Video Transcript: What Animals Can Teach Us About the Laws of Nature
Charlene Bollinger: It’s time to take responsibility for our health, our pet’s health, and the health of the environment. Dr. Marlene Siegel gave a powerful presentation at last year’s TTAC Live Event where she talked about biomimicry and what our pets can teach us about the laws of nature. Cancer is the number one killer of our beloved pets, but it wasn’t always the case. Knowledge is power. Keep watching to be empowered with life-saving knowledge and to be inspired by Dr. Marlene’s powerful lecture.
Dr. Marlene Siegel: Have you wondered what’s the secret to life? Why are we here? What’s our purpose? What if there is a connection between animals and the secret to life? What if there’s no coincidence that you have a given pet, at a given time in your life, with a given set of challenges, you’re here listening to this talk… What if there’s no coincidence? What if our pets are actually fur angels, come to help teach us, guide us, and maybe even heal us?
I’m blessed to work with animals every day and I tell you I do believe they carry the secret to life. Over my three decades of practice, I’ve witnessed case after case of animals creating life transforming experiences for their owners. I think God has a sense of humor, as if I needed one more thing on my plate to do, but I was inspired to write these stories into a book, it’s called Teachers, Pets, and it will be published later this year.
Would you like me to share a story about how animals might carry the secret to life? Did I really hear that? Come on guys. Alright, now we’ve got some energy, because I’m feeding off of your energy, so come on. Alright, there was a time when God gathered all the animals to him because he had a dilemma. He had the secret to life, but man wasn’t ready for it yet, so he needed to safeguard it until man could handle it. So, he said to the animals “Where shall we hide it?” Well the eagles immediately said “We’ll fly it to the highest point on earth. Man will never be able to reach it there.”
God said, “No, I gave man this thing called curiosity, and no matter what the obstacles, challenges, or dangers, man is going to get to the top of that mountain.” So, they thought a little bit longer and then the whale said, “Well we can swim it from the deepest part of the ocean. Man won’t be able to reach it there.” He said, “No, he’ll invent these submarines and he’s going to cause this massive destruction to the ocean floors, all in the quest to find the secret to life.”
Everyone was silent, and then the wise owl spoke, “Why don’t we just hide it in plain view amongst ourselves in nature? Man will never think to look there.” But man has started to look. Biomimicry is the new biology where scientists are studying the patterns and strategies that nature uses to not only live in harmony with its environment but to ensure the survival of generations to come.
So how does nature do this? Well nature only uses a few elements on the periodic chart, only the safe ones. Man uses biotechnology. Man uses all the elements on the periodic chart, even the toxic ones. Plants and animals and insects obey the laws of nature. They don’t foul their living spaces. Man, well let’s just say, he hasn’t been the best steward of the earth. The truth about cancer is not an outside entity that invades you. It’s your cells and your pet’s cells responding to a toxic environment.
When I started practicing 30 years ago, I saw one or two cancer cases a year. I now see 4-10 a week. So, have we been lied to, or have we have sold our health for fast, cheap and convenient? Science is very good, but it is not better than mother nature. We need to get our heads out of the sand and we need to draw a line in the sand, that line that says, “Enough is enough.” I know where Ty Bollinger’s line is. That’s why we’re all here today. We heard where Jeffrey Smith’s line is, “only organic.” Are you with us?
Audience: Yes.
Dr. Marlene Siegel: We have to stop playing the blame game. We have to stop making excuses. We have to take responsibility for our health, our pet’s health, and the health of our environment. You know what happens when you point the blame finger at somebody? There’s three fingers pointing back at you. Life is not happening to us, my friends, life is responding to us. No one can control you unless you allow it. Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems with the same mindset that created them.” Do we need to think differently? Absolutely, united we—?
Audience: Stand.
Dr. Marlene Siegel: Divided we—?
Audience: Fall.
Dr. Marlene Siegel: There are lots of us, and our numbers are growing every day. Look around, we have so many people here, and there’s hundreds of thousands that are viewing us on the live stream. We can make an energetic shift. Do you know it only takes one percent of a population to make that shift? One percent of a population. We can change all of Tampa and Orlando, just us, with our mindset.
But we have to stop buying toxic products. We have to vote with our dollars. We have to support companies that respect us. You want to stop having toxicities and yucky stuff in our food and things that are polluting the environment? Stop buying them. It is really that simple. Because if we don’t support it, there’s no market.
Charlene Bollinger: So, how did you like this video? I hope you learned something new! Please take a second to let us know in the comment section below.
There is much opposition to making statements about the state of our environment because, it seems most people believe the lies of the chemical companies. Educating with the true facts is a costly thing but one that must be done with urgency. 75% of the earth’s insects have disappeared. It doesn’t take much imagination to know what we are doing to ourselves by polluting the environment with toxic sprays and chemical fertilisers. We are not only killing the creatures in nature but ourselves as well.
Fantastic short clip on to the real point…thanks all…(y)..:)
I’ve been saying the same thing as Dr. Siegel for years, that if we gather together and boycott all the toxic products the industry would have to change. I tell people to spend a little more time at the grocery store and read the labels before purchasing a product. But people don’t listen, it’s too much to ask them, they’d rather remain victims of the system or reply that “we all have to die of something”… Yes! I heard that stupid comment so many times… Very frustrating.
Fantastic truthful message, which if we don’t heed, we as a human race are in big big trouble… doctor describes we have a ten year window frame of time to make change….the chemical companies are destroying every cell of us with chemicals, food preservatives, cleaning chemicals in the home, chemicals for weeds, chemicals in animal and human soaps ,shampoos, makeup etc, vaccines, animal vaccines, chemicals on the soils destroying microbiome, weakening plants, water and aqualife plants and land along with farmers lives and livelihoods with chemicals…turn to organic, bio organic and demeter all without synthetic chemicals. There are organic options in every area….we are stewards for the earth and for the creatures we live here with and we must without delay and need to step up and take responsibility for such with only love and care for, not fear, apathy, complacency, or quick fixes or slovenly habits.
Absolutely true God gave us dominion to look after our environment and we are responsible to do so. If we realised what is being put into the food chain we would be horrified.
I get it, but when I tell my family and friends, they seem to look at me like I am crazy or they are indifferent. Human nature is a peculiar thing. I find it very disturbing that people aren’t listening.
It seems like they only care about having a green lawn with no weeds rather than a healthy ecosystem. They don’t understand the impacts of products like glyphosate are causing a sick environment, with sick soil, producing sick plants, which are supposed to be our medicine, and therefore, we become sick and turn to big pharma,
I believe there is hope. I do see a lot of people buying organic more and more. I also have noticed that the prices between conventional and organic are not that different. Perhaps, we need some famous people to spread the word. The internet is doing a great job! Thanks Ty and Charlene!
Cancer kill my sister yesterday and I won’t to know more about cancer and what causes cancer please
Kwame, ‘m so sorry for the loss of your sister. You’re on the best site to learn tons of information about cancer. Become a member and you’ll probably get a newsletter too. Read everything on this site and watch the videos. I believe there’s not just ONE cure for cancer, but MANY CIRES. Someday, it will be common knowledge.
God bless you.
Easier said than done but we need to keep hearing it until we’re all doing it. Thanks for saying it, “again”.
It’s just what we have been programmed to value. Keep trying