The absolute best way to prevent, treat, and beat cancer is through nutrition. Unfortunately, finding the right information can be hard. The agricultural industry is doing its best to confuse us with tricky labels and misleading science.
Did you know that over 50% of cancer deaths are preventable? With the right diet, you can drastically reduce your cancer risk – and even help your body heal from most diseases. The medical mafia wants you to believe that drugs are the only way to fight disease and illness. The truth is that there’s very little money to be made in natural treatments. The standard American diet (SAD) is loaded with sugar, toxins, and processed, fake foods.
Each month, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite anti-cancer recipes. These dishes aren’t just good; They’re good FOR you!
Lasagna is a wonderfully satisfying and comforting meal. It’s a staple we all know well, but this version utilizes the delicious taste and texture of the eggplant. Together they make a delicious and healthy spin on the usually carbohydrate-packed dish.
Eggplant is a nightshade, which means it should be enjoyed in moderation. But don’t let that scare you away, eggplant is packed full of health benefits. Eggplant contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. Dietary fiber is extremely beneficial in gastrointestinal health.
A 2019 article in Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis stated that eggplants’ antioxidant capability has been shown to counteract oxidation, which is helpful in fighting many diseases. This study demonstrated that eggplant extracts could protect against DNA damage. Also, it was shown that eggplants have the potential to prevent and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer.
Cauliflower is a wonderfully nutritious and versatile cool weather crop. It is mild enough to have inspired many cooks to utilize it as an alternative to unhealthy or heavier ingredients. This dish is savory yet lighter than traditional mashed potatoes, and the addition of the spring onions gives it a deliciously seasonal taste.
Cauliflower is a member of the Brassicaceae family, which is known for being a powerhouse of phytochemicals. A 2013 study in BioMed Research International Journal stated that brassica foods are full of nutrients and phytochemicals such as vitamins, carotenoids, fiber, soluble sugars, minerals, glucosinolates, and phenolic compounds. The study also stated that cauliflower has been shown to be effective in fighting certain forms of cancer.
Spring onions, or green onions, are traditional bulb onions that are pulled early before they have had a chance to mature. They have a milder taste while still being an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and calcium.
These ultra simple and tasty almond butter cookies are perfect for those sweet and savory cravings. They’re a great gluten-free take on the traditional gluten-based peanut butter cookies that we all know and love, down to those lovely fork indents.
Almond butter is a delicious and healthy alternative to peanut butter. Not only is it a great substitute for health reasons, but almond butter also has a notably richer and nuttier flavor. Almond butter is made from whole roasted (or raw) almonds, so it holds practically all of the health benefits of whole almonds.
A 2020 study in Nutrients stated that clinical trials have shown the positive effects of nuts (including almonds) against a significant number of pathologies. This study also found that there are abundant micronutrient polyphenols in almonds that play a crucial role in protecting against chronic degenerative diseases.
There is a 2001 study in Cancer Letters Journal that used almonds in a variety of forms with rats. The results of their study suggested that almond consumption may reduce colon cancer risk.
Ricotta cheese has more protein in it than cottage cheese and so much more delicious, more Italian and lasagne-like.
This is for S who mentioned Ricotta cheese on 4/10/22. The reason they use cottage cheese (I believe) is because cottage cheese is used in the Buddwig Cancer fighting diet.
I love eggplant but my body does not like certain nightshade plants. Store bought tomatoes and bell peppers I cannot eat or my feet hurt. I can eat all the tomatoes I want that I grow myself! Hot peppers seem fine, potatoes, too. Better if the are home grown. It has been years since I grew eggplant because of the climate I live in now. I may do so again and see if homegrown eggplants work for me like the homegrown tomatoes.
hi there i wonder if you can give me some advise. I had her 2 positive breast cancer a few years ago and had surgery radiotherapy chemo and Herceptin , do you recommend any particular foods etc that can prevent it coming back, or do u have any guidance for me
Hi Magi!
We here at TTAC cannot recommend any particular protocols, as per FDA guidelines, but we would very much recommend watching our ‘Truth About Cancer’ doc-series! We feature dozens of doctors and health professions in this series, and cover a myriad of cancer treatments. Blessings to you,
TTAC team
Hi Magi,
I hope you have found a pathway / pathways that are working for you and you are conquering your cancer.
I am currently in a similar situation. Her2 and estrogen positive. I have had chemo and surgery. All lab results and scans are showing total clearance but of course they still want to do radiation and hormone blockers – which I will not be doing. I have just finished watching the latest TTAC 9 part series and am currently summarising the take away actions i can begin ASAP. Could you please give an update of what measures/ treatments you have since undertaken and how you are going?
Unfortunately all these recipes contain ingredients with very high oxalates so I can not make them. What a pity as they sound really lovely.
What is the oven temperature for the almond butter cookie recipe?
Hi Lisa!
It depends on how well-cooked you’d like your cookies to be, but we recommend 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention!
TTAC team
Where do you find the almond ingredients for the Almond Butter Cookies please???
I am so confused on recipes. I have watched several of your docuseries and some of your colleagues. Most say the best anti-cancer diet is a whole food plant based, dairy free diet. If this is so, where can I find recipes without cheeses?
I think every person’s dietary needs are unique. But you can find all of the published recipes (including keto, gluten-free, vegetarian, and more here:
I don’t understand how cheese is ok as part of a cancer fighting protocol. Doesn’t dairy contain IGF1 and promote growth of cancer cells as per the information provided by the China Study. Also it’s known to be implicated in oestrogen positive hormonal type cancers so i’d like to know the reasoning behind why cheese is given the ok here?
I don’t understand why you’re recommending recipes that have sugar. Cancer requires glucose & glutamine to survive. I make my almond cookies with 1 teaspoon of stevia. They are so good.
Also, according to t Colin Campbell, No dairy. I spoke with him and he told me that 4 years ago. Your information is not current and up to date.