It says for 150-200 lbs. use 2 cups. The next line which refers to “over 200 lbs.” means add another 1/2 cup for every additional 50 lbs. beyond 200 lbs. So, if someone weighs 250 lbs., they should use 2 1/2 cups; if they weigh 350 lbs., they should use 3 1/2 cups, etc.
I take an Epsom salt bath every night. It keeps me from having muscle cramps that used to wake me up every morning. Bathing in the salts is much easier than taking a magnesium supplement for me. I use a cup of Epsom salt and soak for at least 30 minutes. I sometimes add a drop or two of sweet fennel oil if I am having any indigestion issues.
Removing fluoride from bath water is impossible unless you have a very, very expensive whole house system, so I question whether this is really a good idea. Does the detox outweigh the fluoride and how would I know?
I was told it was important to rinse off in the shower after taking an epsom salts bath to ensure you don’t reabsorb any toxins left on your skin.
You also may want to add a 1000 mg tablet of vitamin C to your water if you have chlorinated water. Chlorine has carcinogenic compounds and by products that can be absorbed into the skin as well. Do your own research on vitamin C and chlorine. I’m not sure what the epsom salts would do to the chlorine or the chlorimines that are in the water but I wouldn’t want to chance a very beneficial bath to a known carcinogen. Plus vitamin C would just give it an extra boost of healthy 🙂
I cannot express how grateful I am to Ty and all of the TTAC contributers for compiling and sharing all of this amazing information. I actually get excited when I see a new e-mail from TTAC. Keep up the great work!
Me too, exactly!
For those wanting to know where to get Epsom salts, nearly every grocery store has them. Sometimes they are in the detergent/soap section, sometimes in the garden section (because they are great for tomatoes and peppers, that’s why garden centers also carry it), sometimes in the personal hygiene section. At grocery stores it is often in a “cardboard” milk carton type of container.
If you live in New Zealand you can get Epsom Salts in a large quantity from PGG Wrightsons or any of the stock firms. Very cheap way to purchase.
Perfect, thank you Doreen!
Hi Rattlerjake, how do you use Epsom salt for tomatoes and peppers in the garden? This method is not known where I live. Thanks beforehand for sharing your knowledge. Warm regards!
i’ve heard to put 11/2 tablespoon of epsom salt into a gal of water and mix it up ,then put into a spray bottle and spray the leaves of your tomatoe &peppers
Epson salts mixed with water are also good when you are transplanting vegetables and flowers into the garden.
epsom salts best dissolved in warm water….then diluted to water your plants…..although you can sprinkle around plants……..its very good for peppers/chillis/tomatoes and citrus trees……..it helps plants take up nitrogen and encourages green leaves……my chillis went nuts when i gave it to them………i but my epsom salts from the garden centre…….its cheaper and the same stuff.
I get it at Costco. Two huge bags small price. I also take it internally as warm water maybe 2 oz dissolve 2table spoons of epsom salts then drink it straight down and follow with a strong drink maybe grape juice or coffee
I feel like I want to vomit but in about 30 minutes to an hour my stomach starts to rumble. Hit the toilet quickly. The worse the smell the more toxin removal. I did this once a week for a month and once a month for maintenance. Tastes awful but did me great
Hello Friends,
Regarding the salts baths, there is nothing wrong with the traditional Epsom Salts, but there is a superior product that I buy from Dr. Ted Broer (www.healthmasters.com). It is called Magnesium Dead Sea Salts. Dead Sea Bath Salts can probably be found in many health food stores, bit I like to buy products from people I trust and the convenience of online ordering works well for me. Check it out below.
Elizabeth Savary
Topical use only. Do not use this one on food.
Dead Sea Bath Salts -2.2lbs Unrefined, unprocessed & undiluted, our Bath Salts bring the healing powers of the Dead Sea into your home. People have travelled from afar for thousands of years to soak in the curative mineral water at the most Ancient health retreat on Earth. From heart disorders to muscle & nerve pain to skin ailments, soak it all away with our all-natural, therapeutic soak. This positively-charged, ionic mineral soak is readily absorbed by your skin — the human body’s largest organ — for immediate relief, rejuvenation and relaxation.
For the foot/hand soak we recommend you take warm water and add to bucket ( you only need enough water to completely cover your feet), then add 1/4 cup of bath salts and 1oz of magnesium oil. Soak for 30-40 min
For larger savings we recommend our Bulk caselot Dead Sea Bath salts
Magnesium Chloride, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Strontium, Boron, Lithium, Nitrogen, Silicon, Iron, Phosphorus, Manganese, Cobalt, Chromium, Copper, Molybdenum, Nickel, Selenium, Vanadium, Zinc, Trace Elements
Check in the pharmacists department that is where I buy it all the time sometimes in box sometimes in bag cost about $5 to $ 8 OK
I’ve taken Epsom salt baths many times, but never stay in that long. Thank you for the information. I wonder is it ok to use soap at the end of the bath and then rinse off?
Be careful that your soap doesn’t have perfumes or artificial colors! Use a mild, natural soap like “Grammas Soap” — if you have to!
I’ve been buying magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts), Magnesium Chloride and Dead Sea Salts for many years here in Australia from (www.blants.com.au) – I believe the quality of the salts can really vary depending on where they come from. What I didn’t know was that I needed to soak in the salts for 40 mins! I thought it was just 20 mins I needed and with four young children find it hard to even find 20 mins in my day for a soak but this article says the first 20 mins is consumed by the salts pulling out toxins, the next 20 mins to absorb minerals.
If you don’t have a tub, would a foot soak have the same benefit as a bath??
Any comments on difference in benefits between magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride?
My basic understanding is that you soak in magnesium sulphate for more of a detox bath but magnesium chloride or dead sea salts more for the transdermal update of magnesium. Therefore I mix it up and bath in magnesium sulphate some days, magnesium chloride other days and dead sea salts which has more minerals again that just the magnesium on other days. Whilst pregnant with my 4 kids, I chose not to take more detoxifying baths so steered clear of magnesium sulphate with the sulphate being detoxifying (although I know plenty of women do bath in epsom whilst pregnant) but I stuck to dead sea salts and magnesium chloride salts as the magnesium which is really beneficial in pregnancy was more easily absorbed from those two types anyway and they come without the detoxifying sulphate component.
Wal Mart sells Epsom salts in bags in the aisle where they sell first aid supplies like bandages, near the prescription pharmacy window.
No, Silvia, a person with cancer needs to change just about everything they have been doing, especially their diet and exercise. An epsom salt bath is just one of many changes that can be made.
I do not have a bath tub. Will an Epsom Salts foot soak be beneficial? If so, how much Epsom salts for a regular size dish pan?
Thanks so much.
If the first 20 mins it pulls out toxins, why do we want to absorb them back in during the next 20 mins? Seems you should flush the first bath away ?
Great info. Been using this for years when we get sick.
I find epsom salt baths great for chronic eczema; I have one or two epsom salt baths per week and my eczema that plagued me for 10+ years has gone.
As a child, I used to break out with skin rashes at different times of the year (allergies). My mom would have me take a bath with Epsom salt and it would help sooth the rashes. I still to this day – if I get a little rash after doing yard work – that seems to help get rid of it quicker than putting creams on the rash
Magnesio bueno para beber, es el MALEATO DE MAGNESIO,es bueno para los dolores articulares producidos por la artritis reumática. Y dolores de hueso en general, pero los otros tipos de magnesio se pueden usar solo por tiempo limitado( son tóxicos si se prolonga su uso), se puede usar indefinidamente el MALEATO de magnesio .
Thank you I love all the information on here I did know about Epsom salts and I do use it but I love all your articles and your very informative and have a blessed day
My Daughter and her husband bath in epsom salts after their comrade runs.
Would this be able to help with Crohns Disease?
I used 1 cup salt (not iodized) . . . Epsom salts is great . . . and one cup of baking soda in a hot bath for 20 – 30 minutes. I had stage 4 breast cancer and was diagnosed with 3 months to live. I am still here and this is 8 years later. Of course I used other detox methods but this is the one that made me feel the best. Take it easy afterwards as it makes you feel like you have run at least 4 miles. Helps your sleep pattern especially if you are suffering from sleep deprivation. Increased Magnesium takes away stress and depression. We are just like our tomatoes or peppers, we need proper nutrition. Feed Epson salts to your garden and see what happens.
Epson salt is great for relieving soreness in feet & joints. Had a bad day with your shoes, soaking in a cup of Epson salt will remedy this.
Drugstores now have epson salt with ecucalyptus which I have found excellent for foot soaks.
thank you for this info, it really helps a lot! Godbless
thank you for the article, very good. I just finished radiation and will start using the baths again. I have developed neuropathy in my feet (horrible) and have been soaking my feet in epson salts.
In 2004 I completed the third stage of walking the Eastern Continent. The average mileage in Georgia and Florida was 28 miles per day on pavement, including three zero (rest) days. Painful shin splints and ankle chaffing problems caused me to take the first two of those three days in a motel. The motel owner gave me some epsom salts to soak my feet, and I swear by them to this day. I have found that a hot foot bath soothes and relaxes muscle strains from playing tennis, but I have never known before now about the mineral benefits.
I have high blood pressure issues and unfortunately taking epson salt baths causes spiking 🙁
How often do you need to be doing this for it to be of benefit?
Should we avoid these baths if we do not have a whole house filtration system?
I would love to do these but unfortunately, I don’t have anything to purify my water and thus I would probably be absorbing a lot of chlorine, etc. Would that just completely negate the effects?
I would like to know the answer to this as well! Is there somebody who can provide this information?
For those who don’t have a whole house water filtration system (most of us!), I use the Rainshowr Bath Ball 3000. You can buy one from Amazon. It removes the chlorine from your bath water. Just swirl it around in the water for a couple of minutes after filling up your bath. Be well!
Chlorine will be no problem as it dissipates quickly when exposed to air. When you fill a glass with chlorinated water, you can measure the chlorine at first but after 5 minutes, it’s all gone.
Thanks again Ty for keeping on. You are a blessing?
I purchase my Epsom Salt from San Francisco Salt company online. It is pure and high quality and reasonably priced! I buy 25 pound bags.
How else can i use them to benefit me as i don’t have a bath? Are they good in colonics? Blessings
Foot soaks would be just as beneficial, Julie ann…just use less in a basin and enjoy the same benefits from absorbing through the pores in your feet!
Hi, so for people out there who don’t have bathtubs…would a footbath also do the trick? Please advise!
Yes foot soaks work also diluting it into a spray bottle and spraying your legs and arms. Some people spray it on and leave for a while and then take a shower then spray again for extra soaking. It goes into the skin very quickly. Soaking is for even more benefits.
It’s my understanding that a foot bath will still help. Not as much as the whole body soak, but definitely better than nothing. Your body will still absorb the magnesium through your feet. I think that you just may not pull out as many toxins since it’s your skin that is eliminating the toxins and most of it won’t be in the water.
It says not to take Epsom bath if pregnant, but what about nursing?
New on the market is Epson Salt Rub Gel with Aloe Vera,I have had good relief by massaging away aches and pains/ good for spot treatment.
I live in Michigan and almost every drugstore (such as CVS, Rite-Aid, etc. carryr it) I’m going to try try it again, I now have stage 4 breast cancer. used it years ago for a obstetric boil, and it worked wonders
Wow…this would most likely help both my elderly parents, but there is no way they would consider this a practical undertaking. The cannot even get into a bathtub, and I know they are not going to invest in a walk-in tub at this stage if the game 🙁
Sounds like they would be good candidates for doing foot baths with Epson Salts. Something is better than nothing.
Do you live near a beach? Take your elderly parents to the beach and let them sit in the water. If you don’t have two grown sons to help you, I would suggest that you ask a couple of young men from church to go with you. You will need the young men to lovingly and joyfully walk them into the water to the right depth where they could sit down and let the water roll over them. Then, when it is time, the young men could help them to get to their feet and walk with them back to chairs before going to your car.
Depending on the strength and steadiness of your parents I could even see how that two men on each side could use a sheet to carry a parent down to the water and then lower them into the water to sit for a time of soaking (still on the sheet). When it is time for them to get out of the water maybe the two men could pick up the sheet on both sides and lift them to help them to get upright before helping them to a chair.
My grandparents never needed help in getting into the water at the beach. They both believed in the health benefits of getting in the ocean water and went regularly.
I love Epsom salt baths. They provide some relaxation and pain relief as well as detoxing my body. I’m treating Lyme disease and Epsom Salt baths are daily for me.
My daughter and I also have Lyme and we do foot soaks in Epsom salts and it helps. Some Lyme patients need to start out with foot soaks since a whole body soak is too much for them.
Love Epsom salts!
In helping people detox and with cancer, I’m the guinea pig on most everything I recommend. Which is why I know, any detox bath should be followed with a cool shower. Cold shower also helps body stop sweating. Great if you’re in a hurry.
More importantly, take your time standing up. You can feel very dizzy. Take it very slow.
Other than that, Eosim salt is great used in conjunction with certain liver cleanses.
I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease years ago… Which resulted in debilitating joint inflammation… I had months where I could barely crawl… Much less walk…due to the pain and inflammation. I began taking a daily Epsom salt bath and it has made a world of difference ….
It is good to see you are recognizing the critical need for magnesium. Dr. Carolyn Dean says it is needed for 700 to 800 enzyme functions and is required to metabolize calcium and vitamin D. Meaning, taking Vitamin D and eating foods supplemented with calcium or as a supplement requires even mor magnesium. So, the baths are a great way to get the needed magnesium.
Why can’t Epsom salt baths be used if pregnant? I would have thought it would be beneficial.
Then I was pregnant and I had early contractions I was told by midwife to use Epson salt bath to calm my body down and stop contractions, it worked like miracle. Also while I was pregnant I had a pain in my leg muscles, very bad, I had to take magnesium and Epson salt baths for that. The only thing for pregnant, you can not use hot baths, not good for a baby, but Epson salt is great for pregnant.
i have eczema and cannot deal with warm water – makes me have painful itching. will soaking in cool water help?
Dear Claire, Epsom salts raise your internal body temperature. This can induce labour, and if you’re pregnant it is possible to miscarry through a simple Epsom salt bath. Having an Epsom salt bath can make you sweat and can even result in fainting. You should always have a large glass of water to hand during your bath, and consume all of it, otherwise you can become dehydrated. Also once you’ve had your bath you will most likely be exhausted and need to sleep, therefore I don’t know why he’s suggesting a morning bath for arthritis! The more magnesium deficient or ‘toxic’ you are, the more exhausted the bath will make you. There’s quite a lot that’s been missed out of this article…
I’ve been taking 3 Epsom salt baths a week for the last 10 years. I use them to detoxify and I scrub my body with them, because they help with cellulite and make your skin super soft. Great for acne too.
I buy mine online. eBay do them for about £1/kg.
Maybe it’s not recommended in pregnancy because of the detoxifying comment of magnesium sulphate, although I know plenty of women who have soaked in it without ill affect whilst pregnant. As magnesium is so beneficial in pregnancy, I steered clear of magnesium sulphate (epsom) during my 4 pregnancies and bathed in dead sea salts and magnesium chloride salts as the magnesium is considered to be more easily absorbed from those two types of salt anyway and they come without the detoxifying sulphate component. I had really hot baths throughout my pregnancies often twice a day with salts and had very healthy babies and quick and easy births of big babies so I didn’t find that hot baths had any ill affects and no cramps at all so I think the transdermal uptake of the magnesium from the baths must have prevented them.
I have been diagnosed with 4 autoimmune diseases. Getting ready to start a detoxification process to try to re start my health. The daily Epsom salt bath is one of the things I will be doing. I will update my progress as I fully believe you can get rid of autoimmune diseases!
Yes, Epsom salts are readily available. Lately some of the brands have started adding ingredients, I think as a marketing ploy. But I have read one should only use the pure salts so be sure to look at the ingredients. When I buy mine at Wal-Mart the plain salts are located in the first aid products area. The salts with added ingredients (same brand!) are usually located closer to beauty products where one would find other bath oils, etc. I often use the plain salts and add a few drops of good quality lavender essential oil. I have a major skin issue that produces extreme itching making it where I sometimes can’t sleep. I get in the tub with an easy to read book (not something too technical or full of action!) and it usually does the trick.
i have made the detoxifing treatment with epson salt right after my radio treatment in 2011 and then i repeated it in 2012 or 2013 but every time i have made it was like an internal shower for me, very refreshing.And the treatment was a detox treatment for liver but i also felt that was good for my urinal infection and kitney pains that camed with it.The treatment i have done was:750ml water with 4 table spoons of epson salt shared in 4 glasses,keeped in the fridge until drink…and 1 more glass with half of olive oil cold pressed and half grefruit juice…eat in the morning something easy ,after 12 nothing to eat until next day..at 4,6,8 pm drink a glass of water prepared as told,at 10 pm drink the glass with olive oil and grepfruit,and put yourself into bed until next day ..next morning drink the remaining glass of water with epson salt,and wait to see the benefit of this treatment…is cleansing the liver of parasites and their eggs ,from colesterol and toxins,is a very old treatment and very known …i have made it and prepared to make it again shortly because i was brestfeeding and i didn’t wanted to make it in this period ,but is really worthing trying it..enjoy
Thank you so much for this valuable information
Thank you! Very informative.
I’m wondering how after 20 min. of pulling toxins out, we can believe that the next 20 min. is about absorbing minerals, and not reabsorbing the toxins that are now in the water. Would you please explain?
Sulfates can cause asthma attacks in people who have asthma. This is one reason why using sulfates on red meat and spraying salad bars with sulfates was banned. Is magnesium sulfate different, or should asthmatics avoid exposure to it just as they would avoid any sulfate?
For anyone looking for Epsom Salts, this is a great site with great prices — seasalt.com. I have also gone to my local True Value store and purchased MAG Ice Melt, which is magnesium, along with other minerals, from the Dead Sea. Works great and is very inexpensive. I do foot baths. I add half baking soda to whatever the measurement I use of Epsom Salts (or the MAG). I also add a Tbsp of Borax powder, as boron is also a co-factor in helping it work.
I took an Epsom salt bath based on reading a different article. I put in 2 cups of Epsom salts,and stayed in the bath for as long as the water was warm (about 45 minutes). This was one day after doing a coffee enema, That morning I had gone to my twice weekly restorative yoga class, that spent more time than unusual doing gentle back bends (that stretch the abdominal muscles). I also take arimidex, and CBD oil. I am not doing chemo, radiation or surgery for my invasive breast duct cancer.
I experienced explosive diarrhea the early morning (1 am) after the Epsom salt bath (at 9 pm). Diarrhea lasted 21 days. I lost another 5 pounds (after already loosing 20 lbs). I am now 105 lbs, 5’8″.
I looked up the side effects of each of the treatments I am doing. All of them have diarrhea as a side effect. It wasn’t a problem to experience diarrhea for 21 days because as a meditator, I observe rather than react. I also thought that it may be toxins coming out.
After 3 weeks, I stopped everything but the arimidex. Over the next week the bowels slowly returned to normal. Now I will add a back one treatment at a time, and observe my body’s reaction.
For the past week (after I stopped the treatments) I have experienced vertigo and imbalance. Again I am observing ….
I have learned that although alternative treatments may be effective, they come with side-effects, too! However, those side-effects are not posted on most online articles about the treatments. It took a lot of research to find that Epsom salts create diarrhea, as does CBD oil.
Alternatives are not a panacea, but better than the big 3 (chemo, radiation, surgery)
Im not an expert on this but it seems to me that you are using double the amount of epsom salt than you should be. The article states that 2 cups is for someone up to 200 pounds. I am also a firm believer in starting with one thing at a time and then slowly adding other treatments. Also research if there is any problems with mixing the arimidex, CBD oil and epsom salt baths. Even natures remedies can interact with each other and can be either effective or cause adverse effects. Epsom salts usually do not cause diarrhea when used in a bath from what I know but if you are getting an overdose of magnesium that would be believable. Hope you get it figured out and are on a good path to healing 🙂
After visiting the MgBright website, last week I used 6 cups of Epsom salts in my bath for 45 minutes. I had NO diarrhea or any side effects. I’m really surprised to read about these adverse effects. I plan to try it again tonight to see if I experience any side effects. I’m not taking Armimidex or CBD oil.
Too much magnesium also gives me instant diarrhea so I limit my intake. However, I have not had this reaction when I add Epsom salts to my bath water. Perhaps you should consider reducing the amount you put in the bath water. Also, be sure to shower after to remove the toxins.that came out of your body.
Linnea bohn, my name is Grace and I have been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma stage 1 breast cancer and am seeking contact with others that are going the holistic route. Please email me at gkelly28@verizon.net.
Any suggestions for those of us who do not have bath tubs. Would a foot soak be beneficial?
Go to the beach if you live near the ocean or the gulf. Get your Vitamin D at the same time as you get all the minerals from the water.
PS…Epsom salts have become more expensive, and sometimes I’ve gone into a large box store and they’ve actually been out. It’s strange. I always have some on hand though, for soaks. I’d think the strength of solution would be the focus for the amount in the water, vs. poundage of the person? I just want to get this right. Regardless, adding lavender or maybe lemon thyme from my garden to an epsom salt soak sounds like a great idea, or the EO’s. After getting Lyme Disease, and learning that ticks and fleas? don’t like lavender, a soak will help protect me perhaps, when I work in the garden. A person can be reinfected with Lyme, For the days when I don’t soak, I’ll just continue to spray an All Natural Insect Repellent Lavender Spray I bought at a Farmer’s Market from Dancing Light Ranch in Oregon. They added essential oils of lavender, lemongrass, citronella, Rosemary and Tea Tree in an aloe vera base. Besides, since I pulled a back muscle yesterday, this article was a great reminder of a healing solution. Just a note: I read online that a woman with Morgellans soaked in Epsom salt and baking soda? but it was when her cat knocked a bottle of Alfalfa tabs into the water that she saw the tub full of dead critters. Thank you so much for the article and for those who cared enough to share, to help others.
In the past, I have taken 30-minute Epsom salt baths for my legs to recover from softball games, walks and jogs. It has aided in recovery.
Epsom salt baths are actually normally fine and VERY helpful while pregnant, but as with most things, a little extra care should be taken: first, make sure you are fully hydrated before taking a soak (have water on hand too). Secondly, hot water is fine, just make sure it is a temp you are comfortable with and don’t fully immerse your entire body as it can raise your core temp faster and possibly lead to overheating. You may want to use a little less salt than normally recommended for a more gentle detox. (You can also use sea or Himalayan salt as well, as these contain other trace minerals for absorption). Mg deficiency is often a huge problem in pregnant women, and can lead to more severe nausea/vomiting and leg cramps, so taking an Epsom salt soak or foot bath regularly can aid absorption. I would highly recommend a soak before I would recommend an internal supplement for sure…a soak is more direct and has relaxation benefits too.
I get my Epsom salt from Walmart. Pharmacies will carry it too.
I use it for baths, fertilizer, weed killer mixed with vinegar, chicken supplement(prevents diarreah)
Vivian, what proportion of Epson salts to vinegar do you use for weeds? Our large back yard is out of control, and hiring someone to do the work is prohibitively expensive. I’m anxious to try the bath routine also.
I read that the commercial epsom salts sold in drug stores and supermarkets have impurities. There used to be a company that made high grade epsom salts but they seem to be out of business. Any suggestions?
try Ancient Minerals Magnesium Bath Flakes. I got mine from Radiant Life.com, 888.593.9595
Ingredient: Magnesium chloride flakes
I have taken Epsom Salts bath’s for years for my arthritis. My husband has stage four pancreatic/liver cancer, for awhile he was taking Epsom salts bath’s to relieve his aches and to help clear up sores and dry skin on his body. I am going to have him start bathing again every evening like he used to in Epsom Salts since reading this article. Thank you, Ty you have been a wealth of information to me on how to treat my husbands disease and keeping him healthy. He had now been on chemotherapy for 2 1/2 years. It has taken quite a toll on him with the side-effects but he still gets up and go’s to work every morning and now he’s begun working on getting his 1967 Chevy Malibu repainted. He’s outside in 114 degree weather stripping the old paint off his car. What can I say-He’s a fighter! There is no way he is going to let cancer get him down. He swears he’s going to be one of the 6 out of 100 people who survive. He eats rights, he’s on numerous herbal and vitamin supplements and rests, on the days the chemo is beating him up. He’s awesome. I call him “iron-man” because he’s so strong and has an amazingly positive attitude.
You are to be proud of him! As a stage IV Breast Cancer Survivor – 3 times – I understand his struggles. Keep the faith! My faith and trust in God is what keeps me going everyday. I also take many natural supplements. I am cancer free today. It is very possible. GOD Bless You and your Husband.
Wellington, FL
Pam your husband may want to stop doing the chemo.
Pam, stripping the car is a highly toxic activity. Stop putting the carcinogens in. Detox them and avoid them. Please rethink activities.
Hi Ty, I did try to contact you by email on several of the e-news you have sent.. but they are Always noreply email and therefore they have never reached. I was wondering if you have ever looked into Dr. Clark cancer cure?
Dr. Clark Information Center
Hi Cristina, If you would like to get a response from Ty, please send a message to our customer support team by going to this link: https://support.thetruthaboutcancer.com/submit_ticket
I’ve heard Epson salts can contain aluminium, is this true?
I discovered epsom salt for treating my youngest’s eczema. It works wonders for her! Now the whole family uses it!
I did Epsom salt baths 1 -2x week during pregnancy with my OB/GYN permission. Helped with back pain. No issues.
Great article, i would also love to hear stories from people who used this treatment without chemo/radiation and poisoning and healed from cancer. Also any other natural remedies used.????
If you mix the essential oils into the Epson salts before putting it in the water they will stay suspended in the water instead of floating on the top of the water.
Epsom salts can also be found in a combination of different herbal therapies. My favoriie is lavender, when combined with warm water and a 15 minute soak can give a honey of a night’s sleep. This combination can be found at Walmart in the health and beauty section. Also, my mother suffered from cardiovascular disease. Although the doctor did not advise this, but when her legs and feet swole profusely, we prayed, and added about a cup of epsom salts to about a gallon of water, emersed her feet and dipped the warm solution up on her legs, the swelling went down almost immediately.
Whenever it is a natural product, I start with my Frontier Cooperative Herb rep who could not find me bulk quantities of just epsom salts but had a 5# option wholesale.frontiercoop.com/product.html?I=11455 from this company queenhelene.com/batherapyhome2.php best to all
I have heard that if you don’t have a water filter you can use a couple of tablespoons of vitamin C ascorbic acid which will neutralize the chlorine and other chemicals. I learned this on the wellness Mama’s website since I do not have a water filter and have been using Epsom salts bath for detoxing my body. S. Gabelman
I do not have a bathtub. Can I just soak my feet & receive benefit? If so, how much salt should I use? – thank you
I have a Shoppers Drug Mart in Ottawa, Canada. I do not go to Walmart at all. I have a Whole Foods store in Ottawa, Canada too. I do not have cancer. I have just a benign lump in my left breast which is a fibroadenoma. This benign lump does not do anything. Do any of you people live in Canada?
I love an Epsom salt bath. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and find it helps a lot. I also like to add Apple Cider Vinegar and Bentonite clay. The clay is great at drawing out toxins.
Heather where do you get the Bentonite clay and how much do you use in the bath? Does it dissolve totally? I think this could be bad for a septic system. Linda
How and when do you take these baths with R.A.? I have RA and know, not one person with it-but I am looking at doing the Healing your Leaky Gut to try to back it off. I have been so stiff and sore in mornings that I can barely move, so I am going to try these soaking-baths.
Something Alternative and Natural has hot to help!!
Sharon H.
Thank you Ty for. “The truth about cancer” emails. I have learned so much and I’m passing it on. I will have an Epson salt bath tonight! Love love all your input on this very important and crucial subject. God bless you!
Epson Salts Bath is The Best!!! I am presently in Training for my 6-day 600k bike ride from Toronto to Montreal. And after each ride on Saturdays and Sundays I would immediately have a long warm Epson salt bath. So far I have no aches or pains at this tender age of 70. It’s the best!!!!!
Hi Debbie – according to German New Medicine (GNM), the root cause of breast cancer (bc) is a sudden shock to the system such as a divorce, death, child, etc. or a conflict that you have no emotional support to deal with this issue. In my mind, I went over my divorce with “why, why, why” and could never resolve this issue until I received my “c” diagnosis and then I let go of him completely as I had a 9 year old to look after. My belief is that bc is conflicting emotions of the heart when we feel rejected and despondent.
We had a hot tub…I was determined never to use the typical horrible chemicals of a pool life. So unable to find anything telling me what to use, I got my common sense working…epsom salts, baking soda. It worked…every several weeks we would put a half cup of bleach and leave it sitting in the sun for two days, then running it thru the jets cycle for cleaning…and never had any weird fungus growing…could not find any other solution to replace the bleach. However, if you have never had such an amazing long soak in a hot tub full of epsom salts..which we kept adding as our purifier, and the amazing effect it had on our bodies, you just have to try it. After working long in the hot sun in the garden, or mowing (pre milk cow days) the boost it gave and physically amazing change is so worth the effort. It can be done~you don’t want to go any longer without a long hot soak in epsom salts.
Jus Wing It, (or anyone else who knows) How much Epsom Salts and Baking Soda do you add to your hot tub?
Equal amounts of baking soda added to epsom salts bath will increase absorption to the cells.. I would imagine that even 1/2 cup to one cup epsom would do the job too.
The amounts are only a suggestion. You can use a little more or less. For those who live near the coast, you can get the same benefits by spending time in ocean water.
I understood it that you should never stay in an Epsom Salt Bath longer than 15 – 20 mins because the toxins that are drawn out of the body will just be reabsorbed the longer you stay in it. Surely the toxins don’t disappear in the water and your skin just re- absorbs everything floating around.
Yes, but doing it in a tub just gives you more skin surface area for absorption.
I couldn’t find anywhere at the end of the article ‘add your comment below’ you say . . . I clicked ‘what do you think – it took me to a different page altogether – I went back and clicked same again thinking I made a mistake, same page again I DIDn’t want – now I’ve searched for several minutes – no success, so evENtually I try scrolling down thro’ the comments, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling – I tell you man, I’m a university graduate – I have more than just peas in my brain WHY is it SO hard to figure out???? Could you not make it simple for folk and have comments left in reverse order or something, so the box to leave your comment is clearly and easily and simply VISIBLE!! Pardon my frustration, but I can tell you a LOT of people may have had VERY meaningful comments to make and gave up because of this . . . Letting you know Ty and taking valuable time to let you know the difficulties I’m having. Please do something to help! Many thanks – Bless you 🙂
There you see I forgot what I wanted to say to you
Yes I have a question – I put 3 cups in a say 15 inch deep bath. Surely the amount of epsom salts you use is to get a certain dilution of salted water, and this does not vary with a person’s weight – please will you explain what is the best amount to put in a deep bath. A shallower bath, surely one should use less??
I thought more salts is better and more effective – is that the case?
Thank you Ty for sharing all this wonderful information. God bless you in this journey. La
Epsom salts can also be used for children with Autism. Most of these children are deficient in both these minerals. It is a natural way to help them. As we don’t have a bath at present we use a foot spa for our son. We notice the difference in his behaviour the next day. If we miss a day we find his symptoms come back.
Does it help with hyperactivity, focus, or both?
If you use a lot of Epsom salt the cheapest way to purchase is from a farm supply store. I pay $20.00 for 50 pounds in Ontario. We use it for livestock.
if you dont have a water softner does that mean you shouldnt do the bath because of the flouride and chlorine ?
I suggest changing letting the water out of the tub or foot bath after 20 minutes, scrub the tub, and refill with fresh hot water and more Epson salts. Why take a chance of reabsorbing toxins for the next 20 minutes that you have just soaked out of your body? This is what I do. Even soaking my feet in water that I have added 1/4 – 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar works as a detox for me.I don’t have C but I have spent a lifetime doing these simple things.
Hi , my dog has just been diagnosed with a benign tumour and I was wondering how epsom salts could help a pet – if at all ? Curious as I am looking for holistic ways to help her. ~ Alicia
Hi Silvia Logan, and everyone. Doing research on my own, everywhere, my partner the wonderful Janis had BC, went down the usual road of big pharma, chemo – radiation, the most extreme of all, the oncologist even admitted “they had put her through the wringer” it was so severe! I still well up when I think about it, heartbreaking! wish we had known then what we know now thanks to Ty + TTAC.
Silvia I detect an anxiety in your posts! I have read this can have an adverse effect on your system that may do you harm if you can`t relax a bit more. My Janis is doing well 4yrs on, still the odd ache + joint pain, but regular tests show no cancer ? Remission or cure? Janis wont listen to the truth of it and says if it comes back she will do the same chemo again !!!
I came across a couple of treatments that seem to show remarkable results with malaria, hiv, aids, hepatitis, cancer. In fact seems quite remarkable, called MMS, The miracle mineral of the 21st century, there is a book about it by Jim Humble. Sounds alarming as it is Sodium Chlorite + when mixed with the right ratio of citric acid, Lime or Lemon, it produces Chlorine Dioxide ! an industrial bleach, but not harmful in such low concentration, 3000 pts per million. You only take one or two drops with water or juice, [ not orange,] grape or apple for taste.
I downloaded the book, a part of the book that explains how it works is free to download on his website, or the mixture is available ready mixed or in component form, also with the free book,[ and it is free download,] (support@mms-supplement.com)
or (support@healthy-action.com) An Australian website, big pharma trying to shut it out, having a problem in the UK to get it. USA has it wont ship to UK, the Australian crew may. USA ships to Canada, but poss able to buy in Canada. Sold as pool / water purifier, been used for years by campers travelers as water purifier. Please read the book and decide yourself, makes sense to me. MUST READ THE BOOK FOR INFO. SOME HAVE FOUND TOO MUCH GIVES THE RUNS!
The other is a plant called Petty Spurge, from what I have found out it grows wild in southern hemisphere, Oz was one place I found that sells seeds to grow your own, the white sap of the leaf stem applied externally until the growth drops off ! lots of forums with info out there, sounds quite toxic but works according to many people who have tried it.
Another plant from Turkey but grows in lowland hot climate, Texas ? Mexico ? called Oleander, make a tea or soup from the leaves, kills cancer cells, proved by Dr in Turkey over many years.
Long post hope it helps inform,
Keep well regards to all Russell UK.
Russell Culf, Oleander bushes grow ubiquitously here in FL. Well, Central West Coast is where I’ve seen most as that is where I’ve lived many years. I’d love to find more info on making a tea or soup from the leaves to kill cancer cells (for future use if it ever strikes me or loved ones). Have to share, when I was a foolish young teen, I and a couple of friends smoked the leaves of an Oleander. We didn’t know the leaves were poison at that time in our lives. We knew the milk from the stems were, but it didn’t occur to us it was the entire plant! LOL!
I have also used ginger baths to detoxify during candida die off. I make a tea first, then pour it in the tub. Soak for 20 minutes, then add Epsom salts and baking soda (1/2 cup each the first time) and soak some more.
Hey Ty; Most of my current life problems started with an epsom salts bath ….I have Narcolepsy and yup I fell asleep in my bath… I slept for over three hours , I woke up with both legs a mess …. The salts and water changed chemically while I slept and caused all the scar tissue from a lifetime of injuries to let go and float away ….I had found a new way to start celulitus ….I’ve already lost my left leg, and it looks like the right one will go the same way …. By all means use Epsom salts where and when they are beneficial , just be careful ,if you are Narcoleptic have sombody
there to protect you from harm ….Don….
I work in a Hardware store and we sell Epsom Salt in huge bags from China.
Costco’s are ” Imported By ” ( very likely from China). Personally I don’t trust anything from China.
I’m assuming that Walmart’s comes from there as well, as does most or all of their merchandise.
As for the people wondering about foot baths, you do most of your “Detox” through the soles of your feet, so, of course it would be very beneficial.
I would probably use 1/2 cup and an equal amount of baking soda.
My family and I have been using Epsom salt bath soaks for decades but it wasn’t until I came down with a severe case of shingles (I’m 51, healthy) from my back, side, chest and sternum which landed me a week in the hospital and on so many drugs, that I really appreciated them. As soon as I got home, I threw away the medsI soaked every night with drops of tea tree, lemon, frankincense, and clove oils, while sipping on some hot homemade tea made with valerian, catnip, chamomile, St. John’s wort, dandelion and honey along with a good book. I went from the hospital meds of 2 percocet, gabapentin, some kind of anti nausea, prednisone and an anti-viral to just this, the gabapentin, 2 Homeopaths-Rhux tox and Apis, and it worked like magic to take away the shooting, stabbing, burning, itching, extreme pain and nausea from shingles. I’ve always been a believer but now more then ever! Thank you Ty, Dr. Josten, and to your entire team for always bringing us the facts and details of holistic healthy living! 🙂 🙂
St. John’s Wort TOPICAL OIL (for external use only) also works well on the shingles. I know 2 people who used it and nothing else. Brave souls! 😉
Well you are already in that liquid in your day to day right? It isn’t going to make things worse.
Get a decent shower filter and go from there. You can still have logical thought even if things seem strange. Ya got a brain right?
Thanks Ty, I know about Epsom salt baths but I did not know about all the other products that you can place in the tub. I read most of the comments and they are very interesting also. Your written article will help many people. You are so keeping us informed.
I can recommend a mix of epsom salts . To one litre water (dissolve salts in a little hot water) add 12 teaspoons of salts. After your shower or bath pour this water over your body and let it dry naturally. This helps reduce stress, muscle discomfort, high blood pressure and more. If you have problems with your neck I have found that to lay in a bath and sprinkle epsom salts onto a hot wet flannel or hand towel and wrap this around your neck and shoulders and also base of skull. lay back and relax and re heat towel if you want several times. Do not wash off. It really works to take tension out of neck and will also give you a great night’s sleep. 🙂
Very appreciative article. Many thanks.
Can I put Epsom Salts into the hot tub or will it get filtered out? It’s very difficult for me to get down into and back up out of the bathtub.
Can epsom salt bath be used for a kidney cleanse ?
Thank you M.G.!
Similar price for Epsom Salts from Lancaster Ag, Ronks PA (Lancaster)….$17.56 or thereabouts for a 55 lbs bag. http://www.LancasterAg.com
Try using Magnesium Chloride. Two parts flakes to one part water makes what is know as magnesium oil (because of its slipperiness) Shake until dissolved. This form of magnesium applied transdermally stays in the system much longer then Epsom salts. Foot soak is very effective.
I apply it on my arms and legs twice a day and massage in. With continued use one can actually get their magnesium levels back into proper ranges, which is impossible to do with internal magnesium as doses that are needed to do this will cause diarrhea. Although moderate amounts of magnesium is very helpful internally. I use half an dropper full into my liquid twice a day. And so cheap compared to capsules and equal results.
Ad a Boron mineral supplement to the diet as Boron helps the body retain magnesium.
This was meant to be a rely to Danelle on her comment she made to do with autism.
I am not sure why it didn’t reply to the correct place?
On a separate note, DO NOT USE EPSOM SALTS IN A COPPER BATHTUB; IT’LL RUIN THE TUB DUE TO CHEMICAL REACTION. I almost found out the hard way…… 🙁
Thank you for this information. Where in Ontario do you buy this bargain?
I love this! Thank you for the knowledge & the relaxing image of a long awaited detox bath.
Why are Epsom salts baths not good during pregnancy? I am pregnant and have found them relaxing once in a while. I would think the extra magnesium would be beneficial as it helps prevent preeclampsia.
Seems like everything says not during pregnancy. I think it is a ‘covering their butt’ advice. The magnesium may lower your blood pressure quite low and could cause one to pass out/fall, which would be a bad thing during pregnancy. I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy, safe and easy delivery, and a healthy baby. 🙂
Thanks Bubbejo! So far so good….eating very well with healthy oils; lots of organic whole foods. Feel great!
Can I take Epsom salts internally instead if I have no tub?
Thanks! will try necessarily and recommend to the patients
Sheila, I buy my 50 lb. bag at the co-op store in Belmont, ON, but I am sure any farm co-op store would have them.
Ty, I would like to know where I can get the Life One and/or Living Fuel you mention in your truth about cancer series? Please private email me at maleisz@aol.com, I am a gold member.
Thank you,
Marilyn Leisz
Not good for my high blood pressure. My doctor said no.
Good to know John. Thanks for posting. That makes sense with the salt content!
Sounds good. Will have to try to help aching joints.
Excellent article!!! Thank you Ty for everything you do! I spread this great news to all that have ears! God bless you!
Does anyone know how much epsom salt to use to soak your feet and how long do you need to soak them ? I keep hearing it is good for tired feet, etc but no one says how much and how long to soak……Thanks
We use about a cup and put in hot water. We soak until it gets cool, usually 30 minutes or longer. There are a lot of pores on our feet, so we absorb the magnesium.
My only concern about this whole thing is that just as sure as one can absorb all the good things in the Epsom salt, one can and will as well absorb all the nasty things already in the water in which one is pouring the salt into-tap water. The skin absorbs chlorine and fluoride and everything else that might be in your local water. I would look into getting a water structurizer or some kind of heavy-duty filter if I were to embark on such an endeavor.
Add vitamin c powder to negate the impurities
Water from a home reverse osmosis filter system or distilled or de-ionized. Although not often found in the home, I have a de-ionizing cartridge after my RO system. I don’t believe you can get any more pure than that and no contaminants from plastic bottles.
Hi everybody,
A few days ago I finished a series of 3 books about salt: 113 EASY WAYS To Use, Clean, Cure and…be Beautiful with Salt!
Book 1 contains information about the way you can use salt in the kitchen, in the garden and for cleaning.
Book 2 includes treatments with dry and moist salt, salt with honey, salt with vinegar, salt baths, compresses and ointments that treat or alleviate inflammation and bad digestion; it detoxifies liver and the entire body, it relieves joint pain, depression, dry cough, rheumatic and lumbar pain and many many more. This one is FREE now!
Book 3 contains information about the use of salt for skin and dental problems.
As Ty said, salt is a miracle of nature, but we have to learn how to use it and treasure it.
Here is a link where you can view the books
I should be glad if they would be of use to you!
Stay healthy!
I had the same experience of not being able to sleep after an epsom salt soak so am very interested in an answer to this question.
Are we to neutralize the unfiltered bath water with something like aluminum free baking soda or vitamin C powder to get the absorption of the magnesium? My understanding is the chlorine will counteract with the epson salt and basically the bath is a waste of time!
Also cancertutor.com is a terrific website with all the protocols for healing cancer. Between it and Truth in Cancer (Ty Bollinger’s site) there is all the info you need.
I personally had a difficult time from every angle. As a Registered nurse and senior citizen I had been told by Centrelink that I had to work while on cancer treatment. Iwas diagnosed with highly invasive lobular cancer with greater than 95 % cancer cells. I also had a growth on the right ovary which was benign.
I had an anaphylactic reaction to Docetaxel. They were trying to convince me that I would have a reduced dose or weakened down and over longer the following week. I said bluntly, ” Are you trying to kill me? ”
I now have cardiac reflux – mild apparently, but it’s there.
I remained on Fluorouracil / Epirubicin / Cyclophosphamide for a total of six doses each.
Once radiation was complete I was commenced on Exemestane ( Aromasin )
I had sais that I didn’t need or want it, he said to at least try for a few months.
I chocked on my food as I had difficulty swallowing. I had severe generalized pain, dizziness, fatigue,cough, hoarseness, fever, chills, severe depression, chest pain, migrainesdifficulty in speaking, forgetting words, palpitations, unable to eat much at all, bone pain , joint pain, backache and the list goes on. I begged and pleaded to see the doctor but it went on deaf ears for weeks. When I finally saw the oncologist I had already seen the GP who had done all tests possible. My CA125 was normal.
The oncologist said, ” you have bone cancer, I will start you on chemo for that right away.”
I got up and walked out.
He gave me a script for Tamoxifen as I left and told me to at least have that.
I never made up the script.
I have been trying a lot of natural remedies since then. Slowly, I am improving but it is a very slow process. I am still easily exhausted.
I tell everyone now that it’s the chemo that kills.
I don’t have the strength to get in and out of a bath anymore but have my footspa lined up.
Thank you so much for reading my woes.
Regards, Heather Macdonald
Epsom salt can likewise be ingested to help with ache. I don’t suggest devouring it all the time, however for a brief purgative, individuals can include 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt to a tall glass of water. Contingent upon the results, individuals can either include or subtract Epsom salt.
Is this safe for sin cancer mm
Hi Wtr,
We would suggest speaking with a trusted medical professional about your question. Best wishes!
Is common in my family to take epson salt baths weekly. Anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes just to relax. Drinking at least 2 water bottles while in the bath and another afterwards laying down for the night.
I take a long soak if I feel a cold or flu coming one the day of, twice the day I feel the worse, then once the next day. These detox baths I make sure to spend ay least 2 minutes lightly exfoliating my skin with a wash cloth to get the toxins off my body. Sometimes I add baking soda and apple cider vinegar to the epson salt when i’m taking a cold/flu detox bath. (I usually feel it worse for one day afterwords but then it’s a shortened sickness). This just works for me as I know everyone is different.
“Within the first 20 minutes of treatment the salts pull toxins out of your body through the skin. The second 20 minutes allows for the absorption of minerals to occur.”
I had to get out of the bath for 10 minutes after soaking for 20 minutes; then I went back in for another 20 minutes. Will my body have started the absorption phase when I got back in, or do I go back to the detox phase since I was out of the bath for 10 minutes?
I ask because sometimes this happens where I have to get out for a few minutes. Thank you for this very informative article.
*Meaning do I have to start all over again and do the 40 minutes in order to absorb the magnesium and other minerals.
I love soaking in epsom salt. It’s so soothing.
I LOVE Taking EPSOM SALTS Baths!!!
They sure are great!
Makes me sleepy ?
It works
Can you use if pre diabetic ?
I discovered the benefits of epson baths when my grandson was diagnosed with autism. He has been having these baths for over 8 years, he is 13 now and actually asks for one of these baths when he comes to visit. He says he feels calmer, relaxed, can think more clearly and does not get his words mixed up after the bath. He happily sits in the bath for 40 minutes as he says its worth it. As a result I now have one at least once a week. I add lavender, epsom, bicarbonate of soda, ginger and coconut oil. I also sit in them for at least 40 mins. They are truly amazing! I sleep so well after one, feel calmer, aches and pains are gone and just generally feel as though i have done something very good for my body as i feel so good. I cannot recommend these baths enough.
Great to hear that Epsom salt baths help your grandson so much! Thanks for sharing this with us Karen.
I began taking the Epsom Salt/Baking Soda detox bath, after having my intestines punctured, in the O.R. I was Hospitalized for 4 months fighting for my life. (2013-2014) Periodically, I still take this detox bath. Last nite I took 1, and for the 1st time ever!, there was black residue, that elt like ashes in water. I left it overnite to dry. This morning, I touched it. It is remarkably like soot or dark charcoal. DOES anybody know or have ANY Idea what this might be?
That’s interesting, Bambi! There could be many reasons but it might be best for you to reach out to a natural healthcare practitioner for better advice on what this black residue might be. You can consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Blessings and love!
Is it safe for metastatic pancreatic cancer patients?
Hi Estefany,
It’s better if you consult with your health practitioner with questions about individual cases.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Wishing you many blessings and love!
I cure with epson salt my hemorroides that i have for 8years. I was so desperate that i just wanted to feel better.
I grab hand full in my hand and sock in water with my fist tight and then put on the hemorrhoid for 10min. I repeat this for the next 3day. And that was the last time i suffer from hemorrhoids.
Caution. This was extremely painful to do, but like i say i was desperate.
I also use for coldsore, they usually take them a week to cure on they own, with Epsom salt it will cure in 2days.
How often should you take these baths
Once a week Every day?
Hi Donna –
The article mentions that if you’re using epsom salt baths to help relieve symptoms of the illness, reduce anxiety, irritability, and improve sleep patterns you can even take these baths every day.
Otherwise if you prefer to do this once a week or once a month it’s entirely your choice. 🙂
Blessings and love!