Bone broth is an amazing nutritious substance that while certainly not new, is steadily gaining in popularity with a whole new generation of cooks and health & fitness enthusiasts. Even celebrities are speaking out about the benefits of bone broth nutrition. Actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Salma Hayek are just a few of the celebs who have publicly proclaimed the numerous health benefits of this ancient savory recipe.
In fact, many people are calling bone broth “nature’s multivitamin” as it contains multiple minerals and other chemical compounds that most people are lacking in their diet. For example, bone broth is packed with:
- Over 19 easy-to-absorb, essential and non-essential amino acids (the building blocks of proteins)
- Collagen/gelatin which helps form connective tissue and promotes strong hair and nails
- Nutrients that support your immune system, good digestion, and brain health
How to Make Bone Broth
As the name implies, bone broth is made by simmering animal bones for several hours to release the nutrients found in the bones, cartilage, and marrow. Vegetables, herbs, and spices are often added for flavor, along with a dash of vinegar to help draw the nutrients from the bones. The resulting broth can be consumed alone, used as a soup base, or added to sauces and other dishes.
Bone broth can be made from any type of animal bones, either cooked or raw. These include chicken & other types of poultry, beef, lamb, wild game, and fish. The only real difference in preparing different types of bone broth is the amount of time that the bones need to be simmered. A broth made with fish bones, for example, only needs to simmer for a few hours, while beef bones need to simmer for 48 hours or more to draw the maximum nutrients from the bones.
The most important consideration when making bone broth is the quality of the ingredients used. Bones from factory farmed animals that have been given hormones and antibiotics are not a good choice. Look for the highest quality, organic sources available for all of your bone broth ingredients.
6 Beneficial Nutrients Found in Bone Broth
- Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) – support collagen and elastin production which is good for the structure of the body, skin, hair, and nails. GAGs also aid in digestive health by helping to restore the intestinal lining. Important GAGs found in bone broth include glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate.
- Glucosamine (hydrochloride and sulfate) – Supports joint strength and mobility by helping to maintain the integrity of cartilage (the rubbery substance within joints that acts as a natural cushion to keep bones from rubbing together). Bone broth can be a delicious and easy alternative to expensive glucosamine supplements for supporting joint health.
- Hyaluronic Acid – supports healthy tissues, including cell rejuvenation and skin firmness. Hyaluronic acid is a common ingredient in anti-aging skin care products. Bone broth provides the benefits from the inside out!
- Chondroitin Sulfate – Often used along with glucosamine to support joint health. Studies have shown that supplementing with chondroitin supports healthy inflammation response as well as cardiovascular health, bone health, skin health, and healthy cholesterol levels
- Minerals and Electrolytes – Essential minerals, including electrolytes, found in bone broth include calcium, magnesium, and potassium, as well as many other minerals such as phosphorus. These minerals are important for supporting healthy circulation, bone density, nerve signaling functions, heart health, and digestive health.
- Collagen – Quality bone broth is a good source of collagen which has a number of important functions in the body. These include helping to form connective tissue (allowing for easier movement) and protecting and sealing the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Collagen is a complex protein that is a rich source of 19 amino acids, many of which must be obtained from diet.
Bone Broth Nutrition for Cancer Patients
Bone broth is very high in both protein and nutrients and may be exceptionally beneficial for people with cancer.
Cancer patients who undergo conventional cancer treatments (surgery, chemo, and radiation) often experience a range of issues that impact eating. These can include: nausea, vomiting, headache, tiredness, sore mouth and/or throat, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite, and changes in taste and smell of food.
After surgery, for example, the body requires extra calories and protein for wound healing and recovery. However, this is also when most cancer patients have pain and feel tired and often don’t feel up to eating. Bone broth is a great solution because it provides maximum nutrition in an easy-to-swallow form that is easily digested. This is in contrast to many other foods (especially solids) which can be difficult to fully break down.
The broth can be sipped alone, or turned into a base for soup to which you can add other cancer-fighting ingredients (i.e. organic vegetables, turmeric root, ginger, etc). For cancer patients who are experiencing a change in taste (or have lost their sense of taste) due to chemotherapy or radiation, herbs and spices can be easily added to enhance the flavor of the bone broth and make it more palatable.
Conversely, in The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, Dr. Russell Blaylock addressed the topics of L-glutamine and glutamate in relation to cancer. L-glutamine is an amino acid found in abundance in both plant and animal protein and is converted to glutamate (glutamic acid) as needed by the body. This conversion is performed by an enzyme in your cells called “glutaminase” and its function is to convert glutamine into glutamate.
According to Dr. Blaylock, the idea is to cut down on your glutamine intake. His premise is that eating a lot of sugar and glutamine can stimulate the growth of cancer cells.
However, new studies are challenging this. We don’t believe that bone broth should be avoided any more than we believe organic fruits (with natural sugar) should be avoided, because both are foods that God made for our health. And there is a big difference between synthetic, man-made chemical glutamate (like MSG or monosodium glutamate) and natural glutamine.
Bone Broth Supports a Healthy Immune System
One of the most remarkable benefits of bone broth is its ability to support the gut. This provides a holistic effect on the body which even supports healthy immune system function.
Leaky gut occurs when undigested particles from foods seep through tiny openings in the weakened intestinal lining and enter the bloodstream. The immune system detects these particles and becomes hyperactive which in turn increases inflammation. As the immune system releases high levels of antibodies, it causes an autoimmune-like response and attacks healthy tissue.
The collagen/gelatin and the amino acids proline, glutamine, and arginine in traditionally-made bone broths help seal these openings in the gut lining and promote gut integrity.
By restoring gut health, bone broth aids in supporting immune system function and healthy inflammation response. As an added bonus, bone broth can even promote healthy sleep, boost energy during the day, and support a healthy mood… all critical elements when healing from cancer.
Article Summary
Contains multiple minerals and other chemical compounds that most people are lacking in their diet.
Bone broth is made by simmering animal bones for several hours to release the nutrients found in the bones, cartilage, and marrow.
Look for the highest quality, organic sources available for all of your bone broth ingredients.
6 Beneficial Nutrients Found in Bone Broth
- Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)
- Glucosamine (hydrochloride and sulfate)
- Hyaluronic Acid
- Chondroitin Sulfate
- Minerals and Electrolytes
- Collagen
One of the most remarkable benefits of bone broth is its ability to support the gut.
And is there any combination of non-animal source healing broth for vegetarians?
Google for Michael Greger and his extraordinary website ‘ ‘
There you’ll find the answers on your questions.
I would just like to get your recipe for making the actual bone broth lol
It is the same recipe used in making soup only you cook the beef bones it for 2 days. Put the beef bones in a pot and add enough water to cover the bones. Some people add celery and carrots. Turn the burner on. Heat the water; but do not let it boil. When it get hot turn the burner to low and let it cook for two days. Always add the turkey and chicken bones about two hours before you plan to turn the burner off. They are such small bones and cook quickly.
Can you do this in the Insta Pot?
Not great for vegetarians! 🙁
Unfortunately there are nutrients that humans need that are best provided by meat.
Hi Ty,
I purchased the entire Truth About Cancer including the CDs. I have made my own bone broth before, and I love it, but according to this article, l’m missing some steps and ingredients. Could you please provide your best recipe for those of us that want to make it fresh in our own kitchen? I would appreciate that very much! I’m sure others would too! Thanks!
Fran Zelinski
There is really no recipe needed. It is just bones and water.
Google Dr. Joseph Mercola. He has a great recipe for bone broth. I don’t know if you can find it on his website or if you will have to buy one of his cookbooks. I use the recipe on page 77 of his book “Fat for Fuel Ketogenic Cookbook”. You can use just water & bones, but the vegetables, herbs, and spices make it taste SO GOOD. You should always use a little apple cider vinegar (Bragg’s is a good brand) because it causes the bones to release nutrients into the broth. Also, the white part of leeks adds a good flavor. I like to make a large pot of bone broth and freeze it until I get ready to make soup.
Ty, you are an outstanding Soul….I feel your passion, thankful to connect with your mission. And to share this outstanding information with others. Sincerely M. Elizabeth Hunt Southern Pines, NC
It would be essential to use ONLY bones from organic meat products OR 100 percent grass-fed because non-organic meats are sometimes fed animal products that could potentially be infected with prions – the infectious agent of Mad Cow Disease, or CJD in people. This infectious agent is actually an aberrant protein which is virtually indestructible and not rendered harmless by cooking. Mad Cow jumps species readily, but takes 30-to-40 years to show up in humans. It is very possible that the epidemic levels of Alzheimer’s disease in the USA is partially CJD, or Mad Cow. One last note: Meats can legally be labeled ‘Grass Fed’ if they were finished on grass. So make sure if you buy grass fed that it says 100 percent or ‘never fed any animal products’.
Doug…A bigger concern is the Glyphosate/Round-up Herbicide, since it leaches onto the bones of animals/our bones likewise. Hence, why you only want to use Organic Bone Broth when buying from the store, to help ensure (not guarantee) that you’ll end up with a Glyphosate Free product, which Glyphosate Bio-accumulates in the body and causes a myriad of Cancers in of itself.
Additionally, consider all Weed-Killers where the Glyphosate mixture is 50% or greater to also contain Arsenic, that what the mass spec tests have discerned and like usual, if our Govt Alphabet Soups (EPA, USDA) don’t test for the substance then it’s assumed it’s not present or a! Hence, why we also find Glyphosate in most, if not ALL Vaccines and Arsenic in small concentrations at times as well.
I would love to order the bone broth protein but it has stevia in it. I can do the monk fruit but stevia causes me to have bad headaches and terrible facial flushing.
Although I am a meat-lover, I became vegetarian for my love of animals; cannot accept their suffering before ending up on my dinner plate. Is there a recipe for vegetarians providing same?
Thank you Ty you have helped me in promoting my motto in life as a health guru ” Helping people achieve a better quality of life”
A rainy cool day in Toronto today. Reading this article was just the motivation I needed to get out to get me some bones for a warming broth….have some leftover carrot pulp from this mornings juice with ginger and carrot( also inspired by your videos). Thank you for life changing confidence that I wont end up like my mom and her mom with kidney cancer deaths in their 50’s and thank you for the on going motivation to stay healthy. I ordered the Cancer Series but I can’t find the email with the link to share one copy with a friend. Could you please re-send it. Thank you again and God bless you.
Hi Diana, Thanks for your support! To get a new link please contact our customer support team by going here:
This may be very healing and all that, but personally I cannot get well knowing I am relying on the suffering and death of other sentient creatures in order for me to live. I am on a raw juice fast, with Potassium broth (highly mineralized) which to me is more healing on all levels – body-mind-spirit.
All I can say is you are a beautiful, giving, wonderful person. What a gift
to humanity all the information you send
is. Thank you so much!! Marilyn
Cancer doesn’t scare me… the medical community who are promoting toxic alternatives are the ones who scare me. The fact that people believe they are free to make decisions about their own health, but are really not free to do so at all is what scares me. The fact that so many people follow blindly into the abyss is what scares me. I learned about the Biomedical clinic a long time ago, when my adopted dad researched and created a blend of Chinese Herbs that would reduce (practically eliminate) Rhumatoid Arthritis. Someone sent a sample in to the FDA to ask what was in it “because it worked.” The FDA stormed his home office and the story, as you can imagine, went downhill from there. If these physicians want to gain the American people’s trust, they need to start actually treating the patient not masking the symptoms with drugs.
I needed you.. My daughter 39 yrsbhas been going thru rad 8 wks of daily rad. And weekly chemo. She just had to go to long Beach memorial Hosp.for brachytherapy into her cervex with 2days of spinal block. And chemo
She has to repeat it in8 days. I can’t sleep. Have listened to all your videos. I tried to put my tablet to s cassette recorder for some of them because I’m on social security and with all of the good nutrition and herbs. Etc. I buy for her. That is all I can do. Im sick
Can’t sleep
Her in-laws take her out to eat.. She sorta listens to me. The hospital will not give her a nutritional program. I’m so thankful for you, Rubin and ocean. No one here in Las Vegas believes me that she has to get off sugar, bread and get immune system up to fight. Her oncologist here in Vegas told her that. He wants her on tumeric, but she is so nauseated
I know she does not like harping at her. But I am not ready to lose her… Jesus is helping though. I just want her to fight batter. Love you guys
What’s the point in paying a butcher to kill an animal so you can get at his bones when you can get all the amino acids, vitamins, and minerals from plant based food. It’s 2016; let’s stop killing animals already! If you are reading this article, you are not living in a cave on survival mode. You do not have to kill animals to get an extremely healthy and abundantly rich meal, so why kill animals?
You don’t get vitamin B12 from any non=animal sources, and we desperately need vitamin B12 !
What do you suggest as an alternative for vegans or vegetarians who don’t want to eat animal food/broth?
Hemp buts, or hemp protein may be a good option. B-12 may need to be supplemented. Some may want to use protein isolates such as Arginine, etc..
If you eat a whole food plant based diet you can’t do any better than that! 🙂
Personally I believe in a wholistic diet, and it has kept me healthy for years. God provided us with all the main food groups for our enjoyment and health. As a nurse, I know many vegans who are anaemic because of a lack of ‘haem iron’ (found in meat, seafood and poultry) – their diets consisting entirely of non-haem iron (from plants and fortified foods). In fact I’m making a chicken broth right now using the basic ingredients that Ty mentioned: a whole chicken and lots of spices and herbs, Then after several hours I remove the carcass, and add vegetables for the last 30 minutes. It never fails to keep me healthy.
thats nonsense Ann Bowyer. i am a nutritionist and naturopath. what do you say to a meat eater who has anemia??? because there a LOT of them!! haeme iron causes oxidation! and we know what oxidative stress does!! that is something the meat board wont tell you is it? my iron and B12 are HIGHER since being vegan. the doctors cant believe my blood tests. talking about God…he sad he would turn his head from your prayers as YOUR HANDS ARE FULL OF BLOOD. Jesus was vegetarian…do the research
heather your reply to ann bowers saying God will turn his head from her prayers is not only a terrible thing to say but so untrue. God is there for everyone. kindness is always nice too. and i bought all the truth for cancer cds etc and have always been a backer of the truth for cancer. God bless and have a nice day
Isn’t fish considered a meat? Unless your Catholic maybe but definitely not a vegetable.
Jesus also ate fish. Remember he cooked it on the shores of Galilee for the disciples?
Ty- bought Essiac tea- tastes like dirt! Can you add honey or cinnamon? What was the name of the daily supplement you and your family use? Green something?
Homemade bone broth – the real deal – is amazing and nothing like the alias version sold to us. I followed Sally Fallon’s recipe the first time I made it, slow simmered that puppy for a long, long time. Took it to a friend’s to make dinner. A number of people stopped by and, with the heavenly scent of the broth in the air, inquired ceaselessly, “OMG, what’s that wonderful smell?” lol And the flavor experience is unforgettable. It’s now impossible for me to find a source of the three varieties of organic bones necessary to make this broth.
In response to the vegetarians and vegans commenting above, I had stopped eating meat for a year and found I was just not feeling ‘up to snuff.’ Added back in some meats, albeit in small quantities, as well as lots of organic eggs, with much improvement. Though the starchy carbs have also been vilified, my body goes craving crazy about twice a month…so I listen and feed myself a small quantity of handmade imported Italian organic pasta – with lots of veggies and fresh herbs, of course.
I watched my children, in growing, absolutely go bonkers for specific foods for periods of time. In researching nutrition, I learned that their instincts were sound and dovetailed with their developmental needs. So I’ve ever since paid attention to my own body’s ‘whisperings’ with good results. To your good health!
Please help me to understand. On one hand it appears that you advise bone broth as a great food for cancer patients, yet you also say that animal proteins of any type (i.e. Grass or grain fed) are bad for cancer patients. I’m very confused!!
How do we know if the soil is nutrient dense? All organic soils are not all the same. One can bet if it’s ‘corporate organic farming’, the nutrients and standards are very low.
Thanks for your work, Ty. Your series the Truth about Cancer is an amazing accomplishment. Now we are hearing about dandelion root as an effective treatment against the cancer cells, but leaves the healthy cells alone. That’s so much better than the three legal treatments in the United States, that leave devestating side effects in the healthy cells. God Bless you for your work….wait, you are already blessed, congrats.
Not all organic dense soil is the same. If it’s ‘corporate organic’ one can bet it is ‘low!’ in nutrients and quality. We humans have been eating meat from the beginning. Raw. In that case, the human race should have died out ages ago. We’ve only been eating grains for only 10,000 years. Diabetics any one? Sugar!
I’m pretty sure on one of the recent videoed interviews between Ty and a Dr, that the Dr decried bone broth as containing glutamine because that and glucose are the 2 main fuels a cancer cell uses for energy. He suggested it was not wise to consume it.
The same Dr also said he knew bone broth was recommended for healing leaky gut but he had the same opinion that the glutamine was risky to consume in huge quantities found in bone broth.
Anyone else recall this?
I think these are valid points. Bone broth only works for people who can consume animal products and becoming vegan/vegetarian is one of the most effective ways to fight cancer. I don’t think it’s the only way. Both ways can work and have worked. Have you all tried chia pudding? It is full of omega 3’s, cheap, and completely delicious. I couldn’t believe how good it was and so healthy at the same time! It won’t have all of the positives of bone broth, but it won’t have some of the negatives mentioned here, either. The science in on bone broth is not conclusive, only promising at this point, so if you are vegan/vegetarian, don’t worry about needing to find a replacement until the science is really conclusive. My two cents.
John S
I tried a Chia pudding recipe once and hated it. Maybe it was my recipe? Can you provide some recipe ideas that I might like?
I am sorry that you’re losing faith due this one point as Ttac Is what the world needs people need to be shaken out of brainwash coma. While I myself trying to drastically reduce my and my family’s animal product consumption I do believe that humans meant to consume some. The problem is the AMOUNTS. I remember learning in biology that human teeth are designed to eat everything (similar to pig not cows etc) and I was lucky to have grown up in a small holding where most things we ate including chickens we raised ourselves. I don’t agree with modern commercial farming at all but I think a small portion of our food intake was meant to have animal products. How could for instances eskimos be vegans?? There are months when fresh plant based wholefood just isn’t available.
The article isn’t saying eat bone broth every day;it’s not encouraging to tip the scales to animal products.
Keep the faith 🙂
There’s a vegan substitute for bone broth.
Bone broth can be part of a healthy, cancer free life provided it is balanced with plenty of alkaline forming foods. Acid forming foods are not all evil. It’s all about the balance. If you are already healthy, one part acidic healthy foods to two parts alkaline is great. If you are fighting cancer or any other disease, a ratio of 20/80 is more appropriate. There are too many nutrient dense acid forming foods out there, even in the vegetarian world to believe a 100% alkaline diet is an honestly healthy goal.
That was a really great article, my son started bone broth just before he started his first solids, he’s almost 12 months and has never been sick despite being around a lot of sickness.
oh and for the preachy vegans, i’m going to have a big steak in your honor tonight!
We humans will never have all the answers, but I, personally, rely on God’s Holy Word as a guide that teaches what He has provided for us through plant based and animal based foods. Also, I try to find those things that have not been altered by humans if at all possible. I am hoping that each of you have now and continue to find good health in the years ahead.
Back to the nutrition rich foods we use to eat 100 years ago. Less diabetes, less obesity, less heart disease, less cancer.
I notice you have not mentioned anything about ( food grade hydrogen peroxide) used in oxygenating the blood as referred to in a book called The One Minute Cure by Madison Cavanaugh to me this is a simple cure to most illnesses of the body but must be followed by the book as recommended I have used it at 35% strength up to 17 drops in a glass water as a preventative for cancer.
I made chicken broth before for tortellini, passatelli, and imperial soup and that broth is so delicious. It tastes far better than the tinned can chicken broth, because the tin cans have so much salt. The only problem is that I am left with too much leftover meat and I do not have a dog.
I have recently started a ketogenic diet recommended to me by my naturopath to fight my cancer. Although a plant based diet seemed to
Make sense to me before, I now realize that at this point in my battle with cancer ketosis makes more sense. I am choosing to eat very low carb
In order to starve out the cancer cells. Glucose is still created in my body in small amounts. Much less insulin is produced by my pancreas.
My body cells can run on ketone bodies, cancer cells can not. Bone broth is an important part of my nutrient intake. I balance the acidity of grass fed meat with alkaline vegetables and lemon water between meals. There are different ways to fight cancer, plant based diet is not the ‘only’ way.
I don’t intend on eating this way from now on. However at this time in my life I believe it is the best way to help my body become inhospitable to cancer cells. I fast intermittently , that is I skip breakfast, eat a late lunch and early dinner so I go 18-20 hrs between meals. I could never have done that using glucose for fuel. Running on ketones I am not hungry so I drink lots of lemon water. I eat a lot of fat , moderate amounts of protein and a select few vegetables. Different yes.
Mary-Jane i think you are on the money sounds like a smart Naturopath.
Hello Mary-Jane, I have just begun living the Ketogenic way for all the reasons you stated above, however I do not have cancer. I am doing it more for prevention. May I ask how long you have been doing this and how many grams of carbs you are consuming on a daily basis and what they are? Also, in the mornings since you are doing some IM, do you drink coffee/tea with fat in it to get you through to lunch? I had also started doing IM with fat in coffee but then, my naturopath told me to shorten the fasting window because I have Hashimoto’s. Interested in hearing how you’re feeling, weight loss?
When I was a little girl I remember my mother making bone broth soup. I’m now 73. During the depression I can imagine bone soups or a vegetable/potato/wild onion soups may have been all they had to eat and whatever could be found in the wild or growing in the wild.
There is no “one size fits all” diet. We are unique, and have unique needs. I have been vegetarian at various times of my life, but have always come back to eating small amounts of organic, humanely raised meat, and wild-caught fish. But I wouldn’t tell you that that’s what you should do because your metabolism is certainly different from mine.
I thought glutamine (found in bone broth, black beans and other natural sources) feeds cancer cells, according to “The Truth About Cancer” video series??
So much scientific evidence indicates a plant-based diet is key to curing cancer as well as other diseases. I also received an answer that a raw vegan diet is our highest physical and spiritual diet as we progress eventually to breatharianism. Cooking anything destroys or denatues most of the nutrition and all the life force enzymes. And hurting animals to cure cancer is to me a contradiction anyway, as there is no truly “humane” raising or slaughtering of enslaved animals. I’m really disappointed to see that this Iinformation is being promoted as an adjunct to a cancer-curing diet.
I have been told to take lots of alfalfa pills cuz our body has to much acid which cancer loves . to
Thank you so much for this article! I don’t know about cancer but I can definitely say that bone broth helped my autistic child who had a leaky gut and inflammation. We changed my child’s diet and his behaviour and overall health became so much better! I know a lot of families with autistic kids that used the diet based on consuming bone broth and their kids improved dramatically. It’s called GAPS diet.
Some people choose being vegetarian and some not. I think it’s a matter of a personal choice.
I love a good chicken’s foot broth. It really livens up vegetables. Makes them most or almost palatable.
Pastured chicken eggs and chicken broth are great for injuries and stiff joints. Lots of suIpher and collagen. Don’t worry about the source as I raise and slaughter my own birds. Wash it all down with homemade blackberry wine.
I never get sick. But then I don’t live in town. Don’t have as much stress as some.
Hi Mooney saw your post n i agree that Elderberry / Blackberry is the reason you never get sick Its the best for immunity.
I agree and that’s the reason why we are being told to eat more veggies n fruits so this is a paradox. Plz explain
Hi every body
For those who are viggetrians , they can substitute that bone broth ,green blue algae SPILURINA. IT HAS GREAT DEAL OF PROTIENS, PLEASE READ ABOUT IT AND YOU DICOVER ,ALOTS OF BENIFITS
Nicole, Bone broth is healing to the lining in your gut.Every disease begins in the gut. When damage is done by wrong foods,(GMO) alcohol,glutton,lifestyle,etc.Damage to the lining is like a net and holes open causing an inflammation causing what I mentioned, to escape through the openings into the blood stream causing all kinds of diseases including Cancer.The lining of the gut has to be healed first. Bone broth plus other herbs and foods mentioned in the summit.
How does eating animal proteins differ from bones broth soup orher than the digestive process, the cooking for hours breaking it down more.. still it has to go through digestion. .
A bit confused as a vegetarian diet is recommended and bone soup.. l’m very interested Ty, for you to elaborate as l’m a herbalist & nutritionist etc. Not being difficult just really interested in the benefits and differencesof both.. Thankyou Ty..
Karen Rolfe ????
Is glutamine a problem in this as Dr Blalock suggested?
I love the stuff being shared but I can’t get my head around this one.
How can anything good for the body come from a terrified living being being killed (not to mention all the chemicals/anti-antibiotics fed to today’s poor animals which is contributing to disease in the first place).
I think meat (and any other food that is created in cruelty) is the lowest vibration of food, you’re basically eating fear/suffering in order to heal your own fear/suffering?
Really strange this article would love to say I hope it works but I value all life the same.
My opinion:bone broth is healthy,good for the joints,and with lots of veggies.We have to eat balanced diet.Someone said,from meat, enough 1lbs/week/person. Interestingly everyone wish to eat that kids of food, which ingredients are missing from the body.If u see a sick child,what want to eat… Like people with joint problem,they want to eat bone broth,or similar. An autistic child eats cilantro.Some kids like to eat white bacon,or people with infection raspberry,sour cherry.With flu-cold,hot, spicy food.
I would like to hear from holistic food,what Chinese people do. There is a group dietitians,before they give advice,what to eat,they checking the age of the person, activity,etc.,after they building up the personal diet.
Other: cancer cause things,what the videos does not include,what we use on our skin daily,lotions,makeup,shower gel,soap.BHT dangerous,its in our food,and inside lots of skin care lotion,etc.
P.S: Reflexology (who has years of practice,and the goal is to heal peoples,not just getting more money from the pockets) can help with lots of things,more than doctors can do, like they know points on the body too,on the foot,on hands, and IMMEDIATELY stops epilepsy attack, heart attack,helps if someone faints, crohn,muscle stiffness after car crash,like there was a person,who went for a reflexologist and couldn’t pull off his own socks,after 1 therapy,he did it alone.I saw this with my own eyes
Our ancestors ate highly nutritious nutritionally dense food such as broths for millennia. No one is recommending a high protein diet here. Bone broth is nutritionally dense and made from what has become over the decades, wasted material. Purchasing pasture raised organic bones form farmers helps these ethical farmers gain extra income and help them maintain in the constant threat of industrialized meat farming.
Pick your battles, and don’t blanket personal beliefs on others.
I think a bone broth made with poultry n fish bones would be a better substitute
Dear Sir, I am searching for treatment options for my mother. Could you indicate where to get dandelion root treatment? thank you
Mine too!
Hi Rita and Mary Jane, I am also doing the ketogenic diet. Have been for just over a month now and I love it and will never eat differently. For a few decades now I found that I was always craving meat and when looking in the fridge for a snack I always gravitated to left over meats. Now I realize that what my body was really wanting was the fat in the meat. And Rita this is what I do in the mornings when I am holding off having lunch till noon or later, just add MCT oil or butter to my coffee. It keeps me satisfied for several hours. Are either one of you using the breath ketone analyzer? I have lots of questions and even started a facebook page hoping to find some like minded people, with no luck. If you are interested in chatting about it more join me there….called “beating metabolic syndrome”.
Probably not because God gave the animals to mankind for food
I’m feeling really conflicted about bone broth. There’s so much hype around it these days, in the health & wellness space, but I’ve read things about it that are still unsettling, and no one seems to be addressing them in articles like this one. What about the high amounts of glutamic acid in bone broth? That’s associated with seizures, migraines, and other nervous system upset. And how about that it feeds cancer? Or that the acidity of bone broth is also a cancer-promoting quality. The jury is still out on whether eating animals is good for us, so I’m having trouble putting so much stock (pun intended ;-)) in the miracle of bone broth. I’d really love for someone to address my questions. Thanks!
Your reference to is timely as I just finished watching one of their videos about the meat-lead problem. The feeds of animals today contain fish waste products and other lead-containing ingredients. As lead is stored in bone, it is released in the making of broth. The most disconcerting aspect concerning their study results was that ORGANIC chicken bones were used to make the lead-bearing broth! I previously left a comment of how I pretty much maintain an 80/20/20 vegetable/meat/carb diet, but, in light of this newly-found information, it’s time for me to re-think the meat aspect in full. It’s so discouraging to feel that there’s no ‘safe haven’ of food to run to any longer; unfortunately, those who are most impacted are the babies and children.
Using bone broth is the only way that people were able to make soup before the processed version of soup became popular. I have no idea about contamination or all the other things people are mentioning here but I can only assume that if this is the case then use some bones from healthy animals and all your concerns will be looked after. Soup from bone broth use to be a household staple and during that time diabetes was virtually unheard of and neither was cancer or all these allergies people have is outrageous. If you can’t trust the food that your Grandparents ate during a time when all these epidemics were non existent then my goodness, what will you eat? Honestly, why make things so difficult, life is already without making it worse, simply put….EAT REAL FOOD….bone broth is one of them!
I really highly doubt it! Unfortunately it just is not the same.
It is a magic elixir, what is causing the confusion is that if you take the bones from the animals that are fed “crap” then the broth is also “crap” but if you take from a healthy animal then you are eating what your Grandparents ate and they most likely never suffered from all the epidemics out there today. If you are suspect of the broth from the bones then I guess the meat is also suspect? So, your only option then will be vegetarianism or vegan. What other options do you have?
it says up there just bones and water, just use common sense in says the amount of hours for each type of bones
Yes please ; would also love to have the best recipe for making bone broth
Completely agree with you!
Hi Janelle, Could you please tell me if the bones have to actually DISAPPEAR throughout the cooking? My chicken broth has been simmering for 25 hours and the bones are still there – fairly soft, though. But the smell… exactly as you describe! 😉
How much bone broth should one consume? Daily? Freeze the leftovers, but in what quantities? I am about to make it for the first time. I bought beef marrow bones from an organic coop in Austin. I will do it in my crock pot for 48 hours. On high? Dilute it to create more servings? I’m running blind here and no site I’ve been to answers these questions.
Maryjane, no need to put the slow-cooker on high. If your cooker has a low setting, that is best. Marrow bones are great for the purpose of making bone broth. This is also wonderful for our dogs and cats. 🙂
I had to prove it to myself so our family went organic plant based after 40 years of eating the standard American diet. To our delight we were all cured of all our lifestyle maladies – very high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, overweight, chronic allergies, chronic arthritis, asthma etc. – and are now healthier and fitter than any of us has ever been. No other diet or lifestyle we tried worked or was sustainable and we found through our own dramatic health improvements just how bad our old animal product based diet was. An organic plant based diet truly is remarkable for almost every aspect of human health and disease prevention.
Yes, there are recipes for mushroom broth substitutes for bone broth for those disgusted that animals had to suffer for us. One is in Yoga Journal: How to Make Vegan “Bone” Broth
To make your vegan version, freeze your vegetable scraps—for example, mushroom stems for the antioxidant mineral selenium, parsley stems for blood-producing iron and bone-supporting vitamin K, potato skins for the mineral potassium, carrot shavings for vitamin A—in a resealable bag or jar. When you accumulate a quart of leftovers, place them in a slow cooker and cover with two quarts of water; add ½ tablespoon sea salt and a 2-inch piece of kombu (edible seaweed) for potassium, calcium, and essential folate and iodine. Heat on high until liquid boils, then reduce to low until vegetables are very soft, 2–3 hours. Stir and strain through a colander, reserving and refrigerating the liquid, and discarding the rest. Heat and sip one cup of broth daily like you would hot tea, or enjoy it after strenuous exercise.
I needed to add another comment. Dr. Greger on his NutritionFacts site has a video that says there are toxicologic issues with bone broth. Bones collect heavy metal lead. You can watch that video there.
I was going to suggest Dr. Greger also. Great info in short video and blog format. I would checkout the one he does on bone broth testing and studies that show a high amount of lead.
Surprised about the info on mushrooms. Confused totally. Lost four family members to heart disease so probably won’t have to worry about cancer.
I agree with you 100%. Maybe everybody should just eat a raw vegan diet, fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds and do juicing instead. Perhaps, we might feel healthier and not get chronic diseases.
Hi Mai, I’m 36 and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Is their any way of getting the blend of Chinese herbs your adopted dad created? Is his recipe available? I would really like to get off the methotrexate that I am on for the RA but my pain was so bad I could hardly look after my kids, so I really need an effective alternative. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Jasmine
I’m vegetarian but a couple of doctors have told me to try this and I may have to make this an exception if it ends up actually helping with my condition
I just can’t get used to the thought, that a product, made out of killing another living, feeling being, can bring real relief in the long term. I do believe that there are better solutions and can’t understand, why nobody’s talking about the plant version that one user made public here a little while ago and considers trying that instead a so called healing elixir that originates in suffering. Suffering will only lead to suffering again I guess..
This whole bone broth thing don’t fit in the bigger picture for me, nor does it into the whole truth about cancer story.
Sorry, but that’ s my honest opinion – Rob
What about IGF-1 in bone broth?
I’d love to know this too Alika. I’m a vegetarian. I can’t harm animals. So how do we get the same benefits of bone broth without animal bones???
We thank you from the bottom of our heart for all your hard work the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all.
You will have to research to see which of the nutrients listed above are plant based and which are animal based. You could also check with a naturopath
Really? Do we really need meat? I don’t eat it so I’m hoping we really don’t need it. Vegetables are extremely good for nutrition and I can’t think of a good reason for eating an animal.
I agree Neil.
that commnet absolutely NOT true. watch Dr Michael Greger. and anyway we have been told by all the great spiritual masters that what we do to the animals will happen to us. we cause them to suffer …. we will suffer. how can torturing/killing an innocent animal have a positive effect on our health??? there is NOTHING that we get from these corpses that we cant get from plants. remember that these animals themselves are vegetarian!!! or vegan.
all life on this planet exists because of the death of other life. Bless and thank that life for the sustenance they have given you. This is a spiritual world. To sing the word HU an ancient name for God has been a prayer for centuries in many religions including Christianity. Hallelujah !!
To think that animal life is better than plant life is quite discussable. Even beetroots bleed. Life is life the trees just like the animal dies.
yes,so true…however, the suffering caused to an animal is far greater…plants feel and forget..animals retain suffering in their nervous systems.
not the same…
all life must subsist on other life..reality
but choosing to cause least suffering possible is optimal
Most indigenous people would not have survived as vegetarians. they didn’t have modern conveniences, stove, frigh. Vegetarianism is a modern diet. Indigenous people like the native Americans always gave a thank you prayer to the soul of the animal they killed for food recognizing a spiritual connection. Modern man shows no such understanding or respect .
Can u share your link to you making your families bone broth smoothie? I have the series but last I looked it was not ready and not sure if this video is included. Ty!
For a delicious chicken bone or beef bone broth I roughly chop two onions, three carrots and three stalks of celery. I place them in a slow-cooker. I add 6 cloves of whole, peeled garlic, a handful of roughly chopped parsley, 1Tablespoon of FRESH thyme, two or three Bay leaves, 8 whole peppercorns and most importantly, 1/4 cup of RAW, ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. I fill the slow cooker just until the filtered or distilled water covers the bones. For extra flavor you can roast the bones first, in the oven at 350 degrees for an hour. I set the timer: chicken bones need 24hrs. beef bones need 48 hrs. When cooking is done, I place a large colander over a large pot in the sink and pour the contents of the slow cooker into the colander. All the minerals in the bones and the flavors from the vegetables are now in the broth. Drink immediately, save for 3 days in the refrigerator or up to 6 months in the freezer. Delicious as is, warmed and drunk from a cup, or the bone broth can be used as the basis for any soup into which more vegetables and/or meat are added.
Thank you!
Thank you.
Is it alright to heat up my bone broth in the microwave?
Or does it lose its nutritional value doing that?
Thank you for your help,
Microwaves destroy the integrity of any food. It even alters water molecules. I wouldn’t do it. In fact, I got rid of my microwave.
What about some studies showing that collagen can cause cancer?
I love consuming bone broth every day! It’s helped
my rheumatoid arthritis and joint pain a good deal. I also used to be sensitive to specific types of food.
I feel that the bone broth has truly improved my digestion in this area.
It appears that I have a boost in energy now that I’ve added bone broth in my diet.
What do you think about drinking bone broth with a
turmeric supplement for more health benefits? I might try it.
I would like an answer to that too
Hi I live in Antigua,and I have a mother that just found out she have lungs cancer.she is in her forth stage and has been experiencing alot of pain.can the bone broth help her
Hi Kelly,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Best wishes!
Try RSO. Rick Simpson Oil
Cures cancer, look up on Facebook groups do research into it
Wonderful! My kitchen counters look like a pharmacy, my refrig. a health food market,and my blender never stops!
Anyway way to scale this ” health operation” down? So time consuming.
You information is sooo appreciated! But my life is becoming one big
“lets do it and see”. Help!
Hi Dee –
It’s so hard to tell where to cut back and scale down because everyone’s body is different. We’re still always finding new solutions for ourselves. 🙂
Our best advice would be to talk to one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series so they can better guide you on what’s needed for your body.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Blessings and love!
Thank you for the recipe. I have often heard about Bone Broth but never knew how to make it.
Irma Rees.
please explore deeply veggie broths done properly.
NO need to promote bone broth and particiate is killng so many creatures if NOT necessary
cmon…little more compassion please
Where does the average person go to get bones from organically raised beef?
Try RSO. Rick Simpson Oil
Cures cancer, look up on Facebook groups do research into it