Video Transcript: Best Selling Author Patrick Quillin Talks About Nature’s Pharmacy
Dr. Patrick Quillin: The planet earth is one of the greatest pharmacies ever invented. And we’re ignoring most of it. We go down to the drug store and spend $280 billion a year on prescription drugs in this country. According to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, there’s 140,000 Americans each year who die from the on-label use of prescription drugs. That means following doctor’s prescriptions − 140,000!
That means that somewhere around the 3rd leading cause of death in America [is] using drugs that may be useful, oftentimes are toxic. Try nutrition first. In many cases it can solve the problem.
Ty Bollinger: Thank you Dr. Quillin. You mentioned clean foods. So I’m going to take a break here. I’m going to eat a little bit of a clean food. This is a mulberry that you just gave me from your yard.
Dr. Patrick Quillin: Yes, rich in phytoalexins. Anti-cancer to the maximum.
Ty: That is good. I’ve never had a mulberry that’s that shape. Why’s it so long?
Dr. Patrick Quillin: There are several different types of mulberry trees. That is a Pakistan mulberry that you just had. And I have an Oscar mulberry too.
When I was trying to select fruit trees… first of all, I live in California. It’s a desert. We have a water shortage. We have a particular water shortage this year with the drought. Why would you water something if you can’t eat it? That doesn’t make any sense to me.
So I’m watering just the fruit trees. Among those are fruit trees that are high in nutrients. One of the sound bites I mentioned is, Go for the color.
In the color—in those pigments: the red, orange, yellows, dark colors. Mulberry is a dark purple color. What you have is Mother Nature has sunshine coming down and hitting the chlorophyll and the chloroplast, and it’s through photosynthesis making sugar. And from that comes all of life. That’s the beginning of all life on earth.
How does the plant protect itself from the damaging effects of sun? Because you’ve got both sunlight that is mutagenic, carcinogenic. It’s all kinds of—it’s a damaging X-ray. How does a plant protect itself?
About 20,000 different bioflavinoids and about 800 different carotinoids are in colorful fruits and vegetables, and they protect the plant from the sun and from the effects of photosynthesis.
Given that, I was choosing fruits and vegetables that would be not only tasty and not readily available in the stores. For instance, figs. Figs don’t travel well. That’s why most people don’t find them in the stores and most people, including myself, the only figs I had had while living in the Midwest was Fig Newtons.
But in fact in figs is not just a delicious taste, but there’s a phyto-chemical. Phyto means plant. Chemical is a substance in it. In figs, a substance ficin, which the National Cancer Research Institute has been researching. Hoping to find a synthetic analogue so they can make a patented drug. Meanwhile, you have access to that through figs.
It’s a powerful anti-cancer. Bioregulators. This is where it really hits me Ty as to how powerful nature is. And I’m hoping that I can infect the viewers with a sense of respect for what God has given us and the good Mother Earth.
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Your brief information and sharing here is very helpful. Thank you Dr. Quillin, and thank you Ty.
It’s more accurate to say created than invented
Why do the people that give this good advice have to bring “God” into it.
It actually gives the person less credibility to those that read this information.
This was great to hear from Dr. Quillin. I have a turkey and lemon fig in my yard. When they fruit I can’t get enough ( so yummy).
Thank you so much. I have a friend that I’ve just sent the link to this video for them to watch.
Love this article and the research you have done. My question is, if the cancer institutes are trying to establish a synthetic analogue, it’s still will not be as powerful as the real thing from nature as all the processing it goes through will take all valuable nutrients out of the whole thing and therefore not be effective anyway, correct?
Thanks Ty!!!! Your invaluable brother!!!
Thank you Dr. Quillin, for your excellent articles gaining health through Nutrition.
S.Jones please explain your comment. The fruit trees mentioned are Gods gift to man, not the other way around.
Maybe he believes in God. Those that don’t believe in God say it was given by Mother Earth. The source of how mulberries came to be on earth doesn’t take away from the nutritional value of them.
We can not buy fresh figs in my area, but I can buy dried ones. How does the nutrition compare between fresh and dried?
Atheism: The belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self replicating bits that then turned themselves into dinosaurs.
Makes perfect sense.
Well said Pj. What a beautiful world it would be if we all gave credit where credit is due. God Bless Dr. Quillan and you as well for speaking out!
Amen PJ
loved his ebook beating cancer with nutrition. following many of his suggestions for healthier eating and supplements.
That’s fine if you choose to believe in God .not all of us do. Let’s just appreciate what nature offers without bringing religion into it.
I grow up to eat figs, was our snack, we never had all these cookies, pudding, cereal full of sugar, but we had figs, raisin, nuts and seeds
“To bring God into it” is only giving credit where credit is due. It does not lessen Dr Quillin’s credibility as an expert in his field.
Thanks Ty and team for making this information available to us all.
Because God did create the world and in His good word, the Bible, it says that the plants and herbs will be used for your healing.
Atheism most likely
Actually, it gives much more credence to the person who unashamedly recognizes the Aurhor of life and the Creator of every living thing on this planet is God. Don’t be so afraid of acknowledging that. And don’t be afraid of welcoming His blessings for your benefit.
After working for 62 years in electronics, communications, and satellites. I believe that I have discovered the main cause for most Cancers, Alzheimer’s, MS, and other diseases. These are causes by the over-saturating our immune systems with trillions and trillions of pi-bonding electrons in caffeine(10) and benzene (6) that creates the large magnetic current energy fields. These magnetic fields can electronically mutate all of your body’s innate and adaptive immune cells, your brains glial and neurons cells, and the Hydrogen bonding of your DNA. We have over 20 different microscopic analog and digital voltage levels in our body and the strong caffeine and benzene magnetic fields can mutate these small microscopic voltages. The benzene molecule with its magnetic current energy fields is not shown below, but I have it
Electron-biologist researcher. Del Parkinson
I completely disagree. Kudos to all that give God all the credit!
Tima…who are you disagreeing with? I don’t see or hear anything on this site page that doesn’t credit God with all that He has given us. I do disagree that there isn’t a “Mother Earth”…there is just earth that God created. And, later in the comments here, a Dr. Patrick Flynn is mentioned although he isn’t on this site page either. Can anyone enlighten me? I do see that this is all from 2016, so I suppose my questions are moot points.
Some people love and adore God; it seems so difficult to believe everything we see both microscopic and on the earth and in the heavens, just “happened”. Those of us who believe in God as creator, find the observations of the world around us to be another evidence of His existence, power, and infinite mind. When we delve into these things, we see more than “nature”, and it causes us to believe and praise our magnificent creator, God. In our thinking, it’s hard to leave Him out! As far a credibility goes, many many scientists have discovered God through their studies, and have believed. Anyway, that’s why we “bring God into it.”
Thank you Barbara!
Because he is the Maker of us all…
Maybe it is not good to mention the Creator until the concept has marinated in agnostic and atheistic sauce for a few billion years? I mean in a billion years ANYTHING can happen, like an instrumental cause can become an agent cause. I mean, why give the Agent Cause any credit for what He has done? With enough time we don’t have to even think about Him. Credibility is at stake here folks. To be taken seriously, to be esteemed in the right circles, to be orthodox in evidence-based medicine, one must not mention God at all….
But you are disproving your own hypothesis by stating “in a billion years ANYTHING can happen”, because NOTHING happens in a vacuum. There has to be an agent for something to happen. Science is still looking for name of the agent. People of faith already know the name.
Thankyou Jan.Thank you Ty and Charlene.A deeply intuitive response,a wake-up call to the kindred folk upon whom a veil of so- called ‘evidence-based science’ hides the truth!
God bless you Ty,Charlene a d Jan.Never forgetting Dr.Quin
Thank you Ty. I love your interviews and the message is getting out! I’m going to jump in here and say DR. PATRICK FLNN FOR THE HEAD OF THE FDA!!! We NEED people like you, Dr Flynn at the helm of this country. God Bless you.
2nd Peter Ch 1 V 5-8 give you how to become a new born Christian. God Bless. Del.
Thank you❤️
What’s wrong with God? He actually created all of these things and you and I, so seeing this was the plan, that He gave us the nutritional food to heal our body, it seems only fitting to include God, wouldn’t you think ?
What is wrong with the word “God” in it!!!!!!
Why is it necessary?
CJ, Hagen, the concept of ‘god’ in all its forms has been used by religious / political organizations for the purpose of enslaving and subjugating humanity to a planetary hierarchy, who, behind the scenes, control everything.
Yes, they also control all world religions too! Research the Council of Nicaea, around 325 – 450 AD
If you want to know “God”, then look within – YOU. That is one reference point that cannot be edited and used for purposes of enslavement, like books are commonly used for.
Here’s a little food for thought, taken from the very words that you probably trust:
King James Bible (Luke 17:21)
“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU.” You wont’ find answers inside a book, distributed by mankind, which is a book that can be changed to suit the political agendas in the world.
BTW – My emphasis were added in capitals.
Vert well put. I.heartily agree. My dear old Dad use to say there are more wars caused over religion than anything else. 🤔
I have become Vegan, no oils- clog arteries, no dairy. Sauté in some amount of water. I lost 25 pounds and my husband last 50 – we are feeling great and I believe in prayer. My husband was close to dialysis and now all his numbers have come down, kidneys are healing with diet only!
Exactly the way to do it, Ann. One caveat – oils do not clog arteries; maybe if you chug-a-lug them. But as a rule, don’t worry about it.
Well God is nature itself, not an old man in the sky throwing thunderbolts from primitive biblical times. Whether you believe in a universal intelligence or not is really not the important thing here. The important thing here is to put across the truth that we have the answer to most of our ills in natural foods, and not in pharmaceutical drugs. We are what we eat and drink. If we disregard this knowledge then why would you be surprised to find ourselves ill? There is no excuse anymore for ignorance. We also eat too much. It is not healthy to have so much food on our plates. Fake, processed food is deliberately designed to be addictive, and causes childhood disturbances before and after birth. We are not listening to nature, therefore we are ignoring God.
Mrs Elson, that is very well said, indeed! Everything is ‘God’ and nothing exists without this conscious life-force.
I see here a lot of people are questioning is there a God. Here’s food for thought. If I handed you a beautiful Geographic magazine with words and pictures would you be able to tell me truthfully ot just cane about out of the blue. No of course you wouldn’t. You would say someone took the beautiful photos. Someone wrote the words. Someone designed the layout. Now having admitted that truth, look at the wonderful design in nature and just one of the tiniest flowers, the animals, the planets the sun the moon our DNA which for one person if linked in a straight line would go to the sun and back. Now tell me that like the book there was no grand design it all just happened. Our houses are bulit by design an architect usually designs it. If not I should be able to bang two bricks together and produce a house. The Big Bang Theory is just as silly as banging bricks together. You cant have any design without a designer. If you look at Maths you will never be able to truthfully say one + one equals 3. All the planets runs on maths, each plant species has its own mathematical makeup, the bible does as well. The old testament written in ancient Hebrew has a numerical balue to each letter as does Greek. The new testament was written two hundred years aftee the old testament in a different language, ancient Greek and each letter also had a numerical value. God has sealed everything he created with a mathematical genius beyond any persons cspability. Since finding these mathematical values for each letter in the ancient Hebrew and ancient Greej no one has been able to even write a paragraph Nd seal it msthematically as brulliantly as the bible is sealed. Yes there are lots of
versions so you only use the one that keeps this mathematicsl seal in tact. In Job in the bible God stTes he seaketh. Man up in his hand at that time no one knew until thousands of years later in Scotland yard a brilliant person saw that every person had a unique and different finger print. He says in Job have you ever seen the hidden treasures of the snow, now this is before microscopes. Not one snowflake out of the
God only know how many on the earth no
two have a similar pattern. He laid out perfectly in Job how the earth is likened to clay on the potters wheel where first they form a round circle then shape the clay on the wheel to their design. He said that round clay on the potters wheel is like the earth then he hung it in space. Way before we knew the earth was round and just hanging in space. If the planet earth tilted on its axis one degree to either side
differently to what it does we would either
freeze to death or burn up. Now dont tell
me the earth had brains knew that and put
itself on that perfect axial tilt. No of course
not that shows design. The moon affects
the tide which affects the sea life and
beach dwelling life cause without the moon
giving us tides they would starve to death.
That shows brilliant design. How as the
animals evolved, as some people believe
they did, over millions of years, how did
they feed their young as they were
changing. How did the propergate its
simply impossible. Without any
intervention from man two cheetah’s male
and female will always produce a baby
cheetah. If the didnt produce a cheetah as
we know it where did it get the different
DNA from. Here is a clincher. The first
verse in the bible in the original ancient
text has this mathematical brilliance within
it. The verse in English is: “In the beginning
God created the heaven and the earth.”
Looking at the ancient Hebrew text and the
mathematical value for each letter this is an
example of how God sealed his Word – The
Every first letter of every word in that verse adds up to a number that is a mutiple of
seven. I will keep stating each example and
each one adds up to a multiple of seven in
just this one short verse. Every last letter of
every word, every article in that sentence,
every noun in that sentence, the verb, every
letter in between the first and last letters
of that verse add up to a mutiple of seven
Now this happens in every single verse in
the old testament and then wait for it the marhematical seal continues into the New Testament written 200 years latee in another ancient language which has a numerical value to each of its letters and then you will see brilliance and design and it is then made very clear : IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A DESIGN WITHOUT A DESIGNER. Now top mathematicians and computer experts are finding more wonderful revelations in the Old Testament.
Google The Bible Code and you will see Trump wins elections and assassination running diagonally thru his name. Yitsak Rabin, the city he was assassinated in, the shooter’s name Amir, Abraham Lincoln,
Thomas Jefferson and so on and so on all
this has come to light now as our
technology improves and computer experts
work on the Ancient Hebrew text. How was
that all placed in the old testament written
thousands of years ago. God has a plan he
is the Grand Designer, but most
importantly of all he is sooo loving that
even though it may be to our detriment he
created us with a free will to choose. If he had not he would be no different to any other Dictator the world has seen come and go. That is Love. He knows millions will be too proud to believe but he knows the millions that will. His greatest commandment to us is Love One Another.
He died on the cross for your sins so you could live with him eternally where there are no tears no sorrow. We cannoot earn our place in Heaven our place in Heaven is his free gift to us all we have to do is acknowledge we have sinned, believe Christ
died for our sins, thank him and we will be with him throughout all eternity.
Now when you read the above and sorry for all the errors in typing. I have a small Iphone 5 and need glasses. I keep pushing the wrong letters. Having read the above, it is your choice to believe there is a God or there is no such a thing as God. No one can make you believe anything, it is your choice and your right to make your own choice about these matters and whether you wish to check all this out for yourself. God is not an old grey haired man throwing lightning etc, we are told in the bible he is a spirit and there is no male or female in heaven either. I do though believe God knowing the fall was coming through Adam and Eve and knowing all the future ills that would befall us such as diseases, viruses, injections, monsanto etc, etc, I believe he created plants for nourishment for our bodies and also for the healing of every area of our bodies and for all tge ills that would befall us and as I believe he is all powerfull and all knowing he has placed every plant we need for all these
issues. I do know one verse in the bible states that we can see the majesty and wonder of all he has created and because of this we are without excuse. We can all see his handiwork and therefore we have no excuse for denying he exists. What I think is most wondrous about God is he gave us a free will and he loved us so much he came in the form of a man a sinless man to die a horrid death on the tree after being tortured and mocked and did that because he loved us. Someone said to me once, God is cruel and the Bible is sad and has shocking things in it that people have done. Well you have to remember, it is a history book written by men through the divine inspiration of God and that is clear in the mathematical seal within it as well as the fact that everyone was given a free will, they will do what they wish, be it good or evil and if I wrote a true historic book about how the world is now covering just the last 20 years and about every country in the world today and what the people in those countries are doing, it would also not be a feel – good story. Things were horrid then too. The bible covers the good and the bad. It is a history book. Our history is certainly nothing to laugh about. I just pray you think on some of the facts given in the bible and see creatures created that start as an adult butterfly then lays eggs which hatch into carerpillars which turn into a pupa then a butterfly or a moth in a couple of weeks. Thats some evolving, take the frogs lifespan egg, tadpole in water, frog on land.
Someone tries to tell me it took millions to evolve from water molecule to everything on earth that breathes and that took millions of years, wow, even Charles Darwin said which they try to hide he wrote this he said he cant really confirm his evolution theory because he has never found the proof not even of one animal in a stage of its changes. Not one missing link. Then the platypus and echidna really messed up their theory, the fish with lungs not gills and millions of other animals and insects. Study the simplest living cell under an electron microscope and you will truly see its not that simple after all but a brilliantly designed living cell with a nucleus and electrons and so on and so on and so on and it can produce another cell after its kind. Just remember it is your choice you have a free will along with all the angels and heavenly beings a FREE WILL. Thats LOVE.
Come to Hawaii. See how many cultures, ethnicities, and “religions” there are. Is your “God” better than other cultures beliefs or God? Lets all love one another and be thankful for what natural medicines we have from the Earth that we all share. I feel sorry for people from one set of cultural/religious beliefs who have not had the opportunity to experience other cultural/religious beliefs. Let’s not judge, but rather love, support and build our communities strong. We are all humans that share our wonderful Earth, regardless of belief.
Looks like just about everyone missed the point of the video…arguing over personal religious views was not his message, and it was an important one.
I agree wholeheartedly!!!